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fadetozIs anyone on here?04:46
holsteinfadetoz: yes04:47
fadetozJust got Ubuntu Studio loaded up.. Looks great. I have not used XFCE much but it seems to look and run great04:48
holsteinfadetoz: cheers... enjoy it!04:50
fadetozThanks... I loaded it up in my music studio and tested Ardour for a few minutes and I'm pretty impressed04:53
fadetozAre you a user or more involved with the distro?04:54
fadetozNice.. Sry I'm kind of a noob to xchat...04:55
holsteinfadetoz: no worries.. glad you are here04:56
fadetozI'm really wanting to ditch Windows completely in the Studio and move to Ubuntu Studio.04:56
holsteincheck out #opensourcemusicians if its slow here04:56
fadetozadded it to my favorites04:57
fadetozDo you know if Ardour is pretty resource friendly? as far as a DAW can be anyway.04:58
holsteinfadetoz: there are lighter.. but it works for me04:59
holsteinfadetoz: it'll more depend on your JACK config04:59
fadetozThat's another thing I need to read up on. I don't know Jack04:59
fadetozWhat kinda stuff do you record? Guitar Midi etc.?05:00
holsteini do very little midi05:01
holsteinhttp://holstein.bandcamp.com/ is a few solo albums i made with FOSS05:01
fadetozSo guitar in?05:01
holsteini do other stuff, but thats the stuff i can easily share, since its just me05:01
holsteinsolo upright bass05:01
holsteinfadetoz: though, i play guitar as well05:02
fadetozmy band is in need of a bass player. Ours up and quit after our 2nd gig. Was a bummer05:03
fadetozDo you play out at all or just for fun?05:04
fadetozIf you wan't to check it out there are some originals there were working on. Were just doing the weekly jams for now.05:07
holsteinfadetoz: i rarely play for fun ;)05:07
holsteinfadetoz: i say, you dont need a bass player05:07
holsteini mean, you are all playing the roots05:08
holsteini say, just get an octave pedal, or dont worry about it05:08
fadetozI was thinking about that awhile back. Wondering how important having a bass is. The Singer give me the backing when I do any solos05:10
fadetozInteresting that you would say that too since I have never heard anyone flat out say "You don't need a bass player"05:10
fadetozSo I take it you get paid to play?05:11
holsteinits what i do for a living05:12
fadetozNice. What kind of music? Jazz or ?05:12
holsteinfadetoz: mostly jazz, and my own stuff when i get the chance, but whatever i get called for05:13
fadetozFigured if you play upright there may be some Jazz going on05:14
fadetozChecking out your site now05:14
fadetozThe only play I play besides band practice is at Church. I played their all last summer. Going to play for 6 weeks starting the 23rd05:17
fadetozThey are trying out a contemporary service on Thursday evenings.05:17
holsteini got some shows starting up around then05:18
fadetozYour good man05:18
holstein8 shows a week for most of the summer05:18
holsteinfadetoz: cheers!.. thanks for listening05:18
fadetozALways great to meet other musicians. Good ones are also a bonus ;)05:19
fadetozI'm not that good myself but I enjoy it05:19
holsteinhehe.. likewise.. glad you found us, and i hope you get JACK and ardour working for you05:19
holsteinare you wanting to track the band? or just overdub your own stuff?05:19
holsteinfadetoz: i think you're good.. i like what you guys got going on there05:20
fadetozI want to do my own stuff to start05:20
fadetozthat's my solo type stuff05:20
holsteinnice.. nice video editing too05:21
fadetozThis is one of the first times I played at Church http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_KbjrflAL805:22
fadetozMy wife was laughing.. there's never any guitar like that. Usually piano and an acoustic05:23
fadetozI bookmarked you site so I can check it out some more...05:25
holsteinfadetoz: cheers05:25
fadetozThink it's about time for me to crash.. Great to meet you Mike05:25
holsteinfadetoz: talk to you soon05:25
fadetozYes Sir.... Glad I loaded up XChat05:26
Bernhardushello everyone06:06
BernhardusAre you good with jack audio server?06:07
BernhardusI love making music and can't use my microphone.06:08
SunStarnot me. if no one else is around you can also try #jack and #opensourcemusicians06:08
BernhardusI am still in #jack. Thank you for assistance.06:08
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro06:13
holsteinBernhardus: the internal mic?06:13
BernhardusNo the usb mic.06:15
BernhardusWhat do you mean by !proaudio ?06:16
holsteinBernhardus: what would i do? disable the onboard audio.. open a terminal and run "aplay -l" and "arecord -l"... see that my device is listed there06:16
holsteinBernhardus: !proaudio is what made the bot give that link to the jack setup wiki page06:16
Bernhardusokay, I give it a trial.06:16
BernhardusThank you.06:17
holsteinthen, i would open qjackctl and look for my usb hardware and select it, which is likely where you are failing right now06:17
BernhardusThe problem is, that I upgraded jack, and now, I only can use oss driver. And there is no choice of microphone input.06:18
holsteinBernhardus: what driver to you want to use? what do you mean you "upgraded jack"?06:18
holsteinyou mean, out of repo?06:18
holsteingo back to the default repo version... you can always use ubuntustudio from the live CD if you have broken your config06:19
Bernhardus  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  Version: 0.3.406:20
BernhardusBuild: Jul 28 2010 14:46:4706:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:20
holsteinBernhardus: the bot wont give you the factoid again, since i just asked for it06:20
BernhardusBefore installing ardour 3 I was asked to upgrade jack. I did it from jack homepage, from the source.06:21
holsteinBernhardus: i didnt need to upgrade anything outside of the repos06:21
holsteinBernhardus: go back to the stock ubuntustudio version of jack, or you can get support from the jack team for the package you are using that is not ours06:22
BernhardusYes, but I was looking forward to use ardour 3 so many months, for the midi option.06:22
holsteinBernhardus: i use ardour 3 *without* a different verion of jack06:22
BernhardusAnd I wanted to use it just parallel.06:22
holsteinBernhardus: sure06:22
holsteinBernhardus: i do that.. i did *not* change my jack version06:22
holsteinBernhardus: what version of ubuntustudio are you using?06:23
BernhardusYes I see, it was wrong. But the installation routine sad, I should use next hjck.06:23
holsteinBernhardus: should and must are 2 different things06:23
BernhardusYes for the future I always will remember your words.06:25
BernhardusBut for now, what to do.06:25
holsteinBernhardus: ?.. go back to the stock version of jACK that was working..06:26
BernhardusHow to?06:27
holsteinBernhardus: i would go back from however you did it06:27
BernhardusYes, but how to?06:28
holsteinBernhardus: i have no idea what you have installed, or what version of ubuntustudio you are on06:28
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:28
holstein!10.04 | 10.04 is EOL06:28
ubottu10.04 is EOL: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.06:28
SunStarboy yer really good with this PR stuff  :P06:29
BernhardusOkay this what I thought about should and must.06:29
holsteinBernhardus: what would i do? download 12.04 or 13.04 and install, and enjoy06:29
holsteinSunStar: ?06:29
Bernhardusholstein: okay06:29
holsteinBernhardus: between 13.04 or 12.04, i might do 13.04 now... but 12.04 is what i use and have been using.. and installed ardour3 on06:30
Bernharduswill the audio problem then be solved. I always hesitate such thinkgs, because my experience with linux and audio or mainborad is terrible.06:30
holsteinBernhardus: 10.04 is EOL.. the "no updates for my operating system" issue will be solved06:31
holsteinBernhardus: will it support your hardware? try it live and see06:31
BernhardusYes this is a good idea.06:31
holsteinin my experience, it gets easier with newer versions06:31
BernhardusI thought about it.06:31
SunStar13 is so much better than 1006:32
Bernhardusokay, thank you a lot.06:32
BernhardusI download ist and then try it first.06:33
holsteinBernhardus: enjoy!06:33
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BernhardusI say goodbye meenwhile to you holstein. Thank you.06:35
holsteinBernhardus: cheers06:36
smartboyhwzequence: Can you post the EOL announcement as "Ubuntu Studio" and post it to the Ubuntu Studio Community please?06:42
smartboyhwEh wrong channel06:42
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mydoghaswormsIs there a better application than qjackctl's patchbay or connect? I find it very confusing with all those little lines.17:08
mydoghaswormsI see that KXStudio has an app called Catia, but how do I install that?17:08
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:08
holsteinmydoghasworms: you can add the ppa's for kxstudio and use that application if you want17:08
holsteinwhat do i use? qjackctl17:09
holsteinask in #opensourcemusicians to see what other folks like to use17:09
mydoghaswormsSorry, maybe I didn't phrase my question very well :-) I just mean that I have difficulty wiring up lots of apps with qjackctl and I would like an alternative (like Catia)17:10
holsteinmydoghasworms: use that one17:10
holsteinmydoghasworms: otherwise, there are lots of alternatives..17:11
mydoghaswormsholstein, Can you name one or two?17:12
holsteinmydoghasworms: i use qjackctl17:17
holsteinthere is one here http://www.linuxdsp.co.uk/archive/archived_lv2_plugins/index.html that i have checked out17:17
holsteintheres patchage.. and AFAIK falks are going upstream17:17
mydoghaswormsholstein, Thanks for the pointer, let me check that out.17:18
holsteinmydoghasworms: also, since falk is around in #kxustudio , just follow where he is leading17:19
holsteinmydoghasworms: if you are looking for X, i always say, just use X, since nothing is either exactly like X, nor necessarily trying to be or replace X17:19
mydoghaswormsholstein, Thanks, he has in fact answered my one question about Catia.17:20
mydoghaswormsholstein, I am sorry, but I didn't quite understand your last advice, though I am sure it is good advice. Sorry, maybe because it is late I am struggling to process it.17:23
holsteinmydoghasworms: to use the version of the *actual* software you are looking for, is my advice.. getting it from PPA as i and falk suggests is one way to do ti17:27

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