
superflycarmageddon friday!07:00
Kiloshi superfly and others07:23
superflymorning Kilos07:25
Kiloshi morgs 07:32
Kilosaw havent greeted henkj for a while now , hi henkj 07:32
superflyhi morgs07:36
Kiloshi psyatw 07:50
psyatwhi Kilos07:50
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:57
inetprogood mornings08:25
Kilosmorning inetpro 08:28
Kilos-oh my08:44
Kilos-hi acherv 08:50
achervKilos-, hi08:50
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosmy 8ta also starting to mess around08:51
achervi think those guys have a pb08:52
Kiloswhats that?08:53
achervi said they have problem08:53
Kilosah lol08:54
achervbecause it's everyone who complain08:54
Kilosand they were so good 4 or 5 months ago08:55
achervKilos, i have a question 08:56
achervWhat is the difference between /mnt and /media?08:56
Kiloshmm.. media is normally cdroms and sticks i think08:57
Kiloshi Trixar_zb 08:57
Kiloslets hear what the clever guys say08:58
Kilosi always need help with the tecnical stuff08:59
KilosVince-0, will know09:00
Kilosi remember my external i used at /media/storage09:02
Kiloswhile we waiting acherv what do you want to do09:07
achervKilos, just a question i am asking myself09:08
Kilosah i thought it was something you wanted to do09:08
achervnot yet09:09
Vince-0ubuntu usually uses /media/storage as auto mount09:11
achervVince-0, hi09:11
achervbut in FHS, we have /mnt and /media09:13
achervVince-0,  are you there?09:14
Kilos-oh my09:15
achervwhy we have both?09:15
achervKilos-, sorry09:15
Kilos-ive see /mnt used in a command to mount a drive or partition09:16
achervand also /media09:16
Kilos-sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt i thought it was09:16
Vince-0what are you trying to mount?09:16
achervVince-0, nothing for a moment09:17
achervjust be curious09:17
achervto see both09:17
achervin old day, to mount we used /mnt09:17
achervnow we have both09:18
Vince-0doesn't really matter - ubuntu will use its own auto-mount procedure which uses /media I think09:18
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
tonberryE352as far as i know /mnt is for permanent mounts and /media is for non permanent things like flashdrives and removeable hdds09:22
Kilosya the internal drives09:23
Kilosacherv, are you just starting to learn linux? i forget?09:24
achervtonberryE352, i heard that but sounds like /mnt is useless09:24
tonberryE352i put a lot of drives in /mnt09:25
achervKilos,  we learn every day09:25
tonberryE352useful if you do server like things and want the drives to auto mount instead of mounting them by gui09:25
Kilosthere is some good stuff one can download that teaches lots09:25
KilosMaaz, lpi manual09:26
Kilosget that manual acherv. lotsa info in there09:26
* Kilos fones 8ta again09:35
Kiloseish the swines09:52
Kilosthey opened a new case last time i phoned and without contacting me or anything some twit closed the case09:53
Kilosbut now at least i have an email addy as well for them data guys 09:54
Kilosacherv, call them on 081183 and complain09:55
Kilosif everyone keeps complaining then they might wake up09:56
achervthey told me last time it is because my area isnt cover09:56
achervnonsense that answer09:57
KilosMaaz, telkom mail is <reply> TM-SOC@telkom.co.za09:57
MaazKilos: If you say so09:57
Kilosyou gotta get through to the data okes and make them please explain09:57
Kilosas in how can a case be closed without doing anything09:58
achervSorry, Ubuntu 13.04 has experienced an internal error.10:05
achervmessage crash10:05
Kiloslol just a popup10:06
Kilosdid you see the details10:06
Kiloshi bomberman 10:06
bombermanhey Kilos!10:06
achervit's about ryth...10:06
acherv rhythmbox10:08
Kilosinstall vlc for music and videos10:08
bombermanany Ubuntu evangelist in Cape Town wants to organize an event on 25th May? http://100in1day.co.za/ 10:09
achervbreak time10:10
magespawngood day10:26
Kiloshi magespawn 10:27
magespawnhow are things today?10:28
Kilosok just fighting telkom10:28
Kilosmy connection has dropped 3 times today10:29
magespawnso nothing new then10:29
Kilosno man used to be slow but constant10:29
Kilosgot a mail addy for them as well10:29
Kilosthe case i opened last week has been closed with no contact with me or any feedback10:30
Kilosso now its going up to managerial level10:30
magespawnthat does happen, and not only with telkom10:31
Kilosunless they bin it as well10:31
Kilosill keep mailing them till they fix it or offer to pay my voda airtime10:32
magespawnnow that would be cool and ironic10:33
Kilossaw a voda add last night on the idiot box10:35
Kilosthey offering a 2g+2g but didnt see the cost10:35
magespawnday + night?10:37
Kilosya i think so10:38
Kilosdidnt see the whole add10:38
magespawnKilos are you afrikaans or english?10:38
Kiloswhy you ask?10:38
Kilosenglish man10:38
magespawnidiot box i always took to be a english term10:39
magespawnbut your afrikaans is good10:39
Kilosits actually slang for tv from the cb days10:39
Kilosi grew up in van der merwe land10:39
magespawnmy mom used to use it all the time and she never was near cb ever.10:40
Kilosya but maybe her parent did10:40
Kilosor friends10:41
Kilosgood buddy time was long ago10:41
magespawnmaybe, do not think so though, they were english english, not from sa at all10:42
Kilosi wonder if google will know10:43
KilosMaaz, google the saying idiot box for tv10:44
MaazKilos: "The new, new TV golden age - CNN.com" http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/06/showbiz/golden-age-of-tv/index.html :: "Television no longer the idiot box | Information, Gadgets, Mobile ..." http://www.news.com.au/technology/television-no-longer-the-idiot-box/story-e6frfro0-1226628385361 :: "The Gmod Idiot Box - Television Tropes & Idioms"10:44
Maazhttp://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheGmodIdiotBox :: "The Nasty Patty / The Idiot Box - TV.com" http://www.tv…10:44
magespawnwell there we go, on my phone at the moment, will click when back at the shop.10:46
psyatwhi magespawn10:46
psyatwI´m on pidgin now, much better and easier to join many channels than webchat10:47
magespawnhi psyatw10:47
Kilospsyatw, on windows?10:47
Kiloshi charl 10:47
psyatwKilos, yeah, so this is one of the best solutions for me10:48
psyatwhoi charl10:48
Kilosyou can also get xchat for windows too10:48
psyatwI have installed irssi too, but I haven´t figured out how to configure it yet10:48
Kilosbut pidgin is good if its working10:48
Kiloshehe i battled with irssi10:48
Kilosyou can use mirc on windows10:49
magespawnpsyatw there is also a quassel version for windows, both complete and client10:49
psyatwI guess I could, but I prefer free software10:50
psyatwmagespawn, I will look into that, thanks10:50
psyatwI need good language support too (Asian languages), that´s why I keep coming back to pidgin10:50
Kilosxchat was free10:50
KilosMaaz, google free xchat for win710:51
MaazKilos: "A. We ask you to evaluate the product for free for 30 days to ... - XChat" http://xchat.org/windows/ :: "XChat: Multiplatform Chat Program" http://xchat.org/ :: "X-Chat 2 for Windows" http://www.silverex.org/ :: "Windows - How to get XChat for free! - YouTube" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5YgBkpZMT8 :: "Free XChat for Windows - SUSEUnbound"10:51
Maazhttp://suseunbound.forum-free.ca/t255-free-xchat-for-windows :: "The Top 7 Best Free IRC Clients for W…10:51
psyatwbtw, can you imagine that here in Poland you can get 50Mbit/s broadband internet for only 17.5 euros10:52
psyatwyeah, I was surprised by that too10:53
psyatwand my connection at my flat is more stable than it was even in the Netherlands10:53
magespawnour government says anything more than 256kbps is broadband10:53
psyatwI am just not sure about their policies when it comes to downloading10:53
magespawnnice psyatw10:54
psyatwso I don´t actually miss anything from home, except for my family perhaps :)10:54
magespawnlater all battery dying10:54
psyatwsee you later magespawn10:54
Kilosk magespawn 10:54
magespawnhey all11:17
Kiloswb magespawn 11:18
psyatwwelcome back magespawn11:18
magespawncarmageddon for andriod promo in the play store, free for today only11:18
Kilosthere ive mailed telkom as well11:25
Kilosi hate the "môre is nog n dag" attitude11:26
magespawnwe have a similar saying in Hluhluwe, just without that same sense of urgency11:28
magespawnbrb pick up fish time11:32
charlgood afternoon all11:32
charlhi Kilos, psyatw 11:32
charlhow's it going?11:33
Kilosok ty and you?11:33
psyatwI am also fine, thanks11:33
charli'm good11:33
charlnice long weekend for me, from yesterday until sunday11:33
charlneed to clean my apartment though, it's been getting dirty again11:34
Kilosthats nice11:34
charlbut it's nice to take a break, had a couple of busy months this year so far11:34
charli finally upgraded my work pc to ubuntu 13.04, it turns out that vmware workstation 9.0.2 has no trouble with kernel 3.8 (for me)11:35
charlin unrelated news, i fully switched to using freetalk for xmpp/jabber now11:36
charlit's a really nice command-line xmpp client11:36
Kilossigh no power on the 13th again11:56
Kilos0800 to 180011:57
Kiloshi Squirm 12:36
magespawnhey all12:37
Kilosyou back12:37
Kilosthat was quick12:37
Kilosjust finished watering my strawberries and other plants12:38
magespawnstrawberries are nice to grow for decoration and fruit12:39
Kiloswomen love eating them12:40
magespawni do, and it is a lot nicer if there is a women involved12:41
charlchocolate covered strawberries12:43
charlwith whipped cream12:43
magespawnfresh stranberry daiquiris12:45
Kiloswassat daiquiris thing?12:45
magespawna cocktail, i might have spelt it wrong12:46
charlyuck, sugar in a cocktail drink12:48
charlthey often throw sugar in bock beer too, not for me thank you12:48
Kiloshmm... methinks only good fruits in alcohol are marulas and yellow peaches12:49
charlwhen i used to live in africa i used to throw amarula in my coffee12:49
magespawni used to serve a lot of them on ladies nights12:50
charlthis stuff for those that don't know: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amarula12:50
Kilosamarula very lekker and yellow peach mampoer12:50
charlladies nights.... :D12:50
charloh, you mean at a bar?12:51
charlnever had mampoer myself, afaik it's strong12:51
charlhaha, when i googled for it i got an afrikaans wikipedia page, very nice http://af.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mampoer12:51
magespawnyes i worked for some time as a waiter/barman/manager of various restuarants 12:52
Kilosthe after taste of the yellow peaches is the best part12:52
charlall this talk of peaches, strawberries and ladies... let's move on to a different topic :)12:53
Kiloshi georgelappies 13:40
georgelappieshi Kilos how are you?13:47
Kilosgood ty and you?13:47
charlpsyatw: i see you moved to poland :)14:02
charlfrom your host that is14:02
psyatwcharl, yes, I did :)14:02
charlhoe bevalt het?14:02
psyatwI left last Sunday and arrived on Monday14:02
psyatwhet bevalt me erg goed eigenlijk14:02
charlnice :)14:02
psyatwalles is hier vrij goed geregeld en het ziet er ook vrij modern uit allemaal :)14:03
charlthat's interesting, i have never been to poland and i always hear it's such a poor country14:03
charlbut what you hear and how it is is always two different things14:03
charlare always14:03
psyatwit may be a poor country, but you have the newest shopping malls and all the latest stuff here14:04
charlnot what i would have expected14:05
charlsounds nice14:05
psyatwin some respect Western Europe may still be ahead, but I don´t perceive the differences to even be that big14:05
charlhow's the internet access14:05
psyatwand as my uncle has told me before and I´m witnessing myself now, Poland may pass the Netherlands by in a number of years14:05
psyatwit´s also great, I should say14:06
psyatwyou can get a 50 Mbit/s connection for about 17,5 euros14:06
charlwow, that's not bad14:06
georgelappiesKilos: good thanks :)14:06
charli pay a lot more than that14:06
psyatwnot to mention, it´s very stable too14:06
charlnot that i can say i ever have problems with my cable but i feel ziggo is way too expensive14:06
charli pay 50+ euro per month for a stupid 60mbit connection14:07
charlhas not kept up with the times14:07
charland i live in like one of the *very* few cities in NL that does not have FTTH14:08
charlso i am stuck on eurodoxis14:08
psyatwyou can even get 250 Mbit/s connections here14:08
charlyeah i think NL with all it's wealth is going to lose ground to the "upcoming" countries14:09
charlliving is too expensive, tax is high, etc14:09
psyatwbut the thing is that they could have prevented all of this14:10
charlin germany the salaries seem to be higher and the cost of living lower14:10
psyatwI don´t really plan to go back to the Netherlands14:10
charlyeah it's all of these stupid politics, people have just started living off the land14:10
psyatwyeah, even germany is doing things better14:10
charloff the fat of the land i mean14:10
charlwelfare state14:11
charli have to be honest i don't know if i want to continue living in the netherlands for the next 10 years14:11
charli am strongly considering my opportunities in germany14:11
charli just need to get my german up to scratch, quite frankly it's "echt sheisse" :)14:11
psyatwI sure as hell didn´t want to, so I took my stuff and left :P14:12
Symmetriaheh check this out14:12
charlwhat the heck is that supposed to be14:12
Symmetriaheh, I took one of those old hooves my dog had been chewing and stuck it under an extreme macro lens 14:12
psyatwI can only see things changing in 10 years and frankly at my age I don´t have the time to wait for that anymore14:13
Symmetriacharl, its an EXTREMELY high powerful magnification lens 14:13
charlah i see14:13
charlit looks like some hair in a mess :)14:13
Symmetriaheh, its fascinating though, but god that lens is hard to use14:14
Symmetriaits a no-focus lens, meaning the entire focus is done by distance from the object14:15
Symmetriaand if you dont use a remote trigger on the camera, you aint gonna get anything14:15
psyatwcharl, you could talk to me if you want to, my German is far from scheisse :)14:16
charli feel ashamed of my german for someone who lives a few KM (literally like 15KM from my apartment) from germany14:16
charlanycase, i have to be off, bbl14:17
psyatwsee you later charl14:18
magespawnif you pay 50 euro for 60 mbit line that is about the same we pay in sa for a 1mbit line with an uncapped account (not unshaped)14:18
psyatwthat sounds like 2001 for us14:19
magespawnyup and vdsl 40mbit uncapped at about R10 699.00 per month\14:20
magespawnthat is if you can get it14:20
magespawni saw some prices from canada 175mbps in and out and 300gb usage for about R1000.00 per month 14:21
magespawnmost sa links out are half or less of the incoming speeds14:21
magespawnso 1mbit in is 512 out, and most uncapped is shaped14:22
Squirmmagespawn: look at google isp in the US14:23
Squirmactually, China just got 2Gbps down and 1Gbps up14:24
Squirmfor like R400 or something crazy14:24
SquirmWhen hitched to a two-year contract, web surfers will be set back 4,980 yen ($51) per month and pony up a required 52,500 yen (roughly $540) installation fee, which is currently being waived for folks who apply online.14:25
SquirmMaaz: 51usd to zar14:25
MaazSquirm: *blink*14:25
SquirmMaaz: google 51usd to zar14:25
MaazSquirm: "Convert 51 US Dollar to Euro - 51 USD to EUR Exchange Rates" http://www.currency-converter-calculator.com/convert/USD/EUR/51 :: "51(USD) - US Dollar Exchange Rates" http://usd.fx-exchange.com/aud/51-exchange-rates.html :: "XE: (USD/AUD) US Dollar to Australian Dollar Rate" http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=USD&To=AUD :: "TRY to USD14:25
Maaz- Currency Converter" http://themoneyconverter.com/TRY/USD.aspx :: "Currency Calculator …14:25
=== Trixar_zb is now known as Trix[a]r_za
magespawnhome time later all14:37
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Kanchi is now known as Cantide
charlanyone here using openbox as a DE?16:42
charli'm looking for recommendations on a good taskbar-like panel16:43
charlthere were a couple i used to use but that was years ago, the one was tint2 but the others i forgot the name16:43
=== Superhuman_ is now known as Superhuman
trenderi use openbox for packing stuff :)17:29
trenderright before i stick it in the garage17:29
Kilosi think the monkey does charl 17:30
trenderyea the monkey uses openbox for his bannanas17:30
Kilosno man on crunchbang linux17:31
trendersounds horrible man17:31
Kilosthats another linux os17:31
trenderand what about mint is that also linux ?17:32
confluencycharl: tint2 still seems to be going.18:18
charlcrunchbang does indeed use openbox18:33
charli tried it a while back but i want to use my own custom setup based on ubuntu18:33
charlconfluency: it used to be the best one i could find, i probably will just stick to that then18:33
confluencyI have no better suggestions; I just use the normal Fluxbox toolbar in Fluxbox.18:34
charlhmmm, maybe i even try crunchbang again, just been looking at it18:36
charlah the latest version is built on top of debian 7 that was released the other day18:37
charli tried debian 7 actually, as with any debian version it's quite a step :)18:37
charlbah sorry, wrong window :)18:55
=== cocooncrash_ is now known as cocooncrash
Kilosnight all, sleep tight20:20
charlnn all21:02

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