
ahoneybun_valorie: are you there?04:28
ahoneybun_I never got that email04:28
ahoneybun_hey smartboyhw04:29
valorieI asked earlier what email address to send it to?04:29
ahoneybun_I thought I gave it04:29
ahoneybun_oh I gave it to Riddell04:29
smartboyhwHappy Mother's Day everyone04:30
ahoneybun_aaronhoneycutt@outlook.com sorry ;(04:30
ahoneybun_smartboyhw: same to you!04:30
ahoneybun_oh to valorie as well of course04:30
valoriesoon it will be!04:32
valoriea few more hours04:32
ahoneybun_it is here04:32
smartboyhwahoneybun_: Heh say it to my mother…04:32
valorieok, email on the way04:33
ahoneybun_I put a board on trello btw valorie04:33
* smartboyhw checks the Trello board04:34
valorieok, sent04:37
valorieI thought there was more there04:38
ahoneybun_on the page?04:38
valoriemy brain was more empty than I thought04:38
valoriein my little document I just sent to you04:38
ahoneybun_oh ok04:39
valorieone night I couldn't stop thinking, and wrote that, and the beginning of some blog posts04:40
valorieobsessive thinking doesn't necessarily produce the best results04:41
ahoneybun_I see I sent a reply04:42
valorieok, I'll look at that soon04:43
valorieI looked at the trello yesterday, but I didn't really understand what needed to be done04:47
ahoneybun_I fixed it04:49
ahoneybun_since then04:49
ahoneybun_in the kubuntu-docs branch on lp there are folders in the docs directory with xml files and I need to import those into the wiki and I have put them into parts04:50
ahoneybun_the 6 pages04:50
valorieah, OK04:51
valorieI thought that might be it04:52
valorieit's been so long since i worked with the files04:52
valorieand I got sidetracked working with the xubuntu files04:52
ahoneybun_yea sorry I have it in my own way really04:52
valorieas long as you are doing the work, that's OK04:54
ahoneybun_yea but not to great when working with others.04:54
valoriethe pages we were working on didn't look all that great around the edges04:55
valoriebut https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ looks GOOD04:55
valorieare we not linking right to that, or what?04:56
ahoneybun_for the getting involved page?04:56
ahoneybun_or in general04:56
valoriein general04:57
valoriedo you see what I mean?04:57
valoriethe theming at the top?04:57
ahoneybun_oh that04:57
ahoneybun_the icons?04:57
valoriethe theming04:58
valoriewhere it says Kubuntu wiki04:58
ahoneybun_oh how some pages say ubuntu wiki?04:59
ahoneybun_I see why04:59
ahoneybun_is that what your talking about?05:00
valorieI fail to understand the system, i guess05:00
ahoneybun_its because I put wiki.ubuntu.com and not wiki.kubuntu.com in the links05:00
ahoneybun_why are all my browser failing me05:00
ahoneybun_idk I took one link copy and used it to make them all05:01
valorieI mean, people should be able to find us on the ubuntu wiki05:01
valoriebut we are kubuntu.org05:01
valorienot ubuntu.com05:01
valorieI hate that .com anyway05:01
valorieand always have05:01
ahoneybun_we are not a company05:02
valoriecanonical.com is fine05:02
ahoneybun_a non-profit org05:02
valoriethey are in it to make money05:02
valoriewe're doing this for love05:02
ahoneybun_why does that page say wiki.ubuntu.com but still have the Kubuntu Wiki theme05:02
ahoneybun_seems the main page is on wiki.ubuntu.com05:04
ahoneybun_or is on both it seems05:05
ahoneybun_seems to be having server issues05:06
valoriewell, I don't understand it05:09
valoriebut I would like to see our pages be hosted primarily on our own branded wiki05:09
ahoneybun_working on that05:10
ahoneybun_so almost 50% with the basics page05:16
ahoneybun_just need to write permissions section05:17
* ahoneybun_ got lazy and just used <<TableOfContent>> 05:18
ahoneybun_I could not get the links to work right05:19
valorieI'm so glad you are comfortable working with that wiki software05:21
ahoneybun_https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDocs/RaringRingtail/Basics is that too many ?05:23
ahoneybun_its like HTML and CSS, it has to be neat for others to read05:23
ahoneybun_you should look at the code on that page!05:24
valoriepersonally, I would leave out the subheadings under tips05:24
valoriebut it LOOKS great05:24
ahoneybun_it makes too many links05:25
ahoneybun_what I could do it group them together05:26
ahoneybun_what I could do is group them05:26
ahoneybun_did you get a chance to look at the code?05:28
valorieomfg, this wiki is the slowest thing to save anything05:33
valorienext to my freaking PHONE05:34
ahoneybun_yea lol05:34
ahoneybun_did it load?05:38
valorieyes, that looks good05:39
ahoneybun_great ;)05:40
valoriethat code is insane05:40
ahoneybun_yea is it readable05:40
ahoneybun_this should be the biggest page05:42
valorieit's long05:42
valorieI'll read for content once you are done editing05:42
ahoneybun_I know, and I still have 4 more xml files to load in there05:42
valoriewell, it needs to be split, IMO05:43
ahoneybun_yea I was afraid of that05:43
ahoneybun_I mean its not bad to add 2 more pages05:43
ahoneybun_I could throw cli.xml and the basics.xml into a Linux Basic page on its own05:44
ahoneybun_do a Kubuntu Basics and Linux Basics05:44
valorieyes please05:45
valoriepeople don't necessarily ever need linux basics05:45
valorieif we do our job correctly05:45
valorieI mean, I like the cli05:45
valoriebut most people don't05:45
ahoneybun_I should update the trello and see how you think it looks05:46
valoriethen I'm going to watch another doctor who episode05:46
valoriemy DVR got off-track, and I'm sadly behind05:46
valorieand really, this is necessary for proper work in kubuntu05:47
ahoneybun_the doctor who?05:47
valoriehe loves to hear people ask that!05:47
ahoneybun_I know I watch it too05:47
ahoneybun_got the belt, socks, and one t-shirt05:48
valoriehave you read up on project time lord?05:48
valorieI missed participating, but I was using kub. at the time05:50
valoriejust becoming aware, faintly, that there was a community behind all this wonderfulness05:50
valorieand also not a doctor who fan yet!05:50
valoriewow, i hadn't put that together until now05:51
valorieanyway, back in roughly an hour05:51
valorieI mean, I was not yet a fan05:51
ahoneybun_oh ok idk if I will be up 05:52
valorieahoneybun_: the links to /Basics don07:26
valoriet work anymore07:26
valorieI think the name of theKubuntuBasics should be /Basics07:26
valoriehmmm, I thought we discouraged the use of aptitude these days?07:55
valorieotherwise, why don't we include it in the standard install?07:55
valorieIMO it shouldn't be in our kubuntu basics wiki pages07:56
valorieand seriously, if people are going to convert rpms to debs, do they need step by step of how to install alien in muon?07:58
* valorie sees some problems with our old docs!07:58
valoriewe no longer have LiveCDs right? only DVDs08:02
valorieok, finished with KubuntuBasics08:13
valoriewhich I think should be simple Basics08:13
valorieahoneybun_: ^^^08:14
valorieok, time for me to shut down for the night08:26
valorieI'll be around tomorrow evening again, ahoneybun_08:26
soeeagateau, may i ask one question?08:30
yofelvalorie, ahoneybun_: aptitude has some valid use cases, but on a desktop system it only duplicates functionality that's covered by other tools08:51
yofel!testers | 4.10.3 is done for 12.04 and 12.10 in ninjas09:38
ubottu4.10.3 is done for 12.04 and 12.10 in ninjas: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader for information.09:38
BluesKajHey all11:49
lordievaderGood afternoon.12:03
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
smartboyhwRiddell, I can do some packaging now.13:00
smartboyhwkubotu: newversion nootka 0.8.77~beta13:22
* smartboyhw \o/(s) at so many needs-packaging bug he created.13:22
smartboyhwHmm, http://felix.fobos.de/kubuntu/kubuntu-buildstatus.htm is interesting13:24
smartboyhwIf no one objects, I am doing the merges now. Starting by ksudoku13:33
smartboyhwDo some trivial ones first:P13:35
smartboyhwSomebody help, I dget -x the package from Ubuntu and the signature check failed since the jey is Riddell's (already imported but no)13:46
kubotusmartboyhw meant: "Somebody help, I dget -x the package from Ubuntu and the signature check failed since the key is Riddell's (already imported but no)"13:46
smartboyhwMeh, trying dpkg-source13:47
smartboyhwHurray it worked13:50
Riddellsmartboyhw: great13:50
smartboyhwRiddell, :P13:51
smartboyhwRiddell, so I merged the changelog and no debian/patches found. But then I also need to merge debian/rules too. Do I use the Debian ver. or Ubuntu ver. ?13:52
Riddellsmartboyhw: start with the debian version13:53
Riddelland if there are any changes with good reasons in ubuntu add those in13:53
Riddellbut usually there's aren't13:53
smartboyhwRiddell, OK13:54
smartboyhwRiddell, so for example, priority: optional for Debian, priority: extra for Ubuntu (in debian/control) which one should I choose?)13:56
Riddellgo with debian 13:56
smartboyhwRiddell, :)13:56
Riddellin almost all cases go with debain, keep the delta as small as possible13:57
smartboyhwRiddell, heh Debian's ksudoku is much detailed than us.13:57
smartboyhwThey got icons and manpages13:57
smartboyhwcd ..13:57
smartboyhwOops :P13:57
smartboyhwRiddell, is kde-sc-dev-latest in debian = pkg-kde-tools in ubuntu?14:03
smartboyhwLet me check...14:04
smartboyhwNow I come to think of it: We need pkg-kde-tools14:04
smartboyhwRiddell, is that correct? ^14:08
ahoneybunvalorie: yofel so remove aptitude from the docs?14:25
yofelahoneybun: it's really only useful in server docs. Mentioning it as an alternative would be ok I guess, but without further explenation14:28
ahoneybunI love using it over apt as I have to do 'apt-cache search' by with aptitude 'aptitude search'14:30
yofelyeah, the search functionality is one of my use cases for it. aptitude's search patterns beat apt-cache by far14:30
yofelsmartboyhw_: wrt. kde-sc-dev-latest14:30
ahoneybunso much more power14:30
yofelsmartboyhw_: leave it in as it is I would say. We don't bump the version lately, and it has a dep on pkg-kde-tools14:31
yofelas long as we don't change the sc-dev-latest version in meta-kde there's no point in changing that14:31
ahoneybunit has 2 sentences talking about it in the Docs, apt has the most 14:31
yofelsmartboyhw_: do keep any versioned kde build-deps that we have in ubuntu. Our scripts use that14:32
yofel(while debian does that with kde-sc-dev-latest)14:32
smartboyhw_yofel: OK14:33
yofelahoneybun: where's that? 2 lines would be fine probably, if anything put those at the bottom14:33
ahoneybunhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDocs/RaringRingtail/KubuntuBasics#Managing_software right below Apt14:33
yofelhm, I would leave it like that...14:34
ahoneybunwhy the '...'14:34
yofelvalorie: ^ opinion?14:34
* yofel isn't much of a doc writer14:34
ahoneybunneither am I14:35
smartboyhw_ahoneybun: If you have time, join the Ubuntu Docs team, they are in lack of contributors ;P14:38
ahoneybunsmartboyhw_: really?14:38
smartboyhw_ahoneybun: Yep14:39
yofelI believe all flavours have a lack of personal for the documentation14:39
smartboyhw_yofel: Even Ubuntu has that problem:P14:39
ahoneybunyea hard to believe lol14:39
ahoneybunis there a kubuntu-doc mailing list14:40
yofelsmartboyhw_: well... from my POV my statement included ubuntu14:40
yofelahoneybun: nope14:40
yofelahoneybun: kubuntu-devel is has low enough traffic that splitting things makes no sense14:40
yofeleven the seperate IRC channels that we had are unused today14:41
yofel(-bugs and -testers)14:41
ahoneybunsmartboyhw_: heck the #ubuntu-docs channel is invite only14:41
smartboyhw_ahoneybun: Try #ubuntu-doc14:42
ahoneybunsmartboyhw_: that seems to work, but I have no exp in DocBook it looks weird to me14:43
smartboyhw_Someone review ksudoku in https://launchpad.net/~smartboyhw/+archive/ppa plz14:44
smartboyhw_and upload:P14:45
smartboyhw_ahoneybun: Packages.14:45
ahoneybunI see14:45
yofelsmartboyhw_: can you put that into a branch please? A merge is easier to review (even without LP)14:45
smartboyhw_to the Ubuntu archive14:45
smartboyhw_yofel: Oh meh14:46
yofelas I'll have to make a diff anyway...14:46
smartboyhw_kubuntu-packaging branch or the ubuntu one? 14:46
smartboyhw_yofel: ^14:46
smartboyhw_yofel: OK14:47
ahoneybunyofel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam#Beginners_Team_Help look how they are doing subpages14:49
yofelhm interesting14:50
yofelI didn't know moinmoin could do that14:51
ahoneybuna tablesyle mixed with a table14:52
ahoneybunyea a table14:52
smartboyhw_yofel: Check the reviews for ksudoku kubuntu-packaging branch plz14:53
yofelI'll do that once I find them...14:54
smartboyhw_yofel: Sorry, I don't want to use IRC on my PC since the tennis live scores are disrupting:P14:54
yofelfound it ^^14:55
smartboyhw_yofel: Wait14:57
smartboyhw_I'm refiling the m.p.14:57
yofelyou don't need to14:57
yofelI can work with it14:57
yofelI don't pay attention to what's on launchpad anyway14:58
smartboyhw_done… :P14:58
yofel(well, esp. if you merge into the wrong branch ^^)14:58
apacheloggeryou're refiling the member of parliament :O14:58
smartboyhw_yofel: Yep:P14:58
smartboyhw_apachelogger: What?14:58
yofelsmartboyhw_: wrong maintainer, xsbc-original-maintainer is missing, wrong Vcs url's. Otherwise, looks fine15:02
smartboyhw_yofel: Riddell did the same thing I think15:03
yofeluhm... that's wrong then15:03
yofelmaintainer is us as soon as there is -XubuntuY in the changelog15:03
yofelyou keep debian as original maintainer then15:04
smartboyhw_Look at kcalc…15:04
yofellooks fine to me15:04
yofelah, the Vcs links are missing15:05
yofelthat needs fixing15:05
smartboyhw_yofel: Look more carefully…15:05
yofelsmartboyhw_: we're talking about kcalc right?15:05
smartboyhw_yofel: sure15:05
yofelMaintainer: Kubuntu Developers <kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com>15:06
yofelXSBC-Original-Maintainer: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde@lists.debian.org>15:06
smartboyhw_yofel: The uploaders thing?15:06
yofelUbuntu has no use for that field so leave it as it is15:06
smartboyhw_yofel: Ah OK then15:07
yofelRiddell: could you please add Vcs links in the control file when you see they're missing?15:08
yofelthey're not too helpful for us, but without those other people don't know where to commit to when they change something in the package15:08
ahoneybunyofel: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDocs/RaringRingtail what do you think? of the table of contents15:11
yofelhm... ok, I guess. I was thinking to rather use a header like on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu, but that feels overloaded and looks weird for some reason15:14
ahoneybunsmartboyhw_: what do you think? https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDocs/RaringRingtail15:14
ahoneybunit does look nice but yes overloaded15:15
yofelthe calender part should probably go away15:16
smartboyhwHello Riddelll15:18
ahoneybunyofel: I don't like I guess15:19
yofellet me try something15:20
smartboyhwyofel: You got my message?15:21
ahoneybunyofel: what?15:21
yofelsmartboyhw: not reall?15:21
smartboyhwBefore I went into weird internet;P15:21
smartboyhw(smartboyhw_) yofel: So am I going to edit the wrong bits or you?15:21
yofelsmartboyhw: hm, I can fix it. That's probably easiest15:22
smartboyhwyofel: Thanks:)15:22
yofelahoneybun: I tried putting it at the top without the text, but then it doesn't fit together with the page menu15:22
ahoneybunthe sub-pages15:23
ahoneybunyea above or below the banner?15:23
yofelbelow the banner, which didn't really work15:23
* apachelogger just remembered that the kubuntu wiki is not supposed to be used for user interaction.....15:24
apacheloggerlike community.kde its meant for internal stuff15:24
yofelso leaving it at the bottom would be best if we use it. The page should still point people to the important pages in the text15:24
yofelapachelogger: how is docs supposed to be for user interaction?15:24
smartboyhwMy namesake left! lol15:25
apacheloggeryofel: users are supposed to read the documentation, no? :P15:26
yofelapachelogger: so your point is...?15:27
ahoneybunread not click links?15:27
yofelI'm not sure whether a https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/ -style documentation would be better...15:27
apacheloggermy point is it cannot stay in the wiki unless you only use the wiki as development place in which case your formatting worries are probably no goody15:27
yofelwhere would you put it then? website?15:28
apacheloggerfor example15:29
apacheloggeror a sane wiki15:29
yofelwell, we can talk about that once the docs are done. Currently they *are* WIP15:30
yofelbut yeah, we should worry about the formatting later15:30
ahoneybunso thats what he is saying, write it for now15:30
ahoneybunthats what you are saying?15:36
* yofel notes that ksudoku in debian is broken15:44
yofelat least I get an empty package when building here15:45
smartboyhwyofel: I can build it here…15:46
smartboyhwWith -Installing(s)15:46
yofelsmartboyhw: nah, I'll talk to maxy first15:46
yofelsmartboyhw: well, it *builds*, but the result deb is empty15:47
smartboyhwyofel: :O15:47
smartboyhwMine is 1.4 MB15:48
yofelI missed that you didn't commit the install file15:50
smartboyhwyofel: :O oops15:52
smartboyhwWhy didn't I?15:52
yofelthere's quite a few things missing actually when comparing it to debian git15:52
yofel$ ls debian/15:52
yofelchangelog  compat  control  copyright  rules  source15:52
yofel$ ls ../ksudoku-debian/debian/15:52
yofelchangelog  compat  control  copyright  icon-list  icons  ksudoku.docs  ksudoku.install  ksudoku.manpages  ksudoku.menu  man  rules  source  watch15:52
smartboyhwyofel: Ah damn15:52
smartboyhwI forgotten bzr add!15:52
* smartboyhw hates add commands15:53
yofelI'll fix it, please don't forget it next time ;)15:53
* smartboyhw criee15:53
smartboyhwExtremely sorry yofel:(15:53
smartboyhwAnyways, sleep time.15:53
DarkwingYay, I just LOVE airports16:19
ahoneybunDarkwing: I thought you never talked lol17:19
ahoneybunhey je4d_17:36
ahoneybunjjesse: 17:36
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
lordievaderGood evening. Is there need for some more 4.10.3 testing?20:40
yofellordievader: if you're on precise or quantal I would appreciate it. I just did a quick test in a VM, but that's all the testing it got20:44
lordievaderOnly got Raring and Saucy here.20:44
yofelah ok, we've got that covered20:46
yofelI didn't find any issues so I'll publish what I have and hope for the best20:46
lordievaderOk, we do offer good support (in case things go wrong), if I say so myself :)20:48
=== debfx_ is now known as debfx
valorieahoneybun: went through the About page21:29
valorieand if people still use aptitude, I guess leave it in -- but why don't we provide it by default anymore?21:30
Riddelllvalorie: ahoneybun: no takeout aptitude21:38
Riddelllit's always been unsupported and we've always said it's not advised21:38
Riddelllso it really shouldn't be in there21:38
valorieI love yanking stuff21:39
valorieand seriously, we talk about how to install and use alien?21:39
valoriefine to document, but not in beginner user docs21:39
ryanakca/wn 121:40
Riddelllvalorie: kill that too21:43
valorieand do we still have liveCDs, or only LiveDVDs?21:46
valorieI thought we went to dvd only21:46
Riddelllno CD21:46
Riddelllonly a live image21:46
Riddelllwhich can be put on a dvd or usb drive21:46
valorieyou are very lllly today21:47
Riddelllwhat what?21:47
valorieyour nick21:49
valorieok, done weeding in the kubuntubasics page21:49
valoriekiddies are coming for a BBQ soon, so I'm off celebrating mother's day21:50
=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
* Riddell off to sleep21:51
ahoneybunvalorie: ?22:03
ahoneybunRiddell: ?22:05
ahoneybunmissed them22:08
claydohMamarok: my list email is being rejected as spam :(22:46

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