
RunemoroHi, when I do X -configure, it tells me "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."00:08
RunemoroHow do I fix this?00:08
Unit193!crosspost | Runemoro00:10
ubottuRunemoro: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.00:10
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
=== JasonO- is now known as JasonO
hsnlubuntu - best distro for my netbook04:16
TheLordOfTimehsn:  yeah netbooks are like that04:19
TheLordOfTimehsn:  i use lubuntu on my netbook too04:19
holsteinlxde is a nice choice for low resources04:19
Unit193Heh, just don't try the Netbook interface. ;)04:20
holsteinlol.. yeah its prettty bad04:21
hsni would like to have ARM version running on this http://www.google.com/intl/cs/chrome/devices/samsung-chromebook.html#overview04:22
hsnthey are $200 USD with SSD04:22
hsn8 hours batery life04:22
holsteini get 6 or so with my eeepc, and i dont have to deal with ARM04:23
holsteinand it was cheaper.. dual core04:23
Unit193There is an ARM image for Lubuntu, but I'm not exactly sure if it's the right ARM type.04:23
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  urgh don't remind me.04:24
hsnholstein: what model you have04:26
holsteinhsn: several04:27
hsnthey are cheaper then $200?04:27
holsteinhsn: yes..04:28
holsteinhsn: used, that is04:28
holsteinwell, i have an old eee900 that i paid $400 for.. but that was back before we were calling them "netbooks"04:29
holsteinthe dual core i use i got for under $200.. and i have several that i got for between $100 and free04:29
hsnif you get used one, how much cost new battery04:30
holsteinhsn: i havent needed to do that yet... but i see them for around $20 to $40.. but we should go OT04:31
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:31
holsteinhsn: thats more for me than you.. im the one being OT actually :)04:31
capinjackafter an instal of deft7.2 I'm getting an out of range signal on the monitor. I'vr tried following instructions to update the nvidia drivers without luck and would appreciate help05:09
Unit193Deft?  Can you switch to a TTY at that point?05:13
capinjackdeft distro, tty is terminal?05:23
capinjackI have a cmd line from the Live CD05:24
Unit193I think you're in the wrong channel, this is for Lubuntu.05:25
capinjackI came here because Lubuntu is on the install screen05:26
Unit193Hrm, looks like they used the same screen, may try http://www.deftlinux.net/forum/ ?  TTY is what you get with CTRL+ALT+F105:30
hsnwhats deft07:13
=== sact1 is now known as sact
=== C0nfus3d is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
sdafsdfai want to permanently adjust brightness14:50
sdafsdfa13.04 resets itself after each pc restart14:50
sdafsdfaits absolute shit14:50
sdafsdfa12.10 never did that14:50
=== fragalot_ is now known as fragalot
zleapthe lubuntu manual idea looks good18:19
zleaphi len18:25
UItimaKRHi I just installed lubuntu for the first time and am brand new to linux could anybody help me with setting up an internet connection?18:40
UItimaKRIs anybody online?18:41
=== wizonesolutions_ is now known as wizonesolutions
phillwhi zleap pop on to #lubuntu-offtopic :)19:35
DrDuckHi guys. Just installed lubuntu on my laptop and having issues with getting its wifi to pick up an internet connection. Is there a driver I need to download perhaps?19:37
DrDuckAnd how could I properly diagnose this issue in order to ask a more specific question? :P19:37
Unit193DrDuck: lspci  or  lsusb  and find the device.19:39
DrDuckUnit193: Here is my output from lspci http://pastebin.com/BbiL1bH519:41
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:42
Unit193DrDuck: I'd go with broadcom-sta-dkms myself.19:44
DrDuckUnit193: I will try. So that means I should install what I need from these intructions, eh? http://wiki.debian.org/wl19:45
Unit193DrDuck: As you can see with from the output, you have a BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n device.19:45
Unit193Should already have the repo, so don't add that.  Just pull in the dkms package, and headers if you don't have them.19:46
DrDuckHow would I go about pulling in the dkms package? :D19:48
Unit193sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms19:48
Unit193linux-headers-generic grab that too.19:49
DrDuck11: Resource temporarily unavailable19:49
plotinolubuntu as defualt is using pulseaudio for audio?19:50
Unit193You got a LAN connection?  You can also use some sort of offline method.19:50
Unit193plotino: Nope.19:50
DrDuckYes I have a LAN connection at the moment.19:50
DrDuckGonna try: sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock19:50
DrDuckand sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock19:50
Unit193Make sure you don't have synaptic, USC, or LSC open.19:51
DrDuckAhh that was it. :P19:51
plotinoso there is only alsa installed or defualt lubutnu installation?19:52
Unit193You can install pulseaudio if you want.19:52
DrDuckUnit193: Ok, now that I've done sudo apt-get install broadcom-sta-dkms and sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic, what would be an ideal next step?19:53
Unit193DrDuck: Did you see anything indicating that dkms was triggered and built the module?19:54
Unit193If they aren't loaded, modprobe them.19:54
DrDuckUnit193: http://pastebin.com/4v13gzAK19:57
Unit193DrDuck: Fun times all around. >_<19:59
DrDuckOh yes.19:59
DrDuckWhat does this mean, Unit193?19:59
Unit193Means won't compile with DKMS, may want to try the other method.19:59
DrDuckUnit193: So bcmwl-kernel-source?20:01
DrDuckFrom https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx it says that's the other method from broadcom-sta.20:02
Unit193Sounds like a shot, but dkms is normally the better way to go as it rebuilds with new kernel versions.20:02
DrDuckMaybe it didn't compile it because I only have Python 2.7 installed on this system?20:03
DrDuckPerhaps it's using Python 3.2 or something?20:03
Unit193Pretty sure it's a package bug.20:04
Unit193(May want to report the bug.)20:06
DrDuckUnit193: Under the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the STA drivers can be activated for use. 20:06
DrDuckwhere is this with lubuntu?20:06
Unit193DrDuck: Do that.20:06
Unit193(It's in Software Sources now.)20:07
DrDuckI don't have that. :<20:08
DrDuckSystem Tools > Software Updater, Synaptic Package Manager, or System Profiler and Benchmark20:08
DrDuckPreferences > Screensaver or Software & Updates20:08
DrDuckAhh I see.20:09
DrDuckIt was under Software & Updates20:09
DrDuckIn the Additional Drivers tab.20:09
DrDuckThanks, Unit193!20:09
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell

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