
funkyhey guys00:03
funkyI get processor id x86 family 6 model 7 stepping 1900:03
funkyis it 32 or 64 bit?00:03
utfans05run a lspci in terminal00:04
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funkyits win 2000 terminal atm00:05
funkyon which I want to install ubuntu00:05
funkyI use set00:05
funkyto show data00:05
utfans05funky, go into system properties and it should show what processor and if its 32 or 64 bit00:06
gerhardHi, I'm now upgrading from lucid to precise. Will the bookmark menu retain intact in nautilus?00:06
funkyutfans05: I can access cmd only00:06
zeandreHello, i have a problem with sound00:07
utfans05funky then im not sure how to help you. you might want to try a windows irc channel00:07
funkyprocessor architecture x=8600:07
funkydoes it mean its 32 or 6400:07
zeandreWhen I insert headphones it doesn't turn off speakers00:07
funkyand yes I might ask in win00:07
utfans05thats 32 bit00:07
gerhardWhat will happen to the menue while transition from gnome2 to unity?00:07
SonikkuAmericafunky: You can try asking in ##windows00:07
utfans05if you see x86_64 then its 6400:07
AtumTWhats the command to check my ping?00:10
AtumTya, on this IRC channel00:11
aaron__iam using ubuntu 12.04 64 bit gnome fallback but in power options i cant choose the laptop to hibernate00:12
AtumTi guess its /quote ping nick, bit it doesnt show my latency00:13
utfans05AtumT, this is that i get * Ping reply from hubbard.freenode.net: ? second(s)00:14
gerhard PING <Nick | Channel>00:14
ProckOne or more modprobe configuration files to disable Nouveau are already present at: /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-installer-disable-nouveau.conf.  Please be sure you have rebooted your system since these files were written.  If you have rebooted, then Nouveau may be enabled for other reasons, such as being included in the system initial ramdisk or in your X configuration file.  Please consult the NVIDIA driver README and your Linux distribution's00:15
Prockand i did reboot00:15
delachey, would anyone know if firefox's  layers acceleration (layers.acceleration.force-enabled=true) is in usable state with any drivers (intel, nvidia, fglrx, radeon)?00:19
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mish-I have two separate xscreens and I want to use a console command to switch the mouse+keyboard input between them, how can I do that? :)00:22
artican I install ubuntu from hd without making it bootable?00:22
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WeThePeoplewhat does dpkg --configure -a do?00:23
artior first I need to format it and somehow add ubuntu?00:23
michael87ok I have a dumb question. Where do I have to go to thank the ubuntu devolopers for raring ringtail :)00:24
histomichael87: you can donate on the download page.00:24
kunji1So, I've been doing some googling, what I have so far is that XF86WLAN is being triggered, but should be handled by something.  What in Ubuntu 13.04 is normally supposed to handle this?  Others have assigned this to a different shortcut and have XF86WLAN continue to toggle wireless and execute the shortcut (http://www.preshweb.co.uk/2011/03/disabling-wifi-kill-switch-on-inspiron-17/).  In my cast it did not keep the toggle function and I c00:25
emmaleahUbuntu chat?00:25
artii got 1 hdd with win on it and 1 usb hdd with ubuntu iso00:25
RusHi. im having with setting up apt-mirror. i deleted the lock file. but now have the following issue: proceed indexes:[Ssh cannot open archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/source/Sources.gz: No such file. (next line) apt-mirror: can't open index in proceed_index_gz at /usr/bin/apt-mirror line 449. can anyone help me?00:25
histo!dualboot | arti00:25
ubottuarti: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:25
artihow I can install from usb without booting it?00:25
histoemmaleah: yes00:26
artiI know there are grub for example00:26
michael87histo, I'll have to do that wont I ? lol. raring is more fantastic on my laptop then 7 was. I can actually use all my buttons where windows 7 wouldn't let me and the window snapping and hot corners  feature is amazing. don't think I can live without it now00:26
artiso I create partions with grub loader and then what?00:26
articopy iso to hdd and install it?00:26
histoarti: Do you need any of the files on the usb?00:26
artihisto usb yes , hdd no00:27
histoarti: What OS are you currently in?00:27
artiat hdd box using win 200000:27
artisafe mode with cmd00:27
histo!install | arti00:27
ubottuarti: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:27
histoarti: well you need to boot the iso file either via cd or put it on the usb drive after backing up your files there.  Then you can install to the hard drive. There are other ways to install as well documented by ubottu00:28
artihow I can made win 2000 hdd bootable?00:30
artiI copy iso to say c:\00:31
artithen i have to install grub on c?00:31
SonikkuAmericaarti: Nope.00:31
SonikkuAmericaarti: You use boot-repair from your live media.00:31
kunji1Hmm, from what people are saying here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/385646 it sounds like Network Manage is supposed to catch that symbol somehow.00:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385646 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "XF86WLAN key should enable/disable Wifi" [Medium,Confirmed]00:32
histoarti: no00:32
artiSonikkuAmerica:  pc here - 0 CDD - O boot from anythig aparth HDD or CDD00:32
Reddy999arti: hope this helps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RghpdQH1bpo00:32
artiso I can use win 2000 hd to boot00:32
artithatsa it00:32
histoarti: No00:32
thomasjoin #flightgear00:32
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artiusually if its windows I can format c: launch it and it does the rest00:33
histoarti: There are instructions on the download page and ubottu has given you instructions on how to install.00:33
artiall from same hdd00:33
histoarti: No you cannot with windows or any other os do that.00:33
Guest72229is there a flightgear forum and if so how can I join it please00:33
histoarti: You still need to boot to some type of OS to install00:33
kunji1And I found this, which sounds identical to my issue and is about that bug.  The other message threads appear to not be on the server any longer though T.T   http://www.mailrepository.com/message/3688641/00:33
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Reddy999arti: to install Ubuntu using USB .. pls check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RghpdQH1bpo00:33
Guest72229or rather flightgear channel?00:34
artihisto usd boot not suported by bios00:34
artielse I could of done it00:34
MikicacaricaWatch Chicago vs Miami LIVE here  ---> http://tiny.cc/tf4tww00:34
histoarti: then install via dvd or netboot00:34
histo!ot | miki00:34
ubottumiki: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:34
artihisto ok netboot is idea however it seems tcp ip does not work on win200000:35
artiand there are 0 dvd drive there too00:35
histoarti: Has nothign to do with windows00:35
kunji1histo: So I guess there are bug reports and it is known of, though not easy to find and without a fix after like 3.5 years T.T00:35
artihisto how netboot works then?00:35
artii though it works via win00:35
histoarti: pull the hard drive out of the machine and install ubuntu using a different computer. Then put the hard drive back in... Or get a cdrom drive hooked up to it that you can boot from.00:36
WeThePeoplewhat does dpkg --configure -a do?00:36
kunji1?  I thought the bios did netboot, but the OS needs to be net bootable or something?00:36
artii might see if I can somehow add usb boot to bios00:37
histoarti: How old is the machine?00:40
artimachine is new however 2006 bios00:40
artiit was flashed today and dude seems to put older one on it00:40
supercom32So I Installed ubuntu 12.10, then I tried to make GDM my default display manager by going "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm". Now the login screen never shows up and it's just black. If I change back to lightDM then it works fine. Any ideas how to get GDM working?00:40
histoarti: If it's a new machine then it can boot to usb00:40
artihisto:  when i press f12 it says current version supports hdd and cdd only00:41
histosupercom32: Is there a reason you don't want lightdm?00:41
artiits some crazy machine :D00:41
supercom32histo: Doesn't gnome-shell work best using GDM since that's what the developers use?00:42
histoarti: Well then you are stuck doing it one of the ways I've already told you.00:42
supercom32histo: I was told that some bells and whistles don't work with lightDM.00:42
thomas____ / list00:42
histosupercom32: You don't even need a display manager to use gnome-shell or any other desktop environment for that matter.00:42
supercom32histo: well, that's good to know. But it still doesn't explain why GDM fails to work. Lots of instructions on the internet seem to indicate what I did should make it work.00:43
artii see00:44
artiso linux can not self start with hdd00:44
artilike windows00:44
artiwell I get cd then I got old cdrom somewre00:45
histosupercom32: yes it should work. How did you install gdm?00:46
histoarti: yes it can boot form hdd like windows00:46
supercom32histo: I used "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-gnome-desktop ubuntu-gnome-default-settings"00:46
histoarti: What do you think it does w2hen you install it to a hard drive?00:47
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histosupercom32: is gdm installed?  dpkg -l | grep gdm00:47
Cheerywhen I upgraded to raring, I noticed that youtube videos started stuttering00:48
supercom32histo: yep, it's installed.00:48
CheeryI wonder what's wrong? pulseaudio again?00:49
histosupercom32: No idea I'd look for log files in /var/log00:49
Cheerypulseaudio is the new butler of linux audio00:50
histosupercom32: but either way using gdm doesn't matter to the desktop environment00:51
xzased_hi there, I just upgraded to 13.04 and my virtualenvs all went kaput. How do I go about fixing them? they have all the installed packages on each lib folder but fail to import them00:52
kunji1Some of the new UEFI machine don't boot to USB, http://www.rodsbooks.com/refind/00:52
kunji1There might be better UEFI boot stuff, I haven't really looked around00:53
histokunji1: what?00:56
histokunji1: what modern bios and or firmware have you seen that doesn't boot to USB?00:57
diddi_I just installed rxvt-unicode-256color with software center. I cant seem to find it and test it out. I want to know the "real" name before adding it as enviroment variable01:03
Morph4mehisto: he might have it confused with what this (CSM on some MBs) is capable of doing ....ie UEFI only for usb (storage device)....but that is a users choice via the Bios settings  > http://oi50.tinypic.com/2zsv591.jpg01:03
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deadweaselDDR3 is helpful01:09
deadweasel1333mhz is helpful, thank you.01:09
histodeadweasel: from the man page While this is a good point in terms  of01:10
histo       report  speed  and  safeness, this also makes the presented information01:10
histo       possibly unreliable.01:10
deadweasel:)  I'll turn on my machine and do it the right way then...01:11
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histoAhh was going to say sudo dmidecod --type memory would sort the info to just memory01:12
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supercom32histo: So I'm still trying to get GDM working since some features of gnome-shell depend on it. However, I still can't figure out why the login screen won't show. Maybe it's trying to load some Unity one, which doesn't work with GDM?01:13
=== Atlantic778 is now known as Atlantic777
OerHekshisto, sudo lshw -short -C memory or  this one is nicer: sudo dmidecode -t memory01:13
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histosupercom32: No features of gnome shell depend upon a display manager.01:14
histosupercom32: YOu don't even need a display manager.01:15
supercom32histo: Sure, but regardless I would like GDM to work. :P01:15
supercom32histo: If I change to KDM for example, I'm sure i'd get the same black screen.01:16
histosupercom32: Did you check for any logs?01:16
histosupercom32: perhaps you can paste them so we can take a look.01:16
supercom32I looked in the logs, but I'm not familiar enough to know which one to search or what to look for.01:16
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onionHead_They all drunk01:24
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kingfisher64can someone recommend me an aes encryption program for ubuntu that works with 13.04. Thanks01:30
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nrdb__kingfisher64, that is very general, can you narrow that done a bit, GUI or console etc.01:32
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utfans05this channel died.... lol01:35
utfans05well it is friday night too....01:35
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utfans05its a mass join of ppl...01:37
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sonofzeusHey there01:37
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sonofzeusI xcant seem to find skype in synaptic package manager on alive cd?01:38
sonofzeusAnyone on?01:39
utfans05ony 1550 ppl on01:39
sonofzeusWhats up with these logs?01:40
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sonofzeusOh no how shall I hide this shit?01:41
sonofzeusIts flooding my screen01:41
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utfans05yeah same here01:42
utfans05must be some connection issues with the irc server for these people01:42
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utfans05afk a while01:42
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VisceralSoundAnyone on 13.04 have any knowledge on installing an Asus PCE-N15 driver (rtl8188ce) I'm getting some errors when "making" it.01:47
sowling(//) Ola (//)01:47
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RunemoroHi, when I do "X -configure" it tells me "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."01:48
RunemoroAlso, the computer boots in failsafe mode automaticly01:49
capinjackHello, all01:49
pulsosteI'm trying to install wireshark, but my ubuntu is broken, can someone please help - http://paste.ubuntu.com/5653062/01:51
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marshallhey ubuntu02:04
marshallhow do I see which process is killing my CPU?02:04
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th0rmarshall: top?02:04
marshalltop says "97.7%id"02:04
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straemermarshall: there's a program called system monitor if you want a gui02:04
marshallstraemer: nah, i'm running ubuntu server02:05
marshallth0r: top says "97.7%id", that means my CPU is being used, ya?02:05
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th0rmarshall: probably. The top item in top should be the one using the most. Check that pid with 'ps ax' and you can see what the program name is02:06
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hsn97id means that your cpu is almost idle02:08
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aaron_how can i turn off the backlight keyboard in ubuntu 12.04 64 bit?02:11
hsntry fn+502:11
chris40312Anyone with Ubuntu 12.04 connecting to Citrix shared app?02:11
aaron_hsn, its the brightness of the screen02:13
hsntry other fn combos02:14
aaron_hsn, nothing02:15
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hsnon my asus its fn + f3/f402:16
hsnf5 is on my sonny02:16
aaron_hsn, i was thinking about a script or somethjng02:17
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hsnlike that? sudo "echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/keyboard/brightness"02:18
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aaron_hsn, maybe02:19
aaron_hsn i found something02:19
aaron_hsn rr02:19
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aaron_hsn, can you tell me the command again no luck here02:21
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hsnit needs asus modules loaded to work02:22
hsn sudo "echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/keyboard/brightness"02:22
aaron_hsn, it works i dont want to work02:23
aaron_i want to gain more battery duration02:23
aaron_i have a vaio laptop02:23
aaron_hsn, what do you think of that?02:23
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aaron_hsn, this command that you wrote is to turn off the backlit?02:25
hsnno, to turn it on02:26
aaron_hsn, i should repleace the 1 with 0?02:26
aaron_hsn, to turn it off02:26
aaron_its temporary?02:26
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hsnbut on sony, it will be different filename02:27
hsnon sonny it should be /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop/kbd_backlight02:27
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hsnif kernel module loaded02:27
aaron_hsn, look at that02:28
aaron_hsn, from modinfo sony-laptop | grep keyboard02:28
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aaron_hsn, hmm02:30
aaron_hsn, echo "options sony-laptop kbd_backlight=0" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/sony-laptop.conf02:30
aaron_hsn, i'll reboot02:30
Jagst3r15how do I send a file to myself using ftp command02:31
aaron__hsn, no luck02:31
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th0rJagst3r15, with ftp a file is transferred between an ftp server and an ftp client. You need server software on one computer, and client software on the other02:33
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seyfarth_accidnetally changed permissions across my entire home directory. what's the default file/folder permissions for user files on 13.0402:34
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tomreynJagst3r15: maybe what you want to do is to transfer files to your home computer which runs linux? in this case you could install openssh-server on your home computer and use the sftp protocol (and a client for it) to transfer files to it. that's usually a preferred option unless you really need FTP for some reason.02:36
eddievanhoyCan anyone point me to a room to help me get the netflix app to work02:36
Injigoevening peoples02:38
maximilianohello guys, i seem to be unable to use a mouse that i have used before, i have plugged the cord in all my USB ports and ubuntu doesn't recognise it, i know the problem isn't the mouse because it works in windows, any idea how i can get it to work again?02:39
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maximilianonvm, it decided to work again, idk why :/02:41
maximilianoi might be back later, thanks guys02:41
aaron_does anybody knows how to turn off the backlit keyboard?02:41
aleckSpeaking spanish?02:41
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Injigoi seem to be getting huge log files, with no rotation, unsure of how to proceed02:44
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tomreynInjigo: learn about how to use / configure logrotate02:46
Injigotomreyn: thanks, yeah, just learning that now actually02:47
kkerwinAnyone have any experience with bumblebee and optimus?02:47
tomreyn!anyone | kkerwin02:47
ubottukkerwin: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:47
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yofundoes anyone know of a package. that would let me pasue/play youtube videos from the system tray in the sound02:48
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Injigopermission denied? i wonder why should do next02:48
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tomreynInjigo: depends on what you were trying to do02:48
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kkerwintomreyn: Very well; I was under the impression that my question was ... highly specialized.02:49
kkerwinIn any event.02:49
=== Guest524 is now known as Tux
Injigotomreyn: i was being sarcastic but i ran "logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf" in a terminal02:50
tomreynkkerwin: i bet a couple of people here use those. personally i don't and i have zero experience with them. but the those who have will more likely respond when you ask a more specific question02:50
[0gb_us]When I buy software from the Ubuntu Software Center, it there a way to keep the downloaded package for my archives?02:50
walltender In open source software, which version is the latest, v.1.13 or v1.9?02:50
kkerwinAccording to my research, the tutorial contained at http://eternalvoid.net/tutorials/linux-optimus-gt650m/ is the premier tutorial for configuring a GT 650M chip to work without allowing an nVidia driver to proactively delete one's OpenGL drivers. Unfortunately, I cannot seem to get the options provided for the nvidia module install to provide a complete compilation of the dkms module.02:50
[0gb_us]1.13 is later than 1.9.02:51
[0gb_us]In any software, not just open source.02:51
tomreynInjigo: won't help until there is a configuration on how to handle those big files you have already.02:51
tomreynwalltender: the former02:53
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:53
tomreynwalltender: the former, since 13 > 902:53
Injigotomreyn: oh? i was under the impression that there is a preconfigured configuration file after install02:53
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yofundoes anyone know of a package. that would let me pasue/play youtube videos from the system tray in the sound (ubuntu 13.04)02:53
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tomreynInjigo: there is. you would have to have log files in non-standard locations, unusual error conditions, or log files not handled by logcheck's default configuration to have those log files already covered grow large.02:55
leffttehello  everybody02:56
yofundang it who highlighted me?02:56
lefftteem.. i want to ask how can i uninstall a app?02:56
walltendertomaw: What kind of convention does it follow? From this link http://gitorious.org/meego-developer-tools/powertop/commits/master, the tags order looks like v1.9 > v1.13, but I don't know if the tags are in order?02:57
Injigotomreyn: right, my kern.log and sys.log are unusually large (about 4.5 GB each). i'm fairly certain that it was the firewall dropping full logging into them. anyway, i disabled the firewall logging...02:57
tomreynlefftte: if by "app" you mean a package, then you can use software center or synaptic02:57
yofundoes anyone know of a package. that would let me pasue/play youtube videos from the system tray in the sound (ubuntu 13.04)02:58
leffttetomreyn:   i will have a try tks02:58
tomreynwalltender: i assume github just does an alphabetical sort there.02:59
Tex_Nickyofun:  don't know what player you're using ... but many players & browsers allow you to play/pause with the "keyboard spacebar"03:01
yofunTex_Nick:  yes but i want to be able to pasue/play with my systrau03:02
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xavier23Hi guys…… anyone know, how to increase swap file space on ubuntu? Is it necessary to create new swap file, or can i just edit existing file?03:02
yofunTex_Nick:  yes but i want to be able to pasue/play with my systray i seen it in ubuntu 12.10 but i cant rember how to enabled it03:02
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tomreynxavier23: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq#How_do_I_add_more_swap.3F03:03
Tex_Nickyofun:  how exactly is that supposed to work ?03:04
yofuni have  the youtube "web app" open and i hit the sound icon and there would be a play/pasue button for the current youtube video Tex_Nick03:05
kkerwinHaving difficulty installing bumblebee using the recipe here: http://eternalvoid.net/tutorials/linux-optimus-gt650m/ ... dkms fails to run. Anyone have experience using bumblebee for nvidia optimus cards?03:06
iamgiamHi peeps03:08
iamgiamis there an Intel 64 download for Ubuntu of does the amd64 do both ?03:09
tomreynkkerwin: have you tried this, yet? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee03:09
kkerwintomreyn: Yes. The problem with it is that the stock nvidia-current driver will quietly and "helpfully" remove OpenGL files.03:10
hdoniamgiam, what?03:10
zerozerothere is a torrent for Ubuntu 64 here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads03:10
kkerwintomreyn: The "incantation" in the tutorial I listed is supposed to get around that. But, it's failing.03:10
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:11
iamgiamI ask as on the main dl page it only gives 2 options . x86 or 65 and then downlods the amd64.iso03:11
zerozeroiamgiam: I dunno, try both, they're small dl's03:12
tomreynkkerwin: what do you mean by "stock nvidia-current driver"?03:13
iamgiamthe 13.04 amd64 just hangs. the x86 works but I would prefer the 64 bit version. its maybe a graphics issue but unsure.03:13
kkerwinEither the package that one can install through ubuntu, the ppa I found,  or the file downloaded from nvidia's website.03:13
tomreynkkerwin: it seems to be that the ubuntu.com how-to involves using a packag called bumblebee-nvidia03:13
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tomreynkkerwin: i see, well then i'm afraid i can't help.03:14
kkerwintomreyn: Thank you.03:14
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kkerwintomreyn: Actually, I'm going though some logs now. Are you familiar with a python package called "apport"? If so, what provides it, please?03:15
tomreyniamgiam: by "intel 64", are you referring to IA64 ?03:15
jose__to install wireless driver03:15
tomreyniamgiam: if so, use the x86 one03:16
iamgiambit of a noob here its an intel core i503:16
jose__I downloaded the source code03:16
tomreyniamgiam: then you should be able to use the x86_64 / amd64 one03:17
jose__While write in the folder: make install03:17
tomreynkkerwin: apport it ubuntu's bug reporting utility03:17
kkerwintomreyn: Found it: python-apport03:17
kkerwintomreyn: And it still didn't solve my problem, damn.03:18
iamgiamok thanks so the blank screen is more likely a graphics issue. joy lol. will try some of the switches to get passed it.03:18
jose__don't exist file or directory03:18
tomreynjose__: before you try to build modules yourself manually, you should try to use a packaged build.03:18
tomreynkkerwin: i also don't see how apport relates to bumblebee?03:19
jose__How is that done?03:20
tomreynjose__: which driver are you trying to install, for which hardware, and why? and which ubuntu version are you running?03:20
kkerwintomreyn: It doesn't. Not to bumblebee. The script that I'm attempting to troubleshoot is for installing an nVidia driver. It was failing, and the last message that it had before failing in the logs was an import error on the apport python module.03:20
jose__Ubuntu 12.0403:21
jose__Realtek RTL8188CE03:21
tomreynkkerwin: i see. i guess that's something i can't help with, i'm afraid.03:21
walltenderHow do I remove self compiled program without "uninstall" option?03:21
kkerwinNo problem. I figured that finding the right python module would be easy enough, and I found it. Problem was, it didn't fix the larger problem. Thanks again, though.03:22
jose__Don't work the wireless03:22
jose__HP mini03:23
tomreynjose__: thanks for aswering two of the questions i asked. do you also want to answer the other two? which driver are you trying to install, and why?03:24
tomreynwalltender: you'd on your own, that's not supported.03:24
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jose__Don't work the wireless03:25
walltendertomreyn: There must be a way?03:26
yofunlooks like they got rid of the youtube systray app :(03:28
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zerozeroDoes anyone know how to install drivers for the wireless dongle TP-LINK TL-WN722N???03:29
tomreynjose__: remove all the files you downloaded and extracted. then do this: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-cw-3.6-precise-generic && sudo modprobe rtl8192ce03:30
tomreynjose__: http://askubuntu.com/questions/277169/module-rtl8192ce-not-found-howto-reinstall-ubuntus-realtek-driver-on12-0403:30
yofunzerozero:  what version?03:30
tomreynjose__: you should only turn to driver downloads from some websites as a last resort, most of the time there are working packages.03:30
tomreynwalltender: not supported, just like the installation method you chose.03:31
zerozerothis dongle has no linux support on its offical site03:31
grendal-primeso got a client..ubuntu 12.04 on her laptop.  everything working fine for a few weeks..then out of the blue.she runs systemupdate right..now every time she shuts the thing down, i have to yank the battery and discharge the power and then sometimes it will start03:32
yofunzerozero:  you could try http://askubuntu.com/questions/98844/how-do-i-get-a-tp-link-tl-wn722n-wireless-card-working03:32
PandaFoarHi, I was trying to apt-get dist-upgrade and it mentioned libc-2.13.so needing to be out of /lib so I moved i to my home directory and now my system seems pretty much broken03:33
PandaFoarIs there anyway I can fix this? I'm still connected via ssh03:33
zerozeroOr how can I install the windows 7 drivers for the TL-WN722N wireless dongle?03:33
grendal-primepresario cq56 is the model  blink codes dont match anything that compaq has on there website..it just blinks continously03:33
tomreynzerozero: ath9k_htc is the driver module you want03:33
zerozeroThanks yofun03:34
yofunanytime :)03:34
zerozerothanks tomreyn03:34
PandaFoarIs there anyway I can fix this? I'm still connected via ssh03:36
tomreynzerozero: generally this was probably a bad hardware choice, see the comment on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsTP-Link03:37
JoshDreamlandcould someone please tell me how to fix whatever is supposed to be responsible for launching firefox from thunderbird/pidgin/etc?03:39
zerozeroYeah it says "waste of money." I seen on a forum that it was recommended on BackTrack 5 for out-of-the -box support, but they lied...03:39
zerozerogot it cheap on eBay tho...03:40
PandaFoarHi, I was trying to apt-get dist-upgrade and it mentioned libc-2.13.so needing to be out of /lib so I moved i to my home directory and now my system seems pretty much broken03:40
yofunPandaFoar:  cant you just move it back?03:41
PandaFoaryofun: Nope mv depends on libc.so03:42
PandaFoarBUT while waiting I remembered you could set libary/binary paths03:42
PandaFoarSo I just did export LD_LIBRARY=$(pwd)03:42
yofundid it work?03:42
sanavhello i'm trying to access apache2 server 's index page through my external IP of my system.It work for internal IP and localhost .Please guid me how to do that .Thanks03:43
PandaFoarNew SSH connections weren't allowed though and my server has been getting DDOS attacks throughout the day03:43
zerozeroDoes anyone recommend any wireless dongles with full reaver and aircrack support? Prehaps something like the RTL8187 chipset?03:43
JoshDreamlandWhenever anything tries to open a link in Firefox, I get the error, "Firefox is already running, but is not responding."03:44
JoshDreamlandCan anyone tell me the config file that is responsible for handling URLs?03:44
sanavhere is my /etc/hosts file : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5653286/03:44
_anARCHist_any one ever have the issue where ubuntu server 12.10 wont connect with a static ip03:44
kkerwinAlright, managed to get **most** things to work. Problem that I'm having now is that my computer is still injecting the nouveau driver even though it is blacklisted.03:45
calligarthe default desktop edition of ubuntu, what is it? Unity desktop?03:46
kkerwincalligar: Yep03:46
PandaFoaryofun: and somehow i broke it by moving the files back to /lib03:46
calligarkk, thx03:46
yofunha PandaFoar fix it again? :P03:46
yofunreset the path?03:46
JoshDreamlandNew question: Does anyone have an xdg-open that doesn't fail at live?03:47
PandaFoaryofun: How so?03:47
yofunPandaFoar:  what you did earlyer export LD_LIBRARY=$(pwd)03:48
jose__Don't work wireless :(03:48
yofunwont it do it again?03:48
PandaFoaryofun: It will not03:48
yofunoh :/ why not?03:48
PandaFoarls: error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:48
PandaFoarAnything that depends on C is giving the same error03:49
yofun:( hmmm03:49
JoshDreamlandwow, uninstalled xdg-utils and it's still broken03:49
jose__I need driver for wireless03:50
PandaFoarexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/root/libBack/lib/03:50
PandaFoarIs that the correct command for setting multiple paths in a variable?03:50
jose__I have Ubuntu 12.04, HP mini, Realtek RTL8188CE.03:51
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PandaFoarHi, I was trying to apt-get dist-upgrade and it mentioned libc-2.13.so needing to be out of /lib so I moved i to my home directory and now my system seems pretty much broken. Keep getting "error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"03:59
PandaFoarwhenever I try and run most commands03:59
PandaFoarHi, I was trying to apt-get dist-upgrade and it mentioned libc-2.13.so needing to be out of /lib so I moved i to my home directory and now my system seems pretty much broken. Keep getting "error while loading shared libraries: libc.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" whenever I try and run most commands04:03
tomreynPandaFoar: reinstall, or try to fix it from a live cd. somewhere you made a big mistake there. touching libc*.so is never a good idea. nor is running apt-get dist-upgrade unless you are following some official how-to.04:03
PandaFoartomreyn: I still have shell access, I managed to get everything working before using LD_LIBRARY_PATH but now that isn't working04:04
PandaFoarI haven't deleted the libraries either, they are still present just in different folders04:06
tomreyntry running /bin/busybox04:07
PandaFoarno such file04:07
tomreyn /bin/static-sh ?04:07
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_anARCHist_any one ever have the issue where ubuntu server 12.10 wont connect with a static ip04:08
tomreynPandaFoar: /usr/lib/initramfs-tools/bin/busybox ?04:08
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PandaFoarno iniramfstools folder04:08
tomreynPandaFoar: can't help you there04:09
tomreyn_anARCHist_: most likely. but that's not one but many different possible causes for the result you're describing.04:10
tomreyn_anARCHist_: so you should provide a more detailed description of the problem, ideally containing error messages.04:10
_anARCHist_it was working at on point.04:11
_anARCHist_then it stoped after updates04:11
tomreyn_anARCHist_: so i assume the problem is that the system cannot connect to the internet or some other network it is connected to, right? do you still have access to this system, though? if so, by which means?04:12
PandaFoartomreyn: Any way to move files without mv? If there's an alternate way to read files I could echo $(command to read here) >> libraryfile.so04:12
PandaFoaror make symbolic links without ln04:13
_anARCHist_i can connect with in the sytem04:13
_anARCHist_full access04:13
tomreynPandaFoar: you could try cp or cat. but i really think your system is hosed and i don't feel like trying to support you at this point.04:13
tomreyn_anARCHist_: so you have keyboard and monitor attached to the computer and you are next to it or something?04:14
_anARCHist_i tried dhcp it worked for a little bit at one point. but when it static it fails04:15
tomreyn_anARCHist_: then check /var/log/syslog - it should say why it failed to connect or what went wrong.04:15
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tomreyn_anARCHist_: also look at the output of "ip link show" and "ip addr show" to see whether the interface is up and whether an ip address is assigned.04:17
_anARCHist_ifconfig eth0 up then ifconfig shows04:18
_anARCHist_eth0 but no ip04:18
tomreyn_anARCHist_: try this: grep -C10  ': link up' /var/log/syslog*04:20
_anARCHist_ok give me a few minutes04:21
tomreynit should linst the line from syslog where youthe interface was brought up, with some context.04:21
mojtaba1Hi, I have Asus router (rt-n66u), Does anybody know how can I stream the video files which are in Hard drive attached to my router, via my ubuntu?04:21
danlamannasilly, frustrating issue here. I have terminal bound to Ctrl+Alt+T and no matter where my cursor is it always opens on the left monitor04:22
danlamannaanyway I can always get it to show up where my cursor is?04:22
tomreyn_anARCHist_: i'm afraid i need to head out. check in #ubuntu-server , too.04:23
A1Reconmojtaba1: So you got the The Dark Knight eh?? Well, have you tried it before in some other OS??04:23
danlamanna(using mate)04:23
lotuspsychjetomreyn: you know a way to sort syslog into colours/groups for easy reading?04:23
_anARCHist_thanks ill do these steps then check back tommorow tomreyn04:23
utfans05or night which ever yall perfer04:24
tomreynlotuspsychje: if you open it with a text editor, it may apply some syntax coloring, vim does for example if you have "syntax on" set.04:24
tomreyn_anARCHist_: good luck!04:24
A1Reconutfans05: How ahead/behind of GMT are u?04:25
utfans05I am Central Time in the USA so i believe its -6 right now04:25
lotuspsychjetomreyn: tnx lemme try syntax on04:25
* _anARCHist_ ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.9.4 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium ** CPU: AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics (1.00 GHz) ** RAM: 5606 MB Total (1877 MB Free) ** VGA: AMD Radeon(TM) HD 6520G ** Uptime: 42.82 Hours **04:25
mojtaba1A1Recon: Yes. Actually no.04:26
A1Reconutfans05: Im +0530 hrs so its morning 1000 hrs here04:26
utfans05so where appx, Im in Texas04:26
mojtaba1A1Recon: Do you know how can I stream my videos from the hard drive?04:26
A1Reconmojtaba1: Have u tried that streaming thing before??04:26
mojtaba1A1Recon: Actually I could not. :-P04:28
mojtaba1A1Recon: Have you had such experience?04:28
utfans05A1Recon: where appx are you located I'm in Texas04:29
mojtaba1Have anybody had the experience of streaming video files on ubuntu?04:30
A1Reconmojtaba1: sorry for logging out!! a small accident04:32
mojtaba1A1Recon: No problem. Have you had such experience?04:33
mojtaba1A1Recon: Do you know what should I do?04:33
mojtaba1A1Recon: I am also interested to stream the videos on my android phone.04:33
JeckidyWho's getting the OUYA?04:34
xavier23Hi……… anyone know if its normal to require > 5mins to create a 3GB swapfile on ubuntu?04:35
A1Reconmojtaba1: I do stream from my PC to my Android everyday, although I have never done HDD stream through my router. Apparently your HDD needs to be formatted to EXT3 for BEST use. Here's a link http://forums.smallnetbuilder.com/showthread.php?t=873304:35
A1Reconmojtaba1: And I also read in smallnetbuilder.com that the maual given by ASUS sucks, so you can look at reviews by smallnetbuilder.com and the comments over there for more help04:37
mojtaba1A1Recon: Do you know what should I do to stream my files from the HDD to my computer?04:38
lotuspsychje!swap | xavier2304:39
ubottuxavier23: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:39
mojtaba1A1Recon: Could you please also let me know how can I stream from my PC to my mobile? (galaxy note I)04:39
utfans05A1Recon: where are you located at, I'm in Texas04:40
xavier23lotuspsychje: thanks, i know what a swap file is. my question is : it takes more than 5 minutes to create one on my system. is this normal ????04:40
lotuspsychjexavier23: depends how large your swap will be, are you in setup?04:41
teguhhy all04:41
xavier23lotuspsychje: no just running from terminal on existing install. it's 3GB….04:42
mojtaba1A1Recon: Are you there?04:42
jamie_Hey all, I'm considering a move to ubuntu for my server (proliant microserver).  I just have some questions... :)04:42
lotuspsychjexavier23: that might take a while yes04:42
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utfans05!ask | jamie_04:44
ubottujamie_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:44
A1Reconmojtaba1: sorry i was away04:46
jamie_Thanks utfans05, I just wanted to ask about  Ubuntu's version of window's remote desktop connection.  Can it be done from windows? how does it comepare to windows?04:46
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A1Reconutfans05: do you mind if i PM you?04:46
jamie_rather, window's version of RDC04:46
utfans05A1Recon: sure04:46
lotuspsychjetomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5653400/04:47
utfans05jamie_: you use ssh to connect to the server its totally text based and the equivalent in windows is putty04:47
jamie_thanks utfans05 !04:47
mojtaba1A1Recon: Could you please help me to stream video from HDD to my pc or from my pc to my phone?04:47
utfans05jamie_: if you have any more questions just go ahead and ask04:47
lotuspsychje!info xbmc > lotuspsychje04:50
deneliusa beginners question re display mangers ubuntu 12.04 - how to check which display manager is installed? i think i have both installed but lightdm is default, which I am happy with - do i need to un-install gdm? any pointers much appreciated04:50
utfans05have you replaced it or using the one it came packaged with?04:51
utfans05denelius: have you replaced it or using the one it came packaged with?04:51
deneliusso it i believe it came with lightdm - i then ran into an issue which i resolved however in doing so installed gdm which did not fix my issue and I believe have since gone back to light (set to default) i dont think i have replaced it - it was already there so didnt update04:54
utfans05denelius: so what are you looking to do, remove one or the other?04:54
hellodavepWhere can I find detailed information about the WiFi network I am connected to? Such as DNS servers assigned via DHCP, Gateway, ect.04:55
deneliusall is fine now - i think- i would just like to know if i need to remove gdm to avoid possible conflict or future errors?04:55
deneliusalso how to check which dm I am running04:55
utfans05hellodavep: if you look in the top right hand side you will see a wifi signal indicator, that will tell you which ssid you are connected to. to find out your dns and all that, i believe ifconfig will tell you that04:56
utfans05denelius: give me one second04:56
deneliusbeginner questions - appreciate the patience04:56
hellodaveputfans05: I already tried ifconfig, but it doesn't give me Gateway or DNS http://paste.ubuntu.com/5653413/04:58
utfans05hellodavep: route -nee in terminal04:59
utfans05will give you the gateway04:59
kevinaktiffHi how are you i hope you are good i am new in ubuntu04:59
kevinaktiffand need some help cn anybody help me?04:59
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utfans05hellodavep: actually if you run nm-tool | tail -n8 that will show you all the info you are looking for minus the gateway05:00
yofunkevinaktiff:  please ask your question05:01
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kevinaktiffI am looking for emulators for neogeo like neogeo rage x to game boy color and to arcade games like win kawaks05:01
kevinaktiffi know i can run it on wine but i dont want to use nothing who have "win"05:01
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hellodavepAhh, thanks for your help utfans05! that nm-tool command helped me identify the DNS server and Gateway.05:02
utfans05hellodavep: you are welcome05:02
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utfans05denelius: im still looking to figure out how to find out which dm your running05:03
kevinaktiffi dont know about the emulators and need you help me to search and install i looked for all google and i dont find nothing05:03
deneliusthank you05:03
hellodavepkevinaktiff:I don't know if many people will be willing to help you with potentially illegal activities.05:04
saviokevinaktiff: why you don't want to use wine05:06
kevinaktiffI want to run neogeo games like neogeo rage X05:06
kevinaktiffand gameboy color games05:06
kevinaktiffthats emulators runs on windows but i dont want to use wine05:06
theperfectpunkit's been 17 hours since no reply05:07
laserskevinaktiff: Open a terminal. "apt-cache search neogeo" and "apt-cache search gameboy"05:07
utfans05denelius: try this cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager05:07
utfans05denelius: in a terminal05:07
theperfectpunkcan please anyone look at this thread05:07
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: what is the thread?05:08
hufengwhat about?05:08
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: my laptop has idt hd audio05:08
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: but ubuntu is using Intel HD Audio05:08
utfans05denelius: is that the one you want to use or do you want to use something else05:08
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: so instead of saying "look at this thread" you could have just come up with a more direct question05:09
saviolasers: I don't think this emulator will available on repository as this is windows base I guess05:09
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: if it says "Intel HD Audio" in the sound settings, then that's what you have05:09
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: actually u might not be able to help me apparently05:09
deneliusutfans05 - thank you, i am quite happy with that one  - do i need to be concerned that i may have gdm installed but not in use?05:09
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: I don't know what the problem is, because you haven't actually said what it is yet05:09
utfans05denelius: you can run a sudo apt-get purge gdm and that should get rid of the other one05:10
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: Ubuntu is using intel hd audio instead of idt audio05:10
deneliusis that best practice? or recommended at least?05:10
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: do you have two sound cards?05:10
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: well one is the AMD HDMI audio and other is IDT HD Audio05:11
saviogordonjcp: I think blacklisting the Intel sound card will help05:11
kevinaktiffit says i found that emulator but dont have  graphical interface05:11
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: and which do you want to use?05:11
utfans05denelius: i would recommend it just incase something happens you wont have to fool around with trying to find the culprit, its one less thing youll have to look into05:11
bookyOnce I set up an MTA for email, is their a gui program available to view email?05:11
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: i want to use IDT HD Audio05:12
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: but ubuntu uses the wrong driver for it05:12
utfans05booky: you can use thunderbird05:12
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: it shows up as intel hd audio05:12
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: Intel uses the correct driver for whatever chip you have05:12
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: there are only about four different types of sound card in the world05:12
utfans05booky: its built into ubuntu from launch, if you look in the top right hand corner there is a mail icon, if you click on it, it will guide you through the setup05:12
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: i am running an AMD chipset05:12
bookyutfans05: So, could I just get with with just an MTA and thunderbird?05:12
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: does the sound work?05:13
utfans05booky: i do believe so05:13
deneliusthat was my thinking - thank you for the help utfans05, i think i am in good shape re dms - i will no doubt be back soon05:13
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: yes but the sound in windows 8 is far better05:13
utfans05denelius: if you have any other questions just come on back.05:13
bookyutfans05: I know there are spam filters and virus filters, and programs which allow me to access my mail from anywere on the web, but I'm only doing this for my website.05:14
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: "better" in what way?05:14
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: i heard somewhere that some configurations options in pavucontrol will appear if one installs the correct drivers05:14
bookyThe users would just be me.05:14
utfans05booky:  you should be able to get to it from thunderbird05:14
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: First is the Volume leveling05:15
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: there's only a couple of different drivers, because there's only a couple of different sound cards05:15
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: i just need the volume leveling and surround options in pavucontrol05:15
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bookyutfans05: thanks, I'll give it a try.05:16
utfans05booky: if you have any other issues please let us know and we will try to walk you through it05:16
bookyutfans05: yes, I'll be giving it a try soon, I've always wanted control over my own email05:17
kevinaktiffa graphical interface to mednafen05:17
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: this guy here got it to work https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/20124805:17
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theperfectpunkgordonjcp: can u help me?05:20
utfans05!beg | theperfectpunk05:21
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: I don't have that chipset and I don't use surround sound05:21
theperfectpunkgordonjcp: could you please tell me how can i blacklist the current driver?05:21
saviotheperfectpunk: ubuntu identified your sound driver and it load other as codec05:21
theperfectpunksavio: is there anyway to get dolby advanced audio in ubuntu?05:22
gordonjcptheperfectpunk: if you blacklist the driver, it won't load *any* driver for that device05:22
gordonjcpwell, unless you add another one05:22
saviotheperfectpunk:  there should be let's see till then keep patients05:24
theperfectpunksavio: my notebook speakers are dolby advanced audio v2 certified, and the sound kinda sucks in ubuntu as compared to windows 8. So i wanted to find out ways to imporove it :-)05:25
saviotheperfectpunk: we got you buddy let see if someone has solution he will get back to you I'm also trying let see05:26
jnhghyHi, I have an mysql table (for logging ) that had about 130k rows and 13.3 GB size, I reduced the row number to 7k and now the table shows 13.3 GB size and 13.1 GB Overhead. I runed optimize table on that table and the command has now about 14 hours since it's running. Is there anything else I can do to fix the table? or to get ride of the unwanted size?05:27
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gordonjcpjnhghy: leave optimise running05:28
jnhghygordonjcp: hmmmm... not quite what I was hoping to hear.... the server has it's memory at 100% and I don't want to block it anymore, but I assume this is the only solution right?05:31
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gordonjcpjnhghy: you could try dumping out the rows you want, then destroying and recreating the database05:34
gordonjcpjnhghy: sounds a bit like living dangerously though ;-)05:34
jnhghygordonjcp: got it, thanks05:34
lotuspsychjeim looking for a gui syntax colour highlight text editor by default05:35
ChogyDanlotuspsychje: is gedit not good enough?05:36
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lotuspsychjeChogyDan: i found cobalt blue theme but, how can i sort the txt in colours?05:36
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ChogyDanlotuspsychje: im sorry, i don't understand05:38
lotuspsychjeChogyDan: im looking for an editor to sort text into colours, for easy debug reading syslog example05:39
Morph4melotuspsychje: why don't you use vim-gtk ? sudo apt-get install vim-gtk05:39
lotuspsychjeMorph4me: lemme try that1 tnx05:39
ChogyDanlotuspsychje: in gedit, go to View > Highlight Mode05:40
lotuspsychjeMorph4me: thats what i needed tnx!!05:41
Morph4melotuspsychje: to use it inside of terminal eg  type > vim /var/log/syslog  to view it outside of terminal > type gvim /var/log/syslog05:41
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LicksSo, I managed to slipstream a rootkit in the latest ubuntu update.05:45
LicksHas anyone noticed this yet?05:45
lotuspsychjeMorph4me: tnx mate got it from terminal, great colour look now05:45
hsnis there software for data sync like dropbox which can i install on own server?05:46
xianreeHmm whats the latest version of ubuntu05:47
utfans05i believe its 13.0405:49
xianreeOh whats it called05:49
utfans05not sure05:49
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0405:50
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:50
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utfans05thanks wilee-nilee05:50
wilee-nileeno problem05:50
xianreeWhats the difference betweeb kubuntu and ubuntu05:51
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde05:51
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.05:51
ubottuARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.05:51
ubottuKubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces.  See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join  #kubuntu - See also !kde05:52
xianreeSo lubuntu is more lightweight05:52
utfans05xianree: correct05:52
xianreeThanks.. I know what to download for my old netbook05:53
utfans05xianree: im running crunch bang on my netbook and it runs really good. you might want to give it a look too05:53
utfans05just a recommendation05:54
quick-hi i installed gnome3.9 but it wasnt working to i unistalled it and now i dont have acces to GUI . NO unity or gnome . Tried reinstalling but its of no use . Please help05:55
utfans05quick-: tried reinstalling what?05:55
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quick-utfans05:  gnome and unity both05:56
utfans05quick-: so your not even getting a login screen, just the shell login?05:57
quick-utfans05:  ya tty1  no login screen05:57
utfans05quick-: hrm...05:57
quick-utfans05:  Any idea now to fix it . I am using 12.04 LTS05:58
utfans05quick-: looking now.05:58
utfans05quick-:  have you tried starting x manually and seeing what it says?05:59
quick-utfans05:pls tell me ,  How can i do it ?05:59
aitromE: Encountered a section with no Package: header06:00
aitromE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/packages.pulse-eight.net_ubuntu_dists_precise_stable_binary-amd64_Packages06:00
utfans05quick-: go ahead and log in to that prompt and then type startx06:00
aitromE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.06:00
utfans05quick-:  see if it will load that way.06:00
aitromgetting this error while installing any package06:00
aitromE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.06:00
WiCkEdcan anyone help me better understand how to use the Terminal? I'm new to Linux in general and am having some trouble understanding some of the forums designed to help me with things06:01
utfans05aitrom: when was the last time you did an apt-get update and upgrade?06:01
quick-utfans05: oh i tried that , tells failed to load session gnome .06:01
utfans05WiCkEd: try this http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/linuxcommand/TLCL/09.12/TLCL-09.12.pdf06:01
utfans05quick do a vim /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log and see where the error is.06:02
WiCkEdutfans05: thank you06:02
gordonjcpWiCkEd: you type stuff in and sometimes things happen06:02
utfans05quick-: sorry thats the wrong folder. hang on one sec06:02
gordonjcpWiCkEd: beyond that it's hard to be more specific, without knowing what you want to do06:03
WiCkEdgordonjcp: yeah I got that part but am generally unfamiliar with the command form06:03
jnhghygordonjcp: Optimize table fixed the issue after running 16h, thanks for your time.06:03
utfans05quick-: that should be vim /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:03
aitromE: Encountered a section with no Package: header06:06
aitromE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy-updates_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages06:06
aitromE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.           cannot install packages please help06:06
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quick-utfans05: checking06:06
aitromE: Encountered a section with no Package: header  E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy-updates_multiverse_binary-i386_Packages     E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.       cannot install packages please help06:07
quick-utfans05: Check the Xorg loag at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5653549/06:08
quick-utfans05: Check the Xorg log at http://paste.ubuntu.com/5653549/. I coudnt figure out any errors.06:08
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quick-csharpguy:  hi :)06:10
csharpguyquick-: hey!06:10
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quick-utfans05: Thanks you . I got to go man :)06:13
richcollinswhat do I do for this? Failed to fetch http://us-west-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mesa/libglapi-mesa_8.0.4-0ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb: 403  Forbidden06:17
netlarMy external hard drive is gives me a problem with booting Ubuntu 13.04.  The external HD is formated with msdos.  When the HD is attached it takes around 2 1/2 min to boot, when not attached it takes only 25 seconds.  I am not sure what the problem is.06:18
utfans05richcollins: was this during an apt-get update or install?06:19
richcollinsutfans05: yeah during aptitude install06:19
netlarThis is the dmesg log I get when the HD is attached http://paste.ubuntu.com/5652231/06:19
richcollinsutfans05: bad sources?06:19
richcollinsutfans05: looks like apt-get update fixed it06:20
utfans05richcollins: do a sudo apt-get update, then upgrade, then try to do the install06:21
utfans05richcollins: you may have old sources06:21
utfans05richcollins: make sure you do that apt-get update06:21
utfans05richcollins: i ment upgrade06:22
richcollinscool thanks doing that now06:22
Makkehow to remove lwm with device lock pass? i got pass...... luke something didnt fix06:22
utfans05netlar: do you mean that the external is formatted in ntfs?06:24
netlarutfans05: yes sorry06:24
utfans05netlar: im doing some research now give me a few06:25
netlarutfans05: thank you so much06:25
bhueyI'm getting connection refused for port 3632 on this 13.04 machine06:28
utfans05netlar: im not finding anything with a google search and I havent tried to boot with an external drive hooked up. so I'm unsure of the issue06:28
bhueyWhat would be causing this ?06:28
utfans05bhuey: try doing an iptables -l and see if that port is closed06:28
wilee-nileenetlar, Make sure it is not above the internal in the bios, if you have windows source keep it defragged, and check the fstab if you are autobooting it.06:29
utfans05im sorry should be -L06:29
wilee-nileeauto mounting rather06:29
netlarwilee-nilee: ah, so the problem may be in the boot sequence?06:30
wilee-nileenetlar, Can be yeah, make sure the nternal HD is read first06:30
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bhueyutfans05: ok06:32
Guest45806wifi is not turning on in ubuntu 12.1006:33
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bhueyutfans05: unsure as to what I'm looking at06:34
wilee-nileeGuest45806, with lspci in the terminal find the wifi info, and identify it.06:34
bluelf1Hey Guy I installed Ubuntu 13.02, When I boot in ubuntu I see lot of colors and a corrupted screen, how do I debug?06:34
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | bluelf106:35
ubottubluelf1: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:35
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Guest35364any one here06:36
Guest35364yo bro06:36
bluelf1wilee-nilee: thanks looking into it06:36
mkeirn89Hello. Is there a way to just reset my mouse? My issue is that sometimes when I bog down my PC too much my mouse will cease to move around, it will still click on whatever is in front of it and right click to pull up a small menu but I can't move it to where I like. The problem can be solved by rebooting my PC but that's annoying, is it possible to just reboot my mouse?06:37
Jordan_UGuest35364: There are always people in this channel. Try asking your actual question and if anyone can answer, they will.06:37
liazineya pas des français ici06:37
wilee-nileemkeirn89, Is the computer swapping?06:37
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:37
Jordan_Umkeirn89: Does unpluggin and re-inserting the mouse help?06:38
Guest35364any one using sparky Linux O/S ???06:38
Jordan_Umkeirn89: And do you see any error messages in dmesg when this happens?06:38
mkeirn89Jordan_U It's a laptop, so I'm not sure. Using the keyboard function to turn the mousepad off and on does not help. Is dmesg a terminal command? I'm not super computer savvy, I'm afraid.06:38
Jordan_UGuest35364: This channel is for Ubuntu support only. For other distributions try their respective channels, or ##linux.06:39
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mkeirn89wilee-nilee I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean :)06:39
Jordan_Umkeirn89: Yes, "dmesg" is a terminal command that prints messages from the kernel (a lot of output).06:39
Prockneed help, my browser has no sound but openarena does06:40
MACJONESwhats up what is ur ubuntu q's06:40
Procki need to get my sound working for all applications06:41
liazineje suis nouveau sur linux06:41
mkeirn89Jordan_U Well, I found the lots of output! I'm not sure how to read any of it, though, and I'm not sure how to scroll up and down either, unfortunately. (lacking mouse function right now and I haven't figured out my keyboard command for scrolling in my terminal06:41
bluelf1wilee-nilee: I am not sure but , when I tried to edit grub 2 last time I think I saw nomodeset already, I will check again but if it is there what else should I look into ?06:41
Jordan_U!fr | liazine06:41
ubottuliazine: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:41
wilee-nileebluelf1, nomodeset would not be there unless you put it there, this s a low graphic boot to get in and update, upgrade and check for drivers.06:42
mkeirn89Jordan_U The terminal I'm using is Konsole, if that helps at all.06:43
Jordan_Umkeirn89: You can run "dmesg | less" to get a scrollable output. You can also run "dmesg | pastebinit" to post the output to http://pastebin.ubuntu.com, and then you can post the link to the output here for us to look at.06:44
bluelf1wilee-nilee: OK, I have to reboot, I will tell you what happened. Thanks for help06:44
Jordan_Umkeirn89: Pess the 'q' key to quit less.06:44
mkeirn89Jordan_U Is there anything I should worry about as far as information that could make me vulnerable in that error log?06:44
Jordan_Umkeirn89: No.06:45
mkeirn89Jordan_U I don't have pastebinit installed and I don't have sudo access due to another issue :/06:46
mkeirn89I think I can find another way around it, sec...06:47
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MrokiiHello. How can I find and reclaim "lost" space on an HD? I had problems with one HD and deleted a backup-image from it (with the size of about 1 TB). Then I had to run fsck on it, which corrected problems... But now it seems the 1 TB are still claimed but the file is gone.06:48
utfans05Mrokii: you can try to use gparted on it and reformat that partition if there is no data that you want to keep on it06:48
Jordan_UMrokii: Does this filesystem contain your root filesystem?06:48
wilee-nileeMrokii, Is there a hidden trash?06:49
Mrokiiutfans05: There is data on it and I need to use this HD to backup things.06:49
MrokiiJordan_U: No, it's a backup-disk. It just contains data.06:49
mkeirn89Jordan_U Okay, I'm installing pastebinit06:49
Mrokiiwilee-nilee: I'm not sure what you mean by hidden. There's a folder named ".Trash-1000", but it's only about 9.5 GB big.06:50
subthalamuswow, what happened with spambots?06:51
Jordan_UMrokii: OK, then a "du -h /path/to/mountpoint" likely won't take too long (because there probably aren't too many files), to see if that matches close to the amount of used space that "df -h" reports for the FS>06:51
wilee-nileeMrokii, A nffs, it can have a system volume information and recycle.bin folder06:52
mkeirn89Jordan_U On the brightside, I'm very good at navigating with just a keyboard now.06:52
Prockhow can i make my sound system for all users06:52
mkeirn89Jordan_U http://paste.ubuntu.com/565361606:53
lotuspsychjeMorph4me: so nice that it highlights errors too! tnx again for the vim tip06:54
Jordan_Umkeirn89: Do you know if suspend works reliably on this machine?06:55
Morph4melotuspsychje : anytime06:55
mkeirn89Jordan_U I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean :(06:56
Mrokii wilee-nilee I don't see a cycle.bin folder06:56
lotuspsychjeMorph4me: http://oi42.tinypic.com/2vt8hvq.jpg06:57
Jordan_Umkeirn89: Have you tried to "sleep" this machine before?06:57
mkeirn89Jordan_U No but shall I give it a whirl?06:57
lotuspsychjeMorph4me: how does it know to pick up errors higlight?06:58
Jordan_Umkeirn89: Yes. Just be aware that your computer may or may not fail to resume, so close any apps with important files open first.06:59
Morph4mewell someone was thinking that designed it :P06:59
mkeirn89Jordan_U Thank you so much for all your help.06:59
Jordan_Umkeirn89: (If it fails to resume you'll need to reboot the machine)06:59
MrokiiJordan_U: What should I look for? There are still a lot of files on that disk and the list doesn't seem to be sorted by size.06:59
Jordan_UMrokii: The last line of output should be a grant total.06:59
lotuspsychjeMorph4me: you know colortail too?07:00
lotuspsychje!info colortail | Morph4me07:00
ubottuMorph4me: colortail (source: colortail): log colorizer that makes log checking easier. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1 (raring), package size 24 kB, installed size 144 kB07:00
Jordan_UMorph4me: Did the command finish and return you to a prompt?07:00
lotuspsychjeMorph4me: i use it to colortail -f /var/log/syslog.1 in realtime, pretty nice aswell07:01
mkeirn89Jordan_U Mouse works, system rebooted just fine.07:01
MrokiiJordan_U: Maybe I've found it. The second to last line says that the folder "lost+found" is 990G big.07:01
Morph4meok  gotcha you have been tweaking lol07:01
lotuspsychjeMorph4me: now my packages are complete tnx to you :p07:02
Morph4meyw , enjoy07:02
mkeirn89Jordan_U Well, not rebooted but returned from suspend. And that's much faster then rebooting! Thanks.07:02
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bluelf1wilee-nilee: i added nomodeset and it booted to a blank screen07:04
kulicahi i think i am having isue  i have laptop whit i5 and nvidia 525m and i think it is having some problems like i see some flikering and wierd screens what to do07:04
wilee-nileebluelf1, Not sure the graphic area is not my best, any history leading to this will help the channel.07:04
bluelf1wilee-nilee: is there a way to install and use old kernel ?07:05
wilee-nileebluelf1, Can you choose any from the grub menu?07:06
Jordan_Umkeirn89: You're welcome. Though hopefully you can find a real solution rather than just a work around. Could you please file a bug report?07:06
Jordan_U!bug | mkeirn8907:06
ubottumkeirn89: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.07:06
netlarOk, I think I screwed things up, I am getting the login screen but it is frozen, how can I fix that?07:06
bluelf1It has no old kernel listed I did a fresh ubuntu 13.02 install, I want to try with old kernels cause they used to work07:07
mkeirn89Jordan_U I could file like seven bug reports :) My sound doesn't work, I can't log into my Sudo User, my computer screen goes dark sometimes and takes a while to work.. heh.07:07
lotuspsychjenetlar: describe frozen07:07
wilee-nileebluelf1, Sounds like a graphic driver needed, identify this hardware, details are helpful.07:07
netlarIt will boot up and get to the login screen and the keyboard or mouse will not work, the screen is frozen07:08
bluelf1wilee-nilee: is there a command to help me find this driver ?07:08
wilee-nileebluelf1, lspci in the cli will identify numerous hardwares.07:09
lotuspsychjenetlar: did you do a clean install or upgrade?07:09
netlarit is a clean install and was working before07:09
lotuspsychjenetlar: working on previous ubuntu?07:09
kulicasomone help me i have wierd grafick on my laptop toshiba l755-1c3 i have i5 cpu and 525m gpu07:09
netlaron this ubuntu 13.0407:10
bluelf1wilee-nilee: can you tell me how to boot to a cli ?07:10
savagecrocdoes anyone know what kworker is?07:10
lotuspsychjenetlar: can you press f1 on the boot procedure to see whats happening?07:10
netlarlotuspsychje: I can try , hold on07:10
savagecroci've got a process that's using up all of the CPU on our system07:11
savagecrocit's called kworker07:11
Elderspysavagecroc: Check this out, I think it's what you're looking for. http://goo.gl/DrXx007:11
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netlarlotuspsychje: No, f1 does not do anything07:12
netlarlotuspsychje: how can I get the grub menu?07:12
savagecrochmmmm reboot?07:12
lotuspsychjenetlar: hold shift after post boot07:13
bluelf1wilee-nilee: It detects the graphic card I guess, it says VGA compatibe controller ATI RV710/M92 obility Radeon 4530/4570/545v07:13
netlarlotuspsychje: ok I am in the grub menu07:14
lotuspsychjenetlar: you can try a safe mode07:14
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netlarlotuspsychje: i went into recovery mode07:14
wilee-nileebluelf1, This thread might be helpful, again this is not my area really. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214122407:15
savagecroccan someone explain to me what the kworker actually is?07:15
netlarlotuspsychje: I am in the recovery menu now07:15
savagecrocElderspy: i read the link.. i'm still confused ""kworker" is a placeholder process for kernel worker threads"07:17
netlarlotuspsychje: can I try to fix it from the menu?07:17
savagecrockernel worker threads that do what?07:18
lotuspsychjenetlar: you can try a safe boot or recovery07:18
netlarlotuspsychje: i am in the recovery menu07:18
lotuspsychjenetlar: it will lead to to a grafix card test07:18
savagecrochow can if ind out what these kworker threads are actually doing07:18
Ben65savagecroc: have you googled "kworker" it explains it in the first link07:19
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savagecrocBen65: of course07:20
=== blueeagle is now known as BlueEagle
savagecrocThis is a production server though.. it only runs a few services07:20
netlarlotuspsychje: that appeared to fix my problem07:23
savagecrocrebooting seems to have fixed the kworker issue :/ it really worries me as to what caused it.. it's never happened perviously07:24
netlarI do have a related question, If the system shuts down improperly does it need to go into recovery mode?07:24
lotuspsychjenetlar: you might wanna check the logs too see what the problem was07:24
netlarlotuspsychje: this all started because when I attach an external hard drive, it makes the boot up almost 3 min long07:29
lotuspsychjenetlar: what brand and how many gig?07:30
netlariomega and 350 gb07:30
deepakhow to intall video calling software07:30
lotuspsychjenetlar: you can run a test on the drive maybe, with testdisk or default disk tools on ubuntu07:31
lotuspsychjedeepak: skype?07:31
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | netlar07:31
ubottunetlar: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 516 kB, installed size 1201 kB07:31
lotuspsychjedeepak: goto skype website and download/install the .deb file07:31
bazhang!info skype partner | deepak07:32
ubottudeepak: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)07:32
bazhangdeepak install from repos, not the website   <----- lotuspsychje07:32
lotuspsychjebazhang: ah tnx for that partner trigger07:32
lotuspsychjebazhang: users need to enable partners source right if they wanna install?07:33
netlarlotuspsychje: it is strange how it would mess up with the boot07:34
bazhanglotuspsychje, thats correct07:34
lotuspsychjenetlar: i had same trouble with a 1TB wd long boot time07:35
netlarlotuspsychje: find a solution?07:35
lotuspsychjenetlar: i formatted the 2nd 1tb after i installed ubuntu on main drive07:36
lotuspsychjenetlar: but mine was attached sata, not external usb07:36
netlarlotuspsychje: I was thinking of reformatting it07:36
netlarit is in nfts format now07:36
lotuspsychjenetlar: i think that would be a good idea, maybe do a tail -f /var/log/syslog.1 and plug in the drive07:37
lotuspsychjenetlar: see what errors you might get on the drive when you attach07:37
netlarlotuspsychje: you mean during the boot process?07:38
lotuspsychjenetlar: no you can do it right now if you want07:38
netlarsorry still a noob, not sure how to run that command, it tells me no such file07:41
lotuspsychjenetlar: browse to /var/log and type ls07:42
lotuspsychjenetlar: maybe its syslog07:43
cjaehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/254479/make-firefox-only-use-gtk-theme-on-browser-chrome-but-ignore-on-websites                       super win07:43
netlaroh ok, yes i have a syslog07:43
lotuspsychjenetlar: ok then tail -f /var/log/syslog07:43
netlarbefore i plug in the external drive?07:43
lotuspsychjenetlar: that will grab realtime stuff on your system, then plugin your hd yes07:44
helpamedoes someone have l755-1c3 toshiba laptop i am having graphic problems i think it hes somthing to do whit having i5 and 525m gpu07:44
lotuspsychjehelpame: what kind of graphic problems?07:44
helpamelotuspsychje:  like some wierd flikering white screens for 1-2 secs and somtime it is kina blury07:45
netlarlotuspsychje: ok, did it, what am I looking for?07:45
lotuspsychjenetlar: if you hd has issues or problem, it will show some errors07:46
lotuspsychjenetlar: you might wanna try to copy some files on it07:46
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
BadElvishi ubunut channel07:47
helpameany help me?07:47
BadElviswhats ur problem?07:47
helpamegraphic iz crazy07:48
helpamei5 and 525m nvidia07:49
netlarlotuspsychje: do not see any errors07:49
helpameon hdmi07:49
lotuspsychjenetlar: well maybe scan the drive with testdisk, or default disk tools on ubuntu07:49
lotuspsychjenetlar: or browse syslog to see previous hd errors07:50
lotuspsychjenetlar: maybe some bad sectors on your hd07:50
BadElvishelpame: has it always been like that?07:51
netlarlotuspsychje: there was an airflow temp error on the disk, just says it failed in the past07:51
netlarlotuspsychje: maybe I should just reformat07:53
helpamei dont know on win7 it was normal  but my laptop felt and i broke lcd and hard died so i try booting only live usb i have i will try leater whit win7 live usb but  i need to download it first07:53
lotuspsychjenetlar: yeah good idea, if you use the hd for ubuntu try ext207:53
netlarlotuspsychje: I am in the disk utility and there are only two options07:54
lotuspsychjenetlar: try smart data and test07:55
netlar'Compatiable with all systems and devices (MBR/DOS)' and 'Compatiple with modern systems (GPT)'07:55
netlarlotuspsychje: Everything says it is ok, no errors07:56
lotuspsychjenetlar: well you could mess with bios settings too, not booting other usb drives maybe07:57
lotuspsychjenetlar: then try a reboot again with same drive attached07:57
lotuspsychjenetlar: you know where the logs are now to check right :p07:58
netlarlotuspsychje: yes that is ok too, only boots from dvd drive and hard drive07:58
netlaryou mean the boot logs?07:58
lotuspsychjenetlar: or syslog07:58
lotuspsychjenetlar: i would reformat the drive and see if the future brings more new errors07:59
netlarlotuspsychje: yes , so pick the the compatible with modern systems option?07:59
lotuspsychjenetlar: if you need the hd for windows systems too yes, if only for your ubuntu choose ext208:00
netlarext2 is not an option in the disk utility08:00
Ben65why not ext408:00
lotuspsychjeyeah ext4 is what i meant08:01
paulensis it possible to give the boot priority to windows instead of grub2? i want it to first boot to windows bootloader and then let me select which OS i want... with grub, dual booting is an awful pain in the ass08:03
Ben65you can select with grub08:03
netlarlotuspsychje: funny it will not let me reformat the disk08:04
lotuspsychjenetlar: did you unmount the drive08:04
paulensBen65: 1. when i select with grub, i need to select it 2nd time in windows bootloader (i have 2 versions of windows installed)08:04
kerfpaulens, you want windows instead of grub2?08:04
paulensyes, kerf08:04
lotuspsychjenetlar: unmount hd first then format08:04
Ben65paulens: doesn't sound that hard08:05
paulenskerf: i want the windows boot loader, which lets you select OS08:05
paulensBen65: 2. with grub, i need to select it EACH TIME i boot.08:05
kerfpaulens, oh, I had made windows selected by default when booted, that sounds like something you could set in the grub conf file, though I am not experienced enough to solve that.08:06
paulensBen65: with windows boot loader you can select the default OS without much effort08:06
Ben65paulens: you can make whatever you want the default in grub too08:06
paulensBen65: that's too complicated for me xP08:06
Ben65yeah, if you give up before you try08:06
paulensBen65: and i want to enjoy my 9 second boot into windows again... grub f***s that up..08:06
kerfpaulens, so you boot, and then you want to boot again?08:07
paulensBen65: i don't want grub. what's the problem? it's my personal choice.. i just asked..08:07
Ben65but you need grub for ubuntu to work08:07
kerfThis ^08:07
bazhangpaulens, no cursing here08:07
paulensBen65: I DON'T WANT TO REMOVE IT08:07
paulensbazhang: is ******************* cursing? didn't know that...08:07
bazhangpaulens, lose the caps as well08:07
bazhangpaulens, Yes08:07
lolgnubazhang: If you dont like my **** then you can **** my ****! :P08:08
paulenskerf: i want to boot straight to windows boot loader and then select grub as one of the options08:08
Ben65why not just have grub load windows by default?08:08
paulenskerf: there should be a way to add grub to MBR...08:08
kerfI believe, now that you have grub, you no longer have windows boot loader.08:08
paulensBen65: it's slow.08:08
Ben65set a 0 timeout08:09
kerfYou can also set windows as default08:09
paulenskerf: i still have windows boot loader. when i select windows from grub, it boots into windows bootloader08:09
kerfpaulens, welp, that's out of my expience.08:10
paulensBen65: that was a REALLY dumb answer. i'm trying to make dual boot less effortful here, and you suggest 0 timeout... is it even POSSIBLE to dual boot with that?....08:10
Ben65have fun figuring it out08:10
bazhangpaulens, yes it is.08:10
Ben65i don't need to be called dumb08:10
Benkinoobyhi, i am using wondershaper (it's a bandwidth-limiter) but i need sudo to activate it. how and I make it available for my "normal" user?08:11
bazhangpaulens, you want a windows solution; Grub is what Ubuntu offers. try ##windows and ask about chainloading08:11
kerfso, grub jumps past your windows bootloader and to a windows OS that you don't want to run, when "windows" is selected?08:11
paulensbazhang: and i will need to configure something each time i want to restart into windows..08:11
bazhangpaulens, what you want is much more of a n effort and will Not be quicker08:11
paulenskerf: no i DO want to run windows boot loader08:11
paulenskerf: i want to completely skip grub, BUT, i need to add an option for it in the windows bootloader08:12
bazhangpaulens, ask for help with that in ##windows , and yes it is possible, but not what we support here, thanks08:12
Benkinoobypaulens: go to ##windows, beucase this is related to windows boot loader08:12
paulensbazhang: no, i want to give the windows boot loader the priority, and i'm 100% sure that it will boot windows more quickly..08:12
bazhangpaulens, /join ##windows08:12
Benkinoobypaulens: it will not08:12
paulensBenkinooby: it's related to grub, because i need to know where the grub files are lkocated08:13
kerfpaulens, I disagree with grub being slower08:13
paulenskerf: dude, i mean it boots windows much slower....08:13
Benkinoobypaulens: if you use grub, you will get grub->loads windows boot loader -> loads windows08:13
bazhang!grub2 | paulens then have a read08:13
ubottupaulens then have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:13
Benkinoobypaulens: so grub will chainload the windows loader08:13
paulensBenkinooby: if i use windows boot loader, i will get windows boot loader -> load windows08:14
paulensisn't that faster?08:14
bazhangpaulens, lets not stop support here for an offtopic debate about which is "quicker"08:14
kerfGood point, bazhang08:14
Benkinoobypaulens: jest, but not much and it is easier and safer to include windows to grub than vice versaq08:14
bazhangpaulens, please read the grub2 links above and /join ##windows08:14
bazhangBenkinooby, lets get back to support please08:14
paulensbazhang: but you didn't answer, where are grub files located on my hard drive? i need to know that to add MBR...08:15
bazhangpaulens, read the links I just gave you08:15
Benkinoobyhi, i am using wondershaper (it's a bandwidth-limiter) but i need sudo to activate it. how and I make it available for my "normal" user?08:15
paulensbazhang: i don't think that answers my question...08:16
bazhangBenkinooby, is that similar to trickle? was it always needing sudo?08:16
Benkinoobybazhang: yes08:16
chaotixhello...  i am using ubuntu 12.10, and just want to change the color of highlighted things from orange to blue...  it used to be a lot easier,  but it is a bit more complicated now...  i think it is in the gtkrc file inside of the GTK2 folder of the theme you are using, could someone confirm that?  and maybe does someone know quite what needs to be changed in the gtkrc file(if that is it)?08:16
bazhang!info trickle08:16
bazhangubottu, lag08:16
ubottutrickle (source: trickle): user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-9build1 (raring), package size 42 kB, installed size 180 kB08:16
ubottuYou have lag, I don't have lag08:16
Benkinoobybazhang: i know about trickle - din'T know it was user-space... but afaik wondershaper as a lot more sophisticated and delivers "better" results (didn't test it though)08:18
bazhangBenkinooby, sorry , I was not aware that wondershaper needed sudo, let me check the manual for a moment08:18
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man8/wondershaper.8.html  seems it a script Benkinooby08:20
Benkinoobybazhang: yes i read that too... so i just go chmod on it?08:21
chaotixthe appearence properties of gnome2 era ubuntu had a great configuration for customizing themes...  i wish with all my heart that will come back some day...  i am picking through gtkrc files with a fine tooth comb just to try to change the highlight color from orange to blue08:21
chaotixis there an easier way to do this??08:21
Benkinoobybazhang: i'd like to standard/recommended procedure to make sudo stuff non-sudo available... too often i used "workarounds" that made things worse :P08:22
bazhangBenkinooby, I'm wary about giving advice here as I have zero experience with this, perhaps someone else here and/or askubuntu.com ; apologies08:22
bazhangchaotix, isnt that in system setting now?08:22
bazhangaugh system settings08:22
chaotixi will look08:22
chaotixbazhang, where in system settings?08:23
chaotixunder appearance you can change theme, but not cuztomize one aspect of a theme such as the highlight color08:24
kerfHello, I am using byobu, and I can't some of my keybindings are said to be "* used by X11*" and any complex keybindings (other than one key) do not work. What do I have to do to have byobu functional?  I am running Ubuntu server 12.04.08:25
bazhangchaotix, that has changed a lot since 12.10. are you on unity or gnome-shell; perhaps that has been outsourced to unity-tweak-tool or gnome-tweak-tool, let me check08:25
paulensso does anyone know where are grub files located?08:25
bazhangpaulens, the grub2 links say very clearly08:25
paulensbazhang: no08:26
bazhang!grub2 | paulens have a read again08:26
ubottupaulens have a read again: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:26
chaotixbazhang, unity08:26
chaotixthanks, bazhang08:26
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2    <----- paulens this one in particular08:26
chaotixim on 12.1008:26
bazhangchaotix, I'll check in gnome-tweak-tool now, for 12.10 I dont know if there is a unity -tweak-tool yet08:27
paulensbazhang: those links are not what i need. i don't want to upgrade grub, i don't want to know how one grub is better than another, i just want to know the location of its files08:27
bazhang!find tweak quantal08:27
ubottuFound: mousetweaks, freqtweak, gnome-tweak-tool, tweak08:27
paulensbazhang: and which file is used to boot.08:27
kerfHello, I am using byobu, and I can't some of my keybindings are said to be "* used by X11*" and any complex keybindings (other than one key) do not work. What do I have to do to have byobu functional?  I am running Ubuntu server 12.04.08:29
MonkeyDustkerf  server with a GUI?08:30
HexagoniteHey, can anyone help me with Gnome Shell?08:30
cjae!info restricted-extras08:30
ubottuPackage restricted-extras does not exist in raring08:30
kerfMonkeyDust, text only :)08:30
Aarunipaulens: read here : http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html08:30
cjaeis java included in restricted extras?08:30
HexagoniteGnome Shell on Ubuntu help, anyone?08:30
MonkeyDust!ask | Hexagonite08:30
ubottuHexagonite: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:30
bazhangcjae, (its ure)08:31
HexagoniteHow do I force software rendering on Gnome Shell?08:31
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/08:31
cjaebazhang: jre?08:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:32
bazhangcjae, ^08:32
Benkinoobybazhang: thank you for your help though :)08:33
Benkinoobybazhang: if you install wondershaper, it will come with a README file <- very interesting lecture if you're in that kind of stuff :D08:34
Mudslideim kinda new to 13 why is my monitor an unkown device that cant go over 1024x76808:34
bazhangBenkinooby, nice catch, thanks08:34
cjaebazhang: not sure what you mean still08:34
bazhang!java | cjae have a read please08:34
ubottucjae have a read please: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.08:34
paulensshould i just copy all /boot folder?08:35
c0lumbHow do I get more info about hardware crashes? It's just reboots itself for no reason without any crash reports.08:36
cjaebazhang: forget it08:36
Ben65c0lumb: check the logs. they're located in /var/log08:38
Mudslideany ideas? im stuck probably just put windows back on it08:38
cjaebazhang: trying to set paramaters to not kill mu ssd prematurely, one of the suggestions is "If you have installed Oracle Java, limit the write actions of the Java plugin: "08:38
c0lumbBen65, Which one of them?08:38
Ben65c0lumb: syslog, kern, Xorg, dmesg, etc08:39
Benkinoobycjae: how old is that source08:39
Mudslideso no help here ehh?08:40
cjaeBenkinooby: what the webpage? prettu new08:40
bazhangMudslide, give more details08:40
Ben65Mudslide: patience young padawan08:40
Benkinoobycjae: maybe you check in ##hardware - i heard that many ssd are able to cope with heavy fwrite on their own without any OS interaction08:40
bazhangMudslide, such minimal info there is no way to give help08:40
bazhang!details | Mudslide08:40
ubottuMudslide: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:40
cjaeBenkinooby: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/ssd#TOC-Avoid-quick-wear:-reduce-write-actions08:41
bazhangMudslide, what gpu, what driver, how installed, what version of ubuntu, et cetera08:41
* cjae thinks this would benefit this channel some too08:41
cjaefrom page ,  By default, Ubuntu 13.04 uses the I/O scheduler Deadline08:43
* cjae still doesnt know what ure is08:43
cjaeubuntu restricted extras?08:43
Benkinoobycjae: do you use firefox?08:43
Benkinoobycjae: ok08:44
cjaeBenkinooby: why08:44
Benkinoobycjae: as you already mentionedn, the scheduler of ubuntu 13 handles it very well08:44
Benkinoobycjae: what you are talking about orcale java only counts for firefox08:44
Benkinoobycjae: so what is your original question?08:46
Benkinoobycjae: because last i saw is that you wanted to install java Oo08:46
cjaewanted to know if this java jre or the plugin is installed in the restricted extras08:46
cjaedo really pay attention to java too much08:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:47
cjaeum.....#restricted-extras then ?08:47
Benkinoobycjae: i don't see why you need to know here that jav stuff comes from08:48
Aarunicjae: ok, java is installed, from !restricted extras08:48
Benkinoobycjae: all you need to do is to disbale the cache in firefox08:49
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest61226
ra-fihi i have downloaded a cutecom terminal emulator from internet for at91sam9g35,i had read README file it shows to compile pass cmake by following make and make install,befor i did not use cmake can you tell me how to use that08:50
saviora-fi: same as make08:51
ra-fisavio i have try to cross compile,i have used buildroot,with tht how can i pass cmake08:53
Benkinoobycjae: hm, not so easy to find that control panel Oo08:53
Benkinoobycjae: maybe jconsole?08:54
cjaeBenkinooby: shouldnt the plugin be addons manager if it was installed?08:56
saviora-fi: its ubuntu support channel I don't know anything about buildr08:56
savioBuild root*08:56
Benkinoobycjae: don't know :P - your guess is as good as mine :D08:56
saviora-fi: try asking in buildroot mailing list08:57
Benkinoobycjae: aaaaah!08:58
Benkinooby he is speaking og the firefox option!08:58
Benkinoobycjae: foregt that java console08:58
Benkinoobydomb me :) too many trees to see the forest :D08:58
cjaeI thought they scrapped that08:59
wilee-nileejava console08:59
cjaethought I only ever saw on win boxes anyway, but I could be wrong09:00
Benkinoobycjae: hm, go to advanced09:00
Benkinoobycjae: and then the network tab09:00
SpartanF32After i installed proprietary AMD driver following the procedure as in the Unofficial Ati website, (worked fine for 12.10) i had a lot of kwin crashes so rolled back to driver of the repos. Now, i see some effect as kickoff blur or windows miniature on panel aren't enabled while in the effects configuration setting they're are checked. Does Exist a way to re-enable all as a fresh install or i should install all again?09:00
Benkinoobycjae: there is stuff that comes close to it09:00
michael87Hey does anyone know how to set up mupen64? I'm tryying to help my friend set up a nintendo 64 emulator after I gave him linux09:00
Benkinoobycjae: also you can ask in #firefox (they are int he mozilla network)09:00
Benkinoobycjae: i think it would be worth the effort since firefox is quite write and cachse-happy :P09:01
ActionParsnipspartanf32: which release are you using and which gpu do you have?09:01
cjaeBenkinooby: yes09:01
Benkinoobycjae: e.g currently my firefox has +70MB cached09:01
Sarger001Michael, install wine and then install project64 normally through the windows installer09:01
Sarger001project64 is less buggy than mupen64...09:01
=== StephenS_ is now known as StephenS
cjaeBenkinooby: I set to zero for now and see09:02
ActionParsnipcjae: you can move browser cache to tempfs if you want. it wipes after reboot and makes browsing faster09:02
Benkinoobycjae: either zero or you mka eit very big09:02
MonkeyDust!info zsnes | michael87 try this09:02
ubottumichael87 try this: zsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510+bz2-5ubuntu2 (raring), package size 862 kB, installed size 4014 kB (Only available for any-i386)09:02
Benkinoobycjae: because if it is big, you don'T have to overwrite stuff09:02
Sarger001zsnes is SNES09:02
Sarger001not N6409:02
Benkinoobycjae: so you have to eraze lesse09:02
ActionParsnipmichael87: playdeb may have it too. also try searching for a PPA09:03
michael87Sarger001, project 64 freezes on me :(. It works for the first few minuts but say on mario 64 slows down but a crapton after first painting09:03
Benkinoobycjae: but i think you'll be happier in #firefox with this if you want to digg deeper09:03
cjaeActionParsnip: ok thanks ill check it out09:03
cjaeyes I will thanks09:03
Sarger001try mupen64 through wine09:03
Sarger001that might work09:03
ActionParsnipmichael87: have you tried different plugins for video etc09:04
bazhang!enter | Sarger00109:04
ubottuSarger001: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:04
Benkinoobycjae: would be nice if ubuntu would do such settings automatically when it reconginzes a ssd ... als ssd will be more common in futre09:04
michael87ActionParsnip, I was actually considering looking up an opengl video plugin for projectg64. Haven't found it yet09:05
Sarger001Well, i'm going to be back soon after installing another linux distro09:05
MonkeyDustSarger001  only ubuntu here09:05
ActionParsnipmichael87: searching online should yield some09:05
bazhang!info mupen64plus | michael8709:06
ubottumichael87: mupen64plus (source: mupen64plus): plugin-based Nintendo 64 emulator (transitional dummy package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.99.5+1 (raring), package size 5 kB, installed size 31 kB09:06
bazhangtheres no reason at all for wine in that09:06
michael87mupen64 on linux is all command line blah!09:06
ActionParsnipmichael87: there are GUIs.....09:06
bazhangmichael87, thats not correct09:07
michael87ActionParsnip, I installed a gui and it is not working with it. Cant find the library plug or some crap09:07
MonkeyDusti use Dosbox for old 1990's games09:08
ActionParsnipmichael87: then get the library...09:08
cjaeBenkinooby: im sure it will come, but yes, thats why I wanted to keep in this channel, was looking up about how windows defrag effected ssds, then I occured to me to check for ubuntu as well09:08
cjaeBenkinooby: lots off ppl think its trivial too thou09:08
ActionParsnipmichael87: have you seen this page: https://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/wiki/ThirdPartyPlugins09:09
ActionParsnipcjae: ext4 doesnt suffer fragmentation like windows does09:09
ChurchActionParsnip: false. it may suffer less, maybe.09:10
MonkeyDustcjae  defrag is not needed in linux09:10
cjaeActionParsnip: yes I nose, me loves the *nix fs so much more09:10
ActionParsnipchurch: its negligible to the point of insignificance. it does fragment a little09:11
Ben65depends how you use it. if you fill it to capacity and delete and add files, it will get fragmented09:11
ActionParsnipchurch: but the "like windows does" covers that, right?09:12
Benkinoobycjae: hm, you should also know that ssd use a different store location than they present to you09:12
Benkinoobycjae: so defraggging on a ssd is pointles09:12
Benkinoobycjae: no matter what OS09:12
cjaeI have a cctv box that the records for 2 months on ext3 ,  its been running( not uptime) 8 yrs, replaced one hdd, very little issues09:12
Benkinoobycjae: the point is, that only for spinning hard disk a fragmented file takes more time to read... but a ssd does not care09:13
ActionParsnipbenkinooby: with journalized filesystems, the gains are slim09:13
michael87ActionParsnip, I have m64py installed. I don't know what it means when it keeps asking  for library input required becuase I set everything else up. Rom source etc09:13
=== SoulOfTheInterne is now known as ToBeFree
BenkinoobyActionParsnip: on ssd or common hdd?09:13
ActionParsnipbenkinooby: ssd doesnt gain from defragging in any OS09:13
ActionParsnipmichael87: do you have an input plugin selected?09:14
BenkinoobyActionParsnip: i know, that's what i said09:14
BenkinoobyActionParsnip: that's why i asked you to specify your comment - becuase it confused me09:15
michael87ActionParsnip, I don't have a library file for mupen :(09:15
Benkinoobycjae: main message for you: forget formatting on ssd09:15
ActionParsnipbenkinooby: platter based drives need to rotate the platter to seek data, ssd doesnt have this due to zero moving parts09:15
cjaeBenkinooby: yes I have read that09:15
cjaeI was just seeing effect if someone else or os did09:16
ActionParsnipmichael87: launch it from terminal, the output may help09:16
BenkinoobyActionParsnip: i said that too - look above ;)09:16
cjaeBenkinooby: auslogics defrag lets you hide ssds thou, so .... sweet09:16
michael87ActionParsnip, launch m64py in terminal?09:16
cjaeBenkinooby: is this the same thing? icedtea6-plugin09:17
ActionParsnipmichael87: yes, the output may give clues09:17
Benkinoobycjae: i think it is the non-oracle java09:17
Benkinoobycjae: it DOES the same thing... but IS NOT the same thing :P09:17
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cjaeok so where the heck do I find it09:18
Benkinoobycjae: so far what i have read is that the worries about ssd life time does not apply to modern ssds anymore09:18
shadejguys, do u any youtube video downloader for ubuntu please?09:18
ran_someone here knows about boot or shutdown problems with 13.04?09:18
Benkinoobyshadej: do you use firefox?09:19
gr8hi. the thunderbird symbol shows 1 new message, even though there is no. what could be a reason for this?09:19
bazhangshadej, firefox addon video download helper, check the firefox addons page09:19
SpartanF32ActionParsnip, AMD 6650m on Raring09:19
cjaeBenkinooby: ya well I already rma one before this one so I dont trust **** anymore09:19
Benkinoobycjae: what does rma mean?09:20
cjaeBenkinooby: send back09:20
ActionParsnipspartanf32: should be ok with the proprietary driver09:20
numbertohi guys,  I have a problem with my page up button. When I press (fn) + PgUp nothing happens, while (fn)+PgUp always work normal. What might be the problem?09:20
Benkinoobycjae: after what period of time?09:20
michael87ActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/ukBrT0hE09:21
ActionParsnipnumberto: does the system have a make and model?09:21
shadejBenkinooby:  and bazhang thank u09:21
shadejyeah i am using firefox09:21
numbertoActionParsnip: what is make an model?09:21
Benkinoobyshadej: then go with the addon bazhang recommended09:21
shadejBenkinooby: how is its speed?09:21
numbertoActionParsnip: oh, sorry I got it. Just a sec.09:22
ActionParsnipmichael87: good, now you have something you can search for09:22
Benkinoobycjae: you know what - use conky. it can show you the write and read accesse on your ssd09:22
crazybrainhow to download JDownloader?09:22
Benkinoobyshadej: as fast as it can get09:22
crazybrainAs the update process crashes my computer09:22
crazybraincoz it uses java09:22
SpartanF32ActionParsnip, of course, but when i installed them, at reboot i had kwin crashed and disabled all effcts. Now it seams to work with driver on repos but som effect apperas disabled and i don't know why..09:22
bazhanghttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/video-downloadhelper/   shadej09:22
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: you will need java, there is a PPA for it09:22
Benkinoobyshadej:sue video-downlaod-helper and down-them-all - those two addons work very well together09:23
bazhangshadej, Try it and see09:23
crazybrainActionParsnip: i have java but it is corrupt09:23
walltenderSome one can help with this build error: http://pastebin.com/VWS2iKh609:23
Benkinoobyshadej: downloadhelper will make the movies downloadbale, and down them all will speed things up09:23
crazybraincrashes everytime09:23
crazybrainfuckin bitch09:23
MonkeyDust!find jdownloader | crazybrain09:23
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: which java are you using?09:23
ubottucrazybrain: File jdownloader found in gnome-colors-common09:23
cjaeBenkinooby: checking09:23
ran_i need some help about boot problems in xubuntu 13.0409:23
bazhangcrazybrain, no cursing here09:23
crazybrainohh sorry bazhang09:23
ActionParsnip!details | ran_09:23
ubotturan_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:23
Benkinoobycjae: i use conky to monitor hdd read and writey, ram usage, network traffic, process cpu consumpotion09:24
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: which java are you using?09:24
cjaeBenkinooby: I hated that episode09:24
crazybrainActionParsnip: it says java 709:24
Benkinoobycjae: ?09:24
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: what is the output of: java -version09:24
cjaeBenkinooby: http://wiki.conky.cc/index.php?title=Conky_Wiki09:24
michael87ActionParsnip, I'm a linux newb. And thats sayying something becuase I'm the only one that knows how to run everything on it where I live assumingly. so please what the hell do you mean by now I have something to search for?09:25
cjaethats the doll from trailerparkboys isnt it? Benkinooby09:25
crazybrainActionParsnip: java version "1.7.0_09"09:25
crazybrainOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea7 2.3.3) (7u9-2.3.3-0ubuntu1~12.10.1)09:25
crazybrainOpenJDK Server VM (build 23.2-b09, mixed mode)09:25
ActionParsnipmichael87: the text you pastebinned....09:25
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: tried sun java?09:25
crazybrainnot yet09:26
Benkinoobycjae: don't knwo about that...09:26
ran_the boot is slower than 12.10, something like 50-60 seconds longer. what is interesting is that its not every boot. sometimes the boot is alright.09:26
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: the webupd8 ppa has oracle java (was sun)09:26
crazybraincan you give me another alternative of jdownloader? ActionParsnip09:26
michael87ActionParsnip, yes I know. And I'm tired. I am not good at looking for what I need in command line. I only know a few sudo commands and that is about it09:26
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: what do you want to acieve?09:26
numbertoActionParsnip: will this be sufficient http://pastie.org/783016309:27
crazybrainI just want a software with functions like Internet Download Manager!!! ActionParsnip09:27
ActionParsnipmichael87: this is nothing to do with "sudo commands", its simply using the web to find fixes. works in any OS09:27
onebitxajaxhi to all09:27
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: web browsers can download stuff. why do you need another app?09:28
onebitxajaxi want to suggest this software http://en.djl-linux.org/ it's GPL open source and it's a game manager09:28
SpartanF32ActionParsnip, i'll try with a fresh install may something went wrong or maybe that there was the update to the kernel and instead off a rebbot i had also installed the driver.09:28
onebitxajaxhow can i ask ubuntu to put it in repo?09:28
michael87ActionParsnip, so what am I looking for? A core startup?09:28
ActionParsniponebixajax: try http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com09:28
MonkeyDustonebitxajax  create a ppa and hope someone picks it up, in time, it may be accepted i the repos, after it has been screened and tested09:29
onebitxajaxMonkeyDust: it's a python soft09:29
crazybrainActionParsnip: like downloading video from youtube and manage downloads and all that09:29
onebitxajaxok i will try09:29
bazhangonebitxajax, or make a ppa09:29
ActionParsnipmichael87: no, just copy that text you pastebinned and putbit in a search engine.09:29
bazhang!ppa > onebitxajax09:29
ubottuonebitxajax, please see my private message09:29
crazybrainI just need the idm version of Ubuntu,act09:29
cjaeBenkinooby: thanks for help09:29
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: there are video downloaders as addons and extensions for web browsers.09:30
crazybrainActionParsnip: i just need download manager!!!!09:30
ran_ubottu: the boot is slower than 12.10, something like 50-60 seconds longer. what is interesting is that its not every boot. sometimes the boot is alright.09:30
Benkinoobycjae: you#re welcome09:30
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: you can use uget for downloads if you want, or fatrat (which has a web GUI too) you can manage downloads09:30
michael87ActionParsnip, pastbinned all that into google and nothing shows up. lol with all that text I figured it wouldn't do jack09:31
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: web browsers have download managers built in though09:31
ActionParsnipmichael87: how did you figure that09:31
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ActionParsnipmichael87: more text equals more results....its how searching works.09:32
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ActionParsnipmichael87: did you also try asking in #python09:33
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:33
michael87ActionParsnip, I do not know anything about python09:34
ActionParsnipmichael87: well, the issue is obviously python based so its an obvious thing to try, right? The guys in #python will know about python09:34
michael87ActionParsnip, I am a linux newb. I just transitioned from windows 7 to raring ringtail. so far this is the only pain in the ass for me09:34
michael87ActionParsnip, oooooh you mean the python chat channel?09:35
ActionParsnipmichael87: yes.... too obvious?09:35
ThermoelectricI'm having issues installing Ubuntu. 12.04, 12.10 and 13.04 all either freeze up or kernel panic on install. Any suggestions?09:35
Ben65Thermoelectric: try using 12.04 alternate cd to install09:36
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade09:36
BenkinoobyThermoelectric: try alternate installer09:36
michael87ActionParsnip, I am still learning here ok. I am not used to work arounds for everything. I've been a windows user for a long time. Just didn't like the direction they where going in09:36
ActionParsnipthermoelectric: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded09:36
BenkinoobyThermoelectric: at what point do they freeze?09:36
BenkinoobyThermoelectric: and what hardware?09:37
ActionParsnipmichael87: giving a python app what it needs to run is not a work around09:37
michael87ActionParsnip, ok I'm heading to that room now. not sure if it logs me out of this. if so thanks for the help09:37
ThermoelectricI'll give the alternate installer a try. Benkinooby Just as the timezone part comes up. Gigabyte GA-P35-S3 with a Pentium D, Radeon X300 graphics card.09:38
ActionParsnipmichael87: you can be in multiple channels09:38
ThermoelectricActionParsnip, I have not, but I'm assuming I wouldn't have got 4 bad iso's.09:38
ActionParsnipthermoelectric: statidtically it is possible09:38
ThermoelectricActionParsnip, Linux Live USB creator said it's integrity was checked, if that means anything.09:39
ActionParsnipthermoelectric: did you download using torrents?09:39
MonkeyDustThermoelectric  where on the web?09:39
ThermoelectricThrough my ISP's mirror.09:39
ActionParsnipthermoelectric: did you try the boot option: radeon.nomodeset=109:39
MonkeyDustThermoelectric  http://www.ubuntu.com/download09:40
ThermoelectricActionParsnip, I didn't try that option. Let me give it a shot.09:41
michael87ActionParsnip, it is sayying becuase I am not regestered it won't let me post :(09:43
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:44
michael87ActionParsnip, you know what. this crap is way to complicated. maybe if I lighten the load with ubuntu with a lighter os say cinnamon or lxde or something maybe project 64 will run better. I checked no opengl for project 64 supported and mupen64 is taking forever to figure out09:45
ActionParsnipmichael87: may help http://www.playdeb.net/updates/Ubuntu/13.04/?category=Emulator09:46
ActionParsnipmichael87: cinnamon and lxde are desktop environments, not OSes09:47
michael87ActionParsnip, ok environment. Anyway thank you for the help09:48
gilohello i have an hp Probook 4320s with ati mobility radeon 4500 hd and i'm trying to install the graphics driver, but when i install the driver the system freezes when it is trying to boot09:50
Cuagilo: the default driver does not work well for you?09:51
ThermoelectricActionParsnip, needed radeon.modeset=1, that got further but still had the panic. Gonna try alternate.09:51
gilono it drain the battery and the laptop becomes hot and the graphics are very poor when i use it on a fullhd tv screen with hdmi09:53
ActionParsnipgilo: you will need the legacy fglrx ppa09:53
ActionParsnipgilo: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx09:54
freaky[t]hi all. is there a possibility to install ubuntu alongside win8+bitlocker?09:54
A1ReconHey anyone got their HDMI audio working ?? Im running 13.04 with an ATI card.09:55
gilook thx i will give it a try09:55
ActionParsnipfreaky[t]: try resizing the ntfs in windows09:55
ActionParsnipa1recon: which radeon chip?09:55
A1ReconActionParsnip: ATI 435009:56
ActionParsnipa1recon: did you use this: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx09:56
A1ReconActionParsnip: let me see09:57
tabsterleirAnyone know of a KDE Plasmoid that shows the output of a command?09:59
ran_i need help about slow boot in 13.0410:00
A1ReconActionParsnip: I tried the legacy 13.1 drivers and my Unity disappeared....so i am hesitant to try it again. I tried pavucontrol but for some reason it does not show the HDMI10:00
ActionParsnipa1recon: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload10:02
ActionParsnipran_: run: dmesg | less10:03
rajviHi all, Could anyone explain me this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214413510:03
ActionParsnipran_: look for large gaps in the time on the left. use cursors to scroll up and down10:03
ActionParsniprajvi: did you clean install with Raring?10:04
vitimitiis there any reason for gtk-recordmydesktop recording my windows broken in two, mouse not moving, etc?10:04
rajviits an upgrade10:04
ActionParsniprajvi: how did you go from 32bit to 64bit then?10:05
A1ReconActionParsnip:  http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=69a6d1a786a2b262ccec921531c332a0af8dbcd610:05
rajviits from 12.10 32 bit to 13.04 32 bit10:05
ActionParsniprajvi: read your own link....10:06
ran_ActionParsnip: i have done this, but i dont get the broblem.10:06
ran_somtimes the boot is OK, and sometimes it slow.10:07
rajvii am sorry10:07
ActionParsnipa1recon: if you run: alsamixer is the sound maxed and unmuted. if you hit F6 is the right device selected10:07
rajviI wrote it incorrect10:07
rajvii have to correct it10:07
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ActionParsnipran_: have you tested your RAM using memtest from Grub?10:08
ran_in 12.10 it was not happened.10:08
A1ReconActionParsnip:  how do i run alsamixer?10:08
ActionParsnipa1recon: also do similar in the Sound app in dash10:08
ran_yes with memtest 86. and its ok10:08
ActionParsnipa1recon: its a terminal command10:08
rajviplease help10:09
ran_i have tested the hard drive and its alright too.10:10
cjaewhere is conf file for grub now I have to look at windows chainload10:10
cjaecant boot windows10:10
cjaeran update-grub and grub-mkconfig, nothing10:11
cjaewhen I select windows 7 from grub just does a loop back to grub10:11
ActionParsniprajvi: if you make a new user, is it ok?10:12
rajvihave tried yet10:12
rajvilet me try10:12
rajvigood idea10:12
ran_i did update-grub, but not grub-mkconfig10:12
A1ReconActionParsnip: selected the right device using F6  got these  Card: HDA ATI HDMI Chip: ATI R6xx HDMI Item: S/PDIF [Off]10:13
ActionParsnipa1recon: you'll have to play around, see what you can do10:13
A1ReconActionParsnip: I played around everything.. too bad. BTW I never had to install drivers for my GPU in Win7 but the HDMI audio still worked with 1920x1080 res..10:19
ActionParsnipa1recon: so? its a different OS with completely different support10:21
A1ReconActionParsnip: I was just saying...10:21
withnaleanyone know how to get unity switcher to show window names on all windows? I've tried the changes to ccsm text and scale addon plugins but they don't seem to work.10:21
ActionParsnipa1recon: in the asus p1ah2 pundit, the hdmi doesnt work and can never work in windows, only works in linux10:21
A1ReconActionParsnip: What audio setup do u use??10:26
ActionParsnipa1recon: regular 2.1 speakers in the audiojack on my soundcard. weird huh10:28
cjaeok I am stumped on how to make win7 boot from grub10:29
A1ReconActionParsnip: Since my HDMI is not working. I am currently using the DVI port on my TV with the audio jack plugged in.  Not weird, I used my Altec Lansing 2.1 before it broke down.10:30
cjaewindows 7 was installed first on sda110:30
cjaethen ubuntu10:30
A1ReconActionParsnip: U stream media around ur network?10:30
cjaebootloader goes in circles when selecting windows 7 on dev/sda110:30
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ActionParsnipa1recon: via samba over lan and sftp over www10:31
cjaeubuntu boots fine10:32
neblazHi, have a question on installing Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit on a Toshiba notebook which comes with an installed Windows 8 64-bit os.10:33
cjaefrom fdisk -l /dev/sda1   *        2048   164104191    82051072    7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT10:33
rusty0101cjae: out of curiosity, where is grub installed? /dev/sda, or /dev/sda1?10:34
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neblazI created an Ubuntu DVD from the Ubuntu .iso file, when installation procedure starts, I get no option to install Ubuntu alongside the already installed OS (Windows 8). Why is that?10:34
MonkeyDustrusty0101  sda1 is a partition of sda10:35
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cjaerusty0101: son of a I think that may be what I did wrong duruing install10:35
cjaerusty0101: how do I tell?10:35
rusty0101MonkeyDust: Yes, but the grub bootloader doesn't need to be installed in a partition, it can be loaded into the boot sector directly on /dev/sda.10:36
MonkeyDustneblaz  may be due to !uefi10:36
neblazThe installation procedure says, there is no OS detected on the HDD, but there is Windows 8 installed.10:36
ActionParsnipneblaz: have you chkdsk'd the NTFS?10:36
neblazWell, in BIOS it is UEFI boot selected, Secure Boot is disabled, Windows 8 works fine, so Ubuntu 13.04. should install respectively see the Windows 8 installatino...10:37
neblazI have not chkdsk the NTFS... why should that be done?10:38
cjaerusty0101: so does that matter where it is installed10:38
ActionParsnipneblaz: make sure that the file system is contiguous and error free. what else does chkdsk do?10:38
neblazDo I have to install Ubuntu 13.04. from a DVD or can I use also an USB-Stick?10:39
NeggyMorning everyone.10:40
MonkeyDustneblaz  usb is fine10:40
rusty0101cjae: was checking. There is instructions on repairing a grub2 install at https:/help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing I'm not sure if it will tell you where grub2 was installed to begin with.10:40
cjaerusty0101: the reason it got mucked up, think anyways is that the installer was mislabeling the drives eg. /dev/sdx  so when it asked where to install bootloader, I selected the drive that has windows on it, but I believe I selected sda1 instead of just sda for example10:41
ActionParsnipneblaz: you can use unetbootin in windows using an MD5 tested ISO10:42
cjaerusty0101: but I have ran sudo grub-mkconfig as well10:42
cjaeand then update-grub10:42
ActionParsnipneblaz: a chkdsk can be useful, you can also resize NTFS in Windows10:43
A1ReconNeggy: Good afternoon Neggy!10:47
NeggyAIRecon. Afternoon.10:47
ronaldshow safe is putting kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu 13.0410:48
lotuspsychjeronalds: define safety?10:49
ronaldsusually I get bloated situation with ubuntu session messed10:49
ActionParsnipronalds: its fine, you will duplicate a bit of functionality but you will get a KDE option in lightdm10:50
ronaldsok tnx10:50
ronaldsI just discovered homerunnera app in wm10:52
garage00i'm planning to upgrade hardware, but saw some issues related with linux/uefi, should I assume all w8 laptops have uefi?10:52
ronaldsuefi is win 8 thingy10:52
garage00despicable, so i have to pay extra for an extra headache i don't need.10:53
ronaldsbut all the laptops now comes with win 810:53
garage00yes, that's really the problem10:53
ronaldsubuntu 13.04 probably boots there, but last time I tried 12.04.02 it didn't work10:54
garage00even when i don't use windows, they still find a way to make life miserable10:54
nevynyou can for now ignore uefi10:54
garage00nevyn: what do you mean?10:54
ronaldsI just wanted to see how live cd would work on my friends newest beast laptop10:54
hungry4gryis it easy to get a usb mouse working/right click on the touchpad on an ASUS?10:54
nevynit'll either work you hyou need to tweak a some bios settins to enable legacy bios mode10:54
Neggytasty UEFI.10:54
nevynit'll either just work work when you disable secure boot or work in bios emulation mode.10:55
nicekiwiis anyone here?10:58
anewwhy is debian considered better than ubuntu ?10:58
gordonjcpnicekiwi: hundreds of people10:59
KolakCCYou know, there are things called preferences?10:59
gordonjcpanew: lots of things are considered better than Ubuntu10:59
gordonjcpanew: Ubuntu is considered better than lots of things10:59
nicekiwigordonjcp, phew10:59
gordonjcpanew: it depends what you're trying to do10:59
garage00beer is better than ubuntu, but only when i'm thirsty10:59
brainwash-> #ubuntu-offtopic10:59
gordonjcpbrainwash: totally11:00
nevyngarage00: uefi is actually good it moves us to a 64bit init process rather than 8 which means faster booting parallel device init and all sorts of other good things11:01
nevynit's been burned by secureboot.11:01
gordonjcpUEFI rocks11:01
gordonjcpeveryone should be using UEFI11:01
nevynand by broken implmentations.11:01
gordonjcpdo not buy non-UEFI hardware11:02
nevynand the complexity of it.11:02
SerhadMoin zusammen11:02
Serhadich schaffe es nicht auf meinem Ubuntu server eine Subdomain zu konnektieren. Was mache ich falsch?11:02
SerhadOh sorry11:02
Serhadi stuck to connect my subdomain on my ubuntu server11:02
garage00thanks, i'm reading up more on it.  I'm just concerned i'd have to spend too much time trying to make it work, rather than having it work for me11:02
Serhadis there anynone to tell me my fail11:03
hungry4gryis it easy to get a usb mouse working/right click on the touchpad on an ASUS?11:03
Cyber_Akuma<gordonjcp> do not buy non-UEFI hardware <--- can you even do that nowadays?11:03
Cyber_AkumaWithout trying to on purpose I mean11:03
gordonjcpCyber_Akuma: well quite11:04
nevyngarage00: as I say it'll either just work, work with secure boot turned off (this is what I'm doing now with 13.04) or work in legacy bios mode.11:05
nevynif you buy a microsoft surface on the other hand.. life's a world of sucky hurt.11:05
Cyber_AkumaAlthough I was disappoined that my UEFI laptop's bios still looked like the oldschool ASCII bios design11:06
nevynCyber_Akuma: I wanted a rotating hypercube.11:06
Cyber_AkumaI thoght Ubuntu supported secure boot?11:06
ogzydoes 13.04 server iso include LTSP installation at the menu?11:06
ActionParsniphungry4gry: which model?11:06
garage00nevyn: the real concern is that my top prospect is a samsung :)11:06
nevynit does. but I was trying to install debian... (long story still grumpy)11:06
Cyber_Akumanevyn: At least something a little easier to navigate11:06
nevyngarage00: read mjg59's blog.11:06
ActionParsnipogzy: i believe so11:07
Cyber_AkumaAs well as change variables11:07
ogzyActionParsnip: normally it comew via alternate cd and there is no alternate cd for 13.0411:07
nevynCyber_Akuma: and have to re-write all the documentation and field the support calls? you're mad11:07
ActionParsnipogzy: could use the minimal iso11:07
Cyber_Akuma... yeah, like secure boot dosen't do that already :P11:08
Cyber_AkumaAnd I said LIKE11:08
ogzyActionParsnip: then i should install the packages manually?11:08
nevynCyber_Akuma: it's just a thing to find an turn off..11:08
Cyber_Akumaits not just a uefi version of an old bios, its a new one, just still ASCII and requiring random keys to change different variables11:08
nevynit's no worse than hyperthreading on prescott..11:08
Cyber_AkumaWas more complicated on my laptop actually11:08
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Cyber_AkumaHave to turn it off, turn ON legacy boot instead of uefi boot11:09
ActionParsnipogzy: sure11:09
Cyber_AkumaTHEN the options to allow booting from soething other than the internal hdd appear11:09
Cyber_AkumaThat was the only way I coudl get the win7 disk to boot on the stupid thing to wipe out 811:09
nevynCyber_Akuma: hrm on mine I can just press f1211:09
nevynwell that's sane actually11:10
cairneCyber_Akuma: I had similiar issue on my laptop, linux installed easily with uefi, windows was a pain11:10
nevynwin7 can't boot in uefi11:10
Cyber_AkumaIt still seems to want a secure boot comaptible os when secure boot is on if you boot from remocable media11:10
Cyber_Akumacairne: same!11:10
Cyber_AkumaUbuntu booted with secure boot enabled11:10
Cyber_Akumawin7 would not11:10
nevynit doesn't support it.11:10
hungry4gryActionParsnip, sorry for the last reply.  Asus X55A11:10
nevynonly win811:10
nevynbut that's wayyy ot for here.11:10
hungry4gryhad to step outside11:11
Cyber_Akumanevyn: My point is even if I disable it, I have to go through several more hoops to allow booting from remoable media that isn't secure boot11:11
nevynyes. that's expected.11:11
nevynwell no11:11
nevynyou have to go through more hoops to boot media that isn't uefi enabled11:11
Cyber_AkumaIf I disable secure boot, I can boot a non scure boot os.... from teh hdd11:11
Cyber_Akumato boot from a non-secure boot disk or usb drive thogh, I had to go through several more hoops in the bios11:12
Cyber_AkumaPretty sure win7 supports uefi11:12
ActionParsnipnevyn: according to wikipedia win7 can boot uefi11:12
Cyber_AkumaMy desktop is uefi and win7 boots fine :P11:12
Cyber_AkumaAS did ubuntu and mint11:12
Cyber_Akuma... after I made them stop going nuts with my mouse11:13
nevynonly x86_64/amd11:13
Cyber_AkumaIts a new desktop, its not 32bit :P11:13
MonkeyDustmsg alis list *bodhi*11:13
ActionParsniphungry4gry: try installing xfce4 package, then log off and log into the xfce session. Is it ok?11:14
garage00nevyn: thanks, for all the feedback, it'd take me several hours to figure these things on my own11:14
cairneCyber_Akuma: I believe you have to jump through hoops to get uefi with win 7, I looked into it but its just not worth it. When I want windows which is rare, i just switch from uefi to csm mode in bios11:14
earman_what is ubuntu free talk channel?11:14
nevynearman_: -discuss11:15
ActionParsnipearman_: #ubuntu-offtopic11:15
Cyber_AkumaThe only issue I had installing win7 on it was that it refused to isntall while the raid5 array was in place11:15
brainwashMounting an encfs encrypted directory on top of an ecryptfs encrypted /home partition (ext4) causes some trouble in 13.04. There are no error while using encfs and fusermount -u, however an additional flush-ecryptfs- process appears after every logout and most likely keeps /home busy on shutdown. Orphaned inodes in the filesystem journal are the result. Any ideas?11:18
surfzoidis there an linux tool to convert dm_84 video?11:18
surfzoidvideo from ET wolf games11:19
surfzoidyo Cyber :D11:19
hungry4gryActionParsnip i'm on windows now.  i'll try exactly that thank you.11:19
MonkeyDustsurfzoid  try winff, i'm not familiar with that format,tho11:19
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surfzoidwhat is winff?11:19
hungry4grywhat's an xfce session?  I'm literally brand new to linux11:20
surfzoidho, winff is an FFmpeg tool, so it will not work :D11:20
surfzoidMonkeyDust: i already try mpeg or avi tool:D11:20
MonkeyDustsurfzoid  then start from the beginning, what have you tried before you came here for help11:21
cfhowlettsurfzoid, avconv should do it11:21
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MonkeyDustcfhowlett  ffmpeg uses avconv11:21
earman_how i search files in ubuntu one share?11:21
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  winff uses avconv <-- correction11:21
ActionParsniphungry4gry: its a different desktop environment without compiz stinking the place up11:21
surfzoidctrl + f?11:21
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, as I undertand it, ffmpeg is deprecated (still fuctional however).  recommended package is avconv.11:22
Cyber_Akumadm84 is the fourcc of the codec?11:22
ActionParsnipor could use mencoder11:22
ThermoelectricOkay, I'll bite. The integrity test keeps failing for the Alternate installer I downloaded (from two different mirrors) on the same file, nic-pcmcia-modules blah. Am I doing something wrong?11:23
hungry4gryActionParsnip, i don't know what compiz is, but i don't want a new desktop environment11:23
hungry4gryi just want my mouse to work11:23
surfzoiddm_84 is the extension file name11:23
ActionParsnipThermoelectric: try torrents11:23
hungry4gryi mean how does a usb mouse not work out of the box on ubuntu linux?11:23
surfzoidonly the game it self can read it as i know11:23
hungry4grythis apparently is a persistent problem that has failed to be addressed over several major upgrades11:23
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  true, about ffmpeg vs avconv, that is11:24
ActionParsniphungry4gry: its to test. makes sure the button works. its called 'exploring the issue'11:24
surfzoidmencoder, avidemux dont reconize this file11:24
surfzoidvlc too11:24
MonkeyDusthungry4gry  never had issues with usb mice i ubuntu11:24
NeggyMe neither.11:24
hungry4grya ton of people on the forums have.  and right click doesn't function on my touchpad. :-\11:25
hungry4gryis it control-click for a right click?11:25
Cyber_AkumaWhat game is this again? Just because it has a weird extension dosen't nessesairly mean the codec is custom11:25
surfzoidit is ET wolf11:25
Cyber_Akuma<hungry4gry> i mean how does a usb mouse not work out of the box on ubuntu linux? <--- Mine didn't either11:25
surfzoidenmy teritory11:25
earman_why ubuntu one not opensource?11:26
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hungry4grymonkeydust and neggy it appears it's 2 and 2.  50% of unbuntu users experience mouse failure.11:26
ActionParsnipearman_: what gives you that idea?11:26
MonkeyDustearman_  ask #ubuntu-offtopic11:26
NeggySo strange that a USB mouse would not work. A gneric USB driver should do it jus tlovely.11:27
Cyber_AkumaYoud think so, yeah11:27
MonkeyDusthungry4gry  well, that's odd11:27
Cyber_AkumaMy mouse kept losing focus, or locking focus on one windows no matter what was on top of it or where I was clicking11:27
earman_ActionParsnip because i can share files with others use ubuntuone11:27
Cyber_AkumaHad to load an xorg script I got from someone to make the mouse behave11:28
hungry4gryMonkeyDust I may have to try a less odd linux distro ;)11:28
ActionParsnipearman_: that doesnt make it not open source...11:28
MonkeyDusthungry4gry  freedom of linux: don't like it, try something else :)11:28
earman_ActionParsnip i mean how i can search other people shared files in ubuntuone?11:29
ActionParsnipearman_: not sure. i dont use it. but it is open source11:30
MonkeyDustearman_  it's invite only11:30
earman_ActionParsnip no ubuntuone is closed source as i know11:30
MonkeyDustearman_  please continue in #ubuntu-offtopic11:31
hungry4gryMonkeyDust actually that's freedom in general.  I like Windows 8 because it's great with those new-fangled and complicated "USB" mice lol11:31
gordonjcphungry4gry: you are the only person in the world having problems with your mouse11:31
hungry4gryso i may just try something else ... but not linux.  i'm pretty put off by your attitude11:31
gordonjcphungry4gry: have you tried a different mouse?11:31
hungry4grygordonjcp, the forums are full of people with the same problem11:31
Cyber_Akumahungry4gry, is it a R.A.T. mouse by any chance?11:31
hungry4gryno i'm not going to try another mouse.  it works fine.11:32
gordonjcphungry4gry: what exactly is the problem?11:32
ActionParsnipearman_: download the source if you want https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client11:32
hungry4gryit's a logitech wireless mouse.11:32
gordonjcpoh, wireless11:32
hungry4grydoesn't work, lol11:32
gordonjcpthey never work11:32
ActionParsnipearman_: try a little research11:32
gordonjcphungry4gry: "doesn't work", is that it?11:32
gordonjcphungry4gry: take away its cannabis and stop it watching daytime TV maybe11:32
earman_ActionParsnip what you mean invite only!11:32
gordonjcphungry4gry: tell it to get its idle mousey backside out and get a job11:32
MonkeyDusthungry4gry  use blueman for bluetooth detection11:33
ActionParsnipearman_: not sure. im logged in to launchpad which may be a thing. the client is open source though. you can also use apt-get to pull down the source deb11:33
Serhadno one who could help me?11:34
ActionParsnipserhad: i scrolled up and not seen you question. wassup?11:35
MonkeyDustSerhad  start with a question11:35
Serhadi couldn´t config my subdomain... on my ubuntu server11:36
Serhadit doesn´t work.11:36
ActionParsnipserhad: did you ask a question at all?11:36
CamzActionParsnip: he did about 20 min ago11:36
hungry4gryyou know i had my criticisms of Windows 8, but after installing a dual-boot Ubuntu, having a mouse failure (lol), and then getting to know the Ubuntu community11:36
hungry4gryI now LOVE windows 811:36
hungry4grythank you all11:36
MonkeyDustSerhad  type /join #ubuntu-server11:36
earman_ActionParsnip well i guess the reason is they want to have an advantage over competing cloud providers, but, i thought they only made the server proprietary while giving us an open source client11:36
ActionParsnipcamz: explains a lot. thanks :-)11:36
ActionParsnipearman_: not sure about the server side. you could always run a one cloud server11:37
ActionParsnipserhad: dont you just configure dns with the subdomain....11:38
earman_ActionParsnip so how to search other people shared files?11:38
ActionParsnipearman_: didnt know you could. like I said earlier. I dont use it11:38
MonkeyDustearman_  i use ubuntuone, there's no such thing as a search tool in it11:38
MonkeyDustearman_  it's no p2p filesharing program11:39
earman_MonkeyDust if so who can get my shared files?11:39
MonkeyDustearman_  the people you invite11:39
ActionParsnipearman_: the people you give the url of the file to11:40
earman_ok, thanks11:40
nik90_ActionParsnip: ping11:40
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nik90_In the sound settings, the output shows a Dummy output in Ubuntu 13.04. Does anyone here know how to solve it?11:42
MonkeyDustearman_  like so http://ubuntuone.com/0vs6fLwRcA07lFRUyLn2AU11:42
nik90_When I restart the computer it correctly detects my sound devices. The dummy output issue only occurs occasionally11:42
snpresentdose linux now use plan9's ideas?11:45
gordonjcpsnpresent: what, being totally unusable, not supporting hardware less than 20 years old, that sort of thing?11:45
gustavsnpresent: No.11:46
snpresentthanks you for your explain11:46
gustavsnpresent: I hope there will be a nVidia driver for plan9.11:46
bekksThere wont be, not in this dimension. And its OT to Ubuntu. :)11:47
snpresentgustav i am afraid you can't now11:48
gustavsnpresent: Can't what?11:48
snpresentgustav get nVidia driver for plan9 i mean11:49
bekkssnpresent: Thats widely known, yes.11:49
gustavsnpresent: Yes, I was talking about the future.11:49
snpresentbekks widely known what?11:50
ActionParsnipnik90_: try: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*11:50
bekkssnpresent: That there is no plan9 support not planned support for it from nvidia.11:51
ActionParsnipnik90_: wait 10 seconds and reboot11:51
snpresentbekks yes11:51
qwerkushi; did anyone manage to get dri enabled on a radeon hd 7550 with latest ubuntu ?11:52
qwerkusi'm working with Blender, and it's just sad how slow gallium is....11:53
[deXter]qwerkus, What kernel version?11:53
nik90_ActionParsnip: How do I fix this issue permanently? Because to fix this issue temporarily, all I need to do is restart my machine.11:53
nik90_ActionParsnip: would killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse* and then restarting solve it for good?11:54
ActionParsnipsnpresent: the last releast from plan9 was more than ten years ago11:54
qwerkus<[deXter]> 3.8.0-19-generic11:54
ActionParsnipnik90_: you will get default sound settings, its a great first start11:54
[deXter]qwerkus, Ah. Well there have been improvements in kernel 3.9, but you'd also have to install the most recent mesa from the xorg-edgers ppa.11:55
snpresentActionParsnip did they end this project?11:55
qwerkus<[deXter]> Sounds interesting; do you have ppa link, or did you complie manually ?11:55
chunkyheadguys my ubuntu has become really really slow. takes >1.5 min to boot up. any help?11:55
ActionParsnipsnpresent: no idea, its offtopic here though11:55
ActionParsnipchunkyhead: run: dmesg | less11:56
snpresentthanks ,11:56
[deXter]qwerkus, You can get the kernel from the ubuntu mainline kernel ppa, as for mesa: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppa/xorg-edgers11:56
[deXter]and also xserver-xorg-video-ati11:56
qwerkus<[deXter]> Thank you very much. I going to try this right away...11:57
ActionParsnipchunkyhead: read the times in the left colomn. look for large gaps in time11:57
chunkyheadoh ok lol11:57
[deXter]qwerkus, A word of caution, this is bleeding-edge.. you might want to backup your system or have a live cd at hand..11:57
chunkyheadActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5654294/11:57
chunkyheadi will look too,11:57
qwerkus<[deXter]> No problem; I'm used to this kind of sport...11:57
chunkyheadActionParsnip, how large a time gap?11:57
chunkyheadwhat does dmesg go btw?11:58
chunkyheadActionParsnip, check this out :O http://paste.ubuntu.com/5654297/11:59
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nomikeI'm administering a small setup with one server and three workstations based on Ubuntu. We use Kerberos and LDAP for authentication and I now have a few questions about lightdm.12:01
ActionParsnipchunkyhead: i think you have the culprit12:02
chunkyheadhow to eliminate? ActionParsnip12:02
newsalorI have two networking problems on my wifes computer. 1) 4g usb stick modem doesn't come online. there is no option of turning it on from the drop down menu (13.04) anymore. 2) with the wlan on, ping and traceroute work fine and i can access the wlan router too, but i can't open a webpage.12:02
ActionParsnipchunkyhead: dmesg are the kernel messages. Read through and you will see what is going on. its like windows event viewer but better as you can grep it to seatch easily :-)12:03
nomikeOn Lightdm I'm presented with 4 Items: "Local-User" (a local user), "Login", "Guest Session" and "Remote Login". When I choose "Login" and login with my kerberos principal, the next time I come to lightdm, my RealName is also shown in the list.12:03
newsalorMy question is, what additional info is needed to solve these problems? :)12:03
chunkyheaddefine grep ActionParsnip12:03
nomikeThe more users login on the system the more entries get shown.12:03
ActionParsnipnewsalor: run: echo "nameserver" | sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf12:04
nomikeHowever after some time, entries seem to disappear.12:04
ActionParsnipnewsalor: then try the web12:04
nomikeI was not able to find a definitive pattern on when this happens, but it's not happening on reboots.12:04
ActionParsnipchunkyhead: why dont YOU search online to find out yourself....12:04
snpresentmy touchpad not work in13.04 but work in12.1012:04
ActionParsnipsnpresent: does the system haveva make and model?12:05
chunkyheadit takes so much time to add swap -_- i guess i dont want it not to put swap12:05
chunkyheadi mean i want swap lol, ActionParsnip12:05
nomikeThe problem is, that the users loose there preferences (preferred Xsession, keyboard layout, language) when their entry is removed12:05
ActionParsnipchunkyhead: is your swap encrypted?12:05
nomikeDo you know where lightdm stores these things?12:05
snpresentemachines E642G12:06
ActionParsnipchunkyhead: might be a thing. see if its a known issue online12:06
chunkyheadhow did swap get encrypted? any idea? i dont remember manually encrypting it12:06
chunkyheadActionParsnip, ^12:06
newsalorActionParsnip: thanks. I'll try that.12:07
snpresentActionParsnip emachines E642G12:08
ActionParsnipsnpresent: try the boot option: i8024.nopnp12:08
ActionParsnipsnpresent: may help12:08
snpresentActionParsnip i will try thank you12:09
termospulloI'm having some problems with my optimus laptop12:10
termospulloI found 310 experimental drivers from additional drivers and it broke cinnamon and pretty much everything12:10
snpresentActionParsnip sorry ,it works ,it was my locked my touchpad,sorry for my mistake12:11
Litecoin_Messiahi have a serrver with remote kvm axx any chance i can change the root pass its in a remote location I.e datacenter?12:12
MonkeyDustLitecoin_Messiah  ask in #ubuntu-server12:12
Litecoin_Messiahok MonkeyDust12:13
monstarmikehi, is there any way to prevent ubuntu from opening a new window ever time I plug in the same mtp device?12:14
monstarmikeon 13.0412:14
ubuntuaddictedanyone in here ever setup ZSNES with an xbox 360 controller?12:15
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newsalorActionParsnip: it seems that just asking about the wlan thing on this channel did the trick. I didn't have time to do anything. Despite trying to fix this thing for 3 days, it just started working spontaneusly.12:18
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: if you configure the controller in zsnes, do the inputs make events in the app.12:19
ActionParsnipnewsalor: cool12:19
ubuntuaddictedActionParsnip, no. xpad was loaded, i think i have to blacklist xpad and use xboxdrv driver.12:20
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: oh, are you using ubuntu in virtualbox?12:22
ubuntuaddictedActionParsnip, no, it's an Xubuntu 12.04.2 64bit straight on the hardware, no VM12:23
ubuntuaddictedActionParsnip, why did you think i was in a VM?12:23
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: you could get it installed. you may need to compile. misread the module so thought you'd virtualized.12:24
newsalorany ideas for the 4g usb stick thing?12:25
ActionParsnip!info xboxdrv12:25
ubottuxboxdrv (source: xboxdrv): Xbox360 gamepad driver for the userspace. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4-1build1 (raring), package size 612 kB, installed size 1584 kB (Only available for linux-any)12:25
ActionParsnipnewsalor: run: lsusb12:26
ActionParsnipnewsalor: use the 8 character hex id to find guides12:27
ubuntuaddictedActionParsnip, ok, that was it. xpad didn't work so I had to blacklist it and install xboxdrv from the developers PPA because the bundled xboxdrv in ubuntu's repo didn't work either.12:28
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: may help http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Utilities/xboxdrv-gui-98333.shtml12:29
nik90_ActionParsnip: apparently there is no .pulse folder in my home directly12:30
nik90_I did killall pulseaudio12:30
compdoc.pulse is hidden you realize?12:31
ActionParsnipnik90_: did you run the command exactly as I gave it?12:31
ActionParsnipnik90_: it needs running as I gave it12:32
ubuntuaddictedActionParsnip, i got it all sorted, just clicking set keys within ZSNES and using xboxdrv -s, now my 360 controller works great within ZSNES12:32
ActionParsnipubuntuaddicted: awesome12:32
YinsengExcuse me, we just updated our software and we seem to be having a problem I have not been able to find the proper keywords in google to get an answer for. It used to be, when we were sshed in through putty, and we maximized the window, there would be a lot more space for all the text. But now when we do so, it just creates a black area and the console size stays the same12:32
YinsengHow do I fix this?12:32
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gordonjcpYinseng: do you have more than one machine connected?12:33
nik90_ActionParsnip: I copy pasted your command. I got the error message rm: cannot remove ‘/home/krnekhelesh/.pulse*’: No such file or directory12:33
ActionParsnipyiseng: have you tried different putty configs? or setting it to maximize on connect (if the option exists)12:34
Yinsenggordonjcp: More than one person logged on the same user you mean?12:34
gordonjcpYinseng: are you using screen?12:34
Yinsengthis happens outside of screen. Just using bash.12:34
newsalorActionParsnip: thanks a bunch!12:34
ActionParsnipnik90_: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc12:34
Yinsenghere I will show you12:35
nik90_ActionParsnip: raring12:35
ActionParsnipnewsalor: those things arent fancy, just serial modems which have been around for ages12:35
Yinseng...okay now it suddenly stopped doing it. What.12:35
ActionParsnipnik90_: i suggest you install pulseaudio12:36
Yinsengah, it's just not doing it on root12:36
YinsengOhh I see. gordonjcp: How do you fix it on screen?12:36
gordonjcpYinseng: if you've got more than one session connected via screen, it will size to the smallest window12:37
Yinsengis there a workaround12:37
gordonjcpYinseng: tmux does something similar but fills the remainder of your terminal with dots12:37
nik90_ActionParsnip: I apparently already have it. I tried apt-get install pulseaudio and it says pulseaudio is already the newest version.12:38
anssitHello, im having issues with my displays.  My 23" HD display is limited to 1024x768, and my secondary screen which is connected to my processors iGPU is not being detected at all.12:38
ActionParsnipyiseng: enabling sshing as root is far from secure12:38
ActionParsnipnik90_: try starting the pulseaudio service then12:38
ActionParsnipanssit: what gpu do you use?12:38
nik90_ActionParsnip: how do I start it?12:38
anssitI have an Nvidia Geforce GTX 670, with the 304 drivers12:39
ActionParsnipnik90_: sudo service pulseaudio start12:39
ActionParsnipanssut: tried: sudo nvidia-xconfig12:39
ActionParsnipanssit: or even better the 310 driver12:39
nik90_ActionParsnip: I started it. But it still shows play audio through dummy output. Should I be restarting now?12:40
anssitI have had alot of difficulty with the drivers and havent been able to install any newer ones12:40
ActionParsnipnik90_: change the sound output device12:40
anssitalso nvidia-xconfig gives a validation error12:41
nik90_ActionParsnip: there aren't other sound output devices listed12:41
ActionParsnipanssit: it will as you dont have an xorg.conf file, you do now12:41
ActionParsnipnik90_: this is as good as my sound troubleshooting goes. maybe others can advise12:42
nik90_ActionParsnip: no prob. Thanks for your help :)12:42
anssitGood point. Yes, it seems I now have things when I gedit the file12:42
anssitas in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:43
ActionParsnipansisit: yes, reboot to test12:43
anssitWill do, thank you.12:43
ActionParsnipanssit: you can run: gksudo nvidia-settings and make changes, you can then click the save to x config file button12:44
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anssitActionParsnip, thank you very much, that worked.12:46
anssitBut is there any advice you have on getting my other monitor (connected to the iGPU) to be detected, or installing the newer drivers from Nvidia12:47
Yinsenggordonjcp: Is there a way to get around that annoying screen problem?12:47
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chunkyheadwrong window lol12:51
earl2hi - alt-tab by default skils the windows of each individual application (I have to pause for a long time after making a full cycle around)12:53
earl2how do I just alt-tab to the other terminal window or firefox window from the first one?12:54
JoaoSantanagood day12:55
MayazcherquoiHey guys. How can I install Cinnamon without having to install *Office and Rhythmbox?12:55
cfhowlettMayazcherquoi, cinnamon isn't supported here.12:55
JoaoSantanasomeone knows how to kill that kworker bug?12:55
anssitHello,  can anyone give me advice you have on getting my other monitor (connected to the iGPU) to be detected, or installing the newer drivers from Nvidia12:57
bencccan I use lvs to separate ssl from non-ssl requests and direct them to two separate app servers?13:02
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Guest10867Is it possible to resize a LVM2 partition in Ubuntu while using it? I want to resize my partition to make room for a /home partition. If other solutions that resize it, I am open for suggestions. Tahnks! :)13:04
ugurhey everyone13:04
ugurjust made a cpu upgrade on my laptop asus k53ta. amd a4-3300m to a8-3500m.13:05
ugurits default speed is 1.5GHz, however it can go 2.3 GHz with turboboost or something.13:06
ugurbut i can't make it work. it doesn't go further 1.5GHz.13:06
ugurand $ sudo cpufreq-aperf gives me an error13:07
jpdsugur: That's because turbo is for when it knows it's busy.13:07
ugurError reading /dev/cpu/0/msr, load/enable msr.ko13:07
Guest10867Anyone? :)13:08
uguryeah i know but i ve seen people can see the speed is changing13:08
ugurbut i can't13:08
ugurso, my first problem: why do it get that error on cpufreq-aperf? Anyone knows? Googled but couldn't find anything.13:09
jpdsugur: What does cpufreq-info show?13:10
ugur  cpufreq stats: 1.50 GHz:48,72%, 1.40 GHz:0,00%, 1.20 GHz:0,00%, 1.10 GHz:0,00%, 1000 MHz:0,00%, 900 MHz:0,00%, 800 MHz:51,28%  (14)13:10
qwerkusI just installed the latest kernel (3.9rc8) for raring, and latest xorg-edgers drivers - and still no direct rendering on my radeon hd 755013:11
qwerkusany further ideas ?13:11
ActionParsnipqwerkus: we cannot support 3rd party packages13:11
Guest10867ActionParsnip, Do you know how to resize lvm2 partitions?13:12
ActionParsnipguest10867: never had to. i plan my partitions13:14
Crosantdoes ubuntu 12.04 support the Marvell 88se9128 raid controller?13:15
Guest10867ActionParsnip:  Well usually me too. I check the LVM2 in Ubuntu install because I was curious and want it said to be easy to fix partitions with. But yesterday I remembered how good it would be to have a separate /home.13:16
jamesarnettHey guys i just wrote a how to on installing Ubuntu 12.04 on an ARM Chromebook Check it out. http://chromebookparadise.wordpress.com/2013/05/11/how-to-arm-chromebook-ubuntu-unity-with-ubuntu-one-dual-boot/13:20
sonofzeusHey there ,Has anyone ever installed skype on a live cd of ubuntu? Im askin coz I cant.13:22
Muelli!details | sonofzeus13:23
ubottusonofzeus: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:23
sonofzeusits a ubuntu 12.10 live cd13:24
sonofzeusI cant find skype in synaptic package manager.13:24
DJones!skype | sonofzeus Have you looked at this,13:25
ubottusonofzeus Have you looked at this,: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:25
ubuntuaddictedsonofzeus, not sure if skype is in the official repositoty13:25
Guest10867Is there anywhere else on Freenode I can ask about LVM2?13:25
sonofzeusYes djones i've looked at that but I just cant even find a skype package.13:26
sonofzeusokay so can anyone help me?13:26
manowar3sonofzeus, i think you should enabled the 'canonical partners' software sources13:27
sonofzeusI did mayn.13:27
spatzgerman or english speaking?13:29
MonkeyDustsonofzeus  in a live session, the partner repo is not available -- skype is in the partner repo13:29
sonofzeusAh kay thanks13:29
CarlFKMonkeyDust:  sonofzeus could add it, right?13:30
spatzis there any channel, that has a community with support to flash-related problems?13:30
KvasirHi there, I was wondering if there was a correct way to change the default terminal?13:30
=== Kvasir is now known as erraneous
erraneousChanging it so I when I use the hotkeys "^-ALT-T" it opens urxvt instead of the usual?13:32
DJonesspatz: The channel is English language only, there is #ubuntu-de for german language, ask your question, thats probably the best thing to do13:32
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!13:33
TaZeRyo i love fucking ubuntu man!!13:35
TaZeRit hasnt crahed once like windows always did andd its faster too13:35
DJonesTaZeR: We appreciate your enthusiasism, but please don't use foul language, the channel is kept family friendly13:36
TaZeRoh yea ubuntu is fun for the whole family!13:36
TaZeRwhen my daughter asks for an ipad or windows 8 ultrabook im going to say sweetheart your getting something even better a large desktop that runs ubuntu!13:37
Guest10867TaZeR:  You kidding, right? :D13:39
TaZeRof course not13:39
Guest10867TaZeR:  Why not a Ultrabook WITH Ubuntu?13:39
TaZeRthose things are flimsy she will break it within a week13:39
TaZeRone drop and its over13:39
th0rplease don't feed the troll13:40
melodiein the paste weeks I have noticed many people interested in finding programs to manager internet cafe, and I have been interested too : I have found the most recent code still available, a bit hard to get it to work. with some help this has been done using svn sources; I have put up an Ubuntu Openbox version with Mkahawa svn 54 installed in it13:40
melodieyou can read about it here:13:41
thecodeischaosim running ubuntuStudio on an MSI wind i got for £10013:41
thecodeischaosworks nicely enough. unless i try to do anything video or 3d13:41
melodieMkahawa internet cafe manager - http://beta.linuxvillage.net/index.php/topic,333.0.html13:41
melodieand get it here:13:41
melodieI didn't yet make screenshots but this is what it looks like:13:42
erraneousI'm running ubuntu on the Macbook 1,1. I swear I tried every distro under the sun! Only one I could get to work properly!13:42
TaZeRwhats that?13:43
melodieTaZeR this is this kind of setup: Bento2 - OBUbuntu Remix presentation - http://beta.linuxvillage.net/index.php/topic,248.0.html and this one:13:44
melodieBento 2 mini - http://beta.linuxvillage.net/index.php/topic,297.0.html13:44
BluesKaj_hey folks13:44
melodiebut this time I have installed the product of compilations in the smaller and lighter version13:44
TaZeRoh i see13:44
spatzdoes anyone knows, if there is a problem with formular-fields in the falsh-player?13:44
TaZeRim satisfied with 12.04's classic gnome13:45
melodieTaZeR as long as you are happy this it ok for me13:46
melodieI am just spreading an information13:46
DrZaius_how can i tell what legacy nvidia drivers do i have to install?13:47
loconuthello, I have a VM I'm going to be making an image of and copying to a few people here. I have removed the primary user's password and I can login with no password and sudo with no password, but ssh is still saying denied despite changing the empty password setting to yes and restarting ssh and then rebooting.13:48
uponatreeHey guys, I've got a software RIAD0 wth some unallocated free space in front of both partitions. How can I grow the RAID to it's maximum size. Do I have to move the unallocated space behind the RAID partitions?13:48
loconutany idea why that would be still denying me?13:48
TaZeRhow can i tell what legacy nvidia drivers do i have to install?13:48
TaZeRoops sorry13:48
DrZaius_TaZeR: it seems you have the exact same problem13:48
TaZeRdrzaius_ have u tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia13:50
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TaZeRi dont have the same problem i just copied your message while highlighting it by mistake13:50
DrZaius_kinda... i dont seem to be able to launch jockey13:50
yofunis there a command for removeing bad sources? (apt-get)13:50
DrZaius_hows the binary called now?13:51
DrZaius_TaZeR: i know ;)13:51
yofunis there a command for removeing all  bad sources? (apt-get)13:51
DrZaius_yofun: no... you have to do it manually13:51
MonkeyDustyofun  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine13:51
zeushello people. i want to know a simple question , iam migrating the server from 10.04 to 12.04 and another computer, i need to copy files preserving ownership and modes via network, so i mounted the old filesistem via sshfs in the new one, using ls -o in the mounted folder shows all atributes correct, but when i copy them with cp -p atributes are lost and modes are incorrect13:52
TaZeRapt-get autoclean i believe13:52
zeusis there any way to copy this files so i can preserve their atributes? thanks13:52
MonkeyDustzeus  use rsync -a13:52
DrZaius_nothing whill remove entries from apt-sources that goes 40413:52
zeusok, ill try13:52
MonkeyDustzeus  -a means archive, to preserve all the attributes13:53
spatzdoes anyone knows, if there is a problem with text boxes in the falsh-player?13:53
LFSI'm wondering how to grab a copy -for later usage- of the installed ubuntu packages while being installed either from download center or using apt-get!13:53
th0rLFS, aptoncd13:54
yofundoes anyone know that happened to the youtube controller in the systray (ubuntu 12.10 to ubuntu 13.04)13:54
MonkeyDustLFS  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5654569/13:54
LFSman aptoncd didn't give me anything!13:54
th0rLFS, it is a gui program. Install it and run it13:55
qwerkus<ActionParsnip>, sorry was afk. What do you mean by 3rd party package ?13:55
LFScool .. thanks13:56
loconutwas nullok issue13:56
loconutnot documented / findable by google13:56
budotzis there a way to execute a command ..say wipe a usb once it automounts in ubuntu?13:57
qwerkusI just installed the latest kernel (3.9rc8) for raring, and latest xorg-edgers drivers - and still no direct rendering on my radeon hd 7550; any further ideas ?13:58
MonkeyDustbudotz  ask in #bash13:59
th0rbudotz, you should be able to use wip13:59
th0rbudotz, oops...wipe13:59
budotzyeah i know that already :) but i wanted it to be auto executed maybe by autofs?13:59
budotzim using ubuntu thats why im asking here MonkeyDust14:00
MonkeyDustbudotz  maybe the #bash peope have a script to do it14:00
tux30ubuntu lts is for do a server??14:00
th0rMonkeyDust, the script isn't the issue...how to get it to autoexecute on plugin14:00
uponatreeey guys, I've got a software RIAD0 wth some unallocated free space in front of both partitions. How can I grow the RAID to it's maximum size. Do I have to move the unallocated space behind the RAID partitions?14:01
yofundoes anyone know that happened to the youtube controller in the systray (ubuntu 12.10 to ubuntu 13.04)14:01
anon1what's the bash question?14:01
qwerkus<tux30>, lts is for long term support; means you wont have to upgrade all the time, and still get fixes for your software.14:02
chunkyheadi cant click on the camera flash options which come up on websites. help!14:02
qwerkusthrere is a specific server edition now iirc: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server14:02
qwerkusbut you can build your own server with any ubuntu version14:02
yofundoes anyone know that happened to the youtube controller in the systray (ubuntu 12.10 to ubuntu 13.04) >?14:03
MonkeyDustyofun  youtube controller in systray?14:03
yofunMonkeyDust:  a simple play/stop button for the current youtube video playing14:04
yofunin the sound icon14:04
MonkeyDustyofun  never seen it, how did you install it?14:04
yofunMonkeyDust:  thats the thing i dont rember ;( i think it was installed via the youtube webapp14:05
treetreetr33you installed it when you visited youtube14:05
treetreetr33it asked if you wanted it installed14:05
treetreetr33bam, you installed it14:06
yofuni installed the app on ubuntu 12.04 but it doenst have the systray controller14:06
ActionParsnipyofun: what app?14:07
yofunyoutube web appp14:07
ActionParsnipyofun: do you mean minitube?14:08
megamanx1978I keep getting a "Keyring Locked" message at startup how do I stop that14:08
yofuni just tryed that a min ago but it doesnt have a systray controller14:08
ActionParsnipmegamanx1978: set a blank keyring password14:08
MonkeyDustyofun  you just asked what happened to something nobody has ever heard of14:09
ActionParsnipmegamanx1978: you use autologin, right?14:09
ActionParsnipyofun: can you find a screenshot or link online etc?14:09
ActionParsnipmegamanx1978: it causes that14:09
megamanx1978So if I leave it blank it will stop?14:10
wuch_megamanx1978: by default keyring is unlocked using the same password you entered when logging in14:10
wuch_so if you have autologin, the keyring can not be unlocked14:11
ActionParsnip!info unity-webapps-youtube14:11
ubottuunity-webapps-youtube (source: unity-webapps-youtube): Unity Webapp for YouTube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.11 (raring), package size 23 kB, installed size 118 kB14:11
ActionParsnipwuch_: it doesnt auto unlock, unlike proper logins14:11
LFShey th0r ... this aptoncd is fucking great14:11
LFSit takes the already installed apps and repackage them14:11
LFSthanks dude14:12
ActionParsnipwuch_: but hey, if you use autologin, i dont see security being too high on your agenda :-)14:12
th0rLFS, if you are really grateful...dump the smut14:12
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ActionParsnipmegamanx1978: yes, reset the password but leave it blank. not even a space14:12
ActionParsnipyofun: i thought that stuff stayed in Dash...?14:13
anon1LFS: that does sound handy14:13
yofunim looking for ity14:13
MonkeyDustyofun  apparentally, your question is not for this channel14:13
megamanx1978Reset the password with this command? sudo passwd username14:14
yofunhow so?14:14
megamanx1978Btw the youtube web app is called minitube14:15
ActionParsnipyofun: looks like weird functionality. What is the output of: lsb_release -sc14:16
LFSnah I'm not really grateful .. just kidding :D14:16
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ActionParsnipmonkeydust: how so? the app is in the official repos....14:16
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ActionParsnipmegamanx1978: unity-webapp-youtube is the package name14:17
ActionParsnipyofun: are there any bugs reported?14:17
yofunbugs for what?14:17
megamanx1978How do I reset the password like this? sudo passwd username14:17
ActionParsnipyofun: the package....what else?14:17
yofunmeh idk what package it is14:18
ActionParsnipmegamanx1978: the keyring pass is stored different to login pass14:18
ActionParsnipyofun: ive said it about 3 times....14:18
ActionParsnipyofun: unity-webapp-youtube14:18
ActionParsnipyofun: not ringing any bells?14:19
yofunlet me look14:19
ActionParsnipmonkeydust: how is the package not supported here?14:19
ActionParsnipyofun: didnt you see me type that all those times before?14:19
yofunE: Unable to locate package unity-webapp-youtube14:20
ActionParsnip!info unity-webapps-youtube | yofun need 100% spoonfeeding huh14:21
ubottuyofun need 100% spoonfeeding huh: unity-webapps-youtube (source: unity-webapps-youtube): Unity Webapp for YouTube. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.11 (raring), package size 23 kB, installed size 118 kB14:21
yofunhmmm how do i add the sources again?14:21
ActionParsnipyofun: use software centre14:22
megamanx1978ActionParsnip Thank you I will try that14:23
ActionParsnipyofun: does the app show in the menu?14:24
yofunyep its already installed14:24
b0xhey just considering installing ubuntu on my pc to use for web development - should i go with the deskop version or server?14:24
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ActionParsnipyofun: for the record, its a really weird way to control youtube. the controls are in the middle of the scren, why do you want to use a menu to control what is in front of your face?14:25
yofunrhythmbox-plugin-webmenu might be useful14:25
ActionParsnipb0x: if you want gui apps, desktop14:25
yofunto stop the music etc when another window14:25
ActionParsnipyofun: https://bugs.launchpad.net/webapps-applications/+bug/106838814:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1068388 in unity-webapps-youtube (Ubuntu) "Youtube webapp in sound menu does not work when the video is in HTML5" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:26
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yofunim not useing html514:26
b0xActionParsnip: right, i'll go with desktop then14:26
ActionParsnipyofun: i suggest you report a bug14:27
b0xok, and in regards to the version14:27
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b0xLTS or not.. i enjoy bleeding edge stuff but would prefer stablity & maximum compatibility (especially when moving from windows)14:28
ActionParsnipb0x: then Raring or even Saucy (which is prerelease) will have the latest stuff14:28
b0xraring being v 13.04?14:29
ActionParsnipb0x: LTS gives greater stabilityand longest support14:29
ActionParsnipb0x: raring is 13.0414:29
ActionParsnipb0x: precise is 12.04 and LTS. Saucy is 12.10 and is very unstable14:30
b0xand in regards to update schedule/process.. ie if i get 13.04, would updating to future versions be possible?14:30
th0rActionParsnip, 13.10?14:30
ActionParsnipth0r: yes14:30
b0xfrom 13.04 to 13.10 for example14:31
b0x(when stablised)14:31
silv3r_m00n i am running this command, update-rc.d apache2 defaults  and it says insserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (empty) of script `apache2' overrides LSB defaults (2 3 4 5).14:31
ActionParsnipb0x: 13.10 is Saucy, sorry. not intended for casual use14:31
silv3r_m00nhow to fix14:31
riqdiiz Hi Allen  Can content in sdcard formatted with ntfs be played on music systems ie hi fi?14:31
megamanx1978When I leave the keyring blank it says the login is incorrect14:32
b0xso thered be no upgrade path from 12.x to 13.x?14:32
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: how is that ubuntu related?14:32
yofunActionParsnip:  are you saying there is a controller for ubuntu 13.04?>14:32
ActionParsnipyofun: youtube controller you mean?14:33
yofunplay and stop button for current video playing14:33
yofunin the systray sound icon14:33
ActionParsnipb0x: yes you will need to upgrade to each successive release in turn14:33
riqdiizActionParsnip: filesys14:33
ActionParsnipyofun: no idea, maybe there is a ppa with a newer version14:34
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: ntfs is proprietary to windows14:34
b0xActionParsnip: but is there an upgrade path, rather than full install? ie if i were to install 12.04 now, can i just 'upgrade' to 13.04?14:35
b0xor any other future verions14:35
ActionParsnipb0x: you would need to upgrade to 12.10 first then to 13.0414:35
b0xor is it restricted to the major version? ie 12.04 only to 12.x, 13.04 to 13.x etc14:35
b0xah right14:36
riqdiizI tend to think Ubuntu is the overall.14:36
MonkeyDustb0x  you can upgrade directly rom lts to lts14:36
ActionParsnipb0x: if you stay on 12.04 you can upgrade direct to 14.04 when it is released as it is LTS to LTS14:36
b0xand finally, as a first time (regular) user, would u suggest 12.04 or 13.04?14:36
MonkeyDustb0x  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff14:37
ActionParsnipriqdiiz: your issue is nothing to do with ubuntu. you need to contact the manufacturer of the device you want to use the storage in14:37
ActionParsnipb0x: regular users imho should stick on LTS14:37
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riqdiizOk thanks ActionParsnip14:38
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Dr_Willisif you have very new hardware however.. the latest release may be a better idea14:38
b0x"latest stuff" worth having? just more shinier interface or..?14:39
Dr_Willisb0x:  newer versions of most all the apps.. depends on what work you do.14:39
Dr_Willisb0x:  some people feel they must be using for example gnome 3.8 or whatever. that would  require 13.0414:40
ugurhey people. my amd a8-3500m doesn't overclock itself (turbo boost). how can i make it work?14:40
mark___hello, is there anyone online who can help?14:40
MonkeyDust!ask | mark___14:40
Dr_Willismark___:  ask a support question and see.14:40
ubottumark___: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:40
anon1!ask | mark___14:40
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/14:40
* Dr_Willis wonders why his SD card which is /dev/sde1 is mounting to /media/cdrom ;)14:41
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/14:41
ActionParsnipdr_willis: fstab? device label?14:41
b0xDr_Willis: im a web developer14:41
MonkeyDustmark___  your question being...?14:41
b0xso, its more so ive got a reliable lamp stack14:42
RunemoroHi, when I type X -configure I get: "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."14:42
RunemoroCan anyone help me?14:42
b0xthats the same/similar to production servers14:42
b0xrather than dealing with windows14:42
ActionParsnipb0x: id go with precise14:42
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  its got a UUID.. no label. Its my 'rasbian' sd card image. so its even ext314:42
ActionParsniprunemoro: try it in root recovery mode14:42
RunemoroActionParsnip: Ok14:43
ActionParsnipdr_willis: try a label :-)14:43
Dr_Willis'web developer' is still a broad topic ;)14:43
RunemoroActionParsnip: Also, it seems like it's booting in failsafe mode14:43
mark___i have a lenovo think pad edge 14. I really like the official driver from lenovo, so i'm trying to find an equivalent for ubuntu, where should i look? google doesnt help, and i ended up here14:43
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw14:44
T|ASKHI is it possible to get a dark Ubuntu Softwarecenter?14:44
Dr_Willismark___:  official driver for what device?14:44
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Muelli!anyone | mark___14:44
ubottumark___: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:44
Dr_WillisT|ASK:  theres numerous dark themes out for unity/gnome-shell. but they always seem to goof up in one way or another.14:45
mark___Dr_Willis: Lenovo Thinkpad Edge 14, serial 0578-AD814:45
T|ASKDr_Willis: They don't seem to affect the Softcenter14:45
MonkeyDustT|ASK  try changing the theme to something dark14:45
Dr_Willismark___:  drivers are for specific hardware on the pc.. so what device are you trying to use these 'official' drivers for?14:46
T|ASKThe SoftCenter background doen't change for me and you?14:46
Randomguyi'm runnig virtual machine 4.1.12 on my ubuntu 12.04. The guest system is Windows Xp professional. Now my problem is that i cannot change the resolution it sticks to 800x600. I wish to get a 16:9 resolution. I already installed guest additions but this changes nothing. When my virtul machine is running there is no menu on the top. I had to install guest additions manually. I do not know what is worng where. Could you help me out ple14:46
=== Randomguy is now known as Guest13100
b0xagoing with LTS14:47
ActionParsnipmark___: driver for what?14:47
b0xathanks for your help guys14:47
mark___Dr_Willis: the touchpad14:47
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ActionParsniprandomguy: ask in #vbox14:47
T|ASKAnother issue I have. A friend wantsto play Steam Games with his Radeon 4580 with 13.04. Is the right way to use the PPA ppa:makson96/fglrx to get the latest AMD driver running?14:48
lotuspsychjenetlar: any more luck with booting your hd?14:48
netlarlotuspsychje: nope, I need some pointers14:49
ActionParsnipmark___: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_10.04_(Lucid_Lynx)_on_a_ThinkPad_Edge_14%22_(Intel)14:49
RunemoroActionParsnip: same error14:49
lotuspsychjenetlar: did you get same login freeze?14:49
netlarlotuspsychje: I was able to correct that in  the Grub recovery mode14:50
ActionParsnipt|ask: https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx14:50
lotuspsychjenetlar: so what do you need to be fixed now?14:50
ActionParsniprunemoro: what gpu do you useñ14:51
andrehi peeps14:51
lotuspsychjeandre: wb14:51
andreThanks :)14:51
RunemoroActionParsnip: How do I check?14:51
RunemoroActionParsnip: I forgot14:51
andreis there a guru out there14:51
lotuspsychje!ask | andre14:51
ubottuandre: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:51
ActionParsniprunemoro: lspci | grep -i vga14:51
Gnea_andre: just ask your question14:51
netlarlotuspsychje: first how can i prevent the messages of people leaving and coming into the channel?14:52
brainwashnetlar, still the same problem with slow boot?14:52
lotuspsychjenetlar: on what irc client?14:52
ActionParsnipnetlar: which client?14:52
MonkeyDustnetlar  depends on the client you're using14:52
RunemoroActionParsnip: Intel14:52
lotuspsychjealota gurus in da house :p14:52
andremy raring tail ubuntu is giving driver probs on my lap Q1532N Gigabyte laptop.14:53
ActionParsnipnetlar: main window, tools -> plugins14:53
andrewith nvidia gf gt520m14:53
ActionParsnipnetlar: enable the block join/part plugin14:53
Dr_Willisnetlar:  pidgin is not really the optimal irc client for large rooms. ;) you may want to check out other irc specific clients14:54
ActionParsnipandre: seems to be a sandy bridge cpu which has an intel gpu too. look into bumblebee14:54
netlarActionParsnip: I do not see that in plugins14:55
ActionParsnipdr_eiklis: never had a problem in all my years in linux14:55
andrebumblebee bomb out on me.14:55
ActionParsnipnetlar: read the names, something will look right. The window may scroll14:55
Gneaandre: hmm, can't seem to find the Q1532N on gigabyte's website14:56
ActionParsnipandre: its what you need to support the optimus garbage in your system14:56
danlamannasilly, frustrating issue here. I have terminal bound to Ctrl+Alt+T and no matter where my cursor is it always opens on the left monitor14:56
danlamannaanyway I can always get it to show up where my cursor is?14:56
andrehow do i uninstall all nvidia drivers files folders so that i can start over14:56
danlamanna(using mate)14:56
ActionParsnipgnea: http://www.gigabyte.co.za/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3940#sp14:56
netlarok got it14:57
ActionParsnipandre: use software centre but leave nvidia-common installed14:57
GneaActionParsnip: nice, they seem to have a #fail going on: http://www.gigabyte.us/support-downloads/download-center.aspx?kw=Q1532N14:57
T|ASKActionParsnip: Tahnk you, that's the PPa I mentioned. I'm just a bit uncertain that these are the only steps I have to take. I had much trouble with manually installing AMD drivers with 12.04...14:57
netlarlotuspsychje: think I need a lesson on mounting and umount14:57
lotuspsychjenetlar: on the disk tools you can unmount before formatting your external hd14:57
ActionParsnipt|ask: yeah they can be "fun"14:58
lotuspsychje!mount | netlar14:58
ubottunetlar: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:58
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netlarI see the external hd at '/media/portable hd', is that considered the mount point?14:59
Gneaandre: did you install bumblebee from the repository?14:59
T|ASKActionParsnip: but this PPA is working well? In general?15:00
ActionParsnipnetlar: yes, you can use gparted to unmount the partition15:00
andreGnea yip i did that before15:00
ActionParsnipt|ask: of what i have seen, yes15:00
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andreits like my 6th time installing this15:00
Gneaandre: where are you seeing the error?15:00
T|ASKActionParsnip: great :)15:00
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netlarok, I unmounted the drive, but I get an error formatting disk15:00
ActionParsnipoptimus is such a cludge15:00
netlar'Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0)'15:01
Gneaandre: I mean, is it in a terminal window or...?15:01
ActionParsnipnetlar: what error?15:01
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: netlar had issues with boot freeze at login with his external hd attached15:01
netlarwhat does that error mean15:01
lotuspsychjeActionParsnip: so i recommended a fresh format for his ntfs drive15:01
ActionParsnipnetlar: is there a nautilus open in the mount point, or a terminal with its pwd in the mount point15:02
andresmall screen size and my side bars are gone and when saying nvidia-settings tuns me that i need to run nvidia-xconfig when i do it restart nothing still nothing :((((((((((((((((((15:02
ActionParsniplotuspsychje: sounds good15:02
netlarActionParsnip: well I unmounted in the disk utility15:03
andreGnea, http://www.gigabyte.co.za/products/product-page.aspx?pid=422715:03
Gneaandre: okay, have you rebooted?15:03
ActionParsnipnetlar: if it is ntfs and you want it to be ntfs then format it in windows and eject it properly. it should then be ok15:03
iDrofoxhello, i have a problem my ubuntu didn't shutdown it just stuck at logo ?15:03
andreGnea, yip i did15:03
Gneaandre: yes, thank you, I got that15:03
ActionParsnipidrofox: if you run: sudo shutdown -h now15:04
andreGnea, sorry my bad15:04
netlarwell it is FAT3215:04
ActionParsnipidrofox: does it turn off ok?15:04
iDrofoxActionParsnip:  i will try it now!15:04
ActionParsnipnetlar: ok, fat32 is fine15:04
yofunhow do i do screen shots on a toshiba keyboard?15:05
netlarAnd I forgot who told me to check my boot sequence, sorry, but I check that and the external drive was not on the list.  I checked that for the slow boot times15:05
ActionParsnipnetlar: if you run: mount15:06
ActionParsnipis it unmounted?15:06
ActionParsnipoh jeez sorry15:06
BluesKajyofun, press the prtscn key15:06
netlarI have mounted it again15:06
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Gneaugh, why can't howtogeek.com have the date printed on the articles?15:06
netlarI am going to try to reboot now, I will be back15:06
andreGnea, yeah i asked that same ?15:07
Gneaandre: try this : http://www.howtogeek.com/124685/how-to-make-nvidias-optimus-work-on-linux/ ?15:07
yofungrrr it wont take screen shots when i have the sound icon on systray seltected15:07
ActionParsnipgnea: it does http://www.howtogeek.com/163080/rain-wallpaper-collection-for-your-nexus-7-tablet-series-1/  2nd line has the date....15:08
GneaActionParsnip: oh, you're right... I see it now at the bottom... ugh15:09
WXZno such device: %UUID, grub_rescue> what does this mean?15:09
Gneaandre: anyway, that article seems recent, so give it a try15:10
iDrofoxI tried using "sudo shutdown -h now", it went to logoff screen but stuck there forever with five dots progress bar keep running...15:11
netlarStill the same long boot ups15:11
Gneaandre: also, this may have a few good tips: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165766015:12
iDrofoxlol i forget who was assting me before i left ?15:12
netlarMaybe the hd is just not compatable15:14
andreGnea, thanks for your help15:14
andrewill try this15:14
BluesKajnetlar, 99.99999% of drives are compatible , the external drive doesn't have to be in the bootsequence unless it has an OS installed15:16
yofunActionParsnip:  http://i43.tinypic.com/96c8hs.png it seems to only work for playlists15:16
netlarBluesKaj: I check that, it is not in the boot sequence15:16
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BluesKajnetlar, is it used just for storage with no OS?15:17
netlarBluesKaj: yes, just storage15:17
kaermetHi all! i have a problem with my dual boot configuration. Grub would not recognize my Win7 Installation, so i added it manually. Now i get the err: hd1 cannot get c/h/s values. Anyone knows whats wrong here?15:18
BluesKajit should show up in the file manager , places15:18
netlarBluesKaj: yes it does15:18
netlarBluesKaj: there is not problem with plugging it in and using it, it is just affecting the boot ups15:19
cellardoorHi all. Just gone to 13.04 and now my Bluetooth headset isn't working. Tried everything I can think of but "Stream setup failed" is always the response Blueman gives.. any suggestions?15:19
kaermetbootinfoscript gives http://paste.debian.net/plain/360015:19
BluesKajok netlar , guess I missed something15:20
ShapeShifter499on xchat one of my plugins does not auto reload when the application is restarted, any ideas?15:20
netlarlotuspsychje: you know it will not reformat either15:20
ActionParsnipyofun: id add that to your bug then  ;-)15:20
yofunActionParsnip:  what if its not a bug?15:21
yofunActionParsnip:  maybe its a feature that needs to be requested to work on all videos not just playlists15:21
ActionParsnipyofun: then you'll just have to use it in playlists and acceptvthat single videos are not usable using that app15:22
yofuni can acccept that15:22
yofunbetter then nothing15:22
ActionParsnipofun: but still report it, if that is intended to be an ability then it is missing15:23
BluesKajnetlar, do you have the drive entered in /etc/fstab ?15:23
yofunActionParsnip:  where would i report it?15:23
ActionParsnipyofun: run: ubuntu-bug unity-apps-youtube15:23
ActionParsnipyofun: or whatever the package name is15:24
yofun...it says it doesnt exist when it does15:24
netlarBluesKaj: the drive is mounted at /media/portable hd15:25
yofunoh webapps15:25
iDrofoxhello, it looks like my ubuntu 13.04 speec dispatcher is causing my ubuntu to stuck at shutdown screen >15:26
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ShapeShifter499NET SPLIT?15:27
netlarBluesKaj: sorry, do you mean I should have an entry in fstab file for the external drive?15:28
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BluesKajnetlar, yes , for example , this my external drive entry, UUID=4b38b3eb-e7aa-4369-a645-3736f7edcecc /media/External ext4     defaults       0       115:30
adfereu queria saber como fasso pra atualizar o ubuntu para 13.0415:30
netlarBluesKaj: it is not there, do I need to make an entry?15:31
BluesKajnetlar, i will help15:31
BluesKajit will15:31
netlarBluesKaj: would that help with the boot ups?15:31
IdleOne!br | adfer15:31
ubottuadfer: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:31
BluesKajnetlar, yes15:31
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isdangagamaywill shred -v -n3 -z /dev/sdb* erase anything that is mounted in /dev/sdb?15:32
netlarBluesKaj: where do I get that info, so I can enter it in?15:32
isdangagamaywanted to erase anything mounted in usb15:32
yofunActionParsnip:  how long does it take to collect the info?15:32
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exad/dev/sdb is the device but its not the mount point15:33
BluesKajnetlar, run sudo fdisk -l , to find your /dev/sdX asigned to the drive , then blkid to get the UUID  for the fstab entry15:33
iDrofoxhow to know what is causing my ubuntu to not shutdown ?15:34
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exadiDrofox does it reboot instead?15:34
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iDrofoxexad: no it's just stuck at logoff screen forever15:34
exadoh i only asked cuz my ubuntu always reboots when i shut down lol15:35
iDrofoxexad: i think it's due to my speech dispatcher...i am using ubuntu 13.0415:35
exadalso not sure why15:35
iDrofoxi don't know what to look in system logs lol15:36
netlarBluesKaj: ok found it, but when I ran blkid, it shows noting on screen15:37
BluesKajsudo blkid, netlar , sorry15:38
brainwashnetlar, sudo blkid?15:38
HaliteWhen my Windows installation was standardly 32-bit - I assumed my system was 32-bit - but then Wubi installed a working Ubuntu 64-bit.15:38
T|ASKI installed the ATI PPA from https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/fglrx with Gnome. The Gnome Shell Search overlay is broken. Any Idea how to fix this?15:39
MonkeyDustT|ASK  contact the maintainer of the ppa, it's not supported15:40
T|ASKIt's only if I opne the Gnome Activities15:40
T|ASKMonkeyDust: I though maybe someone else had this issue15:40
netlarok got it15:40
iDrofoxi tried using "sudo  service lightdm restart" but it stucks after "checking battery status[ok]"...i am using ubuntu 13.04 any more solution ?15:41
MonkeyDust!list > gmy15:45
ubottugmy, please see my private message15:45
ishanixLinux is gay15:47
ishanixi mean15:47
ishanixobserve linus torvalds15:47
ishanixnot i am calling you linus torvalds15:48
ishanixi mean real linus torvalds15:48
ishanixhe is a homo sexual15:48
ishanixor as i like to say15:48
ishanixaberrant sexual15:48
ishanixhe is faggot15:48
ishanixhe is faggot15:48
ishanixhe is faggot15:48
ishanixhe iis gay15:48
ishanixhe iis gay15:48
ishanixhe iis gay15:48
netlarBluesKaj: not sure what to put for the defaults entry15:48
ishanixand he is a cunt15:48
ishanixand he is a cunt15:48
ishanixand he is a cunt15:48
ishanixand he is a cunt15:48
BluesKajnetlar, look at the example I posted previously , and adapt your "/media/External" to what your externa drive shows as in nautlius places15:50
netlargot that part, but where do I come up with the defaults part15:51
kvarleyWindows 8 Laptop with SecureBoot disabled, Intel SRT disabled, FastBoot disabled in Win 8 - Ubuntu loads the grub screen but when I pick try ubuntu or another option it doesn't boot the usb installer. what can I do?15:51
BluesKajnetlar, and of course the dives filesystem format ext4 or ntfs or fat etc15:51
OsmodivsHello. Installed Bodhi Linux 32 bits and it sucked, so I decided to go back to ubuntu, I had 10.04 previously installed. This time I burned the 13.04 ISO, works good in other PCs, but NOW I cant boot to my CD'ROM, (USB is no option in BIOS) weird thing is, Bodhi lIVEcd can boot but not ubuntu, I even burned the alternative version Just in case a DVD issue was the issue, and still, no boot, Whats wrong with this new Uubuntu_?15:52
netlarBluesKaj: yes, got that too, but you also listed a defaults part, what do I put there15:52
BluesKajjust type defaults in the entry and separate the them with the space key, netlar15:52
iDrofoxhow do i know what error is causing my ubuntu to not shutdown ??15:53
netlardo i put 'defaults 0 1' ?15:53
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iDrofoxok, how do i view logs releated to shutdown ?15:54
netlarBluesKaj: so just put 'defaults 0 1' ?15:55
isdangagamayany ubuntu docs that is available related to udev rules that deletes any contents to any usb when inserted?15:55
aaron_does anybody knows how to disable backlight keyboard in ubuntu 12.04 64 bit?15:56
ActionParsniphalite: you can run 32bit OS on most 64bit CPUs15:56
mchlbhmHow could I tell if my poor wifi connection (logs me on and off) is my clearbox or ubuntu 12.04?15:56
BluesKajnetlar,  yes with 'spaces'15:56
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ActionParsnipmchlbhm: run: dmesg | tail15:56
ActionParsnipmchlbhm: may give clues15:57
mchlbhmActionParsnip, will do15:57
netlarBluesKaj: here is my entry  # iOmega external HD on /dev/sdb115:57
netlarUUID=3D3D-1317 '/media/PORTABLE HD' vfat15:57
netlardefaults 0 115:57
KYLEtheBAKERHow can I see which driver X server is using for display? I'm not sure how to do it without there being an xorg.conf anymore15:57
gerhardHi, I'm upgrading from LTS 2 precise. That upgrade failed. Now I'm upgrading from another precise on the same computer. I chrooted into that lucid computer that  failed upgrade. Now I'm missing pty /dev/pts. How to provide that in chroot?15:58
mchlbhmActionParsnip, Yay! I have no idea what it means. Could you point me to a website so I could learn?15:59
iDrofoxwhere do ubuntu store it's shutdown logs ??15:59
aaron_does anybody knows how to disable backlight keyboard in ubuntu 12.04 64 bit?15:59
gerhardlast maybe15:59
BluesKajnetlar, ok , butr no need for the single quotes16:00
brainwashKYLEtheBAKER, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log16:00
netlarBluesKaj: I just thought since there is a space16:00
KYLEtheBAKERI'm trying to make sure my graphics card is being fully supported, I'm unable to run games that my card supports. I've confirmed that the kernal driver is correct but im unsure about the X driver16:00
isdangagamayoh wow. is it really that hard to delete the contents of 'any' usb storage if inserted?16:00
isdangagamayi dont intend to identify it as lots of usb's will be inserted16:00
OsmodivsHello. Installed Bodhi Linux 32 bits and it sucked, so I decided to go back to ubuntu, I had 10.04 previously installed. This time I burned the 13.04 ISO, works good in other PCs, but NOW I cant boot to my CD'ROM, (USB is no option in BIOS) weird thing is, Bodhi lIVEcd can boot but not ubuntu, I even burned the alternative version Just in case a DVD issue was the issue, and still, no boot, Whats wrong with this new Uubuntu_?16:01
mchlbhmActionParsnip, Nevermind. I googled it. Thank you for your time and help. :D16:01
MonkeyDustOsmodivs  type /join #bodhilinux16:02
WXZI had two OSes installed, but I removed a harddrive, how do I fix grub now?16:02
OsmodivsMonkeyDust, The issue here is I want to install UBUNTU 13.04 but does not boot to CD16:02
iDrofoxwhat are main changes in ubuntu 13.10 as compared to ubuntu 13.04 ?16:04
onboradUEFI load net driver like realtek and mavell ,when UEFI exec grub.efi ,grub2 will hang at loading vmlinuz and initrd.img finsh ?any idea16:04
MonkeyDustOsmodivs  where did you get the iso? have you  !md5 checked it?16:04
KYLEtheBAKERbrainwash, thanks. is there a way to change the graphics settings? I know I can create and xorg.conf that will take precedence over the config its using, but I'd like to find the actual config fil16:04
ActionParsniposmodivs: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded?16:04
brainwashKYLEtheBAKER, isn't xorg.conf the actual config file?16:05
ActionParsnipkylethebaker: there is no config file, it is detected by udev16:06
MonkeyDustiDrofox  i guess you mean, what's new in 13.04 as opposed to 12.10 http://www.zdnet.com/ubuntu-13-04-raring-ringtail-review-7000014497/16:06
KYLEtheBAKERbrainwash, I think they ditched xorg.conf and now ubuntu is using configs from /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d/ but I can't find my graphics settings, only touchpad stuff16:06
brainwashKYLEtheBAKER, it's managed by KMS, but you can always create a xorg.conf if you want16:06
iDrofoxMonkeyDust: my bad i did not know that ubuntu 13.10 is not released!...Nvm do you know where to find shutdown logs in ubuntu 13.04 ?16:07
KYLEtheBAKERActionParsnip, hmm, okay. is there a way to change udev's behavior? In my xorg log it it trying to load several video drivers that aren't right for my card16:07
MonkeyDustiDrofox  .10 means: the 10th month, october16:07
aaron_does anybody knows how to disable backlight keyboard?16:07
iDrofoxMonkeyDust: ok thanks for telling i didn't know it....16:07
brainwashKYLEtheBAKER, blacklist these modules?16:08
ActionParsnipaaron_: what make and model does the system have?16:08
nascentmindHi. How should I edit the fstab file for debian schroot?16:08
yofunActionParsnip:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-webapps-youtube/+bug/1179004 is that the correct way to report the bug?16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1179004 in unity-webapps-youtube (Ubuntu) "youtube app controller only shows up with playlists" [Undecided,New]16:09
aaron_ActionParsnip, Sony Vaio16:09
aaron_ActionParsnip, SVS1512S1ES the model16:09
ActionParsnipyofun: looks good. the bug guys will suggest things to try etc to progress the bug16:09
yofunalright thanks ;)16:10
KYLEtheBAKERbrainwash, i may try that16:10
KYLEtheBAKERis there a way to check the amount of ram allocated to my onboard display driver?16:10
OsmodivsI guess Iĺl stick with ugly Bodhi...16:11
ActionParsnipaaron_: echo "0" | sudo tee /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop/kbd_backlight16:12
OsmodivsNO! I want Ubuntu!16:12
ActionParsniposmodivs: you didnt answer me.....16:12
aaron_ActionParsnip, tee: /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop/kbd_backlight: No such file or directory16:12
aaron_ActionParsnip, i dont have the kbd_backlight16:13
dublidui want to execute a command _once_ on a boot _before_ my network is set up. i tried it in /etc/rc.local. unfortunately there it is to late as ifconfig allready shows established network. i dont want to execute the command every time /etc/init.d/networking is executed or any ifup/ifdown.. just once on a system-boot... a cronjob with "@reboot" is too late, too. what is my line here?16:13
OsmodivsActionParsnip, MD5SUM are good, I tested and installed with that liveCD another Laptop16:13
ActionParsnipaaron_: search the /sys folder and /dev folder for something like that16:13
ActionParsniposmodivs: why did you not read my question, but instead write some emotional nonesense. why ask for support then not respond when people offer advice?16:14
ActionParsniposmodivs: i also highlighted you, so it would be easier to spot. what gives?16:15
aaron_ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5655042/ from sudo find /sys | grep backlight | pastebinit16:15
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ActionParsnipaaron_: try: echo "0" | sudo tee /sys/module/sony_laptop/parameters/kbd_backlight16:16
ActionParsnipaaron_: just read your own output...16:17
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netlarOk, I reformatted the external hd to ext2 and now it is only available to the root16:17
MonkeyDustdublidu  you can make it a cronjob ==> @reboot16:17
dubliduMonkeyDust: no i cant16:17
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netlari used gparted16:17
aaron_ActionParsnip, permission denied16:17
dubliduMonkeyDust: its too late16:17
ActionParsnipnetlar: chown the mount point and below to your user16:17
netlarcan you tell I do not know what I am doing, :)16:17
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ActionParsnipaaron_: try some of the other likely looking ones16:18
dubliduMonkeyDust: but thanks16:18
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aaron_ActionParsnip, kdb_backlight is already 016:19
aaron_ActionParsnip, i checked16:19
ActionParsnipaaron_: try 1. its basically thos sorts of files16:19
aaron_ActionParsnip, how can i gain permissions it doesnt let me to saveit16:21
ActionParsnipaaron_: try: echo "0" | sudo tee /sys/class/leds/keyboard/brightness16:21
gdeebleDoes anyone have a good tutorial to convert from single disk to raid1 after installation has been done? I've been running on single disk for a year and now want to convert to a raid 1 since it's becoming more of a vital machine with a lot of records.16:21
ActionParsnipaaron_: piping to sudo tee puts the value in the file16:22
aaron_ActionParsnip, doesnt exist16:22
mguygdeeble: Are you doing backups as well?16:22
aaron_ActionParsnip, yeah i get that but in some files that you told it doesnt let me to save16:23
aaron_ActionParsnip, it tells permission denied16:23
treetreetr33open it with sudo16:23
aaron_doenst open16:23
dublidugdeeble: with a translate-service mabe here: http://www.howtoforge.de/16:23
treetreetr33sudo nano / sudo vi or something16:23
aaron_tried. nothing16:24
aaron_and chmod +x *16:24
dublidugdeeble: this one goes in that direction: http://www.howtoforge.de/howtos-tutorials/tutorial-aufsetzen-von-software-raid1-auf-einem-bereits-installierten-lvm-system-inkl-grub-konfiguration-unter-fedora-linux/16:24
dublidugdeeble: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.de&sl=de&tl=en&u=http://www.howtoforge.de/howtos-tutorials/tutorial-aufsetzen-von-software-raid1-auf-einem-bereits-installierten-lvm-system-inkl-grub-konfiguration-unter-fedora-linux/&usg=ALkJrhh24LHOefxQ3EDUQLsJjc7HVQjYtg16:26
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gdeebleThank you! I will start reading up.16:27
ubottuCasper1901: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:27
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit16:28
ShirakawasunaX has been closing on me when it shouldn't16:28
Shirakawasunahere's my xorg log: http://bpaste.net/show/adl7w5rVRJd5Aq0EU1Kg/16:28
netlarwow nothing changes the slow boot when the external hd is attached16:28
ShirakawasunaI don't see anything wrong there - but that's a session that terminated all by itself / crashed16:28
Shirakawasunais there a different log than Xorg.0.log that I can check to see why X is crashing?16:29
brainwashShirakawasuna, try /var/log/syslog16:30
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Shirakawasunabrainwash: cool16:32
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Shirakawasunalooks like xfce4-session is crashing, not X16:32
gustavShirakawasuna: Correct.16:33
betraydso Shirakawasuna you get a glimpse of an X session trying...'16:34
Shirakawasunafound some bugs related to the issue16:34
gustavShirakawasuna: Did you run memcheck recently?16:34
aaron_does anybody knows how to turn off the backlight keyboard?16:34
Shirakawasunagustav: I haven't, no16:34
gustavShirakawasuna: Do that.16:34
gustavmemtest, I mean't.16:35
Shirakawasunagustav: will do, probably overnight since it has to check 8Gb16:35
gustavShirakawasuna: I mean, ok, it's not very plausible for the memory to just break, so it might be a bug. Or both.16:36
gustavShirakawasuna: I figured.16:36
gustavShirakawasuna: Did you upgrade xfce session? The binary.16:37
Shirakawasunagustav: I recently upgraded to 13.04, so yes16:37
Shirakawasunaat the moment I'm going to try using the ppa in #19 here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/110443516:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1104435 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "xfce4-session crashed with SIGSEGV in g_slice_alloc()" [High,Triaged]16:37
gustavShirakawasuna: Probability for bug just got bigger.16:38
NorthHey all ! I am presently running Gnome 3.4 on my Laptop with ubuntu 12.04 LTS. how do i upgrade to 3.8 ?16:38
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netlarwow that is a mystery why the computer boots slow when the external hd is not attached16:38
netlaris attached*16:39
OerHeksnetlar, you told earlier the ntsf drive had a failure before?16:39
gustavShirakawasuna: If you remove the PPA and go with the regular it will probably work. Otherwise you have to deal with the owner of the PPA. YMMV.16:39
netlaryes, OerHeks, but I was able to format it to ext4 with gparted16:39
simpleuserHi eveyone16:40
brainwashnetlar, usb 3.0?16:40
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netlarbrainwash: no, this is an other device and older computer16:40
Shirakawasunagustav: yeah. I figure this bug is high severity so it'll get fixed by the time I'd need to worry about that16:40
netlarbrainwash: both are over 5 years old16:41
Shirakawasunaok rebooting to see if a totally fresh start with this new package does it16:41
brainwashnetlar, different systems, same external harddrive -> same problem?16:41
gustavShirakawasuna: No, it could just be a setting only you have, because of older files, that means severity is low. Only 1 individual.16:41
simpleuserI listen a lot of podcasts. I like to change the tempo of these mp3 in Audacity and make them faster without changing the height of the voice, to listen more podcasts in a day... ;) Do you think it could be possible with a batch treatment ?16:41
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netlarbrainwash: no, when attached to the mac, no problems16:41
iDrofoxCan someone tell me how to enable ubuntu system error showing again ?16:41
netlarbrainwash: only have this one computer with Ubuntu16:41
wilee-nileeiDrofox, How did you turn it off?16:42
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Shirakawasunagustav: the bug is ranked as high severity and affects 7516:42
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dublidui want to execute a command _once_ on a boot _before_ my network is set up. i tried it in /etc/rc.local. unfortunately there it is to late as ifconfig allready shows established network. i dont want to execute the command every time /etc/init.d/networking is executed or any ifup/ifdown.. just once on a system-boot... a cronjob with "@reboot" is too late, too. what is my line here?16:42
Shirakawasunaif I have that bug16:42
gustavShirakawasuna: Is there a plan when it's gonna be done?16:42
gustavShirakawasuna: You sound lucky.16:43
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iDrofoxwilee-nilee: i was facing a error on each ubuntu startup before which is releated to "speech dispatcher" so i asked about it here and some told me to edit some file to disable notification ot it.Now i want to enable it again ?16:43
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wilee-nileeiDrofox, http://askubuntu.com/questions/93457/how-do-i-enable-or-disable-apport16:45
brainwashnetlar, searching for similar cases might be the only way to solve this mystery :/16:45
wilee-nileeiDrofox, I assume it is apport.16:45
netlaryes, maybe, it does not ruin anything it appears.  just a little irratating16:46
mchlbhmOut of curiosity why is this help channel here if all of the info needed can be had via google?16:46
gustavmchlbhm: Not all have Google.16:47
iDrofoxwilee-nilee: Thanks you assumed it right!16:47
mchlbhmgustav, I don't understand.16:47
wilee-nileemchlbhm, So the people unable to find it can be led there if needed or told directly.16:47
gustavmchlbhm: IRC is an older protocol than HTTP, which Google runs on.16:48
DJones!google | mchlbhm This probably explains it better,16:48
ubottumchlbhm This probably explains it better,: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.16:48
gustavmchlbhm: There's the social aspect, like DJones tried to explain.16:48
alpsyea they should've googled it anyway before asking questions :)16:49
mchlbhmwilee-nilee, Ah! I can google things, and find info but I don't really understand what it is I'm reading lol16:49
isdangagamayhow do i execute a script after usb is inserted..a generic usb storage i mean.16:49
brainwashnetlar, but creating a bug report on launchpad would help also to identify your problem16:50
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netlarbrainwash: ok, i will try that also16:50
netlarI have another thought, maybe it is the usb port i am using16:50
gustavisdangagamay: Run it every second.16:50
mchlbhmfor instance, I understand | is a pipe, dsmeg is display message and tail gives the last 10 lines of dsmeg when used with pipe16:51
alpsisdangagamay: what does executing a script has to do with usb storage?16:51
Fleckmchlbhm: dmesg actually :D16:51
mchlbhmFleck, lol thank you16:51
netlarbrainwash: there are four usb ports, two are 1.1 and two are 2.016:52
isdangagamayah alps i want to format every usb pendrive that is inserted. tried this - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbDriveDoSomethingHowto16:52
isdangagamaybut it doesnt seem to do anything16:52
isdangagamayi changed the obvious values16:53
brainwashnetlar, does booting the live cd reproduce the long delay?16:53
mchlbhmand the terminal commands are in bash?16:53
=== Randy- is now known as Randy
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brainwashnetlar, yea, try changing the usb port16:54
benny_leave /#ubuntu16:54
netlarbrainwash: I just got to figure out which is which :)16:54
MrokiiHello. If I want to backup files for the first time on another HD (so no need to check if files already exist) would it be okay to use cp with preservation of all attributes or should I still use rsync?16:54
alpsisdangagamay: can you provide the scripts you are using?16:55
MonkeyDustMrokii  rsync16:55
isdangagamayalps i did whats in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbDriveDoSomethingHowto16:56
isdangagamayjust to see if it worked.16:56
dubliduMrokii: rsync, too... more reliable... tests, interrupted transfers16:56
isdangagamayerr work16:56
MonkeyDustMrokii  rsync -a       <-- archive, to keep the attributes intact16:56
Mrokiidublidu, MonkeyDust Okay, thanks.16:56
Rushi. i am trying to set up apt-mirror, but can't seem to get it to work. if someone could help, it will be most appreciated.16:56
netlarbrainwash: what command can i give to show how the external is attached to computer16:57
alpsisdangagamay: hmm that should work. any errors?16:58
netlarI see the information bus info: usb@2:2, does that mean usb 2.0?16:58
ceborhow can i setup apt to get proposed updates ?16:59
ceborusing raring16:59
brainwashnetlar, i guess that's the bus id and device id16:59
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MrokiiDoes rsync follow symlinks in standard mode or is just the linkfile copied?17:00
graingertdoes anyone know how to get apt to install from a synaptic generated marked package file17:01
brainwashnetlar, but there are no errors in the logs after connecting the hard drive, right?17:01
dubliduMrokii: man rsync17:01
netlarbrainwash: not that I see17:01
netlarbrainwash: actually this computer has 5 usb ports17:01
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netlarsorry mean 617:02
japandroidhi, could anyone tell me how to get a script to run everytime I log in to ubuntu?17:03
brainwashnetlar, you will have to test some of them17:04
isdangagamayalps no nothing on /var/log/syslog17:04
hfasejapandroid,  you need init.d17:04
netlarbrainwash: is there a command to show how the external hd is attached?17:04
brainwashnetlar, but when does the long boot delay exactly occur? after the ubuntu splash screen and before the login screen?17:04
netlarwhich port it is using?17:05
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brainwashnetlar, lsusb shows the bus/device id, mmh17:05
japandroidhfase: thank you.17:05
netlarbrainwash: and the other thing i just remembered, is that this external hd is usb powered only17:06
brainwashnetlar, are you able to test another external HD?17:07
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alpsisdangagamay: but your backuptousbdrive.log or similar should give some information if you're using the howto17:08
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aaron_does anybody knows to turn off the backlight keyboard?17:08
isdangagamayyeah i am expecting that. even did a tail on it. nothing17:08
aaron_iam trying all day oh come on17:08
alpshmm very strange17:08
netlarbrainwash: yes, I will need to experiment17:09
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging17:09
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iDrofoxhow do i disable services in ubuntu 13.04 ?17:10
alpsisdangagamay: what about trying another usb-stick? i don't know...17:10
wilee-nileeaaron_, A quick look at the web has specific computer models.17:12
aaron_wilee-nilee, no it doesnt17:12
aaron_wilee-nilee for me at least17:12
mrpureIs anyone else having trouble joining #ubuntu-serv ?17:13
MonkeyDustiDrofox  sudo apt-get install sysv-rc-conf;sysv-rc-conf17:13
wilee-nileeaaron_, You are not thinking, what I'm saying here is name your hardware.17:13
MrokiiThanks all.17:13
MonkeyDustiDrofox  be careful with it17:13
johnjohn1011#ubuntu-server works for me17:13
mrpurethanks john, I'll try again17:14
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aaron_wilee-nilee, yeah i searched for sony but with no luck17:14
iDrofoxMonkeyDust: Thanks i am trying to disable metasploit service autostart17:14
brainwashnetlar, and don't forget about launchpad17:14
aaron_wilee-nilee, i mean nothing that works ofc17:15
netlarbrainwash: I will remember, but I am thinking it may be this hd and how it is attached now17:15
wilee-nileeaaron_, Cool, I found one but you have probably already seen it, none the less here it is in case you haven't. http://askubuntu.com/questions/276983/cant-disable-control-keyboard-backlight-on-sony-vaio-vpcf236fm17:17
aaron_wilee-nilee, doesnt exist17:18
aaron_wilee-nilee, i cant create a file in the sony folder17:20
wilee-nileeaaron_, Have you searched with your exact model, what is it?17:21
aaron_wilee-nilee, SVS1512S1ES17:21
aaron_wilee-nilee, i searched nothing17:22
tazer_i have a good analogy, Ubuntu is the Jason Bourne of Linux17:23
gustavI always thought Ubuntu was a donkey.17:23
tazer_hahaha no way!17:24
betraydfrom Shrek17:24
gustavYeah. For instance.17:24
dubliduyea... with ubuntu you get often a fist in your mouth ;-)17:24
wilee-nileeaaron_, I see nothing on that model, I would guess though that it is the same hardware as well known named sony computers. Doesn't that link have a make a file command and add script?17:24
gustavThat's why there are always so many people on this channel.17:24
gustavPeople love their donkeys.17:25
tazer_they are as a place of worship for Ubuntu17:25
aaron_wilee-nilee, yeah it has17:25
aaron_wilee-nilee, but it doesnt let me to create the kbd_backlight file17:25
tazer_were we can pray to the Ubuntu gods17:25
aaron_wilee-nilee, :/sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop this is as far as it goes17:26
aaron_wilee-nilee, i want to create the kbd_backlight file to modify it to 0 but i cant do it17:27
wilee-nileeaaron_, Not sure here really, I'm fairly certain this can be done, however getting there seems to be a weighing of is it worth the trouble. ;)17:27
iDrofoxjust solved my ubuntu not shutting down issue...wohoooooooooo17:27
aaron_wilee-nilee, i want to save battery17:28
aaron_wilee-nilee,  Error while creating file Untitled Document.17:28
aaron_wilee-nilee, when iam trying to create a file17:28
wilee-nileeaaron_, I figured that was the situation, you might try makng a thread on the ubuntu forum as well.17:28
aaron_wilee-nilee,  Error opening file '/sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop/Untitled Document': No such file or directory17:29
wilee-nileeor other forums17:29
aaron_wilee-nilee, also i tried in different locations to locate the kbd_backlight i found it change the price to 0 or 1 but nothing17:29
wilee-nileeaaron_, you did a reboot on changes I assume.17:30
aaron_wilee-nilee, yes17:30
cuddylierIs it possible to disable FTP and still keep SFTP running? I have a program that has its own FTP system but it needs port 2117:30
gustavcuddylier: Yes.17:31
cuddyliergustav How?17:31
aaron_wilee-nilee, i want my 1 Watt :D17:31
gustavcuddylier: 1) Disable FTP.17:31
dubliducuddylier: sftp isnt ssh?17:31
aaron_wilee-nilee, right now with wifi on i get a rate of discharge 11.8 W17:31
cuddylierdublidu What?17:32
cuddyliergustav How though... lol17:32
gustavcuddylier: What program?17:32
aaron_wilee-nilee, xchat open 5 tabs of chrome a couple of terminals17:32
cuddylierSFTPD I think17:32
gustavcuddylier: That's not FTP.17:32
dubliducuddylier: sftp sounds like ftp... but it isnt17:32
cuddylierThat's it!17:32
gustavcuddylier: sudo apt-get remove vsftpd17:32
cuddylierI still want sftp access though17:32
aaron_wilee-nilee, 1 W is a big think oh come on :D17:32
dubliducuddylier: then install sshd17:33
dubliducuddylier: sftp is sshd17:33
cuddylierIs that sftp only?17:33
aaron_aaron_, anyway ...17:33
cuddylierIs sshd not ssh?17:33
dubliducuddylier: ssh_d_ _d_=daemon17:33
micomhello, i have noticed randomly log outs after upgrade to 13.04 is it know problem?17:34
cuddylierI had a brain wave, I can change the FTP port its using17:35
gustavcuddylier: Maybe you should have a drink.17:35
cuddylierNow, where is the config file..17:35
* cuddylier hunts17:35
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iDrofoxanyone uninstall metasploit from ubuntu here ?17:41
cuddylierHow do I change the vsftpd port? I can't see a setting for it in the config17:41
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dubliduif there is no option to configure the listening port (which i cant imagine for vsftp) you could use iptables to use another port outside... but i would bet, its better you do a: man vsftp17:43
gustavDoesn't vsftp use an Internet server?17:43
wilee-nileeiDrofox, I see a rm -rf here on it be very careful those are wiping commands. http://askubuntu.com/questions/249484/how-can-i-uninstall-metasploit17:43
bekksgustav: It runs wherever you install it on.17:43
cuddylierdublidu Why would it not let you change the port..17:44
cuddylierI just want to change the port of FTP17:44
dubliducuddylier: really: rtfm17:44
dubliducuddylier: google that: "rtfm"17:44
cuddylierI'll look for a manual then..17:44
dubliducuddylier: sorry. but changing the listening port of a ftp-server is so elementary... it has to be in the manual17:45
bekksIts even in the config file.17:46
iDrofoxwilee-nilee: thx it worked!17:46
cuddylierdublidu I'm looking, they don't make it very obvious17:46
aaron_i cant create a file in a specific location what should i do?17:47
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tgm4883aaron_, that isn't very many details.17:47
aaron_tgm4883, Error while creating file Untitled Document.17:47
aaron_tgm4883, There was an error creating the directory in /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop17:48
dubliducuddylier: or use a configuring-gui for vsftp then. search for it... i would bet (a bit) webmin can do it17:48
tgm4883aaron_, where are you trying to create it17:48
aaron_tgm4883, Error opening file '/sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop/Untitled Document': No such file or directory17:48
tgm4883aaron_, why are you trying to create it there?17:48
ronaldsgta 4 lags trought wine enourmously17:48
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ronaldsany chance of getting it working if I have bad graphics card, that can run it only in windows17:49
aaron_tgm4883, i want to create a file to turn off the keyboard backlight17:49
tgm4883aaron_, ok, well a few issues.  1) you don't have permission to write to that directory, so you'll need to do that with the proper permissions (root), 2) that is a virtual filesystem, so you'll lose that file on reboot17:50
aaron_tgm4883, doesnt work on root17:50
aaron_tgm4883, i can find a script to keep it17:50
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:51
zubunttI've just installed ubuntu 13.04. I cannot get chrome to use gpu. My graphic card is ATI HD 5450.17:52
dopie2anyone use virtualbox in windows 8 and running ubuntu?17:52
zubunttdopie2: no it's an actual installation17:52
tgm4883aaron_, so giant netsplit, can you tell me where you are trying to write the file again? and how you are trying to do it as root?17:53
aaron_tgm4883, /sys/devices/platform/sony-laptop17:53
aaron_tgm4883, sudo touch (file) and with nautilus and tried to change permissions with chmod17:54
tgm4883aaron_, hmm, that is odd17:55
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zubunttI cannot get firefox and chrome recognize my gpu, it's ati 5450. I installed the latest ati catalyst drivers but no chance. chrome://gpu does not show any hardware acceleration17:55
mchlbhmSo I can't get webpages to load. I've tried 3 browsers, I tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, I restarted the clearbox, nothing seems to work for very long. How could I fix this?17:55
aaron_tgm4883, touch: cannot touch `a': No such file or directory17:56
aaron_tgm4883, wtf17:56
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purehello brennan18:35
Ozerahello pure18:35
bhaveshI always get facebook account requires authorization when empathy starts and when click a button next to it, nothing happens18:35
brennanhey how do you update to the new version of ubuntu?18:35
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bhaveshbrennan, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-update18:36
bhaveshwhat was that?18:36
bhaveshWhy did so many people join at once?18:37
dgjones!netsplit | bhavesh18:37
ubottubhavesh: netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit18:37
tozenbhavesh: and so what?18:37
=== dgjones is now known as DJones
thesheff17anyone know how to move the cinamon icons left?  They seem to be centered on the taskbar18:38
Ari-Yangthesheff17, nto really the right place to ask I thin. right click on taskbar and hit 'edit mode' and move the section of the bar where icons are kept to the left...18:39
thesheff17yea edit mode doesn't move them :-/   I don't know what is going on18:39
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Ari-Yangthesheff17, the icons are like on a "green" part of the taskbar, that is what you drag.18:40
thesheff17I can re arrange them...but all stuck in the middle18:40
Ari-Yangis this latest cinnamon? 1.8?18:40
aqibwhats the command for jioning the channel18:40
Ari-Yang@ aqib /join #chaname18:40
thesheff17Ari-Yang, let me check18:40
thesheff17I'm using ubuntu 12.0418:40
pureThey had a DDoS attack so they're having netsplits18:40
Ari-Yangk, what what's the version of cinnamon?18:41
Ari-Yangthesheff17, yeah that's like a latest build that might have bugs in it18:42
Ari-YangI updated to 1.8, saw a new update 1.8.2 which I didn't update to because it's from git18:42
Ari-Yangprobably still in the works, so perhaps it's a bug?18:42
thesheff17yea I just used the ppa18:42
Ari-Yangthat's why is good to make sure that the version is stable18:42
Ari-Yangwhich 1.8.2 isn't really, compared to 1.818:42
Ari-Yang(which was announced on the site)18:42
thesheff17ah so is cinamon just in the standard repo?18:43
thesheff17and I should haven't used the ppa?18:43
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MonkeyDustthesheff17  cinnamon is a Mint thingy18:43
Ari-Yangthesheff17, you can use the ppa, it's just that you should double check that the version you're thinking about updating to is stable18:44
funkyI got 1 ubs hdd, if I unpack ubuntu on it and format hdd  can I somehow install ubuntu?18:44
Ari-Yangbecause the ppa I have just updates willy nilly18:44
thesheff17ah ok18:44
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MonkeyDustwell, it looks it in the raring repos now, too, ok18:44
Ari-Yangso yeah thesheff17, if there's a #mint channel you should join and ask18:44
thesheff17Ari-Yang, thanks18:44
MonkeyDust!info cinnamon18:45
ubottucinnamon (source: cinnamon): Innovative and comfortable desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.4-1 (raring), package size 607 kB, installed size 2460 kB18:45
Ari-YangMonkeyDust, he's on 12.0418:45
thesheff17yea I need the icons at the top & the toolbar at the bottom18:45
purefunky: yes, you can install it on the usb hdd18:45
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Ari-Yangfunch, what thesheff said. That's how I installed ubuntu on this laptop, used a usb18:46
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Guest68878Hello room!!18:53
Guest68878hey how do you update to the new version of ubuntu??18:54
jessica9898what software i can use for reminding me todo breaks on time intervals ?18:54
thecodeischaosjessica make a bash script?18:54
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mchlbhmOK, I'm way confused again (nothing new). My wifi was acting weird in gnome, but I change back to unity and now it works correctly. I don't understand why.18:55
FyodorovnaGuest68878, What release are you running?18:55
Guest6887812.04 but i want 13.0418:55
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Guest68878Fyodorovna, 12.04 but i want 13.0418:56
FyodorovnaGuest68878, You need to go through 12.10 to keep installs, or just install 13.04.18:56
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kerfSome of Byobu's keybindings are taken up by "* used by X11 *" and any two key keybinding is unresponsive, how can I fix this?19:01
2JTAABKZQthis name is so good right19:01
iseitaniHi!!How can I get a snapshot @13.04??19:03
melodieon a server19:03
cos45тут есть кто?19:04
melodieiseitani ftp://ftp.lip6.fr/pub/linux/distributions/Ubuntu/releases/raring/19:04
DJones!ru | cos4519:04
ubottucos45: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:04
puff`Hi, I'm looking for the alternate install CD for Raring Ringtail, there doesn't seem to be one at http://releases.ubuntu.com/raring/19:05
DJonespuff`: The alternate cd's don't exist after 12.0419:05
DJonespuff`: You need to use the minimal iso as a starter if you need a text based installer19:06
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:06
puff`DJones: Ohjoy.19:06
puff`DJones: I have a thinkpad, it's always had problems with the main install CD.19:07
puff`DJones: Thanks.19:07
WXZxrandr tells me my max resolution is 800x600, but that's not true19:09
cos45здрасьте не поможите?19:10
auronandace!ru | cos4519:10
ubottucos45: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:10
folornhello everyone :)19:11
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danielhi every1 =)19:16
mchlbhmAnyone know why changing my de would effect my wifi connection?19:16
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I stream a video from HDD (asus rt-n66u) to my ubuntu 13.04?19:17
mojtaba!fa | cos4519:17
okstategadneed help with keyboard19:18
thecodeischaosis it plugged in?19:18
okstategadwhen i type C i get +19:18
mchlbhmmojtaba: Please excuse my ignorance. What does !fa | cos45 mean?19:18
thecodeischaoslayout set to proper region?19:19
okstategadshows that it is19:19
mojtabamchlbhm: I was just testing to see if !fa is working like !ru.19:19
okstategadthis happened after a reCent update19:20
mchlbhmmojtaba: I didn't understand that either. I'll google it. Thank you for responding. :)19:20
auronandace!brain | mojtaba19:20
ubottumojtaba: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots19:20
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I stream a video from HDD (asus rt-n66u) to my ubuntu 13.04?19:22
mojtabaDoes ubuntu support DLNA?19:22
mchlbhmGah! I still can't load webpages in firefox or chromium. :(19:22
Guest18752mojtaba, what is the os on the asus?19:23
mojtabaGuest18752: It is a router ( I guess unix base)19:23
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mchlbhmelinks text browser won't work either19:24
mchlbhmAny help?19:25
th0rmojtaba, does it support samba? I stream from my laptop to my tablets using samba, and the same from my NAS to laptop/tablet19:25
mojtabath0r: It said so.19:26
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mojtabaBut I could not figure it out19:26
aaron__does anybody know how can i turn off the keyboard backlight?19:26
th0rmojtaba, first, it will be a lot easier to set it all up if you know all the IP addresses. I have static IPs in my network on the boat.19:26
puremchlbhm: Your connection dropped when you switched environments?19:27
th0rmojtaba, then I mount the network drives as CIFS. Give me a sec and I will pastebin the script I use.19:27
mojtabath0r: thanks19:27
th0rmojtaba, oops....19:27
th0rmojtaba, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5655678/19:28
mchlbhmpure: Yes, but it didn't go away after rebooting the system, rebooting clearbox or sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:28
aaron__does anybody know how can i turn off the keyboard backlight?19:29
th0rmojtaba, if you are plugging the drive into the router, I would guess the address as 192.168.xxx.1, but that is only a guess19:29
mojtabath0r: Yes it is the address.19:29
mojtabaShould I set the credentials of the router in samba in ubuntu?19:30
th0rmojtaba, the .smbcredentials file just contains two lines, username=xxx and password=xxx for the samba acct19:30
puremchlbhm: Does it work if you switch back to the old de?19:30
seronisis there a reason that the Properties window doesnt allow me to set the executable bit on *.jar files ?19:30
mojtabath0r: And where is it located?19:30
th0rmojtaba, and the /media folders are the mount points I created19:30
mchlbhmpure: using ubuntu 12.04 I went from unity to gnome (problems started) and now back to unity with no change19:30
seronisonly read/write show up in the menu.  that seems unhelpful19:30
th0rmojtaba, you can put the credentials file anywhere, but I put it in root for security purposes.19:31
OerHeksseronis outside your /home/ folder?19:31
seronisits in home/downloads19:31
aaron__does anybody know how can i turn off the keyboard backlight?19:31
clempei have a dell inspiron 7520 notebook. my fan is always running with full speed. i tried to configure fancontrol but i get this "/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed"19:32
mojtabath0r: Should I create .smbcredentials file, or does it exist and I should edit it?19:32
th0rmojtaba, you create it19:33
mojtabath0r: Does it have special format?19:33
th0raaron__, is this a macbook?19:33
aaron__th0r, no19:33
aaron__th0r, its sony19:33
th0rmojtaba, no, just a text file with those two lines19:33
aaron__th0r, can you help me?19:33
mojtabath0r: like: username = xxxx19:34
mojtabapassword = xxxx19:34
th0raaron__, there are some suggestions here...http://forum.notebookreview.com/samsung/673525-keyboard-backlight-ubuntu-12-04-chronos-7-np700z7c.html19:34
th0rmojtaba, yes, I didn't use spaces but that should work19:34
th0rmojtaba, it can be named anything, and be placed anywhere. Just make sure you use the right path/filename in the script19:35
mojtabath0r: ok, thanks19:35
th0rmojtaba, I use vlc to watch the videos. Just access the mountpoint with thunar and open the file with vlc19:36
puremchlbhm: Is the wireless adapter on? Is it showing up in ifconfig?19:36
zeepthe window buttons in fullscreen look different than the window theme ;o19:36
mchlbhmpure: I'm new. I type ifconfig in the terminal?19:36
puremchlbhm: yes19:37
mchlbhmpure, ty. looking19:37
Smash_hello, i gotta problem anyone ever delt with unknown monitor on a sodered on intel chipset...19:37
=== SoulOfTheInterne is now known as ToBeFree
puremchlbhm: Are you using a laptop? There's usually a button to enable/diable wireless. It may have disabled it when you switched the de so double check that it's still on.19:38
mchlbhmpure: no Idea. May I paste? No, tower.19:38
InfiniteForestUbuntu makes me want to play the bongos19:38
InfiniteForestthey got rid of the bongo sound when you log in19:38
mchlbhmPure: nevermind....This sucks. lol19:39
puremchlbhm: what interfaces does it show? should be something like eth0, lo, wlan019:39
Smash_anyone any good with ubuntu vga unknown monitor stuff?19:40
Smash_i think its just a edid problem but no idea how to fix19:40
mchlbhmpure: all three19:40
Smash_or workaround19:40
clempecan somebody help me with fancontrol? it says " no pwm-capable sensor modules installed" but its possible to display the temperature with sensors19:42
puremchlbhm: Does the status of wlan0 say UP?19:42
mojtabath0r: thanks man19:42
mchlbhmpure: UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1400  Metric:119:43
Smash_ill be on here for a while and i really could use some help... ill be patient19:43
sakuraiHi... I fucked up, and setted up a desktop background so big that my netbook doesn't log in now.19:45
Smash_anyone feel like talking about some problems with my ubuntu 13.0419:45
puremchlbhm: If your connection is still setup properly, you may be able to just "dhclient wlan0" to get a lease19:46
melodieSmash_ I don't use it but say about one to start with19:46
MarcoI am STUCK and really need some help.19:47
sakuraiDoes anyone know where are the background image settings in Ubuntu 12.04?19:47
MarcoI'd appreciate i leaps and bounds!19:47
mchlbhmpure: wlan0 is a zero, correct?19:47
melodiesakurai you can configure an automatic login, by configuring the lightdm.conf file from within a tty19:47
=== LordDeath__ is now known as LordDeath
melodiesakurai it's not background image setting it's about resolution19:47
melodiesakurai you have to be logged in to set it up, AFAIK19:48
puremchlbhm: yes19:48
dichotoPangeaDoes anyone know how to disable Mouse Keys in 13.04?19:48
melodiemchlbhm yes 0 is zero19:48
mchlbhmpure: yeah, I just noticed the dot in it. lol19:48
th0rMarco, you would get more help if we knew the problem19:49
MarcoAh.  So, ubuntu 12.10 installed fine via usb.  13.04 updated fine. but i wanted clean install... now, i cant get it working and im am just STUCK.  First few installs i got some error that kept repeating for realtek and now i just get a screen that turns on and off.  I can NOT get it to boot after install.  No info ive searched online helps.19:49
sakurai@melodie: I have password login enabled, so I can still go in from command line.19:49
mchlbhmpure: sudo dhclient wlan0?19:49
puremchlbhm: yes19:49
MarcoIm SO darn frustrated.  Ive spent TOO much time on this.19:49
mchlbhm pure: RTNETLINK answers: File exists19:50
taar779_Is there a way to give a user full permissions for usb devices?19:50
melodiesakurai yes, then go to the wiki look how to login automatically with your user login name, reboot and then from there change the resolution19:50
Marcoim on usb boot now19:51
AndChat308009Marco: you may be using old h/w19:51
Marcoits a bran new PC, also, it worked fine when i installed 12.10 and updated to 13.0419:51
sakurai@melodie: thanks, but the logging part isn't the issue, the issue is that I don't know where is the config file.19:52
mchlbhmI wish there were classes online to learn linux. I'd devote a ton of time to it.19:52
AndChat308009Try clean install19:52
Marcothats what i have bwwn soin19:52
sakurai@mchlbhm: I think there are.19:52
Marco*been doing19:53
melodiesakurai the config file is not the problem, to override it you need to be logged in so you have to use a turn around19:53
Marcofrom USB19:53
Marcore downloaded ubuntu 3 times19:53
Marcofrom diff computers19:53
mchlbhmsakurai, do you know of any?19:53
sakurai@melodie: I AM logged in!19:53
sakurai@melodie: that is, if you count cli19:54
melodieI meant login to X19:54
melodiesakurai login to X19:54
puremchlbhm: try "iwconfig" and then "sudo iwlist scan" and see if your router shows up19:54
Marcoi have NO idea where to even start now....19:55
sakurai@mchlbhm: depends on orientation, there is a pretty nice internet course about shell commands that I know about, but you'd have to search if you want a more general thing...19:55
Marcoi just want to be done with this, its been TOO much time just trying to get it to boot after install19:55
th0rMarco, you say you downloaded the iso three times, did you run the md5 checksum on any of them?19:55
Bulmahey guys19:56
Bulmaanyone here make the switch to linux for niggers?19:56
[BackBox]helo guys19:56
mchlbhmpure: Yes, it shows19:57
Bulmai cant seem to get on the site http://linuxforniggers.us/19:57
sakurai@melodie: lightdm.conf is where?19:57
XHEART24hi everyone, does someone know why wma files do not work on media players connected to TVs? I have a sony media player box and the wma files can not be viewed, only sound is heard.19:57
Marcono, i downloaded using the instructions from ubuntu19:57
erryMyrtti, :D19:57
melodiesakurai somewhere under /etc as all configuration files19:58
MarcoDownload, use pen drive to put on jump drive, did same thing i did when installing 12 successfully19:58
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Marcoalso, i have installed 13 5 times, no success to boot19:58
Marcobut it says it was a successful installation19:58
bash2703XHEART wma means windows media audio, its supposed to be sound only19:58
th0rMarco, you do realize you have said nothing about how it fails, where it fails, how far it boots....or what the problem seems to be19:58
XHEART24i can view that file on my pc as a video19:59
mchlbhmsakurai, not looking for general. I'm looking to learn not only what commands to type in, but what they're doing to make "things" happen19:59
=== mehdi is now known as Mehdi
bash2703than its wmv19:59
bash2703its because wmv is a microsoft format and your media player might not have the codec for that19:59
XHEART24then why i can not view wmv on the media play?19:59
mchlbhmMyrtti, than you for that. :)19:59
Marcoth0r, appoligies, im not super knowledgeable about all of this19:59
XHEART24can wmv convert to avi?20:00
bash2703yepp just google for a converter20:00
sakurai@mchlbhm: Off the top of my head I can point you to linuxcommand.org, I hope it works for you.20:01
XHEART24i am using ubuntu 12.0420:01
Marcoi have though, i had informed about how after a successful install, when it asks for restart that 2 installs it gave me a blinking message i did not understand referring to Realtek, than, the next 3 successful installs/unsuccessful boots it has simply been turning the screen on and off after the intel logo20:01
puremchlbhm: now "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid password" where essid is the name of your router and password is your password.20:01
bash2703than google wmv to avi converter ubuntu, its not that hard20:01
Marcoth0r: which, is all the info i have.20:02
jordan4ibanezHandbrake for a converter.20:02
Marcopretty straight forward i guess, successful install, unsuccessful boot, just turns screen on/off.  nothing else after the inital intel logo where u can press F2 for boot menu20:03
Marcobut any help would be so greatly appreciated, this stuff can get preeeetty irritating! lol20:03
looopmarco...dual boot?20:03
MarcoNo sir20:03
Marcojust ubuntu20:03
Marcowhich is rough as i have to use the usb boot to even talk to u guys right now20:03
Marcoi have nothing on my laptop20:04
looopYour 1st instal?20:04
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:04
Marcomany many installs20:04
Marco12.10 successful20:04
th0rMarco, try that nomodeset and see if it helps20:04
Marco13.04 upgrade successful20:04
MehdiHello people =)20:04
XHEART24i love my ubuntu 12.04 but i want to update20:04
puremchlbhm: Are you using WPA?20:04
Marcolet me see if i can understand this ill let u know in a sec20:04
Marcothe link is in ref. to ubuntu 1020:05
TheLordOfTimeMarco:  it should still be relevant20:06
Marcoand this stuff is WAY over my head20:06
Marcook thanks about the relevence20:06
mchlbhmpure: Sorry, was terminal (har har) looking20:06
camilohola necesito ayuda con el uso de Tor en mozilla me pueden ayudar?20:06
diiphantomhi all, how do i add keyboard shortcuts?20:06
Marcoyeah this link is FAR beyond me20:07
camiloubuntu en español necesito20:07
Marcoi dont understand 85 percent of it20:07
diiphantomcamilo: cual es el problema?20:07
DJones!es | camilo20:07
ubottucamilo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:07
=== mgodzill- is now known as mgodzilla
diiphantomcamilo: entra al canal de espanol20:08
camiloya.... instale tor vidalia se conecta, sin embargo no se sincroniza con mi mozilla20:08
mchlbhmpure: wpa20:08
camilogracias... iré a ubuntu en español20:08
MrBosshello, Ubuntu touch works in Galaxy SIII mini ?20:08
diiphantomcamilo: ok20:08
DJones!touch | MrBoss20:08
ubottuMrBoss: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:09
Marcoi just dont get why 12 instlled fine and update to 13 is fine but clean 13 i cant get20:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.20:09
MrBossubottu ok20:09
MehdiI have a problem with skype. I am on 13.04 (fresh install) x64, but every time i have the notification of someone connecting or disconnecting, there's a weird sound. how do I fix it ?20:09
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:09
=== jamie_ is now known as jamie
looopbad iso? marco20:09
mchlbhmpure: unknown command for my router20:09
Marcoi downloaded it multiple times20:09
Marcoon multiple pcs20:09
puremchlbhm: Have you checked your /etinnetwork/interfaces file to make sure the settings are correct for wlan0? Make sure the essid and passphrase are there.20:09
DJonesMrBoss: The #ubuntu-touch channel is probably the best one to ask about support on the SG320:09
Marcoand put on multiple usb drives20:09
diiphantomhi all, how do i add keyboard shortcuts to apps and menus?20:09
=== Shehrazad is now known as ElixirVitae
mchlbhmpure: No. Think ultra n00b when dealing with me please. lol20:10
Marcowhat difference does it make if i just redownload 12.10 and install than update again to 1?  cause this has taken me all day fri and sat and thats just silly.... so, will that be ok?  what the difference?20:13
SonikkuAmericaMarco: ...1?20:13
=== xBytez is now known as root
Marcosorry about that guys20:14
mchlbhmpure: If at anytime you decide my ignorance is too much of a pain... I'd understand.20:14
puremchlbhm: No problem. Try "nano /etc/network/interfaces" and look for the section that starts with "auto wlan0" Check to see that your essid is correct.20:14
mchlbhmpure: I have two lines and some kind of legend at the bottom.20:17
mchlbhmpure: auto lo (top line) and iface lo inet loopback (second line)20:17
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=== rallias is now known as Rallias
mchlbhmpure: bottom shows ^G for get help and whatnot20:18
aaron__what modprobe -v does?20:19
th0raaron__, displays the version information for modprobe20:20
MarcoSo.... advantages/disadvantages to upgrade to 13 or clean insall?20:20
SonikkuAmericaMarco: I would recommend the upgrade if you have Google Chrome (not Chromium)20:20
aaron__th0r, no it doesnt20:21
SonikkuAmericaOther than that one's as good as the other.20:21
th0raaron__, right...Ijust checked...it isn't a valid option20:21
aaron__th0r,  this sudo modprobe -v sony-laptop20:21
dopiehow do i enter command line prompt ?!20:22
mchlbhmpure: gotta go. Wife is patient, but about to kill me. Thank you for everything. :D20:22
puremchlbhm: the legend is for nano, which is a text editor. Looks like you'll need to do some configuration. It's a little too detailed to walk you through on here. Do you have access to google at the moment?20:22
MarcoSonikkuAmerica: What do you mean? I am on USB boot now... i will need to download and make new usb boot through here... using firefox.... and, i am unsure of what you mean by use chromium not chrome?  id install either or AFTER the successful install of ubuntu20:22
th0raaron__, according to the man page it gets you information as the program progresses20:22
aaron__th0r, how did you find this?20:23
th0raaron__, open a terminal and type 'man modprobe'. There is a man page for every command20:23
SonikkuAmericaMarco: The Chrome thing is about 13.04 not having a certain dependency that ChromE needs. (ChromIUM will work with no problems.) By upgrading the dependency will still be there.20:23
SonikkuAmericaMarco: Without that dependency (libudev0, if you're wondering) ChromE won't install.20:24
aaron__th0r, hmm nice .. but the thing iam still fighting to turn off the god damn keyboard20:25
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
aaron__th0r, i've looked everywhere20:25
Aethysius`I'm in Kubuntu, and for some reason, Banshee has decided to throw up a blank window instead of the actual music views.20:25
aaron__th0r, the page that you showed me doesnt work20:25
aaron__where can i post bugs?20:25
SonikkuAmericaAethysius`: Try purging and reinstalling. Banshee needs GTK+ libraries to work.20:25
th0raaron__, I don;t have such a keyboard so never had that problem. I would have to depend on google to lead me to the right info20:26
SonikkuAmericaAethysius`: (KDE is in Qt)20:26
ubottuTo purge all removed but not yet purged packages, use the following command: dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P20:26
Aethysius`I see.20:26
aaron__th0r, yeah the thing is i cant find anything that works20:26
SonikkuAmericaAethysius`: [ sudo apt-get purge banshee ] is the command you want20:26
aaron__th0r, i can find relevant things but nothing of them works20:26
SonikkuAmericaThen run [ sudo apt-get autoremove --purge ]20:26
SonikkuAmericaAethysius`: ^20:27
Aethysius`Thank you.20:27
looopAethysius`: i thought Amarok was the sacred kde music player20:27
SonikkuAmericaAethysius`: Then reinstall Banshee.20:27
SonikkuAmericalooop: It is...20:27
Aethysius`I dislike Amarok.20:27
* SonikkuAmerica looks at the Amarok "h8r"20:27
aaron__Aethysius`, oh come on Amarokm is good20:27
looopSonikkuAmerica: when i was on kde i loved amarok20:28
SonikkuAmericaHaters gonna hate I guess.20:28
SonikkuAmericaI'm on it now20:28
aaron__Aethysius`, why you dont like it?20:28
Aethysius`I just don't like the way it's laid out.20:29
Aethysius`In apt-get, how do I install all the extras for it?20:30
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Aethysius`Same thing's happening.20:32
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Aethysius`Oh, never mind.20:32
zerowaitstatei take it freenode is having problems today?20:33
2JTAABKZQbeing ddosed20:33
zerowaitstatewhy would anyone want to ddos freenode?20:33
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AethysiusAh, there we go.20:34
peteyare there any commands that can help you find and merge duplicates together20:35
peteyi have like 5 folders - sites 1 / sites 2 / sites 3 / sites 420:35
peteycrappy backups i had to make over a certain period of time20:35
th0rpetey, you might look at either the command 'cp -u' or the program FreeFileSync20:36
peteywhoah th0r thank you20:36
peteyfreefilesync looks great20:36
zerowaitstateor rsync20:36
th0rzerowaitstate, rsync kept messing up the attributes...was giving me headaches figuring it out. FreeFileSync just works20:37
di_giorgioMp3player [Nickelback - Burn It To The Ground] CeBoLiNhA 201220:39
Ben66di_giorgio: please don't20:39
MonkeyDustdi_giorgio  no such scripts here, please20:40
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
=== lwells is now known as netlar_irssi
=== netlar_irssi is now known as netlar2
* Wizard yawns20:46
netlarbest irc clients?20:46
WizardXChat, of course.20:46
betraydweechat beats all20:47
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:47
WizardWell, there was a factoid defined for such questions, but I'm to drunk to remember.20:47
WizardThanks, DJones .20:47
MonkeyDustirssi <320:47
camzMonkeyDust: ^ that20:48
brainwashqwebirc hehe20:48
=== Fyodorovna is now known as wilee-nilee
=== doebi_ is now known as doebi
betraydyou never left20:51
Hip[hopp]!ops skeet skeet20:52
ubottuHip[hopp]: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:52
Fatal_Exceptionwhen stpping services should i be using the service blah restart.. or/etc/i.. restart way???? is there a better way?20:53
=== Fatal_Exception is now known as xtacie
xtaciewhen stopping services should i be using the service blah restart.. or/etc/i.. restart way???? is there a better way?20:53
aaron__how many watts do you guys use/20:53
bekksxtacie: service ... is the way to do it.20:54
bekks!upstart > xtacie20:54
bekkshmm, bot unavail.20:54
ubottuxtacie, please see my private message20:54
xtacieahh, very nice. thank you for the weblink20:55
aaron__do you guus think that a rate of 13W is a small one?20:55
aaron__for a laptop20:55
xtaciei brought home one of the hp proliant serves to play with after i got the video mode issue fixed.. :) its SOO worth being in a HOT room (server is kicking out HEAT!) to be able to play with20:56
xtacie13w is like a netbook missing half its components lol. usually 35/40watts are used for netbooks20:56
d10nIs there a way to remove the option to search for non-local applications in the application Unity lens?20:57
mgodzill-runnin' ubuntu 12.04 64bit on a macbook pro 9,2.  applyin' the intel linux graphics drivers killed the trackpad.20:57
mgodzill-any suggestions on where i should start?20:57
aaron__xtacie: iam using 13.4 W right now20:57
jerwareDo I need special codecs to rip dvds ?  I'm getting a transcode error with k3b20:57
Myrtti[21:43] < Unit193 ?> Myrtti: Can you OP sandyd in #ubuntuforums?  It was hit  a little by a troll.20:58
xtacieaaron: what are you powering??20:58
aaron__xtacie: a laptop ofc20:58
aaron__xtacie: :D20:58
aaron__xtacie: http://postimg.org/image/jo6no5n75/21:00
woodHello all!21:00
th0rjerware, can you view the dvd's? If so, you should have the codecs. There was a package called 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' I think, but it may no longer exist21:01
xtacieahh yes, but you are discharing your battery right now21:01
netlaranyone else use pidgin for irc?21:01
aaron__xtacie: what did you thought?21:01
dublidusorry, i havent found a solution in te last hours:21:01
xtaciei thought you were saying you had a netbook that was using a 13w charger... pills got me loops21:01
dublidui want to execute a command _once_ on a boot _before_ my network is set up. i tried it in /etc/rc.local. unfortunately there it is to late as ifconfig allready shows established network. i dont want to execute the command every time /etc/init.d/networking is executed or any ifup/ifdown.. just once on a system-boot... a cronjob with "@reboot" is too late, too. what is my line here?21:01
aaron__xtahow much do you use?21:01
xtacieAdd command to /etc/rc.local. Make sure the execution bits is set on /etc/rc.local:21:02
xtacieCode:   echo '/path/to/my/command' >> /etc/rc.local21:02
xtaciechmod +x /etc/rc.local21:02
xtacieexcuse me, /etc/rc.local.21:03
emrHello, how i can disable sudo password asking21:03
dubliduman visudo21:03
wooddoes anyone know which version of windows WINE counts as? I am trying to run a plug in for msoffice for school and I have several options (Win XP, windows 7 X32 and windows 7 X64) currently running Ubuntu 12.04 X6421:03
xtacieYou control sudo through the "sudoers" file. To edit this file, run "sudo visudo". I haven't tested this, but I think the following would allow all users in the "cdrom" group to run "sudo k3b" without needing a password:  %cdrom ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/k3b21:04
xtacieFor more information, see the sudoers man page.21:04
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
emrdublidu, i already check and googled, i added my username to sudoers, but not affecting kernel is 3.5.0-28-generic21:04
DJoneswood: Probably best asking that question in ##winehq21:05
auronandacewood: run winecfg and set it as whatever one you want21:05
woodDJones ty21:05
woodAurondance: Ty too!21:05
auronandacewood: i think by default it uses xp21:05
dubliduemr: then dont ask so unspecific. first tell, what you have done _exactly_21:06
xtaciesudo visudo      add:%group ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/k3b             |   %group ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/amarok21:06
brainwashnetlar, describe your problem, skip asking if anyone uses XYZ :)21:07
utfans05afternoon all21:07
woodAurondance: yes it is set to XP for default ty!21:07
emrdublidu, i wrote my username wrong, thanks anyway, its working now21:07
auronandace!tab | wood21:08
ubottuwood: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:08
dubliduemr: ok21:08
mojtabath0r: HI21:08
mojtabath0r: I got these after running the command: sudo mount -t cifs -o credentials=~/.smbcredentials // /media/mojtaba/Elements21:09
mojtabamount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //,21:09
mojtaba       missing codepage or helper program, or other error21:09
mojtaba       (for several filesystems (e.g. nfs, cifs) you might21:09
mojtaba       need a /sbin/mount.<type> helper program)21:09
mojtaba       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try21:09
mojtaba       dmesg | tail  or so21:09
th0rmojtaba, hi21:09
Coreymojtaba: Use a pastebin.21:09
mojtabaCorey: ok21:09
th0rmojtaba, you might try opening a terminal and typing 'tail -f /var/log/syslog', then issue the mount command again. It might give more information21:10
th0rmojtaba, also, sometimes the ~ doesn't work, you need to use the full path...try that21:11
mojtabath0r: May 11 17:07:18 mojtaba-Studio-1555 kernel: [166075.903396] EXT3-fs (sdb1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode21:11
mojtabaMay 11 17:07:18 mojtaba-Studio-1555 udisksd[3491]: Mounted /dev/sdb1 at /media/mojtaba/Cooldisk on behalf of uid 100021:11
mojtabaMay 11 17:08:06 mojtaba-Studio-1555 kernel: [166124.325023] CIFS VFS: No username specified21:11
mojtabaMay 11 17:09:01 mojtaba-Studio-1555 CRON[9803]: (root) CMD (  [ -x /usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime ] && [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean /var/lib/php5 $(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime))21:11
mojtabaMay 11 17:10:25 mojtaba-Studio-1555 AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting due to inactivity21:11
mojtabaMay 11 17:10:25 mojtaba-Studio-1555 AptDaemon: INFO: Quitting was requested21:11
mojtabaMay 11 17:10:25 mojtaba-Studio-1555 dbus[967]: [system] Activating service name='org.debian.apt' (using servicehelper)21:11
mojtabaMay 11 17:10:28 mojtaba-Studio-1555 AptDaemon: INFO: Initializing daemon21:11
mojtabaMay 11 17:10:28 mojtaba-Studio-1555 dbus[967]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.debian.apt'21:11
mojtabaMay 11 17:10:28 mojtaba-Studio-1555 AptDaemon.PackageKit: INFO: Initializing PackageKit compat layer21:11
dublidumojtaba: !21:12
dublidumojtaba: pastebin21:12
Coreymojtaba: Pastebin that stuff! I'm not going to tell you again.21:12
th0rmojtaba, also, do you see the error about no username specified?21:13
mojtabath0r: Still the same21:13
mojtaba!language | CobraXnaiL21:13
ubottuCobraXnaiL: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:13
xtacieanyone know of any easier way of managing apache virtual hosts.. i dont wana full blown cpanel type system.21:13
Smash_meladoy you still here?21:14
mojtabath0r: Actually I put the user name and password, like this:21:14
dubliduxtacie: webmin21:14
th0rmojtaba, you might try, in a terminal, to issue the mount command with just the -t option, the ip, and the mount point. I think it will then prompt you for username and password21:14
xtaciewebmin is more than i need atm21:14
mojtabath0r: username="myuser"21:14
mojtabath0r: It just gave me error21:15
th0rmojtaba, pastebin the error21:16
xtaciei really like Ajenti .. anyone have any horror stories?? seems pretty lightweight and ajax-full21:16
Smash_anyway i fallowed directions from someone and i ended up crashing my internet, crashing my ubuntu machine and forceing the isp to reasign my ip which took like 15 mins on the phone... FVCK ALL OF YOU HAVE A MEANINGLESS DEATH.... i wont come back 4 this is useless... windows atleast doesnt make me crash the comcast iptable.... bye...21:17
mojtabath0r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5656015/21:18
lorphhow do I free a port without a pid number? when I type netstat -anp it shows a "-" instead of a pid number21:18
xtacieUbuntu 12.04.2 - (2) Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz, 4 cores21:18
xtacieCPU usage 0% user, 0% kernel, 0% IO, 100% idle21:18
xtacieReal memory 5.43 GB total, 107.01 MB used21:18
xtaciewhat to do with this beast???21:19
dublidulorph: free a port with pid? kill it?21:19
auronandacextacie: up to you, get suggestions in #ubuntu-offtopic21:19
th0rmojtaba, just a guess...try using 'sudo mount.cifs...' instead of mount.21:19
lorphdublidu: netstat doesn't show a pid number, it shows -21:19
mojtabath0r: I used sudo21:20
dublidulorph: and?21:20
xtacieauronandace ty21:20
th0rmojtaba, do you know for sure what protocol the router supports?21:20
lorphdublidu: so how I am supposed to kill a process if I don't have the pid number?21:20
th0rmojtaba, right...you need sudo21:20
dublidulorph: killall $name21:20
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lorphdublidu: I don't think you understand, there's no pid number or name21:21
dublidulorph: +1521:21
lorphlsof -ni doesn't show anything and netstat -anp shows a - where the pid number should be21:21
dublidulorph: ah no name, too21:21
dublidulorph: then your in trouble... and?21:21
dublidulorph: do it the windows way... plug it off and on again21:22
smO3000Where are mail files and configs kept with ubuntu?21:22
lorphdublidu: well this is a server and I was hoping not to restart it21:22
dublidulorph: that would be the easy way ;-)21:23
lorphif I have to restart it every time this problem happens then what's the point of using ubuntu21:23
MonkeyDu1tsmO3000  try ~/.config21:23
dublidulorph: this problem shouldnt happen21:23
dublidulorph: and you dont know, what prozess it is?21:23
lorphwell it looks like I'm not the only person with the problem http://serverfault.com/questions/45010/the-pid-and-name-of-the-program-to-which-socket-belongs21:24
lorphand there's no solution for it21:24
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dublidulorph: oh... and what does it have to do with an open port?21:24
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lorphdublidu: I don't know what the process is21:24
lorphI had a server listening there but I killed it already21:24
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__raveni have an aopen xcube ea65 with intel 82801EB/ER Chipset - where to find drivers to display its sensors?21:25
OsmodivsOk, this is what I am gonna try, I have Bodhi Linux, for some reason I cant boot to CD and neither do USB, I will install the Ubuntu desktop, after that I will delete Bodhi desktop, so after a reboot, I expect an Ubuntu distro installed in my system. Is it safe to do that?21:27
OsmodivsAethysius, Are you talking to me?21:28
__raveni have an aopen xcube ea65 with intel 82801EB/ER Chipset - where to find drivers to display its sensors?21:28
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AethysiusHowever, you can use a utility to make a bootable USB stick.21:29
DJonesOsmodivs: Bodhi Linux isn't a supported distribution in this channel21:29
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xtacieraven: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214209121:29
AethysiusOsmodivs, when you boot, after making the bootable USB stick,  go to boot options, and select USB.21:30
OsmodivsDJones, I am trying to instaall UBUNTU in my system, it is as if I had Windows, Are you gonna send me to a Windows channel?21:30
DJonesOsmodivs: Installing Ubuntu should work fine, it should install its own version of grub so you'll be able to remove bodhi linux21:30
OsmodivsAethysius, I have an old Laptop who does not accept USB boot, and for some reason I cant boot from CD either, even tough I choose that in the BIOS21:31
DJonesOsmodivs: No probs, I pressed enter before I'd finished typing, had to do the 2nd line on its own21:31
betraydOsmodivs: always run the md5sum check, that awy the CD will be bootable21:32
Osmodivsbetrayd, MD5SUM is fine, I even installed the same livedvd to another laptop, the problem must be my old laptop21:33
Osmodivswich is weird because I installed 10.04 and worked fine, must be a new line of code in 13.04 or something21:33
__raveni have an aopen xcube ea65 with intel 82801EB/ER Chipset - where to find drivers to display its sensors?21:35
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betraydOsmodivs: oh no, but there is plop, a utility that will load usb drivers so you can boot from usb (even if BIOS wouldn't allow it)21:35
Osmodivsbetrayd, Yeah, they even suggested me SUPERGRUB2 but does nothing, I am no expert either :D21:36
Daemoencan anyone explain why chmod g+rws displays rwS in some cases rws in others  on ubuntu ?21:36
EduardHello everyone21:37
Daemoenseems to do rws for dir rwS for file21:37
betraydhey Eduard21:37
reisioEduard: 'lo21:37
Daemoenso is it just a way of differentiating the ls display ?21:37
Daemoenposix doesnt support S so im curious why21:37
__raveni have an aopen xcube ea65 with intel 82801EB/ER Chipset - where to find drivers to display its sensors?21:38
EduardDoes anybody know if there is a way to import photos from nokia lumia 920 to pc in 13.04? Shotwell refuses to work for me21:38
aaron__i want to change the background from the grub2. how can i do that?21:38
OerHeksEduard what format? .raw ?21:39
Eduard0erHeks: .jpeg21:39
reisio.jpeg is a filename extension21:39
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Eduardthe standart one21:40
Eduardi could pull the photos one by one through nautilus, but i need some sort of sync solution21:41
bekksEduard: Use rsync then, or digikam.21:42
jaymartinezhow do i get rid of this onscreen keyboard that pops up at the login screen then again after i login?21:42
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homerjI've got a turtlebeach headset, worked fine in 12.10, in 13.04, it either gets picked up as an input or output, but not both21:46
homerjwhat's the conflict here?21:46
Eduardshotwell imported the photos somehow, but they show up as unrendered thumbnails21:47
freduI installed a font (terminus) but I can't select it as the terminal font. what do?21:47
SonikkuAmerica!wtf | Eduard21:47
ubottuEduard: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:47
freduI can't select it as any font*21:47
Eduardsorry for swearing :/21:48
SonikkuAmerica'T's all good, but just be careful21:48
neekz0rhuh.. this is an unusual case; fresh install, ubuntu 12.04LTS can't find the 802.1q interface, even though the kernel has the module loaded -- nothing in dmesg/syslog (i know the hardware works)21:49
betraydfredu: for your terminals on the GUI desktop?21:53
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jaymartinezhow do i get rid of this onscreen keyboard that pops up at the login screen then again after i login?21:53
fredubetrayd, yes21:54
MonkeyDu1tjaymartinez  i guess it's called orca21:55
__raveni have an aopen xcube ea65 with intel 82801EB/ER Chipset - where to find drivers to display its sensors?21:55
jaymartinezMonkeyDu1t, so how do i shut it down?21:59
hagi need help22:00
siegiehag: what kind of help :)22:01
sha1sumHey all. Have an HP DV7 with an interal analog stereo device and an HDMI device, and both were working great in OpenSUSE with an earlier version of pretty much everything than I have now on my Kubuntu setup...22:01
sha1sumhowever, now the HDMI output is not showing in any pulse mixers, but shows on alsamixer.22:01
siegiesha1sum: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1915772 --> seems to be old but maybe it works :)22:04
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dhcidoes anyone know where I can get the opencl libraries (release 1.2) for ubuntu? i see the headers at the main opencl site but not really the download source22:10
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:10
dhcinm I do have it on my machine already22:11
=== baklazan is now known as marahin
ubottugiulio: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».22:11
reisiogiulio: yes, stop trying to warez22:11
=== MistaMike|away is now known as MistaMike
dhcii'm really surprised that it seems included with the gfx driver, it seems like an add on package that the vendors wouldn't deal with on their own22:12
neekz0rinteresting, since when did !list become a warez only thing?22:12
reisioneekz0r: what's the point in having a bot if it isn't wrong a lot and spammy22:12
neekz0rthis is true22:12
neekz0rare eggdrops still popular?22:12
* reisio shrugs22:12
lmatOften (every time?) when I start my computer (using Ubuntu), the window manager doesn't show up and I'm put onto tty1 by default.22:12
gogo4!give me some arsenic22:13
* ViVaLaRock gives me a laptop22:13
ubottugogo4: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
gogo4haha :)22:13
lmatThis I don't mind, except that "service lightdm status" returns that it's running (and its PID).22:13
lmatI CTRL+ALT+F7 and it's a black screen.22:13
reisioubottu: not much chance of that22:13
ubottureisio: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
lmatso I sudo service lightdm restart   and it works fine. Does anyone know what's going on?22:13
neekz0ranything in the logs?22:13
reisiolmat: sounds like it isn't starting22:13
lmatreisio: Sorry, my posts are pretty spaced out with all the traffic in here. I said that "service lightdm status" says that it is started and has a PID.22:14
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reisiolmat: what about pgrep?22:14
lmatreisio: You want me to see if the process is running using pgrep?22:15
lmatreisio: brb.22:15
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lmatreisio: Okay, the problem is manifest right now.22:17
reisiolmat: yeah?22:17
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lmatreisio: pgrep lightdm   = 123822:17
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reisiolmat: ew22:17
lmatservice lightdm status   returns the same PID.22:17
reisiomaybe it's starting earlier than its deps22:17
lmatreisio: This seems reasonable.22:18
lmatreisio: Although, surely there's a mechanism to prevent that from happening?22:18
reisiolmat: upstart, theoretically :p22:18
lmatreisio: you know...it may have to do with my monitor situation...22:18
reisiolmat: check out /var/log/lightdm22:18
lmatreisio: I often change the amount and which monitors I'm using...22:18
reisiomm, wouldn't be my first guess22:19
lmatreisio: I'm using a laptop. It seems that the problem only manifests itself when I'm docked (so the laptop monitor is not being used, and two external monitors are being used).22:19
lmatreisio: Nothing interesting in lightdm.log   but there are five others ^_^22:19
reisiolike maybe it's trying to show the login screen on one that doesn't exist22:20
lmatreisio: perhaps.22:20
reisioI could believe that22:20
lmathow cute, "write 35 bytes to daemon"   "Read 8 bytes from daemon"  come on!22:20
reisiothat sounds super useful22:20
lmat"Fatal server error: no screens found (EE) Please consult The X.Org Foundation support ...22:21
lmatit points me to /var/log/Xorg.0.log22:22
lmatno screens found :)22:22
lmatoh... "Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration"22:22
lmatBut it must be a boot-up-time problem because when I service lightdm restart, it works just fine.22:22
lmatbrb, starting my window server...22:23
lmatreisio: yo22:25
smjThis one Java program is eating the whole CPU while doing absolutely nothing... I'm using OpenJDK7, should I try other JREs too?22:25
reisiosmj: try turning the program off22:26
reisiolmat: yoyo22:26
lmatsmj: absolutely nothing? Doesn't sound like it :P22:26
smjI've noticed that other Java programs use ridiculous amounts of CPU too22:27
reisiothat's practically what 'java' means22:28
lmatsmj: it's odd. I run java quite a bit and it doesn't munch up my processor.22:28
lmatsmj...all the time22:28
lmatreisio: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100961222:30
lmatresure: The last post.22:30
lmatI don't know if mine hands will let me type malloc!22:30
reisiolmat: on page 2?22:30
lmatreisio: no22:31
lmatreisio: sorry :( page 1 :)22:32
reisiothat looks nice and hairy22:32
dgyoungiiiwho wants to atlk22:33
Loshkidgyoungiii: feel free to chat on #ubuntu-offtopic22:34
reisioor #ubuntu-ffotpic, as the case may be22:34
neekz0r|2thank the gods for ipmi22:34
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subcoolHey is anyone familiiar with raid22:38
subcooli believe raid 022:38
lmatsubcool: That's not a question ^_^22:39
subcoolim reading about it- but, there is too much to read since im in serach mode. I have two old 120gb drives that were setup with raid. Raid 0 or raid 1.22:39
lmatsubcool: ok :)22:40
subcoolThe machine died years ago, and i've been saving these two drives sicne then. They have infomratoin on it that i'd like to pull off from it22:40
neekz0ri am very familar with raid22:40
neekz0rwhat do you need to know?22:40
subcoolJust a couple basics to ge tmyself on the path22:40
lmatsubcool: Ah, so you want to install them on your new computer.22:40
subcoolmy thought was recover- but it appears that its a linux software raid, not a hardware raid.22:40
subcoolatleast i think?22:40
subcoolim going in circles ...22:40
neekz0rokay, raid0 -- fast and lots of storage space, but unrealiable, the more disks you add the faster and bigger it gets along with it's unreliablity22:40
subcooli cant remember what it is22:41
neekz0rraid1: fast reads, normal writes, reliable but half as much space22:41
subcooli just tried.. :  http://paste.kde.org/74192022:41
lmatsubcool: you should probably just mount it as one, and see if the data are readable.22:42
neekz0rlinux raids are (somewhat) specially formated22:42
subcooli really just want to get the info off and start fresh.22:43
neekz0rdo you remember if it was raid1 or raid0?22:43
subcoolno- :/22:43
neekz0ror what the total space was?22:43
subcoolit was a long long time ago22:44
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bekksneekz0r: Huh?22:44
subcooli probably set it up as 022:44
subcoolbut i just really dont remember22:44
subcooli was going back and forth between 0 and 1, but then the Powersupply of hte box died.22:47
neekz0rwhat happens when you try to read the partition?22:47
subcoolit cant22:47
subcooli tried opening gparted22:47
bekksneekz0r: Trying to read it in which case?22:47
subcoolbut- im really noob at this22:47
subcooli set this up years ago to et my foot in the door, and then my system crashed.22:47
neekz0rie, something like fdisk22:47
neekz0rfdisk /dev/sdf22:47
subcoolgparted cant read it22:47
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neekz0rokay, are you sure it's a software raid?22:47
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neekz0rand who exactly is having raid issues? :P22:49
subcoolwtf is goign on22:49
neekz0rfreenode is probably being ddosed or something22:50
subcoolit coulda been a fake raid22:50
subcooli remember wanting to set it up as a hardware raid-22:50
elisa87How can I create static binary using this Makefile? Which changes should I do in this Makefile? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5656261/22:50
subcoolbut then when it was all set and done- it was setup as a software raid22:52
subcoolor something.22:52
neekz0relisa87: use ./configure, depends on what you are configuring but is usually --enable-static22:52
subcooli couldnt get help for it- and then the system crashed22:52
_kalo_hola, hay canal de ubuntu en castellano ??????????22:52
bekkselisa87: add -static to the cc flags.22:52
subcoolneekz0r, fdisk brings me to command:22:52
elisa87bekks which line you mean and where should I exactly put the -static flag?22:52
neekz0rtype p22:52
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KungpungHello can i chat here for help?22:52
bekkselisa87: line 322:52
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elisa87bekks CC = gcc (where should I put -static?) before or after gcc ? (possibly after)22:52
smjI remember somewhere was recently mentioned some tool that allows to run programs, using only the CPU idle time22:52
bekkselisa87: Thats line 2.22:52
bekkssmj: "nice"22:52
smjbekks, no.22:52
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elisa87bekks CC_FLAGS = -g -fopenmp  -O2 Should I put -static after -g ?22:52
bekkselisa87: Or at the end of the line.22:52
subcoolneekz0r, http://paste.ubuntu.com/565627222:52
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neekz0rokay, raid is still there so that's good22:52
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subcoolneekz0r, when i try to start the array with disk utility, it says components are missing?22:55
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit22:55
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gueriLLaPunKuhh...whats the cmd to find out what version of ubunt you're running?22:58
bekksgueriLLaPunK: lsb_release -a22:59
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Baueruys, after reboot after the last big Raring update, I couldnt boot until I switched to older kernel23:00
Bauerit is consistent, but the trace runs pretty fast and no scroll so I cant quite tell what is the source of the error, except something about 'recursive call23:00
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gueriLLaPunKwhen making a new user... i put them in the user group? what about sudo group?23:05
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WeThePeopleyou can assign a group permissions23:06
th0rgueriLLaPunK, normally no, unless you want them to have root priviliges23:06
BrittanyIs there any  way I can prevent these damned 'system software problem detected' messages from popping up constantly in 13.04?23:06
gueriLLaPunKi just created a user with 1000, i think. isa that enough to run sudo?23:06
WeThePeoplewhat is a /var/crash?23:06
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wilee-nileeBrittany, apport is the app, http://askubuntu.com/questions/93457/how-do-i-enable-or-disable-apport23:08
__raveni have an aopen xcube ea65 with intel 82801EB/ER Chipset - where to find drivers to display its sensors?23:08
BrittanyMuch love in your direction, wilee-nilee .23:08
wilee-nileeno problem23:08
elisa87bekks Thank you so much. Now it's working fine. Actually I received "kernel too old" error and I had to add -m32 flag in the same line as well CC_FLAGS = -g -fopenmp  -O2 -static -m3223:09
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.23:09
Brittany(Sometimes wonders if that package is accurate with my CPU since it averages around 20c)23:10
elisa87bekks do you know why I am receiving this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5656333/23:11
clempehello I'm tried to install fancontrol but it says "no pwm-capable sensor modules installed" but i can display the temperature with sensors. Did i anything wrong or is there no support for my notebook (dell inspirion 7520)23:12
bekkselisa87: No, since I have no clue what your program does.23:13
elisa87ah i see ! I wish I knew!23:13
wilee-nilee!info gkrellm23:13
ubottugkrellm (source: gkrellm): GNU Krell Monitors. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.5-3ubuntu1 (raring), package size 764 kB, installed size 2049 kB23:13
wilee-nileeclempe, ^^^23:13
clempewilee-nilee: ?^^23:14
wilee-nileeclempe, gkrellm is a gui controller23:14
wilee-nileetemps fan speed..etc see if it works.23:15
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envogueso i installed ubuntu a while ago but i dont get a dual boot option23:15
wilee-nileeenvogue, Details, what type of install and what OS's?23:17
monstarmikieis there a way to prevent an mtp device from opening a window whenever it is plugged in or is turned on?23:17
clempegkrellm: i can display my temperature but the fan is running at full speed and i tried to install fancontrol which require lm-sensors. my problem is not to display the temperatures23:18
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wilee-nileemonstarmikie, settings-details-removable media, maybe23:19
envoguewilee-nilee: i installed ubuntu from an usb and i have windows 8 which works23:20
clempewilee-nilee: i can display my temperature but the fan is running at full speed and i tried to install fancontrol which require lm-sensors. my problem is not to display the temperatures23:20
wilee-nileeenvogue, Have you looked at the uefi wiki, not much general help with uefi as it a bit per manufacturer specific.23:21
wilee-nileeclempe, Not sure really as far as a complete answer.23:21
WeThePeopleheadphones not working in 12.04.2 x64, ive checked eveything, any ideas23:22
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munzxhi! i have just installed ubuntu 13.4 , its awesome! thnx for the good work ,,,,, but the processor fan is spinning fast and makes noise! , i had similar issue before and i fixed by installing an app which i forgot its name!!! btw , i was using mint 13 for about a year and i did not have such issue!23:28
gueriLLaPunKoh, so i installed ext2 volume manager in windows 7 so i can transfer some files, but i cant write to my ubuntu partition. windows is telling me the disk is write protected. how do i remove it?23:29
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bekksgueriLLaPunK: You dont. Doing so, you will trash your filesystem.23:29
Dr_Willis_gueriLLaPunK:  ive seen windows trash ext2/3 filesystems with those tools.. best to do read only23:30
gueriLLaPunKso how do i transfer between the two file systems? :(23:30
wilee-nileegueriLLaPunK, Not sure there is a solid app for reading ext4's from windows most have a shared ntfs23:30
bekksgueriLLaPunK: I doubt you have a ext4 fs, which will be corrupted when trying to write to it like ext2/323:30
gueriLLaPunKi have ubuntu 13.4 installed23:30
WeThePeopleheadphones not working in 12.04.2 x64, ive checked everything, any ideas23:30
bekksgueriLLaPunK: Setup a shared ntfs volume.23:31
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gueriLLaPunKso i need to go into ubuntu and make a shared ntfs volume?23:31
bekksgueriLLaPunK: No. You can setup a shared ntfs from windows too.23:31
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gueriLLaPunKok awesome! how do i do that? :(23:32
wilee-nileegueriLLaPunK, If you have unallocated space windows or ubuntu can make a ntfs.23:32
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bekksgueriLLaPunK: By formatting a partition as NTFS,23:32
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gueriLLaPunKshoot. i used all my space to ext3/4 or whatever it is23:32
gueriLLaPunKi dont have any unallocated space23:32
munzxhi! i have just installed ubuntu 13.4 , its awesome! thnx for the good work ,,,,, but the processor fan is spinning fast and makes noise! , i had similar issue before and i fixed by installing an app which i forgot its name!!!23:33
bekksgueriLLaPunK: Then you cant setup a shared ntfs.23:33
gueriLLaPunKok so if i reinstall ubuntu... what should i do? make ext4 for ubuntu and make a large ntfs partition?23:33
wilee-nileegueriLLaPunK, You can resize partitions, but be aware of amounts of and partition types, in limitations.23:33
bekksYou can use gparted live cd for resizing and create a NTFS partition. Be sure to backup your entire disk before.23:34
gueriLLaPunKcan i just allocate a small portion of ubuntu to ext (like 4GB?23:34
gueriLLaPunKi can reinstall ubuntu23:34
gueriLLaPunKsince this was a fresh install23:34
bekksgueriLLaPunK: You dont need to reinstall.23:34
gueriLLaPunKit seems easier to reinstall23:34
smjcI guess I need a quad-core for running Java stuff23:34
gueriLLaPunKi never messed with gparted23:35
bekkssmjc: I doubt it.23:35
bekkssmjc: There is not much software actually using more than one core.23:35
harrisrwhat is the webcam chat program for ubuntu calle23:36
ubottuThe Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin23:36
bekksharrisr: There is no such program. :)23:36
harrisri cant use my webcam to video chat23:36
bekksharrisr: So which program do you use?23:36
Dr_Willis_video chat how?23:36
smjcin htop the program had two 'lines' running at 100%... but only one core was at 100%, how does that work?23:37
harrisr i want to video chat with my friends23:37
gueriLLaPunKbut to answer my previous question... how do i write to ext with ext2fsd? i dont have permission since its write protected23:37
bekkssmjc: htop needs a small amount of time to display values.23:37
Dr_Willis_harrisr:  and what app are you trying to use?23:37
bekksgueriLLaPunK: You dont. You will screw up your filesystems.23:37
harrisri need to know the best app23:38
Dr_Willis_google voice should work.23:38
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bekks!best | harrisr23:38
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:38
ubottuharrisr: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:38
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SmallFryanyone have any luck with cpan?23:39
* SmallFry is having a bit of trouble23:39
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harrisrwhat do you use to video chat23:39
harrisrwhat do you use to video chat23:39
bekksSmallFry: Which troule?23:39
SmallFryinstalling XML::Simple23:39
Dr_Willis_google voice should work. harrisr23:40
SmallFrybah, bbiab23:40
bekksharrisr: FaceTime on iPhone. :)23:40
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harrisrso sudo apt-get install google voice23:40
bekksSmallFry: Which troule?23:40
Prockwith out doing startx, if i just want to run one gui app by xinit application.... that works but how can i enable Alt+Right-Click to drag, or use the windows key?23:40
sha1sumHey all... mixers are not recognizing my HDMI audio output, even though the image is fine. Switching to proprietary drivers did no good. alsamixer, however, recognizes the HDMI card and so does aplay -l23:40
sha1sumgoogled for the past two hours to no avail23:41
Procknetsplit aaaahhhhhh with out doing startx, if i just want to run one gui app by xinit application.... that works but how can i enable Alt+Right-Click to drag, or use the windows key?23:41
RunemoroHi, when I do X -configure, it tells me "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."23:41
RunemoroHow can I fix this?23:41
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munzxhelp plz!23:42
munzxhow can i reduce the fan noise?23:42
mijkhey, anyone here familiar with Ubuntu for PPC?23:42
Prockis now a bat with all the ppl leaving and joining cause of the net split, are the smart ppl on  ?23:43
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Prockbad time*23:43
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co-locohi all - is there a good ppa with google-chrome?23:43
sha1sumWell, I'm here, so one of them is at least! ;)23:43
Dr_Willis_mijk:  last i used PPC linux/ubuntu - it dident work very well23:43
zeepchrome installs its own repo23:43
Dr_Willis_co-loco:  google has their own ppa/repo i belive23:43
Prockwith out doing startx, if i just want to run one gui app by xinit application.... that works but how can i enable Alt+Right-Click to drag, or use the windows key?23:43
zeepco-loco, just download the file from google23:43
co-locohi zeep - how exactly?23:43
sha1sumco-loco: the regular chrome download should work just fine.23:43
mijkDr_Willis_, buggy?23:43
wilee-nileegood is subjective23:44
zeepco-loco, just install the deb file they provide. it does it automatically23:44
Dr_Willis_mijk:  had lots of bugs... but that was 3+ yrs ago - its not  a very maintained release23:44
mijkI see23:44
mijkI'm bored, looking to use another platform23:45
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Dr_Willis_mijk:  what ppc system do you have exactly?23:45
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Prockwho can help with enableing Alt Click Dragging in xinit app ?????????23:45
bekksProck: Using xinit, you have no window manager, and thus there is no dragging available.23:46
mijkDr_Willis_, powermac g523:46
Prockbekks, ive done it before on other distros23:46
bekksProck: Then you had a window manager.23:47
co-locohow will updates be tracked if I manually install a .deb?23:47
harrisri installed google-talkplugin how do i run it23:47
bekksco-loco: They wont.23:47
RunemoroHi, when I do X -configure, it tells me "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."23:47
Prockthere was no window manager at that time23:47
RunemoroHow can I fix this?23:47
Dr_Willis_co-loco:  the google chrome deb.. enables a ppa23:47
Dr_Willis_co-loco:  its somewhat rare for debs to do that23:47
co-locook - then that's not the solution I'm looking for - hence I'm looking for a ppa if one exists23:47
sha1sumSo you're looking for a solution to something no one else recognizes as a problem?23:48
Procki just did xinit whatever and i could alt click drag, so how can i enable it with out a wm23:48
co-locono - couldn't I just manually add the ppa?23:48
bekksProck: You cant, without a wm.23:48
Dr_Willis_why do you not want to use a wm?23:48
Dr_Willis_co-loco:  you can manually add it.. the google-chrome deb enables the google ppa last i looked.23:49
ghost-warriorhi ubuntu'ers23:49
Prockso what is a wm that u cant see, no features except alt draging, dont want the title bar at all23:49
co-locoand the google chrome-deb is on google's websire, correct23:49
sha1sumProck: you have to have a window manager if you want to be able to even switch windows or drag them... What you mean is no decorations.23:50
sha1sumNot sure that I've seen anything like that, although some of the lighter-weight WM's may be able to do that.23:50
ghost-warriorIf there is a virus (like a rat) on a virtual machine of windows . Can it gain access to my HD (sorry for trolling)23:50
Prockim doing xinit vmware, no more windows23:50
Dr_Willis_ghost-warrior:  vm's normally cant access the rest of the system23:51
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Daemoenghost-warrior: depends on how it is setup, if youre using an isolated disk image, then no, if youre using a shared partition, yes.23:51
Dr_Willis_ghost-warrior:  unless you have shares setup or other setup23:51
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ghost-warriorDr_Willis_,  I think i got it on a virtual hard disk image. The virus is in the windows activator..!23:52
harrisris empathy a video chat23:52
ubottuempathy is the default instant messaging and video client for GNOME. Since Karmic, it has been the default client in Ubuntu, replacing !pidgin23:52
ghost-warriorI'm using vm-box23:53
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Dr_Willis_ghost-warrior:  windows activator? you mean some hack took to regiester windows ?23:53
Prockim using vmware 9.0.2, the latest23:53
ghost-warriorDr_Willis_,  Yes.23:53
Dr_Willis_ghost-warrior:  really not  in the 'ubuntu support' catagory.. not even sure how legal that is.. sounds like you may want to find a more legit way to use windows in the vm23:54
zeephow come wine  is a dependency for winetricks ;o23:54
zeepi guess it kinda makes sense. could just download it from the site if you need it by itself23:54
Dr_Willis_ghost-warrior:  the VM will have access to networking. unless you disable the network in the vm. so its not going tobe totally locked down23:54
NeldogzHey everyone, what is the proper way to setup dual screens in Ubuntu? I have 2 screens setup using Nvidia Proprietary drivers in TwinView config. Is this the correct option?23:55
ghost-warriorDr_Willis_: yeh, sorry. I wiped my official win 8 installing 12.10 :(  And i hadn't made a recovery disk.. Fail23:56
sha1sumI recently switched to 13.04 from OpenSUSE 12.2, where my HDMI audio output was working fine alongside my internal audio and I could switch application output from one to the other... Now ALSA recognizes my HDMI output by mixers using pulse do not.23:56
sha1sumAnyone ever see this? I've googled for the past two hours to no avail.23:56
harrisrhow can i send a video call through empathy23:57
ghost-warriorsha1sum,  I'm having issues getting my HDMI output working on 12.10, Tried installing driver everything ??23:57
sha1sumharrisr: It has good Google Talk audio support, not sure about video, though.23:57
sha1sumghost-warrior: I've tried the proprietary AMD/ATI drivers and all that did was (ironically) screw up my video where I couldn't get the HDMI resolution past 1600x900. The audio situation, however, stayed the same.23:58
Prockso is there a wm that has no features, no hot keys, and forces everything full screen, no title bars (min/max/close) no menu bar to the wm its self, so only way to open an app is to call it with the wm23:58
ghost-warriorsha1sum, It worked fine on karmic 9.1023:58
sha1sumProck: you're looking for some kind of kiosk functionality. That's where I'd start searching.23:58
bekksProck: No, there isnt.23:59
Dr_Willis_Prock:  whats the point of this  anyway?23:59
ghost-warriorThanks for the help. night all .. TC23:59
Prockthe lightest wm on the planet with the least features23:59
sha1sumDr_Willis_: I could imagine if he were running some kind of kiosk it might be useful.23:59
Dr_Willis_jwm is about the lightest wm ive seen23:59
SunStaris this normal for a machine that started out as 13.04 beta1? "Err http://ppa.launchpad.net raring/main i386 Packages 404 not found, http://ppa.launchpad.net raring/main amd64 Packages 404 not found"23:59
Dr_Willis_!info jwm23:59
ubottujwm (source: jwm): very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.0+svn579-2 (raring), package size 110 kB, installed size 290 kB23:59
Prockkiosk? sha1sum23:59

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