
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche
=== brobosti1on is now known as brobostigon
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:17
popeyThere is a MartijnVdS here!09:25
* brobostigon looks.09:26
* brobostigon waves09:26
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | IRC stats: http://tinyurl.com/uukstat | next meeting TBA | ubuntu
GentileBenIs it possible to boot into Linux off a >2.1TiB GPT partition without UEFI?10:01
redtape|renegadepopey, Just this mail from moonpig , Just wondering if the R.A.t~ thing (beer train) was a complete success, if it will be an on-going thing, or if there was much success, If So, : how so ? [ http://bit.ly/ZROi8n ]10:55
popeylooks expensive10:56
popeyfor 3 beers10:56
popeyand a bag of nuts10:56
brobostigonan average good beer here, is around £3, which aint too bad.10:56
redtape|renegadeI'll get a beer from the bar maid, some time on Wednesday. Only good TV-eve. in the hotel.11:02
redtape|renegadeWonder if that french woman will be there from Bordeaux  ?11:02
* redtape|renegade 's has particular petulance for her crude stories, every Wednesday evening,.11:03
redtape|renegadeSomething just isn't right, when you miss the target, while playing darts, in a british pub~house, and curse in français.      .. can't see why she keeps going every fortnight ?11:10
brobostigondoes the bbc still show the f1 timing board on there site ?11:31
StevenRbrobostigon: is that not on F1's main site?11:39
brobostigonStevenR: i have seen it on the bbc site before aswell, let me look at that also.11:40
redtape|renegadebrobostigon: No , but if you google / Formula One LIVE timing and scoring / you should get it ... http://formula-one.speedtv.com/f1/results/11:43
brobostigonredtape|renegade: ah, thats a new one, :)11:43
redtape|renegadeyeah, had to scrape for that.11:44
redtape|renegadeThere's always this, but i wouldn't hack it well http://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/11:47
redtape|renegadeLooks like fav. is in Montréal , this time in June :: http://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/wiki/index ::11:50
Myrttiice hockey!12:00
Myrtti(well, not tonight)12:00
redtape|renegadeAny fans of the Fett here ?12:00
redtape|renegadeMyrtiWhat time does it begin ?12:01
redtape|renegadeMyrtti:     ...    ^ (??)12:02
Myrttiwhat time does what begin?12:02
redtape|renegadethe ice hockey ..12:03
Myrttiwell I'm watching all the Finnish team games12:03
Myrttithey're not on until Tuesday12:03
MyrttiI'm not too interested in NHL12:03
redtape|renegadeOh , yeah .. here ... (timewise?)  http://bit.ly/16rnL9712:04
Myrttiredtape|renegade: if you scroll down a bit, you can see when the next games are streamed on Youtube, and add those on your Google Calendar or whatever you use.12:06
Myrttiit shows the times in whatever timezone you're in.12:06
Myrttimind you, the stream is artificially delayed by 30 minutes.12:07
Myrtti(I have to put away my Facebook and Finnish IRC channels for the duration of the Finnish teams games)12:07
redtape|renegadeMyrtti: Yeah :\ I 'ate sportings .. Apparently you'll see this gal in London this Summer .. but she's reformed now .. http://bit.ly/ZRUFZr  ::: Faqibook ( you nutz  ?) .. it's a marketing complex.12:09
* redtape|renegade invokes a memory of a big blue button on the Angry berds website that ook you to the facebook local group .. X-(12:12
brobostigonit is on the bbc website, they just started it up, as the race started.12:13
redtape|renegadebrobostigon: But not with lap times / trap times .. they recycle the yahoo feeds.12:16
brobostigonredtape|renegade: i see those here, go to the grand prix timings link, on the right on the live grand prix page.12:17
redtape|renegadebrobostigon: It's something I'd say not to get involved with .. but here's my screenshot of that WebSite ::: http://bit.ly/12mOpMl .. just hope ppl judge the hamilton well again .. ::: http://bit.ly/14f1JlY :::12:24
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
redtape|renegade~ wondering if I should update my w.ww.wepay.com webLinks. (-:13:03
redtape|renegadeOT | There must be some online guys who do watch-battery replacements .. ::: UK based ? ::  I'm just thnking of all those watch without batteries.. :::::::::::::::::: http://bit.ly/10jNxrA ::::::::::::13:27
redtape|renegadeknightwise: Whaatsvp ?13:42
knightwisenothing much. preparing blogposts for the upcoming week, fighting a pesty microsoft mouse that does not want to connect wirelessly13:42
redtape|renegadeYeah .. My point is .. With SEO ppl . if you dont update yur twiitter .. What's the point ? ::: https://twitter.com/SVP_CO_UK ::::13:44
penguin42knightwise: Why prepare rather than just post?13:46
knightwiseI write up all the articles in the weekends and they get posted throughout the week13:48
knightwiseone every weekday13:48
redtape|renegadeOT | At least they've bagged Moran |  :: http://brne.ws/98z  :::: nother~ blaggard gone =)   .. AFAs the post .. what do you thnk of:::  www.myhermes.co.uk for dropoff's ? ::::|13:49
Myrttiheh, 3D glasses at the cinema look exactly like my New glasses13:52
* redtape|renegade still has his .. just walked in sayin' "I'm nickin' them".13:53
* Myrtti puts the phone away13:55
redtape|renegademake me look like monkey thou.13:55
* redtape|renegade wonders when his ePub-Catalogue Add-on for /Foxxy/ will update this month on his notebook ... ::: http://bit.ly/1621wHp :::14:05
=== mcs_ is now known as matt_symes
redtape|renegadeAlanChicken: OT | (AlanBell) 'know yur away but here's one for the BBq's. :::::  https://twitter.com/jonobacon/status/332896838418046978  :: Any chance a Loco-UK DVD being sent yet ?15:19
* redtape|renegade kinda says :: " Hope I've got the correct AlanBe. there ",. :-715:21
lubotu3You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!15:25
penguin42hmm how many times do you have to watch Primer?15:49
popeyI have watched it at least 3 times15:56
popeystill don't *quite* get it15:57
* penguin42 just watched it the 1st time15:57
popeyit's rather good isn't it?15:57
penguin42yes; I love the startup talk at the beginning (having done 3 but never quite that small...)15:58
popeyyeah, they did the tech stuff well, and the people and their homes look normal15:58
penguin42heck, imdb says it was done on a budget of $7k15:58
popeynot like hollywood sets15:59
penguin42well, that's because they ARE people's homes and not sets at that price!15:59
popeyi quite fancy watching Inglorious Basterds again this evening16:00
popeyin a bit of a Christoph Waltz mood16:00
penguin42hmm not seen that yet16:00
popeyworth it for him alone16:00
popeyalong with Django Unchained which is *excellent*16:00
penguin42nice thinks like the ancient Tek scopes and HP logic analysers they had scattered around16:05
popeyyeah, very few films pay attention to the detail like that16:05
popeyor they go too far and people obsess about it like the matrix using nmap16:05
penguin42although again at that cost it was probably someones they borrowed/already had16:06
mungbean_popey: i hate tarantino but is inglorious worth watching?16:29
=== mungbean_ is now known as mungbean
mungbean(i also don't like films that rewrite history)16:30
* penguin42 hasn't seen his newer stuff, but I liked his older fims16:30
moreatimungbean: you probably won't like it then.16:36
popeyit's not rewriting history, it's a film16:41
popeyno books were burned during the making of the film16:41
popey* Note: some books make have been burned.16:41
penguin42more likely scripts16:42
mungbeanits a WWII film right?16:43
mungbeandon't know any more than that.16:43
mungbeanprobably a bit wary since16:43
mungbean1) hollywood films rewrite WWII falsely16:43
mungbean2) QT has made some despicable films16:43
funkyHatWell Inglorious Basterds is an unapologetic rewrite16:44
brobostigon3) hollywood regurgitates films and stories, for pointless sequels.16:44
mungbeanrewrite of a true story?16:44
funkyHatWell, yes, rewrite of WWII16:44
mungbeanoh :(16:45
brobostigon4) hollywood should come up with more original ideas.16:45
cocoa117if i install my Ubuntu 12.04.2 onto a USB hard disk on a legacy BIOS PC, and then want this USB hard disk to be boot and run from a UEFI PC. Is this even possible?16:45
mungbean5) hollywood is about money. european cinema is about telling a story (usually)16:45
funkyHatBut in kind of a .... er, fun? way...16:45
popeycocoa117: depends on the UEFI computer16:45
popeycocoa117: it may be able to boot in bios mode16:46
popeyor not16:46
BigRedSbrobostigon: you want an "original idea" that isn't set in anything like anything that already happened?16:46
mungbeanoh, there's a film from 197816:46
popeymungbean: which despicable films?16:46
brobostigon6) they coulld have done a better job with the HHGTTG film.16:46
mungbeanreservoir dogs,16:46
brobostigonBigRedS: well, that might be somewhat difficult.16:47
BigRedSThere's an awful lot of good (IMO) fiction set in real places/times, and it's helpful to make use of a universe of which your audience is already aware16:47
funkyHatbrobostigon: I think the h2g2 film was pretty good considering16:47
mungbeanpulp fiction16:47
popeyresovoir dogs and pulp fiction are "dispicable" films?16:47
brobostigonfunkyHat: pretty good, yes, but deviated from some of douglas adam's production notes for the film, in some major ways.16:47
cocoa117popey, does this mean, all the error should be in the UEFI booting proceedure, once the kernel and initrd is loaded, the Ubuntu should functioning regardless the BIOS or UEFI below it?16:47
mungbeanreservoir dogs glorifies violence in such an extreme way16:48
BigRedSInglorious Basterds wasn't a rewrite of WWII. It's fiction set in WWII16:48
mungbeanin fact, the whole film is about extreme violence that made me sick to the stomach16:48
penguin42cocoa117: I suspect it is, I mean if you think about the install thumb drives they'll boot on pretty much anything16:48
funkyHatbrobostigon: I wasn't privy to Adams' notes, so I didn't notice ;)16:48
* penguin42 hands mungbean an ear16:48
mungbeanis this related film? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076584/?ref_=sr_216:48
popeymungbean: you wont like Django Unchained16:48
bigcalmMade it into Nova Prospect. Wondering if I should have a break or keep going16:48
mungbeanno i avoid QT since his early stuff16:49
popeyyou're such a prude ☻16:49
mungbeanor maybe you're desentitizede16:49
mungbeantyping fail16:49
directhex<cocoa117> if i install my Ubuntu 12.04.2 onto a USB hard disk on a legacy BIOS PC, and then want this USB hard disk to be boot and run from a UEFI PC. Is this even possible? <-- you will install it in 16-bit 8086 mode. every uefi system i've encountered can boot in this mode, not exclusively in uefi mode16:49
mungbeanthe res dogs and PF violence is grim16:49
brobostigonfunkyHat: it was only meant to be representative of the first book, where in there did trisha and arthur gets action together nowhere.16:49
mungbeani saw RD without warning as it was the first day it came out16:49
penguin42oddly, I don't have a problem with the violence in PF, but res dogs is a bit heavy for me16:49
mungbeanfelt like walking out16:49
popeyoh i am absolutely desensitized16:50
mungbeanpenguin42: yes i sort of enjoyed PF when i came out16:50
popeybut it's about degrees of desensitising16:50
funkyHatbrobostigon: right but that happens in films all the time. Best not to be annoyed by such things16:50
popeythere are films i will turn off after ~2 mins16:50
mungbeanbut later showings with the brain in the hair etc and guns in every scene made me dislike it now16:50
cocoa117directhex, what do u mean by install in 16-bit mode? I only know the Ubuntu I installed is 64 bit16:50
directhexcocoa117, classic BIOS-based booting16:51
brobostigonfunkyHat: they didnt follow his instructions, plain and simple. they had to mess with it. something that could have been perfect, wasnt.16:51
* penguin42 lokes Kill Bill as well16:51
mungbeansince largely giving up on hollywood  films a few years ago, it changes your perspective16:51
mungbeani watch violent/gritty stuff like spiral16:51
funkyHatbrobostigon: I would suggest that no film ever to be made will live up to your expectations of "perfect" ;D16:51
mungbeanbut holywood glorifies guns/violence so much you wonder why they have problems16:52
brobostigonfunkyHat: 2001 is perfect.16:52
ali1234brobostigon: the book isn't even canon16:52
cocoa117directhex, bit confused, if the UEFI computer support USB booting, and be able to run the Grub2, then it should be able to load linux kernel, right? from that it should run? or some linux kernel need to be reconfigured16:52
funkyHatMaybe screenwriters don't get paid as much for stuff that's less adapted, so they always mess with stuff? ;)16:53
popeyevery DNA rewrite deviated from the previous one16:53
mungbeani watched a film called bombon el perro yesterday, was rather sweet16:53
ali1234dirk gently is better anyhow16:53
directhexcocoa117, if you prepare it such that it boots on BIOS systems, your USB stick will only boot on BIOS-based systems. however, *most* UEFI systems can emulate BIOS and boot BIOS-only boot loaders16:53
cocoa117directhex, ok, let's put it this way then. If i installed the Ubuntu 64 bit on USB hard disk on a UEFI pc, does this mean, the legacy PC won't run my ubuntu? because the booting procedure on BIOS for Grub2 is different?16:55
AzelphurI think I have a nice view from my desk now :D https://www.dropbox.com/s/5pypoe60n6wjpaq/IMG_20130512_173836.jpg?m16:56
funkyHatcocoa117: worst case you might need to "repair" grub after moving/copying the hard drive16:56
directhexcocoa117, if the installer boots in UEFI mode, then yes, you'd make a UEFI-only drive that can't boot in a "normal" system16:56
directhexfunkyHat, wrong. please don't.16:56
directhexcocoa117, if the installer boots in BIOS emulation mode, then you'd make a BIOS-compatible drive16:56
cocoa117directhex, the BIOS-compatible drive meaning the driver for Linux kernel, right?16:57
directhexcocoa117, and if your UEFI system is configured to boot both UEFI and BIOS mode drives, you won't know which mode you're installing in, and it'll be an exciting roulette16:57
funkyHatdirecthex: is it not possible to run grub-install (from chroot or similar)? I agree it's more straightfoward to make sure it's set up with a regular BIOS compatible bootloader in the first place16:57
directhexfunkyHat, it won't help the specific case, not without risking breaking it16:58
directhexcocoa117, okay, there are two things: BIOS systems and UEFI systems partition their disks differently. and BIOS and UEFI systems use totally different boot loaders (i.e. UEFI GRUB is not BIOS GRUB)17:01
cocoa117directhex, ohhh, the disk partition is also different, ok, got it, that's why this thing is so hard to mix17:01
directhexcan you install in such a way that both work? mmmmmmmmm........... as long as you're not dual-booting with windows, i think so. but you'd need to do it manually17:02
moreatihuh, PM spam. That's a new one on me17:03
directhexBIOS systems use "MBR" partitioning. UEFI systems use "GPT" partitioning.17:03
cocoa117directhex, yes, MBR and GPT, now that rings bell17:03
nucc1hi guys, if a c program crashes on ubuntu, any one know where the core file will go?17:05
cocoa117directhex, ok, i guess, even the UEFI does boot the Grub2 loader at the first place, the way handle the USB hard disk's partition is also going to be trouble for pure UEFI system17:05
directhexcocoa117, and BIOS systems boot by booting something like 200 bytes of 16-bit 8086 machine code at the start of the disk, whilst UEFI systems boot by loading an UEFI application from your UEFI system parition17:06
cocoa117directhex, same as legacy BIOS to handle GPT17:06
cocoa117directhex, ok, got it, i think i start to the whole picture17:06
mungbeanglad i'm not having chicken korma tonight after that nappy change17:07
Myrttiwell, that was Star Trek Into the Darkness17:07
directhexwell, the GPT spec is written in such a way that you could use a GPT disk to boot on a BIOS system. windows doesn't support it, but linux can do it. but you'd need to install grub into the fake MBR at the start of the disk, instead of in a UEFI system partition17:07
Myrttipretty, but not entirely surprising17:07
moreatiMyrtti: to calibrate, what was your opinion of the 2009 film?17:08
Myrttimoreati: more surprising.17:10
Myrttimind you, I did wring my hands and tipped my popcorn bag a bit17:10
cocoa117directhex, does that mean, i need to install grub into MBR for legacy BIOS to boot, and also have partition called UEFI, so the UEFI system can boot it as well?17:10
cocoa117directhex, enn, that does sound complicated17:10
moreatiMyrtti: thanks, think I'll wait for it to hit rental17:11
redtape|renegadepopey: cocoa117: I thnk this has been updated :: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_x86_1304&num=1 :: [comparison article x32 V x64 ]17:22
* redtape|renegade reaches for a Border Crofters Crunch Biscuit ::https://diasp.eu/posts/995886 ::17:30
penguin42redtape|renegade: Head or feet first?17:32
redtape|renegadepenguin42: Definitely two heads at once .. prob.ly embracing the box aswell. <|:017:35
nucc1goodness, the ads on this site are a nightmare18:09
* nucc1 installs adblock.18:09
nucc1can't move mouse without something popping up18:09
redtape|renegadenucc1: You've got NoScript too, right ?18:14
nucc1redtape|renegade, no, i find javascript essential. i have no qualms with ads generally, just that phoronix uses them irresponsibly.18:15
* redtape|renegade thinks AdBlocker + NoScript stop him from watching pr0n.18:16
nucc1lol. porn is done on mobile.18:16
redtape|renegadepoor twitcam thou. @~)~~~~18:17
nucc1anyway, the article leaves me indifferent.18:18
redtape|renegadethe phoronix one ?18:18
nucc1yea, about 64-bit vs 32 bit.18:18
redtape|renegadetry /book reviews, much better.18:18
nucc1don't need any convincing.18:19
nucc1i ditched 32 bit long ago.18:19
nucc1and the performance differences are irrelevant. I'm not doing exascale number crunching.18:19
nucc1a few milliseconds here and there will not make or mar my computing.18:19
redtape|renegadenucc1: Prob.ly right ::http://bit.ly/15CH4Nh ::18:20
mark12can someone help i have a problem when i run virtualbox or vmware player my connection shows multipal connections18:38
lukuntu51can anybody help me find the image-line folder in ubuntu???19:02
redtape|renegade!package What package are you using ?19:02
lubotu3redtape|renegade: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:02
lubotu3You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!19:03
lukuntu51i want to find my fl studio installation using wine19:03
lukuntu51but i cant find image-line folder19:03
MartijnVdSpopey: I made it :)19:23
MartijnVdSpopey: the new tire held up ;)19:23
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: Please don't initiate a pony car arguement again .. it's been busy as enough .. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55128914/Lubuntu%20docs/11%20Good%20As%20Gold.m4a19:26
redtape|renegadedont you remember ..19:27
redtape|renegadeyou take nearly aN HOUR TO SEE IF BATTERIES WORK AGAIN .. =8)19:28
redtape|renegadeSOZ FOR CAPS.19:28
redtape|renegadesoz for caps.19:28
popeyMartijnVdS: Yay!19:31
MartijnVdSOnly have EDGE here though19:32
MartijnVdSsooo slloooowww19:32
MartijnVdSat least I won't use up my GB at this rate :P19:32
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I'm in Washford, in a valley19:33
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i dont know the place, but yes, that doesnt help being in a valley.19:33
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: google maps it :)19:34
brobostigonMartijnVdS: good plan batman, :)19:34
MartijnVdSI'm oing to shut down  the laptop.. bye! :)19:37
redtape|renegadeMartijnVdS: Am I getting any closer on the car-way thing ? :: http://bit.ly/19g0iVl ::19:37
brobostigonbye MartijnVdS o/19:37
mungbeanand stop spoiling the weather MartijnVdS19:38
mungbeanmy heating came on yesterday19:38
* redtape|renegade can't wait till 9.00pm to see f the outbreak has arrived from Français.19:41
redtape|renegade**if the o...19:41
mungbeanoh dear, sky have their own version of click, called swipe19:47
redtape|renegademungbean: mymy .. I guess it must use RuNet , then. :>19:49
moreatimungbean: Sky the TV company, and click the BBC News programme?19:49
redtape|renegademoreati: yeps .. It's BSKYB & beeb, over here.19:50
moreatito answer my own question, yes http://go.sky.com/vod/content/SKYNEWS/content/videoId/7cbb6467170ca310VgnVCM1000000b43150a________/content/default/videoDetailsPage.do19:50
brobostigonwoops, my provided tv statistics are working beautifully. :)19:50
mungbeanit was only ten mins thankfully19:51
mungbeandont usually watch sky but bbc had some boring gubbins on19:51
brobostigonballs, my channel statistics are working great :)19:51
moreatiredtape|renegade: not sure what you mean, but to clear any misconceptions: I'm in the UK19:52
redtape|renegademoreati: surething BSYB = Sky ... BBC= beeb.19:53
redtape|renegadejust dotiing the I's and crossing the T's.19:53
redtape|renegadebrobostigon: troo.19:54
brobostigonredtape|renegade: :)19:54
mungbeanebay is no longer a place for good deals :(19:55
mungbeanpostage kills it19:55
redtape|renegademungbean: You can get a free package measure-er and packaging has come down a lot.19:56
redtape|renegadeOT | no outbreak .. looks like the ziombie birds are at home.20:03
redtape|renegade**zombie birds .. are ..20:03
=== webpigeo1 is now known as webpigeon
redtape|renegadesebsebseb: Hi there .. you seen Jono's video's lately .. from last week ?20:54
sebsebsebredtape|renegade: the Q&A ?20:54
sebsebsebor what do you mean ?20:54
sebsebsebredtape|renegade: I think I was in it last week, maybe not20:55
sebsebsebdon't remember20:55
sebsebsebwhat about it ?20:55
redtape|renegadei didn't watch it .. did i miss much ?20:55
sebsebsebredtape|renegade: probably not realy,  it will be ther some where20:55
redtape|renegadedid he grow up and play the guitar again ?20:56
sebsebsebredtape|renegade: think so20:56
redtape|renegadethanx for your input . i know you ask some brilliant questions'20:57
sebsebsebredtape|renegade: maybe I do a really great talk to :d  I hope so, going to be doing one in a few weeks20:57
sebsebseb30 minute talk!20:57
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
* redtape|renegade boots another daily image of Xubuntu on the wee-book.20:58
redtape|renegadeThe evening be good AlanBell .20:58
redtape|renegadeYay . they've sorted out the Wifi light on my netbook .. no more wrapping the case in tin foil B-)21:03
redtape|renegadeAlanBell: Haven't TL;DR 'd you for a while .. how's the front garden Jap. tree ?21:05
AlanBellhi redtape|renegade21:15
AlanBelloh yeah, DVDs :(21:15
AlanBellI was hoping something would be done about DVDs this cycle - or some kind of alternative21:16
AlanBellbut it seems there won't be anything until 14.0421:16
AlanBellI can send the rest of the 12.10 DVDs I have21:16
zleapAlanBell, dvd's would be useful for events etc21:18
zleapin general even if canonical keep pressing 12.10 discs for now21:19
czajkowskiit will contine to produce LTS ones until the next LTS21:24
czajkowskiAlanBell: ^21:24
redtape|renegadeAlanBell: Yeah, the 12.10 DVD's will do fine .. do you need some stamps .. I did send a note a while ago.21:24
AlanBellredtape|renegade: yeah, I have your note, still in a desk drawer, I will try and send them this week some time21:27
redtape|renegadeczajkowski: Good wheally good pic. By The Way .. http://bit.ly/163c5Kh21:27
AlanBellczajkowski: for conference packs and things but not loco allocations I think?21:27
AlanBellhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KaOC9danxNo#! awesome level off the planet21:30
redtape|renegadeopening ...21:30
czajkowskiredtape|renegade: bit stalkerish there ;)21:31
czajkowskiAlanBell: yeah if needed21:31
redtape|renegadeczajkowski: Do you want me to delete it ?21:32
czajkowskiredtape|renegade: I care not tbh, just find it a bit odd you'd post it tbh21:32
czajkowskias I said a bit stalkerish21:32
redtape|renegadeit's binned.21:32
redtape|renegadeAlanBell: it's prob.ly non-applicable, but here's my cosmonaut post :: https://plus.google.com/102239783463620737215/posts/FMn47GVPTzf21:48
BigRedSczajkowski: I'm yet to mail gllug about hackntalk. What should I link to as a "for more about this" sort of thing? Eventbrite?21:59
redtape|renegadeBigRedS: She must be away .. there are wiki's to update if you need a channel. https://cryptoparty.org/wiki/Greater_London (by all means choose the webpage.)22:06
BigRedSHm? Nah, I wanted her canonical description of it22:22
=== dogmatic69_ is now known as dogmatic69
redtape|renegadeOT | Time for a bit of Mulch :: | http://open.spotify.com/track/69TA1l42ALrlviGs4KI1Z423:21

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