
BommerAlright, can do00:00
xubuntu101let me try fixing my own now00:00
BommerSo now what to try?00:10
[0gb_us]SO you can't delete the partition then?00:10
Guest72238hi all00:11
Guest72238i'm having a "detecting file systems..." problem it's just freezing on that.... and btw im trying to install it on an external HDD00:11
BommerI can delete the partition00:11
Guest72238i mean the installer is just stuck on that "detecting file systems" screen00:11
[0gb_us]Okay, delete the partition and create a new one. Then install.00:12
BommerWhat format should the partition be?00:12
[0gb_us]Sorry, I don't know what to do about the external drive.00:12
BommerWindows can't make a ext400:13
Guest72238thanks bbye00:13
[0gb_us]Don't make it in WIndows, make it in the Xubuntu installer.00:13
BommerAh alright00:13
BommerI'll boot up the installer00:14
BommerReset the computer without the disk in *headdesk*00:15
BommerAlright I have to stop, may have just screwed my hdd uo00:22
[0gb_us]Sorry to hear that.00:22
[0gb_us]You could try reinstalling Windows, then Xubuntu.00:23
BommerPhew. Safe. The gonna try one more thing then done (for fear I will destroy everything haha)00:25
BommerDoes anyone do Skype help by any chance?00:31
ruienYes, i have skype installed. I would recommend installing it from the partner repos rather than from the .deb on skype's website.00:34
[0gb_us]I don't have Skype on my end.00:36
xubuntu980my dualboot installation has failed twice now00:49
xubuntu980does anybody have dualboot experience here?00:49
Unit193!dualboot | Did you read this?00:49
ubottuDid you read this?: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:49
xubuntu980[0gb_us] ???00:49
xubuntu980unit yes i did00:50
xubuntu980i followed all the instructions correctly00:50
xubuntu980it says installed correctly, but when i restart, it takes me directly to windows00:50
Unit193Do you have a EFI system?00:51
Unit193A new computer?00:51
[0gb_us]I don't duel boot, sorry. I put Windows in a VurtualBox. Even then, it's usually months between times that I use Windows.00:51
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:51
xubuntu980no. its about 5 years old00:51
xubuntu980I have a BIOS00:51
ruienxubuntu980: how many physical hard disks do you have? Maybe you installed GRUB to the wrong physical disk?00:52
xubuntu980i was even told to change my boot sequence to HDD first00:52
xubuntu980I have 1 physical disk with 2 partitions in it00:52
xubuntu980160GB: 50 GB to windows, 110 empty00:52
ruienwell, presumably xubuntu is installed somewhere?00:53
xubuntu980I followed these instructions: http://askubuntu.com/questions/148881/dual-boot-windows-xp-and-ubuntu-12-0400:53
ruienyes, but where is xubuntu installed if you have 50GB for windows and 110GB empty. Do you mean 50GB for windows partition, and 110GB for xubuntu partition, and xubuntu is installed?00:53
xubuntu980under My Computer, my disk drive D is gone now. so i think it is installed. I just cant boot to it00:54
xubuntu980yes it is 2 partitions. 110gb is where i installed Xubuntu and a swap area00:54
xubuntu980the first time when i put my Xubuntu disk in, it gave an extra option of: delete and reinstall Xubuntu, so I think its there. How do I access it?00:55
ruienboot to the xubuntu live CD and check to make sure. Mount that drive (you will have two "grayed out" drives on the desktop; check them both). Then, chroot into your xubuntu partition (first "mount --bind /dev /path/to/xubuntu/dev", same for /proc and /sys), and then "grub-install" and "update-grub", read the output to make sure it finds both OSes00:56
xubuntu980ok let me try that.00:57
ruienby "grub-install" i really mean "grub-install /dev/sda" or whatever your drive is00:58
xubuntu980when you say, same for proc and sys, I should do this 3 times?00:59
xubuntu9801 for dev, then proc, then sys?00:59
ruienyep, just make sure you're "mount --bind"ing /dev /proc and /sys into the partition before you chroot into it, that's all01:00
ruienso you will run it three times in total01:00
shaktiI'm about to install Xubuntu on my machine. {posting this using the live CD} I need the best partition chart for my 320 GB hard disk, for the smoothest boot05:52
shaktican anyone help05:52
holsteinshakti: sure.. just use the defaults05:53
shaktiThanks holestein. I'm pretty new to linux and a friend told me that the best way to get the most out of your system is to manually allocate space05:54
ruienit's really up to you. I like to have four partitions: a small "/boot", a "/" for the system, a large "/home", and a swap space which is about twice the size of my RAM05:54
holsteinshakti: if you are new, do automatic.. im not new, and i still mostly just do automatic05:54
holsteinthe seperate /home as ruien mentions is nice.. but not "smoother booting" by any means05:55
ruienyep, that ^^05:55
shakti@ruien  - what about /boot, /usr. /usr/local, /temp05:55
holsteinif you want the "smoothest overall experience" do the default05:55
shaktiHmmm. okay05:56
ruienshakti: i wouldn't split up all those into different partitions. More complex and for what reason, really?05:56
holsteinshakti: your friend has mis-informed you, and likely was commenting about another issue, or something of personal preference05:56
shakti@ ruien - I have no idea. I just got impressed with all this division and thought /boot space might make it faster05:57
shaktianyways thanks a lot ruien and holstein05:57
holsteinshakti: no.. the hard drive will be the speed the hard drive is05:57
ruienah, no, none of this will really make that much difference. Defaults are probably fine for you.05:57
shaktiI'll go ahead with the default then05:58
holsteini could argue splitting up the partitions could make it slower..05:58
holsteinnot likely though... if you need seperate partitions or custom partitioning, you'll know..05:58
shaktithanks a lot guys going to go ahead with the default installation now05:59
dilludone with the installation. Enjoying the xfce experience. thanks06:46
ruiengreat, and welcome to the xubuntu community06:47
xubuntu062hi to all07:33
[uzver]xubuntu062: hi!07:33
xubuntu062i have problem with my xubuntu07:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:33
xubuntu062i don't see my desktop07:33
xubuntu062and everithing on it07:33
xubuntu062and everything on it07:34
xubuntu062can someone help me to solve this07:34
[uzver]Alt+F2 and run xfdesktop07:34
xubuntu062omg :) 10x alot07:38
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
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ntzrmtthihu777so what's up, #xubuntu.13:30
TheSheep_!offtopic | ntzrmtthihu77713:38
ubottuntzrmtthihu777: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:38
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ntzrmtthihu777TheSheep_: fair enough. It's just so slow atm, looking to advise :P13:40
=== lderan_ is now known as lderan
brauleinchenI need a usb port hub for my laptop, preferably withouth power supply. It will be used only to connect my external hard drives (1TB) to my laptop. I have found some hama 4xports for 5 EUR. Will those be enough for the task? external hard drives have huge ammounts of video and audio data.14:35
bekksbrauleinchen: You 1TB drive - is it a 3.5" one?14:38
brauleinchenno, 2.5 '', all of them14:38
brauleinchenall portable14:38
bekks3.5" is portable too.14:39
bekksDo your external disks have external power supplies?14:39
brauleinchenonly one casing, but I have never needed external power supply14:39
brauleinchenfor any of them, nor when I connect 3 HDD at the same time14:39
bekksThen your usb hub needs a power supply-14:40
bekksIt cant provide enough power for all your disks using just a single usb upstream port.14:40
brauleinchenbekks, if I get one without its own power supply, whats is the worst that could happen?14:41
brauleinchenrandom power cuts? laptop turning off?14:41
bekksbrauleinchen: no external disk functional.14:41
brauleinchen10 usb ports hub, own power supply, 20 EUR, expensive?14:42
brauleinchenlong term investment?14:43
bekksUSB is a shirt term investment :)14:43
bekksBuy some USB3 externally powered hub, if you want some long term investment.14:43
yourfriendarmandI have a hub as well on my mostly stationed laptop, I'd rather wear out the contacts on it than the internal ones14:44
brauleinchenusb3, thanks14:45
yourfriendarmandnice braulenchen!14:45
yourfriendarmandcould you share a link? I would likely be interested in something like this14:46
brauleincheni also want to buy a new 1TB sata drive, does USB speed depend only on the box?14:46
brauleinchenI can get 1tb sata drives 8MB 5400RPM for 85 eur14:47
yourfriendarmandat usb3 speeds, the data transfers likely becomes hard disk bound14:47
yourfriendarmandassuming you're connected to a usb3 root port14:47
bekksbrauleinchen: You need an USB3 host port and an USB3 casing.14:48
brauleinchenaww, to disassemble my laptop...14:49
yourfriendarmandI had to get a usb3 card, works perferctly on linux, but I'm certain it's not full usb3 speed, probably mini pci-e bus bound14:49
yourfriendarmandstil faster than usb2 at least14:49
bekksbrauleinchen: You dont need to disassemble your laptop.14:50
bekksbrauleinchen: You need to look up the specs in the manual.14:50
brauleinchenthere wasnt a manual per se afair14:50
brauleinchensudo lsk...14:50
brauleinchenlol, maybe14:51
bekksbrauleinchen: There is a manual online. :P14:52
yourfriendarmandinxi might give some useful info too14:52
yourfriendarmandinxi -v7, lot's of useful info14:52
ntzrmtthihu777inxi is damn good :D14:55
brauleinchennoob question, so I dont need to install anything new? remove hardware to assemble new hardware?14:55
ntzrmtthihu777best thing is its just a bash script. you don't even need to install the deb if you get the core of it :D14:55
yourfriendarmandmind you it isn't available normally, and linux mint is the only I've encountered that makes a deb for it. But yes it can be run from it's source script14:55
yourfriendarmand@brauleinchen you might need a usb3 card in the worst case14:56
ntzrmtthihu777yourfriendarmand: heh. I keep scripts like that in ~/.bin and have that added to my $PATH, so I keep these during re-install14:56
bekksbrauleinchen: Look at the manual. Then you will know wether you need HW or not.14:56
yourfriendarmandsame here! I love it ^ ^14:56
brauleinchennoobiest question, what manual?14:57
bekksbrauleinchen: Your computers manual.14:57
yourfriendarmandgoogle search your computer, I just do a search 'dell studio 1458 specs' and something will14:57
yourfriendarmanda wiki or even manufacturer website will tell you more than a store dept would14:58
brauleinchenthe wikipedia article is proving enlighting14:59
bekksWhich article?14:59
yourfriendarmandsomeone out there always know a little more about your hardware14:59
bekksWikipedia is a useless resource when it comes to "what hardware is built into my specific make and model"-15:00
brauleinchenhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_3.0, adding to existeing hardrea15:00
bekksSo go to the Dell website and look up the specs of your computer.15:00
yourfriendarmandyou can always tell if you have at least one USB3 port if it has something like <-SS- above it15:00
yourfriendarmanda USB2/eSata port would normally have a Z zag to indicated powered15:01
yourfriendarmandI lucked out with mine, given that no OS can give me the exact model of my video card, a wiki or spec doc will tell me the right model, since drivers just give a 54xx series indications15:03
brauleinchenM7X0SUN clevo usb3 doesnt return many results15:06
yourfriendarmandmight indicate what usb speed root hubs you have15:10
gatsu1000good afternoon to all15:11
gatsu1000need a little help here, can someone help me?15:11
yourfriendarmand^ ^ morning here still15:11
gatsu1000mmm, american?^^15:12
yourfriendarmandlsusb outputsample:  Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub15:12
yourfriendarmandindeed, what's up gatsu?15:12
gatsu1000i'm quite new to linux in general, i'm trying xubuntu on my parent's pc15:12
gatsu1000it's a little old, so i erased windows and tried that but..15:12
yourfriendarmand@brauleinchen: I purchased a USB3 mini pci-e card matching the following chipset: 02:00.0 USB controller: NEC Corporation uPD720200 USB 3.0 Host Controller (rev 04)15:13
gatsu1000need to make it look the more possible as windows15:13
yourfriendarmandI've had good luck with this, it drives a 2TB external drive 24/715:13
gatsu1000for example, the upper bar with the "start" button, how can i take it to bottom?^^15:13
yourfriendarmandyou have to "unlock"  it like in windows15:13
gatsu1000right click on it?15:14
yourfriendarmandright click anywhere on the panel, look for panel submenu15:14
yourfriendarmandthen panel preferences15:14
yourfriendarmandat some juncture you should be able to snap it toward the bottom by dragging the entire object15:14
yourfriendarmandI did a XP+1 by keeping the default start button, "quick start apps" and the sys try on the top bar, and simply created a new bar below, having just the task bar of running windows15:16
gatsu1000yay! thanks a lot! even if i think i made something wrong during the process :P15:16
yourfriendarmandand autohide both15:16
brauleincheni dont understand Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub15:16
brauleinchenBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub15:16
brauleinchenBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub15:16
gatsu1000i was able to put it to bottom15:16
yourfriendarmandI get much more territory when I open plenty of windows15:16
gatsu1000but i think i take a "separator" away :P15:16
yourfriendarmandI did remove the "dock" object it defaults initially15:17
yourfriendarmandonce I added about ten quick launch buttons, I needed a separate task bar15:17
yourfriendarmandyou'll find it suits your needs, developer, fun, etc.15:17
gatsu1000thanks for all the advices15:18
yourfriendarmandenjoy gatsu ^ ^15:18
gatsu1000thanks^^ now the last thing i need to try... let's hope it works...15:19
yourfriendarmandwe're here to help each other anytime15:19
gatsu1000mmm, np15:19
gatsu1000think i still some help here...^^15:19
yourfriendarmand@brauleinchen do you have an expansion slot? you may needs a usb3 card15:19
gatsu1000why if i open a youtube video, it's all green and "squared", and it sounds badly?^^15:20
yourfriendarmandusb2 -> usb3 will work, but will not give you usb3 speed15:20
bekksbrauleinchen: Did you look up the specs yet?15:20
yourfriendarmandcan you play a movie from a file?15:20
brauleinchenyes i do have a smartcard slot, but I may need to connect it to a usb2 port (power supply)15:20
gatsu1000mmm, have to try... give me a sec15:21
brauleinchenbut then Id have to buy a usb3 hub15:21
brauleinchento connect to the usb3smart card15:21
yourfriendarmandI had to do this as well. the expansion slot cannot supply sufficient power to a fully compliant usb3 port, and thus needs a cable15:21
yourfriendarmandbut if your hub has a power supply, this should not be a problem for you15:21
gatsu1000video is a little better: not green but many "pixels"15:22
gatsu1000perhaps some problems with flash player?15:22
yourfriendarmandI'm going to guess non-accelerated playback15:23
gatsu1000or the video card?15:23
gatsu1000mmm... how can i check if it's all right?15:23
yourfriendarmandwhat does running ` lspci |grep -i VGA ` reveal?15:23
gatsu1000one sec...15:23
yourfriendarmandomit the back quotes in terminal15:23
yourfriendarmandlet's see what your graphics card comprise15:24
gatsu100000:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)15:24
brauleinchenwow, so i have to buy: smartcard usb3 port which per se doesnt need external power supply, and an external usb3 hub, which definetly needs externel power supply, plus all my old cases need to be upgraded to match the usb3 standard, right?15:24
yourfriendarmand"old cases" referring to hard disk enclosures? yes15:25
yourfriendarmandthey'll run just fine, just not at usb315:25
bekksWhats a "smartcard usb3 port"?15:25
yourfriendarmandit's backward and forward compatible15:25
yourfriendarmand@gatsu, hmm15:25
gatsu1000it's a motherboard vga card15:25
gatsu1000of an old HP desktop15:26
yourfriendarmandI had one too, what cpu do you have? ` cat /proc/cpuinfo  |grep model `15:26
gatsu1000model: 3 model name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz15:26
yourfriendarmandwhat *buntu release version are you running?15:27
bekksbrauleinchen: Whats a "smartcard usb3 port"?15:27
brauleinchensorry for the broken english, usb 3 on a smart card?15:27
gatsu1000xubuntu, the last one downloadable, think it's 13.04 or something similar15:28
brauleinchenusb3 port on a smart card?15:28
brauleinchenportable usb3 port on a smart card?15:28
yourfriendarmandyou may most likely find a mini-pci-e usb3 card15:28
bekksbrauleinchen: Forget it. Those things do not exist.15:28
yourfriendarmandpc cards are older15:28
yourfriendarmand@gatsu that's interesting15:28
brauleinchen ExpressCard-to-USB 3.0 adapter?15:28
bekksbrauleinchen: You need to know the specs of your computer to know which extenral connection ports it has - like pci express card slot, e.g.15:28
bekksbrauleinchen: And dont mix up ExpressCard with PCIE-ExpressCard :)15:29
yourfriendarmand@brau: provided your laptop has an expresscard slot15:29
bekksbrauleinchen: So did you look up the specs?15:29
yourfriendarmand@gatsu, you should have the newest open source drivers, they normally play video well15:30
yourfriendarmandperhaps not HD video, but at least a 720x480 video well15:30
brauleinchenwhen I bought the laptop there was no manual with it, just a couple of pages about warranty, its a clevo15:30
gatsu1000i can't see youtube videos... :P15:30
bekksbrauleinchen: Then look it up online, as I already told you.15:31
brauleinchenmy laptop has an expresscard slot15:31
brauleinchenIm trying bekks but I dont get many results15:31
yourfriendarmandare you familiar with managing the packages system and software repositories?15:31
gatsu1000not so much...15:31
bekksbrauleinchen: Go to the manufacturers website and search for your specific make and model.15:31
bekksbrauleinchen: You dont have to google.15:32
gatsu1000i just find ubuntu software center quite useful^^15:32
yourfriendarmandyou should have an app titled "software sources" check and see if you have the medibuntu repository enabled15:32
yourfriendarmandperhaps you may need to install codecs15:33
gatsu1000i found a software and updates...15:34
yourfriendarmandthat one will work15:34
gatsu1000no medibuntu there15:35
yourfriendarmandin the "other software" tab? no medi?15:35
gatsu1000nope, only 2 "canonical"15:36
gatsu1000partner canonical15:36
yourfriendarmandcheck out http://www.medibuntu.org It can guide you on adding codecs that may be key to playing proper video15:36
gatsu1000and 2 indipendent15:36
brauleinchenhttp://www.clevo.com.tw/en/e-services/Download.asp, sudo lshw lists my model as  M7X0SUN , there is a band on the back of the laptop: M77SUN, none of those appears in that menu15:36
brauleinchenim an idiot15:37
brauleinchendisregard my pre-last line15:37
yourfriendarmandit's a neat crash course on managing software sources15:37
gatsu1000wait, in medibuntu site you gave me there is a raring, that's the one installed in the list before15:37
yourfriendarmandraring is the name alias to 13.04 xubuntu15:38
gatsu1000mmm, ok. a lot of packages down there15:38
gatsu1000need to download them all?15:38
yourfriendarmandno, let me IM a list that works for me15:38
gatsu1000win32 binary codecs?^^15:39
gatsu1000can be this good?15:39
bekksbrauleinchen: Then you have to look for "M77xSUN" very carefully in the "User manual" section of that website. I found it there, as you will do, too.15:41
brauleinchenno what I meant to say is that I found it, im now downloading it15:42
GridCube!info lib-xml-perl15:51
ubottuPackage lib-xml-perl does not exist in raring15:51
GridCube!info libxml-simple-perl15:52
ubottulibxml-simple-perl (source: libxml-simple-perl): Perl module for reading and writing XML. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20-1 (raring), package size 66 kB, installed size 193 kB15:52
GridCubewell then15:52
GridCubewoooooow i cant install libxml-simple-perl because it depends on libxml-sax-perl that cannot be installed because it would delete 3/4 of my stuffs15:54
GridCubelol i will delete all15:55
GridCubeit XD15:55
koegsinstalling a package does not delete anything :D15:56
GridCubekoegs, it says "packages that will be unistalled: [LIST OF ALL PROGRAMS INSTALLED]15:57
bekksI doubt it uninstalls all programs.15:58
Unit193GridCube: apt-get purge plymouth, that'll basically list it all.15:58
GridCubebut i dont want to uninstall15:58
GridCubei want to instal gcstar, it fails complaining that libxml-simple-perl its not instalable, then if i try to install libxml-simple-perl it says libxml-sax-perl its not installable, and when trying that one it says it will uninstall all intalled programs15:59
* koegs wants to see all that in a nopaste16:02
gatsu1000no luck... audio is going good16:02
gatsu1000but video still bad16:02
gatsu1000and i don't even know how to start a private chat there :P16:03
gatsu1000ok, i was left alone... hey, it's scary out there! :P16:08
GridCubeits different here than in synaptic16:13
GridCubeit saying im holding broken packages16:18
peyamHi how are you?16:36
GridCube:) peyam if you wanna chat please come to #xubuntu-offtopic16:36
koegsGridCube: what kind of third party sources do you have enabled?16:44
GridCubeprobably a lot16:44
koegsand i do not understand that language, but i am sure there no package uninstalled :)16:45
GridCubeP: no in that dump no16:51
GridCubein the synaptics one yes16:51
z23891Where is the /groups/shell/bash folder?17:00
GridCubeno idea what that is17:01
z23891sorry i mean ~/groups/shells/bash17:01
z23891what would the ~ be17:01
GridCube~ means /home/username17:01
GridCubeas username can be anything ~ its used to globally replace that17:02
z23891ah, thank you17:06
xubuntu161i try install xubuntu 12.04 LTS amd 64, they ask me login and password !!!18:04
xubuntu161can help me ?18:05
SonikkuAmericaDuring the install?18:06
xubuntu161first step18:06
xubuntu161after i select install on hard disk18:06
SonikkuAmericaAre you using the mini.iso by any chance?18:07
SonikkuAmericaOr the alternate image?18:07
xubuntu161no 700 MO18:07
xubuntu161with usb installer on usb key18:07
xubuntu161universal usb installer18:07
SonikkuAmericaI think it's asking you to create one.18:08
xubuntu161i put login and password i got18:08
xubuntu161wrong login18:08
SonikkuAmericaNow that is weird. Give me a moment18:09
xubuntu161realy i use debian some times nevers see something like that18:09
xubuntu161i install xubuntu i386 fo my parrents all ok18:10
SonikkuAmericaYeah. This one eludes me... but you used the Universal USB Installer for Windows right?18:10
SonikkuAmericaTry using Unetbootin... that usually has better resuls.18:11
SonikkuAmericaI give up.18:11
xubuntu161i try thanks18:11
SonikkuAmericaNo, that's not what I meant...18:12
SonikkuAmericaI give up typing the word "results"18:12
rooi-oogHi guys. What it can be? I try to compile simplest code18:32
rooi-ooggcc `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-3.0` gtk.c -o gtk18:32
rooi-oogbut it fails with error undefined reference to gtk-init18:32
rooi-oogI use 13.0418:32
holsteinrooi-oog: what are you trying to do?18:33
rooi-oogjust compile my programm18:33
holsteinrooi-oog: what program?18:33
rooi-oogdoes it matter? even if there be one line gtk_init18:35
=== leoquant is now known as Guest44376
holsteinrooi-oog: the reason it matters is because it should be on a case by case basis.. each application will have different requirements, or potential errors18:35
rooi-oogok. such code http://paste.ubuntu.com/5651985/18:37
rooi-oogany suggestions?18:39
holsteinrooi-oog: i do not do programming.. i might suggest either looking into a programming support channel, or elaborate for the volunteers what program it is you are working with18:39
rooi-oogthank you for advice18:40
brauleinchenhow do I see stl files under linux?19:06
brauleinchenanything on the repos?19:06
PiciWhat are stl files?19:06
holsteinbrauleinchen: http://askubuntu.com/questions/247398/which-softwares-i-should-install-for-opening-stl-files suggests openSCAD19:09
holsteinbrauleinchen: nothing in the repos will likely be allowed to access that proprietary format19:09
brauleinchenill give it a try19:14
brauleincheni dont see anything19:51
brauleinchenhas any of you installed viewstl? I cannot even ./configure it19:53
bekksWhy cant you configure it?19:54
brauleincheni dont know, i downloaded the tar.gz file, extracted it, opened a terminal, cd'ed to it and tried to ./configure it, but there is only a "viewstl" execution file19:56
bekksbrauleinchen: Then read the readme for the archive you downloaded.19:56
bekksbrauleinchen: The project ships one, hopefully.19:56
brauleinchenthere is no readme19:57
brauleinchenit was updated for the last time in 200419:57
brauleinchenopenscad cannot open it either, but the installation was successful19:58
bekksbrauleinchen: Wrong. The last aupdate for viewstl was on 2013-03-0719:58
brauleinchenplease paste a loink19:59
bekksbrauleinchen: And guess why the file is named "viewstl-binaries.tar.gz"19:59
bekksbrauleinchen: http://sourceforge.net/projects/viewstl/19:59
SonikkuAmericaDon't I have to cut the loink out first?19:59
brauleinchenbekks, im a noob , I cannot guess why the file is named binaries, nor what it implies20:00
bekksbrauleinchen: It implies that it contains binaries.20:00
* bekks hands a scissor to SonikkuAmerica 20:01
brauleinchenwhat do I do with those binaries?20:01
SonikkuAmericaThanks bro20:01
bekksbrauleinchen: Execute them - if yiou trust them. I dont trust them.20:01
* SonikkuAmerica cuts out the loink and pastes it20:01
brauleinchenbekks, i did try, but nothing happened20:01
bekksbrauleinchen: So how did you try?20:01
brauleinchenleft click, execute20:02
bekksOpen a terminal and execute it in a terminal.20:02
bekksBut again, I wont trust those binaries.20:02
brauleinchen!execute viewstl" didnt do anything, please enlighten the noob20:03
ubottubrauleinchen: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:03
bekksbrauleinchen: !execute is not a valide command.20:03
SonikkuAmericaYou'll need to chmod +x and ./ them.20:03
bekksbrauleinchen: Open a terminal and execute the binary from the terminal, if you really want to.20:03
ntzrmtthihu777hallo. I've recently migrated from gnome-panel and retained my /home partitions data. as such, I have quite a few .files in ~ relating to gnome, and should like to remove them. unfortuneatly, I'm not sure what is and is not safe to remove.20:04
ntzrmtthihu777little assit, please?20:05
brauleinchenso chmod + viewstl and then ./configure, make and make install20:05
bekksThere is no ./configure - so how do you want to execute it?20:06
bekksOpen a terminal, go into the folder where the linux binary is.20:07
bekksExecute chmod +x thefilename and ./thefilename20:07
brauleincheno, many thankhs20:07
ntzrmtthihu777for instance, do I need ~/.gnome2 or ~/.gconf now that I'm using xubuntu?20:08
bekksntzrmtthihu777: Yes.20:09
ntzrmtthihu777bekks: ok. strange, but ok.20:09
SonikkuAmericantzrmtthihu777: XFCE and GNOME 2 are both GTK+ 2-based20:09
ntzrmtthihu777mhmm, gotcher. same bones20:10
SonikkuAmericaAlmost the same skeleton if you ask me.20:10
ntzrmtthihu777naruhodo... I think I like xubuntu so much because it reminds me of lucid, lol. I got started on lucid, ya kno.20:14
ntzrmtthihu777and what's with all these .goutputstream files?20:16
SonikkuAmericantzrmtthihu777: You tell me. All part of GTK+'s way of handling stuff AFAIk20:17
SonikkuAmericaIf it has a letter G in front of it, assume GTK+20:17
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, in general, no?20:19
SonikkuAmericaUnless it's Gwenview20:19
ntzrmtthihu777I swear this has to be the largest program I've ever installed XD20:27
SonikkuAmericantzrmtthihu777: What is the largest?20:35
kgbntzrmtthihu777: personally Xubuntu reminds me of awesome..;) :)20:39
Unit193kgb: Awesomewm?20:44
ntzrmtthihu777SonikkuAmerica: StarCraft II. 14gb20:57
* SonikkuAmerica faints20:57
ntzrmtthihu777ikr? bigger than my install, it is XD20:58
TumleeIs there a well-known way to customize what happens when you right-click on a window's titlebar, the same way you can with double-click?21:32
TumleeIn xfce21:32
ntzrmtthihu777Tumlee: erm, I think the settings > window manager tweaks can do that.21:34
TumleeI didn't see it there... but I'll look again21:34
TumleeYeah, I looked again and it's definetely not under Settings -> Window Manager -> Advanced. Could it be because I'm only booting from a Live USB so everything might not be up to date?22:08
ntzrmtthihu777Tumlee: well there are 2 window manager settings under settings for my install. window manager and window manager tweaks22:13
TumleeSame for me22:14
TumleeSo is it supposed to be under Window Manager Tweaks, then?22:14
ntzrmtthihu777Tumlee: no, seems what i was thinking of you have already found.22:15
TumleeErf... is it just not an option in xfce then?22:16
ntzrmtthihu777Tumlee: not that I know. exactly what is your aim?22:17
Emif-why my sound icon and battery icon disappeared from the panel? am using xubuntu22:18
TumleeI prefer to have it so when I right click on the titlebar of a window, it will minimize22:18
TumleeVery simple, no aiming for a minimize button22:18
Emif-lately today someone guided me how to install the sound icon on the panel22:18
ntzrmtthihu777not part of my knowledge. I like my aero/compiz-like half-screen trick.22:19
Emif-i mean sound indicator, but now it disappeared with the battery icon22:19
Tumleentzmrtthihu777: What's that?22:19
Emif-Tumlee,  can ya help please?22:19
TumleeI have never experienced your issue so I wouldn't be able to tell you how to fix it.22:20
ntzrmtthihu777Tumlee: you know how when you drag a window to the top or sides of the screen in win7/unity it either maximizes or takes half of the screen size automatically?22:20
ntzrmtthihu777Emif-: I too have no sound indicator.22:20
TumleeYeah, Aero snap or whatever22:20
Emif-How to add one?22:20
koegsEmif-: do you have "xfce4-mixer" installed, then you can add a mixer to the tray22:20
Emif-installing it now.22:21
Emif-ok just installed it22:21
ntzrmtthihu777koegs: ah, thankya. not something I was particularly worried about, but good to know.22:21
Emif-how about the battery indicator koegs ?22:22
koegsi think you have to add "notification area" or something like that to the panel22:23
koegsi do not have a english xubuntu at hand22:24
ntzrmtthihu777no clue. I use xub on my Dell All in one touchscreen pc22:25
Emif-is linux mint better than ubuntu?22:37
Emif-or xubuntu22:37
Emif-why not22:39
knome!best | Emif-22:39
ubottuEmif-: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.22:39
Emif-okay thanks22:40
Emif-is distrowatch.com a reliable site to use?22:40
knomefor what?22:40
Emif-for news about linux distros22:40
knomei suppose, though the most reliable news come from the distros themself.22:41
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest58539
Guest58539i installed google talk plugin but is not working anyone know why?23:15
Guest58539must i install a certain version of google talk plugin for it to work in xubuntu 12.04?23:19

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