
=== Symmetri1 is now known as Symmetria
Kilosmorning superfly and others07:11
trendermore oom07:11
trender   _07:12
Kilosmore trender 07:12
trenderdid you grease the box ?07:13
trenderfind anything loose in there ?07:13
Kilosnot yet stills trying to work out what it needs and how to install it07:13
Kilosstupid thing wants to go to that dead site07:14
trenderya i can see no hurry07:14
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Kiloshi confluency 07:22
Squirm-squash time07:30
Kilosenjoy Squirm- 07:32
Squirm-hi Kilos 07:34
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Squirmchat later07:34
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy Cantide 10:20
Kiloswassup zeref_ 10:20
Cantidehello '-'/10:21
Kiloswhen one downloads a ubuntu image is it in tar.gz?10:22
Kilosif not how do i make it tar.gz10:23
Cantideit's usually .iso10:23
Cantidetar.gz is just a compressed format, like .zip10:23
Kilosya but that squareone thing wants to see an image in tar10:24
Kilosso if i can link it to the tar file inna sky i might get ubuntu installed on it10:25
Kilosits some kinda old linux that uses cfs not fsck so im lost10:26
magespawngood day 11:44
Kiloshi magespawn 11:47
magespawnHey Kilos11:47
Symmetrialol I love its little teeth11:50
magespawnlooks like a still day12:00
Kilosyip quiet12:00
Kilosreply from telkom peeps12:12
Symmetriahttp://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/944179_10151557970445528_979176782_n.jpg <=== lol love how the tortise is hiding from the lizard12:13
Kilosupgrades take 6-12 months12:13
Symmetrialol kilos thats telkom working fast12:14
Kilosi dont think they expected mobile to spread like it has so bad planning before is now what they gotta try catch up on12:15
Symmetriakilos lol if they didnt expect it they idiots12:16
Kiloswell duh!12:16
Kiloswe all know that12:17
Kilosbut it looks promising for next year12:17
Kilosthey the only ones that dont know they are idiots12:17
magespawnat least you got a response out of them Kilos12:20
Kilosyeah after many calls and now the mail12:20
Kilosmail seems more likely to get some reaction12:21
magespawnyou can prove the mail was sent and recieved12:37
magespawnwith date and time12:37
magespawnmaybe the people you read the email are just more service orientated12:38
Kiloslets hope12:38
Kiloslooks like the twits came and upgraded my tower here but their network is where the prob is12:39
Kilosbad communication12:41
Kilosno good putting racing wheels on a uno12:42
magespawnbut why not? makes the uno look sharp12:46
magespawni have never seen the point of having a really good looking very fast car12:50
magespawnyou can only use one of its outstanding atributes at a time12:51
Kilosya i always went for the speed side not the looks12:52
Kilossouped a beetle engine up to 82Kw same as a golf gti of the time12:54
Kilosmade a very fast beach buggy12:55
magespawni did a similar thing to my beach buggy, put two carbs on it13:01
magespawnnot fuel efficient, but fun to drive13:02
Kiloshehe i did major porting on heads , hot can lightened flywheel, bored to 18oo and lots more i forget13:02
Kilosate juice ya13:02
magespawnthis one had some work done on it already, i just put in a carb on each side of the engine'13:03
magespawnreally wanted to get disc brakes but that was out of the budget13:04
Kilosthe good old days13:04
Symmetriahttp://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/921486_10151557969225528_614379189_o.jpg <=== that zebra has to be american, look how fat it is ;p13:05
Kilosi had a huge weber carb in the middle13:05
magespawnindeed, used to get from jozi to pretoria on R50 petrol13:05
magespawnSymmetria: keep and eye one that one and you can get some excellent photos of a baby just now13:06
magespawnor of predators eating the baby13:07
magespawnSymmetria: do you do physical network testing of the cables etc?13:10
magespawni love having the right tools for the job busy oogling this site http://www.platinumtools.com/kits/13:21
magespawnlater all home time 13:37
Symmetria*hrm* 13:38
Symmetriamagespawn depends what you mean by physical testing13:38
Symmetriamost of the fiber physical test kits, heh, I borrow, hire, rent whatever those things13:38
Symmetriathey are insanely expensive13:38
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kiloshi Trixar_za georgelappies nuvolari_ Tonberry 16:05
Trixar_zaHi Kilos16:05
georgelappieshiya Kilos :)16:08
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi smile4ever 16:46
smile4everhi Kilos :D16:52
smile4everMy fingers hurt :P16:52
smile4everI did over 200 times the same move, mouse/keyboard cycle :P16:53
smile4everReplacing numbers ;)16:53
smile4everAnd I'm far from ready :P16:53
Kiloshi Squirm 17:08
Squirmtooth ache17:56
Squirmit sucks17:56
smile4everSquirm: :(17:57
SquirmI think my 2 of my wisdom teeth have gotten tired of being left in the dark17:57
Kilosoil of cloves from the chemist helps for pain17:58
Squirmmyprodol works too :P17:59
Kilosgo find that apache file for me18:00
Kilosi told you morning head bad today18:00
Kiloswrong page18:00
Squirmand what apache file?18:08
Kilosi see there are 918:09
Squirmbut what do you want?18:09
Kilosfor that armv4 machine18:09
smile4everGood night18:30
smile4eversee ya all next week18:30
Kilosnight smile4ever 18:30
Kilosnight all sleep tight18:35
zeref_ in a cable to a router and that port just begins to blink19:50
zeref_* what happens when you plug 19:50
Symmetriahttp://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/913815_10151558635530528_354944265_o.jpg <=== what thoughts on that photo20:10

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