
=== henkj_ is now known as henkj
Kilosmorning all.06:02
Kiloseish inetpro what happened?06:03
Kiloshi Symmetria 06:29
Symmetriaheh, so like, my html skills have always truely sucked06:37
Symmetriaand my flash skills have been non-existent06:37
Symmetriaso Im kinda impressed that this lightroom thingy, I just discovered, churns out templated photo gallery websites 06:38
Symmetrialol, select photos, select template, insert ftp information, hit go ;p06:38
Kiloslucky hey?06:39
Symmetriacheck it out :)06:40
Symmetriashouldnt be that big06:40
Kiloshaha what is your not that big?06:40
Symmetriaumm images are like 200k each06:41
Symmetriaso seriously not big :)06:41
Symmetriaprobably 3 meg for the entire site06:41
Kilosah its all your photos06:42
Symmetriayeah, I was just experimenting :) 06:43
Symmetriabut lol literally in lightroom, I just selected a bunch06:43
Symmetriagave it an ftp server06:43
Symmetriaand hit "upload to web gallery"06:43
Symmetriaand thats what popped out, lol, havent played with the templates etc06:43
Kiloslooks good06:43
Kilosleave it light06:43
Kilosmobile peeps suffer06:44
Symmetriaheh that software even asks you when you publish if you wanna watermark or anything else06:46
Symmetriaits fantastic :)06:46
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:46
Kiloswhew its cold up here. wind freezing and strong07:19
charlgood morning09:32
charlMaaz: coffee on09:32
* Maaz starts grinding coffee09:32
Kiloshi charl 09:32
KilosMaaz, coffee please09:32
MaazKilos: Done09:32
charlhi Kilos 09:33
charlhow's it going09:33
Kilosok ty and you?09:33
Kilosare you on ubuntu?09:33
Kilosim doing something wrong with putty09:34
Kilosand have no idea what it could be09:35
charli'm doing well thanks09:36
charli'm on ubuntu yes09:36
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!09:36
KilosMaaz, ty09:36
MaazYou are welcome Kilos09:36
charlMaaz: thanks09:36
Maazcharl: No problem09:36
Kilosdo you have putty installed09:36
charlare you running putty on windows, or on an emulator?09:37
charlwine or so09:37
Kiloson ubuntu09:37
Kilostrying to get in here09:37
charloh wait, i see there is an ubuntu package for putty09:37
Kiloslogin is admin and password is squareone09:37
charldidn't know09:37
Kilosfor some reason it dont accept me login in with that username of admin09:38
Kilosyou gotta go in with telnet09:39
trenderincompatability with the telnet client settings09:40
charlah i see, interesting09:40
Kilosdo you have a workaround?09:40
trenderthe only client that logs in perfectly is hyperterminal for winxp09:40
trenderas far as i cant tell09:41
trenderwith default settings that is09:41
Kilossomething in the putty settings charl that dont agree09:41
Kilosmaybe it sees our utf-8 as japanese09:41
charlhmmm, i don't see anything in that web interface that is related to ssh09:42
charljust quickly looking09:42
trenderspeaking of putty i havnt had my morning movement yet :)09:42
Kilosnope it opens with telnet09:42
trendertelnet is the only way to access this box at an OS level09:43
Kilosive tried ssh and the other options in putty but only telnet gets there09:43
trenderthe support documentation says you should use Hyperterminal to access the telnet client09:44
trenderbut i dont know how the blazehen accessed the box09:45
trenderhe was inside the box messing with the OS09:45
trenderi think he was the first oke to successfully log in besides myself09:45
Kiloshi acherv 09:46
achervKilos, hi09:46
trenderkilos this boxes OS resides in firmware so if you reset the box it automatically transfers the OS to the drive09:47
trenderto effect OS upgrade you would need to update the firware09:47
Kilosya but it will need to know where to find that upgrade09:48
trenderwell all you linux gurus should be able to hack this box to a working state09:49
inetproKilos: what happened where?09:50
inetprogood morning09:50
Kiloswith you tweeting at 3am inetpro 09:50
inetprobrain not coming to a rest09:51
inetproto much to do in the coming weeks09:51
Kilosah not a break down09:51
inetpronope, but it's coming09:51
Kilosyou mustnt lose sleep over something thats in the future09:52
Kilosoh my09:52
inetprowe're moving from the city centre to Hatfield09:52
inetprolot and lots of stuff to do09:52
inetproto a new building with a new network and all09:53
Kilosah that could be better once sorted09:53
Kilosand no rats09:53
Kiloscharl, you use only the ip addy with putty09:55
Kilosstupid have linux imbedded and wanting to use a windows client09:56
charlyou should be able to use any ssh client, why can't you use openssh?09:59
Kilosonly telnet gets there09:59
charland the linux telnet client?10:00
Kilosit dont accept anything else10:00
charlthat is very strange10:00
charlsounds like they are doing something weird, i mean telnet is telnet10:00
charlssh is ssh10:00
charli find it all very strange10:01
trenderthis box was designed in 2007 man 10:01
Kilosit says ssh refused10:01
trenderhyperterminal client logs in first shot ounce again "mabee thats a clue"10:01
charlinetpro: you're in london? or is that another hatfield10:02
inetprocharl: Hatfield in Pretoria10:02
charloh i see, i was looking at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatfield,_Hertfordshire10:02
charlah, found it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatfield,_Pretoria10:02
Kilosfurther to travel inetpro 10:03
inetproKilos: unfortunately yes10:03
Kilosthrough town10:03
charli used to work at a company in erasmusrand10:03
inetprobut they say a change is as good as a holiday10:03
Kiloshi Squirm 10:05
Kilosya inetpro for a day or two10:05
Kilosbut having all new stuff might make the future probs less10:06
inetproKilos: no choice, will make the best of it where ever I go10:06
Kilosthats the attitude10:06
inetprolots of fun and games10:07
inetproactually can't wait 10:07
inetprohence the brain working overtime10:07
KilosSquirm, work out putty for me so i can get into this little server10:09
Squirmwhat do you mean, work out putty?10:09
* inetpro trying to consider all the many eventualities that were not considered properly as we get closer to the actual move10:09
Kilosputty is a remote desktop thing10:10
inetproor rather those that may not have been planned properly10:10
Squirmputty is an ssh client10:10
Kilosinetpro, there is nothing you can do till then so sleep10:10
Kilospswd is squareone10:10
inetproKilos: what are you trying to do with putty when you have Ubuntu with a proper ssh client?10:11
Kilosya but that server only accepts telnet10:11
inetproKilos: ubuntu also has a telnet client by default10:11
Squirmthen in putty, tick the telnet radio button10:11
Kilosit wont allow ssh inetpro 10:11
Kilosi have Squirm but it dont recognise the user login10:12
Kilosi get to it but cant login10:12
Squirmand in Ubuntu, you could `telnet`10:12
Kilosi thought it could be a setting that im doing wrong10:12
Kilosfrom cli?10:13
inetprobut Kilos, you don't need telnet to get in there10:14
inetproyou need a browser10:14
Kilosya ive been there with a browser but also them settings i dunno what to do10:14
Kilosnot the same thing10:15
inetprowell who gave you the address?10:15
Kilosgoing in with telnet shows you its keyboard methinks10:15
Kilosbut he is not a linux guy10:16
inetprotrender trying to set up a honeypot?10:16
Kilosso he wants to know how to install stuff10:16
inetproor he wants us to shut down that box for him?10:16
Kiloshe wants to know how to use it or fix it or something10:17
inetprohow long is a piece of string?10:18
Kilosif he can get them sorted he can sell them as servers or whatever else they could be used for10:19
charllol, change the password so he can't get in :) the info is in the irc logs now10:19
* acherv is trying to get what Kilos and inetpro speak about10:19
Kilosacherv, read the logs if you can10:20
achervKilos, for today or ....10:20
Kilosno man charl 10:20
Kilostoday only10:20
* inetpro wbbl10:20
Kilosfrom 11.30 am10:20
achervKilos, ok10:21
Kilostell me how to get in there with putty10:21
Kilosi can save you some time acherv 10:21
Kilosthen install putty from the repos in ubuntu10:22
achervwhat's that?10:22
Kilosits a tiny server10:23
achervand ...10:23
Kilosputty is a remote desktop tool i thinki its called10:23
Kilosin putty that is the ip you enter10:23
Kilosuser is admin and password is squareone10:24
SquirmKilos: I logged in10:29
SquirmI have a telnet client installed10:29
Kiloshow Squirm 10:29
Squirmon the cli, just type what I said10:29
Kilosyay im in too ty10:30
Squirm[12:12:37] .:Squirm:. and in Ubuntu, you could `telnet`10:30
Kilosputty was driving me mad10:30
Kilosty lad, now why doesnt putty do the same10:31
Kilosits also supposed to work10:31
Squirmit should10:35
Kilosmaybe if one parts the drive one can install ubuntu server there10:35
Kilosit seems as if my putty is sending the wrong char set or something10:35
Kilosmaybe putty wants to see a gui10:41
Kilosty for your help Squirm 10:46
Kiloshi Cantide 10:58
Cantidehello :)10:58
Cantidehas anyone here tried Ubuntu Touch yet?10:58
charlhi Cantide 10:58
Cantidehey charl '-'/10:58
charlhow's it going11:04
Cantideoh~ only saw your message now -.-11:21
Cantideit is going well :)11:21
Cantidewhat about you?11:21
Kilosacherv, have you foned 183 yet11:35
achervI haven't a problem today11:36
achervjust restart my computer11:37
Kiloswassup acherv 11:39
achervKilos, cool11:40
Kilosoh sorted?11:40
=== Cantide is now known as AFKanti
Kilosacherv, you can type in cli sudo touch /forcefsck and file system check will be run on rebooting11:42
achervKilos, is it?11:45
=== AFKanti is now known as CanEat
Kiloshi zeref_ 11:59
=== CanEat is now known as Cantide
MoreeceI hate 3945ABG intel wireless drivers12:23
Kiloshi Moreece 12:23
MoreeceI am forever battling12:23
Kilosweelcome to ubuntu-za12:23
Moreecewifi disconnect, no reconnect, password retries12:23
Moreecethanks Kilos12:23
Kilosexplain the prob nicely and hang around till someone can help you\12:24
MoreeceI'm ranting but i seriously want this ubuntu to work on this laptop, but fear if I dont come right soon. I'll be leaving ubuntu for greener pastures12:24
Kilostell us about yourself first12:24
MoreeceI have a toshiba satellite pro laptop12:24
Moreeceme? 12:24
Kiloswhat you using etc12:25
Kiloswhat ubuntu release etc12:25
Moreececurrently on 12.04 12:25
Moreece12.10 killed my laptop12:25
Moreeceso I went back to 12.0412:25
Kilosok i use that too12:25
Moreecehave downloaded 13.04 12:26
Moreecemight install later today12:26
Moreecebut that is another story12:26
Moreecemy 12.04 edition, continually drops its wifi connect12:26
Moreeceit seems to be an issue with intel 3945AB cards12:26
MoreeceI am blue from trying12:26
Kilosok lets see what we can find12:26
KilosMaaz, google 12.04 continually dropping wifi connection12:27
MaazKilos: "12.04 - Dropped wireless connections and reconnections with a ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/127094/dropped-wireless-connections-and-reconnections-with-a-broadcom-bcm4321 :: "12.04 - Wireless connection drops every 30 seconds on an Asus ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/128269/wireless-connection-drops-every-30-seconds-on-an-asus-eee-pc-with-an-12:27
Maazatheros-car :: "12.04 - Wireless connection keeps losing connection - Ask Ubuntu" http://askub…12:27
KilosMaaz, google 12.04 - Wireless connection keeps losing connection12:27
MaazKilos: "12.04 - Wireless connection keeps losing connection - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/196586/wireless-connection-keeps-losing-connection :: "12.04 - Dropped wireless connections and reconnections with a ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/127094/dropped-wireless-connections-and-reconnections-with-a-broadcom-bcm4321 :: "12.04 - Wireless connection12:27
Maazis lost periodically and without apparent ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/128024/wir…12:27
KilosMoreece, have you checked some of them out12:28
Moreeceyes, I've scavenged the askubuntu forums12:28
Kilosmost the guys here go shopping etc on saterdays so only get here later12:29
MoreeceI'm going raring ringtail ... lets see how that plays out12:29
Kilosok and come let us know12:30
Kilosyou done all your update/upgrades hey?12:30
Moreece.... difficult without connectivity12:30
Moreecebut essentially yes12:30
Kilosya but there are some things that just work better after an upgrade12:31
Kilosfixes lots of things12:31
Kilosah you have12:31
Kilosare you in a good wireless area Moreece ?12:32
Kilosnot the signal dropping12:32
Kiloswhere are you?12:34
achervKilos, later12:36
Moreeceits my wlan at home12:36
Kilosok acherv 12:38
Kilosah so signal is good12:38
Moreeceyes, rebooting this laptop quick 12:38
superflyMaaz: google for 3945ABG intel wireless disconnect ubuntu12:45
Maazsuperfly: "Bug #348204 “[Jaunty] Intel wireless 3945ABG is unstable and dis ..." https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/348204 :: "Bug #425455 “[karmic] Wireless LAN disconnects frequently # Chip ..." https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/425455 :: "Wireless disconnect followed by inability to detect any networks - Intel"12:45
Maazhttp://www.intel.com/support/wireless/wlan/pro3945abg/sb/CS-031631.htm :: "11.10 - Wireless connection keeps dropping with an Intel 3945ABG .…12:45
Kilosty superfly and hi12:46
Kilosi think he knows more than i do12:46
Kilosaw looks like he killed his lappy or else got it working so dont need help13:53
=== Kanchi is now known as Cantide
Kiloshi kbmonkey Squirm 14:13
kbmonkeyhello you peeps14:15
kbmonkeywhat is everyone up to14:15
Kilosmost arent here even14:17
Kiloswassup by you?14:17
kbmonkeyawe nice and cold today. learning some bash14:18
Kilosoh kbmonkey did you see that mail fro maia about the job at mxit14:22
Symmetriahaha disney tried to trademark the name of a public holiday14:23
Symmetriaand got told to go screw themselves14:23
kbmonkeydidnt disney sign a deal to make some ridiculous amount of star wars movies one a year?14:24
Symmetriadisney does some strange things14:24
kbmonkeythey're a loathsome bunch. then again george butchered the star wars saga already :p14:25
kbmonkeyyou've seen their wartime propaganda videos they made during world war? 14:27
Symmetriascrewing around15:20
kbmonkeywhat are you smoking there Symmetria 15:22
Symmetrialol 15:24
=== charl_ is now known as charl
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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