
=== exad_ is now known as exad
WeThePeoplesound not working on 12.04.2 x64. any ideas00:02
TekkBuzzWeThePeople: Need more clues!00:03
WeThePeopletekkbuzz, exactly00:03
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WeThePeopleit was working last reboot, idk what happened00:04
VisceralSoundWould anyone happen to have a solution to my problem in this? I'm having an issue installing my Realtek driver for my wireless card (an Asus PCE-N15) which seems to have a common issue with Linux http://askubuntu.com/questions/292751/issues-installing-wireless-network-driver/292806?noredirect=1#comment368183_29280600:04
docsleezyi have ubuntu 12.04 lts and i cantwatch the vids on youtube on fire fox00:07
KI4ROWeThePeople, I don't mean to insult, but did someone bump your volume control?00:07
daftykinsdocsleezy: have you clicked the prompt to install flash?00:07
xubuntuhello everyone00:07
daftykinsxubuntu: hi00:07
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WeThePeopleki4r0, all volume levels are set to the appropriate level :)00:08
Guest72238i'm having a "detecting file systems..." problem it's just freezing on that.... and btw im trying to install it on an external HDD00:08
Guest72238any thoughts?00:08
docsleezyyeah i did awhile ago and it oesnt prompt me but it doesnt play the vieo either00:08
KI4ROWeThePeople, Okay, good...seen stranger things happen to folks...gl00:09
daftykinsVisceralSound: where are you stuck?00:09
Guest72238i mean the installer is just stuck on that "detecting file systems" screen00:09
daftykinsdocsleezy: do you just see a blank box where the player should be?00:09
docsleezyinstalledchromium it wont play there either00:10
daftykinschromium uses a different flash player to firefox00:10
daftykinsdocsleezy: look for a flash player package in the software centre to install00:10
docsleezyok thanks00:10
daftykinsdocsleezy: also, i'd be curious if you see anything flash player related if you hit ctrl+shift+a in firefox, which is the same as going off the tools menu and picking 'Add-ons'00:11
daftykinsGuest72238: is the external disk blank?00:12
WeThePeoplein the sound setting there is no output device00:12
WeThePeoplehow do i change that00:12
daftykinsWeThePeople: do you think you might've installed some updates between when sound worked and when it didn't?00:13
WeThePeopledaftykins, not to my knowledge00:13
daftykinsWeThePeople: i'm wondering if you might've got a new kernel that broke sound00:14
WeThePeopledaftykins, no new kernels00:14
daftykinshow are you checking?00:14
DiNGO1Bien le bonsoir00:15
DiNGO1Ha EN?00:15
DiNGO1No FR?00:15
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.00:15
docsleezyit says shockwave flash i assumed that was the same as adobe00:15
DiNGO1thanks you :)00:15
daftykinsdocsleezy: pretty much00:16
cranehey ho, i'm running into the -1 channel bug00:16
docsleezyflash plugins was checked in software center00:16
cranei tried to pach it with the compat-drivers but when i try to run make i get these errors here00:17
cranesomeone any idea how to fix his?00:17
daftykinsno support for aircrack here methinks00:17
craneit's more a kernel problem... :/00:18
exadpft even wiping drivers and doing a distro specific buildpkg didnt work00:18
daftykinscrane: doubt it00:18
exadhdmi doesnt even show up in sound settings for output00:18
AsSlowAsHellany way to get automake version 1.11.1 on LTS12 64bit instead of 1.11.3?  GRUB2 1.99 from apt-get source won't build due to automake changes.00:19
wilee-nileeAsSlowAsHell, Generally in synaptic if available you can downgrade and lock it.00:20
AsSlowAsHelllower version doesn't seem to be available in synaptic00:20
wilee-nileeAsSlowAsHell, Probably a deb on the web, I would look there and install and lock.00:21
AsSlowAsHellok, thanks00:21
wilee-nileeAsSlowAsHell, I have grub 2 in precise form a ppa.00:21
wilee-nileemight help, not sure.00:22
exadno way!! its a kernel bug!!00:22
exadno wonder!00:22
exadi was starting to think im an idiot00:23
wilee-nilee!enter | exad YOU might now all that sharp, lol00:23
ubottuexad YOU might now all that sharp, lol: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:23
Dante_JHey all. When apt-get returns "The following packages have been kept back:" what does this actually mean? If it's a dependency issue, why not just say that.00:24
wilee-nileeDante_J, Could be dependency, is it kernels?00:24
Dante_Jno, cinnamon00:24
bazhang!dist-upgrade | Dante_J00:24
ubottuDante_J: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.00:24
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bazhangDante_J, thats a MINT issue, right?00:24
Dante_JI'm sticking with my lts00:24
Dante_Jno - ppa00:24
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Dante_JGwendal LE BIHAN00:25
bazhangDante_J, contact him then00:25
Dante_Jyes, I suspect you would suggest as much00:25
Dante_Jback to the original question00:25
bazhangPPA are unsupported, yes00:26
AsSlowAsHellhaving trouble finding a x64 deb for it... screw it. maybe i'll just check out a newer version of GRUB2 from bazaar.  I'm guessing they fixed it on their end eventually.. How do I apply all the debian/ubuntu patches to it?  where do i get the patches?  Either that or I'll just say screw it and put LTS 10 on there.  Should build on that.  I really hate dealing with issues like this heh...00:26
Dante_Jwhat exactly is the definition of what: "The following packages have been kept back"00:26
bazhangand I gave the answer to things held back Dante_J00:26
exadlol. sorry00:26
Dante_JI'm interested in the specifics. Why is this different from the error message that mentions dependencies.00:27
exadtime to download 12.0400:27
wilee-nileeAsSlowAsHell, The 10.04 desktop is eol tomorrow00:27
daftykinsDante_J: because it's a different circumstance?00:27
VisceralSoundWould anyone happen to have a solution to my problem in this? I'm having an issue installing my Realtek driver for my wireless card (an Asus PCE-N15) which seems to have a common issue with Linux http://askubuntu.com/questions/292751/issues-installing-wireless-network-driver/292806?noredirect=1#comment368183_29280600:27
daftykinsVisceralSound: i asked you earlier where you're getting stuck00:28
Dante_Jthanks daftykins - I'll read some dpkg source code.00:28
Dante_Jthat should tell me00:28
daftykinsthat or apt's man pages00:29
VisceralSoundDaftykins: once I go to "Make install" I get 2 errors, in my link I posted what the errors were in the op00:29
uvalacant find the node name for the ubuntu security (team) channel, could anyone help me?00:30
daftykinsVisceralSound: did you follow the guy's guide to use his patch to fix that?00:30
bazhang!alis | uvala00:30
ubottuuvala: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*00:30
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VisceralSoundDaftykins: I've "downloaded" the text he had on his website, but I don't know what to "edit" persay he says you can go edit a file/folder of sorts I'm not sure how to00:31
bjrohanWhat location is this referring to, it is not in my home dir (yes I looked under hidden files): resulting amp will end up in ./libreoffice-online-edit-share/target/00:31
skulltipwhen will GLEW 1.7+ and SFML 2.0+ be updated in synaptic for ubuntu 12.04?00:31
jribbjrohan: . means current directory00:31
uvalabazhang, thank you for referring me to xchat channel, it helped me know how to find back my lost channels!00:31
jrib!sru | skulltip00:31
ubottuskulltip: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates00:31
exadwould it difficult to downgrade my kernel to
exad-17 even00:32
jrib!info linux-image00:32
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (raring), package size 1 kB, installed size 33 kB00:32
jribexad: why?00:32
AsSlowAsHellwilee-nilee, ah damn.  Man this is such a pain in the ass.  It's taking more time to straighten out this bullshit than it actually took to code the GRUB2 module i added00:32
pythonirc1011I want to backup a bunch of files using rsync, but make sure that if there are identical files, they are only copied once. Is there a way to do this?00:32
AsSlowAsHellit built fine on 11.10 desktop 32bit heh00:33
daftykinsVisceralSound: can you give me the link to his page again? sorry i closed it00:33
bjrohanjrib: thanks. I looked in the dir I did the build in /Download/alfresco-libreoffice-online-share and it is not in there :-(00:33
jribpythonirc1011: sure rsync can do that.  Read documentation or try #rsync00:33
VisceralSoundDaftykins: this is the link to my askubuntu http://askubuntu.com/questions/292751/issues-installing-wireless-network-driver/292806?noredirect=1#comment368183_29280600:33
exadbecause Im suffering from a bug that wont allow me to use hdmi audio with 3.8.0-19 or 1800:34
phixpythonirc1011: rsync does that by default00:34
daftykinsVisceralSound: so have you followed exactly what he does here? http://blog.83c.org/how-to-compile-the-realtek-8169-driver-with-linux-kernel-3-8/00:34
VisceralSoundDaftykins: I'm not sure how to do the last part, I've downloaded said file but don't know how to replace anything It turns out that the macros __devinit and __devexit no longer exist in kernel 3.8 and that’s why the compilation fails. The problem can be solved by removing these macros in file r8169_n.c . I have made a patch with these modifications. You can download it here.  To use it, copy the patch in the src subdirectory of00:35
pythonirc1011phix: jrib: I dont think I asked it clearly. If a there are duplicate files on machine A, I want only one copy of it to be taking space on machine B.00:35
pythonirc1011I think I need some kind of a archival software that can do internal symlinks for not-replicating data.00:36
daftykinsVisceralSound: ok you see here, he's in the folder of the source code and he's using the program 'patch' to apply his patch to that source code: "/tmp/r8169-6.017.00/src$ patch -p1 < r8169.patch"00:36
daftykinsVisceralSound: so you want to open up the terminal, browse to where the source code is, then run the above00:37
phixpythonirc1011: ah so the same file anywhere on the destination?00:37
VisceralSoundDaftykins: Ohhh so he's using a program CALLED patch? so apt-get install patch?00:37
daftykinsVisceralSound: it'll probably already be installed00:37
VisceralSoundI'll check00:37
pythonirc1011phix: all files that are copies of each other should take only one file size space on my backed up drive00:38
exadwould anyone be able to tell me how i could go about installing the 3.8.0-17 kernel instead of the 3.8.0-19 currently installed?00:38
phixpatch is installed, if not build-essentials will install ut00:38
daftykinsexad: apt-get install linux-image-3.8.0-17...00:38
phixpythonirc1011: use a file system that supports copy on write00:38
daftykinsexad: depends what architecture you want, 32 or 64-bit00:39
phixbtfs i think it is called is one, or zfs00:39
daftykinsexad: (as to the exact package name)00:39
pythonirc1011phix: I do not control the file system00:39
VisceralSoundDaftykins: searching the "search programs installed" thing (new to Ubuntu) and nothing with patch comes up except for the text file I downloaded to replace something00:39
daftykinsVisceralSound: if you're in a terminal, if you just type "patch" on its' own what does it do? do you get output from the program 'patch' or an error?00:40
exadoh... that easy???00:40
exad64 bit00:40
daftykinsexad: yeah, although if it's older than your current kernel it won't automatically be the one it chooses at boot00:40
phixpythonirc1011: or you can use --delete option with rsync, so it will ensure the destination looks exactly like thhr source, deleting files from destination that doesnt exist in source00:40
phixthnx daftykins00:40
VisceralSoundDaftykins: JUST typing patch in terminal does nothing, just goes to the next line00:40
exadah so i would have to change something to make it the default or can i uninstall the other kernel?00:41
pythonirc1011phix: Machine A: dir1/ (file1.txt=10G) dir2/(file1.txt=10G) on destination, my backup should take at most 10G space.00:41
phixpythonirc1011: the same file exists in both places?00:42
daftykinsVisceralSound: i take it you've tried just jumping straight for the full patch command the guy says then?00:42
phixumm i think there is a hardlink patch or option for rsync but it assumes the destination filesystem supports hardlinking00:42
pythonirc1011phix: yes00:43
uvalaI found the channel I was asking for: #ubuntu-hardened00:43
phixso you want to backup hardlinked files?00:43
VisceralSoundDaftykins: like doing the realtek driver file in command and make installing it or? sorry for not being well "educated" on linux commands yet.00:43
pythonirc1011phix: I want to find all files replicated on machine A. Back them up correctly on machine B without using space00:44
daftykinsVisceralSound: so right now, you've got the source code downloaded and extracted into a folder yeah?00:44
phixor files that are the  same but dont use thr same inodes?00:44
pythonirc1011phix: they are the same files in size and content. They might or might not have smae inodes00:44
VisceralSoundDaftykins: yes I have the realtek driver downloaded directly from their website and extracted on my desktop00:44
phixpythonirc1011: backup to /dev/null, that will use 0 space :p  yeah i kniw what uou mean :)00:45
daftykinsVisceralSound: ok so you open a terminal, "cd ~/Desktop/" will change you to that folder, are you ok navigating folders at command line?00:45
phixpythonirc1011: could you cleanup dupe files before you back it up?00:46
VisceralSounddaftykins: as in getting into the folder from terminal? I can get into the folder from it yeah00:46
pythonirc1011phix: nope. These files belong to different users00:46
phixor use dar or similar first then tranfer the dar files ovet?00:46
exadhmmmm no package found linux-image-3.8.0-17-generic00:46
daftykinsVisceralSound: ok, so you want to be in .../r8169-6.017.00/src/00:46
exadcould it have been taken down'00:47
daftykinsexad: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search linux-image-3.8.0-1700:47
histo!info linux-image-3.8.0-17-generic00:47
ubottuPackage linux-image-3.8.0-17-generic does not exist in raring00:47
VisceralSounddaftykins: so after inputting the name of the folder do a /src/?00:47
phixdar will check if the file is a copy in more than one dir and only save it once00:47
daftykinsVisceralSound: in the terminal you want to be *inside* Desktop/r8169-6.017.00/src/00:48
pythonirc1011phix: never used dar, but will look into it00:48
Chris_W_anyone know what you would even call a program like cmatrix?00:48
histoChris_W_: a toy00:48
VisceralSounddaftykins: okay shoot00:48
Chris_W_histo: haha.....yeah.  but lets say one wanted to find similar programs, what would one search for?00:49
daftykinsVisceralSound: so where is the patch file you downloaded from that guy's site? is it in the Downloads folder or did you move it into there, beside the "r8169_n.c" file?00:49
WeThePeoplehow do i get the head phones to work on a asus k55a laptop 12.04.2 x64 ed.00:50
VisceralSounddaftykins: I downloaded/extracted it to the desktop along with the realtek folder00:50
phixpythonirc1011: it is like tar or zip but smarter00:50
AsSlowAsHellwilee-nilee, cool figured it out.  ended up doing apt-get remove automake and apt-get install automake1.10   whew. wish it wouldn't have taken me so long to figure that out! lmao00:50
histoChris_W_: see if it's in the software center under a certain category00:51
AsSlowAsHellwilee-nilee, cool figured it out.  ended up doing apt-get remove automake and apt-get install automake1.10   whew. wish it wouldn't have taken me so long to figure that out! lmao00:51
SrPxbrowserify is a command that returns a stream (if I understood). can I do something like this? echo "<script>" > browserify my_file.js > echo "</script>" > my_file.html ... is that possible? What's the right syntax?00:51
AsSlowAsHellwhoa sorry00:51
daftykinsVisceralSound: ok so you can see where 'r8169.patch' is?00:51
VisceralSounddaftykins: yessir00:51
daftykinsVisceralSound: so you just want to be *in* the folder so you can see "r8169_n.c" then run his command "patch -p1 < /path/to/r8169.patch"00:52
exaddaftykins: that seems to have created a list of some sort.. still cant install the kernel though00:53
daftykinsexad: it'll be telling you which are available, pick one :D00:54
daftykinsexad: pastebin them if you're unsure00:54
netlar1Well reinstalled Ubuntu and it looks like it uses nvidia-304-updates driver00:55
daftykinsnetlar1: running the nvidia settings program should give you version info pretty easily00:55
exadhere's my pastebin daftykins; http://paste.ubuntu.com/5649661/ what did those commands do if you dont mind me asking?00:56
netlar1daftykins: thanks00:56
netlar1daftykins: does not show the correct display device00:57
daftykinsexad: apt-get update = update your local list of the available software packages00:57
daftykinsexad: apt-cache search <x> = search for packages called <x> in these lists00:57
exadohhh i see00:57
Cpudan80Hey guys00:57
Cpudan80I'm having trouble installing ubuntu onto my server -- was hoping you could help me out00:58
zeephow can i install a package and force it to ignore one of the dependencies?00:58
daftykinsexad: ah no what you pastebin'd was just it grabbing the list files. try running the second bit on its' own, if it gives nothing then no packages called that are available00:58
netlar1daftykins: and it takes forever to reboot00:58
daftykinsnetlar1: are you using multiple cards or something?00:58
Cpudan80So the box has 3x 3TB drives -- I wanted to set these up in a software raid config -- so here's how I did it00:58
netlar1just one nvidia geforce 820000:59
exadyeah it seems none are available00:59
daftykinsugh 3 disk RAID 5 :( such a bad idea00:59
VisceralSounddaftykins: inside the realtek driver folder I don't see the r8169_n.c in the folder, I'm guessing I'm doing it wrong? I did the "cd ~/Desktop/realtekfolder00:59
Cpudan80 /boot raid 1, across all three (500MB) /swap on all three (no raid) 1024 MB, remaining ~3TB, RAID500:59
exaddamnit. if i downgrade to 12.04 would that have an older kernel?00:59
daftykinsVisceralSound: you need to be inside 'src' inside that one too, if it exists? i think you might've downloaded a different file to what that guy did00:59
Cpudan80Everything installed up to grub, which failed with no real error message -- just grub install failed00:59
iFlipThis is totally off topic but does anyone know if there is a 4chan channel in freenode? Or is it on another server?01:01
cjaecan I use a ubuntu live disc to move a user profile on windows 8 to another physical drive01:02
iFlipI found a fake in irc.cyberdynesystems.net01:02
exadLets say i install ubuntu 12.04 and then run the updates, will i end up back at 3.8.0-19 kernel?01:03
VisceralSoundDaftykins: let me try and download that driver and usb it to my desktop quick01:03
daftykinsVisceralSound: ok, i'll be back shortly, got a couple of things to do01:03
betraydcjae i doubt he'll be able to log in though01:04
daftykinscjae: no because win8 won't know you've done it. are you just trying to move where that user's "Pictures" etc are kept?01:04
cjaedaftykins: well pretty much the entire profile, its on ssd, so I would like to move to the storage hdd01:05
cjaedaftykins: found a few how tos but just checking other optiions01:06
betraydi'd use windows utilities01:06
cjaeones audit mode that looks problematic, the other is symlinks01:07
daftykinscjae: no point going that far. you want the storage folders elsewhere, but not the app data. just move the rest of them01:07
caiyuehello everybody01:07
daftykinscjae: as in, cut and paste01:07
daftykinscaiyue: hi01:07
cjaedaftykins: why not app data01:08
daftykins'cause you want that on SSD to be quick01:08
shaunlewisAfter running xubuntu dual boot for a few weeks, I've gone ahead and installed it as the only OS on all 3 of my machines. My desktop has 2x 1TB drives I would like to use as network storage..01:09
shaunlewisWould Samba still be the best choice, since I don't require windows compatability?01:09
daftykinsshaunlewis: yeah01:10
daftykinsshaunlewis: assuming it's a trusted LAN and you want speed01:10
SrPxNobody? Is there a way to wrap text around the output of a command?01:11
VisceralSoundDaftykins: okay so I'm inside the src folder do I do "patch -p1" and then /path/to/r8169.patch or something01:11
daftykinsVisceralSound: yup01:11
shaunlewisThanks. Generally, what do you recommend I format the drives as? They are NTFS at the moment, and I am in the process of moving the files to another drive for the moment.01:11
daftykinsshaunlewis: EXT4, but only if you're never ever ever going to want to read those drives from a windows system ever again01:12
VisceralSounddaftykins: hmmm do I need to do cd or anything? typing straight patch -p1 just puts it on a new line, then the other command does the same thing I must be doing it wrong01:12
zeeppatch -p1 < file01:13
daftykinsVisceralSound: what zeep said, it's only one single line you're typing01:14
shaunlewisWell, since I no longer own any windows machines, I guess that's a safe assumption, but isn't the point of samba that windows machines can use the shares on a linux lan? or have I missed the point..01:14
daftykinsVisceralSound: "patch -p1 < /type/here/the/path/to/where/the/patch/is"01:14
VisceralSounddaftykins: okay got it, it says "patching file r8169_n.c" and is back to the src command line, does that mean it finished?01:16
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daftykinsVisceralSound: yep, now type "sudo make"01:17
daftykinsyou should get no errors01:17
craneis there a way for blacklisting a wifi card in network manager?01:18
daftykinscrane: you can just refer to it in /etc/network/interfaces then NM can't use it01:19
daftykinsbut yeah i'm sure there's a better way01:19
VisceralSounddaftykins: now it goes further but I got this near the end? Make[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.8.0-19-generic' INSTALL /home/anthony/Desktop/r8169-6.017.00/src/r8169.ko Can't read private key DEPMOD 3.8.0-19-generic make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.8.0-19-generic' make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/anthony/Desktop/r8169-6.017.00/src'01:20
snickersAnybody out there?01:20
daftykinsVisceralSound: hmm no idea on that one - post that output back to that askubuntu01:20
snickersmaybe this client isn't working?01:20
daftykinssnickers: nobody here but us ghosts01:20
snickersI like ghosts01:21
zeepso is there anyway to force ignore a package dependency?01:21
snickersI have a NAS question: Is there a web based media server to make an Ubuntu NAS look nice to the spouse like the Qnap interface?01:22
AsSlowAsHellwell i'll be damned grub module i wrote works properly first try :)    yay now i can have 3 different versions of windows all encrypted with TrueCrypt + ubuntu on 4th partition quad boot system all on 1 drive :D01:22
zeepopencloud ;p01:22
daftykinsAsSlowAsHell: is your nickname based on how badly all those encrypted installs run? ;)01:23
snickersI installed OwnCloud on my Ubuntu server and the interface is very….sparce01:23
snickersMaybe I missed a step?01:23
snickersJust looks like a file share via HTM01:23
daftykinssnickers: why would a spouse be accessing a NAS interface?01:23
AsSlowAsHelldaftykins, no my nickname is an ancient relic from when I had a 14.4k modem and I kept picking screennames that were taken, each attempt resulting in like a whole two minute wait to load the page to tell me it was taken haha... or at least it felt that long01:23
snickersShe needs to store pics and music01:24
daftykinsAsSlowAsHell: :D01:24
snickersstream music and movies01:24
daftykinssnickers: why doesn't she just have a mapped drive / mounted drive to it?01:24
AsSlowAsHelldaftykins, also aww come on encryption doesn't slow anything down.  especially not with hardware AES01:24
daftykinsAsSlowAsHell: ah sure drives have hardware AES, depends if things can take advantage of that though :D01:24
snickersI tried mapping her to a SMB share, wasn't easy ennough01:25
AsSlowAsHelldaftykins, no the intel processors starting Sandy Bridge have hardware AES on chip, not on the drives01:25
daftykinssnickers: should be01:25
snickersShe is more the: go to URL, push bigreen button, select movie01:25
daftykinsi fail to see how you'd prefer to provide a web UI versus browsing folders and clicking01:26
Chris_W_anyone know how to monitor one network traffic for one program?01:26
daftykinsiotop ?01:26
exadok so i found some older 3.8.0 kernel debs. installed them but had issues with linux headers. can someone look at it and give me an idea as to how to fix it? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5649733/   thanks :(01:26
VisceralSoundDaftykins: while I have you here, any idea of the 13.04 dist. has issues with 7800 series AMD graphics cards?01:27
AsSlowAsHellnow i need to make a grub module that lets the currently running os tell grub (probably by stashing a single byte wherever i can cram it in the first 64 sectors that looks unused) what to boot on next bootup, so I don't have to select the OS myself in the grub bootup menu heh01:27
daftykinsVisceralSound: haven't used any new ubuntus i'm afraid01:27
=== matthew is now known as Guest82129
daftykinsexad: "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.8.0-030800-generic" work?01:28
snickersMaybe Ubuntu with Ples Server?01:28
AsSlowAsHellactually that probably wont be a module but a plain hack01:28
=== Guest82129 is now known as MatthewGA
exadnope missing01:28
snickersPlex Server or Nappit or something?01:28
snickersMedia Tomb?01:28
snickersAnyone using any of them?01:29
daftykinsexad: kinda risky installing from debs, are you really sure going for a specific kernel is the best plan for whatever problem you've got?01:29
VisceralSoundDaftykins: could this be the "can't ready private key thing? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys01:30
exadwell i cant go without sound and neither 3.8.0-18 nor 3.8.0-19 will allow me to have sound through hdmi01:31
daftykinsVisceralSound: i don't think so, i'm really not experienced in that area though01:31
daftykins(compiling from source)01:31
m4gnusquestion for anyone, i want to switch over to a new desktop environment (awesome) but the login prompt isn't showing the option to switch, how do I set the option?01:32
exadok sweet i installed the kernel. now to make it the default. wish me luck01:33
DarkAceLaptopis there a program that'll arrange a text file's lines in a random order?01:34
wilee-nileem4gnus, Not in the dropdown gear?01:34
m4gnuswilee-nilee, correct01:35
qinDarkAceLaptop: sort -R01:35
kiyourahow strong is the sort -R seed?01:36
wilee-nileem4gnus, Never heard of awesome as a de, you have any links on installing it.01:36
kiyouramight wanna try sort -R --random-source=/dev/urandom01:36
m4gnuswilee-nilee, http://awesome.naquadah.org/ it's in the ubuntu repository01:36
wilee-nileem4gnus, http://linuxg.net/install-the-awesome-desktop-environment-on-ubuntu-12-04-and-ubuntu-12-10/  Have you configured?01:38
betraydm4gnus: my awesome wm installed into lxdm and shows asa choice for session01:38
diamondsI'm trying to record my desktop with mic audio01:39
diamondsusing recordmydesktop but having trouble getting mic audio to work01:39
diamonds^audio devices (?)01:40
diamondsmaybe my mic isn't working o_O01:41
diamondssound recorder doesn't work either :(01:41
betraydbut it records your desktop?01:41
m4gnuswilee-nilee, I had something in there...going to try a new rc.lua01:42
=== exadmasta is now known as exad
m4gnuswilee-nilee, thanks01:42
m4gnusbetrayd, thanks, I may have to try that route01:42
betraydgl m4gnus01:43
m4gnusbetrayd, thanks bro/sis!01:43
diamondsbetrayd, yes01:43
diamondsI just need mic audio01:43
nevyndiamonds: you'll need to set capture source .01:44
diamondsbasically my mic isn't working01:44
zeepaww yea, equivs is awesome01:44
diamondssee paste: it looks like I have too few audio sources01:44
qingfxtablet for lefthanded?01:44
nevynand configure your hardware mixer "correctly" where correctly varys wildy per soundcard, codec etc01:45
exaddamn this weed, i forget the name of the person who was helping me01:45
daftykins<-- ?01:46
daftykinsi gotta go to bed now though :( it's almost 3am here01:46
exadthanks lol for all your help01:46
diamondsnevyn, so.. where might I start?01:46
exadinstalling that kernel fixed my issue entirely01:46
daftykinsexad: really O_O01:46
diamondseh, nm, I'll just boot to windows to do it01:47
nevyndiamonds: wget http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh and then upload the result.01:47
m4gnuswilee-nilee, didn't work haha01:47
diamondsnevyn, I'll try01:47
exadwell yeah it was a kernel bug.. it only makes sense -_-01:47
daftykinsexad: anywho glad you solved it, nn all!01:47
beanfor sec i thought svam said exad.\01:47
beani was like01:47
beanSVAM IS HIGH01:47
FloodBot1bean: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:47
FloodBot3bean: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:47
exadthanks again!01:47
beanthis it the wrong channle.01:48
diamondsnevyn, http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=117fcc447af1d8f922711561f5122aaf0518848c01:48
diamondshuh jack & pulse not running...01:48
diamondsneed to adjust runlevels on those daemons?01:48
nevynno.. let me read for a second.01:48
=== sirriffsalot is now known as sirriffsalot|afk
satyaghi updated to 13.04 , i have a HDMI attached to LED monitor after upgrade its started Blinking , stays for 10 so seconds then goes blank for 1-2 then comes back01:50
chaotixhi.  i want to try out some windows software such as adobe after affects, and serif webplus 6 in ubuntu, using wine...  if they work then my need for using windows will continue to rapidly diminish....  should i install playonlinux for this??  or  what version of wine?  etc??01:50
satyaghardware wise "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])"01:51
nevyndiamonds: you need to turn up capture. and internal mic (use alsamixer -c PCH to view the controls)01:52
qinchaotix: /j #winehq, faster answear there or their site01:53
chaotixqin, ok thanks01:53
diamondsnevyn, which setting are you looking at?01:53
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest75096
diamondsand is the device name "PCH"?01:54
nevyndid you get into alsamixer?01:55
diamondsyes, turned mic up to 10001:55
diamondstrying again now01:55
diamondsnevyn, should I change the device to PCH in recordmydesktop:advanced?01:56
diamondsrecordmydesktop give no feedback when it's encoding/saving...01:57
diamondsyou hit save as, pick a name, then nothing01:57
diamondsthen maybe a bit later the file shows up (?)01:57
diamondsI can't tell if I actually saved it or not01:57
diamondshm maybe I didn't save it....01:58
diamondslast time they just "showed up" after a while01:58
diamondsI'll try sound recorder01:58
diamondsdang doesn't work01:58
diamondsis there a utility that just shows mic levels as you speak?01:58
nevynthere's a meter for pulse..01:59
diamondsoh sound > input shows my internal mic volume still down01:59
VisceralSoundAnyone have any idea why I get a "Can't read private key depmod 3.8x" error when installing my realtek wireless patch?01:59
diamondsalright mic works now in sound recorder :)01:59
satyagstarting with changing the enlightenment to single out if this is not a gnome issue02:01
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RhenzarHey, what's up ya'll?02:09
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bshow to install wieshark02:11
Derpadonglilo vs grub2 hmmm02:12
JustSighDudesbs: sudo apt-get install wireshark02:12
JustSighDudesDerpadong: grub2 unless you're in 199902:13
bshow can i detect all the packages on my home network?02:17
JustSighDudesbs: sudo apt-get install wireshark02:17
zeepso i got netflix-desktop to work on arch without ms fonts, but i can't seem to figure out why lol. ubuntu seems to require it :/02:18
bsJustSighDudes, i installed it but how can i monitor the package on my network02:18
JustSighDudesbs: Read a tutorial. It's too much to explain here.02:18
VisceralSoundAny ideas as to why I get this when I try to patch my realtek wireless driver? "Can't read private key DEPMOD 3.8.0-19-generic"02:19
=== netlar1 is now known as netlar
netlarAre there any other Ubuntu help channels?02:23
wilee-nileenetlar, There is a ##linux channel, you have to be registered though.02:25
netlarYes I am , they are pretty helpful also02:25
zeepah nice i got it to work02:26
zeepthanks winetricks02:26
netlarwilee-nilee: Is this considered the official Ubuntu help channel?02:26
netlarHey Xelan02:27
somsipnetlar: yes02:27
somsip!anyone | Xelan02:28
ubottuXelan: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:28
* netlar waves hello02:28
wilee-nileenetlar, There are more specific systems and apps channels, where is the problem?02:28
netlarwilee-nilee: I know I need to learn more before coming here, I do not mean to bug02:30
utfans05netlar, whats your issue?02:30
netlarHave some booting issues02:30
utfans05ok go for it02:30
utfans05!ask | netlar02:30
ubottunetlar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience02:30
netlarOne is when I reboot it takes up to 3 min to reboot02:31
netlarIs that normal for 13.04?02:31
SonikkuAmericanetlar: 3 minutes?02:32
utfans05netlar, do you have any more specifics other than long boot time?02:32
netlarAnd then when I log off, and then decided to shutdown it will hand and I have to manually turn off the machine02:33
netlarI wish these issues were more specific, just not sure what is going on02:34
utfans05netlar, is this a fresh install?02:35
netlarutfans05: yes02:35
utfans05netlar, brand new pc that you built or a prebuilt one?02:36
netlarOh no, over 5 years old02:36
netlarcame with windows installed02:36
netlarSorry, need to go pick up my son02:37
utfans05netlar do me a favor and put the output of /var/log/dmesg and /var/log/syslog on pastebin and give us the links02:37
kkerwinHi. I just installed Ubuntu 13.04 on a new laptop, and had it install proprietary drivers for my video card. When I went to jockey however, I saw that the driver was not listed as being installed, however. So, I installed one, and now don't have direct rendering. Video card is an nVidia GeForce 650M. Thanks in advance.02:38
utfans05kkerwin, did you install the generic driver or the nvidia one?02:39
kkerwinutfans05: In OS install, I'm not sure. It just installed one, and I had direct rendering out of the box. I figured that it was the generic driver when I did not see it listed in jockey as being installed.02:39
kkerwinutfans05: So, after I installed the driver from jockey, I lost direct rendering.02:40
utfans05kkerwin, if you want the most recent stable nvidia drivers in a terminal type sudo apt-get install nvidia-current02:40
utfans05kkerwin, once thats done restart02:40
kkerwinutfans05: Ok. Thank you; I'll give that a try.02:42
utfans05kkerwin, let me know how it goes02:42
utfans05kkerwin, ill help you more if you need it02:42
kkerwinutfans05: Thank you; I will.02:42
KI4ROAnyone put Ubuntu on a chromebook yet?02:44
utfans05not yet but im putting it on an old ass dell mini here in a few mints02:45
Flannelan old ass-dell?  what's that?02:45
utfans05its one of the first dell mini's that came out02:45
kkerwinutfans05: No joy; still lack direct rendering.02:46
utfans05kkerwin... really...02:46
pythonirc1012anyone using lucid+nginx 1.4.1?02:46
utfans05kkerwin, is the driver not showing in jockey?02:47
kkerwinutfans05: Let me check ...02:47
kkerwinutfans05: Negative. It says that no proprietary drivers are installed on the system.02:47
kkerwinutfans05: lsmod | grep nvidia shows no results.02:48
utfans05kkerwin, thats really odd... its the exact same way i install my drivers all the time.02:48
Ari-Yangwell this is 13.04, you can expect certain things to act up02:49
kkerwinsudo apt-get install nvidia-current says that it's already the current version. My guess is that the Xorg.conf is not yet updated?02:49
utfans05true... but still....02:49
utfans05kkerwin, maybe?02:49
kkerwinutfans05: Hrm. It's been at least five years since I had to manually edit one of those ...02:50
utfans05kkerwin, i did it a few days ago but i had to look up how to do it properly... im running 2 560ti's so i wanted to enable sli02:50
kkerwinutfans05: Hrm. Where is the file now?02:50
utfans05kkerwin, /etc/X1102:51
kkerwinutfans05: No, no it isn't ...02:51
utfans05kkerwin, im in 12.04... thats where its kept for me02:51
* kkerwin scratches his head ...02:51
utfans05kkerwin, do a locate xorg.conf in terminal02:52
kkerwinutfans05: Everything is in /usr/share ...02:52
Ari-Yangyeah, one of the places where a xorg.conf is kept.....02:53
kkerwinutfans05: Hrm. But, no actual xorg.conf file.02:53
Ari-YangI don't think you'd find one...02:53
Ari-Yangmight have to generate it02:53
utfans05you might... but it should have autogenerated02:53
Ari-Yanglike in 12.10, there is no xorg.conf file like there used to be in old versions02:53
kkerwinOk, Ubuntu has coddled me. How do I generate one again?02:53
* Ari-Yang shrugs02:53
Ari-Yanggoogle, I forget02:53
kkerwinAri-Yang: Cool. Thank you.02:54
utfans05yeah... i dont remember either02:54
betrayd xorg.conf? try /etc/X1102:55
utfans05it wasnt ther for him02:55
Ari-Yang....I think he did that02:55
utfans05its like it didnt get generated when he installed02:55
betraydok, installed current?02:55
kkerwinApparently I have to quit the X server. Run X -configure as root. Brb.02:55
Ari-Yangthat's it iirc02:55
utfans05i had to look that up cause mine has always auto generated02:56
betraydth envidia installer has its own flavor02:56
Ari-Yangbetrayd, on new versions of ubuntu, there won't be a xorg.conf file like in older versions. 12.10 for e.g.02:56
betrayd waity02:56
Ari-Yangutfans05, what version you on?02:56
kkerwinbetrayd: Oh, alright. I'll give that a shot.02:56
kkerwinCouldn't get X to stop.02:56
VisceralSound<-- rookie to Ubuntu, but any idea if I can do this in Ubuntu 13.04? I guess my driver issue is I don't have the right kernel or something? and someone said this was a solution in a different topic sudo zypper in kernel-devel sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux /lib/modules/
Ari-Yangyeah iirc there should naturally be one for 12.0402:57
Ari-Yangwell I'm off, gl to everyone02:57
kkerwinHrm. I think that command did it. Thanks betrayd!02:57
utfans05yeah, every version of ubuntu ive run since 9.04 has had one02:57
betraydwatch where it got saved!02:57
betraydbec. sometimes if one existed nvidia will make it somewhere else first02:58
betraydand you have to place it in /etc/X1102:58
betraydyou're welcome kkimlabs02:58
utfans05yeah i think it put it in his /usr/etc instead of /etc/X1102:58
betrayd lols phail02:58
betraydthe sorry piece here is sometimes you never get to see nvidia Xserver config GUI because it goes to root/admin menu02:59
utfans05if hes sudo he would have seen it... unless he tried to go to it as a usr03:00
kkerwinOk. Now I am running at like 400x300 resolution ...03:01
utfans05kkerwin go into your nvidia Xserver config and set your res03:01
kkerwinutfans05: Looks like I'm still not using the nvidia driver.03:02
GinTonicoolchina here I can't visit sites like youtube ,facebook,,,,   does someone tell me how to do ,can you give me software base on ubuntu,debian or windows ?thanks03:02
* utfans05 scratches his head03:02
betraydkkerwin: the Xorg.0.log will tell you which one it's using03:02
betraydthe first few lines with a ==03:02
betraydnvidia will fall to framebuffer if your xorg didn't make sense03:03
kkerwinGoing to try restarting the X server.03:05
kkerwinOk ...03:05
kkerwinCtrl-Alt-Bkspc restarts X server, right?03:05
utfans05kkerwin, its supposed to03:05
nashantHey. Anyone got php5 xdebug up and working on 12.10?03:05
* kkerwin mutters something about not fixing something that's working under his breath.03:06
=== CookieNinja is now known as TommehM
* betrayd still has his ka.pl script that will killemall03:07
utfans05GinTonicool, what exactly are you asking, if ubuntu uses debian or windows based packages?03:07
syntachi, is there a way to make the unity window borders smaller? takes up a lot of screen space (more like openbox size window borders03:07
penossyntac: u can auto hide it03:08
VisceralSoundDoes anyone know where a "PWD" is in my Realrek rtl8188CE driver is? a guy said "I figure out my problem. My PWD had a space in it, hence the make command though that PCE-N15 was a target and not part of the PATH name." but I don't know where PWD is03:08
syntaci have the side bar hidden03:08
syntacpenos, i mean like title bar with the x, -, and maximize button03:08
syntacpenos, like this: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3623/3399700464_c9faa5e484_o.png03:09
betraydVisceralSound: present working directory03:09
betraydthe one you cd (change dir) to03:11
GinTonicoolutfans05,i'm using firefox or chrome. can you tell me how can i visit facebook ,youtube,twiter,,,etc03:11
* kkerwin grumbles loudly.03:11
utfans05GinTonicool, you can use a proxy server that may allow you to get to them, im unsure of which one you should use as I do not need to use them03:12
kkerwinOk. Still running at 640x480.03:12
utfans05kkerwin, thats really odd.....03:12
utfans05kkerwin, ive never run into any issues with video drivers03:12
VisceralSoundbetrayd: Any idea how I access that? sorry I'm new to Ubuntu/Linux is it within the driver folder for my realtek folder? or03:12
kkerwinutfans05: I even generated the xorg.conf file that nvidia-xconfig generated.03:13
kkerwindeleted the file that it generated, rather.03:13
utfans05im stuck03:13
utfans05ive never had any major video issues, anyone that can help kkerwin out?03:13
kkerwinWell, I didn't delete the other files that it generated prior, but backed up with successive runs of nvidia-xconfig. Maybe it fell back to one of those that still wasn't working ...03:14
GinTonicoolutfans05, you mustbe do not know ,even those proxy servers can not been opened in china !03:14
utfans05GinTonicool, then im not sure how to help you out. sorry03:14
kkerwinGinTonicool: What about Tor?03:15
kkerwin!tor | GinTonicool03:15
ubottuGinTonicool: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl03:15
kkerwinGinTonicool: It's peer-to-peer, so the government can't possibly disallow access to all of them ...03:16
A1ReconI downloaded the proprietary drivers from AMD. It's a .run file. How do I install it?03:16
kkerwinA1Recon: chmod +x $filename.run. ./$filename.run03:16
b3nhi using 12.04 and uninstalled webapps then Unity became too slow to freezing03:17
penosA1Recon: chmod +x <file> && ./<file>03:17
kkerwinWhere $filename.run is the name of your file.03:17
GinTonicoolkkerwin, i can open https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en   and https://www.torproject.org/03:17
A1Reconkkerwin: penos: Thank You!!03:17
GinTonicoolcan you tell how can i get tor in use03:17
kkerwinRestarting x server once more.03:17
kkerwinGinTonicool: Presently having problems with my display, and have very low resolution.03:18
kkerwinGinTonicool: Look through tor's website.03:18
b3nanyone for 12.04 ?03:18
betraydVisceralSound: it can keep changing03:19
utfans05b3n, do you have a question, or just chit chatting?03:19
johnjohn101what is tor?03:19
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl03:19
GinTonicoolkkerwin , thank you ,i'll try later03:19
betraydVisceralSound: you refer to it as $PWD often in scripts03:19
b3nyes utfans0503:19
VisceralSoundbetrayd: I'm just curious because this guy has the same issue as me and changing something with his PWD http://askubuntu.com/questions/269788/cant-make-rtl8188ce-drivers03:19
betraydtry it on command line, cd to a dir, then echo $PWD03:20
b3nutfans05 uninstalled webapps then Unity became too slow to freezing03:20
axisys_how should one install multiple perl modules ? one way is cat list-of-perl-modules | cpanm --interactive ..  is there a better way to do it?03:20
GinTonicooli heard of that ,may be tor is blocked in china03:20
utfans05b3n, unfortunately i do not have experience with unity03:21
utfans05GinTonicool, youc an always try it and see03:21
GinTonicoolO MY GOD,that's so ,,03:21
A1Reconkkerwin: Is there any way that I can check if the drivers were properly installed or not??03:21
johnjohn101axisys_: you can probably ask in #perl.  they are helpful there03:21
b3nanyone who knows unity?03:22
axisys_johnjohn101: they suggested cpanm .. but ubuntu might have a pkg solution03:22
VisceralSoundbetrayd: so IE: cd ~/Desktop/<realrekdriverfolder then do $PWD within the folder? or03:22
betrayddont leave echo out03:22
betraydthen go to your ~ & echo $PWD again03:22
axisys_johnjohn101: after all ubuntu pkg is recommended method for one perl module.. not sure how to do it for multiple03:23
A1Reconpenos: Is there any way to check if the driver was properly installed or not??03:23
betraydkkerwin ok do you remember where the xorg.conf was generated03:23
axisys_johnjohn101: probably a #ubuntu-server question03:23
johnjohn101axisys_: i always use synaptic to install perl modules.03:24
axisys_johnjohn101: how do you do it.. if you have 109 modules to install?03:24
axisys_johnjohn101: migrating from solaris to linux03:25
johnjohn101are they all in sysnaptic?03:25
axisys_johnjohn101: how do I check short from one at a time?03:25
axisys_johnjohn101: can I feed/upload a list some way?03:25
VisceralSoundbetrayd: cd ~/Desktop/<realtekfolder>, then once I'm in the folder in terminal I type echo $PWD, then again do echo $PWD? these next couple steps are kind of confusing sorry :(03:27
johnjohn101axisys_: something like cpan -i Crypt::DES Digest::CRC Digest::MD4 IO::Pty IO::Socket::SSL WWW::Mechanize Crypt::PasswdMD5 Net::Write03:27
crackerjackzhow do i remove lubuntu encryption?03:27
crackerjackzi can't boot from a cd or usb to install a new OS.... it wont let me do anything until i give it the password but it immediately boots into lubuntu after i type the password03:28
crackerjackzweird my text disappeared03:29
utfans05crackerjackz, did you set your bios to boot from the usb/cd?03:29
betraydVisceralSound: just keep changing and echoing so yuo can see what happens eash time03:29
axisys_johnjohn101: right, using cpan.. how would one do it with apt?03:29
axisys_since apt is recommended way for one perl module03:29
axisys_johnjohn101: ^03:29
michael87ok I'm having a problem. project64 is slowwing down under wine when I open mario 64 and enter the first painting. it begins to slow down. I was wandering if this is becuase its tryying to run directx9. or direct3d9 or something. if so maybe there is an opengl graphics plugin?03:29
crackerjackzutfans05, that's the weird thing my bios does not detect the hard drive, usb, dvd drive or any type of device other than the processor, memory, graphics card, sound card03:30
crackerjackzit doesn't even detect a NIC03:30
utfans05crackerjackz, when was the last time you did a bios update?03:30
duhamelhello all, I have no sound in ubuntu 12.10 0n hp envy m6 laptop. when i go into alsamixer there are no bars and the "F" buttons dont function as they are listed.03:30
duhamelany help?03:30
crackerjackzutfans05, about a year or two ago... it has nothing to do with my bios though it has to do with this full disk encryption i think03:30
johnjohn101axisys_: you can put multiple packages on the apt-get line03:31
crackerjackznone of my hardware is detected until the password is supplied03:31
utfans05crackerjackz, even if the disk is encrypted bios has to see it in order to boot from it, the information on the disk is encrypted but the MBR is now03:31
crackerjackzutfans05, what do you think i should do? this is the only hard drive i have03:33
utfans05crackerjackz, at a minimum try getting into the bootmenu when your pc first starts up and direct it to boot from the usb stick03:34
crackerjackzwhat if i take the hard drive out and try to boot from USB? then mount the hard drive would that work?03:34
penoscrackerjackz: go to bios and change the boot order03:34
bijumonhi, any bumblebee users 'ere? I had terrible experience with bumblebee and 12.10, after install, it dropped me onto the console and xorg wont start no matter what .. has anything changed in 13.04? i have a dell xps 15" L502x03:34
utfans05crackerjackz, no because then the bios wouldnt see the drive at all and youd have no place to install the image03:34
crackerjackzpenos, can't.. bios doesn't detect my hardware03:34
duhamelhello all, I have no sound in ubuntu 12.10 0n hp envy m6 laptop. when i go into alsamixer there are no bars and the "F" buttons dont function as they are listed.03:35
crackerjackzutfans05, im saying boot from a live usb and use it to decrypt the hard drive03:35
axisys_johnjohn101: only if I can map the perl module name to the pkg name for each one first03:35
johnjohn101crackerjackz: did you overclock perhaps?  I sped up pci slot and it wouldn't recognize my hard drive03:35
ThatOneDudeHello everyone. I just installed Ubuntu 12.10 from a dvd copy on my Compaq Presario CQ56-219WM. Immediately after finishing setup, I ran apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, and apt-get distro-upgrade before updating to 13.04 via command line. After the update, my wifi (Ralink RT5390) no longer stays connected to my WPA2 network. It will connect, then immediately disconnect and ask for my key again,03:35
ThatOneDudewhich I have verified multiple times.03:35
crackerjackzjohnjohn101, nah03:35
crackerjackzall of my hardware is recognized once i give it a password03:36
utfans05crackerjackz, if you boot from a live image you can reinstall or install the new os that you want to03:36
crackerjackzbut not until03:36
duhamelihave been all over ubuntu forums and tried many fixes to no resolution03:36
duhamelany help?03:36
crackerjackzutfans05, but how do i decrypt the hard drive?03:36
crackerjackzif i can decrypt the hard drive then i can install a new os on it03:36
utfans05crackerjackz, i do not know, have you done any google searches to try to find a fix?03:36
johnjohn101axisys_:  finding 109 packages should be hard.03:37
axisys_johnjohn101: bingo!03:37
crackerjackzmost of what i have found only involves the home directory being encrypted.. lubuntu encrypted my entire disk though not just one directory03:37
utfans05crackerjackz, if you can boot into a live cd you a fire up gparted and reformat the drive03:38
johnjohn101axisys_:  i don't believe there is a good way to map a cpan file to an ubuntu package.03:38
crackerjackzi think maybe this will work... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213251603:39
duhamelhello all, I have no sound in ubuntu 12.10 0n hp envy m6 laptop. when i go into alsamixer there are no bars and the "F" buttons dont function as they are listed.03:39
utfans05crackerjackz, it may03:40
utfans05crackerjackz, do you want to backup the data on the drive or just put a new os?03:40
crackerjackzutfans05, you can't just format the drive... it's encrypted03:40
crackerjackzi wish it were that simple03:40
utfans05crackerjackz, id be willing to bet that if you fire up a live cd and go into gparted you can wipe that drive03:40
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crackerjackzutfans05, hopefully you are right. i'm gonna have to unplug the hard drive first before itll let me boot from usb.. i have this  sata to usb thing im gonna use to plug the hard drive up to my computer03:42
kkerwinutfans05: Ok. Got it back to a decent resolution.03:43
duhamelcrackerjackz: try dd command to overwrite. did you try writing a new partition table?03:43
utfans05kkerwin, what did you have to do ?03:43
kkerwinutfans05: Still lack direct rendering.03:43
johnjohn101axisys_: i use to use cpan on suse with pretty good success but use packages on ubuntu03:43
utfans05kkerwin thats reall odd03:43
kkerwinutfans05: Delete the xorg.conf, and then my ~/.kde directory, as it set a resolution as well.03:43
crackerjackzduhamel, i can't because the partitions are in use03:43
utfans05kkerwin, how old is this install?03:43
crackerjackzi'll brb03:43
kkerwinutfans05: One day.03:43
kkerwinutfans05: I'd prefer not to have to do a fresh install, but I might just have to.03:44
axisys_johnjohn101: not when you have 109 modules to install03:44
johnjohn101axisys_: is this a one time thing?03:44
utfans05kkerwin, thats what im thinking, maybe grab the iso straight from ubuntu.com and see if that works03:44
axisys_johnjohn101: yes03:44
kkerwinutfans05: Something I've noticed ...03:44
kkerwinutfans05: lsmod | grep nvidia shows nothing.03:44
kkerwinutfans05: So, I modprobe nvidia.03:44
duhamelif you use a live distro you should be able to mount and unmount even if it is encrypted03:44
kkerwinutfans05: Then, lsmod | grep nvidia still shows nothing ...03:45
utfans05kkerwin, thats weird03:45
utfans05kkerwin, im really unsure why xorg.conf wasnt there in the first place03:45
duhameladrian knoppix or parted magic03:45
betraydwasn't where?03:46
kkerwinutfans05: A thought; an i7 is a 64-bit processor. I grabbed the 64-bit iso yesterday for the install. But, that was labeled as **amd**6403:46
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utfans05kkerwin, the reason its labeled amd64 is because amd created the 64 bit architecture03:46
kkerwinutfans05: That's what I figured; so I grabbed the right iso?03:46
utfans05kkerwin, yeah03:47
kkerwinutfans05: Any idea why modprobe is failing to load the nvidia .ko?03:48
utfans05kkerwin, no clue03:48
utfans05kkerwin, does your motherboard have a built in graphics card?03:48
utfans05kkerwin, im now thinking it may be pulling from that03:48
kkerwinutfans05: It's an i7, so it has sandy bridge. Yes.03:48
johnjohn101axisys_: my opinion is that you'll be ok with using cpan on ubuntu.  not the prefered way but all you are doing is duplication of compiles which was done to create the package.  other choice is to open up synaptic, choose the perl section and start selecting all of the modules you need.03:49
utfans05kkerwin, yeah i think thats whats messing it up, im not sure how to fix that tho03:49
exadthere are i7 ivy bridge... no..?03:49
johnjohn101ivy bridge also has i703:50
kkerwinexad: You might be right. It's a third generation i7, and each prior generation had an ivy/sandy/etc bridge gpu.03:50
kkerwinLooking through /var/log/Xorg.0.log right now; confirmed: this is an ivy bridge.03:50
kkerwin[    21.199] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)03:51
utfans05kkerwin, so in theory if you disable the onboard video and force it to the pcie card it should work03:51
betraydkkerwin: scan for ==03:52
betraydtells you which xorg.conf it used03:52
kkerwinbetrayd: It's using an entire directory ...03:53
kkerwin(==) Using system config directory "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"03:53
betraydthats not the generated one then03:53
kkerwinbetrayd: The generated one caused an additional problem: it dropped screen resolution down to 600x480.03:53
kkerwinbetrayd: And still lacked direct rendering.03:54
betraydand then, go to nvidia server  settings03:54
betraydfix it there03:54
TiZOkay, so... no HDMI sound on Ubuntu 12.10. pavucontrol shows that sound IS playing... but it's not coming out of my TV. It used to work, and suddenly it... doesn't. I tried using the last kernel version, no luck. I'm on Intel. What's the next step?03:55
kkerwinbetrayd: When I did that with the generated xorg.conf, the nvidia server said that it didn't find a compatible nvidia card.03:55
betraydyou moved the generated one to /etc/X1103:55
kkerwinbetrayd: It did it for me, but yes.03:56
kkerwinRunning nvidia-detector does not detect a card ...03:56
betraydthere is an Apply and OK button in nvidia server settings GUI03:56
betraydyou can set resolutions on GUI itself03:57
kkerwinbetrayd: Ok. I'm going to set it like that and try it again, then.03:57
kkerwinBe right back.03:57
LinuxNewbishGood day. Im having a problem when i try to boot normally it wont boot it will keep freazing on the purple screen but when i do it on recovery mode it boot i tried to fix it on the recovery but still it didnt work03:58
LinuxNewbishyea betrayd03:59
kkerwinOk. I ran nvidia-xconfig, and the resolution is now very low again. Also, went into nvidia server settings, and it still says that I do not have a driver running.04:01
betraydthere is a howto for that screen, ubottu knows LinuxNewbish i just don't know of you head to forums or where the fixits are placed04:01
kkerwin(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"04:02
betraydok go through the log and see what resolutions are ok04:02
betraydand which were rejected and why04:02
LinuxNewbishsorry betrayd , do you mean i go and check the fourms the fixs are there ?04:03
kkerwinbetrayd: Here's my Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.com/tNhUCHD604:03
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betraydi would or google them LinuxNewbish until one of the guys return04:04
LinuxNewbishthanks mate , will do betrayd04:05
betraydkkerwin: got to fix your xorg.conf, see the last line04:05
kkerwinbetrayd: Moment ...04:05
betraydit is pretty self-explanatory04:06
betraydyou don't need to paste04:06
betraydjus tlook at it04:06
betraydsee where the errors begin, WW - warnings first then EE hard errors04:06
kkerwinbetrayd: http://pastebin.com/rvMr3bNH04:07
kkerwinbetrayd: Do you have any suggestions on how to fix the xorg.conf?04:10
betraydthe log, see where the first WW warnings are then it shows hard errors with EE04:11
betraydthey aren't in your pastebin04:11
kkerwinbetrayd: Ah, I understand.04:12
wilee-nileeLinuxNewbish, You familiar with nomodeset a low graphic boot.04:12
zeepjust formatted an external drive with gparted and I can only create folders and files as root? why's that?04:12
LinuxNewbishno wilee-nilee04:13
kkerwinbetrayd: http://pastebin.com/mu0e8fzK04:13
kkerwinbetrayd: The above is the entire log.04:13
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | LinuxNewbish04:13
ubottuLinuxNewbish: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:13
[deXter]zeep, Which filesystem? Permissions matter for ext file systems04:13
wilee-nileeLinuxNewbish, I'm just guessing it may be a graphic problem.04:14
zeep[deXter], ext4. i redid it with gnome-disks and it's now writable.04:14
[deXter]zeep, Yep if you do it within the OS then the right permissions are assigned04:14
zeephow would i do the same with gparted? it seems to need to run as root04:15
LinuxNewbishthanks wilee-nilee :)will try it now04:15
zeepprobably need to add myself to a group or something04:15
phixzeep: ummm yeah root or add yoursepf to the disk group04:16
zeepdisk group didnt work04:18
LinuxNewbishi have another question, if you installed Ubuntu beside another Linux OS will it overwrite the swap partition ?04:18
betraydkkerwin: see line 13 explains all how to read04:18
betraydbut then you get line 4504:18
phixzeep: you need to lig out and back in again04:18
zeepi used newgrp in term04:18
betraydkkerwin: no mouse, no keyboard04:19
phixthen close term and rropen it04:19
zeepnewgrp reloads with me in group04:19
zeepstill needs root :/04:19
kkerwinbetrayd: So, why am I now able to type and move my mouse?04:19
zeepi dont know how secure adding myself to root would be04:19
betraydkkerwin: gui butlow rez?04:19
kkerwinbetrayd: Yes.04:20
betrayda fallback is active now04:20
betraydnot the one you wanted to happen04:20
betraydbut why did it say hotplug is on04:20
netlarkkerwin: are you having trouble booting up?04:21
kkerwinnetlar: Negative.04:21
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qinzeep: do you mean admin group, to have sudo rights?04:24
zeepqin, i have sudo rights. just wondering if i could setup gparted to run like gnome-disks (without root)04:24
kkerwinbetrayd: Any insights?04:24
qinzeep: why would it? what purpose?04:25
zeepqin, so i wouldn't need to modify permissions on newly formatted partitions by hand04:25
phixzeep: add the users you want access to disks to disk griup04:26
phixthen reboot / login lig04:26
utfans05gnight all!04:26
phixooops touch pad fail04:26
betraydidk why it's picking up /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d when nvidia's supposed to be standalone04:26
betraydkkerwin: ^04:26
zeepphix, isn't 'newgrp - disk' the same as relogging in?04:27
zeepprovided i launch it via the terminal04:27
kkerwinbetrayd: Maybe if I move that somewhere else, if there is somehing in that directory that is conflicting, I won't have a problem?04:28
betraydkkerwin wait maybe when you *did move the nvidia generated xorg, and left those other pasts in /usr/share/xorg.confd04:28
laserskkerwin: Try 'sudo nvidia-xconfig -a' and restart your X11.04:28
betraydthe originals were left in their /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d04:28
phixzeep: nope, you need yo open a new terminal and even then it coulld still be cached depending on your setup04:28
dankestMy CRON jobs have stopped running.  Where's the first place I should look?04:29
phixdankest: see if crond is running04:29
kkerwinbetrayd: I don't think that anything in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d was affected by nvidia-xconfig.04:29
phixif not start it04:29
zeepphix, but it says in the man page 'If the optional - flag is given, the user's  environment will be reinitialized as though the user had logged in,'04:29
kkerwinbetrayd: Do you agree with lasers suggestion?04:29
zeepphix, anyway, i'll just relogin and try it out later. not an urgent matter :)04:29
phixzeep: ok04:30
betraydkkerwin: then we move back a step, but he might know better04:30
zeepphix, thanks for helping04:30
nevyn14:29 < phix> zeep: add the users you want access to disks to disk griup04:30
nevynthat's insanely wrong and dangerous04:30
betraydkkerwin: go ahead and good luck04:30
zeepnevyn, how come? my account is the main account04:31
seronisi've noticed that  gstreamer doesnt handle slightly corrupted videos as well as VLC or Media Player Classic do on windows.   Is the linux version of VLC as robust or is it strictly a limit of linux codecs ?04:31
nevynzeep: because the disk group can overwrite the physical disk containing /04:31
nevynwhich is to say. it's effectivly the same as make your uid 004:32
phixnevyn: he wanted to let uaers use gparted on disks, of course their are risks involed in doing that whether you use sudo or group permissioms04:32
seroniserr correction..  i guess its the "parole" media player.. and its telling me i have a gstreamer backend error04:32
zeepi'm only adding myself04:32
LinuxNewbishwell wilee-nilee  if a graphic problem then nomodeset wont help me correct ?04:33
phixnevyn: the safest answer wiuld be not uto use gparted in the first place04:33
jorvisAnyone good with Ubuntu One?  I have a directory which is not syncing on one machine, even though it says it's up to date.04:33
kkerwinBack where we were after that.04:33
phixzeep: if you have sudo access just uae that04:33
zeepyeah i know, but it defeats my original purpose lol04:34
phixexcuse my spelling, i hate touchpads04:34
nevynphix: no. the safest answer is to change the group of the specific disks you want users to have access to using a udev rule04:34
kkerwinGoing to try renaming /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d04:35
laserskkerwin: "lsmod | grep nv" -- Grabbed any nvidia or nouveau?04:35
phixnevyn: either way it works and he is only user on box, i dont see an issue04:35
kkerwinlasers: Nothing.04:35
phixzeep: whats the original purpose?04:36
phixdo it without entering a paassword?04:36
phixif so you can configure sudo not to prompt you04:37
zeepphix, when i format a partition with gnome-disks it sets the perms to my account, whereas gparted sets it to root. just saves a step of chowning the directory after if i could setup gparted the same way04:37
nevynphix: preventing damage to the system by a misstype is worth doing.04:37
phixnevyn: yes04:38
phixnevyn: on a productiom system i would agree with you04:38
laserssudo have 15(?)min period. -- The tool might use sudo/gksu and not mentioning it.04:38
phixzeep: so? uae chown04:38
zeepyeah im just gonna do that04:38
zeepnot worth the trouble heh04:38
phixwrite a script04:39
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aakkaHi! I installed 13.04 and flash isn't working. Any suggestions what i can do to get it working?04:43
phixaakka:  your flash isnt working? you have a caMera on it?04:44
zeepaakka, how did you install it?04:44
aakkaI figured it would be installed when I installed 13.04.04:44
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aakkain the software center it shows installed04:45
zeepaakka, install flashplugin-installer04:45
zeepi dont know if the restricted option on the installer includes flash04:45
phixaakka: ah that flash04:45
zeepi figured that's what he meant. maybe i'm wrong too hah04:46
aakkasays already newest version zeep04:46
phixno no you seem right :)  i just had abrain fart, no idea what he was referring yo04:46
zeepaakka,  did you close and reopen your browser?04:47
phixwhat browser? firefox?04:47
aakkazeep: many times, yes firefox04:47
phixok, hmmmm not sure 1) i use chrome 2) i use 12.04 still04:48
zeepit should work without problems. i just installed a fresh copy of xubuntu and use firefox and it works fine04:48
acoleman1981does google chrome work on 13.04 yet? i haven't tried since launch day, i'm still using chromium04:48
aakkaI tried to install chrome but it is giving an error!04:48
shankstaBytesacoleman1981, firefox works well04:48
zeepaakka, no flash works or just some sites? for example youtube04:48
acoleman1981i like firefox too, i'm just a diehard google fan lol04:49
aakkaI installed chromium and it doesn't work either04:49
acoleman1981i have been using chromium since launch day04:49
aakkafor sure not youtube04:49
zeepi switched back to firefox because they seem to care more about privacy04:49
shankstaBytesacoleman1981, why is that?04:49
acoleman1981works fine, what issues are you having04:49
shankstaBytesacoleman1981, google chrome was kickin firefox's butt04:49
aakkaflash crases when using chromium04:49
shankstaBytesacoleman1981, not any more though04:49
aakkawhen trying to watch youtube vids04:49
acoleman1981just have, i love android on my phone, of course it's rooted, and i have a dual boot win8pro and ubuntu setup but i never use windows anymore04:49
acoleman1981that's true with all the enhancements they are making to chrome it is getting noticeably slower04:50
zeepchromium is better since it doesn't have all the google spyware ;p04:50
zeep(an over exaggeration i know )04:50
shankstaByteszeep, chromium is missing a lot of the cool google chrome stuff though04:51
shankstaByteszeep, so it seems pointless to use chromium when you can just use firefox04:51
lasersfiremium for the win.04:51
zeepshankstaBytes, like what? only thing i know is flash04:51
shankstaByteszeep, ya flash and audio/video codec stuff04:51
zeepshankstaBytes, that's exactly what happened. i went back to firefox haha04:51
acoleman1981i'm still quite new to linux distros and i'm still learning a lot, like i have a good question for everyone that has had me stuck, how do you install programs that don't install through the software center like kompozer for instance and how do i find out what dependencies that it requires?04:51
aakkaI just went to adobe website to test flash and nothing is showing up.04:51
zeepis the flash that comes with chrome newer?04:51
zeepthan 11.204:52
acoleman1981install ubuntu restricted extras i think that's includes flash doesn't it04:52
shankstaBytesacoleman1981, sudo apt-get install programname04:52
lasersacoleman1981: Open a terminal. "aptitude search kompo" or "apt-cache search komp"04:52
VisceralSoundDoes anyone know if there's a list of working wireless network cards for 13.04? I may just try and buy one that works vs trying to continue trouble shooting my Asus PCE-N1504:52
acoleman1981it's not in the default repositories04:52
shankstaBytesacoleman1981, alt+ctrl+t04:52
zeepVisceralSound, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported04:52
shankstaByteszeep, did you play the firefox 3D shooter yet?04:53
acoleman1981i know the basic cli commands like sudo apt-get and update and grub settings and all just when downloading a program and it's just in the downloads folder how do i install it04:53
zeepshankstaBytes, don't think so. have a link?04:53
zeepacoleman1981, double click it should open up software center04:53
aakkawhat is the command to install restricted extras? sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras?04:53
zeepacoleman1981, or use gedbi, or via command line 'dpkg -i <package>'04:53
acoleman1981that's what i thought too, but it doesn't04:54
shankstaBytesits awesome04:54
acoleman1981what is gedbi?04:54
acoleman1981sorry if i'm getting on your all's nerves04:54
zeepgui installer tool for deb packages04:54
zeepnope, no worries :)04:54
acoleman1981does it have to be a deb package? how can i tell04:54
shankstaBytesthe software center should handle the deb install when you click on it04:54
zeepacoleman1981,  if the package ends in '.deb'04:55
s3b`omg omg04:55
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
s3b`Okay so i've popped in here hella times with the most annoying network connection issue04:55
shankstaBytestypically you dont want to install programs with a .deb04:55
acoleman1981it doesnt' nothing in the tar has deb listed anywhere04:55
acoleman1981will this not work then?04:55
shankstaBytesuse a ppa04:55
s3b`just solved it; switch from network-manager to wicd04:55
neonlinealguien venezolano acá?04:55
zeepacoleman1981,  what is it exactly? it's probably a source package04:55
neonlineo que hable español?04:55
s3b`so if anyone else comes here with some unsolvable network problem, recommend them to try that04:56
yobihosu do i switc to terminal mode04:56
acoleman1981how can i tell? it's just kompozer the web editing software04:56
zeepshankstaBytes, wow this is awesome! but it's slow for me04:56
acoleman1981i was having a network issue and isolated it to deluge bittorrent, i have since then switched to qbittorrent and all works well for me now04:56
acoleman1981i would be connected but couldn't load anything at all even with nothing downloading so bandwidth wasn't the issue04:57
s3b`acoleman1981: I was having an issue where my wifi would drop ever 2 minutes04:57
s3b`same here04:57
acoleman1981i used a wired connection, i only tested wifi and it worked but wasn't connected for long at all04:57
zeepacoleman1981, the kompozer package is the program. just extract and run04:57
shankstaByteszeep, what is your system specs?04:57
s3b`my wired connection was having issues as well, it was weird04:57
shankstaByteszeep, and internet speed04:57
s3b` would ping fine but nothing else would04:57
acoleman1981how do i run, and agian i'm sorry for all the annoying questions04:57
acoleman1981i'll extract now04:58
zeepshankstaBytes, phenom II x4 970 and ati 6800 hd series gfx04:58
yobi@ acoleman1981, i have a question04:58
s3b`now, I'm on my work computer, i edited /network/interfaces and now it won't start up04:58
shankstaByteszeep, well it is a work in progress04:58
acoleman1981yes yobi04:58
aakkadoes anyone use opera?04:58
shankstaBytesaakka, no04:58
aakkadoes it have stand alone flash?04:58
yobiHow do i switch to the terminal chat04:58
acoleman1981i haven't used opera in years on a computer04:58
shankstaBytesaakka, you can install flash from the software center04:59
acoleman1981terminal chat? i have no idea04:59
aakkait is installed04:59
shankstaBytesyobi, irssi04:59
lasersyobi: irssi / weechat04:59
aakkabut it is not working04:59
s3b`yobi: irssi04:59
yobiokay, lemme try04:59
s3b`irssi is cool but you can't scroll up in ti :(04:59
zeepacoleman1981, extract it, ./kompozer04:59
shankstaBytesaakka, are you using firefox because ubuntu works really good with firefox04:59
laserss3b`: PageUp/PageDown.04:59
zeepacoleman1981,  or kompozer-bin, not quite sure05:00
acoleman1981i extracted it already but now it's just a folder in my downloads05:00
acoleman1981i'll look through the files05:00
s3b`lasers: laptop doesn't have pageup/pagedown :P05:00
zeepacoleman1981, ok go into the folder and run the kompozer file which should be a script or binary05:00
laserss3b`: You sure? Look hard. >_>05:00
s3b`Also, i tried to use finch ( terminal jabber client ) but i couldn't get it to work. i wonder if they have a channel05:00
acoleman1981just click on it and that's it05:00
CaptainShanks@s3b' Check the arrow keys05:00
aakkaShankstabytes: it is a fresh install of ubuntu 13.04, and flash is not working in firefox or chrome05:00
s3b`lasers: it's a macbook pro retina with a smaller keyboard05:00
shankstaBytesaakka, you need to install it from the software center05:01
shankstaBytesaakka, install the "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" and "Adobe Flash"05:01
laserss3b`: I think that's FN + Up/Down. Not sure.05:01
acoleman1981there is a kompozer and kompozer-bin05:01
zeepacoleman1981, either is fine. i think one links to the other05:01
s3b`lasers: hold on let me find out how to boot back into it first :P05:01
aakkashankstaBytes, adobe flash plugin is installed. I just installed the restricted extras. but i do not see adobe flash in the list.05:02
acoleman1981i clicked it and it just opens in a text editor05:02
shankstaBytesaakka, just open the software center and type "flash" it should be the top in the list05:02
shankstaBytesaakka, do you have third party sources  enabled?05:02
aakkayes that was installed. i just removed it and am reinstalling it.05:02
zeepacoleman1981,  make sure it has execute permissions05:02
shankstaBytesaakka, that was an install option05:02
laserss3b`: Sure. You can buy me a pizza if that works. :)05:02
s3b`Hey what's the mount command for when you boot into recovery mood root console? mount -o -n ........ i forget05:02
aakkashankstaBytes, in firefox?05:03
acoleman1981how do i do that?05:03
zeepacoleman1981, right click the file, properties05:03
zeepacoleman1981, or just run kompozer-bin05:03
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shankstaBytesaakka, no, when installing the installer asked if you wanted restricted drivers and third party sources.  Sources is like a place where apt-get looks for software05:03
acoleman1981i've tried and it does nothing05:03
s3b`acoleman1981: what are you trying to do?05:04
aakkashankstaBytes, i installed it through terminal.05:04
acoleman1981install kompozer05:04
acoleman1981a web editor05:04
shankstaBytesaakka, open the software center and go to "Edit -> Software Sources" click the check box that says "Software restricted by copyright or legal issues"05:04
zeepi just tried it. it's not finding 'libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0'05:04
acoleman1981or do you know of any good ones in the software center05:04
s3b`acoleman1981: a web editor?05:04
acoleman1981like dreamweaver or microsoft expression web05:05
shankstaBytesaakka, also "Proprietary drivers for devices"05:05
zeepacoleman1981, komodo edit is a nice editor05:05
acoleman1981is it in the software center?05:05
s3b`acoleman1981: gedit05:05
s3b`acoleman1981: jk, no i don't know any05:05
zeepno, but they provide a download that works OOTB05:05
acoleman1981i don't know html enough to just use a text editor, wish i did though05:05
zeepthere's geany if you want something in the software center05:05
aakkashankstaBytes, that is all already checked.05:05
acoleman1981networking is my specialty05:06
zeephtml is easy enough to learn :)05:06
s3b`acoleman1981: there's some nice online template editors05:06
acoleman1981where do i download komodo05:06
zeepi've noticed a lot of editors are now including the source browser on the right. komodo, gedit05:07
s3b`+1 for sublime05:07
shankstaBytesaakka, then you should see it in the software center when typing "flash"05:07
shankstaBytesaakka, then restart firefox05:07
s3b`I got everyone at work using it :d05:07
aakkashankstaBytes, in firefox is shows i have shockwave flash 11.2 r202 installed05:08
s3b`hey how should /etc/network/interfaces look like? right now its "auto l0 / iface l0 inet loopback" and my ubuntu won't boot05:08
shankstaBytesaakka, perfect then it should work05:08
shankstaBytesaakka, make sure all other flash plugins are disabled05:08
SineTheCreator`s3b`: it should look like that05:09
SineTheCreator`s3b`: that should not cause ubuntu to not boot. your problem is likely elsewhere.05:09
s3b`SineTheCreator`: I changed it to eth0 to try to debug my internet, then wifi didn't exist at all, so I put it back to that and now it wno't boot. the only changes i made05:09
aakkashankstaBytes, when i go to http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/find-version-flash-player.html: I'm getting nothing05:10
SineTheCreator`s3b`: in ubuntu eth0 and wlan0 are no longer handled by /etc/network/interfaces05:10
SineTheCreator`they are handled by the network GUI instead05:10
SineTheCreator`only the loopback device is handled by /interfaces now05:10
laserss3b`: l0 or lo ?05:10
s3b`is it supposed to be an o?05:10
SineTheCreator`if ubuntu is not booting it's probably not your networking, unless you have a corrupt kernel module somewhere?05:11
SineTheCreator`uh yeah i think it is supposed to be lo05:11
laserss3b`: auto lo \ iface lo inet loopback05:11
aakkashankstaBytes, the only thing i have installed is Adobe Flash Plugin, libquvi7, libquvi-scripts. Do i need the libquvi's?05:11
s3b`lasers: hold on05:11
shankstaBytesaakka, i am running a fresh install and all i did is what i told you05:11
shankstaBytesaakka, firefox worked perfect after that05:11
shankstaBytesaakka, i installed it through the software center though05:12
aakkashankstaBytes, can you do a search for flash on the software center and then click show technical items in the bottom and tell me if you have the libquvi7's?05:12
aakkashankstaBytes, installed what? flashplugin?05:12
aakkashankstaBytes, the only thing i installed from the terminal was restricted extras05:13
shankstaBytesaakka, i installed the adobe flash player05:13
aakkadoes it say adobe flash plugin?05:13
aakkaim not seeing an "adobe flash player"05:13
shankstaBytesaakka, yep05:14
shankstaBytesaakka, maybe you need to update your software sources05:14
s3b`lasers: SineTheCreator`: I am not a smart man.  that fixed it!05:14
laserss3b`: Great. Two pizzas! ;)05:14
s3b`That's weird that a typo in that file stopped a boot05:14
aakkashankstaBytes, can you tell me how?05:14
lotuspsychje!info flashplugin-installer | aakka05:14
andreiccgthis is my first time using irc05:14
ubottuaakka: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (raring), package size 6 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:14
andreiccgplease excuse my interruption05:15
s3b`like a violent nonboot lol. You know how scary it is turning on your work laptop and seeing this http://i.imgur.com/UAo2l7W.jpg05:15
lasersandreiccg: If you have any questions, just ask away. Otherwise, sit back and enjoy. :)05:15
andreiccgcould someone give me directions on how to use IRC correct05:15
* s3b` time to back everything up05:15
andreiccgok thanks05:15
lotuspsychje!help | andreiccg05:16
ubottuandreiccg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:16
s3b`andreiccg: it's just a chatroom05:16
andreiccgi have a netbook packard bell on my hands and i am trying to fix brightness control05:16
lotuspsychjeandreiccg: you can join #freenode aswell for irc help05:16
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
shankstaBytesaakka, sudo apt-get update05:17
lasersandreiccg: Try FN + <Brightness Symbol> if your netbook got that.05:17
lasers(Somewhere on the keyboard)05:17
s3b`lasers: you're just a bundle of help. that's 3 pizzas05:18
andreiccgnot working ... fresh install drivers for GMA 3600 could not be installed05:18
yobiIs there anyone who knows the shortcut for terminal chat screen pop?05:18
MrGizmo757hey guys. i have created my own Ubuntu .iso using remastersys.  i want to share it online. i cant find any free hosting sites that accept a 2 gig file. do you guys know of any?05:18
s3b`MrGizmo757: mega.com ?05:19
aakkashankstaBytes, i just did that, but i am not seeing an option for adobe flash player05:19
Ari-Yang'bout time I get dropbox for ubuntu, lol05:19
MrGizmo757Maybe. i haven't tried that one yet05:19
s3b`Ari-Yang: did you know Dropbox has source control?05:19
Ari-Yangwhat do you mean, s3b`?05:20
andreiccganother problem would be : vlc freezes in fulscreen when playing an iso dvd05:20
s3b`Ari-Yang: if you're working on a file, it saves every version of it. you can go only and revert it if you fuck shit up :P05:20
Ari-YangI just d/led and installed the .deb from the site05:20
MrGizmo757i just looked. megafieupload has a 135MB limit. that wont work05:20
jamescarrhow can I find out where my largest files are?05:20
jamescarron a server05:21
jamescarrno GUI05:21
MrGizmo757oh do you mean  mega.co.nz05:21
shankstaBytesaakka, dude i dont know what to tell you i am just letting you know what i did05:21
MrGizmo757cuz that one looks promising05:21
SineTheCreator`s3b`: nice, glad you got it fixed05:21
aakkashankstaBytes, thanks for the help brosef!05:22
SineTheCreator`yeah, loopback device not working screws everything05:22
s3b`MrGizmo757: yeah that one haha it's the megaupload guy's comeback after the fbi seizing his millions of dollars. they should allow huge uploads05:22
lotuspsychjeguys keep it ubuntu related05:23
MrGizmo757Cool. well ill give it a try and see what happens. thanx.05:23
lasersandreiccg: netbook sucks -- stupid fad. And I'm not sure how decent your machine is. It got 1.6ghz? I'm afraid that if you use Ubuntu on it, it's already bloated enough -- Let alone running DVD among with other applications.05:24
lotuspsychjelasers: pls keep polite05:24
paramhow to set proxy settings in ubuntu terminal ?05:24
laserslotuspsychje: I am. Honest too.05:24
lotuspsychjelasers: im running a netbook with ssd and ubuntu 64 bit, goes rocket fast05:25
k_89i want to work with media files, make audio filters, and apply those custom made audio filters on them, don't know where to start on this, and can't find anything concrete via googling, can anyone point me to something05:25
aakkahow do i stop the joined/quit messages in xchat irc?05:25
lotuspsychjelasers: go to ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to discuss your hardware experience05:25
qinaakka: /j #xchat, and ask for filtering05:26
lotuspsychjeaakka: you can turn those off in options05:26
Axlinaakka: Right-click the channel you're in, options05:26
aakkathanks dudes05:27
paramhow to set proxy settings in ubuntu terminal ?05:27
lotuspsychjeparam: you can use tor maybe?05:27
paramtor ? whats that05:28
lotuspsychje!tor | param05:28
ubottuparam: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl05:28
parami simply wants to connect my terminal with internet05:29
paramand there is some proxy server running in my company05:29
=== aakka1 is now known as aakka
agu10^how do I know which binary is modifying my file?05:30
werderjamescarr, do you want the largest in your filesystem or just a folder?05:30
qinparam: in terminal: elinks google.co.uk05:30
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zeephm what were the issues with tor in the repos?05:31
qinagu10^: lsof, inotify05:31
lotuspsychje!info tor > lotuspsychje05:31
lotuspsychjezeep: dont know mate, package shows correctly05:32
lotuspsychjeparam: maybe this can help: http://askubuntu.com/questions/158557/setting-proxy-from-terminal05:32
ShirakawasunaX seems fairly unstable since I updated to 13.0405:32
ShirakawasunaI don't see any (EE) errors in xorg logs though.05:32
zeepis it kept up to date ? i know it updates quite often and older versions recommend downloading updated versions from the website05:33
paramqin it says The program 'elinks' can be found in the following packages:  * elinks  * elinks-lite Ask your administrator to install one of them05:33
=== akshay_ is now known as akshay_r
Shirakawasunaby unstable I mean I get kicked out of xubuntu and back to the login window, after flashing VT105:33
lotuspsychjezeep: says Version (raring05:33
agu10^qin, no. i don't want to know what files are open. i want to know which program modified and closed the file. it doesn't keep it open.05:33
qinagu10^: watch the file with inotify05:34
agu10^the software does this on bootup05:34
qinparam, elinks is a web browser, as ilustration how to use terminal, did you mean ssh, by chance?05:34
=== BadLarry is now known as BadLarry_
paramhey i got it working now , thanks anyways qin05:35
lotuspsychje!yay | param05:35
ubottuparam: Glad you made it! :-)05:35
betraydShirakawasuna: sometimes you have to look at the entire log, and the other place to look would be .xsession-errors05:36
lotuspsychjeShirakawasuna: did you upgrade or clean install?05:36
Shirakawasunalotuspsychje: upgrade05:36
lotuspsychjeShirakawasuna: i would try a nice clean install05:36
Shirakawasunalotuspsychje: that could fix it but I think I'll wait a little longer first... or get super annoyed tomorrow and do that anyways ;)05:37
Shirakawasunabetrayd: .xsession-errors has quite a bit and it's not timestamped. Should I be on the lookout for anything in particular?05:37
betraydShirakawasuna: they are per session, but get filled/replaced fast05:38
betraydif you run a lot of apps and did stuff05:38
* Ari-Yang wonder if people stick to Unity2D/3D forever05:40
betraydShirakawasuna: the whole log Xorg.0.log, don't grep05:41
Shirakawasunabetrayd: yeah05:42
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
Shirakawasunalooks like I don't have the right xorg log now though05:42
zeepi quite like unity to be honest05:42
Shirakawasunaa couple restarts since the last crash05:42
betraydyeah only if you have an xorg.conf05:42
zeepnot a fan of the amazon integration stuff but i just remove it05:42
Shirakawasunazeep: for me unity is about 95% there but that last 5% drives me crazy. But to each their own - 95% good isn't bad!05:42
zeepShirakawasuna, it does have some quirks, but overall i like it and dash05:43
zeepthe global menu takes me a while to get used to hah. better for full screen apps05:44
zeepalthough i was having a weird issue with tf2 slowdowns on ubuntu (but not xubuntu)05:46
zeepwonder if it was unity05:46
s3b`Hey where are log files usually stored05:47
s3b`I got an error for wicd that says "check the log"05:47
zeepor custom locations for individual programs at times05:48
s3b`no that's where everyone is saying to check. there is no log file though05:48
zeeplikes ~/.<application>05:48
s3b`also, just in case.. if I need to install network-manager on a laptop without internet, how do i do that05:49
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laserss3b`: Might be in /var/log/wicd/ -- Also, if you installed it in the past and removed it -- it still should be in cache -- so try and install it again. Easy/lazy route? Plug in the cable.05:51
s3b`lasers: it doesn't have an ethernet port and I don't have the right dongle for it05:52
s3b`lasers: log doesn't exist there >:[05:52
=== echo is now known as Guest77286
praetorican some one tell what happeens here?05:54
praetoriwhat iis ubuntu05:55
chasmarangafter installing 13.4 my scripts don't open with terminal.  Terminal is not even mentioned in the properties list of programs to open05:55
lotuspsychje!ubuntu | praetori05:56
ubottupraetori: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:56
chasmaranghas anyone experience this05:56
lotuspsychjepraetori: this is an ubuntu support channel for ubuntu05:56
chasmarangafter installing 13.4 my scripts don't open with terminal.  Terminal is not even mentioned in the properties list of programs to open05:57
praetorithank you so much. itis language thati do not know05:57
chasmarangcan I get some ubuntu support05:58
lotuspsychje!patience | chasmarang05:58
ubottuchasmarang: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/05:58
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Amanda_Berryi'm alive!05:58
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netlarwow that was fun, complete reinstall05:58
netlarThat teaches me to touch the video driver05:59
chasmarangthanks for the advice lotoshyte06:00
Ari-Yanga new cinnamon de update.... it updated 5 days ago06:00
ymrhi ari-yang06:00
Ari-Yang1.8 is latest, the update is 1.8.2, might be a test build06:00
Ari-Yangohi ymr06:00
Ari-Yangand if it is a test build, I'm not updating lol06:00
jonyin Krusader how can I jump to the first tab's location on the second tab?06:02
s3b`what does ln -s do?06:07
laserss3b`: Symbolic linking -- or Windows's Shortcut.06:07
s3b`and what is resolv.conf responsible for?06:08
paramneed to ssh in http proxy ?06:08
laserss3b`: "man resolv<tab;tab>" :) -- Looks like it is for DNS queries?06:09
s3b`no manual entry for resolv :(06:10
s3b`i just did something to it and broke my OS again lol06:10
s3b`lasers: oh lol nvm got it06:10
s3b`thats awesome06:11
s3b`okay, so you try to login to ubuntu and you get a black terminal screen that stops. how do you find out whats causing it?06:14
s3b`RIP [<ffffff8169b381>] wireless_process_loctl+0x91/0x1b0..... looks like the last thing done was "Process iwconfig"06:14
KartagisI want to dos2unix a file on a smb share, but it gives me permission denied. what can I do?06:14
jaaltoWhat the shortlink to Ubuntu BUG URL? E.g. 57801406:17
jaaltoDebian has http://bugs.debian.org/NNNN and you don't need to know package etc...06:17
laserss3b`: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode06:22
s3b`lasers: I'm already in recovery terminal :D just don't know what to do. although I never checked out the other options, let me check them06:24
jakempI updated my desktop to 13.04 and now when I log in, all I get are my desktop icons06:24
paramhow to use ssh in http proxy ?06:24
jakempno menu, nothing when Ipress keys06:25
jakempoh hey, Xorg has had an error06:25
mousesi currently use a 2009 iMac and i'm about to buy a new PC so that I can edit 2.5K RAW video from a nice, video camera... i'm looking to spend $1,000 - $1,300 on a desktop. What do you think of this? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1688322936006:26
jakempnever logged into windows and had the menu just not be there.06:27
=== dziegler_off is now known as dziegler
mousesi really just need USB 3.0 and 16+ GB RAM and a good video card06:27
paramssh over TCP port 29418? on http proxy06:28
jakempmouses, that has a Nvidia Geforce GTX 650 1GB06:28
s3b`param: what exactly are you trying to do06:28
[deXter]mouses, that looks like it was designed for gamers... if you take off the prices of the fancy case/keyboard/mouse/lighting etc, you can build one with a much better Gfx card and 32GB RAM or more.06:28
Ben64mouses: yeah you can build one for way cheaper06:29
mousesthanks, but from where?06:29
[deXter]You can still get the parts from newegg06:29
mousesthe only reason i looked at gamer PCs is that they are supposedly built for performance06:29
jakempmaybe try Dell workstations, if you are averse to building06:29
jakempbut are you sure a gaming GPU will help you?06:29
mousesi want to get the blackmagic cinema camera. it shoots 2.5K RAW video and needs good performance06:30
[deXter]Yeah, video editing GPUs are usually different.. like the nVidia Quadro series06:30
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:31
params3b i am trying to ssh to -p29418   , i am having proxy server on my company , so its showing some error06:31
mousesi dont think these PCs come w/ those GPUs06:31
param s3b` i am trying to ssh to -p29418   , i am having proxy server on my company , so its showing some error06:32
s3b`well what's the error?06:33
Amanda_Berryi got a problem with ubuntu, i started to use debian in 2003, but now everything changed in 201306:33
Ben64Amanda_Berry: we'd need more details in order to help you. are you using debian or ubuntu?06:34
Amanda_Berryi use ubuntu harmless hoax or something06:35
zeepalright, so i have 2 hdd, one is empty and one already has xubuntu on it. i'd like to install ubuntu with lvm encryption on the empty hdd, but the installer is only offering to replace the current install. how should i go about this?06:35
mousesany tips on how to get started building a pc? i've never done it before but i'm familiar w/ hardware basics06:36
mousesshould i get everything from newegg?06:36
mousesidk what motherboard to get etc06:36
zeepmouses: checkout reddit.com/r/buildapc06:36
jakemph? They are on like r now06:36
pagioshello, trying to update my OS using apt-getr i am getting : E: Internal Error, No file name for libc606:39
bazhang!ot | mouses06:39
ubottumouses: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:39
bazhangmouses ##hardware please06:39
bazhangAmanda_Berry, there is no such version06:40
bazhang!version | Amanda_Berry06:40
ubottuAmanda_Berry: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »06:40
s3b`Okay narrowed it down to, iwconfig cuasing a segmentation Fault06:40
s3b`if that means anything to anyone, any tips would be great06:40
bazhangpagios, you are trying to upgrade libc6?06:41
pagiosi am updating the system06:41
pagiosapt-get update06:41
bazhangpagios, please put the exact command you are running and the results in paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url06:42
jundohi i need help to install ububtu...06:42
jundocan anyon help me?06:43
paramhey jundo , what help you want06:43
s3b`you might get better help in #ububtu06:43
bazhang!details | jundo06:43
ubottujundo: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:43
s3b`sorry couldn't help it, what's your question06:43
bazhangs3b`, this is #ubuntu06:43
GrivvelHello! Does anyone know the default font used in 12.04? Google is failing me06:43
s3b`bazhang: read again06:43
paramssh over TCP port 29418.... on http proxy06:43
bazhang!behelpful | s3b`06:43
ubottus3b`: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.06:43
s3b`:( sorry06:44
helpehi can somone help me i am using zorin and my wifi works but whan i boot ubuntu it shows network but i cant connect, what to do ?06:44
paramssh over TCP port 29418 --- on http proxy ... anybody can slove my problem ?06:45
bazhanghelpe, whats the wifi chipset06:45
KartagisI want to dos2unix a file on a smb share, but it gives me permission denied. what can I do?06:45
KartagisI tried sudo as well06:45
Ben64param: i don't think you can ssh over http proxy06:45
jundoim installing,,,,,, ubuntu, i hav one HD. partioned into two.... its (for Windows) drive C: and drvie D: My drive D is for my back up files. I want to install ubuntu in my C: But I am afraid I might install it in D: I want fresh INstall Ubuntu taking away my Windows 7,,,06:46
Ben64jundo: you want to get rid of windows?06:46
paramBen64 any trick of doing it ?06:46
jundoBen64 yes06:46
crackerjackzpastebin us the output of sudo fdisk -l06:46
rusty0101param: I'm using corkscrew to go through a web proxy when I ssh out.06:47
helpebazhang:  ralink 3070, but on zorin i think it uses rt2800usb driver and i think it uses same on ubuntu just on ubuntu i cant connect06:47
Ben64jundo: you'll need to figure out which one is c and which one is d06:47
paramrusty0101 can you guide me how to do that ?06:47
crackerjackzjundo, pastebin us the output of sudo fdisk -l06:47
jundoBen64, i now know which one is C and D....06:48
jundopastebin coming...06:48
rusty0101param: My own solution is to add an entry to my .ssh/config file for the host I am going to ssh to.06:48
paramwhat entry you did in .ssh/config06:49
rusty0101param: something like 'host my.host.at.home.net'06:49
helpebazhang:  ralink 3070, but on zorin i think it uses rt2800usb driver and i think it uses same on ubuntu just on ubuntu i cant connect06:49
rusty0101param: then add a ProxyCommand line that looks like "ProxyCommand corkscrew proxyserver proxyserverport host port"06:50
paramwait let me open config file06:50
zeepdoes full disk encryption create any noticable performance drawbacks?06:51
crackerjackzzeep, if you forget your password you lose your files06:51
Ben64if something goes wrong and you can't boot, it's difficult to fix too06:52
zeepcrackerjackz: yeah i'm aware. but i'm talking about performance :)06:52
rusty0101param: So if it's a web proxy running on 2128, and I'm going to port 21358 on my home server, the line would look like "ProxyCommand corkscrew workproxy.work.com 2128 my.host.at.home.net 21358"06:52
zeepand on a regular sata drive, not an ssd06:52
zeepmaybe i'll just do home encryption06:52
SwedeMikezeep: yes, but depends on setup. In a raid6 setup where you expect 500+ megabyte/s throughput it will be noticable. On a laptop with a slow HDD, you won't notice much difference.06:53
rusty0101param: corkscrew is not installed by default, so you will have to 'sudo apt-get install corkscrew' as well.06:53
zeepalright thanks SwedeMike06:53
crackerjackzi believe certain encryption algorythms use up so much cpu.. and higher the key size in bits the more cpu it uses06:53
s3b`hey, trying to get to my data through terminal and I hit a "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop"; how can i access this? I su'd into my user and it's still encrypted06:54
paramhey rusty it shows error Err http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe corkscrew i386 2.0-7   407  Proxy authentication required06:54
crackerjackzi was actually watching a video on this morning most of it was babble but they brought up a few interesting points06:55
rusty0101param: there should be a tutorial on using corkscrew as well. If I remember it gives you recommendations on other commands you can set up for that port, including proxy authentication. I don't need it for the proxy I'm using, so I don't have those parameters set up.06:55
crackerjackzzeep, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9stbwfmV8E06:56
rusty0101And for the sudo apt-get install, you probably need to set up authentication in your http_proxy environment variables as well.06:57
rusty0101(last for param:)06:57
paramoh ghosh its all increasing my problem06:57
zeepcrackerjackz: oo interesting. thanks for the video06:58
rusty0101param: one step at a time. You need the corkscrew package, so you need to get the proxy for controll center, or command-line set up. Should be similar to setting up the proxy for your web client, which I presume you've done.07:00
paramhow to get corksrew package07:00
paramits showing proxy error there also07:00
crackerjackzzeep, you should install haveged to create better entropy07:01
crackerjackzand change the default keysize from 1024 to 4096 in the haveged.conf file07:02
zeepi need to learn more about encryption. i think for now i'll just encrypt an external hdd and put important data there07:03
crackerjackzzeep, it helps your keys to be more random so that they can't be cracked... its for more than just what you're trying to do you should let haveged run for a while before you generate any type of encryption keys wether it be ssh, openssl07:05
zeepcrackerjackz: yeah it's the first time i've heard of it07:06
rusty0101param: that proxy error should be solvable. My proxy does not require authentication, but in my /etc/environment file I have a line that looks like 'http_proxy="http://workproxy.work.com:2128/"' (and variations because some programs will look for http_proxy, others for HTTP_PROXY...07:06
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
zeepwhen setting up lvm, should i create the default partition as primary or extended, and should i leave it unformatted?07:06
rusty0101param: You have to edit that file with sudo or gksudo to get privleges.07:07
crackerjackzzeep, its an unpredictable random number generator, is more ideal in a linux environment with low entropy such as on a server that doesn't have a mouse or keyboard attached to it07:07
bazhang!lvm | zeep07:07
ubottuzeep: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto07:07
A1ReconOK I successfully installed the ATI Radeon 13.1 drivers for my Radeon HD 4350 Card and I  rebooted. Problem : Dark bands on all sides of display. Loss of 1920 x 1080 Resolution. Launcher cannot be seen as in GONE . The X _ (maximize) buttons are not seen in new windows. Please help!!07:08
rusty0101param: if you do a search on google, there should be instructions on setting up authentication in that string as well. I'm just not familiar with them.07:08
zeepoh i can set the entire disk07:08
rusty0101Sorry folks, need to get out of here. Work shift ended....07:08
crackerjackzzeep, haveged  stands for hardware entropy gathering expansion something07:09
crackerjackzzeep, you have to have entropy for cryptography07:10
crackerjackzyou can even generate entropy through audio and video files07:10
zeepi'm sure my gaming habits will help with that ;p07:10
crackerjackzyou have to install software to do that with though07:11
paramok rusty i am trying with that thing07:11
crackerjackzalso if you use a weak password then it doesn't matter how strong of an encryption algorythm you use07:12
A1ReconOK I successfully installed the ATI Radeon 13.1 drivers for my Radeon HD 4350 Card and I rebooted. Problem : Dark bands on all sides of display. Loss of 1920 x 1080 Resolution. Launcher cannot be seen as in completely gone. The X _ (maximize) buttons are not seen in new windows.  Please help!!07:12
crackerjackzif it can be brute forced or cracked with rainbow tables then all is pointless ... you must use a strong password07:12
nevynpasswords suck.07:13
crackerjackzyou can use keys too.. put the key on usb07:13
crackerjackzand disable password authentication07:13
zeephm that was painless07:13
ryan3216Hi, can somebody known the username and password for ubuntu-12.04-preinstalled-desktop-armhf+omap4?07:14
A1ReconHelp me !! I successfully installed the ATI Radeon 13.1 drivers for my Radeon HD 4350 Card and I rebooted. Problems : Dark bands on all sides of display. Loss of 1920 x 1080 Resolution. Launcher cannot be seen as in GONE . The X _ (maximize) buttons are not seen in new windows. Please help!!07:15
crackerjackzryan3216, try booting into recovery mode07:15
crackerjackzthen run the passwd command to reset the password07:15
chunkyheadif i upgrade my os to 13.04 will my old packaged by removed?07:15
chunkyheadi am on 12.04 lts currently07:15
usr13nevyn: No they don't.  Password protection is a good thing.07:15
bazhangchunkyhead, removed? like PPA?07:15
s3b`HEY how do I create a symbolic link from /etc/resolv.conf to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf ?07:15
ryan3216I am use pandaboard.07:15
s3b`which goes first in ln -s07:15
bazhangryan3216, try #ubuntu-arm07:16
chunkyheadwhat is ppa bazhang07:16
usr13A1Recon: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak07:16
bazhang!ppa | chunkyhead07:16
ubottuchunkyhead: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge07:16
chunkyheadyeah ppa07:16
bazhangchunkyhead, they get disabled during any version upgrade07:17
usr13s3b`: ln -s /etc/resolv.conf /run/resovconf/07:17
chunkyheadwanted to ask the updates of packaged, all packages which i have installed till date will they be removed when i upgrade?07:17
bazhangchunkyhead, so check if there is a version for the release you wish to upgrade to07:17
bazhangchunkyhead, not PPA, no07:18
zeeplvm is awesome :D07:18
bazhangchunkyhead, you need to upgrade those manually07:18
quick-how to install theme for ubuntu 12.04 . I am using gnome . Please help.07:18
chunkyheadok one more thing, i wanted to completely remove ubuntu and then put 13.04 on it. (something's wrong with 12.04) how to do it? i am dual booting with win8 without safe boot. dont wnt to remove win807:18
bazhangquick-, which shell unity or gnome-shell07:18
quick-bazhang: gnome-shell07:19
usr13chunkyhead: Just install 13.04.  (But what's wrong with 12.04?07:19
quick-chunkyhead: Upgrade it .07:19
chunkyheadusr13, REALLY SLOW. takes >1.5min to reach desktop07:20
chunkyheadquick-, ^07:20
ryan3216bazhang : I try it , but it no effect.07:20
usr13chunkyhead: "to reach desktop"?07:20
quick-chunkyhead:  ^ ?? Install a different desktop environment if its too slow .07:20
bazhanghttps://extensions.gnome.org/extension/19/user-themes/   quick-07:20
chunkyheadyeah the desktop screen quick-, usr13 , some packages are faulty, so i wanted to completely format and make sure they are not there in 13.04, i wanted to reinstall them in 13.0407:21
A1Reconusr13: how to launch thunderbird from Terminal07:21
usr13chunkyhead: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:21
chunkyheadusr13, tried that07:21
chunkyheadusr13, problem is when i try to remove those environments they dont go07:21
chunkyheadkeep on adding up07:21
usr13A1Recon: just type it in and hit enter.07:21
chunkyheadnvm that, i wanted to upgrade, will the old packages be there?07:21
usr13chunkyhead: Are you saying it takes long time to boot up?07:22
chunkyheadusr13, yeah07:23
jonyin Krusader when entering in an archive it gives me the following error: "Error: krarc is disabled." Please help!07:23
usr13chunkyhead: Why do you need to remove those environments? Are you low on disk space?07:23
chunkyheadnope usr13 just dont like envs stacked up that's it07:23
chunkyheadusr13, dude leave that. will the old packaged be there when i upgrade, basically i want a fresh install w/o prev packages, will i get that when i am upgrading?07:24
usr13chunkyhead: Well, installing a different Desktop Environment may not be the answer to slow boot up.  Not sure why that's happening, but you could look at dmesg for clues.07:24
chunkyheadusr13, dmesg ?07:24
usr13chunkyhead: Yea dmesg  Type dmesg in terminal, hit enter.07:25
chunkyheadi get lots of stuff. pastebin? Usling07:25
chunkyheadusr13, lol i dont understand a thing in this. can't even pastebin the whole thing, half when up haha07:26
usr13chunkyhead:  dmesg | pastebinit07:26
chunkyheadusr13, it's not the full thing. half the thing went up. cant scroll up that far usr13 still want it?07:27
chunkyheadguys pls tell me if i upgrade ubuntu 12.04 will the old packaged be still there?07:28
A1Reconusr13: I cannot open terminal. KB shortcut doesnot work07:29
bazhangchunkyhead, if they still exist07:29
bazhang!notes | chunkyhead have a read07:29
ubottuchunkyhead have a read: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0407:29
chunkyheadone more thing can i upgrade directly from 12.04 lts or i have to go to 12.10 then 13.0407:30
bazhangthe latter chunkyhead07:30
bazhangstep by step07:30
chunkyheadaaaah -_- why07:30
A1ReconMy terminal does not open. The icons at the left are gone. Plz help!!!07:31
usr13chunkyhead:  What's on sda8?07:31
chunkyheadusr13, how to get block list i forgot command07:31
usr13A1Recon: Ctrl-Alt-t07:31
chunkyheadusr13, how to list all the drives?07:33
usr13A1Recon: Alt-F2  gnome-terminal07:33
usr13chunkyhead: sudo blkid07:33
usr13chunkyhead: sudo fdisk -l07:34
chunkyheadusr13, no the list block command07:34
usr13chunkyhead: What do you mean, "list block command"?07:34
=== jim is now known as Guest80658
chunkyheadyou get detailed info of all blocks (drives) on ur compter07:35
usr13chunkyhead: sudo fdisk -l07:35
GrivvelDoes anyone know of a way to get the gtk settings from gnome-settings-daemon so that I can put them in my settings.ini file separately (so that stuff looks the same when not running Gnome)?07:36
hachreGrivvel: you can also just start gnome-settings-daemon07:37
jim1964Hi all Newbie here installed 12.10 last night07:37
hachreGrivvel: as for your question I don't know07:37
chunkyheadusr13, is there a command like listblk or something?07:37
chunkyheadyeah hachre thanks07:37
Grivvelhachre: Unfortunately gnome-settings-daemon does a bunch of other stuff (like change my keyboard settings) :(07:38
A1Reconusr13: I used ctrl-alt-f2. Then typed in the command that you gave but I get this message mv: cannot stat /etc/x11/xorg.conf' : No such file or directory.07:38
hachreGrivvel: yeah, it's a pain... I know that problem..07:38
chunkyheadusr13, sda8 might be the system reserved space for windows807:39
usr13A1Recon: So what display driver did you install?  (And how did you install it?)07:40
usr13chunkyhead: What filesystem is on sda8?07:40
usr13chunkyhead: sudo fdisk -l07:41
usr13chunkyhead: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit   #Send URL and we will look with you.07:41
chunkyheadusr13, i was gone away from linux for a long time. lol but i know pastebin :P07:41
usr13chunkyhead: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit   #Send URL and we will look with you.07:42
chunkyheadusr13, aright07:42
chunkyheadhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5650366/ Usling07:42
chunkyheadhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5650366/ usr1307:43
s3b`can anyone in here and look at this kernal panic and guide me in the right direction -> http://i.imgur.com/VutnKsw.jpg -> happened after i "sudo mv resolv.conf resolv.conf.backup; ln -s resolv.conf /run/resolv.conf" (shortened names)07:43
A1ReconUsr13: ATI 13.1. Made a deb file as given in the wiki.07:43
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usr13chunkyhead: sda8 is a 34.5G EXT4 partition.07:45
chunkyheadusr13, yeah i noticed, weird07:46
usr13A1Recon: What wiki?  (Still have the link?)  (I'd like to look at it.)07:46
noahwhoohello everyone, I want to install a package from a ppa instead of its official version07:46
usr13chunkyhead: pastebinit /etc/fstab07:46
noahwhoohow can I tell apt to grab the ppa one ?07:46
usr13chunkyhead:   ... and send URL07:46
bazhang!addppa | noahwhoo07:47
ubottunoahwhoo: Since Ubuntu 9.10, a !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details07:47
bazhangonce you add the ppa, its the one used noahwhoo07:47
chunkyheadusr13, what do you want from /etc/fstab dir?07:48
usr13chunkyhead: to look at it.07:48
noahwhoobazhang: I added it already but when I check policy on the package07:48
usr13chunkyhead: pastebinit /etc/fstab    #Send us the resulting URL and we will look.07:48
noahwhooit's the official one that gets first07:48
usr13chunkyhead: You know how to cut-n-paste?07:49
bazhangnoahwhoo, you need to update sources.list then install it07:49
chunkyheadlol lol yeah usr13  hahaha07:49
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usr13chunkyhead: In linux, you can just highlight text, go to where you want to dump and hit Middle-Mouse-Button, (that's one way, from "clipboard" method).07:49
chunkyheadusr13, chill man i know07:49
usr13chunkyhead: Other way is Ctrl-c and Ctrl-v07:50
chunkyheaddidnt know ctrl c ctrl v worked on terminals07:50
noahwhoobazhang: <package> is already the newest version07:50
usr13chunkyhead: (Shift-Ctrl-v in terminal)07:50
chunkyheadfor copy? usr1307:50
usr13chunkyhead: yes07:50
ExcryptionGood morning people07:51
chunkyheadusr13, ls /etc/fstab just gives me the dir back07:51
chunkyhead:\ ok usr1307:52
chunkyheadhow to get list of all packages installed on the computer?07:54
Ben64chunkyhead: maybe its because he asked you to pastebin /etc/fstab a bunch of times and you haven't07:54
chunkyheadBen64, i did . everytime -_-07:55
chunkyheadcheck up07:55
Ben64i did. you never pastebin'd your fstab07:55
chunkyheadpasted fstab i didnt do07:55
chunkyheadbecause it said dir doesn't exist07:55
chunkyheadi told him it returned me the same thing07:56
jonyin Krusader when entering in an archive it gives me the following error: "Error: krarc is disabled." Please help!07:56
somsipchunkyhead: it's a file. not a dir07:57
noahwhoobazhang: Thanks anyway, found a dirty hack07:57
a5h15hAlso everytime I install or remove a package I'm greeted with these messages http://paste.ubuntu.com/5650337/07:58
kaushalAny User documentation regarding Ubuntu Desktop 13.04?07:58
bazhang!manual > kaushal07:58
ubottukaushal, please see my private message07:58
bazhang!rute > kaushal07:58
bazhang!notes | kaushal07:58
chunkyheadmy bad http://paste.ubuntu.com/5650399/ somsip Ben64 usr1307:58
ubottukaushal: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) release notes can be found here http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0407:58
hachrea5h15h: sudo apt-get remove --purge oracle-java7-installer07:59
kaushalbazhang: Thanks a lot07:59
kaushalbazhang: also is unity-pidgin-lens available for raring?08:00
kaushalI do not see it08:00
bazhang!find unity-pidgin-lens08:00
ubottuPackage/file unity-pidgin-lens does not exist in raring08:01
bazhangkaushal, perhaps it changed name08:01
kaushalbazhang: ok08:01
kaushalbazhang: whats the new name?08:01
foofoobarHi. ufw has status "active" and only some ports allowed (80, 443, 22)08:02
foofoobarI just opened port 3000 from an application and can connect from outside08:02
foofoobarhow can this be?08:02
a5h15hhachre, My first attempt to setup JDK failed. I had added a couple of PPA in the process. Now everything is setup appropriately.08:02
hachrea5h15h: I doubt removing that package would change that, its probably a leftover from your attempts08:03
a5h15hhachre, ok08:03
bazhang!info unity-lens-pidgin08:04
ubottuPackage unity-lens-pidgin does not exist in raring08:04
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~phanimahesh/+archive/playground/+build/4525826   kaushal this?08:05
ExcryptionGUFW firewall is set at it's default of incoming deny and outgoing allow. Does this mean that I won't get push notifications?08:05
A1Reconusr13: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Raring_Installation_Guide I had already downloaded these drivers http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/legacy-radeon_linux.aspx  I use 32-bit08:05
kaushalbazhang: ok08:05
A1Reconusr13: So I did everything in that wiki except for the wget line08:06
silviubsiproblem msfconsole  .........root@bt:~# msfconsole08:08
silviubsiCould not find rake-10.0.4 in any of the sources08:08
silviubsiRun `bundle install` to install missing gems.08:08
a5h15h hachre I still the get the same message log http://paste.ubuntu.com/5650416/08:08
bazhangsilviubsi, backtrack?08:08
kaushalbazhang: do i need to configure unity-pidgin-lens once it is installed?08:08
kaushalI have installed it from https://launchpad.net/~phanimahesh/+archive/playground/+build/452582608:09
bazhangkaushal, never used it sorry08:09
kaushalbazhang: ok08:09
bazhang!backtrack | silviubsi08:09
ubottusilviubsi: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)08:09
bazhangsilviubsi, /join #backtrack-linux for support08:09
hachrea5h15h: try 'sudo dpkg --purge oracle-java7-installer'08:10
hachrea5h15h: sorry I got disconnected, did you get my reply?08:13
a5h15hhachre, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5650422/08:16
hachrea5h15h: 'dpkg --purge --force-all oracle-java7-installer'08:16
jonyin Krusader when entering in an archive it gives me the following error: "Error: krarc is disabled." Please help!08:17
hachrewith sudo08:17
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grex25Hello, is the 13.04 version of Unity showing Google+ entrys in the new Message-Lens?08:29
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paramhow to sudo apt-get update on http proxy ?08:36
jonyin Krusader when entering in an archive it gives me the following error: "Error: krarc is disabled." Please help!08:37
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jpdsparam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto#Setting_up_apt-get_to_use_a_http-proxy08:38
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bardou-ljoin debian-fr08:39
bardou-ldésolé : erreur08:39
lukecarrierhttp://ubuntugnome.org/ is awesaome08:40
lukecarrierif there are any contributors here, I owe you alcoholic beverages08:40
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paramhey jdps . i tried that but its not running yet08:44
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:46
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bardou-l<lukecarrier>, is UbuntuGnome a LTS version ?08:47
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s4pt4hi everyone, I am installing redmine and redmine-mysql on Ubuntu 12.04 and I got this "NOTE: Gem.source_index is deprecated, use Specification. It will be removed on or after 2011-11-01. Gem.source_index called from /usr/share/redmine/config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb:21."08:48
=== rclancy is now known as Guest78354
lukecarrierbardou-l: it's in lockstep with Ubuntu's releases08:50
s4pt4can anyone help me with ruby problems on ubuntu 12.04?08:51
dstevens #ubuntu08:51
bardou-lThanks Lukecarrier08:52
dstevensHi all I am attempting to migrate from centos to an ubuntu server but this sudo entry does not seem to work ? dstevens   ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL it keeps prompting for a password08:53
ra-fihi i have try to connect vpn server from my host i select -->network manager-->pptp-->and filled userid and passwd and gw address--> and when i try to connect it show vpn connection failed even i have used the same id in windows system it works fine can you tell me what is that problem08:53
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paramhow to set up corkscrew on http proxy08:57
pr0metheu5hi guys. I have a samsung laptop and my fn keys won't affect brightness. acpi_backlight=disabled used to work but it isn't anymore. any ideas?08:58
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-use-ssh-via-http-proxy-using-corkscrew-in-ubuntu.html  <---- param08:58
s4pt4 i keep getting "Gem.source_index is deprecated" when installing redmine. What does it mean?08:59
paramyeah corkscrew08:59
=== wookiehangover_ is now known as wookiehangover
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:59
=== chris|| is now known as chris|
bazhangparam, read the link I just gave you08:59
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-use-ssh-via-http-proxy-using-corkscrew-in-ubuntu.html  <--- param08:59
paramthanks baz09:00
=== ivan\_ is now known as ivan\
s4pt4i keep getting "Gem.source_index is deprecated" when installing redmine. What does it mean and how do I get rid of this?09:00
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bazhanghttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/redmine/+bug/990737   s4pt4 this?09:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990737 in redmine (Ubuntu) "Redmine installation not usable after migration from 11.10 to 12.04" [Undecided,New]09:03
paramhey bazhang   in that link09:03
param    Host *      ProxyCommand corkscrew proxyhostname proxyport %h %p /home/username/.corkscrew-auth09:03
paramwhats the username in this link ?     Host *      ProxyCommand corkscrew proxyhostname proxyport %h %p /home/username/.corkscrew-auth09:03
s4pt4bazhang: Thanks09:03
pr0metheu5hi guys. I have a samsung laptop and my fn keys won't affect brightness. acpi_backlight=disabled used to work but it isn't anymore. any ideas?09:06
=== satyag is now known as zz_satyag
bagsiurmam pytanko odnośnie mysql09:07
DJones!bg | bagsiur09:07
ubottubagsiur: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently09:07
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penosi get disconnected09:16
shapeHi, anyone have any experience with Radeon HD 6290 and Intel GMA 3600 proprietary drivers, in regards to video acceleration, 1080p video playback? (Reason is I'm looking at a netbook that will have either of those.)09:18
Jynxtry #hardware09:18
Jynxor #hardcocks09:19
Jynxnt sure09:19
DJones!behelpful | Jynx09:19
ubottuJynx: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.09:19
=== Logan is now known as Guest44628
ra-fihi can you tell  me how to connect vpn server from ubuntu host through GUI09:21
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jonyin Krusader when entering in an archive it gives me the following error: "Error: krarc is disabled." Please help!09:28
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romtsjohie, guys!09:38
romtsjoneed your help09:38
romtsjoI have a problem with my ethernet09:40
romtsjosomebody can help?09:40
mikislavHallo...how can I call with IRC account with empathy? (I am new:))09:41
romtsjoFloodBot1, hello09:42
tafazzi87i've ubuntu 12.04 and after installing nvidia driver boot splash doesn't work anymore...i've text-only boot screen, i use this script to fix this problem but it doesn't work...http://paolobernardi.wordpress.com/2011/05/01/fix-plymouth-on-ubuntu-after-installing-nvidia-or-ati-proprietary-drivers-for-ubuntu-11-04-natty/09:42
tafazzi87someone can help me?09:42
ANubmikislav: its pretty simple, just fill in the information and you are good to go09:42
mgottschlag2romtsjo: we'd need more details09:43
romtsjotafazzi87, this is bug with nvidia driver09:43
tafazzi87so there isn't a method to fix it?09:43
romtsjomgottschlag2, in 12.10 my ethernet work fine. when I install 13.04 - my ethernet is falling. I have only VPN. when I type "modprobe ssb" or "modprobe b44" - terminal stopped09:45
romtsjomgottschlag2, I have read solution about it on ubuntu forum. but that don't work09:46
romtsjomgottschlag2, on live session ethernet works fine09:47
mgottschlag2romtsjo: does the system log contain anything suspicious?09:48
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a5h15hI've installed SMPlayer. What's the "output driver" that needs to be selected?09:48
mgottschlag2(if you are on the live system, try /var/log/syslog)09:48
mgottschlag2I mean, /var/log/syslog of the installed system09:49
romtsjomgottschlag2, I don't know. now I'm on Opensuse, 'cause on Ubuntu I have not connection09:49
a5h15hThis article http://goo.gl/ou7Dg suggests to use vdpau. Though I'm using GeForce 6 series graphics card, after selecting the vdpau driver, there's no video playback.09:49
romtsjomgottschlag2, in live session I have ethernet09:50
romtsjomgottschlag2, so, with logs all must be ok there09:50
mgottschlag2no, I mean logs of an installed ubuntu09:50
romtsjomgottschlag2, problem is only when I install the system or upgrading from 12.1009:51
romtsjomgottschlag2, then I must install it now again?09:51
mgottschlag2romtsjo: if you want the problem to be solved, you need to get more details about the problem09:51
mgottschlag2so you'd have to do that09:52
romtsjomgottschlag2, well. give me 20 minutes09:52
=== Flecks is now known as Fleck
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
=== dan_ is now known as Guest93304
kaushalwhenever someone pings me the conversation window is hidden meaning not focussed on raring 13.04 ubuntu under unity. Any clue?09:58
* ryan__ 10:04
ExcryptionHello, I need help with my Dell laptop please. It has an Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M. I just went into Software Sources and selected a proprietary driver, after reboot, Unity won't launch. I have switched to iGPU using "aticonfig --px-igpu" and it still won't boot. Ideally I would like to have both working since it would be a waste to only use the iGPU but I don't mind. Any help please?10:05
=== shroud_ is now known as shroud
ibqnwhat is the current naming policy for the sources? some are named like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/ubuntu-wallpapers_13.04.0daily13.03.20.orig.tar.gz and some like ubuntu-themes_13.04daily13.04.12.orig.tar.gz. the difference is that  the first version is 13.04.0 with .0 attached :\10:08
=== rhodesp is now known as withnale
=== RichiH_ is now known as RichiH
kaushalin pidgin conversation window is hidden on 13.04 raring unity10:15
kaushalAny clue?10:15
ExcryptionHello, I need help with my Dell laptop please. It has an Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M. I just went into Software Sources and selected a proprietary driver, after reboot, Unity won't launch. I have switched to iGPU using "aticonfig --px-igpu" and it still won't boot. Ideally I would like to have both working since it would be a waste to only use the iGPU but I don't mind. Any help please?10:19
wushuhey guys, I am locked out of my server because ssh returns "too many auth failures". configured ssh to only accept one user and allow only one password attempt. everything worked smoothly when sshing from another computer a few hours ago, but now I'm getting blocked. tried restarting the server remotely from the isp control panel to no avail. can someone please help me?10:21
Jynxwushu: try log in for some where else10:22
Jynxremove bans etc10:22
bekkswushu: You locked out yourself - You need t log in using a remote serial console, and set a more reasonable value for failed attempts.10:22
wushuJynx: just tried logging in from another server. same issue10:22
Jynxwhat host are you using10:23
Jynxdid you edit ssh configs10:23
Jynxor u running some kind of fail2ban10:23
loganleecan u run ubuntu on android10:24
wushuJynx: yes only edited ssh config to only allow my user account, running on a non-standard port and accepting only one auth attempt. this config have been working well for several weeks and I did not edit the config prior to this issue10:25
Jynxdid you update/upgrade os10:25
DJones!touch | loganlee You can install Ubuntu on some android devices, best place to ask would be here,10:25
ubottuloganlee You can install Ubuntu on some android devices, best place to ask would be here,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch10:25
bekkswushu: Then you just had luck for not being locked out. Just one failed attempt from someone else will lock you out.10:25
bekkswushu: You need to have remote console access now.10:26
Jynxwushu: try pm me the ip10:26
bekkswushu: Be careful with offers like that, as a general advice.10:26
exogenHello. After report a bug remains apport-gtk in RAM up to 64MB until I reboot. Is that normal or a bug?10:26
bekksexogen: You need to look it up at Launchpad.10:27
exogenbekks: I did it but not found a open bug..10:28
wushubekks: I see what you mean with the auth failures, but it should only block attempts for each session - it does not store the ip so it should not be a problem the way i see it10:28
wushubekks: but will try from the host10:29
piglitin windows i can use windows button left arrow to make a window go to the left part of the monitor and windows button right to the make a window go to the right half of the window are there any quick keys for this in Ubuntu ?10:29
bekkswushu: As you can see, it is a problem ;)10:29
wushulol true10:29
ExcryptionHello, I need help with my Dell laptop please. It has an Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M. I just went into Software Sources and selected a proprietary driver, after reboot, Unity won't launch. I have switched to iGPU using "aticonfig --px-igpu" and it still won't boot. Ideally I would like to have both working since it would be a waste to only use the iGPU but I don't mind. Any help please?10:31
Lasse-How is NVIDIA Optimus support with latest Ubuntu?10:31
bekksLasse-: Optimus itself is support by Windows only due to Nvidia. Using other OS, you have to choose which graphics adapter you want to use.10:32
Lasse-I heard that Nvidia has brought initial Optimus-support in one of the newer drivers, not sure if that's correct or not.10:33
=== krups_v2 is now known as krups
WiCkEd_Anyone play troubleshoot playonlinux for DOTA2 through steam?10:38
HelloWorldgood day10:41
ExcryptionHello, I need help with my Dell laptop please. It has an Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M. I just went into Software Sources and selected a proprietary driver, after reboot, Unity won't launch. I have switched to iGPU using "aticonfig --px-igpu" and it still won't boot. Ideally I would like to have both working since it would be a waste to only use the iGPU but I don't mind. Any help please?10:41
HelloWorldI need help with ubuntu10:41
lolgnuExcryption: I have the same!10:41
lolgnuExcryption: but neither works10:42
ExcryptionLol :-)10:42
lolgnuExcryption: let me know if you figure it out10:42
ExcryptionI will do10:42
bekksHelloWorld: Start with asking a specific question then. :)10:42
HelloWorldQuestion: how do I install java plugin for Ubuntu? I use chrome and i downloaded those 2 java links, how do I proceed?10:44
Lasse-HelloWorld: Just install ubuntu-restricted-extras package.10:44
bekks!java | HelloWorld10:45
ubottuHelloWorld: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:45
withnaleanyone know how I can bind <Super>w to a mouse button? (mouse9)10:45
HelloWorldI only need java plugin (JRE) for browsers such as chrome....10:46
HelloWorldhow do I install ubuntu-restricted-extras package????10:47
bekksHelloWorld: Just read the link you've been given.10:47
Lasse-HelloWorld: How about reading some Ubuntu basics :)?10:47
Lasse-It will help you a great deal.10:47
dstevensHelloWorld: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-addons ??10:48
HelloWorldlasse- are you from hameenlinna?10:48
Lasse-No, but I am from Finland.10:48
victornethi all10:52
victorneti have a problem trying to join to a AD domain10:52
victornetcould you help me?10:53
Lasse-What kind of problem, that would help for starters.10:53
bekks!details | victornet10:53
ubottuvictornet: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:53
bekks!pm | wushu10:53
ubottuwushu: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:53
victornetrunning version 12.0410:53
romtsjoanyone can help?10:54
bekksromtsjo: You have to ask a question before, regarding a specific problem :)10:54
victorneti'm trying to join with my corp domain with domainjoin-cli join mycoprdomain userdomain10:54
Lasse-What kind of error you get victornet?10:54
Lasse-Please give as much details as you can.10:55
victornetbut i'm gettin error_assertion_failure [0x029c]10:55
Lasse-We can't read your mind after all.10:55
vargadaniswith ubuntu v. 13.4 how to I install php5-openssl extension?10:55
bekksvictornet: Whats the full, detailed, exact error message you get?10:55
bekksvictornet: Put it into a pastebin please.10:56
romtsjobekks, i have a problem with my broadcom ethernet in 13.0410:56
TotalN00bhello everyone10:56
Lasse-romtsjo: What chipset?10:56
bekks!details > romtsjo10:56
ubotturomtsjo, please see my private message10:56
TotalN00bi have a question about lubuntu10:56
IceD^question - what are my options to configure touchpad. I got some lenovo laptop with mega idiotic buttons right behind touchpad surface itself, so I can10:56
IceD^t even click on link - mouse moves to random directions10:56
HelloWorldI installed the restricted package10:57
HelloWorldbut now what?10:57
Lasse-Then you should have Java.10:57
victorneti'm introducing in the shell: "sudo domainjoin-cli join emea.mycorp victor10:57
TotalN00byesterday my sound on my laptop worked ,but now it dosent :(10:57
bekksHelloWorld: Read the article you have been given.10:57
HelloWorldI dont see java in extensions???10:57
Lasse-Although I don't remember exact details, been ages since I used Ubuntu last time.10:57
bekksHelloWorld: The JRE will not install a brwoser plugin. So please read the article.10:57
Lasse-Just looking forward to use it on my work-laptop for Linux porting.10:57
gyaresuI don't have a keyboard layout listed that matches my MacbookAir 9,2 ( http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2841 'English - Apple Notebook' Any suggestions please?10:57
TotalN00bany help :(?10:58
bekksTotalN00b: How about starting to ask your real question first?10:58
gyaresuUbuntu 13.04 under VirtualBox on a http://support.apple.com/kb/SP670?viewlocale=en_US (Macbook Air 9,2)10:58
Lasse-TotalN00b: Have you checked your sound settings to make sure there's nothing muted?10:58
TotalN00bi asked my question ,yesterday sound worked fine on my newly lubuntu installed laptop ,but today it dosent10:58
victornetand the system is getting me an error: ERROR_ASSERTION_FAILURE [code 0x0000029c]10:58
bekksTotalN00b: Thats not a question at all ;)10:58
HelloWorldI installed the ubuntu restricted package, I should have java plugin now????10:59
bekksHelloWorld: Do you ignore me?10:59
Lasse-HelloWorld: Read what is told to you please.10:59
IceD^TotalN00b: that isn't question.10:59
bekksHelloWorld: I told you three times what to do.10:59
Lasse-HelloWorld: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software   Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:59
TotalN00bhow do i get my sound back working?10:59
romtsjobekks, if I use live session of 13.04 or installed 12.10 - all is good. but when I install 13.04 on my HP Compaq NX 7400 - I have only VPN connection. 'modprobe ssb' and 'modprobe b44' don't work. terminal stopping and doing nothing10:59
Lasse-TotalN00b: Did you check your audio settings?10:59
Lasse-romtsjo: You probably need to install a firmware.10:59
TotalN00bi cant see my audio settings11:00
bekksromtsjo: "dont work" is very generic. And besides that, the module is named b43.11:00
Lasse-and for that you need a working connection.11:00
IceD^so guys. what about touchpad... I really need to work on this laptop for next 3 days (than I can trash it and never use laptops again)11:00
victornetno ideas?11:00
bekksvictornet: I am still waiting for your pastebin.11:00
bekks!pastebin | victornet11:00
ubottuvictornet: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:00
vargadanisIceD^, disable touchpad, use mouse11:01
IceD^vargadanis: that will require me to find some hardware shop around here11:01
IceD^and find some surface for mouse ;]11:01
Lasse-I love how people ask stuff and then just leave.11:01
Lasse-Before you have time to help more.11:02
bekksLasse-: They just dont like the fact we cant read their mind. :>11:02
Lasse-Well, I am a bit rusty with Ubuntu anyway, mostly an Arch-user but looking to use Ubuntu on my new work-laptop, since for that I want a system that offers ootb-experience without much manual work.11:03
victornetvictor@millan10:~$sudo domainjoin-cli join emea.xcorp.net millan11:03
bekksvictornet: Use a pastebin. Not this channel.11:03
bekksvictornet: And provide the entire output in that pastebin please.11:03
HelloWorldWeb browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets, is it this what I need????11:03
vargadanisIceD^, beats me…11:03
bekksHelloWorld: You are ignoring me, I am ignoring you. We're done. Good luck.11:04
vargadanisLasse-, what is ootb-experience?11:04
vargadaniswell I learned something today11:04
HelloWorldI in stall it in/through Ubuntu Software Center???11:04
bekksHelloWorld: Ignore set.11:05
romtsjobekks, b43 is wireless driver. but I don't have ethernet11:05
IceD^vargadanis: huh :)11:05
bekksromtsjo: Then whats the output of lspci | grep -i ?11:05
Lasse-IceD^: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad Checked this?11:06
romtsjobekks, grep -i is unknown11:07
romtsjobekks, Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX11:07
victornetdomainjoin-cli join emea.xcorp.net millan Joining to AD Domain: emea.xcorp.net whit Computer DNS Name: millan10.emea.xcorp.net  Error: ERROR_ASSERTION_FAILURE [code 0x0000029c]11:08
bekksromtsjo: grep -i should be known :)11:08
bekksromtsjo: And whats the output of ifconfig -a ?11:09
=== jony is now known as jony_easyrider
chunkyheaddoes anyone have any experience with package named fakeroot? ref: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81939611:09
llutzgrep -i needs a pattern11:09
HelloWorldJAVA still not installed....11:10
IceD^Lasse-: nothing useful there. I believe there is some app where I can disable part of touchpad11:10
HelloWorlddespite installing open Web browser plugin based on OpenJDK and IcedTea to execute Java applets11:10
jony_easyriderin Krusader when entering in an archive it gives me the following error: "Error: krarc is disabled." Please help!11:10
IceD^which will be enough for me. note - I (virtually) never used laptops (nor ubuntu) before11:11
bodhi32hi, I can not configure a WG111T, could you help me?11:12
bekksbodhi32: Whats a WG111T?11:12
romtsjobekks, eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:17:08:3a:72:c911:12
romtsjo          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
romtsjo          inet6 addr: fe80::217:8ff:fe3a:72c9/64 Scope:Link11:12
romtsjo          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:111:12
romtsjo          RX packets:935 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:011:12
romtsjo          TX packets:861 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:011:12
FloodBot1romtsjo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:12
FloodBot3romtsjo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:12
bodhi32key usb wi-fi netgear11:12
bekksromtsjo: Use a pastebin.11:12
bekksbodhi32: And which chipset does it have?11:12
Lasse-bekks: he pasted "Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX"11:13
Lasse-a bit above.11:13
bekksromtsjo: You have eth0, which is ethernet, most likely.11:13
bekksLasse-: Different person ;)11:13
Lasse-Uhm, nope?11:13
romtsjobekks, yes. on live session I have. but when install11:14
bodhi32I do not know!11:14
romtsjobekks, I say it from beginning11:14
bekksbodhi32: romtsjo Did you follow this guide already? http://askubuntu.com/questions/14970/broadcom-bcm4401-b0-100base-tx-issues11:14
Lasse-bodhi32: try lsusb?11:14
torpethi, helped a friend to install ubuntu via phone and hes wondering where to find skype in 13.0411:14
bekks!skype | torpet11:14
ubottutorpet: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga11:14
torpetits not in the partner repos atm, what is the best way to install it?11:14
Lasse-bodhi32: If it's an USB-adapter, which it seems to be, use lsusb.11:15
* Wizard hands victornet a cookie.11:16
ubottuekiga is an Internet telephony application included with Ubuntu, which supports the SIP and H323 protocols. Information and help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ekiga11:17
bekksvictornet: Pastebin the command and the entire output. Not just the parts you think they are important.11:17
victornetthis is the whole command :)11:18
Lasse-bodhi32: Quick google search brought up the fact that before at least you had to use Windows drivers with ndiswrapper to make that adapter work.11:18
cloneGubuntu sucks11:20
bodhi32I followed a procedure from the internet but do not run11:21
cloneGI want the 3d acceleration back!!11:21
bekkscloneG: Install a driver capable of it.11:21
Lasse-!details | cloneG11:21
ubottucloneG: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:21
Lasse-See, I am learning. :D11:21
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
Tm_TcloneG: this is support channel, where you get help by calmly presenting the question with related details11:22
cloneGoh you want some more huh?11:22
cloneGwell once upon a time...11:22
bekkscloneG: You did not provide any details yet, besides a generic wish and a rant.11:22
Lasse-cloneG: despite the common belief, we can't read peoples mind.11:23
cloneG...I had ubuntu 12.04 up and running flawlessly gaming at second life....11:23
Lasse-Which graphics adapter?11:23
cloneGand suddenly!!11:23
bekkscloneG: USing which graphics hardware and which driver?11:23
cloneGit got stuck...11:24
cloneGgraphics were slowing down...11:24
cloneGand I couldnt even close the window...11:24
ayzaaz17does ubuntu 13.04 have the usb mobile broadband bug11:24
bekkscloneG: Answer my questions please. And stop hammering your . key.11:24
vampirnataYour problem is that you are playing Second Life11:24
cloneGI lost my temper and reboot using power button11:24
cloneGhey let me finish the tale11:25
cloneGonce the system got up again...11:25
cloneGit was not the same...11:25
cloneGsomething obscure had happened11:25
bekkscloneG: Do what you want, dont count on help from me when telling fairy tales in here. Good luck.11:25
vampirnataDammit man, type on one line and don't use ENTER as punctuation!11:26
cloneGsorry bekks11:26
cloneGthe point is nvidia geforce 8800 gt ubuntu 12.04 64 bits stopped running 3d acceleration when upgrading kernel11:26
Lasse-Tried updating to newer driver?11:27
cloneGI ve tried it all11:27
vampirnataWell if you tried it ALL then it would be working :p11:27
Lasse-Does glxgears run?11:27
cloneGdrivers from ubuntu packages drivers from third party and drivers from nvidia11:27
cloneGbecoming desperate11:27
Lasse-Made sure Nouveau's not installed?11:27
vampirnataHow about going back to the working kernel? Did you have a reason for updating the kernel?11:27
cloneGglxgears not working11:28
Lasse-vampirnata: That's not a solution though.11:28
vampirnataIf it ain't broke...11:28
cloneGearlier kernels have same problem now11:28
Lasse-User's system shouldn't break with single kernel update. :P11:28
cloneGeach time I install anything nvidia related system hangs at battery state11:28
vampirnataLasse-: Erm, of course it can...11:29
Lasse-Yes it can, but it SHOULD NOT.11:29
cloneGand kernlog says:nvrm rminitadapter failed!11:29
WizardcloneG: Did you installad this drivers by hand from nvidia site, from PPA or other non-official source?11:29
Wizarddid you install*11:29
Lasse-cloneG: Your best bet would probably be deleting all Nvidia-related work you have done and start from scratch.11:30
cloneGall the options you mentioned Wizard were tested11:30
cloneGokay I am at that scratch point...with an unease itching btw11:30
Lasse-Also, do you have installed some system stuff from third party?11:30
Lasse-Those could cause problems.11:31
WizardAh, so you *did* use PPA?11:31
cloneGonly ppa11:31
cloneGxorg edgers?11:31
WizardWell.. Now only Hades knows what kind of mess you have :D11:31
Lasse-Try reverting to stock xorg.11:31
cloneGI installed swat x and xorg edgers ppas11:32
WizardLOL, this is just amazing :D11:32
cloneGbut now I am in desktop again thanks to: sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia*11:32
Lasse-Maybe you shouldn't randomly install newer Xorgs :P11:32
Lasse-Unless they provide something you need.11:32
cloneGno 3d acceleration though11:32
Lasse-Revert to stock Xorg like I said.11:32
cloneGrandomly? I thought they were news for the system11:33
Lasse-Well, if using such a PPAs, you should be prepared for possible system breakage.11:33
ExxcryptionCan anyone tell me what's wrong with this please - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5650845/11:33
Lasse-And be sure you know how to revert & fix issues.11:33
cloneGhow  do I revert to stock xorg Lasse-?11:34
IceD^ubuntu is broken ootb11:34
Lasse-cloneG: Try removing the PPAs from your list.11:34
bekksIceD^: For me, it isnt.11:34
cloneGLasse- and then?11:34
IceD^so you can only make it more or less broken11:34
Lasse-Then deleling some xorg and reinstall it from Ubuntu's repo.11:34
Lasse-*deleting whole11:34
IceD^bekks: try to change font size :)11:34
WizardIceD^: Go away, that's trolling.11:34
Lasse-What am I typing :|11:34
bekksIceD^: I did. Works.11:34
cloneGdo I need to install ubuntu repo? Lasse-11:35
Lasse-Unless you have removed those.11:35
IceD^you can't - you need to find out about "ubuntu-tweak-something" and install it first. no such option in stock ubuntu11:35
WizardcloneG: As far as I know, reverting to stock xorg will mean serious troubles.11:35
IceD^and it's not trolling by all means11:35
cloneGLasse- so just removing those alien ppas and updating system? seems a wise and easy solution11:35
WizardcloneG: apt has poor downgrade capabilities.11:36
Lasse-cloneG: sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg11:36
WizardIceD^: It is.11:36
Lasse-then sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg11:36
Lasse-also remove all Nvidia drivers if you have some left.11:36
Lasse-and reinstall those from Ubuntu's repo too after you have the stock Xorg.11:36
bekksIceD^: You did not ask how I change dthe font size. Do you have another specific problem?11:36
IceD^Wizard: if it's trolling, point me to the place where I can change font size :)11:36
IceD^yes, I asked how to configure my touchpad (and got zero answers ;])11:37
WizardSystem font size?11:37
Lasse-Well, if you can't change font size from GUI, it's broken.11:37
Lasse-Considering Ubuntu is meant to be easy-to-use system for non-geek people.11:37
IceD^Wizard: yes, system font size11:37
bekksIceD^: We dont know which touchpad you have, so noone can answer your question.11:37
WizardIceD^: Unity tweak or something like this may help. Actually, gconf-editor and gconf-editor are sufficient.11:37
IceD^Lasse-: that's my point11:37
cheeseBreathIceD^: is the font to small11:37
Lasse-But then again, Ubuntu and other *nix-systems have long way to really be that.11:37
WizardLasse-: OS X is a certified Unix.11:38
IceD^bekks: lenovo y580 laptop, as I told I just want to disable bottom part of it (thanks to idiot engeneers from lenovo)11:38
Lasse-Wizard: Well yeah.11:38
vargadanisWizard, and it's a pile of shit11:38
WizardI agree :D11:38
WizardBut it's OT.11:38
cloneGand then? reinstall ubuntu nvidia packages'11:38
bekksIceD^: The laptop make and model does not tell us which touchpad you have.11:38
IceD^Lasse-: they will never be there. thankfully, emacs works, browser works and I don't need much else from it11:38
cheeseBreathIceD^: do you tiny fonts11:38
IceD^bekks: what info you need?11:38
cloneGLasse- and then install ubuntu nvidia packages?11:39
bekksIceD^: The info which touchpad it is.11:39
Lasse-After you have stock xorg instaled.11:39
Lasse-Then it should work.11:39
Lasse-Reboot to load nvidia kernel-module.11:39
cloneGLasse- okay wish me good luck11:39
cloneGLasse- one more thing do I need to get into tty?11:40
Lasse-cheeseBreath apparently doesn't like me.11:40
cloneGLasse- I dont know perhaps because I am uninstalling xserver?11:41
Lasse-If you installed it from repo after that11:41
Lasse-then you should be fine.11:41
cheeseBreathWindows vista and ME is better than ubuntu11:41
Lasse-cheeseBreath just came to my query and asked if my name's asshole :D11:42
bekksLasse-: Just tell the ops about it :)11:42
MonkeyDustLasse-  mind your language11:42
cheeseBreathIts true we are11:42
Lasse-bekks: I don't really care. :D11:43
IceD^synaptics: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad: Vendor 0x2 Product 0x7 - that's only info I'm able to find11:43
bekksIceD^: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad11:43
cloneGLasse- summarizing: delete alien ppas-->sudo apt-get update-->sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-->sudo reboot-->sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg11:43
Lasse-I don't think you need to reboot in between.11:44
Lasse-I meant that after you reinstall Nvidia-drivers, you can reboot to get nvidia-module loaded.11:44
cloneGLasse-anything else?11:44
Lasse-But that looks fine otherwise.11:44
cloneGLasse- summarizing: delete alien ppas-->sudo apt-get update-->sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg--->sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-->sudo apt-get install nvidia-current11:44
Lasse-But I am not claiming it will work, but that's what I would try.11:44
Lasse-Yeah, go for it.11:45
IceD^bekks: and? there is NOTHING there but using system / preference / mouse (which doesn't have any usefull options)11:45
TengfeiQihello world11:45
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bekksIceD^: Read the link.11:45
IceD^I did like 2 hours ago11:45
bekksIceD^: It tells you how to disable your touchpad.11:45
bekksIceD^: Then you didnt read that part.11:46
IceD^I don't want to disable it. I want to disable bottom area of it (where buttons are)11:46
jony_easyriderin Krusader when entering in an archive it gives me the following error: "Error: krarc is disabled." Please help!11:47
IceD^well, as I see nothing changed last 10 years (last time I used debian-based crap before). crappy software, useless community. sorry & cya11:47
tozenhi all any ideas to how to convert 195Mb pdf file to ppt? thx11:47
bekkstozen: Insert it into a PPT in MS Office.11:48
cloneGLasse- unticking the ppas in software sources would do or do I need to remove them?11:48
tozenbekks: thx i'll try11:49
Lasse-That should do it.11:49
Lasse-Well, you can remove them anyway.11:49
Lasse-I mean, unless there's something you actually need, just leave them alone.11:49
cloneGLasse- done...11:51
opiatehey you guys :>11:51
cloneGLasse-updating now11:51
Lasse-opiate: Hi.11:51
opiatei'm downloading the ubuntu 13.04.iso, how can i run that along-side windows? :>11:51
Lasse-Well, what do you mean?11:51
Lasse-If you mean dual booting, naturally yes.11:51
Lasse-if you want to use it while Windows is running, you can use Virtualbox.11:52
cloneGLasse- sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg done11:52
Lasse-cloneG: You do not need to highlight me for every step, thanks.11:52
opiateyes, i mean dual booting. how do i get started? :>11:52
Lasse-opiate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot11:52
opiatethx :>11:52
Lasse-opiate: You should start by backuping all important data you have.11:54
Lasse-Just in case something bad happens by accident.11:54
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=== jan_ is now known as Guest17691
jony_easyriderhow can I set my IRC client to log me in with myregistered nick?11:54
Lasse-What IRC-client you got?11:54
MonkeyDustjony_easyrider  ask in #freenode11:55
opiatelooks easy11:55
Lasse-opiate: it is pretty straightforward if you take it slow.11:55
Lasse-And read everything before going on.11:55
Lasse-Most people who mess up the installation do not read or do not understand what they just read and still proceed.11:56
opiateburn iso to disk, insert disk, automatic-partitioning11:56
Lasse-opiate: If you got an USB-stickmemory, you can use that too.11:56
Lasse-Using CDs and DVDs is so early 00s. :P11:56
opiatei don't have a backup of windows 8 but i'm going to take my chances. i'd rather eat a blue-waffle than keep useing this windows 811:57
opiate:D i do has a usb! i can choose that in bios also, instead of boot from cd?11:57
compdocbut blue-waffles sound yummy. are they bad?11:57
Lasse-opiate: BIOS or separate boot-menu accessible during the initial boot (the same time you can access BIOS).11:58
opiatemy girlfriend makes the bestest blue waffles :>11:58
Lasse-You can use http://www.linuxliveusb.com/ to easily have a bootable Ubuntu installation stick.11:58
Lasse-and yes, some motherboards do not show the USB in bios' menu but do show it in separate bootmenu.11:58
opiatewell aren't you just full of information :D11:58
opiatewhen i get this up what irc client should i look into, incase i have more questions?11:59
Lasse-Whatever you prefer.11:59
Lasse-X-Chat is at least simple to use.12:00
opiatedoes it come with an irc client?12:00
Lasse-Although it sucks in my opinion.12:00
Lasse-I do not remember.12:00
opiate"simple" :D12:00
Lasse-Haven't used Ubuntu actively for...5 years I think.12:00
opiatei'm a recovering drug addict. our motto is "keep is simple" :P12:00
opiateyou're still useing debian though?12:00
Myrttisuraj_: FloodBots are bots, they can't answer you. Just ask your question here.12:00
Lasse-opiate: Actually not right now.12:01
Lasse-Arch Linux.12:01
opiateif i've never used linux (for the most part) ubuntu-debian is a good choice?12:01
Lasse-Ubuntu or Mint.12:01
Lasse-Actually to be honest, I'd probably suggest Mint over Ubuntu personally for beginners.12:02
opiateanother question.. i'm useing a wireless usb adaptor for interweb ;)12:02
Lasse-It has small things that makes it more beginner friendly in my opinion, like the fact that codecs, Java & Flash are pre-installed.12:02
opiatei know windows has basicly plug-n-play12:02
Lasse-Which adapter?12:02
Lasse-make & model that is.12:03
opiatewill this cause me a problem? it's a belkin wi-fi usb adapter12:03
bitcatcherkubuntu is. also. a good choice12:03
Lasse-I can't say for sure without knowing what chipset it has.12:03
opiatei have a cd, i read about "wine" and i'm kind of counting on that as a last resort type deal12:04
Lasse-Actually, Wine wouldn't help with that.12:04
Lasse-If you can dig up the exact model-number from somewhere, that would help greatly.12:04
opiateof the usb stick?12:05
Lasse-The Wifi-adapter I mean.12:05
Lasse-There's three N150-adapters listed there.12:06
Lasse-Can you pinpoint which one it is ?12:06
riddribHow can sell the items belkin?12:06
Lasse-Excuse me?12:07
opiateyes :>12:07
opiatethe 24 dollar one :x12:07
opiatebest-buy screwed me btw :> paid 40 dollars12:07
riddribYes How can create code to sell the item on internet/.?12:07
Lasse-Stupid Belkin doesn't list technical details like the chipset used.12:08
Lasse-I'll try Googling a bit.12:08
zeepwhy does installing winetricks bring in wine as a dependency ;o12:08
opiateyeah i touched on that, it confused me so i gave up12:08
opiatebecause when someone is new to debian like me "windows imulator" is a very catchy title12:09
opiatelooks like a fix-all-easy solution :D12:09
Lasse-opiate: I think it has Ralink RT2870 chipset.12:09
opiatei see12:10
opiatemy instalation cd says for windows v 7 and 812:10
opiateso i shook in my boots some12:10
robotdevil_is trim enabled in 13.0412:11
Lasse-opiate: Apparently RT2870 drivers should be built-in.12:11
Lasse-in Ubuntu.12:11
Lasse-So unless there's some sort of bug or something else, it should just work.12:12
opiateok thank you for your help :) i'm going to do some more research before i continue. you were very informitive Lasse-12:12
robotdevil_for ssds12:12
opiate:D awesome12:12
Lasse-opiate: No problem, hope you'll succeed.12:12
ShogootHi people! I got this xml file http://pastebin.com/CiSCRMgD and my code does this: http://pastebin.com/i2Mkwts1 the first part of echoing OrderNumber i very much in order, but echoing the attribute i cant get to wrok. Anyone that can help me troubleshoot this? :)12:12
opiatei'll be back :P12:12
Excryption_Hello. I switched to proprietary drivers on my Dell laptop with Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M, now I can log in (after retstarting lightdm) but Unity won't start. Help please12:13
SmaskisUsing samba 3.6.9 I need to have one share specifically set up to be writable for a lot of users (Which unfortunately belong to different groups), but for one particular user, I need read only. How would I go about doing this? The share currently is [Documents] with writable = yes , create mode = 775 , path = /home/samba/Documents , directory mode = 77512:14
Lasse-Excryption_: Did you reboot?12:15
Excryption_Yes I have many times12:15
Lasse-What does Xorg log say?12:15
Excryption_I'm fairly new to Ubuntu, how would I get that please?12:16
Lasse-And did you check that the version of Catalyst you installed supports 7730M?12:16
Excryption_I tried this fix - http://askubuntu.com/questions/205112/how-do-i-get-amd-intel-hybrid-graphics-drivers-to-work12:16
Lasse-Excryption_: Check /var/log/xorg or so, not exactly sure, sorry.12:16
Excryption_Didn't work though12:16
Lasse-xorg being a folder.12:17
Excryption_Ahh got it thank you will do12:17
Lasse-I haven't had a Radeon in Linux for a long time.12:17
TheAuditorHai when I try    /etc/init.d/networking restart I am getting an error saying FILE EXIST , any idea why this happens12:17
Lasse-Probably yes.12:18
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Excryption_Should I create a paste for you?12:18
Lasse-Although for additional help you probably need someone who uses Ubuntu and has Radeon-chip.12:19
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Lasse-Excryption_: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Raring_Installation_Guide#Intel.2FATI_Hybrids how about this?12:21
TheAuditorHai when I try    /etc/init.d/networking restart I am getting an error saying FILE EXIST , any idea why this happens12:21
Excryption_I have not tried that12:23
Lasse-It's for 13.04.12:23
gordonjcpTheAuditor: pastebin the command and error verbatim12:23
Lasse-TheAuditor: You do not happen to have multiple daemons handling network (even if by accident)?12:24
TheAuditorLasse-, I have not installed any12:24
ShogootHi people! I got this xml file http://pastebin.com/CiSCRMgD and my code does this: http://pastebin.com/i2Mkwts1 the first part of echoing OrderNumber i very much in order, but echoing the attribute i cant get to wrok. Anyone that can help me troubleshoot this? :)12:24
varunendraTheAuditor, why do you need to do that then? By the way, the recommended way is : sudo service networking restart12:24
TheAuditorI am trying to make a bridge device12:25
TheAuditorbridged to eth012:25
TheAuditorfor virtualisation purposes12:25
Excryption_Thank you, I'll try it12:26
Excryption_Not quite sure where to start though12:26
varunendraTheAuditor, I believe the virtualization platforms (vmware, virtualbox are what I've used) do that automatically.12:27
TheAuditorvarunendra, yes KVM is giving me a headache12:27
TheAuditoram thinking of shifting to Openvz or virtualbox12:28
varunendraNever tried that :|12:28
TheAuditorvarunendra, Let me see its aremote server so is a headache to startup again if i loose connection12:29
nrdb__Hi I have a xen vm playing up... when it boots it is dropping straight into a root shell ... but there is no obvious error causing this... when I exit the shell the boot procedure continues12:29
ExcryptionStill no unity12:30
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BluesKaj_Hey all12:35
SmaskisAnyone who is good with samba here? :)12:38
CaptainQuirkhi there, I'm trying to make a simple test app with gjs on ubuntu 12.0412:38
CaptainQuirkrunning into some install/compile problem12:39
CaptainQuirkversion issue apparently12:39
fdemi aiutate a installare i driver lan di una asrock asrock 960gm/u3s312:39
Pici!it | fde12:39
ubottufde: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:39
Teiubescsi pentru canal romanesc ?12:40
ubottuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro12:40
nrdb__I have a zen vm dropping strait into a root shell for no apparent reason.... what can I do to stop this?12:43
wdonkeyHi !12:43
wdonkeywhat happens if i try to write a startup disk using dd on a mounted drive ?12:44
hakro88ciao a tutti12:45
AbjhiI have installed Ubuntu 12.04 alongside windows by allocating 20 GB from my other drive. Is there any good way to install Windows 7 so that Ubuntu won't be uneffected ?12:47
wdonkeyAbjhi, you'll have to perform a bootrepair12:48
Abjhiwdonkey: i'm planning to re-install the OSes. what's the best way?12:48
Excryption_Help please, Unit won't start. I have a Dell with Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M. I changed the additional drivers to proprietary and after reboot, Unity refuses to show up. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5651032/12:48
nrdb__Abjhi, Windows always assumes it is the only OS, it will overwrite the MBR12:48
Abjhinrdb__: what can I do now? i need both os12:49
wdonkeyAbjhi, windows will f_ck your grub up12:50
wdonkeyinstall windows then ubuntu12:50
varunendraAbjhi, then create the partitions beforehand using gparted, then install win7 first, ubuntu next. Don't let their partition managers do their stuff, only choose the already created partitions.12:50
wdonkeyor install ubuntu, then windows, then do a boot repair from a live drive12:50
nrdb__Abjhi, install Windows the Ubuntu12:51
Abjhi[18:20] <cheeseBreath> You really are stupid12:51
AbjhicheeseBreath: if you have something to say, please say that in channel12:51
varunendraAbjhi, Win first, ubuntu next is the easiest way to go.12:51
varunendraand if you Really want to 'Use' ubuntu, give it at least 26 GB + swap12:52
cheeseBreathUbuntu messes up win 8 boot security12:52
bjoernb1hi 2 all12:52
raijin26Gb of RAM?12:52
raijincheeseBreath: use wubi?12:53
cheeseBreathraijin: wubi if you dont want speed12:54
lucas_piressomebody can help me? I've installed the 13.04 and my sound driver is not working. Dell Inspiron 752012:54
cheeseBreathBe great if they built linux that native used ntfs12:55
nrdb__cheeseBreath, that would be a really big step backwards.12:55
muh2000hi all12:56
nrdb__I have a zen vm dropping strait into a root shell for no apparent reason.... how do I find out why... there is no obvious reason ether display, or logged... what can I do to stop this?12:57
muh2000putty sometimes fails to load. :( only a dead process remails. any suggestions?12:57
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PsynoKhi0greetings, is there anyway I can downgrade the X Server on 12.04.2 64 bit installed in UEFI mode?13:03
fdeho un problema con la scheda di rete13:04
PsynoKhi0uh hang on, I googled my question, there might be a PPA available >.<13:04
fde#ubuntu it13:05
fdemi date il canale ita13:06
bambam1What kind of hardware is Ubuntu most suitable for and what's the definition of "old" hardware now-a-days?  My specs: (CPU: Intel Pentium 4 630 Prescott 3.0GHz, RAM: 3.5 GB DDR2 @ 533 MHz, GPU: Nvidia GT 610, SATA II HDD)13:07
tarzeau_bambam1: old hardware is > 5 years old13:07
wdonkeybambam1, your system is alright13:08
bambam1wdonkey tarzeau_ what would you put on that machine if it were yours? A lighter derivative of 'Bu, or will Ubuntu work fine? I'd rather eliminate as much lag as possible and I don't mind a lightweight desktop environment13:09
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kostkonbambam1, ubuntu will work just fine obviously13:10
Chris_W_anyone know how to set fstab to load after network initialization?13:10
wdonkeybambam1, i have a similar system, its working just fine with the regular ubuntu. you'll see its pretty lightweight in its full version compared to other OS (win/mac)13:10
bambam1kostkon: I tried Linux Mint Cinnamon which is just straight Ubuntu with a forked Gnome 3 DE to look like Gnome 2 but it seemed a bit laggy (I turned off desktop effects, not that my GPU could not handle it, but still)13:12
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bambam1Maybe it was just buggy13:12
bambam1A lot of things are still a bit experimental13:13
MonkeyDust!requirements | bambam113:13
ubottubambam1: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu13:13
kostkonbambam1, i dont know about gnome shell, but it's a 3Ghz pc with an nvidia card. it shoudl be fine. just run the live cd and see how well it fares13:13
spoownhello to all13:13
bambam1wdonkey kostkon I hear the latest Ubuntu has a lot of performance tweaks, what exactly is making it run faster?13:13
spoownis there any way to fix a ntfs external disk ? I accidentaly "delete" a lot of things...13:14
spoownalready tried with ntfsfix but he advice me to use chkdsk13:14
kostkonbambam1, improvements like less ram usage, better compiz performance13:15
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MonkeyDustbambam1  http://www.hecticgeek.com/2013/04/performance-ubuntu-13-04-review/13:15
bambam1MonkeyDust: Thanks!13:16
PsynoKhi0spoown: I googled your question and got a youtube tutorial on how to use TestDisk for that13:17
netlarEverytime I boot it takes almost 3 min.  Not sure what is happening.  Here is the boot log http://paste.ubuntu.com/5651107/  Nothing looks weird to me.13:17
bambam1MonkeyDust: Impressive13:17
frankbroI have this weird problem, whenever I move the mouse, theres some glitchy sound coming out of the speakers.13:18
netlarIs there some other place I should be looking for diagnosing the problem?13:18
spoownPsynoKhi0, will take a look at it , thanks...13:18
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=== Guest48937 is now known as teonat
kingfisher64has anyone a solid solution for being able to use creative suite within ubuntu. I have cs3 (legally). I've examined wine and it does not install. Virtualbox requires a lightweight OS, which win7 doens't cut and xp lite doesn't install and is not updated. I really want to make the transition to ubuntu from windoze. Any ideas appreciated and will be looked into.13:23
brainwashnetlar, use bootchart for a visual analysis and check the output of dmesg for long delays during boot13:24
bekkskingfisher64: You already examined all possible solutions.13:24
kingfisher64should also say I use nearly all open source software but gimp & inkscape unfortunatly don't cut it13:24
adamkI actually use CS3 in an XP Pro VM for work.13:24
netlarbrainwash: thanks13:24
betraydand purchasing cs3 is saying i'm making a commitment13:24
betraydto windows13:24
MonkeyDustkingfisher64  you tried everything and nothing works, looks like you're out of luck13:25
kingfisher64yeah, didn't realise that all those years ago betrayd - was young and naive13:25
eltigreHey, I think I need some clarification on the ~/bin folder13:25
betraydand that SW is too leading edge13:25
eltigreon my desktop I can use binaries in that path, and on a server install I can't13:25
betraydkingfisher64:  ^13:25
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ExcryptionI laugh when people consider Gimp to be an alternative to Photoshop. Don't think they realise just how powerful Photoshop is13:26
eltigreany idea what is going wrong there?13:26
bekkseltigre: Then the PATH variable on the server is different from your desktop.13:26
eltigrehm hm13:26
th0reltigre: that folder is for scripts the individual user writes. It isn't part of the path, so I link my scripts to /usr/local/bin so I can call them easily13:26
kingfisher64adamk what's the performance like if you dont' mind me asking.13:26
PsynoKhi0Excryption: maybe "an alternative for 80% of the photoshop userbase"? ;)13:27
MonkeyDustExcryption  gimp is similar to paintshop, not to photoshop - i've used paintshop for years13:27
adamkkingfisher64: Pretty good. Certainly works for my needs.  I rarely run more than just one of the CS programs at a time, though.13:27
kingfisher64Excryption - i love photoshop. Personally think it's the single best graphics package ever greated.13:27
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ExcryptionPaintshop is no Photoshop.13:28
MonkeyDustExcryption  true13:28
eltigreth0r, bekks thank you, I'm probably going to link the scripts from /usr/local/bin...13:28
ExcryptionI'm still trying to get my Unity to start. After changing to proprietary drivers, it just won't start.13:28
bekkseltigre: Dont do it that way. Configure the PATH variable to fit your needs.13:28
eltigrebekks, ok13:29
kingfisher64i wouldn't be either adamk. It's only creative suite and rosetta stone I use. I'll give this a go.13:29
jhutchins_wkExcryption: Perhaps there are people who know the gimp better than you do and who are able to do more of what photoshop does with it.13:29
PsynoKhi0Excryption: what card and what ubuntu version?13:29
betraydExcryption: do youknow for sure it's using  prop. drivers13:29
kingfisher64I own legally xp, however it's been activated/reinstalled so many times that now the key doesn't work. V annoying as nlite created a nice little lightweight version that would be superb13:29
adamkkingfisher64: You should still be able to activate it over the phone, I would think.13:30
kingfisher64im going to have to phone the evildoers microsoft - wish me luck!13:30
mintuxi have ntfs partition that when i mount it i don't see nothing and in terminal when i got ls i get this error : $ ls13:30
ExcryptionUbuntu 13.04. Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M. I'm using the correct drivers, even switched to iGPU still no luck.13:30
mintux ls: cannot access $RECYCLE.BIN: Input/output error   (i removed this folder ago) so what should i do?13:30
jhutchins_wkXP shouldn't require phone activation at all, but that's a matter for ##windows not #ubuntu13:30
betraydgl , get it done kingfisher6413:31
ExcryptionI have managed to switch to default AMD drivers in Addtional Drivers section of Settings, still nothing.13:31
ilpucciois there a package similar to Environment Modules Project ?13:31
kingfisher64jhutchins, yeah it's in the context of installing it in a virtualmachine and switching permentantly to ubuntu though, so maybe I can be forgiven for mentioning it. :)13:32
bekksilpuccio: Whats that "Environment Modules Project"?13:32
kingfisher64i'll try that first then adamk - thank you :)13:32
ilpucciobekks, a quick way to switch a bunch on environment variable, lets say you want to maintain different version of a same software but you want to keep your environment consistent13:33
ilpucciobekks, http://modules.sourceforge.net/13:33
jony_easyriderKrusader tells me when entering in an archive that "krarc is disabled". Please help!13:33
bekksilpuccio: Than can be easily done by setting an alias in your shell.13:33
ilpuccionasa too complex if you have many many software13:34
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bekksilpuccio: Far more easy then using additional software to manage additional software. :)13:34
ilpucciobekks, you know RVM  ?13:34
bekksilpuccio: Never heard of it.13:35
ilpucciobekks, btw the package is in 12 devel but my servers are all 11.1013:36
bekksilpuccio: 11.10 isnt supported anymore.13:36
bekksOT is it?13:36
bekks!eolupgrades > bekks13:36
ubottubekks, please see my private message13:36
bekksYeah, 11.10 is out of support :)13:37
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ilpucciobekks, yeah I know but that's it :) I'll upgrade servers during the summer in the mean time I'll install the software from scratch13:40
DrMonSo, I'm writing an application that dynamically links to libssl.so - buuut there's only a libssl.so.413:41
DrMonShouldn't there be a libssl.so? softlinked to libssl.so.4?13:41
agwblackHi all. There is a pretty bad bug in the version of clang that ships with Ubuntu 13.04. It has been fixed upstream. How should I go about trying to get this fix as an update in Ubuntu 13.04?13:41
bekksilpuccio: You are running servers with unsupported software? Thats not cool. :)13:41
jribagwblack: file a bug if it doesn't already exist (also check out « /msg ubottu !sru » and ask for help in #ubuntu-bugs)13:41
agwblackjrib: thanks!13:42
ilpucciobekks, ahahah I know but let's say that is not my main job, I'm just helping my IT… if they are working in some way I'm happy -_-'13:43
FedorHi trying to install 12.04 LTS 64bit on a A8n-sli premium using an AMD 64 proccessor and nvidia 6800 GT video card.  The Installation goes fine, but on reboot it says "read error" (won't boot into the OS), I then attempted to just boot/run from the USB and after i click "try ubuntu" it says GPU lockup and something about an idle channel.  So anyone have any ideas how to get this installed/working?13:43
ravenhow to split a system lvm to a system and home lvm?13:46
bekksraven: Back it up, then resize (shrink) your LV, VG, PV, and create a new PV, VG, LV.13:47
jony_easyriderI wanna cry, that the only rich-of-features TotalCommander-like software, the Krusader won't let me to browse the archives :(((((((13:49
bekksjony_easyrider: And why...?13:50
pulsosteI found a package only available for raring, how can I install it in quantal?13:50
jony_easyriderbekks, because for me it's critical that function13:50
bekksjony_easyrider: And we have to guess error messages, etc.?13:51
pulsosteThis is the package - source/raring/stringencoders13:51
jony_easyriderbekks, Error: krarc is disabled13:51
jony_easyriderin ubuntu 12.04 it worked correctly, now in 13.04 won't13:51
MonkeyDustpulsoste  try !backports13:52
bekksjony_easyrider: 10s of searching gave me this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/krusader/+bug/106511013:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065110 in krusader (Ubuntu) "krusader fails to enter .zip archive with "Error: krarc is disabled"" [High,Fix committed]13:52
pulsosteMonkeyDust: sorry, could you please indicate the URL I should search for? Is it raring backports?13:53
jony_easyriderbekks, if you look at the end of the reply list, you can show my posts too (user: dobraijonathan)13:53
bekksjony_easyrider: Then you just have to wait for an answer there.13:54
MonkeyDust!backports | pulsoste13:54
ubottupulsoste: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging13:54
jony_easyriderbekks, I will do that, or I will downgrade to 12.0413:54
MonkeyDustpulsoste  it looks you can only use it for newer versions of existing programs, not for what you want13:55
pulsosteMonkeyDust: Thanks, I will try to build it from source. I was getting make errors, so tried to install debian package13:55
=== BadLarry_ is now known as BadLarry
aaron_can somebody tell me what this command does?14:06
aaron_GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=&amp;amp;quot;quiet splash i915.i915_enable_rc6=1&amp;amp;quot;14:06
bekksaaron_: It will cause an error, due to those &amp; there.14:07
aaron_bekks, yeah i noticed that i cant run it how can i fix it?14:07
bekksaaron_: Set it like: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.i915_enable_rc6=1"14:08
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Fedorthanks guys you have been most helpful, and worth your weight in peanuts14:10
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amanthakurHI guys, can anyone tell me how can i load the bootloader. My machine cirectly boot the ubuntu 12.04 i wanted the bootloader screen to open up for selecting the OS and recorvery mode14:11
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bekksamanthakur: Just press esc before Ubuntu boots.14:11
bekks!grub2 | amanthakur14:11
ubottuamanthakur: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub214:11
amanthakurbekks, tried that but it didn't worked14:12
zeepset the timeout to something like 5 seconds or something14:12
amanthakurzeep, how and where?14:13
bekksamanthakur: Thats described in that article.14:14
amanthakurhi bonzar14:14
UbuntuNewbieHello everyone. I have a laptop with Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7xxx GPU. I switched from the default graphics to a proprietary version and after reboot, Unity won't boot. I can log in just fine and everything, all I get is a desktop with wallpaper and no Unity.14:14
amanthakurbonzar, yes14:14
zeepamanthakur, check /etc/default/grub14:14
amanthakurzeep, ok14:14
zeepamanthakur, there's an entry for GRUB_TIMEOUT14:14
zeepamanthakur, then update-grub14:14
A1ReconHi I installed the drivers for ATI Radeon 4350 GPU using these instructions.... http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Raring_Installation_Guide But I used the 13.1 version which I had downloaded already. I installed that perfectly. And restarted. That's when all hell broke loose. I lost my 1920x1080 resolution. The launcher bar at the left is gone. Dark bands on all sides (overscan/underscan). Ctrl-Alt-T works sparingly.14:15
A1ReconPlease help!!14:15
bekksA1Recon: Help for 13.10 can be found in #ubuntu+114:15
zeepA1Recon,  you need to set the overscan fix directly. amdcccle doesn't save it for some reason14:16
zeepA1Recon,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#HDTV_underscan14:16
UbuntuNewbieAny help please?14:16
zeepA1Recon,  on nvm it's 13.10. i had issues with unity loading as well. probably have to wait for a fix14:16
emif-Hi, i just upgraded from 12 to 13. but it seems that my sound card is not recognized by my system, what can i do14:18
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zetherooI cannot get Desktop Sharing to work!14:20
BluesKaj_emif-, what soundchip , you can find it in alsamixer , on the top left14:20
A1Reconbekks: zeep: Any ideas how I can get back the Unity. I am in a very very bad situation because all my ubuntu desktop has is the stock wallpaper. (I am currently writing this from a Win7 PC) BTW the Ctrl-Alt-F1 terminal is working fine!!14:20
zeepA1Recon, you can revert to using the open source driver14:20
lasersemif-: Be that black guy who makes all those sound effects himself in Police Academy? No, try !alsa or !pulse (depending on your setup).14:20
bekksA1Recon: This channel does not support 13.10 - you can get support in #ubuntu+114:20
A1Reconbekks: So you mean to say that i need to repost this ??14:21
UbuntuNewbieAll I have is a desktop with wallpaper and no Unity.14:21
bekksA1Recon: Yes. In a different channel-14:21
A1Reconbekks: Awesome!!YAY!! /sarcasm No offense.14:22
zeepUbuntuNewbie, did you run 'aticonfig --initial' after installing the proprietary ati drivers?14:22
UbuntuNewbieYup I did14:22
emif-BluesKaj_ and lasers heres a screen shot, http://picpaste.com/afc4a15f009fde84dd6c11476dc78bbb.png14:23
PiciA1Recon: Are you sure you're running Ubuntu 13.10?14:23
emif-the volume control on top right, i can click it but cant increase/decrease the volume14:23
LFSI've installed GStreamer, Vlc and Dragonplayer but my Ubuntu is still not able to play wmv files ... any suggestion?14:24
SonikkuAmericaA1Recon: If so, /join #ubuntu+114:24
UbuntuNewbieI thought 13.10 hasn't even begun Alpha yet14:24
SonikkuAmericaI didn't think so either14:24
cfhowlettUbuntuNewbie, true14:24
user90930Where can I get a video driver for Intel 915GM/GMS/910GML?    I corrupted my graphics by installing the wrong drivers.14:24
histoUbuntuNewbie: It begins as soon as 13.04 was released. They may not call it "alpha" but it's there.14:24
UbuntuNewbieAhh, I see.14:25
lasersemif-: Try this factoid...14:25
lasers!alsa | emif-14:25
ubottuemif-: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.14:25
A1ReconPici: bekks: zeep: Oh heel I have Raring Ringtail 13.0414:25
histouser90930: drivers are loaded by default for that card14:25
zeepLFS, if vlc can't play the file, something is wrong with the file?14:25
zeepvlc can play everything14:25
UbuntuNewbieAny idea how to get Unity back please?14:25
UbuntuNewbieI've been using the terminal to do everything.14:25
SonikkuAmericaUbuntuNewbie: [ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ]?14:25
histoUbuntuNewbie: switch the drivers back14:25
LFSI think nothing is wrong with the files as I can play them on other windows machine14:26
histoUbuntuNewbie: and restart lightdm14:26
user90930histo..I installed a non-repo driver and now my resolution is stuck on 1024x768 and 3D is terrible.. I need to restore the original driver.14:26
UbuntuNewbieI have switched it back14:26
UbuntuNewbieI have done all that14:26
emif-lasers, it says: bash: !alsa: event not found14:26
zeepLFS, vlc doesn't need any extra codecs. it should be able to play it on its own14:26
histouser90930: Uninstall the non-repo driver first and then boot14:26
SonikkuAmericaUbuntuNewbie: [ sudo stop lightdm ; sudo start lightdm ]14:26
bekksUbuntuNewbie: Then you have to investigate the logs to see whats wrong.14:26
UbuntuNewbieRestarted lightdm, restored drivers, aticonfig initial etc nothing works14:26
zeepLFS, as to why it's not, i  don't know :/ sory14:26
user90930histo:  I compiled the non-repo from source.  I tried to "make uninstall" but didn't get rid of it.  Not sure how to uninstall it.14:27
UbuntuNewbieWhere can I find the logs please?14:27
LFSthis is the output of trying to play wmv from CLI http://pastebin.com/q2T0ryRS14:27
zeepUbuntuNewbie, /var/log14:27
UbuntuNewbiethank you14:27
zeepalso, ~/.xsession-errors14:27
emif-lasers, http://picpaste.com/Screenshot_from_2013-05-10_17_25_05-sG6JSGMY.png14:28
UbuntuNewbieokay I will do the lightdm start/stop and come back with the results14:28
SonikkuAmericaLFS: Why are you trying to do it from CLI?14:28
BluesKaj_emif-, sorry that screenshot is unreadable here , just open alsamixer in the console and tell us what chip it uses , it shows it on the top left14:28
gyre007is there a way how I can check priority of certain package ?14:28
gyre007I mean priority of the repo14:28
gyre007using some apt-get command line trickery14:29
LFSSonikkuAmerica: trying to see the errors14:29
allballsGood morning. I've got a bit of a problem this morning. Booted from ubuntu 13.04 desktop installer on a usb stick, and I'm wondering where rescue mode option is? used to be there for 12.04 (using alternate .iso) -- How to rescue a system w/13.04 installer?14:29
zeepis ubuntu ever going to systemd?14:29
SonikkuAmericaOh. Right now it looks like you need more GStreamer plugins.14:29
emif-Card: HDA Intel PCH - Chip: Intel CougarPoint HDMI lasers14:29
LFSI've installed all available GStreamer but it's still not showing the video ,, but I can hear the voice14:29
emif-But on ubuntu 12 it was running just fine14:30
zeepLFS, did you try opening it with the default video player ? it should prompt a list for the proper codecs14:30
SonikkuAmericaallballs: What do you mean "Rescue mode" in regard to your live media? Can't you hold down the left SHIFT key during a normal boot and go to recovery mode?14:30
lasersemif-: Try running 'alsamixer' in the terminal.14:30
SonikkuAmericaallballs: (It's in "Advanced options for Ubuntu")14:30
allballsSonikkuAmerica: problem is that / is on a seemingly borked btrfs drive.14:31
emif-i did that lasers14:31
lasersemif-: (press F1 to read the HELP so you know how to toggle things)14:31
BluesKaj_emif-, in the console , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , there will be no output if the driver/module loads properly ,  you may need to reboot14:31
allballsI'm trying to get the box booted, from the stick, without touching the disk.14:31
SonikkuAmericaallballs: You may need to chroot into it with your live media then./14:31
emif-ok thanks lasers  and BluesKaj_14:31
lasersemif-: Take screenshot of the alsamixer? Looking for MM (Mute)14:31
aaron_i have a problem to switch between the hybrid gpu here is my info http://pastebin.com/Nyd1XTZ314:32
emif-here lasers http://picpaste.com/70e1f039fa9b0cf4aa48034d72e177f1.png14:32
allballsSonikkuAmerica: yeah. that'd be great, if I could get to a shell from the USB stick. 13.04 installer .iso doesn't seem to have that menu opt available any longer.14:32
emif-lasers, http://picpaste.com/70e1f039fa9b0cf4aa48034d72e177f1.png14:32
zeepdoesn't ubuntu use pulse ?14:33
SonikkuAmericaallballs: Here's a basic guide to chrooting: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot14:33
padhuUbuntians, How can i create video DVD from only VOB file?14:33
SonikkuAmericazeep: Except for Lubuntu, yes.14:33
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lasersemif-: It looks okay. Erm. :|14:35
emif-but i cant run pulseaudio14:35
emif-its giving me an error14:35
emif-am reinstallin it14:35
A1ReconCan I get more help by using "Advanced options for Ubuntu" while booting?14:35
lasersemif-: How old is this installation?14:35
emif-like an hour ago.14:36
emif-i had ubuntu 12 but an hour ago i upgraded to 1314:36
zeepemif-, what's the error with pulse?14:36
lasersemif-: Okay. try purging all pulse packages and reboot. See if that help.14:36
A1ReconHow do I get the logs?14:36
lasersA1Recon: logs for...? It might be in /var/log/14:37
shazzrI'm trying to set up Openbox on an Asus EEE Box. Works fine except that the screen rotates 90 degrees CCW when I log in. Have to run xrandr -o normal from a terminal window to...well...get my head straight. What cand I do to automate this command?14:38
zeepshazzr, add it to ~/.config/openbox/autostart14:38
A1ReconZeep: how do I get the logs seeing that my Unity is gone?14:38
shazzrzeep: I tried. I won't run. But I put skype and tint2 in that file as well, and they both start.14:38
zeepshazzr, did you try making it the first command ?14:39
aaron_i have a problem to switch between the hybrid gpu here is my info http://pastebin.com/Nyd1XTZ314:39
A1ReconZeep: I went to terminal typed /var/log/ but its a directory....14:39
zeepA1Recon,  not sure, i'm new to unity and dont know where they put th elogs14:39
zeepA1Recon,  check the Xorg log and maybe ~/.xession-errors14:39
SonikkuAmericaA1Recon: You may wish to [ ls /var/log/ ] and then [ cat $LOGFILE | more ] where $LOGFILE is the log you want to view.14:40
UbuntuNewbieBack :-) - Where can in /var/log/ can I can the log after stopping/starting lightdm please?14:40
SonikkuAmericaA1Recon: *Or rather [ cd ] into /var/log/ and [ ls ] inside it14:40
emif-lasers, its saying: Establishing connection for pulseaudio.. please wait14:41
emif-and still waiting14:41
emif-been like 3 mins14:41
UbuntuNewbieDo you need the Xorg.0.log file?14:41
SonikkuAmericaUbuntuNewbie: [ cd /var/log/lightdm/ ]14:41
UbuntuNewbieAhh okay14:41
skyjumperanyone know why the Additional Drivers list would go empty after choosing to install the nvidia blob?14:42
SonikkuAmericaskyjumper: If it was listed before, no clue.14:42
lasersemif-: I'm the one who suggested that you purge all pulseaudio packages. Is this message for somebody else?14:42
UbuntuNewbiehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5651339/ - here is the log file14:43
zeepemif-, how did you start pulse?14:43
emif-i did that in terminal and it gave me pulseaudio dialog14:43
zeepdid what?14:43
A1ReconSonikkuAmerica: My Unity is gone after I tried to install ATI drivers. I get the list of files under it but what do I revert abck to my old good working setting. I mean before I installed the ATI drivers....14:43
BluesKaj_lasers, why purge pulse . he won't have any webaudio without it14:43
lasersshazzr: Check to see if you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf -- If that exists, look inside. Something inside there might cause your rotation.14:43
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BluesKaj_emif-, you might have to install this patch for intel to hdmi until ubuntu upgrades to the latest kernel , https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily14:44
SonikkuAmericaA1Recon: How were they installed (the AMD drivers)?14:44
zeepA1Recon, if you want to revert, apt-get purge fglrx,  and reboot14:44
emif-while installing pulse it gave these errors http://pastebin.com/DBP0f6Bz14:45
aaron_i have a problem to switch between the hybrid gpu here is my info http://pastebin.com/Nyd1XTZ314:45
zeepemif-, what do you mean? pulse is already installed with ubuntu14:45
lasersBluesKaj_: It's an suggestion. Will my solution work? We don't know. Will your solution work too? We don't know. We only can try and see the result.14:45
zeepemif-, do 'pulseaudio --kill' and then 'pulseaudio --start', and what happens?14:46
emif-it is, but i reinstalled it again14:46
BluesKaj_lasers, well removing pulseaudio won't help much14:46
A1ReconZeep: I think I need to use sudo before that...and I just did that!!14:46
zeepyeah he'll prob need to sudo14:46
emif-W: [pulseaudio] authkey.c: Failed to open cookie file '/home/mycomputer/.config/pulse/cookie': No such file or directory14:47
emif-W: [pulseaudio] authkey.c: Failed to load authorization key '/home/mycomputer.config/pulse/cookie': No such file or directory14:47
A1ReconZeep: is there any command to reboot from the Terminal?14:47
zeepA1Recon, sudo reboot14:47
lasersA1Recon: "sudo reboot"14:47
emif-it gave these ^^ zeep14:47
SonikkuAmerica(Speaking of the cookie file, I need to see if there are any in the house. :))\14:48
BluesKaj_ok nm, emif- , too many cooks , I'll back off til you get pulseaudio sorted out14:48
emif-ok thanks14:49
zeepemif-, delete ~/..pulse-cookie and ~/.config/pulse14:49
UbuntuNewbieGoing to reboot and try to find a solution14:49
shazzrlasers: I checked the file. Option  "RandRRotation" "on". Tried to turn it to "off" and did a reboot. I still rotated. :|14:49
A1ReconZeep: my 1920x1080 res is back but my Unity is not .....Is there any way to check whether the drivers were completely installed or not?14:51
zeepA1Recon, lsmod | grep fglrx14:51
lasersshazzr: Want to share the file? :)14:51
zeepA1Recon, if it's empty, it was removed, and you're using the open source driver14:52
ubottuSonikkuAmerica: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:52
emif-bbl, reboot14:52
lasers!paste | shazzr14:53
ubottushazzr: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:53
zeepshazzr, maybe it's a race condition. add the xrander call with a timeout before it in the autostart14:53
laserszeep: I think it's more of DISPLAY issue.14:53
A1ReconZeep: Abyway that I can get my launcher back. You know the line of icons at the left...14:53
zeepA1Recon, does ctrl+shift+t bring up a terminal?14:53
A1ReconZeep: it does14:54
zeepA1Recon, try unity --replace14:54
zeeplasers, possibly, i'm not familiar with xrandr ;p14:54
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shazzrlasers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5651371/14:54
shazzrzeep: I thought of that, but don't know how to set a delay in the autostart file....14:54
zetheroodoes the Desktop Sharing feature in Ubuntu work with RDP or VNC ?14:55
zeepshazzr, sleep N (seconds)14:55
lasersshazzr: That can't be everything. :o14:55
shazzrlasers: Yes. It is.14:55
zeepzetheroo, there's an option for both14:55
A1ReconZeep:bad command14:55
zeepzetheroo, oh nvm, you said desktop sharing not remote viewer14:56
zetheroozeep: yeah ... ;)14:56
A1ReconZeep: I want the opposite of Unity --replace command now!14:57
lasersshazzr: Erm. Try moving that file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf-backup and restart. If your rotation still occur, ah... Screw it. Use DISPLAY=:0 xrandr -o normal in your autostart file. :|14:58
Avt_guys my webcam works but tinychat wont see it14:58
Avt_I can click ok broadcast and click acept14:59
Avt_but next part says cant find cam14:59
Avt_any ideas?14:59
A1ReconZeep: the windows used to have the X window and curved edges. Well the curved edges are gone now and the x minimize maximize buttons are gone14:59
shazzrlasers: I did put that line in my autostart file, and It didn't do any difference. Trying removing the xorg.conf file instead....14:59
Avt_is there an ap that lets me broadcast on tinychat?15:00
zeepwhat was the last thing someone msged me? i accidentally closed xchat ;o15:00
A1ReconCan someone give me the opposite of Unity --replace command ?15:00
zeepit's unity, not Unity15:00
lasersshazzr: Check for ~/.nvidia*rc file -- and possibly /root/.nvidia*rc -- Did you try it with DISPLAY=:0 too? (That bit is probably why the line didn't work in first place. It don't know what DISPLAY you're talking about).15:00
zeepA1Recon,  do which unity15:01
Avt_oh command i dunno lol15:01
Avt_thought you meant grammer 0_o15:01
zeepA1Recon, what's the output of 'which unity'15:01
A1ReconZeep: I know its unity... I typed in that coomad unity --replace and the windows look all odd15:01
laserszeep: 09:59:16 <A1Recon> Zeep: the windows used to have the X window and curved edges. Well the │                                                                                         curved edges are gone now and the x minimize maximize buttons are gone15:01
zeepthanks lasers15:02
Avt_no :O15:02
Avt_those burn stuff15:02
zeepA1Recon, but did the unity bar load? was it just missing the title bars?15:02
zeepjust put them on sharks15:03
zeepno harm done ;p15:03
shazzrlasers: Nope. No result with that one either. Shouldn't there be some kind of a log file for the boot process or something?15:03
A1ReconZeep: the terminal is missing the titlebar and the unity launcher did not load.15:03
zeepmight be an issue with compiz15:04
Amr-FahmyHiii all15:05
zeepA1Recon,  can you launch the compiz manager?15:05
zeepA1Recon, see if the unity plugin is checked15:05
Amr-FahmyHiii all I need to create new Man page in ubuntu kan anyone tell me how to do this ??15:05
lasersshazzr: Important logs generally goes in /var/log -- but meh. Oh. Do you have/use ~/.xinitrc (and/or) ~/.xsession? Technically, it'd be the good place to put xrandr -o normal bit in. If you use lightdm, I believe you want ~/.Xsession15:06
A1ReconZeep: do you know how to revert the changes made by unity --replace ?15:06
A1ReconZeep: how do I launch the compiz manager?15:06
zeepA1Recon,  you can restart lightdm and relogin, but it will log you out of the current session15:06
Amr-FahmyI have created a new command and I need to create a new man page for this command can anyone tell me how to do this ??15:07
zeepA1Recon, 'ccsm'15:07
shazzrlasers: I have none of the above.15:07
lasersAmr-Fahmy: New Command? Did you make a script and plop it in your local bi15:08
A1ReconTerminal won't take my command zeep15:08
Creep_kidhi all15:08
zeepA1Recon, you'll need to install it. it doesn't come installed by default15:08
Amr-FahmyI need only to create the man page to describe this command15:08
Amr-Fahmyhow to do this ??15:08
zeepA1Recon, sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager15:08
lasersAmr-Fahmy: Add one more if statement. If no parameters are given, use "echo Usage: $FUNCNAME: this stffs will..."15:09
Amr-FahmyI don't understand you15:09
A1ReconCommands ccsm and do not work in the usual terminal so I am using the ctrl-alt-f1 terminal. Is there any problem?15:09
lienomoreI'm having trouble mounting my dvd-rw, I get an error message : "wrong fs type bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr015:10
zeepA1Recon,  no, but you'll need to launch it with DISPLAY=0.0 /usr/bin/ccsm from tty115:10
lienomorethe dvd-rw is supposed to be working similar to a flash drive. It can delete and add new files15:10
lasersAmr-Fahmy: You don't want a manual for one single command. Let's say you made "cp-name-only" and you ran "cp-name-only" without filename(s). Have it print out "Usage: cp-name-only <first-file> <second-file>" and new few lines explaining what this command does"15:11
Creep_kidhow can I getout from here?15:11
A1ReconZeep: installing compiz using tty115:11
lasersCreep_kid: /part ; /quit ; /exit15:12
lienomoreI'm having trouble mounting my dvd-rw, I get an error message : "wrong fs type bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr015:12
Amr-Fahmylasers: thank you but what if I have did C program not a command in the terminal how to create the man page to describe this program ?15:12
lienomoreI'm having trouble mounting my dvd-rw, I get an error message : "wrong fs type bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sr015:12
zeepAmr-Fahmy, http://askubuntu.com/questions/42923/how-to-create-a-manpage15:12
wwwdotcomHow do i play youtube live videos in vlc player on ubuntu? Browsers flash seems to be resource intensive on ubuntu and video and not playing smoothly.15:12
zeepwwwdotcom, get the video url, paste it in vlc15:13
Avt_so is there an ap that lets me broadcast my webcam in tinychat?15:14
wwwdotcomzeep, It's not working. It's showing this error > "VLC can't recognize the input's format: The format of 'http://www.youtube.com/v/aahgS4Y47Ho' cannot be detected. Have a look at the log for details.15:15
MonkeyDust!info tinychat15:15
zeepwwwdotcom, not the youtube video url15:15
ubottuPackage tinychat does not exist in raring15:15
zeepwwwdotcom, right click the video, copy video url15:15
A1ReconIs there any command to revert the changes made by unity --replace ?15:15
zeepA1Recon, logout and log back in15:16
MonkeyDustA1Recon  try unity -reset15:16
zeepMonkeyDust,  --reset is no longer valid15:16
MonkeyDustzeep  never needed it, so wasnt aware15:16
Amr-Fahmywhat if I have did C program not a command in the terminal how to create the man page to describe this program ?15:16
wwwdotcomzeep, it's not working. Can you confirm it?15:16
zeepMonkeyDust, no worries15:16
zeepwwwdotcom, yeah i just tried it15:16
PsynoKhi0hi, for some reason Precise 64 bit refuses to install i386 packages (apt-get doesn't even list them) although dpkg is set up to allow i386, that makes WINE uninstallable, what am I supposed to do?15:17
zeepwwwdotcom, although i had to press play two or three times.15:17
zeepmaybe it's a vlc thing15:17
A1ReconZeep: need command to logout from the terminal itself15:17
A1ReconTty1 terminal15:17
zeepA1Recon, sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart15:17
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ExcryptionHey peeps15:18
zeepwwwdotcom, it's vlc.  smplayer played it on first try15:18
ExcryptionStill trying to get Unity to start. I have Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M, Ubuntu 13.04 and I've removed the AMD drivers still no use.15:20
A1ReconZeep: thanks!! Almost abck to normal now. Just need to figure out how to get the Unity...15:20
zeepA1Recon, did you check if the unity plugin was enabled in ccsm?15:20
lasersAmr-Fahmy: Try ##linux to get better answer.15:20
A1ReconZeep: how to check that? I installed the ccsm though....15:21
zeepA1Recon, launch ccsm and you should see Unity plugin or something15:21
zeepwwwdotcom,  you could also try out minitube15:22
BluesKaj_emif-, any luck with your audio issues ?15:23
pandeiroanybody know a tutorial for installing Ubuntu on to a USB key? I am not using Ubuntu, Windows nor Mac OS X. Can I do it without unetbootin or any other extra software, just using 'dd'?15:23
pandeiro(I want to create a persistent Ubuntu installation on the USB key itself)15:23
zeeppandeiro, dd is fine15:23
BluesKaj_!usb | pandeiro15:23
ubottupandeiro: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:23
zeeppandeiro, oh not sure about persistant15:23
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emif-BluesKaj_,  yes i have to reboot i guess15:25
A1ReconZeep: u were right. The unity plugin was not enabled...so I enabled it and told it resolve conflicts...and voila everything looks like its back to normal...15:25
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pandeiroBluesKaj_: that second link is interesting but the version mentioned are all 3-4 years old15:26
A1ReconZeep: Thanks! Shukran! Shukriya! Grazie! Dhanyawad! Thanks!!15:26
ExcryptionYou got it to work o.o15:27
Avt_anyone goin to help me broadcast my webcam on tinychat?15:27
pandeirowondering also why the tutorial mentions two partitions; for simplicity i would prefer to just put everything in one partition; the whole USB drive is only 2GB15:28
BluesKaj_pandeiro, that's factoid genrated in the chat , it's the latest there is15:28
muh2000putty sometimes fails to load. :( only a "dead" process remains. any suggestions?15:28
mehdi_I have a problem with redshift. When I want to quit it with the icon on top bar, it goers back to normal, but a second later, it goes back to night setting, and quits. even uninstalling and reinstalling redshoft doesn't change anything :/15:28
mehdi_how do I change back to normal light ?15:29
=== aaron_ is now known as datgame
lasersmehdi_: Try "man redshift" and see what it had to say.15:29
mehdi_lasers, I have read the man entry, I tried "redshift -t DAY", but nothing happened15:30
mehdi_lasers, I found it ! "redshift -x" :D15:31
lasersmehdi_: ;)15:32
datgamei have a problem with hybrid gpu i cant switch between the 2 of them here is a link with info http://pastebin.com/Ngrceckk15:32
mehdi_datgame, hybrid ? Do you mean optimus ?15:32
datgamemehdi_, i have nvidia and intrel15:33
datgamemehdi_, intel15:33
datgamemehdi_, nvidia geforce with cuda15:33
mehdi_I know that there are problems with hybrid GPU on GNU/Linux15:33
mehdi_I don't know if nvidia driver supports optimus15:34
bekksThey dont, afaik.15:34
mehdi_I can't help you with this ^^'15:34
datgameso you are saying that i cant switch between nvidia and intel?15:35
Phoenixzwhen I ping server A, I get every second a ping of 50mS. If I ping server B, I get one 50mS ping every 20 seconds.. Both do not seem to drop packets.. Why is it that ping to some servers repeats very very slow?15:35
A1Reconwhat was that command for installing ccsm? sudo apt-get install ccsm i guess15:35
jpdsA1Recon: No.15:36
datgamePhoenixz, try with internval -i 6 for example15:36
jpdsA1Recon: compizconfig-settings-manager.15:36
iceroot_A1Recon: i guess you mean "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager15:37
datgamePhoenixz, interval15:37
A1Reconjpds: datgame: iceroot_: Thanks!!15:37
Phoenixzdatgame: I already found out that server A hostname was in /etc/hosts, server B hostname not. If I ping directly, its fast.. so it seems the hostname lookup is horribly slow, but if I do a dig hostname, I get a reply right away.. So what might be a cause of this then?15:37
iceroot_datgame: you need bumblebee to switch betwen them15:37
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datgamePhoenixz, sorry i dont know but if you want take pings faster just add to -i (number in second)15:40
datgameiceroot_, how does that work?i follow the instructions from here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee#Installation15:42
NarwhaalHi, is KiTTy available in the repo's for Ubuntu 13.04 ?15:42
vfwI have a problem with cups in a LTS system, (12.04 upgraded from 10.04). "start: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.72" (uid=1000 pid=2811 comm="start cups ") interface="com.ubuntu.U pstart0_6.Job" member="Start" error name="(unset)" requested_reply="0" destination="com.ubuntu.Upstart" (uid=0 pid=1 comm="/sbin/init")"15:42
bekks!info kitty15:43
ubottuPackage kitty does not exist in raring15:43
bekksNarwhaal: No.15:43
Narwhaalok thx15:43
SonikkuAmerica!info kitty precise15:46
ubottuPackage kitty does not exist in precise15:46
zeepA1Recon, (was afk), congrats!15:47
BluesKaj_emif-, ok back15:47
shazzrWhy does onlye skype and tint2 start in this file, while the other stuff does not? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5651505/15:49
zeepshazzr, often times you just need some sleeps in there15:50
ExcryptionHello everyone. My Unity is enabled in CCSM but it won't show up. I have an dell laptop with Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M.15:50
zeepExcryption, what driver are you using15:50
shazzrzeep: Can I just put sleep 3 in front of DISPLA=:0....?15:51
ExcryptionI'm using catalyst driver. I just changed it to igpu15:51
Excryption13.4 Catalyst15:51
zeepshazzr, i'd put a sleep before xrandr and after tint 215:51
zeepExcryption, did you do 'aticonfig --initial' ?15:52
ExcryptionYes I did15:52
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zeepand you're on 13.04?15:52
adamkExcryption: Run compiz/unity from a terminal window and see if you get any errors.15:53
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ExcryptionCompizConfig Settings Manager is up and no errors15:56
A1Reconis there a way to constantly see the current net speed??15:56
eliqtropewhy it is not possible to format the entire disk with mkfs.ntfs?15:56
eliqtropewith mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdc i got15:57
bekkseliqtrope: Normally, you create a partition on a disk.15:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:58
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zeepeliqtrope, cfdisk /dev/sdc, create a partition, then mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdc115:58
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zeepExcryption, did you check /var/log/lightdm/lightdm.log ?15:59
eliqtropezeep: cfdisk said me fatal_error: cannot open dik drive16:01
zeepeliqtrope, you'll need to use sudo16:01
=== Pulec_ is now known as Pulec
AndChat|135641Okay I think my unity is back16:02
AndChat|135641I just don't see the side bar16:02
AndChat|135641It top bar16:02
AndChat|135641Super s gives me all four workspaces16:03
zeepAndChat|135641,  did you check if unity was enabled in ccsm?16:04
AndChat|135641Yes it is16:04
eliqtropezeep: what's happens for data on /dev/sdc if i create a sdc1?16:04
AndChat|135641I changed to igpu, reboot and I think it's back.16:04
bekkseliqtrope: That data will be lost.16:05
zeepeliqtrope, does it have any partitions already?16:05
AndChat|135641But I don't see the sidebar for all my apps and stuff. Or top bar just desktop16:05
a5h15hWas testing Ubunut 12.04 using "ISO boot". This is where the installer stalls http://i40.tinypic.com/5jvawx.jpg16:05
eliqtropei’ve just a bunch of data on sdc16:06
bekkseliqtrope: It will be lost.16:06
AndChat|135641Haha it's back!!!!16:06
zeepeliqtrope, does cfdisk list any existing partitions?16:06
=== peterrus- is now known as peterrus
bekkszeep: You dont need a partition to store data on a disk.16:06
eliqtropezeep: no. the list is empty16:07
A1Reconis there a way to constantly see the current net speed in the terminal??16:07
bekksA1Recon: iftop16:07
zeepbekks, i know16:07
=== Computron is now known as Guest22074
AndChat|135641MY UNITY IS BACK YAY.16:07
AndChat|135641How do I check what my current gpu is please16:08
user__kya be gandu16:08
bekksAndChat|135641: lspci | grep VGA16:08
=== user__ is now known as manya
AndChat|135641Thank you16:08
manyagandu aj gudi padwa hai16:08
zeepeliqtrope,  back up the data then before doing anything16:09
A1Reconwho is the moderator here??16:09
AndChat|135641Bekks doesn't work16:10
bekksAndChat|135641: Why?16:10
AndChat|135641That first character16:10
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!16:10
D-coyA1Recon: m4v16:10
AndChat|135641What it's it please16:10
MyrttiA1Recon: yes?16:10
bekksAndChat|135641: Which first character? It was a l - the character between k and m.16:11
AndChat|135641The letter L?16:12
AndChat|135641Or | that16:12
bekksAndChat|135641: Yes. "lspci | grep VGA"16:12
Longtermcoinfinds your video graphics adapters16:12
AndChat|135641Oooh okay. Thank you16:12
markalanevansHey folks. I have a few instances on AWS / EC2.   I didn't set them up.16:12
markalanevansI can can connect to   Server A from  my local,16:13
markalanevansand I can connect to Server B by ssh to A then ssh to B16:13
markalanevansbut I can't connect to B from my local16:13
markalanevansnor can I ping it.16:13
AndChat|135641Okay it skews me both my amd and Intel. I would like to know which one is current the one I'm using please16:13
markalanevansi checked the security groups on aws and they are both using the same security group.16:13
markalanevansand they both have an elastic IP16:13
aaron_is gnome panel  less hungry than unity 2d?16:14
markalanevanswhat things should i look at to see why It can't be connected to from outside the local amazon network.16:14
bekksmarkalanevans: I suggest asking the one who set it up.16:14
markalanevansbekks: hes gone.16:14
zeepAndChat|135641,  does one of them say '[VGA Controller]' ?16:14
bekksmarkalanevans: Then check iptables and ssh configurations.16:14
AndChat|135641Both say that16:14
aaron_bekks, i fix the problem i just wanted more battery duration so i disabled the discrete gpu from the bios lol16:15
bekksaaron_: Which problem?16:15
markalanevansbekks: http://pastie.org/782745616:15
AndChat|135641VGA compatible controller16:15
markalanevansThats the ip tables.16:15
aaron_bekks, with the hybrid gpu16:15
eliqtropezeep: i miss something? mkfs.ntfs is hold on Initializing device with zeroes: 0%16:15
markalanevansbekks: but its the same on my server A. which I can connect to .16:15
bekksaaron_: I have no clue about your specific problem :)16:15
aaron_bekks, i wanted to change between the 2 of them but i couldnt do it16:16
aaron_bekks, :D16:16
bekksaaron_: Glad you solved it anyways :)16:16
zeepeliqtrope, what did you do before mkfs/16:16
aaron_bekks, facepalm :O16:16
AndChat|135641It seems I have catalyst installed16:16
eliqtropecfdisk /dev/sdc, create primary partition sdc1 and then mkfs.ntfs /dev/sdc116:16
eliqtropeah 1%16:17
zeepAndChat|135641, you could check which module is loaded, fglrx or intel16:17
AndChat|135641How please16:17
adamkAndChat|135641: Run 'pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log'16:18
zeepAndChat|135641,  lsmod will show you the currently active modules16:18
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eliqtropezeep: 1tb16:18
AndChat|135641Oh in AMD Catalyst it's Intel16:18
Guest5232Okay, for some reason I'm having an insanely hard time getting flash for firefox on the latest stable ubuntu (LTR, 12.04 I think it was)16:18
it123hi aaas16:18
zeepeliqtrope, shouldn't take too long. it's just writing the filesystem ;o16:18
a5h15hI am testing Ubunut 12.04 using "ISO boot". This is where the installer stalls http://i40.tinypic.com/5jvawx.jpg16:19
a5h15hAny way to fix this?16:19
zeepalternate install16:19
a5h15hIs this issue related to my graphics driver?16:19
adamka5h15h: That's very unlikely.16:19
mayhewGuest5232: what have you tried doing? Just search Flash in the software center.16:20
wilee-nileea5h15h, What release is this?16:21
wilee-nileeah 12.04 my bad16:21
adamkAndChat|135641: You are using both the intel and fglrx drivers.16:22
AndChat|135641So my hybrid works?16:23
theperfectpunki can't compile my wireless lan drivers16:23
AndChat|135641I can switch between them o.o16:23
theperfectpunkhere's a pastebin of what happens16:23
albttashistartup disk creator -- crash how to create usb from ubuntu ??16:25
adamkIt's not a matter of switching between them...  The way hybrid GPUs work is that the intel GPU generally draws all 2D content (since it's hardwired to the crtc), and the AMD GPU will be used to render anything 3D, and then it dumps the data to the intel GPU to push to the monitor.16:25
a5h15hwilee-nilee, This is the iso i am using ubuntu-12.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso16:25
adamkAndChat|135641: In theory, anyway.16:25
AndChat|135641Hehe okay. Thank you very much for all your help.16:25
a5h15hwilee-nilee, I have also tried the 32-bit version, but with the same result.16:25
AndChat|135641Just glad to have it working again16:25
opiateLasse- hi :> if my bios doesn't show a usb option, just floppy(lol) and disk.. i'll have to burn to disc prob right?16:26
albttashistartup disk creator -- crash how to create usb from ubuntu ??16:26
albttashiplease help16:26
Lasse-opiate: Try separate bootmenu16:26
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opiatekk ;?16:26
FloodBot1opiate: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
FloodBot3opiate: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
wilee-nileealbttashi, This a installed ubuntu you are running the startup disk creator on?16:27
eliqtropezeep: i omited --fast16:27
theperfectpunkplease anybody http://pastebin.com/ei67W7HD16:28
albttashiI have U13.04 and wanna create new usb flash from iso ,But it's default app is crashed16:28
wilee-nileea5h15h, Compiz is known to crash on occasion, what s the final goal here?16:28
MonkeyDustalbttashi try unetbootin or multisystem16:29
wilee-nileealbttashi, there are a handful of usb loaders, do you know of any others?16:29
wilee-nilee!who | albttashi16:29
ubottualbttashi: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:29
a5h15hwilee-nilee, Final goal is to install the OS. But this is the first time I am booting from the ISO image stored on hard-disk.16:30
kingfisher64anyone in here using nxclient for ubuntu 12.04? Gone through a software list I need to get working in Ubuntu that I currently have working in windoze. This is the only app in question.16:30
eliqtropezeep: "mkfsntfs completed successfully. Have a nice day" :)16:30
zeepeliqtrope, ah16:30
theperfectpunkCan't compile driver16:30
zeepeliqtrope, enjoy :)16:30
albttashiWilee: thanks :)16:30
albttashiMokey : unetbootin not work on U13.0416:31
eliqtropebekks: thx too16:31
wilee-nileetheperfectpunk, Can you identify the wireless, and where you got this driver?16:31
theperfectpunkralink rt329016:31
wilee-nilee!who | theperfectpunk16:32
ubottutheperfectpunk: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:32
wilee-nileetheperfectpunk, What release are you running?16:32
theperfectpunkUbuntu 13.0416:32
Guy11hey guys i'm trying to install ubuntu... dual booting with windows 8, but some of the install options are confusing16:32
wilee-nilee!uefi | Guy1116:32
ubottuGuy11: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:33
Guy11wait a second16:33
wilee-nileeGuy11, Have you seen this link?16:33
Guy11I got the install dvd and it's asking me to install alongside 'other operating systems' I say no16:33
Guy11so I want to install in the HD unpartitioned space16:33
onionHead_Guy11: why16:34
wizmoiHey Guys, I am faced with issues. I am using Kubuntu 12.10 on a Lenovo W530. I am not able to get graphic drivers working fine. I enabled discrete(cause of Optimus) mode in my Bios, installed the last nvidia drivers, but when I used nvidia-xconfig and then rebooted. My screen resolution became very poor (bad resolution) and nvidia-settings still refused to work (it says that I need to use nvidia-xconfig).16:34
Guy11what do you mean why?16:34
theperfectpunk!wilee-nilee Ubuntu 13.0416:34
ubottutheperfectpunk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:34
onionHead_Guy11: it has to be partitioned16:35
wilee-nileeGuy11, A aimed install is done in the something other option, this is a manual install. Make sure you are aware of the uefi gpt info in that link if the W8 is this type.16:35
Guy11all I did was shrink my w8 partition and left the space unallocated, isn't that enough to prepare?16:35
Guy11the w8 is an upgrade though16:36
zeepwizmoi, you probably need to run nvidia-xconfig to create a basic config file16:36
onionHead_Guy11: the installer is not seeing it?16:36
wilee-nileeGuy11, So no uefi, and always use nicks please.16:36
Guy11no it is, but my question are the options it asks me16:36
Guy11like ext4, and then something about /root, /boot etc16:36
wilee-nileeGuy11, Hve you read the uefi link?16:37
wizmoizeep, thx for your support but i already run nvidia-xconfig and the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file has been created16:37
wilee-nilee!who | Guy1116:37
ubottuGuy11: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:37
v0lksmanhello all!  I tried to install nvidia-310 and I lose all resolutions.  My machine doesn't seem very stable with Nouveau.  What is the best way to install Nvidia drivers in 13.04?16:37
zeepwizmoi, oh yeah i misread. i use ati, can't be of much help :/16:38
ezra-sv0lksman, the easy way is through software updates application in the tab for third party drivers16:38
v0lksmanezra-s: yeah that's what I tried before...I end up with 640x480 and no other options, single monitor etc...16:39
wilee-nileeezra-s, Additional drivers they are in the repos, not really 3rd party per-say.16:39
v0lksmanGeForce 22016:39
zeepis there any way to get the nice boot splash with prop. drivers?16:39
ezra-swilee-nilee, that's right, my fault16:39
ezra-ssoftware sources16:40
v0lksmanI also ran nvidia-xconfig and it seems to make things worse...I ended up having to delete /etc/X11/xorg.conf in order to get Nouveau working again16:40
theperfectpunk!wilee-nilee got anything?16:40
ubottutheperfectpunk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:40
theperfectpunkhey wilee-nilee got anything?16:40
ezra-sv0lksman, problem is if there is nouveau driver loaded in kernel nvidia driver module won't work correctly16:40
zeepis this still a viable solution for boot splash with prop drivers? http://askubuntu.com/questions/96616/purple-start-screen-no-splash-screen16:41
Guy11Do I need to mess around with the uefi stuff if my laptop is ubuntu "certified"?16:41
ezra-sv0lksman, if you are knowledgeable I'd recommend you to download nvidia drivers from the nvidia driver, remove all precompiled packages you have of nvidia, and install those16:41
wilee-nileetheperfectpunk, My advice would to get a wifi that works out if the box those are problematic even if gotten to work.16:41
varunendratheperfectpunk, what's the problem?16:41
v0lksmanezra-s: any good step by step guides?  I would assume that if I tell it to install nvidia-310 it would remove nouveau16:41
wizmoisame issue for me if i deleted the xorg.conf generated by nvidia-xconfig my resolution is better16:42
theperfectpunkcan't compile drivers16:42
varunendrafor wireless?16:42
ezra-sv0lksman, it does not.. it configures the system so the nvidia driver takes precedence over the nouveau, but something must have gone wrong for you16:42
theperfectpunkHere's the pastebin16:42
theperfectpunkrt3290 on Ubuntu 13.0416:43
ezra-sv0lksman, make sure when you do "lsmod | grep nvidia" something shows up16:43
aaron_indicators doesnt work in ubuntu 12.04 64 bit gnome panel16:43
theperfectpunkthe driver compiled fine on Ubuntu 12.0416:43
ezra-sif not, your system is not correctly loading the necessary driver16:43
wilee-nileetheperfectpunk, Just so you are aware you can tab complete nicks, type in the first couple of the nick and hit tab.16:43
varunendratheperfectpunk, please post output of : lspci -nn | grep 28016:43
johndoecan i somehow prevent apt-get from breaking on broken packages/dependencies?16:44
bekksjohndoe: No, you should fix those problems.16:44
theperfectpunk02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe [1814:3290]16:44
ezra-sjohndoe, breaking on broken?16:44
til4kfresh installed 13.04, coming along16:45
til4kcoming along16:45
saliakanyone had luck getting scanner buttons to work? i'm trying to get the button on my scanner to work. currently getting scanbd installed and getting stuck because it can't find sane-config.  what package is that located in? i've asked in #sane with no luck16:46
aaron_does anybody knows why indicators doesnt work in ubuntu 12.04 64 bit gnome-fallback?16:46
varunendratheperfectpunk, can you give me the link where you downloaded the driver from?16:46
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga16:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto16:46
johndoeezra-s: it refuses to install new packages because of some broken ones16:47
ezra-sjohndoe, sudo apt-get -f install16:47
johndoeit doesnt fix anything, because i put those packages on hold16:48
johndoei dont want apt to touch those packages16:48
trismaaron_: do you have indicator-applet-complete installed and have it added to the panel?16:48
ezra-sjohndoe, I see16:48
johndoethose are some old packages which i installed by hand16:48
johndoethey arent available in newer versions16:48
aaron_trism, yes16:48
wilee-nileejohndoe, Have you locked them in synaptic?16:48
tgunr_A have a fellow remotely trying to install ubuntu server 12.04, he burned a CD and during install got to end an an error occurred, "Unable to install the selected kernel package :linux-generic-lts-quantal", is there anyway to verify the image he is using matches a MD5 or SHA1 of the original?16:49
aaron_trism, wait what do you mean by added to the panel?16:49
ezra-sjohndoe, sorry man, but if they are breaking something else apt-get works that way afaik16:49
trismaaron_: alt+right click the panel, add to panel, Indicator Applet Complete16:49
johndoewilee-nilee: echo "<package> hold" | dpkg --set-selections16:49
OerHekstgunr_,  32 or 64 bit ?16:49
johndoewilee-nilee: more specifically, echo "amarok14 hold" | dpkg --set-selections16:49
gagarin1Hello i have a question. I've installed ubuntu on my laptop and now i want to install windows along side the ubuntu partition. Can i resise the ubuntu's partition to create some free space for windows and intall it there?16:49
OerHekstgunr_, check the md5sum > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM16:50
aaron_trism, now all my icons are doubled16:50
tgunr_cc, thanks16:50
aaron_trism, hahahaj16:50
wilee-nileegagarin1, probably can you install gparted and take a screenshot of the HD and post it n a imagebin?16:50
trismaaron_: ha, strange, you can probably remove one of them then, wonder why they didn't show up initially16:51
aaron_trism, how can i remove them?16:51
gagarin1wilee-nilee: http://i.imgur.com/AjHfCzl.png16:51
trismaaron_: alt+right click one of the indicators and Remove from Panel16:51
Bilzhi... i have an app that only works in the terminal (command line) and I need to use it through a socks proxy to download some stuff. I have set up tor on my computer accordingly, but now how would I make the terminal use the socks server for connections?16:52
wilee-nileegagarin1, YOU have ubuntu encrypted?16:52
aaron_trism, still no luck16:52
aaron_trism, xchat indicator doesnt work skype etc16:53
trismaaron_: oh those would be in the notification area16:53
trismaaron_: alt + right click, add to panel, notification area, that isn't there by default16:53
gagarin1wilee-nilee: im not sure, i dont remember if i encrypted it, is there a way to check it?16:53
adamkBilz: That really depends on the program itself, not the terminal.  Many apps honor the all_proxy and/or http_proxy environmental variables.16:53
johndoeezra-s: this was the solution xD equivs - Circumvent Debian package dependencies16:53
aaron_trism, i can find xchat but not skype16:53
theperfectpunkvarunendra: got disconnected16:54
aaron_trism, and i wanted xchat to look up for message notificatios16:54
theperfectpunkvarunendra: found a solution?16:54
aaron_trism, notifications16:54
aaron_trism, okay i found skype16:54
aaron_trism, :D16:54
varunendratheperfectpunk, where did you get the driver from? Its link?16:54
ezra-sjohndoe, dependencies are there for more reason than a whim16:54
aaron_trism, thanks16:54
aaron_trism, one last thing can i do anything to have xchat indicator seperately?16:55
Bilzadamk, ive been reading about something to do with creating an ssh tunnel. i dont quite understand how its working though and seeing as just copying what has been done isnt working this is problematic16:55
wilee-nileegagarin1, I have not used encryption, I am just noting the sda5 as unknown, lools like a swap.  The key to a windows install is having it first on the HD for easy access, you have ubuntu there now. If it were me I would clone the ubuntu and wipe the disc install windows then reload ubuntu. Not sure though if you are encrypted as far as reloading and having access.16:55
theperfectpunkvarunendra: From here http://www.mediatek.com/_en/07_downloads/01_windows.php?sn=50116:56
johndoeezra-s: most of the time. but sometimes the system thinks its smarter than me, ie. wants to do things i dont want it to do.16:56
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johndoeezra-s: this whole hassle of mine was because i wanted to have amarok-1.4 installed16:57
trismaaron_: you want a separate indicator for xchat instead of being part of the envelope indicator? it would be possible, but I don't know if anyone has made one16:57
jluc_i'm using nautilus as a file browser and manager but it doesnt display image file width and height16:57
theperfectpunkvarunendra: it's rt329016:58
aaron_trism, message me to see something16:58
varunendratheperfectpunk, found it. Taking a look at code.. wait a min.16:58
gagarin1wilee-nilee: by cloning, you mean just backing up my files for example on a external HD?16:58
luisthey guys… all the time i create a repository i have to sign it with: gpg --sign -bao Release.gpg Release   BUT i have to input the password all the time. I want to do this automatically with a script. how can avoid using a password or just input it automatically??16:58
guy11guys im installing ubuntu, i followed the uefi link-- what should my mount point be?16:58
jluc_is there a way to have nautilus display imagefiles width and height ? - or what other tool should i use ?16:58
ezra-sjohndoe, for those cases in which you need to have something  but the original .deb breaks things you can unpack the deb and install the binaries or whatever you need under /usr/local or ~/.local , so you have certain control over it16:59
wilee-nileegagarin1, That s one way, however the word files is to broad. There are cloning apps like clonezilla. This app will copy bit by g=bit the IS for a reinstall to a equal or bigger partition.16:59
johndoeezra-s: agreed, but sometimes thats the harder way16:59
ezra-sjohndoe, at the end you can use your program and it's installation is under your control only , while system packages get controlled and without problems with apt-get16:59
guy11im installing 13.04 on same HD as windows, should I use ext4 and what mount point?17:00
ezra-sjohndoe, but certainly your issues are more trouble now than anything else17:00
johndoeezra-s: why?17:01
gagarin1wilee-nilee: thank you for your help ^^17:01
ezra-sjohndoe, why? you are asking here because you are in trouble right?17:01
varunendratheperfectpunk, it is not what I suspected. Must do some experiment on 13.04 (I'm on 12.04), so it will take time to figure out why the error occurred. Do you have any thread posted on this issue?17:01
guy11anyone, mount point????17:01
theperfectpunkvarunendra: yes17:02
wilee-nileegagarin1, Honestly, if you cannot even remember whether you have encrypted ubuntu I would backup waht you can't loses like media and just wipe the HD and install windows then ubuntu in an extended, so that you know exactly what is up.17:02
DarkEraguy11,  /17:02
varunendratheperfectpunk, link?17:02
theperfectpunkvarunendra: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214365617:02
MonkeyDustguy11  ext4, and create a separate /home partition, too17:02
guy11why do I need another partition?17:03
theperfectpunkvarunendra: by the way, u from india?17:03
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving17:03
wilee-nileeguy11, ^^17:03
gagarin1wilee-nilee: okay17:03
MonkeyDustguy11  it's easier to reinstall or fresh install17:03
varunendratheperfectpunk, found it. Will post in it as soon as I have something worth posting. Yes I'm from India, in India :)17:03
guy11monkeydust: so that's like the user directory in windows?17:04
theperfectpunkvarunendra: thank you!17:04
guy11Also am I able to edit and access files between windows and ubuntu installing this way?17:04
MonkeyDustguy11  i'm not familiar with windows, but actually, it's the kernel that being separated, which is impossible in that other OS17:04
sid_hello ! i am facing an issue , i am trying to establish  cloud on ubunut using openstack , so on that we have to make manual paritioning, so i created 4 necessary partions for ubuntu, rest space is coming in extended and i want to create that parition from expended onem how i can do it17:05
varunendratheperfectpunk, No problem! :) However, can't help you right away. Unless someone else has experience with this device, you must keep patience.17:05
wilee-nileeguy11, Windows is accessible from ubuntu, however not windows to ubuntu, most have a shred ntfs partition.17:05
theperfectpunkvarunendra: ok17:05
varunendrasee you on your thread then.17:06
theperfectpunkvarunendra: cya later17:06
guy11wilee-nilee: so I am installing ubuntu on 2 partitions, my avail space is 25 gig how big should /home be?17:06
sid_hello ! i am facing an issue , i am trying to establish  cloud on ubunut using openstack , so on that we have to make manual paritioning, so i created 4 necessary partions for ubuntu, rest space is coming in extended and i want to create that parition from expended onem how i can do it17:07
MonkeyDustguy11  depends on what you want to do with ubuntu17:08
guy11it's for blender and krita mostly17:09
wilee-nileeguy11, With only 25 gigs I would myself not make a separate home, but I never do, it is not really needed. That s a somewhat outdated idea. home can be separated for a upgrade if needed, and one can save installed apps lists and repos and reload in a fresh install easily. I never upgrade I always fresh install it is much faster and stable.17:09
axisyshow to share my desktop over the web ? I have people coming from different OS/Platform17:09
sid_hello ! i am facing an issue , i am trying to establish  cloud on ubunut using openstack , so on that we have to make manual paritioning, so i created 4 necessary partions for ubuntu, rest space is coming in extended and i want to create that parition from expended onem how i can do it17:09
axisysI am on 13.0417:09
sid_waitinig for reply17:09
guy11wilee-nilee: thanks for the reply that's what I was thinking17:10
MonkeyDustaxisys  is that a server? if yes: try #ubuntu-server17:10
axisysMonkeyDust: desktop17:10
wilee-nileeguy11, Np problem, I also tend to clone installs at times as well.17:10
winterpkHi I'm having a problem with my ubuntu webserver.  I have multiple sites set up with virtual hosts and one has an SSL cert.  However, my client is getting an ssl cert error on a different site (even though I have no links to https on that site) where its trying to use a differet domain ssl. Does anyone know the best practice when setting up mulitple sites on the same server where some use SSL17:11
winterpkand others dont?17:11
MonkeyDustwinterpk  you too: #ubuntu-server17:11
sid_hello ! i am facing an issue , i am trying to establish  cloud on ubunut using openstack , so on that we have to make manual paritioning, so i created 4 necessary partions for ubuntu, rest space is coming in extended and i want to create that parition from expended onem how i can do it17:11
sid_are koi toh reply karo17:12
axisyswhen I click share desktop I do not the url:port like in older version17:12
axisysI do not see17:12
sid_hello ! i am facing an issue , i am trying to establish  cloud on ubunut using openstack , so on that we have to make manual paritioning, so i created 4 necessary partions for ubuntu, rest space is coming in extended and i want to create that parition from expended onem how i can do it17:13
MonkeyDust!repeat | sid_17:14
ubottusid_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:14
sid_i already searched my query on these forums, no success17:15
DCE25ESK1did i show you guys this turbzy.com/camera.html17:15
wilee-nileesid_, At the least you need to post the information of the partitions made you can pastebin sudo fdisk -l or make an image of gparted17:15
DJonesDCE25ESK1: Do you have an UBuntu support question?17:16
axisysshort from using TeamViewer is there builtin option available?17:20
axisyscan't use google hangout .. company policy17:20
A1Reconaxisys: there's this google chrome/chromium screenshare app17:21
A1Reconaxisys: I dunno if it will work though bcoz of ur company policy17:22
axisysA1Recon: let me check17:22
PunkuchOhello, i need help17:23
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axisysA1Recon: do you if multiple people can view ?17:24
PunkuchOwhen I want to start a game (Legends) in ubuntu 12.04 I get an error sound. : S17:25
BluesKaj_ever heard of a method to delete files according to their install timestamps ?17:25
PunkuchOnative_blitbuffer: select error occured17:25
A1Reconaxisys: This is the link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chrome-remote-desktop/gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp?hl=en17:25
axisysA1Recon: does not look like it will work.. Generating access code .. waiting for connection..17:26
A1Reconaxisys: go to Chrome Webstore and search Chrome Remote Desktop17:26
axisysA1Recon: I already installed it..17:27
A1Reconaxisys: Is it working??17:28
Bilzhi... i have an app that only works in the terminal (command line) and I need to use it through a socks proxy to download some stuff. I have set up tor on my computer accordingly, but now how would I make the terminal use the socks server for connections?17:28
axisysGenerating access code .. waiting for connection..17:28
axisysA1Recon: ^17:28
Bilzmore specifically this is for bbc iplayer17:28
axisysdoes not look like it will work17:28
axisysA1Recon: ^17:28
A1Reconwait let me google ur problem17:28
A1Reconaxisys: http://askubuntu.com/questions/25609/remote-desktop-similar-to-teamviewer see here17:29
ezra-sBilz, I don't know about tor, but other programs need a environmente variable called LD_PRELOAD with a certain lib in there so when you execute anything in that terminal it goes through the socksified connection id the socksification is correctly configured17:29
ezra-sBilz, I use dante and I have this one for example: LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/dante-client/libdsocksd.so"17:30
ezra-syou can add that in your .bashrc17:30
Bilzezra-s, i found this link: http://linuxcentre.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=28 apparently doing what I need, but as doing what they have done isnt really working for me and i dont know exactly what Im doing, i can'tg et it to work17:31
ezra-syou can also alias certain command forcing it to do another socksification command insted of the original17:31
Bilz(also im not really strong with ubuntu, so a lot of the technical stuff is beyond me)17:31
ezra-sBilz,it's not ubuntu, it's about socksification, it's the same in Linux no matter the distro17:32
eziowhat's a good media server that i can play synchronized through the house but also let users play their own stuff17:32
Bilzezra-s, sure, I understand that. when I say im not technical with ubuntu, I mean linux in general.17:33
ezra-sBilz, with socksification you are basically on a lower level forcing a program to do a connection through a socks connection, for that you need the correct library in use when the program is being invoked and the correct configuration for the socks server and address to be used when socksification is needed17:33
ezra-sBilz, I don't know tor, but the simplest thing I have ever used was tsocks17:34
zomgwhyaremyuserbella ciao17:34
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:35
ezra-sBilz, basically a configuration somwhere saying, for range go through gw 1080 socks 5... and the necessary library loaded17:35
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Bilzthank you ezra-s, i will look into it some17:37
ezra-sBilz, good luck17:38
doomlordare haskell integers boxed (bits reserved for GC ...30 or 31bits, something liek that) .. or a power-of-2 siz17:38
Bilzthanks for your help :)17:38
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ezra-sBilz, isn't there a default configuration file for tor you can configure according to tor specifics?17:38
trismdoomlord: try #haskell17:39
zomgguyzhey how do you stop people from knowing your ip in irc17:39
doomlordwrong tab sorry17:39
jrib!cloak | zomgguyz17:39
ubottuzomgguyz: To get any kind of cloak (ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup -  For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page, for unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode.17:39
zomgguyzis that for all irc channels or just this one17:41
DJoneszomgguyz: The best place to ask about registering nicks and about a cloak is in the channel #freenode17:42
FireBeardquick question: is audio problems a big issue on 12.04...?17:42
bekksFireBeard: For me, it isnt.17:43
FireBeardon average?17:43
bekksFireBeard: Never had any sound issues.17:43
MonkeyDustFireBeard  start from the beginning, what brings you here, in one line17:43
FireBeardevery time I do ANYTHING with my audio settings, it just stops working, and it even stops recognizing any cards I have17:43
FireBeardMonkeyDust: audio problems17:43
FireBeardI was just curious if this was a widespread problem or not17:44
FireBeardjust like smurftube17:44
Bilzthanks ezra-s, im a step closer now :)17:45
FireBeardbtw, this channel has exploded since I was last here :o17:46
FireBeardso, are audio problems on 12.04 a common problem?17:47
bekksFireBeard: For me, they arent.17:47
FireBeardyou said that alread, I'm asking if it's a problem in general17:47
bekksFireBeard: What do you really want to know?17:47
FireBeardexactly that...17:47
FireBeardif it's a fairly common problem or not17:48
* MonkeyDust hopes problems are never common17:49
FireBeardthis one seems to be, tho17:50
FireBeardthat's why I'm asking17:50
FireBeardeven more strange, after 3 years, the very last general update for 10.04 broke my audio in the same exact way17:51
FireBeardall the sudden, there are no more audio cards recognized by the computer, only a 'dummy' thingy17:51
FireBeardso, I was wondering if it was a 12.04 [or even an LTS] issue17:52
DarkEraFireBeard, did you try searching for similar bugs on launchpad?17:53
FireBeardon that pc I never even had any Flash audio problems17:53
FireBeardDarkEra: there are SO many bugs on there...17:54
FireBeardI tried17:54
FireBeardand it seems to be quite wide spread17:54
MonkeyDustFireBeard  don't hit the enter key too often, it's getting a headache17:54
til4kupgrading is always bad news, just wipe the thing17:55
FireBeardsorry, force of habbit17:55
PiciFireBeard: Are you doing something special to get your audio to work in the first place? Like compiling your own drivers?17:55
FireBeardPici: no, not at all actually17:55
rmarkeri am trying to find some free internet cafe software17:55
FireBeardfor some reason Ubuntu desides to not recognize any cards I have in my computer17:56
FireBeardI never had this issue before, at all, only since the last 10.04 update and now 12.0417:56
gordonjcpFireBeard: "cards"?17:57
FireBeardyes, the one on my mainboard and an USB one17:57
ramilegohow to make ubuntu first boot option ?17:58
FireBeardI have to do step 1, and reboot twice, in order to make it work again17:58
FireBeardas soon as I change anything audio, I have to do the whole thing over again... it's very irritating17:58
til4kramilego: first boot?17:59
FireBeardramilego: grub?17:59
til4kramilego: the CD?17:59
PiciFireBeard: What are you changing?17:59
ramilegoi installed ubuntu with windows 818:00
FireBeardPici: ANY audio settings...18:00
gordonjcpFireBeard: set yj18:00
FireBeardgordonjcp: care to explain? I'm still just a user18:00
gordonjcpFireBeard: set the alsa load order18:00
FireBeardI'll look into that18:00
ramilegoi need to make it first boot18:00
FireBeardcan that even BE an isue??18:00
gordonjcpFireBeard: what?18:01
til4kFireBeard: relax. we're having trouble understanding exactly what you're saying. start over18:01
til4kFireBeard: so after you upgraded your audio starting acting up. correct?18:01
netlarHow do I share a file png image here for my bootchart?18:02
til4kramilego: do you see both windows and ubuntu in a GRUB screen on bootup?18:02
FireBeardno, it started acting up after the last 10.04 update18:02
FireBeardI can get it to work again, I just wanted to know if it's a common issue18:03
til4knetlar: dunno, imgur.com ? your ubuntu one folder ?18:03
gordonjcpFireBeard: but you still haven't said what the issue is, particularly clearly18:03
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FireBeardI tried, English is not my first language18:03
gordonjcpFireBeard: mine neither18:03
gordonjcpFireBeard: what's actually happening18:03
FireBeardso, mine is still worse than yours, yay18:03
vijayI have a doubt18:03
vijayI need some help regarding an issue in ubuntu18:04
til4kvijay: ok18:04
gordonjcp!ask | vijay18:04
ubottuvijay: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:04
vijaycan anyone help me out18:04
FireBeardlike I said: the install does not recognize the audiocard at all18:04
gordonjcpFireBeard: what's the sound card?18:04
vijaythanks. I have windows 8 iso file in ubuntu 12.0418:04
FireBeardsome onboard nvidia thing18:04
vijayI want to install windows 8 now18:04
vijayhow can I do that?18:04
gordonjcpFireBeard: okay, can you identify what the hardware is with lspci18:05
gordonjcpvijay: #windows18:05
til4kvijay: hang on18:05
FireBeardagain, I just wanted to know if this behaviour is common in 12.0418:05
FireBeardgordonjcp: not on that pc atm18:05
til4kvijay: you need to burn the image file to a blank DVD18:05
gordonjcpFireBeard: I don't have any NVidia chipset stuff, so I'm not the best person to ask18:05
FireBeardI didn't specifically ask you...18:05
vijaycant I do without burning the file18:05
gordonjcpFireBeard: it may be that the card requires some funny firmware18:05
gordonjcpFireBeard: I'd be really surprised if that's the problem though18:06
vijaylike copying this iso onto a pen drive and all?18:06
FireBeardthat does not explain why it just stopped working tho18:06
gordonjcpFireBeard: yeah18:06
til4kvijay: check out http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads18:06
wilee-nileevijay, You can load the ISO to a usb formatted as an ntfs with a bootflag extract with the archive manager, it will boot.18:06
gordonjcpFireBeard: one thing that happens with ALSA is that the cards are sometimes detected in a different order18:06
gordonjcpFireBeard: so if you've got a couple of USB audio devices attached they are the wrong way round18:07
FireBeardyea, it only has one18:07
vijaycan you gimme any link18:07
gordonjcpFireBeard: one sound device?18:07
vijayas I am new to all these stuff18:07
wilee-nileevijay, NO links on this just found this to work.18:07
FireBeardin desparation I tried my USB XFI card, to no avail18:07
wilee-nileewoks with W7 as well18:07
FireBeardthen I found the solution I posted earlier18:07
FireBeardI just asked if there was a common issue on 12.04 with soundcards in general18:08
FireBeardit's all I asked18:08
vijaywilee, i have tried using disk creator18:08
wilee-nileevijay, The multisytem usb loader at pendrivelinux works as well.18:08
vijayto create a bootable drive18:09
vijaybut I am not able to18:09
wilee-nileevijay, I gave you two options that work.18:09
gordonjcpvijay: you are trying to create a bootable Windows installer?18:10
gordonjcpvijay: what on earth has that to do with Ubuntu?18:10
FireBeardafter all these years of audio FINALLY not being a problem anymore, it returns...18:10
gordonjcpFireBeard: no, it seems pretty solid apart from that18:10
FireBeardthe 'apart from that' is what gets me18:10
gordonjcpFireBeard: it may be worth identifying your specific hardware and seeing if there is some problem with that chipset18:10
vijayI want to install18:11
vijaywindows 8 now18:11
linuxieusI can't seem to find any solution to this error from Software Center, tips anyone? The error: Software can't be installed or removed because the authentication service is not available. (org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed: ('system-bus-name', {'name':  ':1.115'}): org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages18:11
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FireBeardI can always look it up, but it wasn't a problem for many many years18:11
vijayso what can I do18:11
netlarI have a very long boot up time, just short of 3 min, here is my boot chart http://ircshare.com/i/bj , wonder if someone can tell me what is the hang up in my boot from this chart?18:11
TeamRocket1233cHow well would Gtkpod work with a 2nd-gen Shuffle?18:12
MonkeyDustTeamRocket1233c  sure you're in the right channel?18:12
TeamRocket1233cI thought this was the support channel.18:13
netlarI am on 13.04 with a AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5600+18:13
brainwashnetlar, 3 min from start until login screen?18:13
MonkeyDustTeamRocket1233c  not any support, it's for ubuntu18:13
SonikkuAmericaTeamRocket1233c: Try #gtkpod18:13
netlarbrainwash: yes18:13
netlarAnd it is pretty fast after I log in, not sluggish at all18:14
FireBeardand when I rm everything *pulse, and reinstall the whole shebang,it works again, untill I try to modify anything audio, including output [I muted the 'surround' thingy in alsamixer, and it went dead again, same exact thing, again no more card recognized, etc]18:14
TeamRocket1233cAnd I'm running 13.04 on a Sempron 3400+ over here.18:14
FireBeardmakes me nuts18:14
brainwashnetlar, just take a look at the time scale in your bootchart18:14
axisyswhat is good visio like tool?18:15
netlarbrainwash: I did, not sure I can make any sense of it18:15
TeamRocket1233cUnity's usable in it, definitely, but it starts to choke when put under intensive-enough use.18:15
brainwashnetlar, everything is up and running after 33 secs18:15
TeamRocket1233cMeanwhile Xfce handles Vbox, Chromium, Xchat, and Pidgin going at the same time like a champ.18:16
FireBeardgordonjcp: thanks for your valiant effort tho ! :)18:16
netlarbrainwash: yes notice that part, but it just sits at a blank screen for over 2 min first18:16
onionHead_FireBeard: what cpu you have18:16
brainwashnetlar, are you able to switch to a virtual terminal during that time?18:16
SonikkuAmericaTeamRocket1233c: Aaaaaand Unity doesn't?18:17
netlarbrainwash: you mean with cntr + alt + f1?18:17
brainwashnetlar, yes18:17
netlarDont think so, let me try again18:17
FireBeardonionHead_: an AMD quadcore, second gen18:17
TeamRocket1233cSonikkuAmerica: On my specs, it starts to choke under heavy enough load, but then I have a Sempron 3400+ with a gig and a half of RAM so -shrug-.18:18
netlarbrainwash: If I can what does that mean?18:18
onionHead_FireBeard: can you run silverlight.18:18
SonikkuAmericaTeamRocket1233c: OK, I have twice as much RAM as you but an Intel 96518:18
FireBeardI forget the name of it, and this pcis too slow to to google18:18
linuxieusI can't seem to find any solution to this error from Software Center, tips anyone? The error: Software can't be installed or removed because the authentication service is not available. (org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed: ('system-bus-name', {'name':  ':1.115'}): org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages18:18
FireBeardonionHead_: never tried18:18
brainwashnetlar, something might be wrong with lightdm, not sure18:18
TeamRocket1233cSonikkuAmerica: I'm sure that on better hardware than what I got, it would take a lot more to choke Unity though.18:18
SonikkuAmericaOhhhh yes TeamRocket1233c18:19
FireBeardI tried it once, and it didn't work from what I remember18:19
brainwashnetlar, did you also check the output of dmesg?18:19
netlarbrainwash: I tried, not even sure what I am looking at there18:19
TeamRocket1233cSonikkuAmerica: And this is Vbox + Chromium with several tabs + Pidgin + Xchat I'm referring to here.18:19
onionHead_FireBeard: silverlight through winehq is only version 4.0. No gpu acceleration18:20
FireBeardmaybe I just need to do a clean install18:20
FireBeardonionHead_: fine, but what does silverlight have to do with anything?18:20
FireBeardif you don't mind me asking18:20
TeamRocket1233cSonikkuAmerica: That's around when Unity starts to choke on my hardware.18:20
brainwashnetlar, gaps between the time-stamps and timeout error, stuff like this18:20
onionHead_FireBeard: netflix18:20
SonikkuAmericaTeamRocket1233c: It would.18:20
FireBeardagain, what are you talking about?18:21
netlarbrainwash: and all of that is the boot process?18:21
FireBeardI never said anything netflix like18:21
Longtermcoinabased, abased, abased, abazee18:21
FireBeardI think you got me confused with somebody else18:21
onionHead_FireBeard: netflix uses silverlight not flash to watch movies18:22
TeamRocket1233cSonikkuAmerica: Meanwhile Cinnamon handles all that really well, albeit a little slow, meanwhile Xfce handles it like a champ, plus I kinda prefer Xfce's customization anyways.18:22
brainwashnetlar, some messages are added later on18:22
FireBeardonionHead_: so?18:22
FireBeardI really don't know what you are trying to say...18:22
onionHead_FireBeard: fyi only.18:22
netlarbrainwash: there are lots of messages with 0 time stamps18:22
FireBeardI never said anything about netflix, mostly because we don't have that here in Holland18:22
FireBeardoh ok...18:22
SonikkuAmericaTeamRocket1233c: XFCE is great for GNOME 2 mourners. MATE is fine but I can't mess with it for some reason.18:22
brainwashnetlar, that's normal, skip them18:22
FireBeardoh well, thanks for all the effort in trying to help me, everybody !18:23
onionHead_FireBeard: can you streAm bbc. Its blocked in usa18:23
netlarbrainwash: so look for stuff in dmesg that take lots of time?18:23
TeamRocket1233cSonikkuAmerica: It's also great for those that like to tweak the living heck outta their desktop.18:24
brainwashnetlar, or simply upload it18:24
SonikkuAmericaTeamRocket1233c: KDE isn't too bad either, but it's resource-heavy.18:24
brainwashnetlar, pastebin or somewhere in the web18:24
TeamRocket1233cSonikkuAmerica: Cinnamon's pretty good, and it's about middle-of-the-road on resource usage.18:24
netlarbrainwash: let me boot again and see if I can get to tty18:24
brainwashnetlar, alright18:25
mushhey i just saw this in my /etc/passwd on my server: irc:x:39:39:ircd:/var/run/ircd:/bin/sh and gnats:x:41:41:Gnats Bug-Reporting System (admin):/var/lib/gnats:/bin/sh - is this default or could the server have been hacked?18:25
SonikkuAmerica!ot | I hate to bust your bubble, TeamRocket1233c, but18:25
ubottuI hate to bust your bubble, TeamRocket1233c, but: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:25
bekksmush: Depends on what you installed. If you installed ircd, the irc user is pretty normal.18:26
TeamRocket1233cSonikkuAmerica: Oop! Heading to offtopic, got a little carried away.18:26
jribmush: there's no ircd running by default though...18:26
mushbekks: have not installed irc or ircd.. :S18:27
linuxieusI can't seem to find any solution to this error from Software Center, tips anyone? The error: Software can't be installed or removed because the authentication service is not available. (org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed: ('system-bus-name', {'name':  ':1.115'}): org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages18:27
mushbekks, jrib: also - proxy:x:13:13:proxy:/bin:/bin/sh18:27
mushand games:x:5:60:games:/usr/games:/bin/sh18:27
bekksmush: Thats normal when you installed a proxy software.18:27
bekksmush: ...18:27
=== owen is now known as Guest44827
mushthe only thing i have installed and running since the server was set up is mongodb, redid and node...18:28
linuxieusSoftware Center does seem to work fine after starting it from terminal with sudo.18:29
mushcould this mean the server has been hacked? how would I check if there is any root-kits installed?18:29
bekksmush: It most likely means you just forgot what you've installed.18:29
jribmush: if you're the only admin and there's software on there that you didn't install, then something is obviously amiss18:30
bekksmush: Whats the output of ls -lha /var/log/dpkg.log*18:30
g0toI'm looking for a way to check the state of the AC adapter (connected or not). Any clue?18:30
mushbekks: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 79K 2013-05-06 14:00 /var/log/dpkg.log18:30
MikeWorthHi, I'm trying to use a gem that requires ruby version >= 1.9.1 so I installed ruby1.9.3 via apt-get and used update-alternatives such that ruby -v now gives me "ruby 1.9.3p0 (2011-10-30 revision 33570) [x86_64-linux]" however when I try "gem install cinch" I just get "cinch requires Ruby version >= 1.9.1."18:30
mushjrib: yep thats what gets me worried18:31
mushbekks: i set this virtual server up just a few weeks ago18:31
jribmush: my guess is you installed it and don't remember18:31
g0tosomething changed from 12.04 to 13.04. I was using "/proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state" but that location doesn't exist anymore18:31
bekksmush: 79k is pretty much too much for just a few packages.18:31
bekksmush: I second jrib.18:31
mushbekks: hmm.. I set this virtual server up just two weeks ago. 100% sure I have not installed irc, ircd or any proxy services18:32
bekksmush: The logs say something different. :)18:33
andreHow do i Install virtualbox with usb2 enabled .18:33
bekksandre: Install virtualbox, as usual. And install the extension pack.18:33
andreon ubuntu18:33
bekksandre: Then, configure your vm to use usb2.18:33
bekksandre: On Ubuntu.18:33
mushbekks: ok well 79k does speak for itself I guess. is there a way to list all installed packages?18:33
andrebekks: ok i did18:34
bekksmush: Thats a plain textfile.18:34
bekksandre: Did you install the extension pack?18:34
mushoops yeah that was a stupid question18:34
linuxieusI can't seem to find any solution to this error from Software Center, tips anyone? The error: Software can't be installed or removed because the authentication service is not available. (org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed: ('system-bus-name', {'name':  ':1.115'}): org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages18:34
linuxieusSoftware Center does seem to work fine after starting it from terminal with sudo.18:34
andrei installed the .deb file from virtual oracle site.18:34
=== D is now known as Guest56728
andrebekks: i installed the .deb file from virtual oracle site18:36
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bekksandre: Thats just vbox, not the extension pack.18:37
andrebekks: were i find the ext pack18:37
bekksandre: On the official vbox website.18:37
bekksandre: In the downloads section.18:38
andrebekks: okey18:38
pheonixashhello is anyone using e17 on ubuntu 13.04?18:38
mushbekks: the log file does not have any records of ircd or irc, only the stuff i mentioned plus sqlite3. the reason the log was so large was because i had to remove and reinstall mongodb18:38
bekksmush: Which still isnt a sign of your server being hacked. Did you check wether those entries where there on your fresh install?18:39
bekksmush: Personally, I'd say they are default entries.18:40
andrebekks: got that Rodger that18:40
andrebekks: and ummmm the nvidia drivers for ubuntu 13.0418:40
andrebekks: that is on a laptop though.?18:41
bekksandre: Errm? Forget about your host drivers when talking about a vm.18:41
Mewtinium! I tried to ask this over on #rhythmbox but it's dead... does anyone know of a way to edit/add album coverart?18:41
mushbekks: nope did not check for that. guess i am just getting a bit paranoid :P18:41
bekksandre: In a vbox vm, the graphics adapter is some emulated device.18:41
bekksmush: From what I can see, they are default.18:41
andrebekks: jap know that but im looking for the nvidia drivers for my laptop18:42
andrebekks:not for the vm18:42
bekks!nvidia > andre18:42
ubottuandre, please see my private message18:42
pheonixashMewtini I don't see a way in RB18:43
mushbekks: ok thanks :) one more thing though, is rkhunter still the best tool for scanning the system for root kits etc?18:43
Mewtinihuh, there's not? I heard that there used to be a way to do it, but.18:44
andreis bekks a bot18:44
andrewt face18:44
MewtiniI think it was like ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/covers or whatever but that was probably a lot older than 13.0418:44
bekksandre: I'm not :)18:45
andreo just thought cause of the bot response18:45
pheonixashwhat the file format of the media?18:45
Mewtiniphoenixash wait, which media18:46
Mewtinithe cover is a .jpg and the music tracks themselves are all .mp318:46
Mewtiniaaaand *pheonixash18:46
pheonixashI assume you talking about music right?18:46
andrebekks: its not picking up my usb's18:47
pheonixashyoull probaly find the image is embedded in the mp3 file18:47
bekksandre: Did you install the extension pack?18:47
Mewtini(it is Rhythmbox, after all :) )18:47
andrebekks: but they are in my ubuntu18:47
andrebekks:yip i did18:47
bekksandre: And did you shutdown your vm, enabled usb2 support and started your vm again - all this after ensuring your user running vbox is in the vboxuser group?18:48
Mewtinipheonixash - ah, so there's no way to tamper with it or anything, then?18:48
Bigsistahi. where does ubuntu normally store default gateways? in /etc/network/interfaces?18:48
pheonixashI recently switched to Clementine and that can edit artwork else googles says use a specific app18:48
andrehuh what group18:49
andrelost dot com18:49
MewtiniBut Clementine's a KDE thing, isn't it?18:49
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Mewtiniforgot to mention I'm using Unity18:49
MewtiniI guess I could try some other players but I actually like Rhythmbox and its integration, so.18:50
Jake7I'm going to attempt an upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04 (instead of clean install) and wanted to know if the upgrade overwrites the existing fstab and grub?18:50
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pheonixashit is but work well in unity and gnome shell18:50
pheonixashwell its a qt app18:50
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Mewtiniah, okay18:51
pheonixashMewtini this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138671518:51
kernixhi all18:51
andrebekks: i did restart and its telling me there is no usb 218:51
andrebekks: wierd18:52
bekksandre: Did you add your user to the vboxuser group?18:53
linuxieusI can't seem to find any solution to this error from Software Center, tips anyone? The error: Software can't be installed or removed because the authentication service is not available. (org.freedesktop.PolicyKit.Error.Failed: ('system-bus-name', {'name':  ':1.115'}): org.debian.apt.install-or-remove-packages18:53
linuxieusSoftware Center does seem to work fine after starting it from terminal with sudo.18:53
andrebekks: must i add a "user" to vboxuser group18:53
bekksandre: You have to add _your_ current user to that group, and you have to completely log out and back in afterwards.18:54
andrebekks: I will do that now thansk18:54
DrDavidzomeone can helpme to tellme the diferent ways to install Skype18:55
lotuspsychjeDrDavid: goto the skype website and download the .deb file to install18:55
baldfatDrDavid: What ^ said18:56
DrDavidafter download it should i just doble click?18:59
Atlantic777I would say that enabling partner repos and installing skype from there is better idea...18:59
Atlantic777There were some problems which were fixed in that repos.18:59
lotuspsychjeDrDavid: yes open the deb file and it will automaticly jump open software centre18:59
Atlantic777LD_PRELOAD, tray icon and stuff...18:59
lotuspsychje!info skype19:01
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in raring19:01
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Atlantic777well... how come? https://paste.lugons.org/show/0LatEMbyUlgFupKGq6ei/19:03
DrDavidname your best software to mount iso files19:06
lotuspsychje!iso | DrDavid19:06
ubottuDrDavid: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:06
DrDavidthanks on the skype stuff is working already19:06
andre__bekks: still no luck19:06
=== andre__ is now known as Guest70131
ctxmenbcdedit /set disabledynamictick true19:07
Guest70131it is not picking up my usb drivers19:08
bekksAfter doing what exactly?19:09
CharcoalcatMewtini: Open the music files in EasyTag. Then, click a file and on the right switch to Pictures and press the green plus on the bottom to add one. Then use ctrl+A to highlight every file, and under the picture you added, press the tiny grey circle button! Finally, press ctrl+s to save the changes (or file>Save File(s)). Then the album art should appear in Rhythmbox.19:12
kunji1I'm running 13.04 on a msi gx60 (A10 4600m, not the hitman edition).  I was playing with setting some keyboard shortcuts and seeing what special buttons I could use in there, the user set p1 button (also Fn+F4) will show up as 0x78, but using p1 or Fn+F4 doesn't trigger the shortcut, somehow pressing just 'x' does.  When trying these out though, I tried some that have other preset functions, like disabling/enabling the touchpad or the wire19:12
Guest70131bekks: o its andre19:15
Guest70131bekks: the vmbox19:15
DrDavidit is possible to install office on linux?19:15
DrDavidthe owner want to have outlook cuz is more familiar to him19:16
bekksDrDavid: Just install libreoffice19:16
ebernhardsoni'm having a horrible time finding appropriate settings in ubuntu (12.04) ... I have two monitors, one in portrait.  When i try to move the mouse between screens there is some sort of limitation that requires me to move the mouse at a certain speed to move between screens19:16
bekksDrDavid: And Outlook is designed for Windows only.19:16
DrDavidyes i have the libre ofice installed and was trying to install on wine19:16
DrDavidbut not working19:16
CharcoalcatDrDavid: I installed Office through PlayOnLinux! (plain Wine didn't work) I don't know if Outlook works, but Word, Excel, and Access do (with problems), so it might?19:16
DrDavidseveral errors19:16
DrDavidill try to explain then19:17
bekksDrDavid: None of these error can be fixed, since you need PlayOnLinux at least.19:17
ebernhardsonadditionally, when i try and move from the bottom of the portrait screen to the main screen its impossible, it wants me to move far enough to the top of the secibd screen that it matches up with the first screen.  So how can i turn off the delay between screens, and how can i make it jump from the bottom of the portrait screen to the bottom of the normal screen instead of having to move the mouse up ?19:17
kunji1Hmm, one other interesting bit, using the P1 with a modifier key allows it to trigger the shortcut properly instead of triggering on 'x'.  So for instance I can use ctrl+P1 or ctrl+Fn+F4 to open terminal.19:17
DrDavidyes is install also play on linux too19:17
bekksDrDavid: You need the software called "PlayOnLinux" to run MS Office on Linux.19:18
DrDavidjust open and is installing fonts19:19
kunji1ebernhardson: You know where the settings are?  Go to all settings then displays and set Sticky Edges to off, that's what's stopping the mouse between screens.  That second part I'm not sure about how to change, it's a consequence of using different screen resolutions with those drivers I suppose.19:20
CharcoalcatDrDavid: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16623407/screenshots/linuxoutlook.png It appears to be working in my PlayOnLinux! I haven't tried doing anything, though.19:20
ebernhardsonkunji1: hmm, ok i will look arround more.  I had looked in settings->displays but all i get is this (also shows why the second issue is annoying): http://i.imgur.com/vDlzU3I.png19:21
lotuspsychjeCharcoalcat: what that 4th icon with speaker package called?19:22
heewhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/293663/compressing-big-files-into-several-files-ubuntu any suggestions?19:23
kunji1ebernhardson: Hmm, I'm on 13.04 and yeah, I have one more option under those, it might be someplace else previously, lemme check if you can get to it in Compiz perhaps.19:23
mchlbhm*facepalm* sorry guys wrong window19:23
Charcoalcatlotuspsychje: The one under Firefox? That's Konversation! It's an irc client.19:23
Charcoalcat(for KDE)19:23
kunji1ebernhardson: Yeah, the most movement would be super obnoxious like that, it was bad enough for me using a 1152p with 1080p19:24
lotuspsychjeCharcoalcat: ah yes i forget that one, im using xchat so many years now19:24
kunji1*mouse, not most19:24
lotuspsychjeCharcoalcat: can you set transparant window in konversation?19:25
ebernhardsonkunji1: on the upside,  adding a second screen in portrait feels like adding between 2 and 3 more laptop monitors :)19:27
Charcoalcatlotuspsychje: I don't *think* there's a way in the normal settings! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40560 According to this thread you can do it with xcompmgr?19:27
lotuspsychjeCharcoalcat: tnx for checking, ill stick to transparant xchat :p19:28
=== Tux_ is now known as Tux
darrellplease help i need to sort out my laptop and share files with other computers/laptops on my home network but for some reason i cant seem to see the other computer/laptops that ive got connected to my home network anyone help please19:31
darrellplease help i need to sort out my laptop and share files with other computers/laptops on my home network but for some reason i cant seem to see the other computer/laptops that ive got connected to my home network anyone help please19:32
lotuspsychje!patience | darrell19:32
ubottudarrell: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/19:32
Charcoalcatdarrel: Does it have to be a home network, or do you just need to share files?19:33
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darrelljust share files with other computers and laptops on my home network19:33
kunji1ebernhardson: What version of Ubuntu are you using?  It should help in the search to see how to disable sticky edges.  It's apparently been in display settings since 12.04 at least: http://askubuntu.com/questions/119281/what-is-the-function-of-the-sticky-edges-on-off-setting-in-displays  though I know that it's not there for you from the screenshot you showed.19:34
=== jagger|away is now known as jagger
lotuspsychjedarrell: other computers use ubuntu or windows?19:35
Charcoalcatdarrell: You could use the folder sharing option on Dropbox! It lets you put files in a folder and they'll sync to all of your computers that have Dropbox, so that might be what you need?19:35
darrelli want to share videos with my smart tv thats on my home internet network19:35
darrelli already have dropbox but my smart tv dont have the app dropbox yet19:36
joec1installed Lubuntu on old XP (2003?) computer the youtubes are strange green & red, small and distorted. Anyone have an idea?19:36
Apsu`kunji1: Was it not in appearance under the second tab (launcher?) for a recent version or two?19:36
lotuspsychjedarrell: over wifi or cable?19:36
bekksdarrell: Dropbox isnt needed / usable at that point. You have to setup a media server, like mediatomb or minidlna19:36
Apsu`Your TV probably only speaks DLNA19:37
rmarkeranyone know any free Internet cafe software?19:37
Apsu`So you're going to need something which can serve it, as bekks mentioned.19:37
lotuspsychjejoec1: install flashplugin?19:37
bekksrmarker: Whats a "Internet cafe software"?19:37
kunji1Apsu`: Hmm, it could have been, I don't recall, ebernhardson, could you check there?19:37
darrellive tried mediatomb and minidlna but my smart tv dont seem to pick up ubuntu it is dlna19:37
the_misfitdarrell: is it DLNA compatible19:37
bekksdarrell: minidlna works fine here.19:37
the_misfitdarrell: nm19:37
bekksdarrell: So does mediatomb.19:38
Apsu`darrell: Might need to use a CIFS/SMBFS share, then.19:38
the_misfitdarrell: what about just sharing a folder19:38
darrellthats right DLNA19:38
Apsu`Depending on your TV19:38
joec1I wasn't sure if it had already been installed, the youtubes play only goofy19:38
Apsu`Have you checked your TV's specs by looking up the model number?19:38
Apsu`joec1: That old of a machine might have flash hardware accel accidentally enabled, when it's not fully supported.19:38
lotuspsychje!info flashplugin-installer | joec119:39
ubottujoec1: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (raring), package size 6 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)19:39
Apsu`Generally that behavior is a color-space issue with acceleration or an overlay.19:39
darrellive tried sharing a folder from ubuntu but my smart tv dont seem to pick ubuntu up its ok with windows but i uninstalled windows 1 mon th ago19:39
the_misfitdarrell: a samba share?19:39
Apsu`And if that's the case, it's not something you can configure into working; just need to disable acceleration (or enable it, alternately)19:39
bekksdarrell: Then try to configure minidlna correctly.19:39
lotuspsychjejoec1: you can try installing lubuntu-restricted-extras aswell, or try google-chrome19:39
raventruecrypt: what is the command line for creating a encrypted volume19:39
the_misfitraven: dunno, try #truecrypt19:40
Apsu`raven: Have you checked the manpage or googled?19:40
lotuspsychje!encrypt | raven19:40
ubotturaven: For information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory19:40
darrellive just tried samba share still nothing my tv cant seem to see it19:40
Apsu`darrell: Are you sure you're not firewalling off inbound communication to your box?19:40
bekksdarrell: Most likely your TV does not support CIFS/SAMBA.19:40
Apsu`darrell: You might be filtering the traffic your TV needs to use.19:40
joec1the same on chrome & midori19:40
the_misfitdarrell: yeah try removing security from your router for a second19:40
the_misfitdarrell: see what happens19:41
Apsu`Not the router, you're on the same LAN19:41
the_misfitill shut up im confused19:41
lotuspsychjejoec1: flash not good then or grafix card too old19:41
Apsu`darrell: Use a paste site, and paste the output of "iptables-save -c"19:41
Apsu`Let's see if you've got any filtering that's relevant to DLNA/CIFS/SMBFS19:41
bekksdarrell: Does your TV supports CIFS/SAMBA at all?19:41
Apsu`joec1: Did you try disabling/enabling acceleration for flash?19:41
Apsu`joec1: Look in /etc/adobe/mms.cfg19:42
lotuspsychjejoec1: i had an older acer with lubuntu, never been able to make flash work on it (for ubuntu)19:42
darrelli dont have any security turned on on my router plus ive turned off the firewall still nothing and ive installed minidlna but cant find it in ubuntu to config anyone please need help19:42
bekksdarrell: Answer my question please.19:42
Apsu`darrell: Do what I asked so we can see what rules, if any, are actually loaded and present.19:43
bekksdarrell: And people are already trying to help you, as you noticed.19:43
lotuspsychjedarrell: doesnt your tv got a http:// adress you can browse to?19:43
bekkslotuspsychje: How will that help making his TV display a movie from another computer?19:43
darrellits supports DLNA heres my tv modal 47LA74019:44
MrokiiHello. How can I remount an HD in read-write mode? I've experimented with mounting a disk image on a 2nd internal HD (which is auto-mounted via an entry in /etc/fstab) and I must have done something wrong, as at some point the HD was remounted in read-only mode.19:44
bekksdarrell: And which maker is it?19:44
kunji1You guys sure have some fancy TVs... mine needs cables, period, end of story, though XBMC on a Rasberry Pi works wonderfully to remedy that.19:44
zeandrehi there19:45
zeandreanyone here?19:45
v0lksmananyone have a walkthrough for installing nvidia drivers in 13.04?19:45
joec1everything else seemed beautiful & fast, still pictures on web sites are beautiful, videos awful19:45
Apsu`joec1: Did you do what I asked?19:45
lotuspsychje!nvidia | v0lksman19:45
ubottuv0lksman: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto19:45
zeandrefor nvidia drivers i installed on mine19:45
zeandreyou have to close xserver19:45
=== tjbiddle_ is now known as tjbiddle
darrellso many peoples writing on here i cant seem to keep up with the support some people are writing sorry people19:46
Apsu`darrell: Run "sudo iptables-save -c" in a terminal, copy/paste the output into a paste site (see the topic for an option), and paste the link to it in here.19:46
Apsu`You said it worked on Windows, presumably with the same router and router config, so let's verify your Ubuntu install isn't blocking the traffic.19:47
zeandrei'm sorry guys, but how do I enter in a new channel?19:47
lotuspsychjebekks: on some boxes or tv/satelite you can remote view channels/movies tru http19:47
the_misfitzeandre: /join #channelhere19:47
DrDavidI install outlook with the play on linux and say that was succesfull but cant find the software19:47
joec1I'm a noobie, i'm afraid at the speed this is scrolling I haven't done anything yet read the replies, and I new to chatting too I will try to but I'm not sure I under stand the steps19:48
Apsu`DrDavid: I'd recommend Evolution over wrapping Outlook :P19:48
the_misfitDrDavid: you didnt make a shortcut so you gotta go to the folder..19:48
the_misfitDrDavid: pfft real men use thunderbird =P19:48
Apsu`joec1: Does /etc/adobe/mms.cfg exist?19:48
zeandreity, i have a problem with my soundcard ubuntu19:48
Apsu`the_misfit: Unless you need to talk to EWS or do calendaring :(19:48
CharcoalcatDrDavid: What does the can't find the software message look like? Can it find any other Office softwares in the suite?19:48
zeandrewhen i use headphones, speakers doesn't turn off19:49
zeandrei went to alsamixer and there's no option automute19:49
gueriLLaPunKso i booted into a ubuntu live 13.04 on my laptop and i dont see any wireless hardware19:49
CharcoalcatDrDavid: Also http://email.about.com/od/linuxemailclients/tp/Linux-UNIX-Email-Clients-fo---.htm might be worth checking for the owner, in case any are similar enough.19:49
zeandrecan anybody help me?19:49
gueriLLaPunKit has an intel wireless nic19:49
Apsu`zeandre: Might need to change your sound card driver options.19:49
DrDavidhave 2 acc on thunderbird already but he wanted the outlook anyway and look into C drive and was not even microsoft folder only internet explorer and the block notes19:49
Apsu`zeandre: If it's an hda, the model parameter can often solve that.19:50
the_misfitDrDavid: what you prob did, if the install was successful, was not make a shortcut within playonlinux.. so you need to go into your home folder and do ctrl H and find .playonlinux and then uhh19:50
the_misfitdefault/ or someting19:50
zeandrei've searched in the internet and i can't find a solution19:50
Apsu`zeandre: Start by identifying your sound card driver; "lsmod | grep snd" is a good starting point.19:50
lotuspsychjegueriLLaPunK: did you check additional drivers?19:50
Apsu`zeandre: If you see snd-hda-intel, for instance, you have an HDA.19:50
zeandrei changed alsa-base.conf19:50
joec1I looked under etc/ I don't see etc/adobe anything19:50
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:50
gueriLLaPunKwhere do i check, lotuspsychje19:50
zeandrei install my drivers19:50
zeandreand nothing19:50
zeandreyes i have an HDA19:51
Apsu`joec1: You looked under /etc/adobe?19:51
lotuspsychjegueriLLaPunK: software centre/software sources/tab additional drivers19:51
ActionParsnipjoec1: are you on about /etc/adobe/mms.cfg ?19:51
CharcoalcatDrDavid: If you're checking in the regular Wine folder, I'm pretty sure PlayOnLinux makes it's own Wine folders somewhere!19:51
gueriLLaPunKlotuspsychje, how can i check the software center if i cant get online? :(19:51
Apsu`joec1: If it doesn't already exist, you can create it.19:51
zeandremy sound card model is IDT 92HD75B3X519:51
DrDavidthnks ill lock for it19:52
Apsu`joec1: http://superuser.com/questions/434762/disable-hardware-acceleration-for-flash-player-in-linux has two approaches.19:52
darrellhow do i set up minidlna then its installed but i cant find it19:52
Apsu`darrell: Yeah, you're running a lot of firewall rules.19:52
lotuspsychjegueriLLaPunK: you can add drivers from cd offline too19:52
kunji1One bump I won't ask again for a few hours, I know laptop keys are a pain: I'm running 13.04 on a msi gx60 (A10 4600m, not the hitman edition).  I was playing with setting some keyboard shortcuts and seeing what special buttons I could use in there, the user set p1 button (also Fn+F4) will show up as 0x78, but using p1 or Fn+F4 doesn't trigger the shortcut, somehow pressing just 'x' does.  When trying these out though, I tried some that ha19:52
bekksdarrell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MiniDLNA19:52
Apsu`bekks: Don't think that's at all the issue. Did you see the pastebin?19:53
darrellthanks bekks19:53
CharcoalcatDrDavid: When you install something through PlayOnLinux, it's meant to ask you to put a shortcut into PlayOnLinux! Did it not do that?19:53
bekksApsu`: Yeah.19:53
ActionParsnipzeandre: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload19:53
bekksdarrell: After configuring, prior to testing, disable your firewall rules.19:53
joec1I do not see etc/abobe I opened file manager PCmanFM clicked up arrow opened etc/  there is no adobe shown19:53
Apsu`darrell: To test, you could clear your firewall for the moment. Your chains don't look like UFW, so I'm not sure what you're using that's setting them up for you19:53
Apsu`joec1: Follow the link I gave you. You can create the file.19:54
ActionParsnipkunji1: are there any bugs reported?19:54
darrelli dont have any firewall installed sorry wait there yes i do firestarter ill uninstall that now brb19:54
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DrDavidno didnt put a shorcut into play on linux, i found the outlook.exe but dont open19:55
Apsu`darrell: Uninstalling may or may not also clear the rules. You need to tell it to clear them, or I can tell you what to do manually...19:55
bekksdarrell: No.19:55
kunji1ActionParsnip: Not that I'm aware of, what part did you think might have warranted a bug?  The part about 0x78 triggering on 'x'?19:55
bekksdarrell: You dont need to uninstall it. Just disable your firewall.19:55
darrellyes manually do fine19:55
the_misfitDrDavid: just install it again and make a shortcut this time and remove the other virtual.. whatever they call it. At this point its not even worth it =P19:55
gueriLLaPunKaccording to this documentation, my wireless card is included, but i cant see it19:55
joec1I can't find that link or maybe I'm just misunderstanding sorry19:55
ActionParsnipjoec1: sudo mkdir /etc/adobe; echo “OverrideGPUValidation=true” | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg19:55
darrellmy firewall is disabled19:55
gueriLLaPunKI have the BCM431219:56
ActionParsnipkunji1: possibly19:56
DrDavidHOW to put the Shorcut of the OUTLOOK.EXE19:56
bekksdarrell: And now DLNA seems to be working?19:56
the_misfitDrDavid: it prompts you when its done installing19:56
ActionParsnip!broadcom | guerillapunk19:56
ubottuguerillapunk: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:56
darrellno dlna dont seem to be working19:57
kunji1ActionParsnip: Hmm, I'll look around, I was only really concerned about putting back my wifi toggling as top concern though.  Because the P1 (0x78) isn't bound to anything by default.19:57
darrellwhere am i meant to see if its working or not as i tried my tv and it wont pick ubuntu up19:57
ActionParsnipgeurillapunk: seems you can use either driver19:57
bekksdarrell: Did you configure the minidlna server then?19:58
bekksdarrell: Or did you just install it?19:58
gueriLLaPunKty ActionParsnip19:58
darrelllike i said where do i config minidlna as its installed but i dont see how to config it19:58
ActionParsnipdrdavid: are you wanting to connect to an Exchange sever?19:59
darrellsorry im quting bye JOKERS ON HERE trust me19:59
netlarbrainwash: I just had something strange happen with the boot up19:59
ActionParsnipdarrel: did you read ubottu's link19:59
DrDavidi have now idea of EXange server19:59
brainwashnetlar, tell us19:59
ActionParsnipdarrel: its all there all you have to do is read, try it19:59
DrDavidwas just told by the owner to install it cuz need it19:59
Apsu`darrell: If you want to manually clear all filter table rules, you can do (with sudo or as root): iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT; iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT; iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT; iptables -F; iptables -X20:00
netlarI got side tracked and could not come back to the computer, so I turned it on to boot up and it took about 15 sec20:00
ActionParsnipdrdavid: if you arent connecting to an Exchange server, why would you NEED Outlook?20:00
Apsu`The -P's are important since your current default chain policies are DROP, and if you -F/-X with DROP policies your box will be unable to communicate in/out20:00
netlarThen, I rebooted and it took 15 again20:00
DrDavidthink he say cuz is for a institution or something that can only configure it with outlook20:00
the_misfitActionParsnip: if the guy wants outlook let him install outlook =P20:01
ActionParsnipdrdavid: Weird20:01
netlarBut then I shut down and turned on to reboot one more time to check it, and again over 2 min with a blank screen and could not go into tty20:01
Apsu`DrDavid: Evolution can talk to Exchange servers.20:01
brainwashnetlar, a miracle? :D20:01
ActionParsnipthe_misfit: just a weird requirement really20:01
netlarbrainwash: not sure, maybe it is intermittent20:01
brainwashnetlar, that is odd indeed, maybe some sort of race condition20:02
DrDavidit say that is install again in no time was installed already now says conect to office online and close20:02
netlarbrainwash: want me to paste in the dmesg?20:02
DrDavidi i can click on close now20:02
brainwashnetlar, yes20:02
the_misfitDrDavid: its not volunteers job in here in any rate to give you support on playonlinux20:02
ActionParsnipdrdavid: ahh microsoft online20:03
netlarbrainwash: how much of it, there seems to be a lot20:03
brainwashnetlar, the whole log i guess, we can skip parts while checking it20:03
CharcoalcatDrDavid: What version of Office are you trying to install? 2010 is the one I have working.20:03
joec1after sudo mkdir etc/adobe what?20:03
DrDavidthe_misfit:  do you mean i should stop asking?20:03
DrDavidCharcoalcat: is the 200720:04
netlarbrainwash: here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652231/20:04
the_misfitDrDavid: i dunno did you make a new.. virtual.. damn what does pol call it.20:04
the_misfitDrDavid: or install into the same one as the one you cant find20:04
SonikkuAmericathe_misfit: Virtual machine? Virtual drive?20:05
DrDavidhow to make a shorcut? to where?20:05
ActionParsnipdrdavid: https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=office%20365%20ubuntu%20evolution&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDAQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fweb.ysu.edu%2Fgen%2Fysu_generated_bin%2Fdocuments%2Fbasic_module%2FOffice_365_Mail_Client_Configuration_Guide_Evolution.pdf&ei=xlKNUf__N-Kl0wWgooDYCA&usg=AFQjCNFka6qyPQrIYfkl5U6YPxgbb0L46A&bvm=bv.46340616,d.d2k20:05
ActionParsnipi hate google search20:06
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: Have you heard of URL shorteners?20:06
ActionParsnipsonikkuamerica: yes but it simply shouldnt do it20:06
DrDavidActionParsnip:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652231/20:06
ActionParsnipsonikkuamerica: duckduckgo doesnt.....its so annoying20:06
DrDavidActionParsnip: thanks20:07
SonikkuAmericaWell, goo.gl and bit.ly do20:07
brainwashnetlar, not sure about it, maybe some external usb device might cause the random delay20:07
the_misfityou can !bang a url and shorten it on DDG20:08
the_misfittheres !tinyurl20:08
the_misfitand !longurl20:08
netlarbrainwash: maybe remove them and boot up with just the cpu and not all the attachments?20:08
the_misfitno bitly i guess20:08
ActionParsnipsonikkuamerica: i usually use tinyurl but in this case google came up with the goods, such an annoying "feature"20:08
brainwashnetlar, this dmesg was generated after a long or short boot?20:09
SonikkuAmericaActionParsnip: Don't you hate when that happens.20:09
netlarbrainwash: that was after the last one, that was long20:09
kunji1ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/TMi4XLed   This using xev, pressing 'x' then the P1 special laptop key, then Fn+F4, which should be the same as P1.  It seems that x is 0x78, but why P1 sets as x isn't clear to me.  It seems that setting the combo, Ctrl+P1 , while it does not trigger on 'x' it will trigger on Ctrl+'x' So it's basically x equivalent for some reason except when used on it's own?20:09
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ActionParsnipsonikkuamerica: loads20:09
netlarbrainwash: so that is recreated every time I boot up?20:10
CharcoalcatDrDavid: In PlayOnLinux, click configure! (gear icon) You should see virtual drives on the left. If you click on one, there's a button to make a new shortcut.20:10
brainwashnetlar, yes, the dmesg log file does get replaced on every boot20:10
ActionParsnipkunji1: do you have the latest biosñ20:10
alex_funhey folks20:11
netlarbrainwash: does seem like there is a lot going on there on the boot, is that pretty normal?20:11
brainwashnetlar, the entries containing "delay: estimated" might be cause by some usb device20:11
DrDavidCharcoalcat:  thanks to your help will continue working monday see you here folks cuz soon is time to leave here20:11
alex_funis it easy to insall ubuntu when I use ati graphic card20:11
alex_funlike are drivers easy to come by?20:11
brainwashnetlar, absolutely normal20:11
ActionParsnipalex_fun: which ati gpu?20:11
CharcoalcatDrDavid: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16623407/screenshots/POLshortcut.png Also, good luck!20:11
netlarbrainwash: I was having these boot problems , and did a fresh install, so this is straight Ubuntu20:12
alex_funActionParsnip: 577020:12
alex_fungamers card :D20:12
kunji1ActionParsnip: I do not, generally the recommendation from MSI was to not update unless the changes in the change log addressed an issue you were having.  The only change in the new BIOS addresses fan noise due to some piezoelectric effects that I have not experienced.20:12
ActionParsnipalex_fun: they all are.....20:12
brainwashnetlar, so the boot problems re-appeared after a fresh install?20:12
alex_funok ok node taken20:12
ActionParsnipalex_fun: will be fine20:13
netlarbrainwash: yes20:13
SonikkuAmericanetlar: Pure, unadulterated Ubuntu? :D20:13
netlarha ha yes SonikkuAmerica20:13
ActionParsnipkunji1: makes sense20:13
alex_funwhich ubuntu is most stable?20:13
alex_funand safe20:13
DrDavidCharcoalcat:  i see your screen shot thanks to take your timne20:13
alex_funare there hardened releases?20:13
brainwashnetlar, so it's most likely caused by some hardware error/glitch20:14
brainwashnetlar, or faulty driver20:14
ActionParsnipalex_fun: not even close to a hundred releases. Precise is the latest LTS designed to be solid20:14
netlarbrainwash: funny how it would all of a sudden get me two quick boots20:14
joec1I tried installing Lubuntu restricted extras, that did not appear to affect problem. I have to break off now, thanks for the help. This was my 1st time ever in any chat room.  I had spent a considerable time already in google on the glitch, anyway thanks, this great20:15
ActionParsnipalex_fun: They are all stable except Saucy which is prerelease20:15
brainwashnetlar, yea, really odd20:15
netlarbrainwash: well let me reboot and try different things with the attachments20:16
brainwashnetlar, alright20:16
alex_funActionParsnip: and can I disable root passwd login and make it work only with remotely hosted .ppk key?20:16
kfkeithhello, I'm having a problem with installing restricted drivers, whenever I try to do it, it hangs and then I think has a kernel panic, I'm running the most recent version of Xubuntu20:16
netlarbrainwash: and really thanks for helping20:16
alex_funI saw in amazon ubuntu its default option20:16
brainwashnetlar, sadly the problem is not solved yet =S20:16
alex_funi mainly want to close all ports except 2220:16
alex_funand use ppk key20:17
netlarbrainwash: still appreciate20:17
kfkeithanyone have a solution?20:17
ActionParsnipalex_fun: root is disabled by default. your first user is in a group named 'sudo' which you can use to get admin access when needed20:17
kunji1Should the WiFi toggling be assignable somewhere in Dconf?20:17
sharperguyAnyone know how I can read values from kdewallet from the CLI without installing any new programs? I need to get the wifi password back but I can't login to KDE for some reason20:17
ActionParsnipkfkeith: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc20:17
kfkeithActionParsnip, just a second20:18
kfkeithActionParsnip, "precise"20:18
ActionParsnipalex_fun: you can configure iptables to block all incoming but on port 22 and install openssh-server20:18
ActionParsnipkfkeith: and which video chip do you have?20:19
kfkeithActionParsnip, I'm not sure20:19
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kfkeiththis is for Wi-Fi not video cards though20:19
kfkeithBroadcom STA20:19
ActionParsnipkfkeith: run: sudo lshw -C network20:19
ActionParsnipkfkeith: what chip is it?20:20
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:20
Charcoalcatsharperguy: http://askubuntu.com/questions/22154/how-to-reset-a-password-from-kwallet Would the suggestions here work for you?20:21
kfkeithActionParsnip, thanks20:21
sharperguyCharcoalcat: basically I can't login to KDE at all but I need to be able to retrieve a stored wifi password20:22
kfkeithnow I have another problem20:22
kfkeith"E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. "20:22
kfkeithwhenever I try to do that, it tries to install the driver, and I get kernel panics20:23
mgodzillacan anyone help me install davmail for ubuntu 12.04 64 bit?20:23
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bekkskfkeith: How do you identify the "kernel panics"?20:23
ActionParsnip!aptfix | kfkeith20:23
ubottukfkeith: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:23
mgodzillato work w/ thunderbird/exchage specifically.20:23
mgodzillamy question is - how the fuck do i start?20:23
IdleOne!language | mgodzilla20:23
ubottumgodzilla: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:23
StrykerI installed an x86 version of ubuntu on my x64 machine a while back because it was my only disk at the time, and now I want to know how to overwrite the old installation without hurting my personal files20:24
bazhangmgodzilla, no cursing here20:24
ActionParsnipmgodzilla: is davmail like gmail etc?20:24
kfkeithbekks, screen goes blank and all I see is a bunch of error messages and I can't type20:24
bekkskfkeith: A kernel panic would let your keyboard LEDs blink.20:24
mgodzillait opens up ports to relay mail via imap w/ exchange servers.20:24
mgodzillaone applications.20:24
bekkskfkeith: And which error messaged do you see?20:24
tttbis there a way to get the location from the file browser? it is useful for when you are browsing and using the terminal20:24
Atlantic777Stryker: do you have your /home on separate partition?20:24
tttbcd directory can become a bit tedious20:24
kfkeithbekks, I'm not sure, but I guess it's not a kernel panic20:24
StrykerAtlantic777: no I don't, but do you recommend that configuration?20:25
sharperguyHow come when I log into kubuntu now it just logs me back out again straight away?20:25
Charcoalcatsharperguy: " The only solution I've found is to log in via console, then run "startx." It brings me into KDE and all is well."? (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1462745)20:25
jeekOnce the Ubuntu installer gets to the "Installing system" portion of the exercise, can I yank the external CD-ROM drive I've been installing from?20:25
Atlantic777Stryker: yes, it's recommended to have at least separated /home and / (root) partitions if you want to have shared /home folders (read this as personal settings and files) between multiple installations.20:26
ActionParsnipmgodzilla: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=165215520:26
bekkssharperguy: There are zillion of reasons for that. One possible reason is a full filesystem.20:26
Atlantic777Stryker: this way you can reinstall whole system, and even install another distro but still use your olde /home partition.20:26
ActionParsnipmgodzilla: http://turanct.wordpress.com/2013/01/04/use-thunderbird-with-microsoft-exchange-through-davmail/20:26
sharperguyCharcoalcat: I just get a black screen when i do that20:26
StrykerAtlantic777: any suggestions on the best way to do that without permissions errors?20:27
Atlantic777Stryker: or you can even have 2, 3 or more systems installed which will use the same /home. :)20:27
mgodzillai should've started w/ the mozilla forums..instead of sourceforge.20:27
bekkssharperguy: startx is outdated. Restart the lightdm service nowadays.20:27
mgodzillathx. ActionParsnip :)20:27
ActionParsnipmgodzilla: http://www.ronakg.com/2010/07/thunderbird_lightning_davmail_ubuntu/20:27
ActionParsnipmgodzilla: duckduckgo.......simple searches20:27
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mgodzillayeah - i had it workin' w/ ubuntu 12.04 32 bit.20:28
cloneGLasse- not only reinstalling xserver-xorg did not solve the problem but made it bigger: now the system thinks my computer is a laptop20:28
sharperguyok I have a full home partition20:28
krfkeithActionParsnip, I tried what the thing the bot said to fix apt, and it crashed yet again20:28
sharperguybut i cant remove any files20:28
mgodzillathere seems to be a specific problem w/ 64 bit and a swt file/directory.20:28
bekkssharperguy: Why not?20:28
Atlantic777Stryker: permission errors? If you are asking how to make separated /home partition in your current system, I would recommend you rsync.20:28
sharperguyapparently you have to have space to delete things :S20:28
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bekkssharperguy: Did you try to log in in console mode?20:28
Atlantic777Stryker: it's a tool for copying many files with some nice features like transfer over ssh, preserving permissions, on the fly compression etc.20:28
sharperguyI even tried "cat "" > big_file"20:28
sharperguybekks: yes20:28
krfkeithI'm so frustrated20:29
bekkssharperguy: And did you find some files wasting space?20:29
sharperguyit just says "write error: no space left on device"20:29
krfkeithif I tried to do dpkg --configure -a it still crashes20:29
cloneGreinstalling xserver-xorg and then installing nvidia-current made ubuntu think my computer is a laptop20:29
ActionParsnipkrfkeith: try a reboot20:29
krfkeithActionParsnip, I have20:29
bekkssharperguy: It says that when doing what?20:29
krfkeithI just did20:29
StrykerAtlantic777: that looks pretty nifty!20:29
Atlantic777Stryker: of course, there are always a catch, some distributions use UID and GID starting from 1000 and some from 500 (or something). You don't really need to take care of it, ubuntu and other similar distros will use UID/GID starting from 1000 and everything will be fine. ;)20:30
krfkeithit still says to do dpkh --configure -a which makes it crash20:30
sharperguybekks: well if i delete things it still says 100% usage afterwards, and if i try to just cat an empty string over the file it wont let me20:30
ActionParsnipsharperguy: try: cat /dev/null > filenamehere20:30
bekkssharperguy: Then you have to remove more files, instead of cat'ing.20:30
ActionParsnipshareperguy: could also uninstall unused kernels20:30
sharperguyI removed a few GB of file20:30
bekkssharperguy: Which wasnt enough then.20:30
sharperguyhow much space do I need?20:31
Atlantic777Stryker: and one more thing you should take in mind is, if you have multiple users on that systems, GID/UID have to match. I mean, if user1 has uid (user id) 1001 in ubuntu1, and that user1 in ubuntu2 has uid 1002, you can make a mess.20:31
ActionParsnipsharperguy: for what?20:31
bekkssharperguy: That depends on the filesystem size.20:31
sharperguyto log in20:31
krfkeithI can't get anything to work20:31
netlarbrainwash: It appears to be my external hard drive20:31
ActionParsnipsharperguy: a litle for GUI, you can always drop to TTY1 and login there and free space20:32
kunji1Hmm, I know the wifi button works, because I can assign it to other functions and it is recognized as XF86WLAN by xev, shows up as WLAN in the keyboard shortcuts thing.  Just need to figure out how to assign it back to it's original function.20:32
ActionParsnipkrfkieth: did you try the reboot?20:32
krfkeithoh, here's something, when it crashes, the cursor is still there, and if you hover over where a textbox was (you can't see it though) it changes accordingly20:32
krfkeithActionParsnip, yes20:32
bekkssharperguy: Please give us the line of df -h showing your filled up filesystem.20:32
ActionParsnipkrfkeith: what is the output of: sudo apt-get -f install20:33
sharperguyActionParsnip: "/dev/sda6     145G    134G    3.6G    98%    /home"20:33
ActionParsnipkrfkeith: use a pastebin to hold the text20:33
sharperguyI dont really understand the math there20:33
krfkeithActionParsnip, "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. "20:33
krfkeiththat's all20:33
StrykerAtlantic777: just double-checking: the plan is making a /home partition and putting my files into it from this installation using rsync. Is there a way to configure the new installations to use it as the default /home?20:34
bekkssharperguy: You have to have at least 5% free.20:34
krfkeithand if I do that, it crashes20:34
ActionParsnipkrfkeith: then run that and pastebin the output20:34
krfkeithI can't, it crashes20:34
sharperguybekks: but how does 145-134 = 3.6?20:34
krfkeiththere's no way to copy the text20:34
ActionParsnipsharperguy: /home being fullish should be ok20:34
bekkssharperguy: filesystem overhead. :)20:34
sharperguyActionParsnip: well it isnt ok20:34
ActionParsnipsharperguy: the partition has a journal using some space20:35
sharperguymy / still has ~20% free20:35
CharlieSuQuick Upstart question. I've created a conf file under /etc/init/   Should it start this service when the server boots?  https://gist.github.com/CharlieSu/dbd4c289222862eb363020:35
bekkssharperguy: Your / is out of interest :)20:35
ActionParsnipsharperguy: ok which browser do you use?20:35
Atlantic777Stryker: that's right. You move your personal files to separate partition and then in installer you choose advanced mode ( the option is called "something else" probably) and then choose root partition, check it for formating and select your partition with personal files and settings, make it's mount point as /home and make sure it's not checked for formating. And that's it.20:35
Charcoalcatkrfkeith: Does it crash if you use a different terminal, too?20:35
krfkeithCharcoalcat, what do you mean?20:36
sharperguyActionParsnip: chrome20:36
Charcoalcatkrfkeith: Like if you're using gnome-terminal and it crashes, does another like Konsole also crash?20:36
netlarbrainwash: the external hard drive is formatted msdos, would that matter?20:36
ActionParsnipsharperguy: both?20:36
krfkeithCharcoalcat, hold on, I'll try20:36
Strykerthanks, Atlantic77720:36
Strykeryou are the definition of what this irc is all about20:36
sharperguyActionParsnip: chromium20:37
c3vinis Lynis a good audit tool for a production ubuntu server?20:37
brainwashnetlar, not sure about, guess you should rephrase your initial question and maybe someone here knows a solution.. or google :)20:37
Atlantic777Stryker: thanks, come again. I'm on the IRC for about half of my life. :P20:37
ActionParsnipsharperguy: does it keep its cache in ~/.cache like chrome does?20:38
bekksAtlantic777: So you're < 30 :)20:38
Atlantic777bekks: 20, sharp.20:38
Atlantic777bekks: and irc is > 20, afaik.20:38
krfkeithCharcoalcat, I can't install other terminals because apt is broken20:38
bekksAtlantic777: Hmm, then I'm on IRC since you were a little boy ;)20:38
krfkeithI've been on IRC since 2000, I'm 20, I was 7 then20:38
sharperguyActionParsnip: yeah ok i just deleted that20:39
deadweaselafternoon utfans0520:39
ActionParsnipbekks: kids huh :)20:39
netlarI have an external hard drive from iomega, that appears to be slowing boot up dramatically, the external hard drive is formatted with msdos.  Does it need to be formatted differently?20:39
sharperguystill wont let me log in20:39
bekksActionParsnip: ;)20:39
ActionParsnipsharperguy: how much space now?20:39
Charcoalcatkrfkeith: What if reboot and log in in console-only mode?20:39
Charcoalcat*if you20:39
sharperguy4.4G (3%)20:39
bekkssharperguy: 3% is less than 5%.20:39
bekkssharperguy: Still too less space.20:39
ActionParsnipsharperguy: could try bleachbit and run it in cli to clear stuff20:41
sharperguyActionParsnip: It says 95% used now but i still cant get in20:42
sharperguyActionParsnip: I cant install anything without logging in because network access depends on the GUI20:43
bekkssharperguy: Then clean up until 6% to be sure.20:43
ActionParsnipsharperguy: it doesnt. that is just a gui for the network manager service which is set to run automatically20:44
Atlantic777sharperguy: we can fix network in cli, if you need it...20:44
sharperguybekks: it says 93% now20:44
sharperguystill cant log in20:44
=== brad_ is now known as krfkeith_
krfkeith_okay I figured it out, sort of20:44
bekkssharperguy: Then investigate the logs why you cant log in.20:45
krfkeith_there's a segmentation fault20:45
krfkeith_whenever I try to run dpkg --configure -a20:45
sharperguyI just need a saved wifi passoword20:45
krfkeith_it crashes the whole networking system20:45
saydhi how do i install something from the quantal backports?20:45
ActionParsnipsharperguy: are there any files in20:45
krfkeith_and dpkg and apt are completely broken20:45
krfkeith_I can't do anything with them20:45
krfkeith_I can't install any packages or uninstall or anything20:46
saydor am i better off installing from apt-get without backport and then building from src20:46
krfkeith_please help :/20:46
ActionParsnipsharperguy: why not just connect using an Ethernet cable and view the router config....20:46
Atlantic777krfkeith_: I'm just curious, how did you do that? :D20:46
sharperguyActionParsnip: not anymore20:46
krfkeith_Atlantic777, do what?20:46
deadweaselAnybody know why Unity Dash takes exactly 5 seconds to open any time I click it?20:46
krfkeith_I tried it in a tty20:46
SonikkuAmericasayd: Go to Software Sources (Software and Updates) and enable "Unsupported updates"20:46
Atlantic777krfkeith_: broke dpkg and apt stuff20:46
deadweaseli even have trouble in gnome220:46
sharperguyActionParsnip: I have 9% free now and i still cant login20:46
saydSonikkuAmerica I am on cli20:46
deadweaseland I have to put my passowrd in twice for any X session20:46
krfkeith_Atlantic777, I have no idea, all I did was try to install broadcom STA drivers20:46
ActionParsnipdeadweasel: is it the same with a fresh user?20:46
deadweaselto start20:46
krfkeith_and then everything broke20:46
deadweaselI'll check, ActionParsnip, thx20:47
Charcoalcatkrfkeith_: "Suggested command i ssudo apt-get -f install"?20:47
ActionParsnipsharperguy: tried the Ethernet method?20:47
Charcoalcat*is sudo20:47
Atlantic777krfkeith_: that has nothing to do with dpkg, unless there are some evil .deb packages with that evil driver. :)20:47
sharperguyActionParsnip: how will ethernet let me log in?20:47
deadweaselActionParsnip, yes, same delay, also have to put password in twice..20:47
krfkeith_Charcoalcat, you mean "sudo apt-get -f install" ?20:47
sharperguysurely 13GB is enough free space?20:47
krfkeith_if I do that, I get the same error, that I need to run dpkg --configure -a20:48
bekkssharperguy: Investigate the logs.20:48
Atlantic777krfkeith_: well, it's broken already. It can't hurt... let's try to bring dpkg to life, at least. Which ubuntu do you run?20:48
sharperguybekks: what logs?20:48
krfkeith_Atlantic777, xubuntu, latest release20:48
ActionParsnipsharperguy: because you arent using wifi to connect. Just use a web browser to view the router config in the router rather than a stored password20:48
Atlantic777krfkeith_: so, xubuntu 13.04?20:48
bekkssharperguy: /var/log and ~/.xsession-errors20:48
krfkeith_Atlantic777, correct20:48
sharperguyActionParsnip: i dont have access to the router20:48
Atlantic777krfkeith_: can you run this: apt-cache policy dpkg20:49
Atlantic777krfkeith_: and post it to paste.ubuntu.com ?20:49
krfkeith_Atlantic777, I'll try20:49
ActionParsnipsharperguy: i see. any other systems that connect to it?20:49
Charcoalcatkrfkeith_: Did you try deleting the dpkg lock?20:49
sharperguybekks: I see "x-terminal-emulator: Fatal IO error: client killed"20:49
krfkeith_Charcoalcat, I don't know how to do that20:50
Atlantic777Charcoalcat: it segfaults... it's not the lock.20:50
bekkssharperguy: The log consists of far more.20:50
SonikkuAmericasayd: Use your favorite CLI text editor (I prefer nano) to edit /etc/apt/sources.list by uncommenting the correct line.20:50
saydSonikkuAmerica ok I think its already uncommented20:50
sharperguybekks: there is only 5 lines and that looks like the only useful one20:50
saydi wasnt sure if there was a way to specify pulling from the backports20:50
geeksteinWhen I go into ctrl+alt+F1, some stuff from the top is missing and the resolution is very low. How do I fix that? I'm using a widescreen monitor on 12.10.20:51
bekkssharperguy: Then check the other logs.20:51
krfkeith_Atlantic777, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652387/20:51
krfkeith_that's what happens20:51
Atlantic777geekstein: there's nothing to fix. Try usiing htop or "ps aux"20:51
sharperguybekks: any one in particular?20:51
SonikkuAmericasayd: deb{-src} http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring-backports main restricted universe multiverse20:51
SonikkuAmerica<<< It's those two lines.20:51
geeksteinAtlantic777, I did that, and the top stuff is still missing. With other cli programs like elinks I can't see the menu bar.20:52
bekkssharperguy: Logs that changed since you cant log in anymore.20:52
ActionParsnipsharperguy: if you make a fresh user and put it in the sudo group, can you get in ok?20:52
Atlantic777geekstein: wait, we are talking about top, the system monitoring tool?20:52
ActionParsnipsharperguy: also make sure your current user is the owner of ~/.Xauthority20:52
Atlantic777krfkeith_: you use i386?20:53
krfkeith_Atlantic777, yes20:53
saydhhm E: Unable to locate package libglib2-dev20:53
geeksteinAtlantic777: I'm talking about the top of the screen being cut off, and this is also the case when using cli programs like "top", "htop", or "elinks".20:53
Atlantic777krfkeith_: argh... I wanted to send you my dpkg executable, but I'm running amd6420:53
krfkeith_Atlantic777, darn20:53
geeksteinand the resolution is much lower than I'd like.20:53
Atlantic777krfkeith_: well, I coould unpack the right .deb and try :) let's hack it :D20:54
mchlbhmI'm using 12.04 lts and the computer and home folder are suddenly on the desktop. How do I remove them?20:54
sharperguyActionParsnip: xauthority is ok, how do i add a user to the sudo group?20:54
utfans05mchlbhm, are the still in the default place too20:54
TeamRocket1233cIs IOGear generally a safe wireless adapter brand for *nix?20:54
Atlantic777mchlbhm: please, post output of this command to paste.ubuntu.com : "ls -lh ~/Desktop"20:54
geeksteinSo, I'd like to have higher resolution in ctrl+alt+F1-F6 as well as being able the whole screen without some part(s) being cutoff.20:54
ActionParsnipsharperguy: sudo usermod -a -G sudo username20:54
sharperguyActionParsnip: I seem to be able to log in with the new user anyway20:54
krfkeith_wait, hold on20:55
krfkeith_is mobile sempron 64-bit?20:55
mchlbhmutfans05,  yes top left corner20:55
Atlantic777krfkeith_: maybe, but I'm prettty sure you do use i386 system.20:55
krfkeith_because I might be needlessly running a 32-bit OS20:55
krfkeith_Atlantic777, oh I know20:55
ActionParsnipsharperguy: ok, cool. You may want to recirsively chown your first users home to your first user, its good to check20:55
mchlbhmutfans05,  its like I accidently made them appear20:56
utfans05mchlbhm, i ment are your files still in /home and duplicated in /desktop/home20:56
krfkeith_but, I was thinking maybe I could try 64-bit anyway20:56
radixwhich twitter apps integrate with the Ubuntu Online Accounts thing? I added a Twitter account and I get notifications in unity, but I wonder if there are apps that also integrate20:56
sharperguyActionParsnip: might have tried that before but ok20:56
mchlbhmutfans05,  lol oh... I have no idea. Still new to this20:56
ActionParsnipradix: which release20:56
radixActionParsnip: I'm on 13.0420:57
TeamRocket1233cThis is the wireless adapter I wanna get, and it should work fine in Ubuntu and *nix in general based on what one of my dA buds said. http://www.amazon.com/IOGEAR-Compact-Wireless-N-Adapter-GWU625/dp/B0044U8JDM20:57
utfans05do me a favor and do a ls -a /Home and see if all the files are still there20:57
Atlantic777radix: it's probabli empathy20:58
SonikkuAmericautfans05: The "home" is with a small "h" or else it won't work20:58
mchlbhmutfans05, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652419/20:58
utfans05SonikkuAmerica, true20:58
ActionParsnipradix: seems to be called friends-app20:58
ActionParsnip!info friends-app20:59
ubottufriends-app (source: friends-app): Aggregator for all your social network accounts. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90.0bzr13.04.17-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 59 kB, installed size 273 kB (Only available for amd64; i386; armhf)20:59
utfans05mchlbhm,  /home20:59
radixActionParsnip: hmm, I'll check it out20:59
Atlantic777krfkeith_: wait, wait, wait... please, do "lsb_release -a"20:59
utfans05not /home/username/desktop20:59
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Atlantic777and, Desktop is with capital D20:59
radixActionParsnip: oh nice. thanks :-)20:59
utfans05i know, im typing while trying to deal with my 3 y/o in my lap lol21:00
mchlbhmutfans05, I get:  .   ..   bribhm  mchlbhm21:00
utfans05mchlbhm, from terminal just type in ls -al /home21:00
SonikkuAmericautfans05: That is admittedly hard to do21:01
mchlbhmutfans05,  I typed what you asked the first time. Please don't lose patience with me21:02
utfans05mchlbhm, im sorry that should have been ls -al /home/<your username>21:02
Atlantic777 /home/<your username> == ~/ == $HOME21:03
Atlantic777if you are stuck ^21:03
sharperguyActionParsnip: the chown still didnt seem to help - i must be getting closer though?21:03
mchlbhmutfans05, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652439/21:04
ActionParsnipatlantic777: /home/$USER ;-)21:04
utfans05mchlbhm, looks like everything is there, you can remove that home folder on your desktop, its not needed21:04
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ubottutoprunner: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:05
ActionParsnipsharperguy: the config for wifi is centralized, so if you only wanted the password you should be able to get at it21:05
sharperguyActionParsnip: oh cool21:06
mchlbhmutfans05,  that was what I was asking before. How do I do that? :D21:06
utfans05mchlbhm, you can to go your terminal and cd /Desktop then do a ls to make sure your in the right folder and then rmdir the folder name you want to remove21:07
Charcoalfliputfans05: It's just a shortcut, though, isn't it, not a proper folder?21:07
Atlantic777argh, I have something to say, again... /Desktop shouldn't exist21:07
Charcoalflipmchlbhm: You can turn off different desktop icons in MyUnity!21:07
Atlantic777it's either ./Desktop or Desktop without slash or ./ in front.21:08
utfans05Charcoalflip, i am unsure, he stated that it was a folder21:08
Atlantic777in case you are in your home dir21:08
mchlbhmutfans05, thank you for your time and help.21:08
utfans05mchlbhm, your welcome21:08
sharperguyActionParsnip: I dont see them on the other user after adding it to sudo, but also im using kde which you might now have known21:08
Charcoalflipmchlbhm: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16623407/screenshots/myunityicons.png MyUnity is like this!21:09
saydim using quantal, but not sure how to install bitlbee: this doc seems outdated maybe? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Bitlbee i dont have an /etc/xinet.d dir21:10
Charcoalflipmchlbhm: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16623407/screenshots/myunityicons2.png Here I flipped the switch, and the Home folder is gone.21:10
Atlantic777sayd: /etc/xinet.d ? Where did you find that?21:11
mchlbhmCharcoalflip, Thank you. I'm using gnome21:11
saydAtlantic777 sorry i mean /etc/xinetd.d21:12
CharcoalflipOh! I think you can do it in Tweak in Gnome?21:12
ActionParsnipsharperguy: its the same service, just a kde gui.21:12
mchlbhmCharcoalflip, good idea!21:12
TeamRocket1233cYou guys trying to make your DEs look good or something?21:12
saydbut in that article it says i need to add the ircd service there.21:12
sharperguyActionParsnip: none of my previous configs are there21:12
TeamRocket1233c'Cause I've been kinda playing with the compositor over here as well.21:12
Charcoalflipmchlbhm: Someone has a screenshot and install instructions of Tweak here! http://askubuntu.com/questions/81339/not-able-to-see-icons-on-my-desktop (it's gnome-tweak-tool for installing)21:13
ActionParsnipsharperguy: is the password stored in kwallet?21:13
Atlantic777sayd: did you try to create that dir?21:13
sharperguyActionParsnip: probably21:13
TeamRocket1233cHowever translucent inactive windows may be a little much, not really digging how that looks.21:13
mchlbhmCharcoalflip, Thank you for your help. I completely forgot about that :D21:14
Charcoalflipmchlbhm: ^o.o^21:14
ActionParsnipsharperguy: you could su to your first account then launch the wallet app21:14
sharperguyActionParsnip: I dont think you can do that, it just gives me an X11 error21:16
saydAtlantic777 no because it says to run a command inside it that i wouldn't have21:16
ActionParsnipsharperguy: gah, though itd be ok. if you logoff can you now login as the first user?21:17
sharperguyActionParsnip: no21:17
sharperguyActionParsnip: wait it actually says something about not being able to find dbus21:17
saydah wait.. init.d/xinetd ok i can try taht21:17
mchlbhmTeamRocket1233c, was going to try compiz, but not sure I'd want a cube or how stable it would be21:17
sharperguyActionParsnip: cannot find the dbus session server21:17
TeamRocket1233cmchlbhm, I'm using Xfwm's compositor.21:18
sharperguyActionParsnip: /bin/dbus-launched terminated abnormally with the following error: No protocol specified21:18
Atlantic777sharperguy: how did you run your xsession?21:18
saydAtlantic777: sudo: /etc/init.d/xinetd: command not found21:18
major_trying to troubleshoot my friends ubuntu, seems like he installed unity somewhere along the line (hate it). i don't see a tray where minimized windows go. http://imagebin.org/25726221:18
sharperguyAtlantic777: by logging in via kdm...21:18
Atlantic777sharperguy: strange, kdm should run dbus...21:19
Charcoalflipmajor_: Try mousing over to the left! I thinl the launcher auto-hides by default.21:19
ActionParsnipsharperguy: ok, use the web, see what tjat means.....21:19
Atlantic777sayd: oh, you don't even have /etc/init.d/xinetd...21:19
mchlbhmTeamRocket1233c, =0 whats that?21:19
saydcorrect, i guess i can just apt-get install xinetd?21:19
anewquestion about top... if www-data is in the list, does that mean that user is actively downloading a page? so like you might have 50 users on your site but only one www-data is that correct ?21:19
TeamRocket1233cmchlbhm, Well, Xfwm's the window manager for the current version of Xfce, and it has kind of a built-in compositor.21:20
saydor is it odd its not there and maybe moved to somethign else in 12.0421:20
ubottutoprunner: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».21:20
ActionParsnipmajor_: if you press the Windows key, does it shown21:20
sharperguyActionParsnip: is there an equivilent of gksu in kde?21:20
ActionParsnipshaperguy: yes, kdesu21:20
sharperguyActionParsnip: command not found :S21:21
ActionParsnipsharperguy: im guessing you never ran a gui app with admin access before21:21
ActionParsnipshareperguy: or try kdesudo21:21
sharperguyActionParsnip: and that just gives me "No protocol specified"21:22
tgunranyone in Dallas area want to make a couple of bucks installing ubuntu for someone?21:22
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ActionParsnipsharperguy: if you just run kdesudo, do you get a dialogue box?21:23
utfans05tgunr, its easy why not do it yourself?21:23
abrknis there a way to trace route without "traceroute"? my internet is not working on the box, so i cant apt-get install traceroute21:23
tgunrcause. I'm in California21:23
ActionParsniptgunr: there are an astronomical number of guides, try those21:23
Charcoalflipmajor_: If you can't find it by moving your cursor on the left-side, press ctrl+alt+t to bring up the terminal, and type "gnome-control-center". Then navigate to appearance > behavior for the launcher behavior.21:23
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:24
utfans05tgunr, oh......, yeah, what ActionParsnip21:24
tgunrhe is running into errors on the install21:24
Charcoalcat[15:22] <Charcoalflip> major_: If you can't find it by moving your cursor on the left-side, press ctrl+alt+t to bring up the terminal, and type "gnome-control-center". Then navigate to appearance > behavior for the launcher behavior.21:24
ActionParsniptgunr: if you are single booting its super easy21:24
Charcoalcat(can't tell if that went through)21:24
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ActionParsniptgunr: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?21:24
tgunrtrying to check that now21:25
sharperguyActionParsnip: wait i was making a mistake i have kwalletmanager open now21:25
ActionParsniptgunr: why didntvyou do it before.....?21:25
ActionParsnipsharperguy: sweet21:25
tgunrhe said he did, but he really didn;t21:25
sharperguyActionParsnip: ok i found the password i was looking for21:26
sharperguyActionParsnip: thanks very much21:26
anewquestion about top... if www-data is in the list, does that mean that user is actively downloading a page? so like you might have 50 users on your site but only one www-data is that correct ?21:26
ActionParsnipsharperguy: i suggest you make a note, or set it to something memorable in the router21:26
Atlantic777anew: no, it doesn't have to mean that someone is downloading something. If www-data is present, it can just mean that there's a www server which listens on some port.21:27
ActionParsnipanew: i believe it is the user which apache runs as21:27
anewso www-data is not a gauge of how many users are actively on the site ?21:27
sharperguyActionParsnip: yeah i am thanks21:27
bekksanew: No.21:28
Atlantic777anew: no :)21:28
ActionParsnipsharperguy: no worries, true multiuser OS rocks21:28
anewwow, so what it is, it is constantly appearing/dissapearing21:28
Atlantic777anew: web server is free to create new threads to serve requests. On or more request per thread.21:29
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Atlantic777anew: there are more reliable ways of getting info how many users are there. Take a look at http://piwik.org/21:30
anewso web server (apache) is creating www-data which are new threads to serve requests... how many requests can eaach thread handle21:30
anewatlantic777 i'm already using that, i am just trying to learn about apache and www-data and threads and such since i'm such a noob21:31
bekksanew: As much as you configured.21:31
Atlantic777anew: that's question for apache folks ;)21:31
Atlantic777anew: join #apache channel and ask them21:32
deadweaselAnybody have any idea why Unity dash takes 5 seconds to open?  All users, even new ones.  Related, maybe, I have to put passwords in twice to start an unity/gnome/cinnamon session...  didn't used to have to.21:32
anewugh i hate that channel so uninformative, this one guy in the 'thumbs' is just the worst person on all of freenode21:32
Tex_Nickanew:  #httpd21:32
anew#apache = #httpd21:32
anewsame channel21:32
guntbert!ot | anew21:33
ubottuanew: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:33
anewwill try offtopic then thx21:33
major_Charcoalflip, how  do i get rid of this whole unity interface and go back to old gnome desktop?21:34
deadweaselmajor_: just install gnome, select it from the menu where you put your passowrd in21:34
deadweaselor cinnamon, that one is nice too21:34
bazhang!notunity | major_21:35
ubottumajor_: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.21:35
major_thanks -- having trouble installing anything thru the software center -- won't install bleachbit for instance ... gonna try your instructions for installing gnome-shell through software center21:36
deadweaselcan I sudo apt-get --purge autoremove gnome*  without breaking untiy 12.04?21:36
deadweaselor does unity use old gnome stuff?21:37
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OerHeksdeadweasel, unity runs on gnome3, so yes21:38
Charcoalcatdeadweasel: The settings thing is called gnome-control-center! I think there are some other things.21:38
deadweaselok, thanks OerHeks21:38
Charcoalcatmajor_: What happens when it "won't install"?21:38
Atlantic777deadweasel: I would try this http://askubuntu.com/questions/65200/remove-gnome-shell-completely-after-installing-it21:38
major_Charcoalcat: http://imagebin.org/25726921:40
major_obviously i have an internet connection21:41
utfans05major_, have you tried getting it using apt-get in a terminal?21:41
Charcoalcatmajor_: "This is usually a sign that you need to update your package list (sudo apt-get update). Repos clean out their old packages so if you don't update before doing things, you'll end up trying to download old packages."? (http://askubuntu.com/questions/183938/failed-to-download-packages-while-updating-12-04)21:42
major_utfans05: what would the command be? sudo apt-get gnome-shell  ??21:42
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utfans05major_, yes but first youd want to do an sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade21:42
markovhthere was a page on ubuntu about flashing on ubuntu to android phones with lists of various phones and what works and what doesn't. can't seem to find it. this is  the clostest i can see. http://www.ubuntu.com/phone/ubuntu-for-android21:47
markovhanyone know where it is21:47
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:47
MarconMsomeone heard about ubuntu fint21:47
OerHekstry #ubuntu-touch markovh21:48
MarconMi want ubuntu touch for atrix21:48
markovhOerHeks: that's the one thanks21:48
matteo12ciao a tutti21:48
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mguyDid I just see what I think I saw, a Debian GRUB menu when I rebooted my 12.04 machine?21:55
bekksmguy: We dont know what you saw.21:56
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mguyI just figured they took any debian branding out22:00
lobihello. i made upgrade to 13.4 xubuntu. Now I have a problem with fan which is always working22:03
utfans05hi ramon_22:03
Atlantic777lobi: which graphic card do you have? Is it laptop?22:04
ActionParsniplobi: which version did you upgrade from?22:04
lobiAtlantic777: it si laptop, VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GM2~22:05
lobiAtlantic777: from 12.10 xubntu22:06
lobiActionParsnip: from 12.10 xubntu22:06
Atlantic777lobi: and you don't have discrete graphics card?22:06
Atlantic777nvidia optimus, or ati something?22:06
lobiAtlantic777: no22:06
lobionyl integrated22:07
Atlantic777interesting... I managed to turn off discrete ati graphics card which made the noise, heat and high power consumption and it works way better.22:07
Atlantic777do you have laptop mode tools?22:08
lobiAtlantic777: no22:08
Atlantic777maybe that will help22:10
lobiAtlantic777: I instal22:10
lobiand run22:10
lobinothing changed22:11
jenkins_hi everyone22:12
zeepi'm trying to get gtk-youtube-viewer working, but it requires perl vs 5.16. what should i do since ubuntu only has v 5.14?22:13
jenkins_I'm having trouble with steam returning an error about directx and direct22:15
jenkins_3d... jeez22:15
jenkins_hi emif22:15
chilukjenkins_, are you trying to wine steam ? instead of using the native build?22:16
jenkins_i'm using playonlinux22:17
Emif-why my sound icon and battery icon disappeared from the panel? am using xubuntu22:17
chilukwell there's your problem.22:17
chilukjenkins_, what are you trying to play?22:17
TumleeEmif- : There is an actual xubuntu channel who might know a little more on that subject22:17
chilukbecause depending on if it's available natively you might consider running the native client22:17
jenkins_anything, I've tried things on steam that say they're for linux and I get pretty much the same error from everything.22:17
jenkins_the client from the software center?22:18
chilukyeah the client from the software center runs natively22:18
chilukwhen you use playonlinux, it's actually using wine under the covers22:18
lobiAtlantic777: maybe this is a problem Thermal 0: ok, 100.0 degrees C22:18
Pequinnosome funk with losing focus when pressing up arrow key22:19
chilukand then requires that you install the windows version of the game22:19
lobi100°C is OK22:19
Pequinnoon an apple keyboard if that helps22:19
jenkins_ok. I'm pretty sure I tried it from the software centre first but I'm not sure if my nvidia drivers are even functioning properly.22:19
jenkins_i'll give it a quick try.22:20
file__Why do we use mv to rename files?22:20
Dr_Willisfile__:  why not?22:20
chilukjenkins are you running on an optimus laptop?22:20
WeThePeopleanybody know how to change a .tar 32bit app to a 64bit app? its xampp22:20
chilukWeThePeople, you'd need to recompile it.22:20
Dr_WillisWeThePeople:  you recompile binaries to be 32 or 64bit22:20
chilukDr_Willis, jinx22:20
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.22:21
jenkins_I am running an acer that has the 330 GT Turbocache22:21
kkerwinHi. I'm having some difficulty getting xorg to autoconfigure for my Nvidia GeForce 650M graphics chip with the proprietary nvidia driver. Also, doing a manual xorg.conf causes problems too: the card is undetected; I have verified that the card is present with lspci. Thank you in advance.22:21
WeThePeoplechiluk, dr_willis, do you guys know of a program that can do this22:21
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chilukWeThePeople, no..22:21
utfans05kkerwin, still having issues?22:21
Dr_WillisWeThePeople:  you RECOMPILE the source to be 32bit or 64bit22:21
kkerwinutfans05: Oh hai!22:21
chilukjenkins_, is it a laptop?22:21
WeThePeopleso a gcc22:21
kkerwinutfans05: Well, yes. But, I've learned quite a bit since last night.22:22
utfans05kkerwin, you were runnign an i7 sandy bridge right?22:22
Dr_Willisand 32bit should run on 64bit machines with the right libs installed i belive22:22
chilukJenkins does it have optimus graphics capability?  i.e. uses intel then switches to nvidia.22:22
jenkins_not 100% sure.22:22
chilukcat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name"22:23
kkerwinutfans05: First, xorg will autoconfigure. I tried doing a fresh install of ubuntu, and saw that it used the nouveau driver. I also noticed that it looked for the nvidia driver, so I installed it, hoping that it would get pulled in automagickally. It did not, according to the Xorg.0.log. But, lsmod shows it as being loaded.22:23
chilukjenkins_, run the above ^^22:23
kkerwinutfans05: Yes22:23
kkerwinutfans05: Actually, Ivy Bridge.22:23
file__Dr_Willis: Does it move the file when it "rename" it?22:24
utfans05kkerwin,  yeah i couldnt remember which one, im an amd guy. im thinking that you might have to disable the onboard graphics in order for the nvidia stuff to work. There may be an option in your bios to turn it off.22:24
jenkins_model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 480  @ 2.67GHz22:24
jenkins_model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 480  @ 2.67GHz22:24
jenkins_model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU       M 480  @ 2.67GHz22:24
FloodBot1jenkins_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:24
FloodBot3jenkins_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:24
jenkins_that's what I get sorry for the flood22:24
kkerwinutfans05: Right now, I am operating without DRI. It seems that simply **installing** the nvidia driver prevents nouveau from working. And then, uninstalling nvidia doesn't allow nouveau to load.22:24
chilukjenkins_ ok you don't have optimus graphics.22:25
kkerwinutfans05: Hrm. Ok. I'll give that a look.22:25
yeats_file__: for all intents and purposes, all "mv" does is rename the file22:25
DJRWolffor some reason my screen res will not go above 1024 x 768, I just installed a KVM and for the other computer I did have to bump the res back upto 1280 x 1024 but my Ubuntu system (12.04) will not let me go back to 1280 x 1024...any suggesgtions?22:25
Dr_Willisfile__:  moveing or renameing a file. basically just alters the inodes/pointers..22:25
jenkins_what would it say if I did?22:25
chilukjenkins_, if you did I'd give you different instructions.. but this is easier22:25
Dr_Willisfile__:  unless its going to a differnt partition/mountpoint22:25
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chilukjenkins_, go to the software center and search for nvidia.22:26
chilukselect the 'current' driver22:26
kunji1Sorry I had to go for a while, if anyone thought of something about re assigning the wireless toggle while I was gone, it would be good to know.  Or even in general how those toggles are handled, the one of enabling/disabling the touchpad even shows an onscreen notification like for brightness or volume.22:26
chilukjenkins_, install it... then install the steam out of the software center.22:27
michealPWInstalling Jupiter on Ubuntu 12.04.2 seems to have fixed my screen blanking issue, so thanks very much to whoever it was that suggested this to me (Can't remember, sorry).22:27
michealPWEither that, or disabling the Dim Screen option did it. Maybe I should investigate that some more..22:27
jenkins_it indicates the driver as already installed.22:28
chilukjenkins_, add me as a friend on steam  *(steam username is npoc)22:28
jenkins_aye aye.22:28
fellayaboyhey when i use rsync..it seems to ignore backslashes "\" ..i tried this command ... rsync -r myremoteserver@remoteserver.com:/home/username/My\ File /home/localuser/Downloads22:28
chilukjenkins_, then just install the steam client through the software center.22:28
histo!shortcuts | kunji122:28
ubottukunji1: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://ubottu.com/y/shortcuts22:28
kunji1michaelPW: I was pretty sure Jupiter is abandoned... no security updates, it's not something I would recommend22:28
fellayaboyit seperated My and file into seperate commands...22:28
histofellayaboy: you have a space after File in that command22:28
michealPWkunji1: Really? :(22:28
chilukjenkins_, I'm still waiting for dota2 to hit linux, but CS, and TF2 play pretty awesome.22:29
fellayaboyso then /My\ File/ ???22:29
jenkins_I bought that indy game Receiver22:29
michealPWIt seems to be exactly what I was looking for (Better power management for my Asus notebook). Do you know of a more suitable alternative?22:29
jenkins_play it on my win vista rig, and now I want to have it here. lol. it's fun as hell22:29
kunji1michaelPW: http://jupiter.sourceforge.net/  is that not what the announcement on the right is about?22:30
histofellayaboy: yes unless there is a space int he name after File you would have to escape it.22:30
kkerwinutfans05: No such option. :(22:30
histofellayaboy: Also try not to use spaces in linux use _ or - makes life easier.22:30
fellayaboyhisto so then i should use /My\ File/ ? I did do it this way also and still i got the sanme thing22:30
utfans05kkerwin... hrm.....22:30
fellayaboythats true histo22:30
histofellayaboy: please pastebin the command you are typing to paste.ubuntu.com so i can take a look.22:30
kunji1michaelPW: If there's nothing confidential or whatnot on your machine though, then I probably wouldn't worry about it much.22:30
kkerwinutfans05: Problem is the autoconfig is getting in the way, and is utter magic.22:31
utfans05kkerwin, yeah, im doing some more research right now22:31
utfans05give me a few22:31
DJRWolffor some reason my screen res will not go above 1024 x 768, I just installed a KVM and for the other computer I did have to bump the res back upto 1280 x 1024 but my Ubuntu system (12.04) will not let me go back to 1280 x 1024...any suggestions??22:31
chilukjenkins_, hope that helped.. i need to leave for a bit though *(walk the dogs)... see you online sometime.22:31
kkerwinutfans05: Thank you. A question: is there some way to force udev to load a specific driver for a given device?22:32
jenkins_thanks for the help chiluk. I'll add you to steam now momentarily22:32
histoDJRWolf: does xrandr show that higher resolutions are available?22:32
utfans05kkerwin not 100% sure, can you post your Xorg.0.log into pastebin and let me take a look at ti22:32
lobihello. I made an upgrade form 12.10 t0 13.4 xubnt. When I start using computer after suspend, the fan is working all the time. Themral 0: ok, 100 C. If I shoot down computer and turn on again it temp is normal (55) and fan dosent work. Any sugsetion???22:32
FloodBot1utfans05: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:32
FloodBot3utfans05: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:32
utfans05and then the floodbots get me lol22:32
kkerwinutfans05: Unfortunately, there is no xorg.conf -- it's autoconfigured.22:33
DemonishiI don't suppose anyone knows how to fix the screw ups with grub-efi-amd64?22:33
=== resuremade is now known as resure
DJRWolfhisto Monitor Settings only shows upto 1024 x 76822:33
histoDemonishi: There are no screw ups22:33
kkerwinutfans05: Using a generated one forced me down to 640x480, and still didn't have the DRI.22:33
histoDJRWolf: what does xrandr show?22:33
histoDJRWolf: in a terminal22:33
michealPWkunji1: There isn't, but in terms of remote exploitation.. Jupiter didn't install any kind of server or anything like that did it? Even if security vulnerability was discovered it would require locally-executed code to be exploited no?22:33
kkerwinutfans05: s/generated/hand-written/22:33
michealPWAt least, I hope? LOL!22:34
DJRWolfhisto have not used that command before, still new to the linux CLI22:34
kunji1michaelPW: I think you're correct on all of that.22:34
histoDJRWolf: just type in xrandr  and press enter does it show higher resolutions available?22:34
DJRWolfhisto same as Monitor Setting22:34
kkerwinutfans05: That is, using a hand-written xorg.conf forced me down to 640x480 resolution. It was a step backwards, and it got in the way with the autoconfigure/hotplug stuff that X was trying to do.22:34
histoDJRWolf: And this worked prior to installing the kvm?22:35
utfans05kkerwin, im asking for the Xorg.0.log not the .conf file22:35
kkerwinutfans05: Oh, gotcha. Moment.22:35
DJRWolfhisto it was at 1280 x 1024 before the KVM22:35
histoDJRWolf: Please pastebin the output of xrandr22:35
histo!paste | DJRWolf22:36
ubottuDJRWolf: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:36
kunji1histo: That doesn't really address the question I have actually, I don't think you were active when I asked it originally.  So the key was working to toggle the wireless on and off, in the keyboard shortcuts I reassigned that button to open a terminal when just seeing what ones I could use.  So, I have since put the terminal opening back to ctrl+alt+t, but I'm not seeing how I can put the wireless toggling back it's dedicated key.  Some ot22:36
DJRWolfhisto http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652685/22:37
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kkerwinutfans05: http://pastebin.com/CznnCChX22:37
funkyI want to boot from usb however bios saying it only supports hdd and cdd22:38
funkyanyway I can up bios22:38
funkywith usb stick?22:38
Demonishihisto: I'd disagree.  It won't configure.  I just need to know exactly what it is it's looking for me to pass to get past the configure issue in http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652684/. It's pretty much the same issue as bug 1086710.22:38
ubottubug 1086710 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "package grub-efi-amd64 2.00-7ubuntu11 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108671022:38
funkylooks like mad stuff22:38
wilee-nileefunky, If you really can't boot a usb look at plop.22:39
histoDemonishi: Why are you installing grub in this fashion?22:39
digi99I'm running Ubunto 11.10 and would like to upgrade to 12.04, but do-release-upgrade wants to remove dnsmasq. That's idiotic. Can I prevent that somehow?22:39
histoDJRWolf: Can you check your output without the KVM and just confirm that the other resolutions are available via the same cable22:40
Demonishihisto: Because this is the error that appears during a dist-upgrade from 12.04 -> 12.10 Unfortunately, instead of pressing cancel, I accidentally selected reboot.22:40
Demonishihisto: So now I'm on a live boot.22:40
utfans05kkerwin type xrandr into your terminal and see if it gives you any higher resolutions tat you can use temporarily until we can get this fixed22:40
DrZaiusmy X refuses to start. this is Xorg.0.log if anybody can help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652687/22:41
DJRWolfhisto switch the KVM cables? or take the video cable out of the KVM and connect it strait to the ubuntu box?22:41
kkerwinutfans05: I'm presently running at 1600x900, but on the intel drivers.22:41
utfans05kkerwin, this is probably the issue, from your Xorg.0.log file [    18.614] (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found). it's seeing the device but not finding the correct driver.... which card do you have again?22:42
kkerwinutfans05: 650M22:42
utfans05kkerwin, 32 bit or 64 bit?22:43
kkerwinutfans05: 6422:43
DemonishiOops, live-usb boot. excuse me.22:43
utfans05looks like the current driver is not the correct one for the task 304 doest support the 650m. you might want to go grab 319.17 from the nvidia site and see if that fixes it22:43
kkerwinutfans05: Alright.22:44
funkywilee-nilee: so I use yumi to install plop22:45
utfans05kkerwin, from the nvidia website for the 304 driver it supports GeForce 500M Series (Notebooks)22:45
utfans05GeForce GTX 580M, GeForce GTX 570M, GeForce GTX 560M, GeForce GT 555M, GeForce GT 550M, GeForce GT 540M, GeForce GT 525M, GeForce GT 520M, GeForce GT 520MX22:45
funkyplpbtin.iso  Install with cd22:45
kkerwinutfans05: Makes sense.22:46
utfans05lemme know if this fixes your issue22:46
kkerwinutfans05: Will do. Will likely be incommunicado for a bit. Going to be around?22:47
kkerwinutfans05: Thanks. Back in a few.22:47
utfans05kkerwin, you can email me if im not utfans05@gmail.com22:47
=== MartinS is now known as Guest72817
DJRWolfhisto switch the KVM cables? or take the video cable out of the KVM and connect it strait to the ubuntu box??22:51
utfans05why not just run synergy?22:52
ActionParsnipdigi99: is the system a dns server?22:53
kkerwinutfans05: No joy; then again, I didn't try creating an xorg.conf since I tried the same last night (with the same driver from the website, no less), and still got the low rez with no DRI.22:54
ActionParsniputfans05: +1 for synergy22:54
devilinsideneed help with wired network disconnected problem22:55
ActionParsnipdevilinside: details please, how can we possibly advise....22:56
devilinsideany one there?22:56
ActionParsnipdevilinside: also, try waiting more than 4 seconds for a reply22:56
devilinsideyes, r8168 is not being loaded, inspite of it being present in modules and deleted r816922:56
jenkins_chiluk, you wouldn't be back by any chance would you?22:57
tgm4883utfans05, Aren't a KVM and Synergy opposite ideas? (I've not seen the original issue) KVM allows multiple machines to use a single monitor/kb/mouse where synergy allows a single keyboard and mouse to span two machines that each have their own monitors.22:57
ActionParsnipdevilinside: if you manually load the module, is it ok?22:57
drdozerhi - I'm trapped with an apt-get message "Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution)"22:58
drdozerbut this command doesn't seem to fix anything22:58
devilinsidemanually load it?? how?22:58
kkerwinutfans05: In case you return while I'm out; I have an idea, and have to stop X.22:58
ActionParsnipdrdozer: can you pastebin the output of: sudo apt-get -f install22:58
ActionParsnipdevilinside: sudo modprobe modulename22:59
devilinsidenetwork stops working as soon as i rmmod r8169 and putting r8168 doesnot bring th e network back.22:59
devilinsideyeah, it didnot work.22:59
drdozerActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/r6Zbh4i622:59
tgm4883devilinside, any error messages? Can you pastebin 'lsmod'22:59
ActionParsnipdevilinside: can you ping once the module is loaded?22:59
devilinsidenetwork is not using that module. after rmmoding r8169 , eth0 disappears and doesnot appear after modprobing r816823:00
relipse how can i search all *.php files for the string "transaction" and the string "category"23:01
devilinsideModule                  Size  Used by btrfs                 622589  0  zlib_deflate           26622  1 btrfs libcrc32c              12543  1 btrfs ufs                    78131  0  qnx4                   13309  0  hfsplus                83507  0  hfs                    49479  0  minix                  31444  0  ntfs                  100171  0  vfat                   17308  0  msdos                  17132  0  fat                   23:01
tgm4883relipse, 'grep'23:01
tgm4883!pastebin | devilinside23:01
ubottudevilinside: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:01
devilinsideoh. okay. thank you :)23:02
tgm4883devilinside, you said it stops working after you rmmod 8169, out of curiosity, why are you unloading the 8169 module if that module is working?23:02
devilinsideactually it is workin when it wants to work. it suddenly disconnects and says wired network disconnrectede and you are now offline.23:03
utfans05tgm4883, yes that is true23:03
devilinsideon some forum i read about moving back to r8168, so thats what i was doing.23:04
kkerwinutfans05: Ok, that didn't work. I tried to use nvidia-xconfig, but I'm back at low 640x480 rez. Also, the Xorg.0.log is interesting ... one moment, and I'll show you.23:04
devilinsidebut it does not seem to identify 68.23:04
utfans05kkerwin, ok23:04
kkerwinutfans05: http://pastebin.com/9Xz4vD7S23:06
devilinsidetgm4883, it is not working like it should. it suddenly disconnects the wired network.23:06
utfans05kkerwin, looking at it now23:07
devilinsidetgm4883: it is not working like it should. it suddenly disconnects the wired network.23:07
kkerwinThank you.23:07
utfans05kkerwin, did you remove nvidia-current?23:07
kkerwinutfans05: Yes.23:07
utfans05kkerwin, cause i see it still trying to pull from it23:07
* kkerwin scratches his head.23:07
tgm4883devilinside, yea thats weird. And you only need to put my nick in there, I got both of those messages23:07
utfans05[ 1752.482247] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  304.88  Wed Mar 27 14:26:46 PDT 201323:07
kkerwinOk, I'm going to try again ...23:07
utfans05kkerwin, did you restart after you uninstalled?23:08
devilinsideokay. i am sorry. using irc foor the first time :)23:08
kkerwinutfans05: No. Also, nvidia-304 package was installed, as well. Purging it now ...23:08
devilinsidetgm4883, i am sorry. using irc for  the first time.23:08
Prock1i need help with drivers, video, and maybe others i havent notice yet23:09
utfans05kkerwin, after you purge make sure to restart cause if you dont restart X will till read the 304 cause it saw it at startup23:09
kkerwinutfans05: Ok. Rebooting now.23:09
devilinsidetgm4883, please take a look.23:10
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest58539
Prock1Dell Latitude E6420, how can i get the proper video setup so i have 3d graphic support23:12
utfans05Prock1, first thing is what video card are you running?23:13
Prock1 utfans05 i need help on finding out23:15
utfans05in terminal type lspci and post the output to a pastebin please23:15
cgtdkAre the multiarch issues in aptitude fixed in the version available in the 13.04 repos?23:16
Prock1what is a pastebin link to use23:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:17
utfans05thanks IdleOne23:17
tgm4883devilinside, I've got to run, but you've got both r8168 and r8169 loaded right now23:18
devilinsidetgm4883, yeah i have.23:19
kkerwinutfans05: Still not there, but I think that we're a bit closer. Getting logs together for you, now.23:19
utfans05kkerwin, kk23:19
devilinsidetgm4883, but removing 6y9 will instantly close thi sconnection.23:19
utfans05Prock1, are you running a 32 or 64bit system?23:20
tgm4883devilinside, IDK, is your NIC not supported by the r8168 driver?23:20
devilinsidetgm4883, and it is not identifying 68 as a eth0 driver.23:20
devilinsidetgm4883, have bot checked that.23:20
utfans05Prock1, you want to go to this website and get this driver http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-319.17-driver.html23:20
devilinsidetgm4883, upgrading the kernel to 3.3.23:21
devilinsidetgm4883, maybe it should work now.23:21
sladewhat's up23:21
sladesome one could helpme with mi phone lumia23:22
utfans05Prock1, after youve installed that you need to restart the system and that should give you the 3d support your looking for. if you have any other issues please come back and let us know.23:22
Guest58539i installed google talk plugin but is not working anyone know why?23:22
OerHeksutfans05, please do not suggest the run driver from the nvidiasite, there is a Xorg edgers PPA with the 319, however i have seen many systems fail with it, it is beta >. https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa23:23
sladei want to install my phone nokia lumia in mi partition of windows xp but it oesn't instal it23:23
Prock1downloading ... can you tell me how u found out what i needed, for learning , what was your thought process23:23
utfans05OerHeks, thanks i appreciate it23:23
sladei want to install my phone nokia lumia in my partition of windows xp but it oesn't instal it23:23
kkerwinutfans05: Ok. Going to play about with blacklist and reboot.23:23
sladei want to install my phone nokia lumia in my partition of windows xp but it oesn't install it23:23
kkerwinutfans05: I think I'm almost there ...23:23
IdleOneslade: try ##windows , this is an Ubuntu support channel23:24
utfans05Prock1, in that lspci that you posted if you read through it it lists out what you have in your pci slots. the one you were looking for was the vga controller.23:24
devilinsidetgm4883, warnigni got while upgrading the kernel --> W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168f-2.fw for module r816923:24
sladeok sorry23:24
Guest58539must i install a certain version of google talk plugin for it to work in xubuntu 12.04?23:24
nfisherHui all! have a big problem; my sound isnt working on mplayer and flash player but on mouseover.. can anyone help me here?23:24
hexacodeHEY! any of you in here ever create a bootable usb from linux? i need to install this peppermint iso as a bootable usb, but all the tools i keep seeing seem to be for windows23:25
cgtdkhexacode: ‘dd’ works23:26
utfans05hexacode, you can use startup disk maker and unetbootin also23:26
Prock1here is another question, my laptop has a senser to detect if my laptop is being droped or shaking and its supposed to stop the harddrive to protect it, would that also need a driver, or is that just stright hardware?23:26
utfans05Prock1, I'm pretty sure that's hardware.23:26
kkerwinutfans05: No joy.23:27
utfans05kkerwin, logs?23:27
hexacodecgtdk you dont happen to know the dd options by any chance?23:27
TaneltHi ! Tell me pls, what should I learn first to customize my ubuntu with only the components that I need. in other words make it lightweight and eliminate parts and softs not needed.23:27
utfans05dd if=<iso location and name> of=/dev/sd<drive letter>23:27
kkerwinutfans05: Yeah. Moment on this reboot. I was looking through them as I was gathering them, and it was suggesting that nouveau was getting in the way. This, after I had uninstalled it. Now, I just blacklisted it. Let me see if it's still causing problems.23:28
Prock1also my laptop has WiMAX, how could i tell if thats working, how to interface with it to connect if i get service23:28
utfans05Prock1, that one im unsure of23:28
cgtdkhexacode: I just do: dd if=THE-ISO of=/the/device bs=4M23:28
kkerwinutfans05: Ok. I have nouveau blacklisted, but it's still showing up in lsmod | grep nouveau. The logs suggest that it is the problem.23:29
utfans05kkerwin, have you restarted since you blacklisted it?23:29
kkerwinutfans05: Yes23:29
utfans05kkerwin, hrm... may i see the log?23:29
Prock1nouveau sounds familer to me , what is it23:29
kkerwinutfans05: Yes.23:29
utfans05Prock1, intel video driver23:30
drdozergrumble - still getting the same error on apt-get23:32
kkerwinutfans05: http://pastebin.com/tfabQ1pu23:32
nfisherHow can i deactivate an audio device?23:32
histonfisher: unload the module for it?23:33
drdozer"mysql-server-5.5 : Depends: mysql-server-core-5.5 (= 5.5.29-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) but 5.5.31-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 is installed"23:33
hexacodehow can i list which sda my usb is ?23:33
utfans05kkerwin, its failing to load the nvidia kernel23:33
kkerwinutfans05: Ok. What does that mean?23:34
utfans05kkerwin, researching23:34
utfans05kkerwin, does jockey show which driver you are using?23:35
MonkeyDusthexacode  sudo blkid23:35
kkerwinutfans05: Have a look at lines 1467-1476 in my paste.23:36
kkerwinutfans05: Checking on jockey.23:36
kkerwinutfans05: Negative on jockey.23:36
utfans05kkerwin, what driver does it say you are using?23:36
kkerwinutfans05: Jockey doesn't list a driver as being used.23:37
utfans05kkerwin, are their any drivers that it says you can use?23:37
kkerwinutfans05: Yes.23:37
kkerwinutfans05: Several, but they are not labeled distinctively. I can't tell what version they are by looking at them.23:38
utfans05kkerwin, screenshot?23:38
kkerwinutfans05: Actually, I take that back. I think that I have the 304, 310, and 313 drivers.23:39
kkerwinutfans05: Not installed, but available for install.23:39
utfans05kkerwin, try enabling the 310 drivers. i do believe that one supported your card23:39
kkerwinutfans05: Ok. Should I try and uninstall the file I downloaded from the website?23:39
utfans05kkerwin, with enabling the driver in jockey that should override 31923:40
kkerwinutfans05: Also, it seems that despite blacklisting nouveau, nouveau still seems to get loaded. I think that is the problem.23:40
utfans05kkerwin, its more than likely cause from it seeing 2 vga devices23:41
Prock1well got to kill xerver to install the driver, bbl to say how it went23:41
utfans05kkerwin, that didnt make sense. its more than likely because its seeing 2 vga devices.23:41
kkerwinOk. Installing the 310.23:42
kkerwinAlso, it seems that there are two 310 drivers in jockey's list.23:43
utfans05kkerwin, one is likely the stock one the other is an updated one23:44
kkerwinutfans05: Installed finished; restarting.23:45
WeThePeoplecan anybody help me with this error in the terminal>>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652856/23:47
hdonoooohhhh, compiz crashes all the time. if anyone knows a simple fix then iiiii can do it right now otherwise maybe i'll wait til i upgrade to 12.teeeeeeen23:48
bambam1Kubuntu is pretty awesome23:52
CharlotteCordayGood evening23:52
utfans05evening CharlotteCorday23:53
CharlotteCordayAnyone have a problem with not being able to click inside of a program with 13.04?23:54
Prockhay remember that driver i said that sounded familer23:56
Prockits stoping me from installing hte driver you told me to download23:56
Prockthe installer did something to disable it, but sait it dont always work23:58

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