
SonikkuAmericabambam1: BluesKaj_ ain't here00:07
SonikkuAmericaHe'll be back tomorrow00:07
bambam1SonikkuAmerica: Okay, thanks00:07
bambam1One issue though00:07
bambam1I started Kubuntu for the first time and I can't find the start menu to access applications and what have you00:08
bambam1It's like the K icon disappeared00:08
SonikkuAmericaIt should be in the bottom left corner of the screen unless you moved it00:08
bambam1I did not, this is a fresh install00:08
bambam1I wasn't able to see it at all00:08
SonikkuAmericaYou should be able to put it (or Homerun in 13.04) back00:08
SonikkuAmericaIs your screen too large for your monitor?00:09
bambam1I figured that might be the issue00:09
bambam1I have two monitors00:09
bambam1I've been playing around with the display settings, disabling one monitor00:09
bambam1still see the same issue00:09
SonikkuAmericaWhy do you still want the daily build anyway?00:09
bambam1I don't, it was just a screenshot00:10
bambam1I fetched whatever iso was on the Kubuntu website00:10
SonikkuAmericaI was about to say, that's NOT how the Kubuntu live CD desktop looks AT ALL.00:10
SonikkuAmericaSystem Settings > Display and Monitor > Display Config'n00:11
bambam1Also, I'm not sure if my computer is just slow but when do you typically expect the login sound to play?00:11
bambam1I was there already, SonikkuAmerica00:12
bambam1It seemed like it played completely at random, well after the login animation was done00:12
SonikkuAmericaAfter the desktop pops up00:12
bambam1I see00:12
SonikkuAmericaYeah, that's where it's been since Day 100:12
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bambam1Could someone help me disable akonadi server? I'm looking at documentation but it seems outdated00:40
bambam1Without breaking anything important00:47
bambam1>200 members and nobody present?01:09
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:13
=== Shaun___ is now known as Shaun
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Runemoro_When I do "X -configure" it tells me "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."01:59
Runemoro_Can anyone help me?01:59
Obsidian1723What is it that you're trying to do?01:59
Runemoro_Obsidian1723: My computer boots into failsafe mode automaticly, and I thought X -xonfigure would fix it02:00
Runemoro_Obsidian1723: configure*02:00
Obsidian1723well, you would do dpkg-reconfigure02:00
=== BTCOxygen is now known as Guest90560
Runemoro_I already did02:00
Runemoro_No difference02:00
Obsidian1723sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:01
Obsidian1723or no sudo if logged in as root02:01
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Runemoro_Yes, It gives me no output02:01
Obsidian1723You ran that exact command?02:01
Runemoro_And it doesn't fix the problem02:01
Obsidian1723Did you tail /var/log/messages and check dmesg ?02:02
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Runemoro_tail: cannot open â/var/log/messagesâ for reading: No such file or directory02:02
Obsidian1723 tail -f /var/log/messages02:03
Obsidian1723that does nothing?02:03
Runemoro_No such file or directory02:03
Obsidian1723ls /var/log02:03
Runemoro_alternatives.log  dmesg.2.gz      lastlog           unattended-upgrades apt               dmesg.3.gz      lxdm.log          upstart auth.log          dmesg.4.gz      lxdm.log.old      wtmp boot              dpkg.log        mail.err          Xorg.0.log boot.log          faillog         mail.log          Xorg.0.log.old btmp              fontconfig.log  news              Xorg.1.log ConsoleKit        fsck            pm-powersave.log 02:03
Obsidian1723You have some missing logs files. Not a good sign.02:04
Runemoro_Ubuntu minimal02:04
Runemoro_I only came hare because #ubuntu is ignoring me02:04
Obsidian1723Was this system comprimised? Minimal should still have that, it's a core log file.02:04
Runemoro_No, I just installed it02:05
Obsidian1723what does this say? uname -a02:05
Runemoro_Linux ubuntu 3.8.0-19-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 1 16:36:13 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux02:05
Obsidian1723older kernel02:06
Obsidian1723but no biggie there.02:06
Runemoro_I used the raring cd02:06
Obsidian1723So you just installed it, and you aren't getting any x session at all?02:06
Obsidian1723raring cd?02:07
Runemoro_Raring minimal cd02:07
Obsidian1723Not familliar with it.02:07
Runemoro_The 30 MB one02:07
Runemoro_That uses the internet02:07
Obsidian1723Is it a supported distro of Ubuntu? or a custom spin by someone else?02:07
Obsidian1723Ok, so it's a net install.02:07
Runemoro_Yes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:07
Obsidian1723So you installed and what happened where at?02:08
Runemoro_I installed core only02:08
Obsidian1723Take me step by step please.02:08
Runemoro_Then I installed gdm02:08
Runemoro_And then cinnamon02:08
Runemoro_The computer starts02:08
Obsidian17232 DEs?02:08
Runemoro_gdm is the manager02:08
Runemoro_I then installed Xorg02:09
Obsidian1723ah you didnt install gnome, just the manager only, ok.02:09
Runemoro_And rebooted02:09
Runemoro_It rebooted with the failsafe cursor02:09
Runemoro_gdm looked weird02:09
Obsidian1723and then what happened? What were the exact errors given?02:09
Runemoro_No error, but everything looked like in failsafe mode02:10
Obsidian1723Weird. Cinnamon needs gdm?02:10
Runemoro_It wouldn't start without it02:10
Obsidian1723Are you perhaps missing some dependancies?02:10
Runemoro_Cinnamon doesn't have it's own dm I think02:10
Runemoro_How do I check?02:11
Obsidian1723log files. That's really the key, start digging into things, but you are missing /var/log/messages, which is disconcerning to me.02:11
Runemoro_Also, my home folder is gone02:12
Runemoro_ls /home is blank02:12
Obsidian1723If you re-install, then install x only, does it run? If so, then the problem may be with gdm. I left gnome behind after 2.0, and I've only played with Cinnamon, MATE since I now prefer KDE.02:12
Obsidian1723You may want to just nuke and pave and start over.02:12
Obsidian1723Vs. spending time trying to figure this out.02:13
Obsidian1723Especiecially if it's a new install.02:13
Runemoro_Ok, but cinnamon doesn't need a DM?02:13
Obsidian1723format ? install Linux ? install xserver > does it work?02:13
Runemoro_I'll do that02:13
Obsidian1723yeah, all DEs need a WM.02:13
Obsidian1723but if you do what I said, then you know it's not the base install or x.02:14
Obsidian1723could be gdm or cinnamon, I don't know. Need to play detective and suss out what's going on and the only weay to do that is to look at processes running, log files, etc data like that. It's 10% fixing the problem and 90% investigating it.02:14
Obsidian1723Otherwise, you spin in circles guessing, chasing your own tail and getting nowhere fast.02:15
Obsidian1723sand probably cuasing more problems as you try and fix one other one.02:15
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Obsidian1723Being methodical is key to proper investigation.02:16
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Obsidian1723but agauin, since this is a new system, N&P, reinstall like that. It may be gdm, I don't know. You could always try another WM, dunno what other ones worth with Cinnamon or not. Could always try another DE too.02:17
Obsidian1723Do you just want a DE or do you want that specific DE?02:17
Obsidian1723How much of a PITA problem are you willing to deal with or not?02:17
Runemoro_I'm reinstalling it right now02:19
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
Runemoro_Is it possible that it might have become corrupt for some reason?02:20
Runemoro_Also, I want that DE02:21
Obsidian1723possible, especially with a net install that something didn't get over right.02:21
Obsidian1723Maybe find out if another WM will work with that DE.02:21
Runemoro_Don't they get checked?02:21
Runemoro_Lxdm didn't work, Lightdm is too big02:22
Obsidian1723I would think so, yes... and the way TCP/IP works, lost packets should be re-sent, but, can you trust anything 100%?02:22
Runemoro_mdm didn't either02:22
Obsidian1723fvwm ?02:22
Obsidian1723that may be a bit old tho.02:22
Runemoro_I'm installing it on my friend's computer, and he really wants Cinnamon02:24
claycornhow do i install java?02:34
Obsidian1723via apt-get02:35
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claycorndidnt work02:36
Obsidian1723What command did you type exactly?02:36
claycornvia apt-get02:37
Obsidian1723You install java via the apt-get program02:37
claycorni got java from the web site first02:37
claycornopened the file02:38
Obsidian1723You could also use the GUI via the Software Center, Synaptic, lots of ways to do it.02:38
claycornis java listed on the software center?02:38
claycornor under another name ?02:38
Obsidian1723It's better to install from the repos since source installs, or installs from stand alone packages don't get updated.02:38
Obsidian1723sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre02:39
claycornlooks like that worked :)02:39
Obsidian1723Always use the repos if possible.02:40
claycornthank you02:40
Obsidian1723Anytime :)02:40
claycornim loving kumbuntu <302:40
claycornfar better than mint02:41
claycornor cinnamon02:41
Obsidian1723Well, cinnamon is merely a desktop, not a Linux distro like Linux Mint and Kubuntu are.02:41
claycorntrue im am learning a little every day02:42
claycornim weening myself off windows02:42
Obsidian1723You have the core os, kernel, programs, etc, then on top if it sits the xserver, on top of that, a windowing manager like gdm, fvwm, mir, etc, on top of that, if you choose, a DE like Gnome, KDE, Enlightenment, MATE, Cinnamon.02:42
Obsidian1723You can mix WM (Windowing Managers) with DEs (Desktop Environments)02:43
Obsidian1723right on.02:43
claycornohhhh must try that02:43
Obsidian1723You know how Windows has the explorer shell?02:43
Obsidian1723and you can modify it, like with LitStep, which somewhat replaces it, but it never really gets rid of the exploer shell off of the Windows box?02:44
Obsidian1723Not so with Linux. It cna be completely removed, or not GUI at all, like how most Linux servers run,.02:44
=== three18t- is now known as three18ti
=== Runemoro_ is now known as Runemoro
Obsidian1723With Windows, the cake may have 7 layers, but it02:44
Obsidian1723's  a solid cake.02:45
claycornall run from the terminal?;02:45
Obsidian1723With Linux, those cake layers can be swapped out or completely removed.02:45
Obsidian1723All GUI programs are generally just GTK or Qt front-ends for the command line real programs.02:45
claycorngosh i know you can run vlc on the terminal02:45
Obsidian1723Some things cannot be done in a GUI and must be done from the command line, like confugiring iptables. There are commands just not available for it in a GUI.02:46
Obsidian1723Everything you do on Linux has a command line syntax for it and is ran via a command line program, even if there is a GUI for it.02:46
Obsidian1723but again, the GUIs are limited.02:46
claycornare you a gui fan?02:47
Obsidian1723I run a script to setup my iptables.02:47
Obsidian1723I like GUIs, but when I started computing, we really didn't have them,.02:47
Obsidian1723They are nice, convienent, I use them a lot, but a lot of my heavby lifiting is done via bash scripts and the command line.02:48
claycornfor pcs with low memory kubuntu is a wise move02:49
Obsidian1723Lots of power in bash scripting, aliases, setting things up and then monitoring it.02:49
Obsidian1723ehhh not so much02:49
claycorni dont know if i could do scrips02:49
Obsidian1723I like KDE, the DE for Kubuntu, but KDE has much more overhead than say LXDE, XFCE, etc, that's why there's Lubuntu, Xubuntu02:49
claycorntoo many to choose02:50
Obsidian1723yeah, you could02:50
claycornyeah if i studied it02:50
claycornim getting lessions from a friend02:50
claycornbasic stuff02:50
Obsidian1723All Linux is the same really. It all stems from 3 core distros, Debian, Red Hat and Slackware. Everything forks from those 3. The main difference is the philosophy of design, the purpose for each distro.02:50
claycorni write notes02:51
Obsidian1723 cool02:51
claycornthe look ?02:51
claycorndiff desktops02:51
Obsidian1723If you want stable, all free software, older software, Debian. If you like Debian, but want some newer software, somewhat stable, some bells and whistles, such as video codecs, etc, Ubuntu and the LTS version. If you want KDE on it, Kubuntu, XFCE, Xubuntu. If you like Ubuntu, but more bleeding edge, less stable, get the non-LTS version. If you want all the bells and whistels installed by default, Linux Mint.02:52
Obsidian1723The philosophy of design, the purpose for each distro02:53
claycornyeah i tried mint02:53
claycornwas ok02:53
claycornim seattled with k02:53
Obsidian1723All Red Hat versions use yum to install packages whereas all Debuian based use apt-get or aptitude, so there are some command differences in that way, but more about WHY each fork / distro was made02:53
Obsidian1723Debian > Ubuntu > Linux Mint02:54
Obsidian1723Ever see the Linux Timeline chart?02:54
Obsidian1723If not, it02:54
claycorni have not02:54
Obsidian1723's worth a trip to Google for it.02:54
claycornand i will02:54
Obsidian1723For example, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, RHEL, is commerical, but what if you want it? but not pay for it? Well, there is Cent OS. Same upstream software repos, but different wallpapers, icons and some programs missing, but otherwise, the same thing.02:55
Obsidian1723Running the right distro of Linux is im[portant02:55
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Obsidian1723If you want stable, running a non-LTS version of Ubuntu or Debian unstable or Debian testing isn't the wa yto go, nor is Arch.02:56
Obsidian1723Running the wrong distro causes problems. I see too many new users running an unstable version of Li nux when they just want it to work.02:56
Obsidian1723They think the newest, aka Ubuntu 13.04, is better than 12.04, the LTS, and it's not.02:57
claycornyeah i found that out02:57
claycornthe os would not play nice02:57
Obsidian1723Non-LTS = beta for the NEXT LTS.02:57
RunemoroOk, installing is done02:57
RunemoroNow what do I do?02:57
Obsidian1723install x Runemoro02:57
Obsidian1723See if it works02:57
Obsidian1723then install gdm02:58
Obsidian1723see if it works02:58
Obsidian1723check logs, investigate, etc as mentioned before.02:58
Runemorosudo apt-get install Xorg?02:58
Obsidian1723I can't tell you ABCDE 123 fixed.02:58
Obsidian1723then startx to start it up02:59
Obsidian1723then ps aux |grep xserver-xorg02:59
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RunemoroI only have X and X -configure still says Number of created screens doesn't match the number of detected devices03:04
kkerwinHaving difficulty installing bumblebee using the recipe here: http://eternalvoid.net/tutorials/linux-optimus-gt650m/ ... dkms fails to run. Anyone have experience using bumblebee for nvidia optimus cards?03:06
hanibanahi, is it possible to use OSS in Kubuntu instead of ALSA sound system?03:10
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:11
=== Tm_Tr is now known as Guest41838
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:17
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:17
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/03:17
mkki installed kubuntu 13.04. when i first log in, it appears to be there's two screens even though i actually have only one. it's a laptop. and when i launch any program they start on the second screen which is on the right side of my actual screen, and obviously i can't see them. is there a fix for this? is it a bug?03:24
kkerwinHi. I'm trying to get the nouveau driver to be blacklisted, and have it listed as "blacklist nouveau" in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf. For some reason, though, while it worked a few reboots ago, the driver is now injected into the kernel.03:47
ChardotHi o/03:59
ChardotHave anyone installed Kubuntu on a MacBook pro?03:59
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nick_omegainstalled new graphics driver on kubuntu 12 and now an application does not run.  list of errors generated including 'X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation)04:11
nick_omega' and 'glXChooseVisual failed'04:11
nick_omegauninstall/reinstall the application or is there a better route?04:11
bambam2is there a way to make gtk apps in KDE look less hideous?04:20
hellodavepWhere can I find detailed information about the WiFi network I am connected to? Such as DNS servers assigned via DHCP, Gateway, ect.04:53
Chardothellodavep: open the terminal and type "iwconfig"; press enter.04:56
hellodavepthanks Chardot! That command, however, doesn't tell me any info about Gateway or DNS server. I do appreciate your help though!05:00
Chardothellodavep: sorry, wrong command :P05:01
hellodavepChardot: for future reference, some one in #ubuntu helped me out: the nm-tool command05:03
Chardothellodavep: network-manager tool, yes05:04
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cjaehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/254479/make-firefox-only-use-gtk-theme-on-browser-chrome-but-ignore-on-websites                    super win07:43
SpartanF32After i installed proprietary AMD driver following the procedure as in the Unofficial Ati website, (worked fine for 12.10) i had a lot of kwin crashes so rolled back to driver of the repos. Now, i see some effect as kickoff blur or windows miniature on panel aren't enabled while in the effects configuration setting they're are checked. Does Exist a way to re-enable all as a fresh install or i should install all again?08:59
=== erry__ is now known as erry
bigbrovarHI guys, anyone having issues getting blurtooth working on Kubuntu 13.04 (clean install)09:21
bigbrovarIt seems only from the look of things. only it doesnt detect bluetooth devices even if one is standing on its head.. nor can it be detected :S09:21
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tabsterleirAnyone know of a Plasmoid to show the output of a basic command? ie: Something to show the result of "uname -r"?09:46
ronaldsgood job on 13.04, homerunner seems unity alternative in kde everyone could be waiting for09:46
ronaldsonly kubuntu should come with orginal wallpapers, like ubuntu does09:47
ToBeFreeI assume you already know that kubuntu.org is down for whatever reason?09:54
ToBeFreeah, fixed. Nevermind.^^09:55
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Graf_WesterholtLinux froze again.10:39
ronaldswhat exactly froze10:42
ronaldstty windows by crtl-alt-f1234 for one of four tty windows, where you can run top, htop from console10:44
Graf_Westerholtronalds, Linux. Since and and a half year. I cannot use the magic sysrq.10:44
Graf_Westerholtronalds, that does not work. It is completly frozen.10:44
ronaldsnever been in situation where no tty left10:45
ronaldstry recovery mode when turning on kubuntu10:45
Graf_WesterholtWhat does recovery mode do?10:45
ronaldsmostly fix dependencies, broken packages10:46
ronaldsgets safe mode graphics10:46
ronaldsand stuff10:46
gregoriusменя слышно?10:50
Graf_Westerholt!ru | gregorius10:53
ubottugregorius: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.10:53
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:01
=== Squt is now known as Sput
ronaldsanybody knows plasmoid that does similar pinning of apps as in windows 711:53
Sputronalds: icontasks11:57
ronaldscan you give me instructions to install it?12:01
ronaldsanother thing, how can I get thumbnails to show12:02
ronaldsin dolphin12:02
ronaldsok, I failed it's already there12:08
ronaldsbut thumbnails would be great12:25
ronaldsfailed again preview button is there12:29
loucheboydoes anyone know how I could get skype running on a chromebook with ubuntu dual booted?12:32
goodtimeheh so its true , you can install linux on a chromebook12:37
goodtimeloucheboy:  i dont think that your dual booted will matter but the rest i never ran skype.12:38
loucheboyok, just wondering if it was possible12:40
goodtimeim getting a chromebook now ill find one cheap out here in boston12:40
goodtimety loucheboy12:41
ronaldswhich icon theme do you use with kde12:44
goodtimewho me?12:46
goodtimei use many12:46
goodtimeronalds: im always changeing my many differnt themes12:47
goodtimeronalds:  do you mean the start menue icon theme?12:50
loucheboyit's really quiet12:52
loucheboyanyone do anything interesting?12:56
ronaldselementary from xfce looks better than oxygen for example13:27
ronaldswhy oxygen is default I don't know13:27
BluesKaj_hey folks13:44
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ronaldshow to show video thumbnails in dolphin?14:06
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ronaldsvideo thumbnails in dolphin, anyone?14:27
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BluesKaj_ronalds, install kffmpegthumbnailer14:33
dschelpeHi anyone on that can help me?14:40
dschelpeI'm currently using ubuntu with the gnome desktop, and was wondering if I can change to the KDE desktop, or from here make a Kubuntu install14:41
dschelpewithout the use of usb drive or discs14:41
BluesKaj_dschelpe, install kubuntu-desktop , then you can choose the desktop at the login menu14:42
dschelpeBluesKaj and after that I will be running Kubuntu?14:42
dschelpealso, after that can I safely remove the gnome desktop?14:43
BluesKaj_dschelpe,  you'll probly have to reboot and at login choose kubuntu in the menu , and yes you can remove the gnome -desktop14:44
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dschelpeall via apt-get, right?14:44
dschelpethank you very much BluesKaj, will be on it now :-)14:44
BluesKaj_dschelpe, you'll have a lot of gtk-libs and apps left over , so you can run pure-kde if you want14:45
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »14:45
=== BluesKaj_ is now known as BluesKaj
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dschelpeBluesKaj you still here?15:33
BluesKajyes dschelpe15:34
dschelpeah thank heavens lol15:34
BluesKajwhat's the issue dschelpe15:34
dschelpeWell I used following commands via apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and install kde-full15:34
dschelpegot kdm at login, and kde wallpaper, then it switched back to ubuntu. Any ideas as to why?15:35
dschelpeI haven't removed gnome desktop just yet, was waiting to be in full kde environment to do that15:36
BluesKajdschelpe, ok follow this15:36
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde »15:36
BluesKajthis will install the right packages and apps for proper kde/kubuntu system15:36
BluesKajI also have some suggestions after that's done15:37
dschelpeso exclamation mark followed by purekde in terminal?15:37
dschelpeand thanks for the lik ubottu15:37
dschelpelink even15:37
BluesKajclick on the URL posted there15:38
dschelpedone that15:38
BluesKajfollow the instructions , copy the commands in the box and paste them into the terminal , but make sure to update and upgrade first15:39
dschelpeah getting some errors there about packages not found15:40
dschelpegir1.2 launchpad integration and python and ubuntu sso client15:41
BluesKajdschelpe, yes , it's not setup for 13.04 , sorry15:41
dschelpeeh lol k so where do we go from here?15:41
BluesKajrun sudo dpkg --configure -a15:42
dschelpek just a sec, found this http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntucat/pure-kubuntu-13-04/15:43
BluesKajdschelpe,  good hunting , that's the one we needed all along , going to have talk with the devs about this15:44
BluesKajok run the configure command first , then copy and paste the the coomands and run them again15:45
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack_
dschelpeokay BluesKaj, will run your command first, then the one from the site15:46
dschelpealright it's running now and removing  packages15:49
BluesKajand it will also install the kde package defaults15:53
dschelpeLol got ya BluesKaj, and yes I hope so hehe15:54
dschelpebasiclly after all this I will be running the default Kubuntu system?15:54
BluesKajdschelpe, just to be sure , once that is done , install kde-plasma-desktop kubuntu-default-settings kde-config-gtk-style15:55
dschelpeafter removing gnome is done? as a install command?15:56
dschelpeokay thank you BluesKaj, you've been most helpful and patient with me, will be back in a sec15:57
BluesKajyes dschelpe , sudo apt-get install kde-plasma-desktop kubuntu-default-settings kde-config-gtk-style15:57
Obsidian1723Runemoro: ever get your issue resolved?15:58
BluesKajthis command is merely to make sure you have the full desktop15:58
dschelpeokies, BluesKaj, thanks, it's still removing gnome packages though so I'll wait. and look up plasma, thanks for your assistance :)16:01
BluesKajdschelpe, yes removing a full desktop and installing a new one can take some time . I hope you enjoy kde/kubuntu as much as I do and welcome to Kubuntu ! :)16:03
dschelpeThank you, my first linux experience was kde, only turned to gnome after using osx16:04
* BluesKaj nods16:04
BluesKajok , I have to leave for today , so if you have any issues after the install , there many here who can help , also in #kde channel if needed . Bye for now16:06
dschelpebye BluesKaj16:10
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:08
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bodomHi there! I have a problem since last upgrade: when i tell KDE to eject any memory card in my card reader, it will power off the whole reader and all cards instead17:15
RunemoroObsidian1723: I'm back, and no, It's not fixed17:35
RunemoroX -configure still says "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."17:36
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BombeslyNot sure what I'm at here19:49
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kufHi there, could anybody help me with an issue regarding an upgrade from kubuntu form 12.10 to 13.04.?20:14
kufProblem is that kde desktop does not start anymore!20:14
kufHappened on two machines now.20:15
kufThe solution on the first machine was to make a fresh install.20:15
SonikkuAmericakuf: It doesn't start?20:15
diiphantomthey all must be wathcing football, or soccer .... xD20:15
SonikkuAmericaDo you get a tty login?20:15
kufHowever, this seems to be a systematic error!20:15
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kufI can login.20:15
SonikkuAmericadiiphantom: lol20:16
kufHowever, the screen is blanc20:16
kufthe kde start up signs do not show up20:16
kufso kde seems not to start at all20:16
SonikkuAmericaYou might try [ sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop ] to start, if you don't mind a giant download20:16
kufyes, already tried that20:17
SonikkuAmerica*Actually that won't do too much though.20:17
kufno progress!20:17
kufI also cleared the cach in /var/tmp20:17
kufsuggested in another post somewhere20:17
kufno progress20:17
SonikkuAmericaHow about the APT cache?20:17
kufapt cache20:17
kufwhat would that mean?20:17
kufis this a command?20:18
SonikkuAmerica[ sudo apt-get clean ; cd /var/lib/apt ; sudo mv lists lists.old ; sudo mkdir -p lists/partial ; sudo apt-get clean ; sudo apt-get update ]20:18
SonikkuAmerica^ That is20:18
kufok, thanks i try20:19
kufgive me a minute20:19
SonikkuAmericaAnd then reinstall kubuntu-desktop20:19
kufok, it is in progress, I tell you when i am finished20:21
kufok, done! but no success! :-(20:33
kufjust the same as before20:33
kufI get the login screen20:34
kufI try to login20:34
kufbut when kde tries to start20:34
SonikkuAmericaDid you try a fresh install on the other machine?20:35
kufI only see the window where the kde icons should show up one after the other where the last is the kde icon itself20:35
kufbut the window immedieately disappears again20:35
kufyes, on the other machine20:35
kufi just killed the system20:35
SonikkuAmericaBut not on this one.20:35
kufand after a fresh install everything worked fine20:35
SonikkuAmericaPerhaps "Reinstall" on the live media is a good choice then.20:36
kufon this one I still try to safe the upgraded system20:36
kufall I wouldl want to have is that the desktop starts as it should20:36
SonikkuAmericaA reinstall will save your self-installed programs and files, but clear system settings20:37
kufis the partitionning and fstab maintained in a reinstall?20:37
SonikkuAmericaIt should be; why would the system mess with fstab and partitions it's not touching?20:38
kufI am just asking. It's no real problem. I backed up my data already anyway. Howev,er, I would be glad if I managed to do the reinstall without the need to write everything back to the disk.20:40
kufI meam my user data20:40
SonikkuAmericaUser data is saved during the "Reinstall" (using that option instead of the others) (if it's not on the live media let me know)20:41
kufActuallly, I don't see a reinstall option, the only option which I get is install.21:01
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kufUnfortunately, I seem to have a very bad day today because the first try of install resullted in a kernel panic and the second now is stuck.21:02
kufI have a problem with the screen on this machine anway because it is connected to a Samsung TV set and there seems to be an over/under scan issue21:03
kufin the resolution of 1920x1080 the borders of the display are missing21:04
kufI do not know how to swith the screen to underscan to see all the information which actually should be visible21:04
SonikkuAmericaYou may wish to check your screen borders with your TV remote.21:04
kufanyway, could you tell me how I would initiate a reinstall from a normal installation medium?21:05
kufno, I wont21:05
kufI used to switch to 1650x1050 and this worked fine with a complete install21:06
kufI do not want to mess around with the screen settings21:06
kufand then havee the down side when I want to watch Tv21:06
SonikkuAmericakuf: What do you mean by that?21:08
kufdont worry about this21:08
kufcould please somebody tell me how I coud initiate a reinstall?21:08
kufbecause with the install medium which I downloaded21:09
kufI only see an option to do a complete fresh install21:09
kufand this will kill my user settings21:09
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kufthe install medium does not seem to realize that there alreaady is an kubunt 13.04 installed21:11
kufit suggest to do an install on a fresh partition21:11
kufwhich of course will destroy what was at this palce before21:11
kufI of course can do the partiioning manually21:11
kufand this is what I always do21:12
kufhowever, this will result in a replacement of the old kubuntu 13.04  without saving the information about users etc. pp.21:12
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sha1sumHey all. I'm having a bit of an issue that I've now googled for an hour with no progress. I have an HP DV7 laptop whose internal analog stereo and HDMI audio devices were working beautifully in OpenSUSE but now in Kubuntu I have only the interal analog stereo in kmix (and pavucontrol)21:53
sha1sumweird thing is, there are two cards in alsamixer, so it looks like alsa recognizes it and pulseaudio does not21:53
sha1sumEven the audio hardware settings show only the one device.21:54
sha1sumJust kind of weird that it would be working beautifully in an older revision of KDE 4 with an older kernel, and now with a brand spankin' new kernel and KDE 4 revision, no dice.21:55
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:05
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:28
=== emma_ is now known as emma
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:38
sha1sumHey all. KMix is not recognizing my HDMI audio playback device, but alsamixer lists it. Where do I start in these situations?23:39
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:45
RunemoroWhat is *.net *.split23:45
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RunemoroObsidian1723, can you help me fix the problem?23:52
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