
=== jimerickson is now known as Guest32769
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BluesKajHey all11:49
penguin42Hey BK11:50
=== MistaMike|away is now known as MistaMike
BluesKajhi penguin4211:58
penguin42anyone else having problems with ssh ?12:51
penguin42filed as bug 117920213:01
ubottubug 1179202 in openssh (Ubuntu) "fails to login with error fatal: monitor_read: unsupported request: 144" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117920213:01
=== SwedMike is now known as SwedeMike
=== jimerick1on is now known as jimerickson
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Seven_Six_TwoI realize it's alpha, but are people having a lot of serious problems?17:13
DaekdroomAt this point, I would be surprise if serious problems didn't happen.17:15
penguin42openssh server seems to be broken17:24
vexati0nOY is my inability to SSH as a regular user to my 13.10 machine an actual bug, or am I doing something wrong?17:41
penguin42it's a bug17:42
penguin42bug 117920217:42
ubottubug 1179202 in openssh (Ubuntu) "fails to login with error fatal: monitor_read: unsupported request: 144" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117920217:42
vexati0ncool, thanks. weird that i can still ssh as root17:42
penguin42interesting, hadn't tried as root17:43
vexati0nthat's the same error i'm getting from pam so I'm guessing it's the same bug17:43
vexati0nmaybe if they tried some request other than 144 it would work :P17:43
daBradoIt seems to happen only when trying to get a pseudo-tty... e.g. "ssh ubuntu-machine ls" will work, but "ssh -t ubuntu-machine ls" will not.... for what that is worth17:46
daBradogiven that root can log in, perhaps it is some permissions thing with regard to allocating a pseudo-tty...?17:46
penguin42possibly; I'm not sure what the 'monitor_read' thing is and what the request is17:47
daBradoyeah... me too...17:48
RalliasIs there a daily build available of mini.iso?19:05
BluesKajnot for mini.iso Rallias.but the images are here http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/19:09
Ralliasmmm... meh.19:09
Ralliasthose are a PITA to get working with my PXE setup.19:09
RalliasSimply because I don't have a local repository or any way to set up NFS.19:10
FernandoMiguelthere are19:12
FernandoMigueljust a src19:12
FernandoMiguelRallias: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/19:13
* FernandoMiguel goes back to clean up his GReader19:14
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
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lordievaderGood evening.20:39
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
=== Guest883 is now known as LoganCloud
=== mfde is now known as mdfe

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