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sicnessHi! Current  pkg r8168-dkms (8.035.00-1) has issue (kernel module can't be complied for new kernels). It fixed in new version (8.035.00-2) in ppa https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/r8168/+bug/1108068 . What should I  to do for reliase it to current version of ubuntu?08:30
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1108068 in r8168 (Ubuntu) "r8168 fails to install in kernel 3.8.0-1 and 3.8.0-2 [error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘rtl8168_init_board’]" [Undecided,Fix released]08:30
tumbleweedsicness: I'm happy to help you in #ubuntu-motu08:45
infinityToo late.08:45
infinityI'm uploading a fixed package now. :P08:45
sicnessThanks a lot! )08:45
infinitytumbleweed: But if you want to help him fill out the SRU boilerplate inthe bug so I don't have to, that would be awesome.08:45
tumbleweedinfinity: even better :P08:46
infinityAnd uploaded.08:46
sicnessIt already in repo ? )08:47
infinityNo, in the queue.08:47
sicnesswhen excpect to be in repo? )08:48
infinityActually, on second thought, given that it's a straight backport from sid and saucy, I might self-review this one.08:48
tumbleweedsicness: it gets reviewed in the upload queue, and then has to be verified in the raring-proposed archive, before it becomes available in raring-updates08:49
infinitytumbleweed: Just so I'm not completely flaunting my authority, want to give this a second set of eyes?08:50
infinitytumbleweed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5653830/08:50
sicnessHow long it usually does?08:50
tumbleweedsicness: so, you should add some information to the bug, describing theverification - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates#SRU_Bug_Template08:50
infinitytumbleweed: (That's a straight copy and paste from sid/saucy)08:50
tumbleweedsicness: min 7 days08:50
sicnessok, thx!08:50
tumbleweed(unless infinity waves that)08:51
infinitysicness: It usually takes a week once accepted, and review longer.  In this case, I'll probably push it through faster.08:51
infinityCause it's hard to regress from "completely broken".08:51
sicnessWhere should I add some info to bug? It's not my ppa and bug08:52
tumbleweedinfinity: I can verify that that's the same patch as Debian, but can't say I follow kernel API achenges :)08:53
tumbleweedanyway, it looks reasonable08:53
infinitysicness: Are you able to verify it once it's built?08:55
infinitysicness: If so, we can probably skip the template editing business.  Don't tell anyone.08:55
sicnessI have this hardware and it's my bug report to debian. I tested this patch on my PC and this deb too.08:56
infinitysicness: Great.  So you can test the Ubuntu package when it builds as well. ;)08:56
sicnessOf Course, how will I understand when and what I should to test?08:57
sicnessThis subject is new for me (I'm newble in this work :)08:58
sicnessBut I want to have skills in that )08:58
infinityWell, the bug has a link to the build in progress.08:59
infinityOr, I can just link you the deb.08:59
infinityYay for things that take 49 seconds to build.08:59
sicness"Error! Module version 8.035.00-NAPI for r8168.ko is not newer" How can I delete old module?09:02
infinityOh.  You probably can't downgrade dkms modules very successfully.09:03
infinityYou might need to "dpkg -P r8168-dkms" and then "dpkg -i ..." the new deb.09:03
sicnessI installed patched module from souce on this PC, not from deb. And after dpkg -P r8168-dkms have the same error09:05
infinityOh, if you installed the module without dkms, you'll need to hunt it down and delete it.09:06
infinitymofindo r8168 will give you the filename.09:06
infinitymodinfo too...09:06
infinityMy fingers aren't working.09:06
* infinity tries to install it here and sees if it builds.09:07
sicnessI'll be back :) after reinstall network card module )09:08
infinityYup, works here.09:08
sicness2This deb works for me :)09:12
sicness2What next?09:13
infinitysicness2: In this case, that's it.  Normally, there would be a lot more paperwork and such, but in this case, a simple patch that takes it from "doesn't work at all" to "works for me", and a reasonably urgent hardware-related issue, I'm going to just release it.09:16
infinitysicness2: Still, the next time some SRU comes up that isn't this sort of urgency (and most aren't), you should talk to tumbleweed and friends in #ubuntu-motu and learn the Right Way to do things when I'm not cheating. :)09:16
infinity(Released, should be in raring-updates on mirrors in ~60 minutes or less)09:17
sicness2infinity: Thanks a lot for help! SRU is very big doc :) I don't have friends in #ubuntu-motu but I'll  get them :)09:19
infinitysicness2: I meant tumbleweed's friends, not yours. :)09:19
sicness2oh, ok )09:19
infinitysicness2: But you'll find most of the people who idle there are fairly friendly.09:19
* infinity ponders a nap.09:20
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
infinityRiddell: Oh hai.09:22
infinityRiddell: Can you make sure that one of you or ScottK shows up to http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21794/semiannual-release-schedule-review/09:23
infinityScottK: ^09:23
Riddellinfinity: ack09:27
* infinity needs to remind all the other flavours this weekend too.09:27
infinityThough, to be fair, I suspect most don't actually need to show, since they probably don't care if we shuffle things a week one way or the other.09:28
infinityBut I know Kubuntu usually cares a bit, due to alignment of upstream goings-on.09:28
sicness2infinity, what version of the pkg it will be?09:29
infinitysicness2: It's the one you just installed by hand.09:34
infinitysicness2: 8.035.00-1ubuntu109:34
sicness2infinity, why not 8.035.00-2 ?09:36
infinitysicness2: Because that version was already built in saucy, and it also had packaging changes.09:36
infinitysicness2: SRUs should have the minimal changes required to fix the bug, nothing else.09:37
sicness2infinity, but in debian this pkg is r8168-dkms (8.035.00-2)09:37
infinitysicness2: Yes.  And it's that version in saucy too.09:38
sicness2I don't understand this logic :)09:39
infinitysicness2: Then I suggest you read that SRU wiki page that tumbleweed linked. :)09:39
sicness2ok, will read more closely :)09:39
* infinity goes to bed.09:40
=== sicness2 is now known as sicness
sicnessit takes same time for refresh repos mirrors? Because in raring-updates after apt-get update still old version but "The following packages have an equal or higher version in -updates "10:22
tumbleweedsicness: yes10:28
sicnessHow long useally? )10:28
tumbleweeddepends on the mirror. most sync 4x a day10:29
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