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smartboyhwHey SergioMeneses14:27
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, hi! how is everything?14:28
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Gd. But Noskcaj's interview is too short…14:40
SergioMeneseswhy short? it looks ok for me14:40
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Compare :P14:41
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, you have to ask to Noskcaj about that14:42
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TheLordOfTimewho here knows who CSRedRat on Launchpad is, they're on the QA team and i've got a question about their activities and actions21:02
TheLordOfTimeballoons:  ping, when you're alive.21:31
NoskcajTheLordOfTime, balloons won't be here for at least another day21:42
TheLordOfTimeNoskcaj:  okay, then tell balloons i was looking for them when they get back, there seems to be an issue with a QA team member filing a HUGE crapload of bugs saying "Update X to Y in Saucy"21:43
TheLordOfTimeand i think that the QA team should teach their people the correct way to handle software updates during the dev lifecycle21:43
TheLordOfTimeand software update requests*21:43
NoskcajTheLordOfTime, ok. z lot of people have never even been on irc, and do everything themselves21:44
TheLordOfTimeNoskcaj:  i'm aware, but i don't have access to the mailing list for here21:44
TheLordOfTimeso i can't send a reminder about it, nor would I care to21:44
TheLordOfTimeNoskcaj:  the main offender is this "CSRedHat" guy.21:45
TheLordOfTimeand they seem to not know jack about the autosyncs21:45
Noskcaji'll have a look21:45
TheLordOfTimeand they also don't seem to check for active bugs such as merge requests21:45
TheLordOfTimecase in point bug #117906621:45
ubot5bug 1177919 in nginx (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1179066 Merge nginx 1.4.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117791921:45
TheLordOfTimethey filed 1177919 and its already inprogress21:45
TheLordOfTime(mitya57's on the merge)21:46
TheLordOfTimeand before that a couple days ago i caught a huge flurry of update requests to latest upstream revisions21:46
TheLordOfTimefor various software21:46
TheLordOfTimewhich may/may not be in Debian21:46
TheLordOfTime(i.e. the software versions requested may or may not be in Debian)21:46
TheLordOfTimeand it's raised a few "red flags" with the level  of bug filings.21:47
Noskcajok, i'll try and find whoever CSRedHat is21:47
TheLordOfTimethank you kindly.21:47
TheLordOfTimeerm... whatever.21:47
TheLordOfTime(for the bug numbers)21:47
* TheLordOfTime drifts back to -bugs21:47
TheLordOfTimeNoskcaj:  in case you care, http://tinyurl.com/csredhat-bugs  <-- list of the bugs in question, sort by bug number and look for anything starting with "Update", there's at least 14 there.21:53
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