
hggdhTheLordOfTime: I am not aware of a list of packages synced from Debian; the sync process is described here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess01:04
TheLordOfTimehggdh, i wasn't looking for a list i was looking for an article about the autosyncs01:04
TheLordOfTimetbh i could ask in -devel what all's on the autosync01:05
TheLordOfTimethey'd probably know01:05
hggdhbut then the link above probably will help01:05
hggdhand https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubuntu/ForDebianDevelopers, which talks (en passant) about why sync, or merge01:06
TheLordOfTimeyeah, the main one on my list is the bug filed against apt01:08
TheLordOfTimeasking for a sync from debian01:08
TheLordOfTimethe other flurry of bugs I haven't checked debian yet01:08
TheLordOfTime(but i betcha they don't have the latest upstream versions being requested)01:08
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sicnessHi! Current  pkg r8168-dkms (8.035.00-1) has issue (kernel module can't be complied for new kernels). It fixed in new version (8.035.00-2) in ppa https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/r8168/+bug/1108068 . What should I  to do for reliase it to current version of ubuntu?08:18
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1108068 in r8168 (Ubuntu) "r8168 fails to install in kernel 3.8.0-1 and 3.8.0-2 [error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘rtl8168_init_board’]" [Undecided,Fix released]08:18
Noskcajsicness, i assume you need the SRU team08:24
sicnessHow can I contact with them?08:25
Noskcajhopefully some of them are here. search stable release team on the wiki for more help.08:26
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sicnessIn raring I have funny case: lxc is already the newest version.14:58
sicness$ lxc14:58
sicnessThe program 'lxc' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:14:58
sicnesssudo apt-get install lxc14:58
jtaylorprobably outdated command-not-found data, there is no lxc binary15:08
sicnessBut how can I run lxc?15:10
jtaylorlxc-execute, lxc-start15:12
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matthewgallAny bug supervisors able to take at a SRU candidate?19:40
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hggdhmfisch: OK, Alberto has been accepted. Thank you for pinging me20:37
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  ping21:01
TheLordOfTimewho do we bother about a user who is CONSTANTLY requesting syncs and merges for everything, while paying no attention to current bugs and stuff21:01
TheLordOfTime(they read as a possibly-spammy user at the point)21:01
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hggdhTheLordOfTime: pong21:26
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  ACK21:26
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  CSRedHat is on my radar of overkill bug spamming21:26
hggdhTheLordOfTime: syn, ack21:27
TheLordOfTimenamely since they've been filing bug after bug after bug after bug after...21:27
hggdhI think it is more because s/he is new to the process21:27
TheLordOfTime... you get the idea.21:27
TheLordOfTimetheyu're on the QA team you'd think someone'd teach them this21:27
TheLordOfTimei've already sniped an nginx update bug they filed, because i filed a merge request for it already21:27
hggdhwe can raise it with balloons21:27
TheLordOfTimein the mean time can you give me the link to the whole documentation explaining the dev cycle21:28
TheLordOfTimeand when we autosync from unstable21:28
TheLordOfTimeso i can send them that in an email and reiterate that filing a crapload of bugs is not good form?21:28
hggdhjust a sec21:32
hggdhTheLordOfTime: one of them (of course) is http://developer.ubuntu.com/resources/platform/documentation/21:33
TheLordOfTimebah where's the dev lifecycle schedule...21:33
TheLordOfTimethere it is...;21:34
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  i'm collecting the links, i"m going to poke balloons about this eventually, perhaps suggest an educational course in "The Development Lifecycle" for everyone21:34
hggdhTheLordOfTime: another https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/KnowledgeBase21:35
hggdhTheLordOfTime: might be a good one for a developer week21:35
TheLordOfTimealthough it should be mandatory reading for the QA team :p21:35
TheLordOfTimes/reading/reading or attendance/21:36
TheLordOfTimealso the announcer bot's dead21:36
TheLordOfTimefor -bugs-announce21:36
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  know when the next developer week is?21:38
hggdhTheLordOfTime: should be two or three weeks after UDS21:43
juliusvonkohoutanyone out there?21:53
TheLordOfTimejuliusvonkohout:  we're alive21:53
juliusvonkohoutive got a question related to old bugs in general21:53
TheLordOfTimefeel free to ask it.21:53
juliusvonkohoutfor example bugs filed against ubuntu releases which are not supported anymore21:53
TheLordOfTimewhat's your question.21:54
juliusvonkohoutshall i set them to invalid if noone replied for years?21:54
TheLordOfTimewhich bugs?21:54
juliusvonkohouti think that would clean up launchpad a lot21:54
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  wouldn't Won'tFix be a better status for those if they're EOL releases?21:54
hggdhgenerically, no, a bug does not cease being a bug just because nobody replied to it21:55
TheLordOfTime... yeah true, sorry i'm tired today xD21:55
hggdha bug on a EOL release can be closed wontfix for the EOL-ed release21:55
TheLordOfTimea bug doesn't cease to be a bug if there's no reply, but if it still exists in a later release it's still a bug.21:55
TheLordOfTimealthough for the specific release in question, let's use Natty as an example, we can Won't Fix that21:56
hggdhbut, if there are other releases affected (and still not EOL-ed), they keep on21:56
TheLordOfTime(we being bug control)21:56
TheLordOfTime... whoops spam in another channel i run... :/21:56
hggdhjuliusvonkohout: does this help?21:57
juliusvonkohoutyes i think so.21:58
hggdhcool :-)21:58
TheLordOfTime... this reminds me...21:58
TheLordOfTimenote to self: Sift through php5 bugs and see which have already been fixed, then Fix Released them and comment with the changelog...21:58
* hggdh goes grab the coffee, in an insane attempt to keep up21:58
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  bring me some while you're at it.21:58
hggdhTheLordOfTime: I will drink this one thinking of you :-)22:00
hggdhoh, there's also some spekulatius22:00
* TheLordOfTime brews a triple shot of espresso22:00
* hggdh is now on a quest to bring up *both* self *and* self's sugar levels22:01
thematthewgallAny bug supervisor here happy to look at an SRU nomination?22:04
TheLordOfTimethematthewgall:  hm?22:04
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1176924 in whois (Ubuntu) "whois does not recognise .pw TLD" [Undecided,Fix released]22:04
* TheLordOfTime defers that to hggdh22:05
hggdhthematthewgall: I have targeted it for Precise22:08
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thematthewgallMuch obliged :)22:08
TheLordOfTimewhee selfdestruct mode activated.22:09
TheLordOfTimeeverybody got guested everywhere xD22:09
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