
MiningdudeHow are you today?00:47
ntzrmtthihu777I am well, and yourself? something I can help with? general chatter goes in xubunt-offtopic00:48
MiningdudeNothing to help with right now; Just wanting to join the #XUbuntu community!00:51
ntzrmtthihu777Miningdude: welcome, then!01:08
MiningdudeThank you ntzrmtthihu777! Installing xUbuntu in a Virtual Machine, on crap internet is FUN!01:09
ntzrmtthihu777lol. setting up a server on crap internet, now *that* is fun01:25
MiningdudeHave a problem now; In the VM (Virtualbox) I just finished the install and it told me to reboot. Hit the reboot button, and now it is stuck at a "Caught Signal 15, Shutting Down..."01:25
ntzrmtthihu777no clue, sir. sorry I have no answer for you :(01:32
MiningdudeGoing to post a pic of the screen01:32
Miningdude(Taken with iPod Touch 5g. Sorry for size)01:33
ntzrmtthihu777should get scrot + imagebinit (custom bash script)01:34
ntzrmtthihu777sorry, no clue sir. perhaps another can assist?01:35
MiningdudeInstalled xUbuntu 13.04 (I believe, let me check the iso name) on a virtual machine. After install, I rebooted and it gave me that screen.01:36
ntzrmtthihu777I've lost sound, any care to assist? perhaps its due to an ongoing install of StarCraft II01:36
bwat47does your sound card show in the sound settings or does it just show dummy output01:37
MiningdudeCheck http://reddit.com/r/xUbuntu ?01:37
ntzrmtthihu777bwat47: it shows the true sound card, it just died :/01:38
bwat47is it via hdmi?01:39
ntzrmtthihu777bwat47: nope, onboard speakers. lemme test the headphone jack real quick.01:39
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ntzrmtthihu777bwat47: nvm, I did sudo service pulseaudio restart and it restored. Problem solved.01:43
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Starcraftmazterwhats the differene between fglrx and fglrx-proprietry02:32
Starcraftmaztersorry updates02:32
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[0gb_us]When I buy software from the Ubuntu Software Center, is there a way to save the downloaded package for my archives?02:54
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asto-osi wont install font in gnome-terminal05:44
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NeedlesOh for the love of, I can't find a nickname that isn't taken. I'll rejoin when I find one.06:47
Manoliticoi need help07:45
Manoliticomy speakers doesn't sound07:45
Manoliticowhen i installed wine the sound icon dissapeared from the icon bar07:45
Manoliticoand then i instlaled xfce4-mixer07:45
Manoliticoi put it in the icon bar and changed the volume and then, it doesn't sound07:46
Manoliticoeverything is correct07:46
Manoliticoin alsamixer everything correct07:46
Manoliticoany help?07:46
bazhang!patience | Manolitico07:48
ubottuManolitico: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/07:48
nicklasboHi All. Periodically my computer becomes laggy, the HD activity led is constantly on and in iotop i see one process using most of the io. See its long command in http://paste.ubuntu.com/5653737/. I'm running Xubuntu 13.04. Can this be mitigated this?07:54
bazhangwhich process07:56
Manoliticomy propblem is solved with pavucontrol :)07:56
bazhangnice work Manolitico07:57
nicklasboThe command was in the paste, the rest of iotop is 3903 idle nobody 2.57 M/s 0.00 B/s 0.00 % 82.31 %.07:57
Manoliticoi have to go07:57
bazhangwhich process nicklasbo ? a torrent client?07:57
nicklasboNo, it is find07:58
nicklasboBut I'm not running find07:58
nicklasbothe find command is in the paste.07:58
nicklasboIt stopped now, but it runs from time to time with resulting freeze-ups of the UI.07:59
th0rnicklasbo, I wonder if it might be related to gvfs-backends. I used to encounter major delays opening thunar and traced it to that. I now remove that as a matter of course when installing xfce08:02
falloreif i disabled my drives from showing on my desktop, whats the fastest way to access a file manager? there isn't one in the top left dropdown menu for me08:03
th0rfallore, add Places to the panel08:03
fallorety :)08:04
nicklasboth0r, will look into it :) Are there any way to inspect who spawned the find?08:05
falloreoh man thats so much better :D08:05
th0rnicklasbo, I am sure there is, but I don't know it offhand08:05
nicklasbook, thanks :)08:06
th0rnicklasbo, as I understand it, gvfs-backends indexes the network drives to allow Thunar to access them directly. That find command seems to be searching for networked file systems for some reason. (not a bash guru...so didn't decode the entire thing_08:07
nicklasboOK, do you now if there are any side effects of doing apt-get remove gvfs-backends?08:11
th0rnicklasbo, I haven't found anything noticeable. If you check the web you should find some links about it...that is where I got the idea. Was searching for ways to speed up thunar and found that.08:12
nicklasboGreat, will give it a go then. I can always just install it again. Thanks!08:12
th0rnicklasbo, http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2174208:14
donnieI dig the new 13.04 but how come Chrome won't work?08:20
nicklasboth0r, The following packages will be REMOVED:  gvfs-backends software-center xubuntu-desktop :-)08:22
th0rdonnie, if you run chrome from the command line you might see an error that will help08:22
donnieI downloaded the deb. how can I try and install it from the command? Sudo apt-get install chrome?08:23
nicklasbodonnie, there is a depedency error with libudev0 right?08:23
th0rnicklasbo, wow....wonderful how they have linked that all together. Removing xubuntu desktop is ok...it is just a meta-package. Don;'t know about software centre....but I dont use it so wouldn;'t miss it <smile>08:23
donnienicklasbo: yes08:23
nicklasbodonnie, Chrome have a fixed in there repository, but it haven't reached stable yet.08:24
donnieOk. so I will wait a bit. I have chromium now so I'm good08:24
nicklasboOk, you could run their daily/nighly builds.08:24
donnieYeah. I'll stick with the chromium. it's really the same thing08:25
donnieNow to wipe out pulse and install mixer08:25
donnieI like it better08:25
nicklasboth0r, thanks for your help :-)08:25
djamayaofficialtoday my HDMI Audio output option dissapeared from my alsa control panel, so I can't select it for output anymore. however in terminal, and in my sysinfo the hard still shows up.09:35
ran_i need help about boot in 13.9409:50
Gargravarrrhi, i'm having a problem getting the 13.04 ISO to boot10:58
Gargravarrrjust wondering if anyone else has or if it's a problem with my discs or something10:59
ronaldstry checking for disc errors11:00
ronaldsalso check if you haven't downloaded 64 bit for 32 bit pc11:00
Gargravarrri've got an x64 PC and have the x64 image11:00
elfyif you didn't get the download from a torrent - check the md5sum for it11:00
Gargravarrrah, forgot about the checksum11:01
Gargravarrrokay, the checksum matches, but if i try to mount the ISO on my machine to check it works, i get an error saying no valid FSes found11:03
Gargravarrractually, forget that, i just tried mounting a 12.04 ISO for comparison and that gives the same error11:04
ronaldsyou have intel pc/11:04
ronaldsthen 32 bit pal11:04
elfynot if the machine's 64 bit :)11:05
Gargravarrrit's a C2D with x64 support, i've had Xubuntu 12.04 x64 running on it but i messed it up :)11:05
ronaldseven if it's 64 bit, those iso are mostly for amd11:05
Gargravarrrarchiecture's the same11:05
ronaldsthere is no difference between running 64 bit and 32 bit pal11:06
Gargravarrrlike i say, i've had 12.04 x64 working on this machine. in fact it still boots, but i've messed up NetworkManager11:06
Gargravarrrthere is if you have a tonne of RAM ;)11:06
ronaldsthere isn't since 32 pal uses all the ram anyway11:07
ronaldsbut you can argue with me, and never get intel machine running if iso doesn't supports intel11:07
elfyronalds: the 64 bit iso is not called amd because it's only for amd11:08
Gargravarrrit's because AMD defined the architecture so the name stuck, but Intel use the same11:08
ronaldsthen write another disk, till you get it working, what can I say11:08
Gargravarrrwill do, burning a different DVD now11:09
elfyGargravarrr: so when you try to boot what does it actually do?11:09
ronaldsI seriously doubt that 64 bit version will give any improvment over 32 bit pal intel image11:09
Gargravarrrelfy: nothing, doesn't see the DVD as a bootable disc11:10
ronaldsbut maybe11:10
elfyGargravarrr: you burning as an image I assume and have set bios to boot from cd first11:10
ronaldsmaybe it's uefi11:10
Gargravarrrronalds: there are certain things x64 does more efficiently than x86, like video processing which i do from time to time11:10
ronaldsI do video processing on my intel 32 bit with hd 3000 integrated card11:11
Gargravarrrelfy: i used the boot popup menu to specifically select the CD drive11:11
ronaldsI don't seem to run in any problems11:11
Gargravarrri'm not saying x86 can't do it, but if the CPU upports x64, it's more efficient to use x64 versions11:11
elfyGargravarrr: ok - and as ronalds - uefi?11:11
Gargravarrrthe board is definitely not UEFI, it's plain BIOS :)11:11
elfyand it's burnt as an ISO ?11:12
elfydoes it get to the man/keyboard stage? if it does that - hit a key and there are some options at F6 - nomodeset acpi etc11:13
ronaldsI had this problem on old hardware as lubuntu didn't wanted to run11:13
ronaldsbut xubuntu seemed to run on anything11:13
ronaldsinstalling ubuntu and then xubuntu-desktop, would give the same thing11:14
ronaldsyou could remove ubuntu packages after install11:14
Gargravarrrhmm, wonder if i'd have better luck booting it off a pen drive instead of a DVD11:14
elfyI always use those now11:15
fallorehow do i access a windows network's shared folders?11:15
Gargravarrrelfy: like i said, it doesn't detect the disc as bootable so it skips to the main HDD11:15
ronaldsor even taking 12.04 and upgrading it to 12.10 and later to 13.04 or rewriting precise in sources with raring11:15
Gargravarrri wanted to do that but i messed up NetworkManager and can't get online11:15
elfyGargravarrr: ceertainly sounds like it's not recognising that the disc is an image11:15
elfyGargravarrr: I use unetbootin11:16
ronaldsI would try another distro by this time11:16
Gargravarrri only have a 3G connection at the moment so downloading ISOs is expensive :)11:16
Gargravarrrright, new disc has finished burning, let's try it out...11:17
ronaldstoo bad for you, btw whats your hardware?11:17
GargravarrrCore 2 Duo 3GHz, 4GB RAM, 320GB HDD, GF550Ti11:18
Gargravarrra little old, sure :) but plenty fast enough for what i need11:18
ronaldsI would say gaming machine as you have nvidia11:19
Gargravarrralso nVidia are the only cards that properly work with Linux in any form11:19
ronaldswhy not run usual ubuntu, don't like unity?11:19
ronaldskde also is fine choice with 13.0411:20
Gargravarrryeah, absolutely hate Unity, <3 Xfce11:21
ronaldsalmost any card nowadays works fine with linux, but you don't get gaming factor on some of them11:21
ronaldsI have pc that used to run win 2000 and now it has xubuntu 12.04 with no problems11:22
Gargravarrri used to like ATi until AMD bought them, since then their driver support in windows has gotten worse for me, so i went nVidia-exclusive11:22
ronaldscan't play games that used to run in windows, but good for skype, web browser, and family needs11:22
Gargravarrryeah, i know, this machine used to run 12.04 okay, with a few issues from upgrading from 11.1011:22
Gargravarrrso i want to do a fresh install11:23
Gargravarrrelfy: if i want to boot from a pen drive, do i just dd the ISO to the USB disk?11:23
elfyyou could but I use unetbootin11:24
Gargravarrrwhat's that?11:24
Gargravarrrthat's quite neat11:25
elfyyep - works for me :)11:26
Gargravarrrand there's a Mac port too, fantastic11:26
ronaldsI love all the environments for different purpoises11:34
ronaldskde has homerunner widget which can replace unity11:34
ronaldswith 13.0411:34
ronaldsso if xubuntu 13.04 doesn't run, I can suggest trying kubuntu with kde 4.1011:35
Gargravarrrthanks for the suggestion, but i would much rather stick with Xfce11:35
Gargravarrrif 13.04 really won't install, i'll drop back to 12.04LTS11:36
ronaldsI just can't imagine living without ability to search for all the docs and apps in one smooth app11:39
Gargravarrri almost never use search, and i use Launchy as an app launcher11:43
Gargravarrrweird. UNetbootin didn't throw any errors, but trying to boot from the USB disk doesn't seem to be working11:50
elfyGargravarrr: I'd double check the boot options, sometimes usb has been seen as a hdd rather than a usb11:54
Gargravarrri definitely get the USB disk in the bootable disk popup11:55
elfyk - well if you've done the deed with unetbootin and you've checked the iso checksum I don't know11:56
Gargravarrryeah :S never had this problem before11:56
elfyme neither11:57
Gargravarrrbingo, had to do it manually11:57
Gargravarrrwell, i hope this works. last time i tried to install Xubuntu from a USB disk it failed spectacularly :S11:58
GargravarrrCD-RWs have always been my preferred approach. darn 13.04 for being just a smidge too big!11:58
elfywell - I've been installing with USB's for a couple of years without issue11:58
elfydvd's not even connected lol11:59
Gargravarrrheh. last time, i tried to install 12.04 on a Dell workstation, but it errored out before it finished installing. wrote the same image to a CD-RW and it installed perfectly11:59
Gargravarrrnow, fingers crossed this won't break my Win7 install12:05
Gargravarrrgood news, 13.04 booted up fine :)12:19
Gargravarrrquestion: what happens about nVidia drivers in this version? i don't see the 'Additional Drivers' option anywhere12:19
elfysettings manager - software sources - last tab in that is where additional drivers lives now12:20
elfysoftware and updates perhaps :)12:21
Gargravarrryep, found it, thanks12:22
Gargravarrrloads of different versions, i assume i should be using the 'tested' one?12:22
Gargravarrrstupid question, actually :)12:24
elfyI get totally confused by the long list ... I use nouveau :)12:25
elfyI think it's the 310 one12:25
Gargravarrryeah. nouveau's okay, but i like having full 3D support12:26
Gargravarrrfantastic, everything installed and working. now typing this from the xubuntu machine ^_^13:08
Gargravarrrthanks for your help guys, much appreciated13:12
anon1Is it just me or am I missing the panel Icon that would normally tell me when I had messages waiting?  thought it was the indicator plugin, but when I try adding that I realize I have two of that.14:11
gatsu1000good evening all17:10
gatsu1000someone can give me a little help?17:10
holsteingatsu1000: just ask.. we'll see17:10
gatsu1000how can i see which video card i've on the motherboard?17:11
holsteingatsu1000: i would google the manufacturers site.. or look on the box, or the case.. or run a live CD on the hardware and run "lspci".. or use whatever device recognition there is on whatever OS is on the hardware17:12
gatsu1000i've installed xubuntu a couple of days ago17:12
gatsu1000but not much used to it, sorry17:12
gatsu1000ok, found^^ thanks a lot^^17:13
gatsu1000now i've just to figure out how to set the color deep of the monitor...17:13
holsteingatsu1000: i would take it slow.. if it was windows you were running before, think about how long you used windows "as-is".. without setting *anything*17:14
gatsu1000i see, but i've a couple of issues i can't fix in any way...17:15
holsteingatsu1000: just elaborate about them here, or another support avenue and maybe a volunteer can help17:16
gatsu1000i think i've some video issue; for example, flashplayer just make me listen music but video is somewhat corrupted17:17
ballgatsu1000: I like it.17:17
gatsu1000and "desktop" background seems to be with a wrong color dept17:17
holsteingatsu1000: seems?17:17
ballgatsu1000: Have you looked in the Settings Manager?17:18
gatsu1000mmm, i don't know how to explain it...17:18
holsteingatsu1000: i wouldnt worry about the wallpaper.. first thing i would do is consider using a proprietary graphics driver if one is available17:18
ballIn the Hardware section I see Display.17:18
gatsu1000i'm trying to search for it, but can't understand exactly which one is17:18
holsteingatsu1000: is it youtube that is the issue? in flash?.. you can try the html5 trial https://www.youtube.com/html517:19
gatsu1000with lsmod, in video i see i91517:19
ballOh that's odd.  I see resolution (really mode, that's mislabelled) and refresh rate but not colour depth.17:19
gatsu1000yep ball, same here17:19
holsteinyou can try the chrome browser from google (which is the only way to get the current flash in linux)17:19
gatsu1000same issue17:19
ballgatsu1000: open a terminal window and try "xwininfo", click on the root (blank part of the desktop).17:20
ballMine says Depth: 2417:21
gatsu1000xwininfo: Window id: 0x1600003 "Scrivania"    Absolute upper-left X:  0   Absolute upper-left Y:  0   Relative upper-left X:  0   Relative upper-left Y:  0   Width: 1280   Height: 1024   Depth: 15   Visual: 0x20   Visual Class: TrueColor   Border width: 0   Class: InputOutput   Colormap: 0x22 (installed)   Bit Gravity State: NorthWestGravity   Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity   Backing Store State: NotUseful   Save Under State17:21
ballgatsu1000: You're right, you're only running 15-bit colour17:21
ballIs this a laptop?17:21
gatsu1000np, hp desktop17:22
gatsu1000don't know how to change the depth anyway...17:22
ballgatsu1000: That's what I'm trying to figure out for you.17:23
gatsu1000oh, thank you :)17:23
ballIn the Display control panel, what monitor does it say you have?17:23
gatsu1000someone seems to tell to edit xorg.conf or something like that17:24
holsteina custom xorg.conf can help.. sometimes i load up a knoppix live cd or puppy, and configure the graphics there and grab the xord.conf17:24
gatsu1000samsung electric company 17"17:24
gatsu1000but i don't know where and how to do it :P17:24
* ball keeps looking17:26
gatsu1000where i can find xorg.conf?17:27
gatsu1000mmm, it seems it doesn't exist17:27
holsteingatsu1000: right.. but you *can* put one inplace.. and force some things17:28
gatsu1000same question:  how? :P17:28
holsteinbut, its not trivial.. thats why i use a live CD to help me make one that i know will work17:28
gatsu1000i tried un reconfigure...17:29
holsteingatsu1000: i literally load up a live CD such as puppy, since there is a nice wizard... and i make certain that i see the deskop look *exactly* as i want.. then i grab the xorg.conf, and put it in place on my ubuntu rig.. tweaking if necessary17:29
ballOh hang on, there's a settings editor!17:29
holsteinwhy? because i am not skilled enough to create one from scratch17:29
gatsu1000great ball!17:30
ballOh wait, how much video RAM have you given the computer?17:30
gatsu1000erm... how can i see it?17:30
ballProbably in your CMOS setup program (often incorrectly called BIOS)17:30
gatsu1000if i remember well, 128mb at least, maybe 25617:31
holsteingatsu1000: confirm that.. that could be the issue17:31
gatsu1000ah... what i need to put?17:31
gatsu1000because i need a restart... the command !bios doesn't give any results17:32
holsteingatsu1000: the bios is specific to your hardware.. and will be reached specifically based on your hardware17:32
gatsu1000so, the only way i know is to reboot the pc17:33
holsteingatsu1000: that is the way you confirm how much ram is set to be shared with your graphics device as ball has pointed out can be an issue17:33
gatsu1000ok, give me a sec... checking and coming back17:34
holsteinis that the problem? likely not, but you need to make a list and troubleshoot17:34
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ballWB gatsu100017:41
gatsu1000thanks... bios doesn't have video memory that could be set...17:41
holsteingatsu1000: what would i do? load up a live CD with nomodeset17:42
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:42
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ballgatsu1000: Is the graphics built into your mainboard or on a separate expansion card?17:48
gatsu1000built in17:48
ballHmm... ok17:53
* ball waves18:47
livingdaylightremmoved abiword and gnumeric.18:47
livingdaylightis there an easy command for libre office suite, rather than installing them all one by one18:47
* ball checks18:47
bekkslivingdaylight: apt-get install libreoffice18:48
livingdaylightAlso, for Skype, which version do I grab from skype.com ? I'm on 32-bit for which it suggests ubuntu 10.04 which seems old . the other one says 12.04 (multi-arch) but what does multi-arch mean?18:48
ballbekks: Well /that's/ predictable. :-)18:49
koegslivingdaylight: activate the partner source in the software center and install skype from there18:49
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jessica9898what software i can use for reminding me to do breaks ?18:53
livingdaylightactivating partner source doesn't seem to give me sky[e18:56
knomelivingdaylight, did you update the repositories?18:56
knomejessica9898, maybe set up cron to do notifications18:57
knomelivingdaylight, what if you tried to do that first?18:57
ballI think I installed Skype using a package from the Skype Website.18:57
livingdaylightare we talking about software centre or synaptic?18:57
knomelivingdaylight, i believe you can do it from both18:58
livingdaylightdon't see it in software center18:59
knomelivingdaylight, alternatively, 'sudo apt-get update' in a terminal19:00
livingdaylighthave a jnlp file for which I've installed webstart from software center. However, when I right-click on jnlp file don't find the open with webstart19:18
livingdaylighti click open with other application but don't see it down the list19:19
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seronisHow do i get the Permissions tab in the Properties window to recognize the existance of the 'executable' bit ?19:35
seronisi can neither set nor verify the status of that bit using the GUI which is kinda unuseful19:35
seronisI already checked "http://docs.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/working-with-files-and-folders" first. It doesnt mention anything on the issue19:37
th0rseronis, what are you trying to mark as executable19:38
seronisjar files19:39
th0rseronis, I don't think jar files are executable. They are run using 'java something.jar' if I remember right19:39
seronisthe JRE refuses to execute jars that dont have the executable flag set19:40
seronisi opened a terminal and just chmod'd the file..  but its something that SHOULD have been available in the gui19:42
livingdaylightHi, can someone help me with java webstart?19:44
livingdaylightgot icetea java webstart installed but can't launch my jnlp file19:45
seronislivingdaylight, i havent used it myself but thats what i have bookmarked for when i do need to19:46
seronismight be of help19:46
livingdaylightthanks will look19:46
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amerigenaQuestion : when right-clicking on the desktop, the first menu that pops-up, is called what exactly? In Xfce terms, is this the top-level menu?20:48
amerigenaI'm interested in learning how to edit it, but all the researching I've done seems focused on the Applications menu.20:49
brainwashit's hard coded anyway, you can only edit the application menu20:51
noirguybrainwash : right now I'm working in Voyager, which is an Xubuntu knockoff. The "top-level" menu that I'm talking about is different from the Xubuntu default - and yes, I know, this channel only supports Xubuntu.21:20
noirguyBut my point is, if I want to edit this menu in Xubuntu, since it seems to be possible, how do I do it?21:20
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brainwashnoirguy, it's the right-click menu of xfdesktop and can't be changed by editing a config file21:29
xubuntu646Hello everyone, I have a stability issue with xubuntu. It is freezing up a bunch times.21:31
amerigenabrainwash : if that's the case, then how do these people who do remasters like Voyager edit the menu?21:31
amerigenaDo they create an entirely new menu?21:32
xubuntu646I don't know what to do with the OS frequently freezing on as I am new to Linux in general.21:34
brainwashamerigena, you can change the menu, but not without recompiling the code21:34
brainwashamerigena, just checked some pictures of Voyager.. what the heck :)21:36
amerigenaWhat the heck what?21:37
brainwashamerigena, can you upload a screenshot of the right-click menu?21:37
brainwashamerigena, the desktop looks.. different :)21:37
amerigenaIt's very different.21:37
amerigenaI'm working on that screenshot right now.21:38
jooveshi guys. tell me please. what's name of volume regulator app in 12.0421:38
SunStarxubuntu646, download badblocks & testdisk w/ photorec.  check the drive for errors21:39
joovesor sound properties21:39
brainwashxubuntu646, you should check some of the log files located in /var/log21:39
brainwashjooves, you mean the volume indicator in the top panel?21:40
bwat47jooves, if you mean the panel applet itself its ubuntu's sound-indicator, the app that opens upon clicking "sound settings" is called pavucontrol21:40
SunStarxubuntu646,  smartctl21:40
xubuntu646okay, I will try my best. Again complete noob at Linux. :-(21:42
xubuntu646@SunStar where you find badblocks and smartctl?21:45
SunStarsmartctl i got from repo (possibly kubuntu repo)21:46
amerigenabrainwash : I don't spend much time on IRC. How do I upload the screenshot?21:46
bwat47amerigena, imgur.com21:47
brainwashamerigena, use a web service like http://imageshack.us/21:47
amerigenaThat should be it brainwash21:49
amerigenaMy desktop is different from the default Voyager setup, but it's not that far removed.21:49
brainwashamerigena, you shared the wrong link i guess21:50
lderanaye im just getting ads myself21:51
lderanhttp://imageshack.us/a/img22/1599/rightclickscreenshot.png is a more direct link21:52
brainwasharen't those custom actions defined in Thunar? the top and bottom part of the menu isn't any different21:54
amerigenatry that link21:54
brainwashye, the previous one already worked :)21:55
brainwashso you should be able to add more custom actions to the center of the menu21:55
brainwashThunar does manage those custom actions21:56
brainwashedit > configure custom actions..21:57
brainwashbut maybe i'm wrong.. abandoned Thunar like years ago :D21:58
amerigenaPerfect. That's exactly what I was looking for.21:59
amerigenaThank you very much.21:59
joovesI'm noob in linux so help me please. When I use  "fn+up/down arrow" shortcut on my notebook to increase/decrease volume it moves volume of hdmi output instead of (currently active) internal output always. What should i do? xubuntu 12.0422:03
joovesunder ubnutu it works well22:04
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livingdaylightrunning the latest xfce and thunar 1.6.2. Would like to know whether its possible to navigate back and forwards or up and down the tree?22:09
livingdaylightI grab a file from one folder and go to another and can't just go back without having to start from square 122:10
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livingdaylightswitching from pathbar to toolbar style under View seems to give me what i was looking for22:11
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KungpungHello can someone please assist me with a minor problem? Please22:52
KungpungAnybody? :)22:52
th0rKungpung, depends on the problem, doesn't it?22:52
KungpungOfc. I am a total noob at ubuntu/xubuntu. I wan't to run a install.sh file but nothing happens. Any thoughs on that=22:52
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th0rKungpung, if you are totally new at linux you are probably asking for trouble installing something like that22:53
knomeKungpung, what's your real problem? what are you trying to install?22:53
KungpungIts a print driver. I would like to be able to print.22:53
KungpungThank you guys very much for trying to help me.22:53
th0rKungpung, have you installed CUPS yet? the driver you need may already be presenty22:54
KungpungI don't even know what CUPS is... So no. Where do I find that? Software centre?22:55
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu22:55
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Kungpung2Hello. Is it possible to run a .sh file in Xubuntu?23:08
Kungpung2How does one go about to run a .sh file in ubuntu?23:08
Kungpung2Could you please elaborate a bit upon that?23:09
Belialwhat's the name of the file?23:10
Belialso try ./install.sh23:10
Belialat command line.23:10
Kungpung2Where do I enter that data (./install.sh)? Thanks23:10
Belialyou know how to get to terminal, right?23:11
Kungpung2Yes. I figured it now. It says ''no such file or directory''. I have to enter the entire pathway?23:12
BelialKungpung2, just enter the directory that the file is in.23:13
Kungpung2Thank you belial for bering with a noob like me. :)23:13
Kungpung2So it installed correctly. But I still Can't find the printer...23:14
Kungpung2It was a printer driver I just installed.23:15
Belialtry rebooting, Kungpung223:18
Kungpung2Okay. Thank you again. Have a nice day/weekend sir.23:18
Kungpung2haha. How do i reboot?23:19
Belialsudo reboot from terminal23:19
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