
=== Zic_ is now known as Zic
=== Zic is now known as Zic_
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=== Zic__ is now known as Zic
=== Zic_ is now known as Guest15382
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=== Guest49957 is now known as jrib
sicnesswhich pkg says 'The program '*' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:' ?06:53
maxbsicness: 'command-not-found'07:10
=== elky` is now known as elky
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=== Guest15382 is now known as Zic
userrlts here: chat clients disconnect (after a while) when i switch to another Xorg server (by using ctrl+alt+F8). how does the former Xorg server ("under ctrl+alt+F7") tell that i switched away from it? i need to suppress that.15:11
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=== 21WAAKUOQ is now known as Zhenech
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NikratioThere's a data corruption bug in raring's S3QL package. I backported and uploaded a fix for the bug into Debian Wheezy. Can someone tell me how to get it into raring?18:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1179281 in s3ql (Ubuntu) "Data corruption with eglibc 2.17" [Undecided,New]18:44
jtaylor_Nikratio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:44
NikratioThanks. I can't upload anything to -proposed in Ubuntu though (not an Ubuntu developer)18:47
jtaylor_attach a debdiff to the bug and subscribe ubuntu-sponsors18:47
Nikratiois it enough to attach a debdiff to the bug?18:47
jtaylor_but please fill out the bug according to the template in the wiki18:48
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TheLordOfTimejtaylor:  careful with those dots, pacman might come for them :P20:12
jtaylorjust checking my nick, myirc client eats the message ._.20:13
jtaylorI could look in the console or the present list, but this is faster ;)20:14
Unit193ᗣ ᗣ ᗣ   ᗧ * * * * * *20:16
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
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=== Guest883 is now known as LoganCloud

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