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ahoneybun_Riddelll: 02:05
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smartboyhwGood afternoon. Is KDE SC 4.10.3 in raring? (since I saw a number of build failure mails in my inbox)05:21
=== Guest41838 is now known as Tm_Tr
tsimpson!info kde-runtime raring06:27
ubottukde-runtime (source: kde-runtime): runtime components from the official KDE release. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.10.2-0ubuntu3 (raring), package size 1800 kB, installed size 8462 kB06:27
yofel!testers | 4.10.3 is done in NINJAS for RARING09:18
ubottu4.10.3 is done in NINJAS for RARING: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader for information.09:18
soeegot it09:19
yofelI'll do the backports once someone says that it works09:19
soeeyofel, need ninjas ppa - dont have here on my laptop09:20
yofelsoee: pm09:20
Riddelllyofel: does it have the patch for http security and (I don't know if there is one yet) for the plasma crash?09:22
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
yofelit has both09:22
soeewallpapers package should be optional :/09:24
soeewhy downloading always ~ 90mb09:24
soeeonly for the same wallpapers09:24
yofeluh, I think some of the translations changed09:25
yofeland we sadly don't have debdiffs yet :/09:25
* yofel goes to fetch some breakfast09:25
soeeyofel, 10:01
soeeupgrade ok10:01
yofelany issues after that?10:01
soeenope, now errors while upgrading and now im after reboot10:02
soeeall fine10:02
soee*no errors10:02
* yofel goes backporting10:02
Riddellyofel: working good here10:03
Riddellanything I should be testing for?10:03
Riddellplasma doesn't crash if I close things10:03
yofelwell, that's already a good thing10:04
yofelMamarok: does the kde-quality team have some list of test cases for regression testing?10:07
apacheloggerahoneybun: 100% -> all items ticked10:21
Mamarokyofel: did you check the wiki?10:26
yofelMamarok: ok, that seems to have improved since I last looked at it which was quite a while ago10:33
yofelor maybe I just got lost last time10:33
Mamarokwell, we also rely on what the projects communicate to test10:34
Riddellshadeslayer: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=319428 now CVE-2013-207410:53
ubottuKDE bug 319428 in http "noticifations about errors contain password" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:53
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-2074)10:53
Riddellsays debian bugs10:53
Riddellyofel: kde-runtime update done11:25
yofelis that supposed to prevent having to open kwallet for every application?11:25
Riddellyeah, it's just a config option so doesn't do anything to us unless we turn it on11:25
Riddellyofel: going to copy it over to kubuntu-ppa/updates now?11:31
yofelRiddell: well, I wanted to do the backports and release it as a batch, but I can copy raring now if you want. It is done after all11:33
yofelI have l10n done too11:33
yofelthe announcement should probably wait until everything is done (unless you want to do one only for raring)11:33
* yofel copies11:34
yofelRiddell: published11:38
Riddelllovely thanks11:43
Riddellstarbuck1: 4.10.3 in raring updates PPA if you want to try it out https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=raring11:43
=== Squt is now known as Sput
shadeslayerRiddell: http://benjaminkerensa.com/2013/05/10/ubuntu-is-community11:43
Riddellmck182: Ludovico Einaudi11:46
Riddellmck182: http://gallus.local/Music/ludovico-einaudi/11:52
shadeslayerRiddell: https://lwn.net/Articles/550032/11:53
yofelnice article from bkrensa11:54
ahoneybunapachelogger: ticked?12:52
Mamarokwhich is the default gcc version in Precise?13:04
Mamarok4.5 or 4.6?13:05
Mamarokcool, I am just exploring the C++11 support in current distros13:06
Mamarokwe would love to use the la,bda functions in Amarok13:06
yofelI have a vague recollection of kde-devel discussing c++11 feature detection in cmake a while ago13:08
ahoneybunsmartboyhw: your 14?13:19
smartboyhwahoneybun: Uh huh13:28
ahoneybunjust saying I saw you on some rss13:28
smartboyhwahoneybun: Heh, Nicholas Skaggs' the Orange Notebook?13:29
ahoneybunyea 13:29
BluesKaj_hey folks13:44
ahoneybunBluesKaj_: hey13:45
BluesKaj_hi ahoneybun 13:46
ahoneybunBluesKaj_: whats up13:46
BluesKaj_ahoneybun, , morning coffee 13:46
ahoneybunjust listening to spotify13:48
BluesKaj_oh yeah it's stateside now , not available in Canada ...I could use a vpn , but there's enough music out there and I have plenty on HDDs13:50
BluesKaj_odd that aussies have and we don't ., smaller marker etc13:53
Riddellahoneybun: listen to Ludovico Einaudi, it's the best hacking music we have decided, especially with afiestas_'s bass13:58
ahoneybunRiddell: artist?13:59
Riddellyep, he's a pianist13:59
ahoneybunI see13:59
ahoneybunI fixed up the trello Riddell14:03
Riddelllooking good ahoneybun 14:05
ahoneybunjust need to have a % on the checklist somehow14:05
Riddellahoneybun: isn't that added if you add checklist items?14:07
ahoneybunI added themm14:07
ahoneybunwhat do I put for firewall info in the wiki14:12
Riddell"you don't need a firewall"14:12
Riddellkubuntu is secure by default14:13
Riddellactually I did get a virus once, but as long as you don't make a user account test with password test you'll be safe14:13
ahoneybunoh so don't even put anything about that in it?14:13
Riddellmy advise would be to put in a simple explanation of why you don't need it14:15
Riddelland one for why you don't need a virus checker14:15
apacheloggermaybe we should include a ufw GUI just to be safe?14:21
Riddellahoneybun: if you want to write one go ahead14:21
ahoneybunRiddell: I am not familiar with that14:21
Riddellwait, bad tab completion14:22
Riddellapachelogger: if you want to write one go ahead14:22
apacheloggerRiddell: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=137789 ....14:22
apacheloggerRiddell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gufw_10.04.4.png14:23
ahoneybunthe changelog says they just got it to work with 13.0414:23
Riddelllooks old14:24
yofeldpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/oxygen-icon-theme_4%3a4.10.3+dfsg-0ubuntu0.1~ubuntu13.04~ppa1_all.deb (--unpack):14:35
yofel trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/plasmagik.png', which is also in package plasmate-data 1.0-0ubuntu114:35
shadeslayerupgrade went fine for me14:37
yofelwell, do you have plasmate installed?14:37
* yofel wonders whether oxygen-icons was even branched14:38
yofelif not I'll just delete .314:38
shadeslayeraha, yes  trying to overwrite '/usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/plasmagik.png', which is also in package oxygen-icon-theme 4:4.10.3+dfsg-0ubuntu0.1~ubuntu13.04~ppa114:38
ahoneybunRiddell: what backup program do you think is good?14:39
Riddellalso somewhere without a good answer14:40
Riddellthese days something to sync to a cloud would be good but I don't know if kde has such a thing14:40
* yofel doesn't know much about backup programs14:40
yofelI use rsync or rdiff-backup depending on the situation14:40
yofelthat's all CLI though14:41
ahoneybunRiddell: yea I just use rsync as well14:41
Riddellyep I do rsync to my local big disk computer14:41
Riddellbut I'd like to sync it properly to a cloud with proper revert snapshot possiblity14:41
Riddellwhich ubuntu unity has something for that14:41
ahoneybunI use a bash script that I found and edited to my needs, makes backups of what I want14:41
* yofel wonders when btrfs will reach the point where it's recommendable14:42
Riddelldeja-dup I think14:42
ahoneybunI like btrfs for the snapshot stuff14:42
yofelthat has btrfs-send/-recive for snapshots14:42
Riddellyofel: not yet according to distrowatch14:42
* ahoneybun wonders about kbackup http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=4499814:43
yofelI know, I'm on the linux-btrfs ML, plenty of issues and not-implemented stuff :S14:43
Riddellahoneybun: looks faffy14:44
* ahoneybun should make a backup now when he's thinking about it, with all the work on Kubuntu Docs he has done14:44
Riddellreal men don't back up, real men upload to the internet and let the world mirror14:44
Riddell(C) Linus Torvals 199514:45
ahoneybunoh well idk I want to know I have my data14:45
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
yofelI'm not blind for not seeing plasmagik.png in there, right?14:48
ahoneybunRiddell: real man make backups to their raspberrypi file servers in their room ;)14:48
yofeland according to http://websvn.kde.org/branches/KDE/4.10/oxygen-icons/16x16/apps/ that file has been there for 4 months now14:49
ahoneybunRiddell: should I recommand kbackup then?14:50
yofelIt supports any OS supported tape drive14:50
yofelfirst time I see that as the first thing in the support advertisement ^^14:51
Riddellahoneybun: if you want to you'd need to try it and confirm it works well14:53
ahoneybunlots of files14:56
ahoneybunRiddell: how do you make a checklist marked as done14:58
yofelahoneybun: check each item?14:59
ahoneybunyofel: yea like I'm about done with importing the security.xml14:59
yofelahoneybun: see what I just did15:00
yofelyou had a checklist with any list items15:00
yofelI think you wanted something different...15:00
yofelone import checklist with all xml files as items?15:01
ahoneybunhow did you..15:01
yofelahoneybun: see those "Add item" links in grey below each list?15:01
yofelthat's how you add items to a list that you can mark as done15:01
yofelonce all those items are checked you'll be at 100%15:02
yofelyou should probably convert that into one list unless you have multiple steps for every file15:02
ahoneybunoh got it bbl15:03
yofelyep, now it looks better :)15:08
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
apacheloggeryofel: PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING15:48
apacheloggerYOFEL :(15:51
apacheloggeryofel: I am crafting daily source package build tooling to work around launchpad being crap and I have a decision for you to make...15:52
apacheloggerdo you want to keep using one branch per packaging15:53
apacheloggeror put all the packaging in one big branch15:53
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1178995] Bad PAM handling - no fingerprint support for KDE (lock screen, login lightdm screen) @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1178995 (by Bart)15:54
apacheloggerafiestas_: community.kde.org/KDE/High-dpi_issues16:10
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | Kubuntu Council election: Voting in progress | Kubuntu UDS meeting http://doodle.com/uatie4hpfyt84utq
ahoneybunyofel: I know right!16:23
ahoneybunI think it looks great16:28
=== card.freenode.net changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Upgrade QA : http://kubuntu-qa.dyndns.org/ | https://trello.com/kubuntu | https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas | Kubuntu Council election: Voting in progress
yofelapachelogger: you do realize that if you stuff everything into one branch and change something there it will trigger builds for *everything*16:40
apacheloggeryofel: lol? 16:42
apacheloggerwho am I? a launchpad dev?16:42
yofelapachelogger: well, if that branch is linked in all the recipes using nest-part, that will happen16:42
yofelthat's why our neon's shared stuff is in a seperate package not linked in the recipes16:42
yofels/our //16:43
kubotuyofel meant: "that's why neon's shared stuff is in a seperate package not linked in the recipes"16:43
apacheloggerI am not sure you understand16:43
apacheloggerI am rewriting the entire recipe stuff16:43
apacheloggerso we define the behavior16:43
yofeloh, without using launchpad?16:43
apacheloggerlaunchpad cannot be used for kde frameworks 516:43
apacheloggerqt repos had submodules 16:44
yofelthat, I already realized...16:44
yofelapachelogger: I'll think about that and come back to you later16:45
* ahoneybun is interested16:46
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yofelshadeslayer, Quintasan ^ if you want to give some input too16:51
yofelsymlink_duplicates.sh from oxygen-icons does something weird in 4.10.3... http://paste.kde.org/741776 and http://paste.kde.org/741782 should match, but don't16:58
Riddelltools-wizard.png looks wrong17:02
ahoneybunRiddell: now look at the trello page17:03
Riddellahoneybun: making progress!17:06
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ahoneybunI wonder where valorie is17:08
yofelRiddell: not really, from a quick look fdupes is right and they are the same thing17:09
yofelit's just that the symlinking is different and that seems to mess with another linking script embedded in rules17:10
yofelwhat was /usr/share/icons/hicolor/ for again?17:11
Riddellit's for icons not in an icon theme17:12
Riddellif you search for KIcon("foo") it'll look in oxygen then hicolour to find it17:12
yofelthen why do we symlink oxygen icons into hicolor o.O? (or rather debian does it)17:13
yofelln -s ../../../oxygen/$${size}x$${size}/apps/$${icon}.png debian/$${package}/usr/share/icons/hicolor/$${size}x$${size}/apps;17:13
ahoneybunRiddell: I'm thinking it would look better with bullets listing the directory then pictures17:15
Riddellyofel: app icons are needed in hicolour17:19
Riddellyofel: so that non-KDE desktops can find it, they won't know anything about oxygen17:19
Riddellahoneybun: what would?17:20
ahoneybunthe Linux Basics, the way the file system is layed out in /17:20
yofelRiddell: ah ok, then I'll do this the quick fix way and just exclude plasmagik from the linking as that's in plasmate-data17:21
shadeslayeryofel: me and apachelogger have been talking in real life :P17:43
yofelconsider yourself unpinged then :P17:43
ahoneybunvalorie: where is that email?17:53
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valorieoops, what email?21:01
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valorieahoneybun: by which I mean, which email address shall I send it to?21:35
yofelapachelogger_: I can't think of any reason except recipe-atomity to keep the packaging branches seperate for daily builds. As long as you can trivially generate packages from subfolders of a branch keeping everything together would be easiest21:37
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