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brianb 02:24
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dwatkinsallo allo08:23
dwatkinsyo sup and other colloqualisms08:33
bigcalmGood morning peeps08:53
MartijnVdSF1 (Practice 3) in 508:54
bigcalmSo. My microserver already has a RAID1 on 2 500GB drives. I've just received 2 2TB drives that I need to add in. Can I set up a 2nd RAID1 or is that silly?08:56
dwatkinsbigcalm: neat, what kind of case are you using for the machine?09:00
bigcalmdwatkins: HP microserver09:00
bigcalmI think mine is the 40L. It's been a while so I can't remember09:01
jacobwbigcalm: You can just make a new unit of the 2 new disks in RAID109:11
bigcalmjacobw: aha, thank you. How? ;)09:25
bigcalmHumm, possibly http://askubuntu.com/questions/223194/setup-of-two-additional-ssd-drives-in-raid-1 ?09:28
jacobwbigcalm: Are you using software RAID or a physical controller?09:29
bigcalmjacobw: software raid09:29
bigcalmjacobw: I followed a tutorial for setting up 12.04 on a fresh machine and using RAID1. But that was some time ago :)09:29
bigcalmIt's using madam09:30
bigcalmmdadm even09:30
DJonespopey: After last nights 75Gb .thunderbird folder, compacting twice and deleting sent items/trash that was no longer needed, the size has dropped to 540Mb09:30
bigcalmDJones: I stopped subscribing to folders that are no longer relevant. That and compacting makes a big difference. I couldn't bring myself to delete any email09:31
bigcalmEsp not Sent09:31
popeyDJones: haha!09:32
jacobwThat answer has everything you need to know, use mdadm to create a device at /dev/mdX then create a filesystem and start using it09:32
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:32
bigcalmjacobw: I thought it looked right. Thanks for the clarification :)09:32
bigcalmMorning brobostigon09:32
DJonesbigcalm: Most of the sent I deleted were emails between me & my dad, forwarding pictures etc that I've got saved, onlydeleted the junk stuff I know I won't want again09:33
brobostigonmorning bigcalm09:33
jacobwHey brobostigon09:33
* bigcalm sets up the additional drives as an excuse to not play the Ravenholm stage in HL2 for a while09:33
brobostigonmorning jacobw09:33
bigcalmShutting down :(09:46
redtape|renegadeMorning .. Time  to get up John-boy ! http://open.spotify.com/track/6p2XXeslyqOvCgiv2SK90E09:59
kvarleyWindows 8's partition layout is horrendous10:02
kvarleyHow on earth can I make this into a dual boot? http://en.zimagez.com/full/75b8ef8673322929329a618ec91320d4827c219dfe1bb46c6924c0fb25bf0a9d45207eef74a4ebe8d55c80c62eb194fe4bf57df90cac784f.php10:03
ocean22hi guys. I have  a simple question for you. If I remove the programme A with purge command, would the programme B would be affected who shares dependency with programme A. can be a silly question. thanks in advance10:15
bigcalm\o/ /dev/md3        1.8T  196M  1.7T   1% /media/RAID1_310:24
bigcalmPutting it on md3 was a mistake, but one I can live with10:24
mungbeanthinking might get couple of these to make at my desk http://www.strapya-world.com/categories/2331_3177_8143.html10:53
redtape|renegademungbean: Weren't you after another ISP a week last Cinqo-de-May ?? Found this ::: | Not quite an ISP , but has built-in filtering-package :::::: http://bit.ly/ZVShEd .. Pr.bly not yourself . but good for the cornish crew, so thought I'd 'divvy up'  ::11:08
popeyhmm, I don't see you on latitude11:50
popey^ MartijnVdS11:51
MartijnVdSpopey: hmm.. let me check11:54
MartijnVdSpopey: re-sent the thingy11:55
MartijnVdSpopey: I can't see you either11:55
DJonesOuch, I feel sorry for this guy https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BJ-0CFRCQAApFTY.jpg:large11:55
mungbeanredtape|renegade: not me, i'm afraid11:59
bashrcTo display notifications should I be using pynotify in 13.04?12:01
redtape|renegademungbean, Np.12:03
bigcalmDJones: that's very disturbing12:35
DJonesbigcalm: I bet it was for the squirrel12:36
penguin42this uSDHC card claims to be 'temperature proof'12:42
MartijnVdSpenguin42: so.. it works if it's not 0K?12:42
brobostigonlets try absolute zero, :)12:42
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
penguin42or a blow torch12:43
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
penguin42It also claims to be water, magnet and X-ray proof12:43
penguin42oddly the symbol for x-ray proof seems to be a set of teeth12:44
brobostigonlets stick in the LHC :D12:44
MartijnVdS"But is it Higgs-proof?12:46
brobostigonhehe :)12:46
penguin42MartijnVdS: Well, it doesn't weigh much12:47
* penguin42 thinks the only explanation is that they store the data on cockroaches12:50
penguin42the packaging is also pretty much open-proof12:57
MartijnVdSagain, try the blowtorch ;)13:05
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mungbeanhammer & duct tape13:07
MartijnVdSCrying time :)13:19
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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bigcalmMartijnVdS: oh my :(13:33
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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* redtape|renegade goes for a 'pukka' | 'cleanse' peppermint tea, :: entranced by the competition http://bit.ly/19bLRBA14:14
brobostigonfilm4, ST4, voyage home, now. :)15:56
kvarleyUrgh, can't get ubuntu live usb to work on my dell laptop which shipped with windows 8 o nit15:57
kvarleyIt goes to the grub menu but won't do anything after that15:57
brobostigonis it uefi etc? and is it compatible ubuntu?15:58
kvarleyIt is UEFI15:58
kvarleyAnd since when as it being "compatible" with Ubuntu matter15:58
brobostigonkvarley: directhex seems to know alot about it.15:58
kvarleyLinux works on everything lol15:58
penguin42kvarley: Well, if it's at the grub menu that's pretty positive15:59
penguin42kvarley: are you saying at that point no keyboard etc is working?15:59
brobostigoni do believe you need a special grub version for uefi.15:59
penguin42brobostigon: If it's managed to load the grub menu I'd say it's most of the way there and I think you're past that15:59
penguin42maybe wrong however15:59
kvarleypenguin42: I mean the grub menu of the usb installer, pictured on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI15:59
brobostigonpenguin42: possibly. good question.16:00
penguin42kvarley: OK, and can you move the arrows on there?16:00
kvarleypenguin42: yeah that's all fine. when I hit enter a get a black screen and nothing happens16:01
kvarleyIf it tap the power button it turns off straight away which suggests the kernel hasn't loaded16:01
penguin42kvarley: Hmm ok, then it could be worse....16:01
penguin42kvarley: is there a recovery/fallback/safe option on that menu?16:02
kvarleypeguin42: No. Try Ubuntu without installing, Install Ubuntu, OEM install (for manufacturers), Check disc for defects16:03
penguin42kvarley: I'd try using the grub edit option to try and remove the quiet, splash and handoff options16:04
kvarleypenguin42: Nothing, the kernel doesn't load16:06
penguin42hmm that's a shame16:06
kvarleypenguin42: Going to try from disc instead of usb 316:07
penguin42please bug report it16:07
redtape|renegadebrobostigon, Sounds bassically good .. just didn't get that memo ... https://mailing.channel4.com/public/read_message.jsp;jsessionid=0;apw71?sigreq=-118348307416:07
brobostigonredtape|renegade: ummm ?16:08
redtape|renegadebrobostigon, Ahem | I wasn't listed, cough.16:08
redtape|renegade**it wasn't listed ...16:09
brobostigonredtape|renegade: what wasnt listed? you have still lost me.16:09
redtape|renegadeDid you click my link above ?16:09
brobostigonredtape|renegade: i dont have a browser open atm, it would be quicker for you to tell me, as i am on my eeepc.16:10
redtape|renegadebrobostigon, The email subscription that I got, did not list the program .. [cough].16:10
brobostigonredtape|renegade: ah, didnt list star trek on film4?16:11
redtape|renegadebrobostigon, Right.16:11
brobostigonredtape|renegade: i have ch4's film4 listing on my twitter.16:12
redtape|renegadebrobostigon, I would, but I'd only get non-plussed.16:12
brobostigonredtape|renegade: ok.16:12
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
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* redtape|renegade stretches for gpodder again ... :::https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55128914/Lubuntu%20docs/FLOSS%20Weekly%20278_%20Tapper.mp3 :::16:18
redtape|renegadeor even here : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55128914/Lubuntu%20docs/FLOSS%20Weekly%20278_%20Tapper.mp3 ::: [ if yur using VLC .. set the cacheing to 15000ms ]16:26
redtape|renegadebobnet brobostigon STOPSPLIT16:28
penguin42bouncey bouncey bouncey16:32
Myrttiyeah sorry about that16:32
redtape|renegadeMyrtti, Pro.bly from Chicagae.16:33
penguin42Myrtti: Tripped over the cable?16:33
Myrttisomeone got bored and started playing jumprope16:33
* penguin42 had to look that up16:36
mungbeani set ignore on parts & quits etc so never see splits16:37
penguin42that's the 1st bounce I saw today, someone else was saying they'd seen wolfe bouncing a bit today16:38
redtape|renegadeOT | Someone mention jump-rope ? http://bit.ly/11t7b83 (use the right mp3 playr guys Plz)16:38
* DJones welcomes zebede16:59
DJonesHe says remembering the original broadcasts of Magic Roundabout17:00
* redtape|renegade 'wheezes :: http://open.spotify.com/album/5HPc503HoxRMgu8CdcjLY8 ::17:04
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
SuperEngineer1st day off after 12 days continuous work & what happens? Ice falls from the sky!  hurumph!17:08
popeyonce again I say something and redtape|renegade leaves right after17:09
popeybut is still online and in other channels17:09
popeygetting pretty childish17:09
SuperEngineerhmmm - was on my ignore list a while back17:10
Laneynot worth bothering about imo17:11
penguin42anyone good with dovecot errors? dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL alert: where=0x4004, ret=558: fatal certificate unknown          which end didn't like the cert?17:31
penguin42that's using a self-signed on the dovecot server made using the mkcert script that comes with dovecot and thunderbolt as the client17:32
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brobostigonyay, dr who, :)18:00
BigRedSpenguin42: turn on the debug!18:01
BigRedSI don't recall seeing that before, but Dovecot's rather terse with SSL errors18:01
penguin42BigRedS: I seem to have got it to work after an hour of fiddling by regenerating the cert and shouting at it a lot; I'm not which one was more important18:02
BigRedSprobably the latter18:02
BigRedSmaybe I just got a couple of bad ones, this was a few years ago18:34
mungbeantries to be all things to all people18:34
mungbeanvery much focussing on "the web" and social media18:34
mungbeanand like a tomorrows world for twitter people18:34
BigRedShaha, I guess that part of the problem is that I don't find consumer tech all that interesting, really18:35
mungbeani think my wife benefits more as they frequently cover things that i talk about and already know about18:35
mungbeanin a MOR kind of way18:36
BigRedSyeah, i think it just felt like the equivalent of reading the headlines on slashdot really slowly :)18:36
mungbeanits a bit like the apple fans on my fb feed who describe themselves as geeks18:36
BigRedSbut not the actual articles18:37
BigRedShaha, yeah. I've started spotting those when my apple rant gets as far as the absence of a procfs...18:37
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BigRedS'cause at a past job I figured I'd just bring over all my scripts for monitoring and automating and stuff, and all of them failed as soon as they tried to get data by reading from a file under /proc18:38
mungbeanmy model is staring at me waiting to get built18:40
ballBigRedS: Can procfs bet added to Darwin? I know it's available on other BSDs.18:40
BigRedSball: I've no idea, I didn't check 'cause my boss soon managed to argue that things running OSX weren't the responsibilty of IT...18:42
* ball nods18:43
ballSounds reasonable.18:43
BigRedSI was dumfounded, but pleased18:43
BigRedSWe were about 5-8% OSX at the time, and they all suddenly became the direct responsibility of their users18:44
BigRedSwhich, admittedly, made their users happier since they knew better what they were doing than an of us did :)18:44
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redtape|renegadeMyrtti, Your still using irssi, just not the same ports (v.helpful).18:52
Myrttiredtape|renegade: you're not making sense18:54
Myrttiredtape|renegade: I'm using irssi. what do you mean with "just not the same ports"18:55
redtape|renegadeforget about it, I'm bored with the whole thing.18:55
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Myrttibut anyway, why should I move to using weechat? I've got it installed but I've not had time to have a proper look. most of the scripts I use though probably aren't ported to weechat so I'm not sure it would be worth it19:02
popeydidrocks sings the praises of weechat19:03
popeynot quite figured out what it has that irssi doesn't19:03
ali1234what do you use scripts for on irc?19:07
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ali1234i never saw the point of it personally19:08
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dwatkins_I use colours in irssi, it makes it much easier to distinguish between people.19:08
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ali1234pidgin has colours built in19:08
mungbeanshows users in window on rhs19:08
penguin42ali1234: You're a very pleasent shade of geen19:08
BigRedSdoes that require a script? As far as I can recall, all I've ever done to customise irssi is download a theme19:08
dwatkinsI also use tmux, though, so don't pay any attention to me ;)19:08
ali1234meh, pidgin also shows user on rhs by default19:09
ali1234so basically you use scripts to make up for the fact your client sucks?19:09
mungbeani run irssi in screen on another server ali123419:09
BigRedSthough I don't have different colours for each person, but I'm (now decreasingly) sure I used to19:09
mungbeani used to run pidgin tho19:09
ali1234trololol indeed19:09
BigRedSali1234: that's, basically, why anything is extensible isn't it?19:09
mungbeankopete can run in client/server mode tho19:09
mungbeani'm on some channels that i need to read every message19:10
mungbeanhence running in screen19:10
mungbeanpidgin doesnt allow this without a bouncer19:11
popeyi tried xchat for a few months, went back to irssi19:11
mungbeani quite like most irc clients19:12
mungbeanexcept irssi cos when my screen session ends i have to remember how to connect as i never bothered adding the scripts to my . file19:13
popeyi use byobu19:13
popeywhich autostarts when i ssh in19:14
BigRedSI just don't end my screen sessions19:16
BigRedSI think I've had to start irssi about four times in the past couple of years19:17
mungbeanit crashes on ircnet about once a month19:22
Myrttiautoconnecting to networks doesn't require any scripts tho19:24
BigRedShaha. Windows just shut itself down through overheating, started installing updates, then abruptly halted and now blue screens on boot19:27
BigRedSI really need to buy a games console19:27
redtape|renegadeAww .. you were good while you lasted, my leet notebook.  :: http://bit.ly/ZX9qgO19:29
BigRedSsurely you can just upgrade it?19:32
popeyor if 12.04 is too much for it, switch to lubuntu or xubuntu19:34
popeyalthough my friend tony upgraded his netbook to 13.04 and said it was noticably faster (for unity)19:34
mungbeanlol @gnome devs https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69854419:38
lubotu3Gnome bug 698544 in Profiles "Background configuration is missing in terminal profile editor" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]19:38
popeyyeah, saw that tweeted earlier19:39
popeymade me cringe and lol at the same time19:40
BigRedSIt's sort of like watching our politicians. It'd be hilarious if it didn't affect me...19:40
BigRedSShould be in a comedy work of fiction, this isn't the sort of thing that's supposed to happen in real life19:41
mungbeanalso weird advert on telly from ms :main USP:do not track option on ie19:41
* penguin42 admits that he thinks transparent terminals are the spawn of the devil; but I'd want to allow people to have them19:42
BigRedSI love transparent terminals. Can have the telly on in the background while I'm working :)19:42
BigRedStook me a long time to come round to that idea, though. I was really opposed to them until I spotted that that was possible19:42
directhexit wasn't possible until they were AIGLX-powered19:44
directhexoriginally they just took a screenshot of your X root window, and displayed a correctly selected section of it as your terminal background19:44
directhexyou'd especially notice when dragging the window about19:45
Dave2Ahh, I miss the days of terminals where you'd drag it and see the background update19:45
penguin42long long ago, your program wrote a character to a port - and thus it was written; and then over time the host rendered the character and it wrote... 8 bytes and it was written,  and then it got fancy and antialiased, and then five layers of GL later...19:46
BigRedShaha, yeah, I did enjoy the obvious bodge with the desktop-background showing19:47
redtape|renegadeCrumbs .. just tried to glue a lightbulb again .. :: http://bit.ly/121lP1h   ::: D'oh19:50
BigRedStried to glue a lightbulb?19:52
redtape|renegadeBigRedS, Nearly did .. Pulled out at the last minute ,... My friend was saying .. "Leets glue this mother."19:54
redtape|renegade**Lets glue this ...19:55
BigRedSbut when did it look like a good idea?19:56
BigRedSI'm not so much puzzled as to why you didn't, but why you nearly did. though, in all honesty, I'm not *that* interested :)19:56
redtape|renegade.. about 15 minutes ago when the socket became loose .. but just put in for another.19:56
redtape|renegadeOh surething.19:57
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popeyhmm, want to watch more Christophe Waltz20:39
BigRedSI'm sure that I've used something that had an option "reboot into Windows" in the reboot dialogue box, anyone else seen that or was it probably just a dream?20:50
BigRedSAaages ago, probably pre-Ubuntu20:50
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brobostigonblackadder, bbc2, now, :)21:01
popeyBigRedS: yeah, i have seen that21:01
BigRedSpopey: why haven't I seen it recently? :)21:10
popeyBigRedS: i cant recall what system i saw it on21:14
popeybrobostigon: where are your channel irc stats?21:15
popeywe should probably link them in the /topic21:15
brobostigonpopey: taylorworld.me.uk21:15
brobostigonpopey: it looks like it is updating properly, i will check it more regularly.21:17
popeychanserv seems dead21:19
christelyeah, ddos21:19
popeyno topic changes for me then21:19
brobostigonis it updating properly.?. it looks like it is.21:20
popeylooks like it21:23
brobostigongood, :)21:23
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penguin42wth is up with freenode today22:20
popeyddos apparently22:21
popey19:34:07 [freenode] -kloeri(~kloeri@freenode/staff/exherbo.kloeri)- [Global Notice] Hi all, apologies for the continued netsplits. We're having some issues stemming from a DDoS attack22:22
popeybut we're working with our sponsors on attack mitigation. Thank you for using freenode.22:22
popey22:29:45 [freenode] -tomaw(tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)- [Global Notice] Hi all. We're just completing some administrative tasks after services extended tea break. They'll return shortly.22:22
popeySorry for the outage!22:22
MyrttiI did put stuff in Twitter/Identica/Google+/Facebook!22:26
penguin42is that all :-)22:26
bigcalmStar Trek was fun. People should go and see it :)22:29
penguin42intends to in a week or so; I've got some time off - can go and see it in the day when it'll be quieter22:35
=== Guest28696 is now known as issyl0
bigcalmWe've just been to a 20:30 showing. Screen had about 50 people tops in it I think22:36
bigcalmWe did go and see the 2D version though22:36
penguin42oh, wouldn't want 3d; I do want Imax though22:40
* bigcalm looks forward to owning the blu-ray release22:41
bigcalmNow we need to see Ironman 3 and Despicable Me 222:41
bigcalmQuestion is, do I want to buy the original films on blu-ray?22:42
ali1234do you like star trek?22:43
ali1234do you have good eyesight and a big TV?22:43
bigcalm£62.65 on Amazon for the first 10 films22:43
bigcalmYes and yes (well, 37")22:44
ali1234is it a boxed set?22:44
redtape|renegadeOT | I imagine you'll hear a lot about bird flu on Sun12th/May  :: http://www.thelocal.fr/page/view/france-confirms-sars-like-virus-case :: Breakfast Show on  Radio-3 would love that at 7.00am22:47
* bigcalm adds it to his wish list22:47
bigcalm_Humf, still with the ddosing then22:52
redtape|renegadeBlu-ray on handbrake ?  :\ mmmpft ! ::::: http://www.mint.com/blog/saving/how-to-save-money-when-youre-surrounded-by-big-spenders-0513/ :::22:55
redtape|renegade**Blu-ray on Amazon.cws22:55
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lubotu3You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!23:05
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redtape|renegadedavmor2: Aloha !23:29
lubotu3You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!23:38
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redtape|renegadelubotu3: Looks like an error of the 3rd kind again.23:45
lubotu3redtape|renegade: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:45

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