
RunemoroHi, when I do X -configure, it tells me "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."00:04
RunemoroHow do I fix this?00:04
=== HanzZ is now known as Guest78566
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:14
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mkkxrandr --output LVDS-1 --off ; this command works on command line, but when i create a bash startup script it doesn't do the job. can someone help me with this please?01:06
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Blubberbop_Hello, I'm a long time kubuntu user (since kubuntu 5), I've seen kubuntu getting better every release, but is it my imagination, or has 13.04 introduced a whole lot new problems?01:46
Blubberbop_kmix hangs most of the time, plasma-desktop crashes about 10 times before it.. well, doesn't.. kdialog hangs every time I try to save something (a problem I had a few distros back, then it was solved, now its back),  etc..01:47
Blubberbop_Am I the only person having these problems?01:47
Blubberbop_I have these on 3 different computers..01:47
dschulzdoes anyone know how to make qtchooser tool work?01:50
tekkbuzzdschulz: did you try on #qt ?01:52
BlubberbopAnd now Quassel crashes as well while doing nothing :) Is there anything known about stability issues with Kubuntu 13.0401:55
valorieBlubberbop: please file bugs02:05
valorieI've heard of some of these occasionally, but you really help out the devels when you file good bugs, and are willing to test fixes02:05
Blubberbopwill do then.. its just that I have never had that many problems with a distro (except maybe the 9.10 intel video driver issues :) )02:08
valorieI've had very few problems, and none that you're having02:09
valoriesmooth as silk on this 4 year-old laptop02:09
dschulztekkbuzz: i'm afraid they will complain that it's not a qt issue, but.. i'll try now. thanks02:13
cjaewhy cant I click ktorrent system tray icon02:45
valoriecjae: works for me; can you describe more what you mean?02:48
cjaeright click sorry there is no pop up  menu02:49
cjaevalorie: does it work for you?02:51
cjaeim back valorie03:03
cjaecan someone plz test to see if right click works on the system tray icon in 13.0403:03
SonikkuAmericacjae: Sure.03:04
cjaefor ktorrent sorry03:04
SonikkuAmericaYeah. I right-clicked it and got a menu.03:05
cjaewhat the ...03:05
cjaeSonikkuAmerica: 4.10.2 kde and kt 4.3.1?03:06
cjaeSonikkuAmerica: oh shoot it on my other screen lol03:07
SonikkuAmericacjae: The same.03:07
* cjae wonders how to fix03:08
SonikkuAmericacjae: Have you purged and reinstalled?03:08
cjaethats not issue03:08
cjaeits something to do with the sys tray and panels with two screens03:08
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cjaeas soon as I get ride of panel on tv it works03:09
goodtimeim running a extra lcd monitor np with this kubuntu03:10
goodtimei just drag my irc client into it and run irc with it03:11
emmanuel_buenas noches a todos saludosdesde venezuela03:11
goodtimekinda nice to be able to monitor irc seprate03:11
SonikkuAmerica!es | emmanuel_03:11
ubottuemmanuel_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:11
goodtimemeda,me espanol picito03:12
SonikkuAmericaemmanuel_: Buenas noches; favor de usar #kubuntu-es para cuestiones sobre Kubuntu en particular.03:12
cjaeSonikkuAmerica: all I had to do was switch panel from tv to monitor and the panel from monitor to tv03:14
SonikkuAmericaemmanuel_: Recordará Ud. a mirar al tópico.03:14
cjaeworks good03:14
SonikkuAmericacjae: Ah. I wonder what qualm your TV haz.03:15
* cjae is happy again03:15
cjaeI think you need to set clear panels first then set default monitor then add panels back03:17
cjaedont think it has anything to do with tv03:18
cjaedoes anyone use activities03:19
cjaeyeesh this is unstable release03:23
cjaeadding two quickaccess widgets froze entire desktop03:23
cjaeto same panel*03:23
SonikkuAmericacjae: ?? 13.10 alpha?03:24
cjae13.04 release03:24
SonikkuAmericaIt's not unstable at all... just in need of a tweak or 2 here or there03:24
cjaefirefox freezes quite a bit03:24
cjaektorrent cant dl and unzip blocklist correctly03:25
cjaeif you enable screen focus and follow active screen under mouse. rekonq still opens on opposite screen03:27
cjaeunder window behaviors03:28
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cjaeis the ff freezing issue something to do with the gtk-oxygen theme?03:32
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valoriesorry, I was off watching doctor who04:00
valorieyes, right-click gives me a menu04:00
cjaeyes I figured out my prob thanks anyway04:06
claycornhi i have a black wallpaper and i cant change it04:11
claycornon kde plasma04:11
valorieclaycorn: can you right-click on your desktop?04:14
valoriethat should bring up a menu04:14
claycornno such luck04:14
claycornthe pics were offcentre04:15
claycornthen gone04:15
claycornhaha wait04:15
claycorni clicked on the search and launch tap04:16
claycornits back04:16
FloodBotK1claycorn: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:16
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teodiHello.. I have a little problem with volume control on my kubuntu. It's a small issue I've had probably since 12.04, but it persists. Problem is that, at seemingly random occasions, it lags and it's not responding for a while, be it seconds to minutes. Any ideas what it could be the cause?06:24
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:27
frogonwheelsteodi: ^^^06:27
teodifrogonwheels: well that didn't help me much, thanks anyway06:46
audiohow would one go about debugging a laptops video card.. It's never been able to have nvidia drivers installed and working in a long time.. on tons of diff distro's and diff driver vers.. they install fine in windows.. any debugging tools to possible pinpoint hardware issue or something? 9700m gts ina laptop07:31
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MatthiasShalomZack Boing http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2013/05/mir-in-kubuntu/#comments09:32
MatthiasShalomOh, this is it: blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2013/05/mir-in-kubuntu09:33
Graf_WesterholtDoes anybody know why kdialog --passivepopup does not show when run from KDE Task Scheduler?09:52
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cjaedoes anyone else have the kubuntu 13.04 hang on boot issue? multiple resets needed to get system to boot10:19
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DLangeHi. Any work/ideas on the keuphoria.kss screensaver crashing every time on Kubuntu 13.04? (e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1178354)11:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1178354 in Ubuntu "keuphoria.kss always crashing" [Undecided,New]11:02
BluesKajHey all11:49
ronalds___guys who told me installing kubuntu-desktop will not mess up anything11:51
ronalds___there was 2 things 1)fonts in firefox 2)now it shows kubuntu GNU/Linux in grub menu11:51
ronalds___how do I change grub menu names11:51
DLangeby tweaking the scripts in /etc/grub.d . Not for the faint of heart.11:53
BluesKajronalds___, set your fonts in kmenu>computer>system settings>application appearance11:53
DLangealso look at /etc/default/grub.d/50_kubuntu.cfg which mangles the name11:53
ronalds___fonts I done it11:54
BluesKajmine still says ubuntu , but so what , it's minor11:55
ronalds___so I just change the line11:56
ronalds___where kubuntu is written?11:56
lordievaderGood afternoon.12:03
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halluhi, my microphone is not working on gmail/skype; can anyone help me setting it up/checking if it's working at all? thanks12:45
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BluesKajhallu, what's your audio chip in alsamixer ?12:56
halluBluesKaj:  Conexant CX20561 (Hermosa)12:57
rlyWhy do I need to wait a minute before Okular is changed to another default application?12:58
rlyAn operation like that should take at most one millisecond and even that would be considered slow.12:59
rlyAll that needs to happen is insert one element into a datastructure which keeps track of this and save this datastructure in the background when the user is idle.12:59
halluBluesKaj: on pavucontrol, i can see the bars moving as i speak, so it looks like my microphone is working12:59
rlyWhat have you possibly done to make it take one minute?13:00
rlyMake that 3 minutes, since it is still running.13:00
BluesKajhallu, do you have your input options set to mic on pavuccontrol ?13:00
halluBluesKaj: input is set of internal mic (it's a laptop)13:00
halluand the bar for this one moves when i speak13:01
BluesKajalso , sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , in the terminal13:01
halluBluesKaj: done13:01
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BluesKajok reboot , hallu13:03
ubottuPlease don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.13:05
halluBluesKaj: ok ty; it looks like it's working now, but i don't know if it's because of the modprobe thing or because i increased the sound on pavucontrol13:06
BluesKajhallu, probly both , modprobe loads the module , sometimes after updates/upgrades. it has to be reloaded13:07
KaxiHi, anybody know how to change the activities icon (the 3 dots) ? (sorry for my english)13:09
DLangeKaxi: change /usr/share/icons/oxygen/*/actions/preferences-activities.png13:14
AndreeeCZhello. What is the exact path to the trash in kubuntu?13:18
KaxiThanks DLange :)13:22
BluesKajAndreeeCZ, trash:/13:22
DLangewhich resolves to ~/.local/share/Trash/ for most uses13:24
BluesKajworks in the run command13:26
OerHeksI have a repeating bug: my time changes after reboot, and after 24 hour on... -2 hours13:26
OerHekschecked bios time, timezone, reset it with "Alan Swegle" but no luck :-(13:28
OerHekserr with*  sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata13:28
BluesKajOerHeks, don't use the ":set date and time automatically" , it's buggy13:28
OerHekseven checked uP&P is off13:28
BluesKajin clock settings13:28
OerHeksYes, error :613:29
OerHeksI do not wear a watch, i depend on pc time :-(13:29
BluesKajmake sure nUTC is unchecked , sometimes overrides your timezone13:29
AndreeeCZBluesKaj, DLange , thx13:29
AndreeeCZbecause i have this problem:13:32
AndreeeCZa file is in the trash, dolphin can see it. But cannot remove it or manipulate it stating that the file doesnt exist.13:32
AndreeeCZterminal doesnt see that file at all13:32
AndreeeCZi rebooted several times, to no avail13:33
AndreeeCZwhat can i do13:33
DLangeAndreeeCZ: probably the info file is still there but the deleted file is not. Delete the whole Trash folder (and .Trash on seperate partitions). It will be re-created on the next use.13:34
AndreeeCZDLange, including win/ntfs partitions?13:41
AndreeeCZDLange, because just now the trash folder recreated with the bastard file13:42
DLangeAndreeeCZ: no idea, I don't use ntfs on Linux.13:46
DLange(and I see no reason to do so either)13:46
AndreeeCZDLange, partition with windows on it13:49
kalibHello guys, last night I was upgrading a kubuntu machine from 12.10 to 13.04, but after all the process, and after restarting it, I can't log on kde anymore. After typing my password I only get this message: Could not start D-Bus. Can you call qdbus?" Any tip?14:32
rlykalib: that's not an upgrade.14:40
kalibops.. sorry..14:41
kalibanyway, I just tried now: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qdbus..14:41
rlykalib: you are not supposed to run 13.04.14:41
kalibnow I'm rebooting it to try again.14:41
kalibo.O why not?14:41
rlykalib: not a single company depends on such newer releases.14:41
rlykalib: do you know why?14:41
awaykalib is a company now?14:42
kalibit's not a company. it's a domestic laptop14:42
rlykalib: they don't want to waste their time with broken systems.14:42
rlykalib: do you want to waste your time?14:42
rlykalib: if so, go ahead, but don't expect much support.14:42
kalibrly, if you don't wanna try to help, why don't just ignore my question/problem?14:42
away13.04 worked fine on my other laptop14:42
awayrly, 13.04 is an officially supported release14:42
rlyaway: by who?14:43
rlyaway: and also it's still irrelevant.14:43
awayby this channel14:43
smartboyhw_rly: By the Kubuntu community...14:43
rlyaway: because nobody targets it as a platform.14:43
kalibby the site..by everything14:43
awayand the *buntu community14:43
rlySoftware is not developed for 13.04 specifically, so you just get a system which is less stable with about the same features.14:44
Mamarokrly: stop spreading fud, please14:44
Mamarok13.04 is an offical stable release14:44
rlyUsing 13.04 is just bad risk management.14:44
Mamarokrly: please stop it, or else I will ask you to leave14:44
awaywhy isn't everyone using LTS then lol14:44
rlyaway: because they have no clue?14:45
rlyaway: a new sucker is born every minute.14:45
Mamarokrly: last warning, stop it!14:45
awayglad to know we have a voice of reason here14:45
kalibanyway.. problem solved: #sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qdbus14:45
kalibnow I'm logged on my kde14:45
smartboyhw_away: We always have:P14:45
rlyMamarok: are you saying that 13.04 is not less stable than an LTS relase?14:45
awayyou might as well downgrade to 8.04 if you want stability14:46
kalibdo you guys think I need to remove my .kde ? so the system can create a new one? Or it wouldn't be necessary?14:46
rlyMamarok: if you have a problem with anything which is not LTS, you are just asking for it, IMHO.14:46
Mamarokrly: just stop spreading fud, this is an offical support channel for all stable releases, and 13.04 is not less stable than any other14:46
rlyMamarok: I am fairly sure that the bug tracker will show a different story for that.14:47
* apachelogger points out that LTS has nothing to do with stability but support cycles14:47
rlyMamarok: can you prove your statement?14:47
apacheloggerrly: stop it or take it to #kubuntu-offtopic please14:47
rlyShow us the numbers.14:47
Mamarokapachelogger: thanks14:47
kalibdo you guys think I need to remove my .kde ? so the system can create a new one? Or it wouldn't be necessary?14:48
rlyI am asking for scientific data which supports your theory.14:48
rlyAll I get back is a kick. Really impressive guys!14:48
Mamarokrly: you were asked to stop, this is off topic for this channel14:48
rlyMamarok: uhm, it's about which release to pick.14:48
rlyMamarok: seems rather central.14:48
awaynew features?14:49
rlyMamarok: if you show that 13.04 has significantly less bugs than an LTS release, I might even switch.14:49
apacheloggerrly: one more time... take this to #kubuntu-offtopic14:49
Mamarokthere is an offtopic channel you wwere pointed to14:49
Mamarokwell, I run 13.04 here and it is rock stable14:49
Mamarokkalib: sorry, you don't need to remove it, but let me read the backlog first14:49
Mamarokkalib: do you experience any problems right now? Then there is no reason to remove it14:50
rlyI am there now, but I don't expect to be getting an answer there.14:50
rlyAll you are doing is the equivalent of moving a demonstration from the Kremlin to Siberia.14:50
kalibMamarok, no problems. So, thanks.14:50
Mamarokkalib: you are welcome14:50
kalibI was just curious about what would be the recommended. ;]14:50
Mamarokapachelogger: thanks again :)14:51
smartboyhw_apachelogger: Absolute thanks;)14:51
Mamarokkalib: completely removing it is rarely necessary, usually it is enough to erase specific config files14:51
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userrlts here: chat clients disconnect when i switch to another Xorg server (by using ctrl+alt+F8). how does the Xorg server "under ctrl+alt+F7" know that i switched away from it?15:07
=== Shaun__ is now known as Shaun
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:24
apacheloggeruserr: a piece of middleware called consolekit, it essentially tracks login session states (e.g. also terminal... that way you can get audio from an xsession after you switched to a TTY and logged in using the same user)15:32
userrapachelogger: how do i close it for good?15:33
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apacheloggeruserr: the session? logout. :P15:34
apacheloggeryou cannot15:35
mokushany idea when the 10.3 updates will be available for kubuntu?16:18
BluesKaj10.3 kde updates ?16:19
BluesKajthe're partly uploaded , but dunno if backporeted yet16:19
userrapachelogger: what could you? is it too essential?16:20
mokushBluesKaj: yeah, the 4.10.3 may updates16:20
BluesKajmokush, got your backports enabled ? if so then update/upgrade and dist-upgrade16:22
userrapachelogger: i killed it and it stays killed and nothing bad seems to be happening and nothing seems to be missing. it doesn't seem essential. so do you mean something that i can't see yet?16:24
apacheloggerI mean, if stuff breaks that is on you16:24
mokushBluesKaj: yeah, I've got the backports ppa, but no 10.3 updates seem to be available. lastest are 10.216:28
mokushany idea why the caledonia theme shows krunner all transparent and weird? has krunner been updated to qml in .10 and needs new elements in the theme?16:28
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depeshКак полностью русифицировать kubuntu 13.04 .Много мест на английском.17:29
OerHeks!ru | depesh17:31
ubottudepesh: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:31
MmikeHello, guys. I'm using kubuntu 13.04 with proprietary nvidia drivers (313.30) and I'm experiencing GUI slowdown after cca two days of uptime17:37
MmikeWhen I log off and log back on, it's again ok for cca two days.17:37
MmikeHas anyone experienced someething like this, or has any info how to troubleshoot this?17:38
OerHeksHmike did you try TOP to see what process is taking up CPU time?17:43
OerHeksor memory ?17:43
Mmikememory usage doesn't seem to be the problem, nor the CPU usage is very high17:44
Mmikealthough it looks like xorg process, along with kwin and plasma-desktop start to utilize more CPU17:44
Mmikebut I have munin trending set up on my box, and there CPU increase isn't obvious17:45
MmikeI think it MIGHT be related to the nvidia drivers, but I'm not sure how to be sure about it :)17:45
Mmikewill try with ati card in few days...17:45
Mmikeit runs superb for the first 24 hours (cca), then it gets a bit slugish, and after cca two days it's realy slow17:46
BluesKajMmike, doubt it's the card or driver17:46
Mmikedoing ctrl-alt-l/r is so choppy17:46
MmikeBluesKaj, maybe card+driver+KDE combination. haven't tried recent ubuntu (hate gnome3 or unity) so I can't really say17:46
BluesKajMmike, you may have file indexing other daemons running that don't need to17:47
MmikeBluesKaj, hm, wouldn't I be experiencing slowdowns from the start then?17:47
BluesKajMmike, I also use the 313 driver and haven't experienced any slowdowns17:48
MmikeBluesKaj, what is your usual uptime?17:48
BluesKajsometimes 12 hrs sometimes 4-5 days17:48
MmikeI could be that my card is also broken - I realized that, when in win7 (merely to play rfactor/farcry!) after few hours of playing the framerate goes down...17:48
BluesKajMmike, which card ?17:49
Mmike02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT200 [GeForce GTX 260] (rev a1)17:50
Mmikehm, pidgin also freezes from time to time :/17:54
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MmikeBluesKaj, I've read that there are issues with systray and icons that frequently change - that can lead to slowdowns/leaks18:03
Mmikealthough I don't experience leaks18:03
userrhow do i switch from unity to kde?18:07
userri installed konsole, which triggered the installation of most of kde but i still don't get it as an alternative session in lightdm18:09
userrwhat kde package should i install to be sure that i have the kde *session* essentials?18:12
Mmikeubottu, i think you need to install kubuntu-desktop package18:16
ubottuMmike: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:16
Mmikefunny lad :)18:16
Mmikeuserr, ^^ :)18:16
userrMmike: i don't understand18:18
userrthank :)18:19
Mmikeuserr, it boils down to: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop18:20
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mokushdoes anybody have any issues with the time not being save and not being able to select 'set date and time automatically', in a fresh 13.04 install?19:52
BluesKajmokush, in digital clock settings/timezones , set the "Clock Defaults To" drop down to local19:57
mokushBluesKaj: I had to `sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata` and now everything seems fine20:10
BluesKajmokush, hope it sticks20:10
mokushBluesKaj: yeah, me too :)20:13
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lordievaderGood evening.20:39
AndreeeCZlordievader, could be better20:49
lordievaderAndreeeCZ: How so, if you don't mind me asking?20:49
AndreeeCZhockey hockey hockey20:49
AndreeeCZlordievader, where you from?20:50
BluesKajAndreeeCZ, what hockey ?20:52
AndreeeCZBluesKaj, world cup20:52
lordievaderAndreeeCZ: Hang around long enough and you'll find out ;)20:53
BluesKajAndreeeCZ, we're watching the NHL playoffs here right now20:54
AndreeeCZBluesKaj, ok i dont  care much about that, but its surely good20:55
BluesKajall the good euro players are over here :)20:55
AndreeeCZBluesKaj, i know. We're just hoping that NHL would like strangle and die in the times of the world cup20:57
AndreeeCZwhich is every year around this time.20:57
BluesKajthe NHL was first ...world cup along much later and we'e better fo to #kubuntu-offtopic to continue this discussion20:59
BluesKajgo to20:59
Artakhaice hockey.. the game where ten people skate after a little black circular object to forcefully give it to the opposing team which is too reluctant to take it as a gift20:59
BluesKajArtakha, I won't comment here21:01
BluesKajArtakha, #kubuntu-offtopic21:05
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eshloxsomeone uses kde telepathy contact list? (http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.8/screenshots/telepathy.png), it is possible to change contact name?21:59

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