
lorddelta1Running 12.10: why might my upstart packages be visible to system v init scripts?00:00
NeldogzHey everyone, what is the proper way to setup dual screens in Ubuntu? I have 2 screens setup using Nvidia Proprietary drivers in TwinView config. Is this the correct option?00:00
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sha1sumProck: look it up.00:00
Dr_Willis_there are koisk focused disrtos out there. and i recall gnome ages ago haveing a koisk mode00:00
Prock Dr_Willis_ running virtual machine and having the most possible resources free for the VM00:00
Dr_Willis_Prock:  i use openbox or jwm in my vms.00:00
Jordan_UProck: Once you get to WMs like fluxbox, obenbox, ratpoison... they all use so few resources as to be negligable.00:01
Dr_Willis_given how a browser is going tobe usiing 100x the resources of most of the wm's - i dont see the point in trying to trim down the wm00:01
Procki use vmware 9.0.2 only, no others can do what i needd00:01
sha1sumProck: at a certain point, just a few decorations will probably have an extremely minimal effect on your resources.00:01
m1chaelhttp://dpaste.com/1143123/ # does this output indicate that this is a working dvd burner? this is a virtual machine running through virtualbox on a windows 8 host. this is a new laptop and i dont know if this is a dvd burner or not00:01
Dr_Willis_!info twm00:01
ubottutwm (source: twm): Tab window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.6-1 (raring), package size 106 kB, installed size 360 kB00:01
m1chaeldev/dvdrw is not present, just /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd00:02
Prockin talking for the host... the wm00:02
Dr_Willis_m1chael:  those are all normally links to the correct /dev/sr# device00:02
subcoolneekz0r, ok - im back.00:02
subcoolwhat was that command?00:02
RunemoroHi, when I do X -configure, it tells me "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."00:03
RunemoroHow can I fix this?00:03
m1chaelDr_Willis, so its possible to have a dvd burner and not have /dev/dvdrw links?00:03
sha1sumSo this is going to suck either (a) watching my videos with subtitles, or (b) listening to audio through my laptop speakers because I can't get HDMI audio to work.00:03
sha1sumWorking in OpenSUSE, not in Ubuntu. WTF?00:03
subcoolsha1sum, hasnt HDMI like never worked?00:04
Dr_Willis_m1chael:  the /dev/dv* links are JUST soft links to the actual devie. to give them a easier to read name.. you can tell the burner app to use /dev/sr# or whatever the actual device is00:04
subcooli havent even bothered to try to fix it00:04
supersecondim good, how are you?00:04
sha1sumsubcool: did for me on this same machine with an older kernel and older pretty much everything.00:05
Dr_Willis_sha1sum:  theres known bugs with hdmi out on some of the 13.04 kernels. I found posts to info on it at askubuntu.com and got mine working via using a newer testing kernel. (using 3.9.0-xxx right now)00:05
subcoolmdadm: /dev/sdf1 is busy - skipping00:05
subcool -- wtf?00:05
Dr_Willis_subcool:  hdmi worked for me all throght beta. then broke when final came out.. its supposed tobe getting fixed.. but ive  not seen an official patch/update yet00:06
subcooli questioned it years ago00:06
subcoolhavne bothered since00:06
subcoolthats kinda scary stupid to know that its STILL not working00:06
sha1sumDr_Willis_: yeah I'm running 3.8.0-19... Maybe I should upgrade.00:06
SunStarwell there is a stupid bug with mouse pointers in XFCE that hasnt been addressed in over 8 years00:07
Dr_Willis_its Been working for me for 2+ yrs subcool  theres just a regression in the 3.8* kernel for some reason00:07
subcooloh- so im the only one with it still not working00:07
subcoolwell thats be nice to have00:07
SunStarthats not what he said00:07
Dr_Willis_try the 3.9 kernel perhaps?00:07
subcoolim on 3.2 - mine still doesnt work. well - atleast out of box00:07
subcoolneekz0r, ?00:08
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sha1sumYep just downloaded and trying 3.9 now00:09
subcoolis anyone familiar with Raid 0? im trying to mount an OLD raid0 i have, but- running into issues. neekz0r has been helping me. but- we are kinda stumped ab it00:09
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SunStaryou need to use the same kind of RAID controller00:10
subcoolits a software raid00:10
lorddeltaNvm package re-install seems to have fixed. Guess something got stuck in a cache somewhere.00:10
SDr_hi there, while doing init.d on a linode box configured to run IPV6, I've got: nginx: [emerg] bind() to [2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:fe96:5b5f]:80 failed (99: Cannot assign requested address)  ;after the box comes up, ifconfig admits to that address; any idea how I can delay init.d 's nginx starting up to the point of IPV6 assignment?00:10
Aaron__anyone know how to do a duel boot install along side windows 8 on a "gaming rig"?00:10
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subcoolAaron__, same as any dual boot00:11
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subcoolAaron__, install win8, then install ubuntu00:11
SunStarwith windows 8 you might need to run bootrepair after installing ubuntu00:11
Aaron__subcool, I thought so too. but it just wiped my Windows 8 drive that I had all my programs on.00:11
utfans05Aaron__: subcool is correct00:11
sha1sumAaron__: Must have Windows installed or else you will not be able to access linux without a boot repair00:11
SunStaru didnt partition it right00:11
subcoolAaron__, dont let it use the entire disk00:11
sha1sumAaron__: Yeah you probably got rid of the Windows partition.00:11
NeldogzHey everyone, what is the proper way to setup dual screens in Ubuntu? I have 2 screens setup using Nvidia Proprietary drivers in TwinView config. Is this the correct option?00:12
subcoolreinstall Win8, or recover what u lost..00:12
sha1sumOK, trying 3.9. Wish me luck.00:12
utfans05Aaron__: if you try to install windows it will remove the linux boot manager when it installs. you would then have to run a boot recovery cd and fix grub00:12
subcoolAaron__, reinstall ubuntu, use guided, but dont let it use the entire disk- there is a side by side option00:12
Aaron__subcool, I just selected the option "Run along side windows 8" should I choose a different option?00:12
subcoolYou could install ubuntu first, but- you;l have to do a grub recovery00:12
Dr_Willis_Neldogz:  install nvidia drivers, reboot, run nvida-settings tool. enable twinview and tweak how you want, save to the xorg.conf , restart X server.. enjoy00:12
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Aaron__subcool, when I chose that opiton last time it wiped my entire D drive.00:13
subcooli havent installed with the new 13. - so idk, but i know not much has changed00:13
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Prockok, next question, is there a way to... xinit vmware ... first then switch back to a tty then load a wm to where xinit put the app, do what i need with the wm then kill it and my xinit app not be destoryd00:13
NeldogzThank you Dr_Willis, is the mouse pointer supposed to get stuck between screens?00:13
m1chaelis running ubuntu in virtualbox ok? if you have hardware to burn00:13
utfans05m1chael: yes it totally fine00:13
Dr_Willis_Neldogz:  i havent notice3d the issue.  theres a bit of a 'resistance' i recall.00:14
NeldogzThanks again Dr_willis00:14
allanx0Hello after entering my pass to my desktop, it goes back to login details. i cant get passed the desktop. I created another username works ok except for my old one. Last things i did was just apt-get update but when i reboot and try to login, i couldnt get to pass the desktop. How to fix this issue?00:14
Dr_Willis_m1chael:  i run ubuntu in vbox on windows 7 - runs decently well00:14
allanx0is this the solution? im afraid to do this.im using xubuntu desktop 64bit http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?/topic/30880-ubuntu-login-issue-solutions/00:14
SunStarsubcool, http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/262546-32-raid-rebuild00:14
subcoolAaron__, - i tihnk your just mis-clicking..00:14
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:14
sha1sumDr_Willis_: yep, 3.9 fixed it.00:14
Dr_Willis_allanx0:  check in the problem users home directory. move/rename their .Xauthority file and see if they can then login00:14
sha1sumSo weird.00:14
Aaron__subcool, do you recommend a USB install or CD install? or should it matter?00:14
sha1sumDr_Willis_: thanks!00:15
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subcooldoesnt matter00:15
Dr_Willis_sha1sum:  id been waiting for an official fix since release. got sick of waiting. ;)00:15
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Prockis there a way to... xinit vmware ... first then switch back to a tty then load a wm to where xinit put the app, do what i need with the wm then kill it and my xinit app not be destoryd00:15
subcoolAaron__, thing is - you have to pay attention.00:15
SunStardid you get the link subcool?00:15
subcoolSunStar, yes- thanks. im reading it00:16
sha1sumDr_Willis: woohoo! now I can watch cheesy TV series with 7.1 surround. LOL00:16
Dr_WillisProck:  why dont you just make xinit load both?00:16
Aaron__subcool, seems logical.00:16
sha1sumahhh, the lengths to which we will go for mind-numbing entertainment.00:16
Aaron__subcool, does USB or CD boot matter?00:16
Prockhow would i do that Dr_Willis?00:16
subcoolAaron__, you say last time it wiped ur d drive. - no it doestn matter00:16
Prockoh and by the way twm is totally now what i want00:17
Dr_WillisProck:  i really dont see why you are worried about killing a tiny wm like jwm thats going to be using  less resouces then  anything else  i can think of.00:17
subcoolAaron__, I would get a piece of paper and pen.. and write the stuff down. So when your booting- you dont get cluster/fluster when it all goes down00:17
Aaron__subcool, I don't really care... the media drive just had video games on it, it'll just take a couple of hours to get that back.00:17
Procktotally NOT*00:18
Aaron__subcool, thanks for the help though. I'll try to pay more attention this time. Last night I did the install at 4AM, probably not the best idea.00:18
subcoolAaron__, just write it down.00:18
Prockcause of hot keys the guest uses00:18
Dr_Willishttp://xwinman.org/  a big list of a lot of window managers.. some are very tiny.. some are very old..00:19
subcoolAaron__, to save yourself trouble, resinatll win8 first.00:19
subcoolyou can do a data recovery if you want to get ur stuff back if u want..00:19
subcoolAaron__, idk what u lost00:19
allanx0Dr_Willis: I have no .Xauthority . I did "locate .Xauthority"00:19
subcoolC drive is usually SDA, D drive is usually Sdb00:19
Dr_Willisallanx0:  its in your users home directory00:20
subcoolAaron__, ^^00:20
Dr_Willisls -l ~/.Xauthority00:20
subcoolYou can even create the partitions NOW00:20
m1chaeldoes RedoBackup or Clonezilla work with new computers running Windows8/uefi ?00:20
Aaron__subcool, thanks again. I'm gonna try the guided side-by-side.00:20
subcoolKEEP AN EYE ON IT Aaron__00:20
Dr_Willisallanx0:  a common issue is that file getting owned by root.00:20
Aaron__subcool, if I don't end up using ubuntu is there an easy way to "remove" ubuntu from the side-by-side install?00:20
subcoolAaron__, format00:21
Aaron__subcool, haha, alright...00:21
Dr_WillisAaron__:  if you just want to test ubuntu. try it in virtualbox perhaps.00:21
subcoolAaron__, Windows will be on NTFS, the ifrst partition. - ubuntu will be on the second partition. including a swapp partition00:21
subcoolAaron__, yeah- yoou could even use the LIVEUSB as its own installation00:21
Aaron__Dr_Willis, subcool the only reason I'm installing ubuntu is because I like *nix systems for development.00:22
subcoolAaron__, setup a persistence space..00:22
allanx0Dr_Willis: no such file or directory00:22
subcoolAaron__, i can hear that.00:22
Aaron__subcool, would you recommend a VM for dev instead of a native install for that case?00:22
Dr_WillisAaron__:  you can develop in vbox :) but you said you wanted to test the disrto out.. vbox is the cleanest way to do that.00:22
subcoolAaaA, yeah- the Dr. is the best..00:23
Aaron__I've got 16gb ram and a ton of HD space.00:23
subcoolAaron__, VM wouldnt matter much at all00:23
Dr_Willisallanx0:  could be some other setting file is crashing your desktop and kicking you back to the login screen.00:23
Dr_Willisallanx0:  you could move all the various config files to some subdir and try logging in again00:24
m1chaelive got vbox running xubuntu on a laptop with 6gb ram and it seems totally fine00:24
Aaron__Dr_Willis, would you use Vbox vs any other VM solution?00:24
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Dr_WillisI basically only use vbox00:24
Aaron__Dr_Willis, subcool thanks guys, I really appreciate the feedback.00:24
subcoolAaron__, i just converted to Vbox becaues of vm's horrible help chat.00:25
allanx0Dr_Willis: what "various files" you mean?00:25
Dr_Willisallanx0:  all the .config and other .* setting files in your home00:25
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Dr_Willisallanx0:  but most of the time people in here have this issue - its their .Xauthority file thats messed up00:26
elisa87Where can I ask questions about compiler and llvm? Dr_Willis bekks00:26
Dr_Williselisa87:  i dont use either. so no idea. ;)00:27
mchlbhmUsing ubuntu 12.04 and wifi won't load any pages. Took me three tries to log into freenode. Anyone willing to help me with this issue?00:27
Dr_Willismchlbhm:  the networkis having issues right now with netsplits and stuff00:27
subcoolSunStar, thanks. but- live cd isnt doing it00:27
SunStarsubcool, use Redo Backup & Restore00:28
SunStaror clonezilla00:28
SunStarredo is easier00:28
mchlbhmDr_Willis, so freenode is having troubles?00:29
m1chaeldoes RedoBackup or Clonezilla work with new computers running Windows8/uefi ?00:29
SunStarredo works with pretty much everything00:30
subcoolSunStar, i dont have the space to pull the data off.00:30
allanx0Dr_Willis : I have .encryptfs and .Private, Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop when i do "ls -la"00:30
subcoolSunStar, im just tyring to mount it00:30
mchlbhmDr_Willis, I guess I dont understand what that has to do with me not being able to open any web pages00:31
Dr_Willisalabala:  login as your user. on the console and look at the actual users files.. you are using an encrypted home00:31
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SunStarsubcool, only way i know to do that is to mount the raw .ISO or .img sorry00:32
Loshkielisa87: google says llvm has its own forums (fora?) at http://llvm.1065342.n5.nabble.com/00:32
allanx0Dr_Willis: I will just move the two files ".encryotfs and .Private"?00:32
Dr_Willisallanx0:  no.. dont TOUCH those.00:32
Dr_Willisallanx0:  go to the CONSOLE.. alt-ctrl-f1 and login as your user.. and look at what files are there00:33
treanetHi. How can I control networking properly from upstart on 12.04LTS? I continually get stop: Unknown instance: when service networking stop, or networking stop/waiting when service networking start  all I have is auto lo iface lo inet loopback ?00:33
torpethi, what exact package (fluendo mp3) does the ubuntu installer deploy? if i do not enable it during installation and install ubuntu-restricted-extras afterwards, will it be included?00:34
allanx0Dr_Willis : I have .encryptfs and .Private, Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop and README.txt when i do "ls -la"00:34
treanetWTF.. i had to ifconfig eth0 down for service networking restart to work?00:35
Dr_Willisallanx0:  you went to the console and logged in?  or are you looking at the files as a differnt user?00:35
allanx0Dr_Willis: I login to my account on console with my username00:35
Dr_Willisalabala:   I dont use encrypted homes. so i dont know why that wouldent be unlocking your encrypted home. someone else may know00:37
Dr_Willisoops hat was for allanx000:37
treanetI just dont get it00:38
p7ank5te7 I'm trying to change my hard drive out on my home server, which is just a single disk, and trying to go to a Raid 1, but I'm not understanding how I can do this(I've read over a few different tutorials, but being a linux n00b it still doesn't quite click). Can anyone give me a few pointers? Also to top it off, when the server was built, it appears that only 2 partitions were made, 1 being the00:39
p7ank5te7root( / ) and 1 being the swap. Does that pose additional problems00:39
Dr_Willischange the hd out? You are using raid with 1 hard drive?>00:41
subcoolis anyone familiar with recreating a raid0?00:41
utfans05p7ank5te7: no thats typical for having /root and the swap being on 2 different partitions00:42
p7ank5te7Dr_WillisI'm currently using as a standalone HD, and I have acquired 2 new hard drives and want to move to them but have them as raid 1.00:42
subcoolevery time i do something i get mdadm: /dev/sdf1 is busy - skipping00:43
utfans05are you going to do it as a software raid or an actual hardware raid?00:43
allanx0Dr_Willis: Got it! Thanks :) sudo chmod u+w /home/user did the trick :)00:43
p7ank5te7I am missing the /boot partition from the guides though which is what is confusing me I guess utfans05.00:43
p7ank5te7utfans05: is that for me or subcool?00:43
Dr_Willisallanx0:  thats very weird that the  permissions got changed00:44
utfans05p7ank5te7: so there area few ways you can set it up, you can have /root be one partition /home be another and then a 3rd for your swap file.00:44
utfans05it was for both00:44
subcoolutfans05, mines software00:44
subcoolutfans05, its an old raid i had 6 years ago- im just trying to rebuild it - mount it and pull its info. it shouldnt be corrupt. im just too noob at this.00:44
allanx0Dr_Willis: Yeah after i apt-get and upgrade. I guess i will not apt-get and upgrade then lol00:44
p7ank5te7utfans05: Well, I'm not sure what to do. I have the bios which is capable of doing the raid, but heard it's better to have linux handle it?00:45
allanx0Dr_Willis: Thanks :)00:45
utfans05p7ank5te7: have you seen this guide? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID00:46
treanetI have tons of tunnel interfaces up showing from initctl list | grep networking as:  network-interface-security (network-interface/br-tun) started/running .. how can I kill them?00:46
utfans05its older but should still work00:46
treanetpfff reboot00:47
p7ank5te7utfans05, isn't that for new setups though?00:48
Warfarif i want to install linux on a windows pc, it it better to make a new partion or install it on top of windows00:48
utfans05p7ank5te7: yes, arent you going from one drive to 2 totally different drives?00:49
utfans05Warfar: there is an option in the installer to install it side by side00:50
Warfaroh i'm using linux mint00:50
utfans05Warfar: you may want to ask in the mint channel.00:50
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p7ank5te7utfans05, yes but I was hoping to clone the original os drive to the raid, versus re-install and rebuilding of the server00:51
utfans05well shit.. apparently there isnt one... lol00:51
utfans05p7ank5te7: you can install both drives and then move the data to them.00:51
p7ank5te7lol.. so my best bet in the world is to say f-it and just reinstall from scratch and rebuild?00:52
utfans05p7ank5te7: basically install a new linux image and then move over the data that you need onto those drives00:52
mchlbhmI wonder if reinstalling ubuntu would fix my wifi woes00:53
utfans05mchlbhm: possibly, whats goign on with them?00:53
hfasedd & mdadm but it would be no fun00:53
Dr_Willisallanx0:  apt-get should not have touched the permissions of your users home at all.. i think somting else goofed it up00:54
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mchlbhmutfans05: dropping connection and not being able to browse web pages. I typed sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart but that only fixed it for a few minutes.00:55
utfans05mchlbhm: how good is your wireless signal, i ran into an issue where i wasnt getting a solid connection and that was the issue00:55
p7ank5te7Thanks utfans05 :)00:55
utfans05p7ank5te7: anytime!00:56
mchlbhmutfans05, it started after I switched from unity to gnome if that means anything lol00:56
mchlbhmutfans05, strong signal00:56
utfans05mchlbhm: is it different wireless managers between the 2? im unsure if its the same or not00:56
KI4ROI have a Toshiba A135 Satellite.  It seems to work okay but it does not seem to know which graphics card I am using00:56
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mchlbhmutfans05, neither am I.00:57
mchlbhmutfans05, I wish I could google it. lol00:57
utfans05mchlbhm: i will give me a second00:57
mchlbhmutfans05, Thank you00:58
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hfaselynx is great for terminal googling00:59
utfans05mchlbhm: why dont you try wicd, thats an alternative thats out there and it could correct the issue. withing knowing what the exact issue its a shot in the dark00:59
wilee-nileemchlbhm, with earlier releases if you changed desktops, and did not have the network manager set to auto connect with all users problems could happen.00:59
subcooloK- am really bad with google< i cant find a thing on how to recreate this raid000:59
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kunjiDoes anyone know the command to blank the monitor (like what is done in powersaving only to do it manually)?01:00
utfans05subcool: your trying to recreate it? i didnt get the original question you had.01:00
mchlbhmutfans05, what is the network tool? it showsnetwork device as ethernet interface01:01
subcoolutfans05, yeah<01:01
naturalhey guys, i have a problem, how do I set up my settings so that my keyboard doesnt wakeup the computer from suspend, that the power button will wake it up, or the 'open lid' action will wake it up.01:01
utfans05mchlbhm: so you trying to use wireless or wired01:01
mchlbhmutfans05, wireless01:01
naturali have ubuntu 13.0401:02
utfans05mchlbhm: wicd is a wireless manager that might fix your issue01:02
mchlbhmutfans05,  how do i get that?01:02
kunjinvm, sorry guys found it, but it would have been mighty hard to find if I didn't remember it might be possible with xset01:03
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utfans05mchlbhm: apt-get install wicd01:03
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:04
naturalhey guys, i have a problem, how do I set up my settings so that my keyboard doesnt wakeup the computer from suspend, that the power button will wake it up, or the 'open lid' action will wake it up.  i'm using 13.04 64bit.01:05
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utfans05natural: have you done any google searching?01:06
naturalyeah utfans05 i cant find it, what words do you suggest?01:06
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mchlbhmutfans05, Unable to locate package01:07
utfans05natural: give me a minute and let me do some searching, although i believe if you go under system settings you may be able to find it01:07
naturalthanks utfans05 i will look into system settings01:08
Dr_Willisnatural:  i was thinking - ive seen bios settings for that also. but  it most likely depends on the laptop :)01:08
SunStarin xfce Settings Editor; What is "autotablet" option for?01:08
naturalyeah if it is that complicated, i'll jmust unplug my ke4yboard and close the lid, tht'll keepo it asleep01:09
naturalutfans05,  ^^01:09
hgri89I was thinking bios settings also, check to see if your bios has USB keybord emulation enabled?01:09
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naturalhgri89, emulation?01:10
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naturalhgri89, do you mean legacy?01:10
Dr_WillisSunStar:  automatically run a command when a tblet is pluged in perhaps ---> http://tillamookrage.blogspot.com/2008/01/give-xfce-autoplay-automount.html01:10
hgri89yeah legasy01:10
naturalhgri89, you know i'm trying to get the keyboard to disable during sleep, so the only thing thatwill wake it up is the open lid, or the powerbutton.01:11
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mkkxrandr --output LVDS-1 --off ; this command works on command line, but when i create a bash startup script it doesn't do the job. can someone help me with this please?01:11
utfans05natural: yeah that should be in the bios01:11
naturalok, i'll check the bios, thanks again.01:11
utfans05mkk: have you set that script to run at startup?01:11
SunStartrying to figure out how to have the mouse auto-hide01:11
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utfans05SunStar: that should be in your mouse settings01:12
utfans05SunStar: actually no, gime a sec01:12
SunStarnothing in there to have the mouse hide. just to hide cursor when typing or disable touch when typing01:12
bindidoes my internet or freenode suck? disconencted 5 times past 24h01:12
utfans05SunStar: oh.... thats different from autohiding the mouse01:12
Dr_Willisbindi:  freenode is having issues right now01:13
NeldogzHey All, I have a dual boot system with WIndows 7 and Ubuntu 13.04. I have a fake raid 1 which Windows sees but Ubuntu sees this as individual drives. Is there a way to enable this functionality in Ubuntu?01:13
mkkutfans05: i put that command in .bashrc  but it doesn't run at startup01:13
Dr_Willismkk:  that would make the command run every time you open a shell.. that may not be what you want01:13
bindiDr_Willis: ok, good to know. sorry for offtopic01:13
SunStarwell some 1 else brough up a good point i've been pushing aside untill now.  on a kiosk machine, how to you hide the mouse untill its in use, then immediately hide it again after use01:14
mchlbhmutfans05, Thank you for your time. I'll come back later when things calm down a little01:14
utfans05mkk: .bashrc is  ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.01:14
mkkDr_Willis: what should i do do you think?01:14
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gueriLLaPunKim trying to setup PPTP VPN server on my box... and i looked through the var/log/syslog01:14
gueriLLaPunKand this is what i got01:14
Dr_Willismkk:  theres the  ~/.config/autostart/ directroy for running things when the user logs into th edesktop01:15
utfans05SunStar: install unclutter01:15
Dr_Willis!find unclutter01:15
ubottuFound: unclutter01:15
Dr_Willis!info unclutter01:15
ubottuunclutter (source: unclutter): hides the mouse cursor in X after a period of inactivity. In component universe, is optional. Version 8-18 (raring), package size 14 kB, installed size 75 kB01:15
th0rmkk, used to be ~/.profile I think, but I don't know if ubuntu still recognizes it01:15
mkkthanks Dr_Willis i'll try that.01:16
hgri89I hae a macbook pro 9,1 tripple booting with Osx 10.8.3, windows 7 and UBUNTU 13.04. Ubuntu is installed in EFI mode and now UBUNTU stalls when it is starting it just shows the ubuntu name with the dots as though its starting up but never moves, it does however boot recoverymode just fine.... any ideas why it may be stalling?01:18
hgri89it is pretty much a fresh install with NVIDIA drivers01:19
hgri89it booted well for the first few times after the driers were installed then it had a hissy at me01:21
utfans05hgri89: sounds like it may be throwing an error somewhere, you might want to check in your logs01:21
michael87has anyone figured out how to get mupen64 to work. it is a pain in my ass since project64 keeps slowwing down. tryying to help a friend to whom I gave linux to also01:22
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Dr_Willistried  http://code.google.com/p/mupen64plus/ ?01:26
Dr_Willisstill dosent look like its been updated in almost a year.01:27
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submanWhen I get to the login screen, I have quite a few desktop environments installed.  I cannot seem to scroll them though.  I can only see a few of them.  Is this a bug?01:30
XHEART24is ubuntu 13 safe?01:30
submanXHEART24, ubuntu what?01:31
XHEART24the os01:31
Dr_Willissubman:  you could move ones you dont use to some backup dir. or try gdm - it may show them all01:31
XHEART24i havw 12.0401:31
Dr_WillisXHEART24:  why would you think its not safe?01:31
utfans05XHEART24: what do you is it safe?01:31
utfans05what do you mean...**01:31
submanDr_Willis, how to change to gdm?01:31
wilee-nileehgri89, Not my area in general, but people will get drivers from nvidia and not know that kernel changes can make them not work, not sure if this is relevent.01:31
XHEART24in the beginning always many bugs01:31
Dr_Willissubman:  sudo apt-get install gdm01:32
michael87Is there a step by step guide for mupen64plus? I need help seriously. I'd ask python but their room won't let me in.01:32
submanthanks Dr_Willis01:32
Dr_WillisXHEART24:  define what you mean by 'safe'01:32
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XHEART24not crashing01:32
Dr_Willismichael87:  that url i posted for mupen64plus has the code and may have some guides.01:32
Dr_Willismichael87:  i dont seew how its python related.01:33
michael87Dr_Willis, I am tryying to find the guide and no dice. All the parts on here are TAR balls XD. I hate tar at this point01:36
Dr_Willismichael87:  search for a ppa.01:37
Dr_Willisor compile from source.01:37
leptonecan some one link me to an article for installing and setting tor on 12.0401:38
michael87Dr_Willis, I'm on the mupenpage64. just found out they had a chat channel01:39
utfans05!find tor01:39
ubottuFound: bacula-director-common, bacula-director-common-dbg, bacula-director-mysql, bacula-director-mysql-dbg, bacula-director-pgsql, bacula-director-pgsql-dbg, bacula-director-sqlite3, bacula-director-sqlite3-dbg, bacula-traymonitor, bacula-traymonitor-dbg (and 683 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=tor&searchon=names&suite=raring&section=all01:39
subcoolcan someone help me recreate a raid 0-01:41
subcooli almost just formated my raid messing with this01:41
WXZis there a "switch to desktop" launcher, which does what ctrl+super+d does?01:41
Dr_Willistheres a ubuntu tor wiki page01:44
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl01:44
Dr_Willisnight all01:44
brute`just loaded 13.04 on my core i7 imac. video seems a bit jerky with the stock ati driver01:46
brute`any suggestions?01:46
mdfebrute - software updater, drivers tab, load new driver01:46
mdfebrute`, sorry should have pressed tab, see above comment01:47
brute`mdfe,  let me give that a try now, thanks01:47
harrisrmy  built in mic is very weak why01:51
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harrisrmy  built in mic is very weak why01:52
Ben66!patience | harrisr01:52
ubottuharrisr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/01:53
SonikkuAmerica!details | harrisr01:53
ubottuharrisr: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:53
harrisrSonikkuAmerica, when i was video chatting with my dad he said my mic was very low and he couldnt hear me01:54
SonikkuAmericaharrisr: Did you check in System Settings > Sound? And what were you using to video chat?01:56
yofunhow do i check my cpu  info on ubuntu 13.0401:56
gustav___yofun: cat /proc/cpuinfo01:56
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linuxnewb2I was able to get a Belkin 750n DB adapter to work01:59
harrisri am using empathy01:59
linuxnewb2first time in over a year.01:59
linuxnewb2I'm so happy!01:59
linuxnewb2Random guy on a forum uploaded a driver, don't you love when that happens02:00
Neptuhej , Im trying to mount an SD card from my android phone I get this http://ideone.com/kCHqWY over dmesg but i cannot mount sg2 or sg3 any ideas?02:00
naturalhas anyone looked into why 13.04 isnt sleeping correctly?02:01
Neptui mean should be a simple mount...02:01
kunjinatural: It sleeps fine on my machine, sleep seems to always have had changing problems on different hardware -_-02:06
spackalackawow, there are 1500 nicks in here02:07
naturalkunji, it sleeps great in 12.10  but it wont stay asleep on my machine, i'm going to try resintallation02:07
Saturn2888Hi all! I'm having trouble upgrading the apps on my Ubuntu 12.10 server. There seems to be some kinda issue w/ aptitude and grub: http://pastebin.com/tuakWRC102:07
spackalackacan someone tell me where to get help for a nonresponding mouse cursor in 10.04?02:08
spackalackanothing related in dmesg02:08
spackalackai connected a 2nd monitor and used the nvidia tool to enable it02:08
subcoolanyone raid0 help02:09
spackalackaand i got an error which i didn't remember02:09
spackalackaso i closed the autoconfig and the mouse stopped responding02:09
spackalackait still works at the login screen, but 2 seconds after login it freezes02:09
spackalackakeyboard still works02:09
spackalackais this even a good place to get help on this?02:09
subcoolspackalacka, im hving hte same issue02:10
subcooli hvae no diea02:10
subcoolbut my keyboard doesnt work02:10
subcooli gave up and remote in-02:10
spackalackai even deleted my xconfig02:11
spackalackaand regenerated a new one02:11
spackalackasomehow i affected my mouse settings02:11
spackalackai don't know where those are stored02:11
harrisris there a website that test the stregth of microphone02:12
subcoolspackalacka, i have no clue..02:12
spackalackajust restaredjust restare1202:14
spackalackai restarted x02:15
subcoolthats not gonna do it02:15
spackalackai restarted everything too, even though that shouldn't be necessary02:15
spackalackathe only thing that should require a restart is a kernel change :p02:16
Saturn2888Hi all! I'm having trouble using apt-get dist-upgrade on Ubuntu 12.04 server. There seems to be some kinda issue w/ aptitude and grub dependencies: http://pastebin.com/tuakWRC1 Do you know what might be causing this and maybe how I can figure out a fix?02:16
brute`mdfe, under additional drivers i see 3 options02:16
spackalackaSaturn2888: i could maybe help if i could get my mouse to work02:16
brute`open source, and two proprietary02:16
mdfedidn't redhat do a patch to allow the kernel to be replaced without a reboot?what was it called?02:16
brute`one is from fglrx and one is from fglrx-updates02:16
Saturn2888spackalacka: ok!02:17
spackalackawhat's the daemon called that controls the mouse in gnome?02:17
kunjinatural: Yeah, that's what I mean by changing, each release it seems like sleep may have broken or have started working for any given machine, Though it does seem to work more often than not these days.  Good luck with the reinstall, not sure if it will help or not.02:19
SonikkuAmericaspackalacka: I think it's moused but I'm not sure...02:19
naturalyeah, i'm debating whether or not to do it kunji, i think i will just wait for mint to put out the mint 1502:20
harrisrcan't click allow on adobe flash player in ubuntu02:20
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harrisrcan't click allow on adobe flash player in ubuntu02:21
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heymanHow do I upload files to a website and download them using wget? I can't seem to mount my cd rw or have my ubuntu vm recognize my flash drive and I need to get some work done!02:21
naturalit realy caught me by surprise, it has alwaysed worked for me on this machine02:22
kunjispackalacka: Sounds like a tough one.. I don't think I've ever had the mouse stop working without having absolutely everything GUI related stop working as well.  Closest I've has is disabling the touchpad on a laptop.02:22
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spackalackathis is a laptop02:22
spackalackalemme test with an external mouse02:22
spackalackagood point02:22
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heymanHow do I upload files to a website and download them using wget? I can't seem to mount my cd rw or have my ubuntu vm recognize my flash drive and I need to get some work done!02:23
spackalackaheyman: wget www.urltowhatyouwanttodownload.com/files.zip02:23
mdfespackalacka, i had trackpad fail to be detected, had to copy/paste into x config02:24
heymanspackalacka, so I can upload to dropbox?02:24
mdfespackalacka, give me a sec to find the file again02:24
spackalackaheyman: don't think you can wget from dropbox02:24
spackalackabut there is a dropbox daemon for ubuntu02:24
spackalackaget it from the dropbox website02:24
kunjiheyman: Does wget upload, I mean if the site doesn't specifically support that method?  Maybe curl will work better for you?  Though I am not very familiar with either tool.02:24
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spackalackakunji: usb mouse does work02:24
mdfewhy would you wget from dropbox?02:24
spackalackawhy the hell did my trackpad suddenly fail02:25
spackalackasomething in my xconfig must have changed02:25
mdfespackalacka, 1 sec02:25
kunjispackalacka: Hmm, no idea, there's a setting for it in the Ubuntu settings thing, maybe see if it's disabled.  Maybe they use xset to change these things on the backend?02:26
mdfespackalacka, i had the problem i stuck this in my xorg http://pastebin.com/Jd4B1UGA02:29
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spackalackamdfe: interesting02:30
spackalackai'll give it a whirl02:30
heymankunji, I have files on a flash drive that I need to get on my VM, I'm having difficulties mounting, so I was hoping i can download from a website as an alternative02:30
heymanspackalacka, do you know of any dropbox alternatives?02:31
mdfeheyman, is this gui or headless?02:31
spackalackaheyman: email them to yourself?02:31
heyman#/join wget02:31
heymanspackalacka, I have ubuntu server and only cli, I wouldn't be able to wget from that02:32
spackalackaubuntu is inside the VM?02:32
heymanmdfe, its headless02:32
mdfecan try curl if wget doesnt work02:32
heymanspackalacka, it is the VM02:32
heymanmdfe, I need a website to host my files. I don't know where to put them and download easily02:33
mdfeheyman, ubuntuone?02:34
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone02:34
heymanmdfe, would I be able to curl or wget from that? won't I have to do login stuff?02:34
SonikkuAmericaheyman: You can get the Ubuntu One client: [ sudo apt-get install ubuntu-one02:35
mdfeheyman, well you can upload them onto U-one from your desktop machine, then share the file via a web link02:35
heymanthanks to everyone, I will give that a shot. I think that will work :)02:35
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iFlipI have two NIC's on my machine - how do I ping using eth1 instead on eth0 - I want to ensure that eth1 cannot access the Internet and eth0 can access the Internet.02:41
rusty0101iFlip: 'ping -I eth1' should do the trick.02:42
mdfeerr i think *is* internet02:42
pobri19Hi all. I'm booted into a live USB to try and recover data on an old linux install on /dev/sdg6, but when I mount /dev/sdg6 I can't access the data in my home dir, theres a file called 'Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop'. I think it's encrypted? Any idea how I can get access to the data? I know my passwords.02:42
iFliprusty0101 perfect thanks!02:43
rusty0101iFlip: no problem.02:43
iFliprusty0101 yes that did it. Perfect thank you02:43
rusty0101iFlip: You can also use the 'route' command to see what interfaces have a default route defined.02:46
Jordan_Upobri19: If you google "ecryptfs home liveCD" you should find a good guide from the main developer of ecryptfs on how to do this (if I could browse properly myself at the moment I'd give you a direct link).02:46
spackalackahmm, mdfe, those settings weren't parsed right02:46
spackalackai hda to revert to an old config02:46
spackalackawhich i think is older than when my mouse stopped working02:46
pobri19Jordan_U: thanks, I'll have a look02:46
spackalackaso i should be back to square one02:46
spackalackabut i'm not02:46
prophitI'm trying to 'sudo python setup.py install' the JPype Python library and have the build-essential package installed, but Python seems to think 'gcc' is mapped to 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' and so I get error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1.. any ideas?02:46
iFliprusty0101 Good thinking. I want to make sure that eth0 can access Internet and eth1 is only access from within my local net. But I'm nervous now that eth1 is conflicting with eth0.02:47
spackalackayeah, this xconfig is from when i first set up the computer02:47
spackalackait should be legit02:47
spackalackasomething else must be at play here02:48
iFlipI wanted eth1 to be used primarily for SSH and remote desktop while eth0 was used for managing my database on the Internet.02:48
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neekz0riflip: set the default route through eth002:50
neekz0riFlip: if you want to make double sure eth1 never accesses the internet, set up  an ip tables rule :)02:51
Jordan_Upobri19: You're welcome.02:51
diiphantomwhat is the best way to play youtube? flash?02:54
jordan4ibanezOh gosh, I installed 68GB of games.02:54
jordan4ibanezI started with Sauerbraten, what happened? D:02:54
pobri19I followed the instructions here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mounting-your-encrypted-home-from-livecd/ but I get an error 'open: Permission denied Error locking counter' when I run ecryptfs-mount-private :|02:55
coded1how do I restrict a user from traversing mounted drives in /media?02:57
Jordan_Upobri19: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/04/introducing-ecryptfs-recover-private.html is a better site (though I don't know that it will solve the problem you're having).02:57
Jordan_Upobri19: If that doesn't work, try joining #ecryptfs on irc.oftc.net.02:58
rabelaisI'm in lucid, does anyone know why the xinput argument "coordinate tranformation matrix" is not being respected even though it is set? I am trying to scale the transformation for a tablet and it is having no effect. The argument has no effect on my mouse either if I try it on that03:06
rosco_yWhat is "Raring Ringtail"?03:07
wilee-nileerabelais, Your aware the desktop is end of life?03:07
Noskcaj!13.04 | rosco_y03:07
ubotturosco_y: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.04/ - Release notes: http://ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/13.0403:07
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: The dev codename for Ubuntu 13.04. :)03:07
friedgnah desktop is fine03:08
friedgjust fewer people buying hardware03:08
jordan4ibanezI wonder if there is a supertuxkart IRC.03:08
wilee-nileefriedg, Lucid desktop is end of life, not supported.03:08
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friedgoh ok, i just joined03:09
friedgdidnt see the rest of the convo03:09
rosco_yNoskcaj: ty.  I thought it was an additional CD I needed to download, if I wanted to install it.03:09
SonikkuAmericafriedg: Sad but true.03:09
melow01I was setting up Wordpress on localhost on Ubuntu, deleted some users in MySQL and now Chrome won't start... any thoughts?03:09
rosco_yhas anyone moved up to 13.04, and either regrets the move, or thinks it's the best thing since ____ ____03:10
SonikkuAmerica!poll | rosco_y: Best since Lucid here on Kubuntu..., but03:10
ubotturosco_y: Best since Lucid here on Kubuntu..., but: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:10
DexiGuys am I doing something wrong or is nickserv offline?03:10
SonikkuAmericaDexi: You're all good AFAIk03:11
SonikkuAmericaDexi: Are you using Quassel?03:11
kostkon_melow01, coincidental? try running it in the terminal and check for any error messages etc03:11
melow01Dexi, usually I get a prompt to login but I didn't today... odd03:11
rabelaiswilee-nilee: sad, you're right...apparently that parameter is only available on xserver versions 1.8 or later and apparently lucid is holding strong on 1.7.503:12
wilee-nileeDexi, The IRC had some problems earlier, seems okay from my end now.03:12
melow01kostkon, never used it from the terminal but I'll tinker...03:12
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: ty, I'll back off on seeking out opinions..  I've been running LTS, but have recently become disenchanted with it, and am trying to determine if I'd be doing the right thing by upgrading.....03:12
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: If you like upgrading every 6 moths and having the latest stuff...03:13
melow01kostkon, I think I may have deleted the user for my hostname03:13
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: And bees and butterfiles while we're at it :)03:13
melow01kostkon, I didn't realize Chrome used MySQL but I suppose I should'v'e known...03:13
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: I really have enjoyed how solid LTS has been, but a recent kernel update has my cpu begging for mercy now03:13
kostkon_melow01, oh. interesting03:14
rosco_yI'm sure it'll be fixed eventually, but right now it's pretty frustrating03:14
rootlawl im user root on freenode03:14
rosco_yso I'm trying to "look before I leap"03:14
friedgsomeone should make a bot that scans wikipedia for the answer to everything03:15
rosco_ymaybe I should be patient for a couple of weeks or more.  And again, maybe it's time to move on03:15
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: Move on?03:15
melow01kostkon, I deleted SingltonLock and when I launched Chrome, it recreated a new SingletonLock symlinked to another hostname03:15
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: from 12.04 to 13.04 (I wasn't a fan of 12.1003:15
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: Kubuntu's default layout in 12.XX was atrocious. 13.04 is quieter, more energetic.03:16
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: can you explain that a bit?03:17
melow01So, if I deleted some users in MySQL, should I be concerned that I'll run into more issues with Ubuntu?03:17
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: Check this first of all: http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news2/Kubuntu-12-04-LTS-Screenshot-Tour-2.jpg <<< So gloomy, so gray....03:18
rosco_yI have read people's opinions reporting 13.04 to be rather solid03:18
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: ty!03:18
rosco_ywait, that's just a picture of a desktop, what's the point?03:19
SonikkuAmericaThe new Kubuntu 13.04 wallpaper: http://ubuntuone.com/3W0R4FhzKMC8aECIj3QD1O <<< Comforting, energy-emitting (don't turn the carbon tax people loose on me)03:19
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: It's just a compare-and-contrast I'm doing. What are you really looking for?03:19
bleemooHas network printing gone away in 13.04? My computer is no longer able to connect to my networked printer, and there does not appear to be any way for me to add it manually.03:20
thufir_is this a password problem with firefox sync?  I reset the password, but the sync log still shows errors:  http://pastebin.com/M45AjprD03:20
SonikkuAmericableemoo: Hit Alt-F2 and type [ system-config-printer ].03:20
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: :) Right now my problem is that a number of my processes seem to go into a "disk sleep" state, putting a processor into a 100% used state.03:21
rosco_yI'm thinking of upgrading to get back my performance, but I don't want to upgrade into a really unstable environment03:21
rosco_yI'm trying to finish a project, so it's a double-edged knife, as they say03:22
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: The heuristic we measure by is as follows: Once a release hits the main repos (usually on April 25th for XX.04 or October 25th for XX.10), it's stable. End of story.03:22
rosco_yon the one hand, I'd like to upgrade ot see if the CPU problems go away, on the other, I don't want to get into a situation where I have to reboot three times a day to keep the system going.03:23
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: You can run [ do-release-upgrade ] with no arguments until it says "No new release found" and you'll know you have the latest stable version.03:23
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: You can run [ do-release-upgrade ] with no arguments until it says "No new release found" and you'll know you have the latest stable version.03:23
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: right now I'm running 12.04 LTS, I was under the impression that this would be likely to be stable, and it has, but now I'm thinking of upgrading03:24
SonikkuAmerica13.04 is much faster; what's your CPU?03:25
rosco_yIt's an AMD ~3.2Gz dual processor of some sort or another....I don't know exactly03:26
rosco_yI've got 8 gb RAM.03:26
rosco_yit's been really sweet for what I do...03:26
rosco_ya recent kernel update has a problem in it, (in my opinnion), and I've read some on the net related to the type of problem I'm having03:27
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: I see. I hate to break the convo, but it's 11:30 PM here. Gotta go!03:27
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: have a good one--Thanks!03:27
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James_EppI am having the most terrible time trying to mount an iso atm: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 ubuntu.iso (abbreviated here, i386 desktop 12.04)03:30
DarwinSurvivorJames_Epp: are you getting an error?03:31
James_Eppfirst I did sudo su, navigated to the directory containing the .iso, and performed mount -o loop -t iso9660 ubuntu.iso /mnt/ubuntu and I get mount: wrong fs type, bad operation, bad superblock on /dev/loop1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error03:32
leptonei cant register with the nickserv...03:33
leptonewhats going on?03:33
SmallFrynickserv had some troubles earlier03:33
SmallFrythe entire Freenode Chanserv and nickserv went down03:33
James_Eppleptone: Sometimes when I reboot my machines it resolves it. timeouts of some kind on all my devices.03:33
James_EppDarwinSurvivor: I am wondering if it is that I am using the wrong filetype? Perhaps the filesystem I am specifying is incorrect? I believe it was correct for older versions of ubuntu in 9/1003:34
yofun|2how would i mount a ftp server as a folder?03:35
yofun|2like /home/yofun/ftp03:35
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James_Epp^^I would want the answer to this query as well---been bugging me 5ever.03:35
James_EppDoes anyone know what the filetype is for the ubuntu 12.04 desktop i386 iso? Apparently it is not iso966003:38
yofunJames_Epp:  what do you mean?03:38
yofunrhe name of the file?03:38
James_Eppmount -o loop -t iso9660 ubuntu.iso /mnt/ubuntu Does not work.03:38
James_EppThe only difference in this screenshot is the use of temp.iso instead of ubuntu.iso03:39
SmallFryhm. when you guys finish with james' problem, I've got a thing to tinker with also03:39
sudokodeJames_Epp: file temp.iso03:41
James_EppThe first bit there is me being n00b and not having a directory in the first place :P03:41
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sudokode(that's a command)03:41
James_Epptemp.iso = ubuntu 12.04 desktop i386.iso03:41
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sudokodewell, substitute the name. do whatever03:41
James_Eppsudokode: output is temp.iso: data03:41
amarcolinojust decided to grep my syslog to look at allowed connection and found the ip supposedly belonging to Edinburgh University local area network, just wondering why I am recieving packets from this ip and whether I should be worried?03:41
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sudokodehm. that doesn't surprise me. let me check something..03:41
James_EppTY in advance.03:41
sudokodeah yes. data.. x86 boot sector...03:41
sudokodenot gonna get much out of file magic apparently03:41
yofunhow would i mount a ftp server as a folder?03:42
yofunlike /home/yofun/ftp03:42
sudokodeanyway, I assume it actually is an iso9660 file03:42
James_EppNevermind my issue. I have an alternative I will cook up. Can we talk about yofun's?03:42
sudokodeyofun: I'm gonna take a wild guess and say there's an ftpfs fuse module03:43
sudokodebut that's simply because everything has a fuse module03:43
James_Eppyofun: sudokode: I have tinkered with it myself, but never figured it out.03:43
sudokodeI've heard of sshfs and sftp, so that doesn't surprise me03:44
James_EppAs for commands, it has always bugged me >.<03:44
sudokodeI assume you just need to install the proper package to get the stuff for fuse and then mount <host> /mnt03:45
sudokodethere may be a different syntax there. I'm sure google knows it03:45
sudokodemay need -t ftpfs or some such03:45
yofunhttp://hartvig.de/2009/howto-mount-a-ftp-drive-in-ubuntu/ ?03:46
yofunmight work03:46
sudokodethat sounds about right03:46
sudokodesays 2009, so may not work as expected, but it's worth a try03:46
thufir_how do you know why a sync failed?  all I see is that it will try again after trying to obtain lock.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/294222/firefox-aboutsync-log-gives-error-sync-failed03:46
James_Eppsudokode: Do you know how to edit the config files so the mount occurs on reboot?03:47
sudokodethufir_:  Exception: Could not acquire lock. Label: "service.js: sync". No traceback available03:47
sudokodethat's probably a good start03:47
sudokodemaybe delete that file if you're sure there's not a sync currently taking place03:47
sudokodeor rather, find the lock file and delete that03:48
sudokodedon't delete that actual file03:48
sudokodemaybe I'll learn to read some day03:48
sudokodebut that seems to be where the sync borks03:49
thufir_is it possibe to see whether a sync is occuring?03:49
sudokodethat file is locked by something03:49
sudokodenot really. no doubt this is all internal to firefox besides what logs you can find03:49
thufir_which file is locked? can I use ps to see what's locking it?03:49
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sudokodea lock file is pretty arbitrary03:49
thufir_maybe I'll just logout?  login again?03:50
sudokodeumm. you might be able to, depending on how that happens03:50
sudokodelsof service.js03:50
sudokodebetter yet, find the actual lock file03:50
sudokode(hint: it may be a dotfile)03:50
thufir_hidden .services.js in home/thufir/.mozilla/ somewhere, then run lof services.js on it?03:51
sudokodeusually a lock file is something like /path/to/.foo.ext.lck03:51
sudokodeit varies wildly03:52
XMLnewbiso I just checked my routher logs, im getting tons of errors, **SYN Flood**, 59614->>, 51413 (from WAN Outbound) looks like 6 errors a second03:52
sudokodebut just doing lsof /path/to/service.js might give you some idea03:53
XMLnewbican some one ddos and comcast DHCP residental connection? my internet has be insainly slow the last few days03:53
sudokode(the normal file in this case, not the lock file)03:53
sudokodesomeone can ddos anything.. the question is why would they ddos you03:54
thufir_sudokode: ok.  I'm still looking, but it gives me something to look into :)03:54
sudokodethufir_: find is useful in this case. always a good opportunity to learn how to use it03:55
sudokodeperhaps find ~ -name service.js03:55
thufir_ah, I was trying locate03:56
sudokodelocate is fine. as long as your db is updated03:56
sudokodeit'll be faster, but you need to make sure everything is indexed beforehand03:57
sudokodefind is probably more useful for situations like this03:57
AethysiusMy printer isn't working with my system; the job gets sent to it, but then it disappears, and doesn't get printed.03:58
sudokodebad print driver perhaps?03:58
sudokodeI hate cups. haaaatttteee it03:58
AethysiusIs there an alternative?03:58
sudokodenot really03:58
sudokodebest thing you can do is deal with cups and get an hp printer03:59
sudokodehp has been exceptional when it comes to producing linux drivers03:59
AethysiusI like my brother MFC.03:59
sudokodebrother is nice too. nothing against them03:59
sudokodeespecially their laserjets04:00
sudokodethey do have decent drivers04:00
sudokodebut hp is still ahead of them in coverage, I'd say04:00
sudokodeepson.. not too far behind...04:00
sudokodelexmark.. forget it04:00
sudokodeanyway, so you have a brother mfc and your print jobs are just disappearing...04:01
sudokodeanything like that?04:02
yofunbtw it works :)04:08
cjaeis one just better off getting vbox directly from oracle?04:09
cjaethen repo04:09
subcoolk- im back.04:10
subcoolIs anyone famliar with RAID0? I need help recreating a raid004:10
subcoolim not getting very far with google, and i almost formatted it once already..04:10
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tekkbuzzGot an apt-get upgrade question, every time I run "apt-get upgrade" I get this error/comment: The following packages have been kept back: linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic    Why are the kept back and does anyone know how to fix it?04:12
chiluksubcool... if it's an mdadm created raid look into mdadm --assemble --auto04:13
tekkbuzzEverything else upgrades fine.04:13
bazhang!dist-upgrade | tekkbuzz04:13
ubottutekkbuzz: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.04:13
chiluksubcool, if it's a fakeraid intel ... then you won't find much help here... as that's before the OS04:13
tekkbuzzbazhang: I didnt do a dist-upgrade , just a normal one.04:14
bazhangtekkbuzz, thats what is needed04:15
subcoolchiluk, i made this thing syears ago- i have no clue whats even on it anymore04:15
subcoolchiluk, all i know is- that ther eis personal info on it i want off.04:15
subcoolI remember making it in linux, it may be a fake raid- but i worked with someof the guys before and we gathered that it is an actice healyth raid004:16
chiluksubcool if you don't know how you created the raid then frankly I can't help much04:16
tekkbuzzdang, I hate doing dist-upgrades until absolutely necessary , always have to many fixes to do afterwards.04:16
subcoolaside from that- i don tknow how to mount it.. we've gotten a lil farther then before -- but..04:16
chiluksubcool run mdadm --detail /dev/md*04:16
subcoolchiluk, it was 6-7 years ago04:16
bazhangtekkbuzz, its NOT a version upgrade04:16
tekkbuzzbazhang: no?04:17
subcoolchiluk, its not coming up right now- ill mount it to md0 again, but it gets stuck04:17
chilukwhat do you mean stuck?04:17
bazhangtekkbuzz, read what the bot said above. it just brings in those packages, nothing more04:17
chiluksubcool by that I assume you mean mount /dev/md0  /mnt/md0..04:18
subcoolsubcool@Media-subcool:~$ sudo mdadm -A -R /dev/md0 /dev/sdf1 /dev/sdg104:18
subcoolmdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 2 drives.04:18
tekkbuzzbazhang: okay thanks, I'm a old fedora user coming into debian/ubuntu crowd.04:18
chilukyou might want to check to see if you created a partition table on md0.04:19
chiluksubcool try sudo fdisk /dev/md004:19
subcoolchiluk, http://paste.ubuntu.com/565689904:19
subcoolchiluk, im getting different results this time than i was before04:20
chiluksubcool, yeah sometimes my old hardware does that too.04:20
subcoolfdisk came back with a - error.. kinda? Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF disklabel04:21
subcoolBuilding a new DOS disklabel with disk identifier 0x1df0230c.04:21
chilukyou probably created a partition directly on the device.04:21
chilukalthough mdadm -R is pretty much a force it to work kind of thing04:22
chilukprobably not what you want.04:22
subcoolgot me-04:23
subcoolcouple guys were helping, im super super noob to this04:23
subcoolmaking this 7 years ago was my frist attempt and last04:23
subcoolim just trying to recover what i can.04:23
subcoolOMG- i mounted!!!04:23
chilukget your stuff off as soon as possible.04:24
chilukhopefully it's readable.04:24
chilukin the future don't put anything on a raid 0 you can't live without.04:24
chilukhard drives have just gotten more unreliable04:24
casual_llamaI recently had a computer freeze where I could move my mouse, hear the sound from a YouTube clip I was watching, but otherwise everything was frozen.04:25
subcoolchiluk, yea- i know..04:25
casual_llamaI could not drop into a terminal with ctrl+alt+f2 and the like.04:25
subcoolim not sure what i can get from it- i wasnt expecting it to mount04:25
subcoolthis is .. odd04:25
casual_llamaIs there a way to recover from that sort of a freeze? I'm not sure what to do other than REISUB and hope my work is saved or remains recoverable.04:26
subcooli tihnk im locked out of it- im not allowed in the home folder04:26
subcoolbut- it says its about half full04:26
chiluktry sudo su -04:26
chilukto be come root..04:26
chilukand don't let anyone know I told you.04:26
subcooli know that command, im not that noobish04:27
subcooli just stray from things i dont know04:27
subcoolbut i need a gui on this04:27
subcoolim running baobab now to check it out04:27
chilukalright I'm going to sleep.. good luck.04:28
subcoolum- .04:28
FloodBot1subcool: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:28
subcoolany suggestions?04:28
subcooli can open dolphin from cli right?04:28
hfasetry hitting ctrl alt f- somthing04:29
subcoolsoemthing is certainly up-04:31
subcool**throws lifesaver **04:32
subcoolok- this thing is being stupid, how do i open dolphin as root?04:33
subcoolAHHh- i havent dont it in so long i forgot04:34
subcoolhow do i open a window manager as root04:34
subcoolseriously? no one?04:36
mksubcool, Why?04:37
subcooli need to view and move something around04:37
subcoolits only allowing me to view it as root04:37
subcoolim not sure i want to chown the directory04:38
mkA file?04:38
subcoola ton of files04:38
subcooli know the dangers04:38
subcoolgksu isnt working04:38
FloodBot1subcool: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:38
mkYou know command line, bash atall?04:38
subcoola smdige04:38
mkJust use bash, and sudo.04:38
subcoolkdesudo worked...04:38
mkI don't really like the idea of you using a WM as root, but sudo startx is basically what you want. You gotta kill X first though.04:39
subcoolnah- i dont wanna do that.04:39
mkOr you could kdesudo the FM04:39
subcooli just wanna move around as root04:39
subcoolyea.. just got it04:40
subcooldamn 90gig of stuff hidden04:40
goddardanyone use sublime text?04:42
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zeepanyone else experiencing random graphical artifacts? like if an application was minimized or something (but nothing actually happened)04:54
Komplexnot I04:55
Komplexrunning 13.04 stock vid drivers04:55
kunjizeep: That's an extremely generic question, it will have a lot to do with your graphics hardware and firmware.04:55
zeepusing fglrx-updates04:55
zeepi'll see if i can catch a screenshot next time it happens04:56
Komplexi'm running ati btw - just fyi04:56
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Ari-Yangzeep, fglrx is horrible04:58
Ari-Yangyou're better off using open source drivers04:58
zeepi agree, but i get better 3d with the prop driver. although the radeon driver has improved a lot. i can play tf2 with decent fps05:00
zeepsoon enough it'll be great enough for me to switch back05:01
Ari-Yangah, I see.05:01
quick-Hi , i installed gnome3.9 on 12.04 LTS and my wifi and GUI aren't working . Please help.05:02
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quick-zeep: ya05:05
zeeplatest stable is 3.805:05
qinquick-: not really certain if such errants are supported here, does xinit works?05:05
zeepis 3.8 going to the repos anytime soon?05:06
quick-zeep: i used a ppa .05:07
quick-qin:  I fixed it . Thank you . Now atleast unity is working :)05:08
zeepquick-,  i meant that 3.9 is probably alpha and is going to be buggy05:08
hemangpatelfinally got my first laptop lenovo t430u05:10
quick-zeep:  ya it is but the UI is awesome :)05:11
hemangpatelI want to install ubuntu 13.04. but it comes with UEFI.05:11
hemangpatelSo, what's the recomandation ?05:11
hemangpatelis ubuntu support all drivers ?05:11
zeepquick-,  is it different than 3.8?05:13
zeepquick-, i also like gnome :)05:13
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quick-ya i haven't used 3.8  . So I can't say05:13
quick-zeep:  i haven't used 3.8  . So I can't say05:13
zeepah ok05:13
qinquick-: is not 3.8 less buggy than 3.9 and looks tha same?05:14
zeepwell 3.8 is the latest stable05:15
zeepreleased not too long ago05:15
qinonly thingy annoying me, silly fonts size reverts on reboot...05:15
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wilee-nilee!uefi | hemangpatel see this wiki05:18
ubottuhemangpatel see this wiki: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI05:18
kunjihemangpatel: I'm not familiar with that laptop, so I don't really know.  Should be installable on UEFI, though it might be a strugle.  On my MSI GX60 there was a legacy mode, so I haven't bothered trying hard for the UEFI install yet (the live USB would boot to a blank screen in UEFI boot mode).05:18
kunjiwilee-nilee: in that page you linked, I don't think the part about the cases when Ubuntu must be installed in EFI mode are entirely accurate right?  Is that actually for being on the same disk rather than the same system, or if you want to use the same boot method?05:23
wilee-nileekunji, Not sure to be honest I have not had to mess with a uefi. The options are attached to manufacturers having some different tweaks so it is a bit of test and find the working options.05:25
kunjiwilee-nilee: Hmm, ok, because I have windows in UEFI, and Ubuntu in Legacy, I switch my BIOS between UEFI and Legacy boot modes to pick what I'm going to boot rather than doing it in GRUB.  I don't have issues with GPT vs. MBR for sure because my installs are on different drives.  This situation is technically contrary to what is in that paragraph, but I think most people will want to use GRUB to pick rather than editing the BIOS each time 05:28
capinjackafter an instal of deft7.2(Ubuntu / Lubuntu ) I'm getting an out of range signal on the monitor. I'vr tried following instructions to update the nvidia drivers without luck and would appreciate help05:29
nightdemon666indeed, ... does windows not boot at all in legacy mode?05:29
wilee-nileekunji, I have not seen anyone having to edit the bios just to boot either OS.05:29
Komplexi'm to lazy to switch between em...  :P  grub ftw05:30
nightdemon666capinjack, it seems you will have to develop a custom xorg config file.05:30
wilee-nileeI believe there are chainloads two boot partitions in a uefi install I think05:30
kunjiwilee-nilee: I do, well, it's the consequence of doing one Legacy and one UEFI boot, unless GRUB can go back to boot UEFI with the BIOS in Legacy mode.05:30
Synthpopany staff on i forgot my passwd05:31
wilee-nileekunji, Makes me glad not have to mess with it, maybe sooner or later. ;)05:31
wilee-nileeSynthpop, #freenode can help you.05:32
kunjiwilee-nilee: Well, that's how I'm in this situation, too lazy to get my UEFI install to work XD05:32
capinjack@nightdemon666, any advice on where to look for instructions on that?05:32
kunjiwilee-nilee: I'll probably go after it after I finish my thesis, another 1-2 weeks I think.05:32
nightdemon666capinjack, im sure the great google can help provide direction on that, but in the end you will have to be prepared to work in the command line.05:33
capinjackI think I can access to the command line05:34
nightdemon666capinjack, what version of ubuntu are you running?05:34
capinjacknightdemon666, it's  Deft7.2 distro, the same thing happens with the latest (12.04?) of Ubuntu05:35
kunjiWith an out of range signal on the monitor?  Maybe using the rescue mode so the graphics never start?  He said Deft 7.2, might be a derivative?05:36
capinjackI'm trying the xfconfig now05:36
nightdemon666i must ask... whats the Deft distro?05:37
nightdemon666i could look it up, but im watching george carlin...05:38
kunjiOh, hmm, a forensics distro, interesting, but not supported here.  Latest Ubuntu is 13.04... since you're mixing that up with a version a year older... are you SURE it's the same?  Might want to actually bust out your Ubuntu copy if you want support here -_-05:38
capinjackDeft has forensics apps included05:39
capinjackKunji, I can do that, I have it on another drive05:39
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kunjicapinjack: I wish I knew more about fixing the problem though, I'm unfortunately kinda useless on this one.  I just thought you should know the policy on support so that other people can help out.  In retrospect what I typed sounds a bit mean, sorry about that.05:41
nightdemon666i see... you will need to create a custon xorg config file from a distro that DOES have working monitor signals. what i do is, press ctrl+alt+F1. this puts me in a terminal that will work for this type of task. then i type sudo service (kdm, gdm, lxdm, lightdm [i dont know what desktop manager is running on the Deft Distro (youre goingot make me look all this up arent you???)]) stop. then sudo Xorg -configure05:43
prince_jammyshe can echo /etc/init.d/*dm05:44
nightdemon666i will reiterate this better in a moment after i look up deft distro...05:44
capinjackno problem, kuji, I have a feeling the fix will be the same, so I learn, no biggy. On the Ubuntu drive I have an 8.1 distro, which can't be upgraded, the 13.04 fails back to that when left to boot from the hard drive. SO maybe I can create the xconfig there?05:44
nightdemon666capinjack, it looks like it uses lxdm as desktop manager no?05:45
capinjackthat sounds familiar05:46
capinjacksorry, nightdemon, I switched gears to 'pure' Ubuntu to stay with the channel, same story with 13.04 and my hardware05:46
nightdemon666this is what i would do, i would run a live version of ubuntu on a flash drive. then i would type ctrl+alt+F2, then i would type sudo service lightdm stop. then type sudo Xorg -configure. the file should have ended up in the ubuntu home folder. it may be simpler to just re-enter graphical mode by typing sudo service lightdm start. then enter the home folder. mount your deft distro, and move the xorg.conf file from the 05:49
nightdemon666oh, just saw what you typed a moment ago, same would or "should" apply to 13.0405:50
capinjackthanks, I'll give that a whirl05:50
nightdemon666conceptually, you can do this a number of different ways, but creating a "known working configuration" xorg.conf file and placing it into the /etc/X11 file folder of your distro failing to properly display, generally does the trick.05:52
nightdemon666just BEWARE that when you do that, and the configuration in the generated file doesnt work for some reason, you WILL be likely operating in command line mode trying to recover. how off is the display in Deft?05:55
capinjackThere's no display, the monitor reports out of range, checked with a 2nd mon, same msg05:56
Geoffrey2would changing Ubuntu's desktop manager to xfce cause it not to detect a new version release?06:00
nightdemon666i see... but the same monitor, and same hardware does work with previous version of ubuntu?06:01
capinjackyes, 8.106:01
nightdemon666um, ubuntu 8.1???06:01
capinjacksorry, that's correct06:02
Geoffrey2because I can't get this to admit version 13.04 is available...06:02
qinGeoffrey2: are you LTS?06:02
Geoffrey2version installed is 12.10....06:02
nightdemon666thats a good question qin... i think if you are on an LTS release, only LTS releases are shown available when they are...06:03
Geoffrey2ok, any manual way to tell it to go fetch?06:04
Guest4931how can i determine the size of my monitor in inches? technically i could go out and buy a ruler... but it's 2am.06:04
Ari-YangI'm on 12.10 and when I check for updates and after software is updated it notifies me of 13.0406:04
qinGeoffrey2: sudo apt-get update; do-release-upgrade; ?06:04
nightdemon666other than that, i think perhaps installing xfce probably did mess the upgrade thing up. if you really need the upgrade that bad, then sudo apt-get distro-upgrade i think is the command... but you may be upset because it doesnt prompt you when it should. i suppose you ran an update correct?06:04
qinGeoffrey2: or maybe first: update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:05
Geoffrey2I did the update, upgrade....it just brought all the files up to date....06:05
nightdemon666oh, do-release-upgrade does the same as distro-upgrade? didnt know that... anyway, i usually steer people from doing an upgrade like that because it tends to be problematic. clean installs seem to work more reliably, even though the do-release-upgrade "should" work.06:06
qinGeoffrey2: and: lsb_release; says what?06:06
capinjackI can't update 8.1, after an install of 13.04 I get the same signal display out of range error. Trying to get up to speed on this06:06
Geoffrey2qin, No LSB modules are available.06:07
nightdemon666capinjack, have you created that custom xorg.config file from a working distro on that hardware yet?06:07
qinGeoffrey2: ment: lsb_release -a, sorry06:08
Geoffrey2Ubuntu 12.10, quantal06:08
iderikCould anyone recommend a terminal with unicode and 256 colors?06:09
Geoffrey2four lines in total, I just didn't feel like typing all the repetitions....06:09
qiniderik: urxvt06:10
rusty0101If you're running an lts version, you want to check to see if notifications of new ubuntu versions is ste for long-term support versions. If it is, 12.04 is the current lts release. If you switch it to For Any new version, it will let you know of the next version up from the version you are running. Stepping through release after release till you get to the current release of 13.0406:10
qinGeoffrey2: only setting in software sources comes to my head...06:11
leptonehow do i format a pen drive from terminal06:11
Ari-Yangtry googling that, leptone?06:12
nightdemon666i think the parted program does that no?06:12
Geoffrey2ok, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade produces 0 upgraded, 0 newly  installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded06:12
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nightdemon666Geoffrey2, hate to say, but a clean install would be the simple solution, though not a solution to the ultimate problem... the os "should" prompt to upgrade to new release when one becomes available in the repos.06:13
Ari-YangGeoffrey2, is it important for you to get a notification of a new version? are you going to upgrade to it?06:14
Geoffrey2yes, a clean install is probably the way to go...was just hoping to avoid the extra steps of downloading and burning the ISO to disc.....06:15
Ari-YangGeoffrey2, why not use a usb?06:16
nightdemon666this is why i stick to the lts releases. i have in the past settles with a non-lts release due to stability issues (i know, a non-lts release being stable!?)06:16
nightdemon666but thats just because im lazy and i dont want to 1) deal with the headache of the upgrade process not working as it is suppose to, and 2) having to back up everything and loading a flash drive with the latest release :/06:18
rusty0101you can specify what level of updates you get notified about in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades. If you have it set for LTS, you won't be notified of 12.10 or 13.04 unless you change it. You also can't install from an LTS release into a non-LTS release if you have it set for LTS only. (exception, clean install.)06:18
Ari-Yangnightdemon666, I've been on 12.10 since mid 2012 and it's been stable...06:18
qinGeoffrey2: http://xubuntugeek.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/how-to-upgrade-xubuntu-1210-to-1304.html06:19
nightdemon666 Ari-Yang, i will give ubuntu that credit. in MOST cases ubuntu is stable no matter what release (hardware depending)... thats why i went from Fedora to ubuntu -- or Debian in general06:19
qinGeoffrey2: reading....06:19
qinGeoffrey2: miss...06:20
shortstraw8I need to add a libreoffice plugin to chrome, how do I do this? I get a prompt to run libreoffice then it says no plugin found, is this a libre office problem or Java problem? everything else that requires Java runs fine so I am assuming it is libreoffice.06:21
leptoneAri-Yang, i am right now. having trouble...06:22
leptonecan you point me to a good article?06:22
Ari-Yangleptone: http://daksh21ubuntu.blogspot.com/2011/12/how-to-format-pen-drive-from-terminal.html maybe that?06:23
Ari-Yangleptone: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdvm7_3-Yco a video...06:24
Geoffrey2qin, curiously, the manual do-upgrade option listed in the link you provided generates a response that no upgrade is available06:25
Geoffrey2and for some odd reason, I keep getting a message that a server can't be found at ubuntu.org OR xubuntu.org, when i try to browse to those sites06:26
qinGeoffrey2: yeah, that was total miss, what other dm you have? unity gnome, did you upgraded from 12.04?06:26
aeon-ltdGeoffrey2: ubuntu.org isn't ubuntu the linux os06:26
aeon-ltdxubuntu.org is however06:27
Ari-Yang@ Geoffrey2 http://www.ubuntu.com/06:27
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aeon-ltdGeoffrey2: there maybe be some lines in yout hosts file that's trying to direct it to a sevre that doesn't exist06:28
Geoffrey2oops, mistype, but ubuntu.com isn't coming up either06:28
aeon-ltdGeoffrey2: what does work?06:28
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Geoffrey2yep, I had 12.04, upgraded to 12.10, and at some point decided to migrate from Gnome/Unity to xfce06:29
Geoffrey2ok, what's the path to the hosts file?06:30
shapeCan anyone please confirm if this command cp -r dir1 dir2 dir3 will copy dir1 & dir2 BOTH into dir3? Is that the right way to copy directories with cp06:30
netlarI am confused, is Unity part of gnome or is it just Ubuntu06:31
qinGeoffrey2: so you using ubuntu with xfce? cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit06:32
shapenetlar: Unity is a shell interface for Gnome 306:33
prince_jammysshape: yep.06:33
shapeprince_jammys: was that for my question or agreeing to what I wrote to netlar06:34
prince_jammyscp -r06:34
netlarshape: and developed by gnome?06:34
shapenetlar: It's developed by Cannonical06:34
qinshape: yeah, test it: cd; mkdir test1 test2 test3; cp test1 test2 test3; tree test306:34
shapenetlar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_%28user_interface%2906:34
Geoffrey2ok, something is messed up networking wise...where do I find the hosts file?06:34
shapeprince_jammys: qin: awesome! thanks!06:35
prince_jammysshape: from ''man cd'' Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY06:35
prince_jammyserr, man cp06:35
prince_jammysanyway, so, yes.06:35
shapeprince_jammys: Of course I did that, but I was afraid because it's dir1 dir2 dir3 and says SOURCE to DEST, I thought it would copy dir1 to dir2 and then dir2 to dir3. that was my confusion06:36
prince_jammysnah, your case is sources to directory, but I know what you mean.06:37
shapeprince_jammys: basically what I wanted to make sure was the last path is where to copy, so i know how cp works :)06:37
rusty0101Geoffrey2: your hosts file is (almost always) /etc/hosts06:40
chalet16Hi, I added cryptsetup file to /etc, ran update-initramfs -u and update-grub but nothing has been updated on the initrd. (I decompress it and see no crypttab file inside the initrd.) What should I do?06:42
lonnieAnyone here know QML?06:43
lonnieIf so, I'd like to ask you a few questions.06:43
Neozonzhow do I run a script without seeing the output06:47
NeozonzI tried screen and it just sits there after running06:47
Neozonzanyway I can have a script run in background?06:47
kunjiGeoffrey2: dist-upgrade isn't even supposed to upgrade to the next release is it?  I thought it should be sudo do-release upgrade, no?06:47
lonnieWhat version are you running?06:48
kunjiNeozonz: stufftorunscript&   The & should background the task.06:48
Neozonzkunji, thx06:49
Neozonzkunji, tried that, and it looked like it worked but then I'm seeing output on my screen now :(06:50
pZombie_regwhen installing something from source, does it equal installing the standard and the devel package ?06:50
pZombie_reglike if i install openssl from source, do i need to apt-get the developer package still ?06:51
netlarSo Ubuntu is in charge of Unity?06:53
auronandacenetlar: canonical is yes06:54
kunjiNeozonz: Umm, output would still go to the screen if you're writing to standard out, but it should be backgrounded and you should be able to do other things in that terminal.  Commenting out where you write output is probably the easiest way.  Or you could find out to write to standard error for that script language, or to write out to a file.  Alternatively you could pipe the output to null.06:59
kunjiNeozonz: I don't remember exactly, maybe something like: script > /dev/null &07:00
rusty0101Neozonz: to redirect output so you don't see it, use something like 'scriptname & > /dev/null' to also redirect any error messages use something like 'scriptname > /dev/null 2>&1'07:00
MonkeyDustnetlar  ubuntu and unity are product names, canonical is the enterprise behind the products07:01
Gaulois94In my portable computer HP pavilion g6, who use windows 8 and UEFI bios I can't create a live USB ubuntu 12.0407:02
netlarMonkeyDust: Ok, thanks, canonical is a non profit company?07:02
Gaulois94I'm searching from bootx64.efi but it doesn't here !!!07:02
Gaulois94where can I download this efi file?07:03
MonkeyDustnetlar  no, a regular company07:03
Gaulois94And where should be ?07:03
netlarMonkeyDust: huh ok, so they try to make money out of this stuff07:03
kunjiGaulois94: Should be part of the 64 bit version of Ubuntu, no?07:03
Khaleel78Hi, when I attempt to use the change directory command to any directory it gives me other than "~" it gives me the ">" sign07:03
MonkeyDustnetlar  try to, but not with a lot of success07:04
netlarMonkeyDust: I kinda thought they were this altruistic company07:04
Gaulois94kunji : Yes, I DL a 32 bits ubuntu07:04
Gaulois94and not a 64 bits x) (For me, a 64 bits computer run finely a 32 bits OS)07:05
kunjiGaulois94: I don't think the 32 bit one works with UEFI, so that could be why07:05
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI07:05
Gaulois94I even see that, but I download the wrong iso x)07:06
Phase4kunji, it won't, 32bit uefi was only implemented by macs07:06
Phase4Gaulois94, it should boot, but not under UEFI07:06
kunjiPhase4: Ah, yeah, that's what I thought07:06
Gaulois94(I just want ubuntu for gparted software only : gparted live doesn't works I don't know why)07:06
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kunjiThere's also a liveCD that only has gparted I think07:07
Gaulois94Yes but it doesn't work07:07
Phase4i think that's what he's got07:07
Gaulois94(problem with module and modprobe...)07:07
Gaulois94Then I use ubuntu07:07
Gaulois94Is very a big crap this system x)07:08
Gaulois94And sorry for this last question but in the Ubuntu documentation I see that I need to delete the boot frag of my first FAT32 partition for create a second07:09
Gaulois94But if I do that, I can't start to windows 8, no ? (I need to create a second live USB)07:09
Gaulois94(sorry for my bad english, I'm french)07:10
Phase4Gaulois94, you shouldnt need to, grub-efi might be able to chainload a 32bit system from uefi, i'm not sure, x86 is absurdly complicated07:10
Gaulois94Phase4 : I can't boot from a usb device directly07:12
Gaulois94I need to find the efi file and boot on in07:12
Phase4Gaulois94, do you know how to use the grub shell?07:12
Gaulois94I can't start to it !!!07:13
Gaulois94I can't start to gparted with ubuntu07:13
Gaulois94(with gparted live I can but when I start from it, I have a problem with modeprobe on the linux initialisation)07:13
Gaulois94grub* (not gparted)07:13
Phase4Gaulois94, no, i meen you can get grub as an efi app, shove it on a usb, name it /EFI/BOOT/bootx64.efi and it should work07:14
Gaulois94Ah yes I can, but I didn't find him07:14
kunjiGaulois94: This bug report may shed some light on the current 32 bit situation: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/102555507:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1025555 in Ubuntu CD Images "Ubuntu i386 images are not compatible with recent (UEFI) computers" [Undecided,Confirmed]07:14
Gaulois94I find source code but not efi directly07:14
jayja213is there any way to turn a bunch of pdf tables into a manageable file readable by a c program through ubuntu?07:15
Phase4Gaulois94, any reason you can't use the 64bit image?07:15
Gaulois94I download the 64 bit image07:16
Gaulois94(I have the 32 bits and not the 64 bits)07:16
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Phase4kunji, huh, so aparently intel is making 32bit uefi machines07:17
Phase4i'm not sure Why, it's not like 64bit takes up that much silicon07:17
kunjiPhase4: Hmm, with new processors?  Maybe they're just trying to offload old chips still?07:18
Phase4kunji, the bug report mentions 32bit atoms, i thought they were all 64bit now07:18
jayja213how is the channel so dead with over 1000 people in it...07:18
Phase4jayja213, of the 1.5k people here, about 1.495k are afk07:19
jayja213lol :(07:19
Gaulois941 day completly for trying to install archlinux on my computeur x)07:19
Gaulois94It generally take 3 hours07:20
jayja2134 hours trying to get data from a pdf into a database :P07:20
Gaulois94not bad :p07:20
Phase4jayja213, pdf's are awkward to work with, and i don't think tables are stored as tables07:20
kunjiPhase4: Ah, they're not the laptop/HTPC processors, they're SoCs (phones & tablets), so maybe because of power reasons?07:21
Gaulois94Or for not cracking this devices ;)07:22
jayja213phase4 yeah they are not stored as tables, i was hoping for some sort of text recognition software so i could just take a bunch of pictures of it or something07:22
jayja213idk there is a lot of data and i don't really want to enter it all by hand07:22
kunjiThere's some OCR software that could extract text, the names of them are escaping me right now though -_-07:23
Phase4jayja213, there are a few bits of ocr software07:23
Phase4yeah, gnome has one or two, googles got an interesting one floating around (only accepts tga's though, pain to convert)07:23
Gaulois94euh... it's normal the iso name is finish by "amd64.iso" ? Why amd ? I'm on intel07:23
Phase4Gaulois94, amd was the one who designed the 64bit extensions07:24
kunjiamd created the instruction set07:24
Gaulois94Ah ok :)07:24
kunjiintel made their own after, but it flopped07:24
jayja213do you think thats my best option?07:24
jayja213this is one of the sites07:24
Phase4ia64? that was the.... i forget, but it was a completely different architecture and a flawed idea07:24
FloodBot1jayja213: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:24
kunjiPhase4: Yeah, that one I think07:25
Phase4i think what they wanted was explicit out-of-order execution07:25
Phase4but couldnt figure out how to compile for that07:25
rusty0101jayja213: if the PDFs are single page documents, you can use the GIMP to convert them to images and then use one or another of the OCR packages or services to try to convert it to text.07:28
Phase4jayja213, you can just copy paste the text out of that07:28
Phase4they were nice enough to store text instead of bitmaps, hate when they do that07:28
jayja213yeah they were nice until page 6....07:29
jayja213i need to put page 6 -12 into a structure07:29
Phase4it's still text, but it'll come out scrambled07:30
jayja213very scrambled, different organization for each page and no nice and easy pattern....07:30
shapeHi, what happens if I have an AMD x64 and install ubunut i386 32 bit on it?07:30
Phase4shape, works normally07:31
Phase4shape, x64 is better though07:31
shapePhase4: any drawbacks for 64? I remember having problems with compatibility for drivers, etc.07:31
rusty0101shape: amd64 processors support the i386 instruction set.07:31
Phase4shape, if you have problems with drivers on 64bit, you'll have them on 32bit too, x64 is better though for a variety of technical reasons07:32
shapePhase4: such as?07:32
Phase4shape, large pages, more registers, greater address space (makes memory mapping large files possible), seamless support for more than 4GB of ram07:33
lesslesswhy after sudo apt-get remove couchdb  all its files are still on the disk?07:33
shapePhase4: So if I have an intel 64 bit I should install the amd64. iso instead regardless if it says amd?07:34
Phase4shape, it's faster, but not by enough to matter unless you do a lot of 3d or video work07:34
wilee-nileelessless, purge removes what can be.07:34
Phase4shape, they're compatible07:34
BadElvisI have this USB sound card, and initially, it showed up in the Sound config of Ubuntu. I tried to configure it as output and chose some options, now it doesn't show up anymore in the sound config. Are there some config files, that I can delete  so that I can connect the USB device as if it was the first time?07:35
BadElvislessless: use 'sudo apt-get purge couchdb'07:35
lesslesswilee-nilee, ok, it looks like that package itself is poorly written07:36
rusty0101the chipset that the ia64 instruction set was for (iirc) is the Itanium processor. Primarily used in database servers.07:36
shapePhase4: I understand but what I'm saying, since you say it's better to install 64-bit, if my intel e2200 has: Instruction Set 64-bit to get ubuntu on 64 bit I'd have to use the amd64 iso regardless if it says amd, correct?07:36
lesslessit doesn't help: whereis couchdb: /usr/bin/couchdb /etc/couchdb /usr/lib/couchdb /usr/bin/X11/couchdb /usr/share/couchdb /usr/share/man/man1/couchdb.1.gz07:36
Phase4shape, yeah, amd64 is a technical name, it works on both intel and amd07:37
rusty0101if you're running an i3, i5 or i7 processor, or one of the previous ones, you can use the amd64 sets.07:37
Phase4lessless, apt-get purge? it won't remove configuration/storage unless you ask it too07:37
Phase4Kabaka, ohai07:37
shapePhase4: So for sure not drawbacks? I clearly remember 3 years ago or so that some program or driver wasn't working because it was designed for 32 bit or something like that07:39
lesslessPhase4, what about /usr/lib/couchdb?07:39
Phase4lessless, not sure, you can remove them manually if you wish07:40
Phase4shape, there used to be problems with 32bit applications on 64bit distros, that's since been fixed in debian and ubuntu07:40
Phase4it's a little temperamental though, you might have to run dpkg add-architecture i386 once to tell it you actually want that07:41
Phase4after that though it's damned near flawless07:41
lesslessPhase, yeah but this is a bit obscure...  what is apt-get purge/remove than is for? :)07:41
lesslessand how do I completely remove this package07:42
shapelessless what's obscure about purge?07:42
Phase4lessless, if you've run apt-get remove couchdb, then couchdb is gone, whats left is files specific to your machine07:42
jayja213got it =D07:42
jayja213thanks bye07:43
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shapePhase4: I see, I guess I am living in old times :)07:43
Gaulois94shape : you can run 32 bits librarys, with not 32 bits drivers ?07:43
Phase4hmm, can't find purge on the man page, i'm rarely in ubuntu though (arch user)07:43
Phase4Gaulois94, drivers are more complex07:43
Phase4to run that is07:43
lesslessah, ok07:43
Phase4you don't have the nice wall that is user space/kernel space07:44
Gaulois94Phase4 : You pass from arch to ubuntu ? Generaly is not the opposite ?07:44
Phase4Gaulois94, no, i started with arch and stayed :P07:44
shapelessless: you can also do sudo apt-get purge program* the * will help remove anything related to that name07:44
Techie-MichealI just moved to 13.04 on a new server. /var/log/auth.log isn't being written to. Any idea what's going on there?07:44
Phase4Gaulois94, it's on some of my familys machines though07:44
Gaulois94Ah ok :)07:45
Gaulois94And you congratulate to starte directly with arch ?07:46
shapeI also just installed 13.04 on my laptop and Thunar is really slow/sometimes stops a while when copying to NTFS, any ideas?07:46
Gaulois94Personally I couldn't07:46
hot2trotwhat is the file I have to edit to include another window manger in the list when I startup?  I've already installed the winow manager07:46
Phase4Gaulois94, i wen't straight from windows xp to archlinux, it's the "learning to fly by jumping off a cliff" method07:46
Gaulois94is not a jump : is a fly :D07:47
shapehot2trot: it should be automatic, but it's a lightdm issue07:47
Tex_NickPhase4:  lol ;-)07:47
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Gaulois94It is already weird for a window user to use ubuntu, then arch... x)07:48
hot2trotshape: I've done this a few times on different machines when I install, and I just need to edit some text file to get it there... it's never been automatic for me07:48
shapehot2trot: really? I installed awesome, openbox, xmbc and after restart lightdm has them in the dropdown list. Odd, I'd have to google for the lightdm config file, and I'm too busy at the moment, sorry cant help much further07:49
hot2trotshape: well thank you, fyi it ratpoison that it never puts it in the list automatically :(07:49
Gaulois94Well, for the fat32 who have a boot flag, can I keep it and create a second partition ?07:50
Gaulois94My problem is that I need to create, after ubuntu a second live USB from windows 807:50
shapehot2trot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM07:50
Phase4Gaulois94, the fat32 partition will be the EFI system partition, remove it and windows won't work07:51
Gaulois94And if I change the flag of my first partition, I think that I can't start to windows07:51
hot2trotshape: thank you07:51
shapehot2trot: more specifically https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Change_the_Default_Session07:51
Gaulois94Phase4 : It's what  I'm thinking, but I have to create an other partition for installing arch, no ?07:51
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Gaulois94And if I delete the boot flag of the fat32 partition, I can't (I think) start on windows for create (finnaly) my arch live usb07:52
Phase4Gaulois94, whats the make and model of the machine you're trying to install ubuntu on?07:53
Gaulois94I don't want to install ubuntu : I juste want to use gparted from ubuntu07:53
Gaulois94(because cfdisk doesn't work with UEFI partition and I don't want to use parted x) )07:53
ner0xAnyone know a tool that would help me do a blog? Specifically blogger+?07:53
Techie-MichealHrm. auth.log had the wrong ownership. Is this from the upgrade to 13.04 from 12.10?07:54
Phase4ner0x, firefox?07:54
ner0xPhase4: Is that the best tool to do the blogs?07:54
Gaulois94Then from gparted I have to create my linux partition, and a fat32 partition. My question is : can I keep my first fat32 partition and set the flag of my second to "boot" ?07:54
Gaulois94(sorry again for my bad english)07:55
Phase4Gaulois94, well i'm still not quite clear on the issue, you've tried both the 64bit and 32bit images?07:55
Gaulois94I Download the 64bit image now (ubuntu) et use the 64 bits arch image07:55
Phase4ner0x, it's a web browser, this is probably the wrong channel for discussion about blogs07:55
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Gaulois94It's just tht I need to start to windows again for create my seconde live usb07:56
ner0xPhase4: Was asking for ubuntu packages that were connected to blogger+.07:56
Jordan_UGaulois94: Could you please summarise what your end goal is, and what problem you're currently having trying to achieve it?07:56
Gaulois94Jordan_U,  I want to install archlinux and create my linux partitions from gparted who is on ubuntu live cd07:57
MonkeyDustGaulois94  you can download and burn gparted as standalone, without ubuntu http://gparted.sourceforge.net/download.php07:57
Gaulois94I saw that I need to create a second fat32 partition on my computer07:57
Gaulois94MonkeyDust, I tried but it doesn't work07:57
Gaulois94(problem with modeprobe)07:58
Gaulois94this partition need to have a boot flag and, I saw that I have to delete the boot flag of my first fat32 partition07:58
Jordan_UGaulois94: Why do you think that you need a second fat32 partition?07:58
Gaulois94It's writing on the doc x)07:59
Gaulois94(ubuntu and arch)07:59
Gaulois94Then I don't have to create this second partition ?07:59
budotzhow do i run a script that can run mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1?07:59
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Jordan_UGuest22109: Please link to said documentation.07:59
A1ReconIs there a way to get the constant net speed graph in ubuntu? I used the program Networx in Win 7.08:00
budotzshould sdb1 be mounted first or not really?08:00
MonkeyDustbudotz  ask in #bash08:00
MonkeyDustbudotz  are you familiar with writhing bash scripts?08:00
Jordan_Ubudotz: What are you actually trying to accomplish? mkfs can be a dangerous command, and frankly you don't seem to understand it well enough yet to be using it in scripts.08:00
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budotzMonkeyDust, those are just commands that i need to be executed in 1 script08:01
Gaulois94whait please, I'm french and have the french doc x)08:01
budotzJordan_U, i know what mkfs does .and your entitled to whatever you want to think.08:02
cjaeok so I installed vbox on 13.04 but there is no vboxusers created08:02
MonkeyDustbudotz  don't take advice as an insult, please08:02
budotzi didnt say anything offensive08:02
cjaeas in the group does not exist08:02
cjaenot the user is not in it08:02
Gaulois94budotz, mkfs format partition, isn't it ?08:03
Gaulois94You don't have (normally in arch is the case) to mount the partition08:04
Tex_NickA1Recon:  "System Monitor" provides a "Network History" Graph08:05
Jordan_Ubudotz: What is your end goal?08:05
budotzwhat im doing is sudo umount /dev/sdb1 && mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1...but it kepts saying its mounted when its not ...it worked with mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1..thanks for the help..just being lazy08:07
prince_jammys"it keeps saying" .. who? umount?08:09
MotherLoverI accidentally deleted my grub partition... I was like "what's this tiny thing?  get back in there with the rest of the raw data"08:12
MotherLoverand now it doesn't werk.  repair utility doesn't work either.  :-('08:12
Gaulois94MotherLover, you can normally, with a ubuntu live CD for example (or a grub live cd also) reinstall grub08:13
MotherLoveri have a liveUSB of the iso08:14
MotherLoveri didn't see it.  did i just miss it?08:14
MonkeyDust!grub | MotherLover08:14
ubottuMotherLover: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:14
MotherLoveroh maybe it's in expert install or something.  all i saw was "install w/windows"  "reformat and install"  and then i forgot the third08:14
MotherLoverubottu thanks a million08:15
ubottuMotherLover: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:15
MotherLovercopying links08:15
MotherLovererm MonkeyDust I mean08:15
Questhow to find a file ?08:15
Questhow to find a file ? find / -n filename?08:15
Jordan_UQuest: "locate pattern" is much faster (though not neccessarily up to date).08:16
MonkeyDustQuest  or 'locate blah'08:16
MonkeyDustJordan_U  was faster :)08:16
QuestJordan_U, ,  MonkeyDust   i dont see any /var/log/fail2ban.log . the  iptables and service  fail2ban status says that fail2ban is running fine.. any clue?08:17
Jordan_Ubudotz: Could you pastebin the exact error message from mkfs?08:17
kblinhi folks08:19
prince_jammysQuest: see fail2ban's config in /etc for to know where it's logging to. Maybe it logs to daemon.log.08:20
kblinI've got trouble printing to my network print server from my new 13.04 install. printer works just fine from other boxes on the network, and I'm using the same ipp settings08:20
kblinhow do I debug this?08:20
Cubensishappy motherfuckers day everyone08:23
Tex_Nick!language | Cubensis08:23
ubottuCubensis: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:23
CubensisAlright Tex_Nick, give me a mirror and I watch it08:25
Questprince_jammys,  # Values:  STDOUT STDERR SYSLOG file  Default:  /var/log/fail2ban.log in     .conf08:25
kblinCubensis: inappropriate and immature. great way to join a channel08:25
Cubensisdo you wear a bicycle helmet when you come on IRC?08:25
Cubensisdont swear!! safety sally soccer mom, little timmy might see08:25
prince_jammysQuest: and there is no such file?08:25
MonkeyDustCubensis  please try to behave08:26
Questprince_jammys,  correct08:26
kblinMyrtti: thanks08:26
prince_jammysQuest: hm, can you find the fail2ban process in the process tree?08:27
prince_jammysQuest: you can try ''lsof -c fail2ban'' if fail2ban is the name of the running prog.08:28
prince_jammysthis will list the files that process has open -- maybe you find the log there.08:29
prince_jammysQuest: you can also try ''man fail2ban'' and go to the bottom -- see if the manual has a 'FILES' section.08:30
ByronZEDRippln Mobile Apps Social Gamification - http://www.rippln.by/get-started/08:30
Questprince_jammys,  http://pastebin.com/SggVCEtC08:31
Questprince_jammys,  ]# man fail2ban08:31
QuestNo manual entry for fail2ban08:31
Fab4Usi'm a new user08:32
prince_jammysQuest: well, crap ...08:32
prince_jammysQuest: that exhausts both my ideas :)08:32
Fab4Usso what do we do there08:32
MonkeyDustprince_jammys  use /msg ubottu to test factoids08:32
Fab4Ussomeone hear me!08:33
prince_jammysQuest: check out /var/log/daemon.log -- I'm betting it's ending up there.08:34
prince_jammysQuest: maybe it writes to there via a socket.08:34
MonkeyDustFab4Us  this is the support channel, how can we help you08:35
kunjiFab4Us: We hear you, but this isn't for general chatting, just ask your question directly if you have one.  #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting.08:35
Questprince_jammys,  iam installing it to centos now.08:36
Questprince_jammys,  well no daemon.log there08:36
qin!ot | Fab4Us08:36
ubottuFab4Us: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:36
Questprince_jammys,  no daemon.log in ubuntu as well08:37
Questprince_jammys,  logpath  = /var/log/secure for sshd. but nothings there in centos08:39
Questprince_jammys,  logpath  = /var/log/secure for sshd. but nothings there in centos. in jail.conf08:40
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Dr_WillisHmm. Seems DynDNS is now trying to shutdown us old timers with free accounts by making us login to their site every 30 days.  ;(  How annoying.08:46
ActionParsnipdr_willis: no-ip does that but I think its every 60 days :-)08:47
kblinDr_Willis: yeah, lost my account that way at some point by missing the deadline by a day08:47
MonkeyDustnever got either to 'work' as i want08:47
Dr_Williswell my router updates the stuff. has for ages.. but aparently thats not good enough these days for them08:47
ActionParsnipdr_willis: yeah i use noip2 on my ubuntu server to do the same08:48
Dr_Willismore On topic.. anyone else noticeing the 'spring folders' feature of nautilus in 13.04 is a little too sensetive..?08:48
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ActionParsnipdr_willis: never heard of spring folders. let me search08:49
Dr_Willisdrag/drop hold over a folder.. it opens08:49
Dr_WillisI can barely drag/drop... it alwyas springs open the folder befor i can drop it08:49
MonkeyDustDr_Willis  i have this other issue in nautilus: any filemanager icon outside the 'native' opens Totem, not Nautilus08:49
Dr_WillisMonkeyDust:  seen that when the 'folder' file association gets messed up.. like if you had right clicked on a folder and selected 'play in totem'08:50
ActionParsnipdr_willis: sounds cool, i use guake for moving files etc these days :-)08:50
MonkeyDustDr_Willis  that's how it bahaves, even when just plugging my external HD08:51
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  it would be cool if it wasent so annoying about opening when i dont want it..08:51
ActionParsnipdr_willis: oh the whole 'folders open in totem' deal. What fun that was08:51
Dr_Willisbecause then i have to hit parent/up to get back to where i was working  constantly08:51
ActionParsnipdr_willis: is there a timeout setting in nautilus?08:51
ActionParsnipdr_willis: sensitivity and so forth.08:52
Dr_WillisActionParsnip:  i cant find one.. yet..08:52
Dr_Willisall the google hits i find are from  like 2008 for people wanting the feature. ;)08:52
Dr_Willisi seem to recall ages ago - apple had the feature and was sueing others that had the same feature. :) even tho it had been around befor apple used it08:53
ActionParsnipdr_willis: try searching in dconf-editor08:53
gustav___Why this article? http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/05/half-life-2-steam-linux It's NOT available on Steam.08:55
DJonesgustav___: Its in Beta, so available for people willing to test, but not generally available for sale yet08:56
Dr_WillisHL2 one of the few games i actually played untill the end.. ;)08:57
DJonesgustav___: At least, that was the explanation I saw yesterday08:57
Dr_Willisafter giving up on it for ages.. (got stuck on some level08:57
gustav___DJones: I didn't read the article on OMGUbuntu thorougly.08:58
gustav___HL are great games. Or were.08:58
Dr_WillisHL2(beta) is showing up here on steam for me.08:58
Dr_WillisI allready own it however. ;P08:58
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gustav___Dr_Willis: How do I enable Beta?08:59
* ActionParsnip remebers when Counterstrike was a 120Mb mod for HalfLife and free08:59
gustav___ActionParsnip: Those were the days.08:59
Dr_Willisgustav___:  no idea. I just ran steam, and looked.. I got  several "halflife whatever (beta)" items in my library08:59
gustav___All games seem to copy CS  now.09:00
ActionParsnipgustav___: the early betas were great :). "He has sleeves and we don't! Kill him!!!"09:00
gustav___ActionParsnip: OMG. I didn't play so early.09:00
Dr_Willisseems i have a left 4 dead 2 Beta also...09:01
ActionParsnipgustav___: yeah I got in early. After 1.1 i'd lost interest.09:01
gustav___ActionParsnip: I think that's the version I played.09:01
Dr_WillisI rember back when everyone was fighting to get "Americas Armys" or whatever it was called going on linux. ;)09:02
ActionParsnipFirearms mod was good too, lots of realistic stuff. Urban Terror is a great open source counterstrike :-)09:02
nightmare365hi guys is there a way to stop the scanning for btrfs during boot ..it is slowing my boot time significantly09:02
ActionParsnipnightmare365: do you use btrfs?09:03
gustav___Urban Terror was kind of nice. Reminded me of another old 3D game. That's in the repos. I got banned from UrT, though.09:03
Dr_Willisnightmare365:  so where do you see this 'scanning for btrfs' at ?09:03
nightmare365during boottime it appears as the first thing just after grub .. it Dr_Willis09:04
Dr_Willismight want to check askubuntu.com - ive never seen  anything about that on my systems.. or seen it mentioned in here actually.09:05
Dr_Willissounds like it may be somthing initrd is doing.09:05
nightmare365is there a way to know how i can fix that09:05
Questprince_jammys, nevermind case solved09:06
Dr_Willisi would check  askubuntu.com - it might be an allready known about/fix posted issue....09:06
gustav___nightmare365: Check for strange things in /etc/default/grub.09:07
ActionParsnipnightmarr365: you could check the init levels and check for btrfs, you could also uninstall btrfs apps.09:07
Dr_Willisbbl. work  time for me.09:07
nightmare365ok brb09:08
ActionParsnipnightmare365: it sems a race situation can be the cause but I am unsure09:08
nightmare365ok is btrfs tools needed09:08
nightmare365ment is it a critical system app09:09
Tex_Nicki set my grub timeout to 0, to bypass grub on startup ... i thought holding the shift key down when booting would display grub ... doesn't seem to work on this box (13.04)09:09
Ben66Tex_Nick: has to be left shift, and you may have to keep pressing it, not holding09:10
Tex_NickBen66 : ok i've been using the left key ... will try bumping it a few times instead of holding it down ... thanks for the input09:12
ActionParsnipnightmare365: try uninstalling it, if it only uninstalls itself or other btrfs aps then fine, if it wants to disembowel your OS, just say no09:12
gustav___Ah, the magics of the package system, sometimes.09:13
nightmare365ok .. let me reboot and see if it solves it09:14
ran_i need help about slow boot in xubuntu 13.0409:18
hacktus0Hello, Where is buffer in ubuntu ?09:18
ActionParsniptex_nick: can you pastebin your /etc/default/grub please09:18
ActionParsniphactus0: buffer for what?09:19
ActionParsnipran_: run: dmesg | less09:19
nightmare365ActionParsnip: that solved it .. thanks a mil'09:19
ActionParsnipran_: use cursors to scroll, look for large gaps in the time on the left09:19
hacktus0buffer internet , ActionParsnip09:19
ActionParsnipnightmare365: sweet09:19
ActionParsniphacktus0: do you mean web cache, temporary internat files?09:20
ActionParsnipran_: that will give the cause09:20
ran_at 20 seconds from boot ipv6 is loaded, and at 80 seconds from boot there is somthing about NVRM gpu09:21
ActionParsniphacktus0: try using clearer less technical terms, its much clearer09:21
ActionParsniphacktus0: which browser are you using?09:21
ran_so there is a delay of about 40 seconds09:21
ActionParsnipran_: do you use ipv6?09:22
hacktus0Chrome ,ActionParsnip09:22
hacktus0Google chrome09:22
ActionParsnipran_: disable it with the boot option: ipv6.disable=109:22
Questprince_jammys,   logtarget = /var/log/fail2ban.log       instead of  logtarget = syslog09:23
ActionParsniphacktus0: chrome web cache is in ~/.cache/google-chrome09:23
Tex_NickActionParsnip:  sorry got distracted ... http://pastebin.com/MgW0rk0x09:23
ran_in grub?09:23
ExcryptionHello, I have a hybrid Intel HD4000 and AMD Radeon 7730M laptop. When it comes to boot and reboot it's pretty slow. http://paste.ubuntu.com/5657411/ - this is my Xorg log, any help please?09:25
ActionParsniptex_nick: uncomment the GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT line09:25
ExcryptionI'm using a proprietary driver, would it be better to switch to the Xorg open source driver for my AMD?09:26
ActionParsnipran_: yes, that is where boot options are applied09:26
ran_is there a known problems about boot in xubuntu 13.04? in 12.10 there was not any problems with boot09:26
ActionParsniphacktus0: i have that folder in tempfs, makes web browsing fastrer09:27
ActionParsnipran_: not seeing any issues here. did you upgradr to raring or did you clean install?09:27
ran_sometimes the shutdown is also delayed.09:28
hacktus0OK, thank ActionParsnip09:28
ActionParsnipran_: you do know raring is EOL before Quantal, just so you are aware09:28
ran_i have a dual boot system with win 7.09:28
hacktus0ActionParsnip : I want to encrypt09:28
kvothetechExcryption: that depends on your uses and which card etc.09:29
ActionParsniphacktus0: encrypt what?09:29
hacktus0ActionParsnip : the folder in MD5 or DES.09:30
Tex_NickActionParsnip:  ohhh man i missed that in the documentation ... that might help a LOT ;-) let me reboot this box ... as always thanks ... you've givenme some cool tips in the past09:30
ActionParsniphacktus0: to achieve what, exactly?09:30
ActionParsniptex_nick: be sure to run: sudo update-grub09:30
Tex_NickActionParsnip:  yes sir will do ;-)09:31
kblinhacktus0: you're aware that DES is pretty easy to crack these days and MD5 is not an encryption but a one-way hash?09:31
ActionParsnipkblin: hence me asking :-)09:31
ExcryptionI'm currently using Intel HD09:32
kblinActionParsnip: arguably your data is pretty safe if you just store the MD5 sums09:32
kblinActionParsnip: unfortunately it's also pretty safe from you09:32
MatthiasShalomMir & KWin = http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2013/05/mir-in-kubuntu/#comments09:32
MatthiasShalomOh, this is it: blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2013/05/mir-in-kubuntu09:33
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hacktus0but MD5 are good because our password is encrypted with MD5 in /etc/shadow/ ,kblin09:33
kblinhacktus0: actually I wouldn't trust plain MD5 to hash passwords anymore. but you were talking about folders, not passwords09:35
hacktus0Yes, but I want to encrypt the temporary file because if somebody have wireshark he don't read when I am on world wide web ,kblin09:37
A1ReconAccessing the PC through ES File Explorer in Android with the correct Username and Password shows "Error. Server cannot be found".09:37
kvothetechhacktus0: the temp dir has NOTHING to do with wireshark...09:37
kblinhacktus0: encrypting your temporary internet files won't help against a network sniffer09:38
ActionParsniphacktus0: what are you trying to actually achieve? Your user is the only person with access to the folser if you remove the ALL acces.09:38
kvothetechhacktus0: wireshark watches packets...not your temp dir..09:38
ActionParsniphacktus0: encrypting it wont keep wireshark from doing anything. Do you even know what wireshark does?09:39
gustav___Wait. TF2 is running on HL2.09:39
gustav___I don't like this: "[142206.816541] NVRM: GPU at 0000:01:00.0 has fallen off the bus."09:39
kvothetechgustav___: yes all source engine games are on hl2 engine..09:39
ActionParsnipgustav___: call 99909:40
A1ReconAccessing the PC through ES File Explorer in Android with the correct Username and Password shows "Error. Server cannot be found". Any ideas why??09:41
hacktus0But where are the packets...09:41
kvothetechhacktus0: Your ethernet card ? the switch?09:41
kvothetechthen the router09:41
gustav___ActionParsnip: It's 112.09:41
kvothetechthen your modem...yeah ...not in your temp dir...09:41
ActionParsnipgustav___: i'd say falling off a bys was an emergency, so 999 is used09:42
gustav___ActionParsnip: True.09:42
kblinActionParsnip: 0118 999 881 999 119 7253 is the new number for that09:42
kvothetechkblin: it crowd?09:42
ActionParsniphacktus0: the packets are on the network, before they hit your system storage, so it will do nothing to encrypt the folder09:42
hacktus0how can I encrypt the packet internet ?09:43
kvothetechActionParsnip: I get the feeling hacktus0 is just making stuff up as he goes along..just the impression i get.09:43
ActionParsnipkblin: i wish it was, that would be awesome. id be laughing too hard to dial "hello. i've had a tumble"09:43
kvothetechhacktus0: ssl tls etc09:43
ActionParsniphacktus0: lots of sites use https now09:44
kvothetechtls is just ssl with the beginning unencrypted until you login btw09:44
A1ReconActionParsnip: Accessing the PC through ES File Explorer in Android with the correct Username and Password shows "Error. Server cannot be found". Any ideas why??09:45
ActionParsniphacktus0: i think you need to research some. You dont seem too sure what things do or what you are even trying to protect yourself from09:45
kblinkvothetech: :) sure09:45
ActionParsnipa1recon: what service are you connecting to on the server side?09:45
kvothetechA1Recon: uhm what's es file explorer using to connect do you have a server runnig for it to connect to09:46
kvothetechkblin: :) yeah good show09:46
ActionParsnipa1recon: tried the IP instead of name as well?09:46
A1ReconActionParsnip: kvothetech: ES File Explorer is just an application on Android, it lets you see the files on the phone/network/cloud! You don't need to run a server on the PC, just the usual file sharing will do. I am using IP address.09:48
ActionParsnipa1recon: so it connects to samba?09:49
A1Reconkvothetech: do you have an Anrdoid??09:49
llutzA1Recon: sure you need a kind of server to access using es-fileex, smb/sftp/ftp09:49
A1ReconActionParsnip:  yes09:49
kvothetechA1Recon: nfs then? yes i do i use andftp and scp mode...09:49
ActionParsnipa1recon: then samba is the service you are connecting to09:49
A1Reconllutz: smb09:49
A1ReconActionParsnip: samba09:49
kvothetechA1Recon: andftp or juicessh are what i use because i can't stand es too limited09:50
ActionParsnipa1recon: you need the samba server service to run to connrct to samba. so "you dont need to run a server" is incorrect09:50
terohi guys. How can I found out on what date my ubuntu was installed?09:51
ActionParsnipa1recon: do you use ssh on the same box?09:51
A1ReconActionParsnip: got it!! BTW this works fine on one phone, but the other one is giving me hell09:51
Yinsengafter my Ubuntu server has been inactive for a while, the console becomes a black screen and no amount of mouse movement brings it back to life. Is there some sort of key shortcut I'm not aware of to get it to come out of this black screen?09:52
YinsengI can putty into it just fine so I know the server isn't locked up09:52
bekksYinseng: Press a key on the keyboard.09:53
YinsengI did09:53
A1ReconActionParsnip: No09:53
Yinsengoh wait. It just suddenly came up. after like 5 minutes. Jesus christ.09:53
bekksYinseng: Maybe you have some heavy load on that box, currently?09:53
Yinsengit's not under any load atm09:53
Yinsengholy crap the desktop environment is going slow...09:54
bekksYinseng: Then check whats causing that load.09:54
kvothetechYinseng: dont run a gui on your server would be the easy answer..most have shitty gpu's if any at all09:55
YinsengThere is no load. VMware's performance tab shows virtually nothing.09:55
Yinsengkvothetech: It was working just fine yesterday09:55
Yinsengit is frozen on checking my password09:55
ran_i need help about slow boot in xubuntu 13.04. this id from kern.log: May 12 12:47:29 ran-pc kernel: [   25.565036] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready09:55
ran_May 12 12:48:23 ran-pc kernel: [   79.330194] NVRM: GPU at 0000:01:00: GPU-b03a1015-0ea1-3bcd-767e-11e25bf45b3509:55
Yinsengokay it's FINALLY resumed and working fine. Is this some sort of sleep mode? How do I turn it off? Or ideally make it not take forever?09:56
ran_why there is a 40 seconds delay?09:56
Yinsengfalse alarm, mouse is moving fine but the elements are still taking more than a minute to respond. c.c09:56
Yinsengno idea what is going on09:56
kblinYinseng: and your server is a virtual machine?09:57
kvothetechYinseng: x set s 0 009:57
kvothetechthat'll turn off the screensaver bit at least09:57
Yinsengwell it's out of the screensaver09:57
Yinsengit's back on the desktop but it's being unresponsive other than the mouse.09:58
A1ReconActionParsnip: Where can I learn about FTP, SSH and the other good stuff??09:58
YinsengI'm not sure what's causing this massive massive slowdown after a good length of inactivity09:59
YinsengI'm using Unity 2D if that's of any help09:59
ActionParsnipa1recon: just use it09:59
ActionParsnipa1recon: astro file manager can connect to samba10:00
ActionParsnipa1recon: there is also andsamba10:00
kblinthere's also a samba server package for android, but I think that requires a jailbroken phone, not sure, though, never used it10:01
YinsengYeah. I managed to log out (it took like 10 minutes total) and I went back into the Unity 2D Shell. NOW it's working fine. Did not reboot the machine or reduce any load at all10:01
YinsengAfter it enters sleep mode or the screensaver or whatever, when it comes out of it is just entirely unresponsive and I don't know why10:01
bekksYinseng: Then check the load.10:02
Yinsengthe load is fine. I checked it. There was no load.10:02
kvothetechBraden`: hi10:02
Braden`I just upgraded from 12.10 to 13, and now when I reboot I get "Cannot open display"10:03
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kvothetechBraden`: got the module loaded for your gpu?10:03
bekksYinseng: Did you just check the "load" or did you check which programs used CPU/MEM/SWAP?10:03
kvothetechor built in/kms10:03
ActionParsnipbraden`: do you use proprietary video drivers?10:03
Yinsengbekks: I used VMware's performance monitor10:03
ActionParsnipyiseng: which screensaver package are you using?10:04
YinsengIt's just a base Ubuntu 12.04 LTS install with the unity desktop environment and some updates.10:04
bekksYinseng: That does not tell you a single bit on whats happening IN the guest.10:04
bekksYinseng: So check the load and the cpu/mem/swap usage inside the guest.10:05
Yinsengwell I can't really do that now because now it's working fine10:05
bekksYinseng: And you cant do it now because of what?10:06
Yinseng...because it's working fine? The problem is gone because I logged out and logged back in10:06
bekksYinseng: You could still find traces on what happened. But its your choice.10:06
YinsengCan you be more specific about what you want me to do10:06
Yinsengfor instance if I was using windows you could tell me to check Event Viewer10:07
bekksYinseng: I wanted you to take a look at top, ps aux and dmesg.10:07
Yinsengwould you prefer I do this from a terminal in the desktop environment, or does it not matter10:07
bekksYinseng: And you omitted the information that you are running a vm. :)10:07
A1ReconActionParsnip: Oh yeah, the problem was solved. I went over to #android. The thing was one of the android phone is 2.3 so I have to load CifsManager "to load the appropriate kernel modules"10:08
bekksYinseng: Terminal commands are to be done in a terminal.10:08
ActionParsnipyinseng: find out which screensaver package you are using as well10:08
Yinseng(4:55:20 AM) Yinseng: There is no load. VMware's performance tab shows virtually nothing.10:08
Yinseng(5:03:57 AM) Yinseng: bekks: I used VMware's performance monitor10:08
bekksYinseng: And I told you that thats useless.10:08
Yinseng(5:08:04 AM) bekks: Yinseng: And you omitted the information that you are running a vm. :)10:08
SomeUserHi all. I cant get the Networkmanager applet started. It flashes up in the tray icon bar and than dissapears. I get this message if i start it in a terminal: http://dpaste.com/1144609/10:08
ActionParsnipa1recon: i see, ive always use andsamva but in JellyBean Astro accesses it seamlessly10:08
Braden`ActionParsnip:  Nay, just the standard video drivers.  They were working before I upgraded though10:08
YinsengActionParsnip: How do I do that10:09
bekksYinseng: You could have said "I am using a vm"at the beginning.10:09
YinsengI kinda assumed mentioning it was vmware from the beginning would be good enough10:09
Braden`kvothetech:  I have no idea how to check that10:09
ActionParsnipa1recon: if you install openssh-server on the server, you can use andftp and also stream securely over the web10:09
A1ReconActionParsnip: Thanks!!10:10
kvothetechBraden`: lspci and look for the ones for your gpu ..also when you updated the kernel did you recompile the modules with it10:10
YinsengI don't see a control for it in the desktop environment so far...10:10
ActionParsnipbraden`: what video chip do you use?10:10
YinsengThere is Brightness and Lock10:11
Yinsengbut that doesn't tell me much10:11
ActionParsnipyiseng: what is the output of: dpkg -l | grep saver10:11
ActionParsnipyinseng: use pastebin to host the output10:11
Braden`kvothetech:  I suspect the package manager did that for me10:12
Braden`ActionParsnip:  Its Virtualbox10:12
ActionParsnipyinseng: for text, why use an image?10:12
Yinsengbecause it takes 3 seconds with hyperdesktop10:12
Yinsengwould you prefer the text?10:12
ActionParsnipbraden`: i'd ask in #vbox it may be a known issue10:13
ActionParsnipyinseng: just curious10:13
kvothetechBraden`: then reinstall open-vm-tools or whatever the vbox equivalent is10:13
A1ReconActionParsnip: Do you know what is CSSH?10:13
ActionParsnipyinseng: uninstall that package and install xscreensaver10:13
Yinsengok, will you walk me through? I'm still kinda unfamiliar with apt-get10:13
ActionParsnipa1recon: use it everyday at work10:14
ActionParsnipyinseng: you can use software centre10:14
A1ReconActionParsnip: May I PM you??10:14
ActionParsnipa1recon: sure10:14
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ActionParsnipyinseng: or read: man apt-get10:15
YinsengI've read it, my medication just makes it hard for me to remember things10:16
ActionParsnipyinseng: software centre makes it easier10:16
Yinsengyeah, I'm looking through it and I'm using the search filter but I'm not getting anything when I search for gnome or screen or lock10:17
ActionParsnipyinseng: close the app and run: sudo apt-get --purge renove gnome-screensaver; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get install xscreensaver10:18
kvothetechActionParsnip: Yinseng the renove should be remove10:19
kvothetech(in case he copy pastes it :)10:19
YinsengOk, done.10:20
YinsengLogged back in. how do I know it's working10:21
ActionParsnipyinseng: then configure xscreensaver to not load a screensaver after a time, basically disable it10:21
Yinsengah here we go, there's a new 'screensaver' option when I search..10:22
Questports can be forwarded by routers/switches and NATing can be done. how to do that if the thats a linux server instead?10:23
bekksQuest: Basically by using iptables.10:23
Yinsengok, screensaver disabled10:23
Questbekks,  hmm. its easy? i use firestarter to controll iptables10:24
bekksQuest: No, you have to know what you are doing there. :)10:24
ActionParsnipyinseng: should be ok then10:24
hacktus0my ubuntu 13.04 don't shutdown. When I shutdown my PC then I must shutdown manualy. can you help me????10:24
hacktus0I think it 's my kernel10:25
pagnol2does anyone run ubuntu 13 and use the iwlwifi driver?  I'm trying to find out which version of iwlwifi is included in ubuntu 1310:26
hacktus0my ubuntu 13.04 don't shutdown. When I shutdown my PC then I must shutdown manualy. can you help me????10:26
kvothetechhacktus0: shutdown -h now10:26
kvothetechit'll kill everything then halt it...10:26
ActionParsniphacktus0: if you run: sudo shutdown -h now10:26
Questbekks,  where to learn iptables10:26
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.10:26
ActionParsnipkvothetech: thought it needed sudo..10:26
kvothetechActionParsnip: dunno i don't have sudo installed10:27
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YinsengYou guys wanna help me with one more thing? I've been googling on guides on how to do this but I just keep finding guides that don't seem to apply to my installation. I haven't been using sudo, I've been using root through putty. When I try to sudo as my user that I run my server on, it prompts me for a password I was never prompted to set up. How do I set up this password?10:27
hacktus0OK I test :kvothetech : ActionParsnip10:28
Emmanuel_ChanelI use oidentd on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server. I want the oidentd to work as a proxy of this client.10:28
ActionParsnipkvothetech: its default installed in ubuntu and how you do admin tasks10:28
Emmanuel_ChanelBut it looks that it doesn't work, by reconnecting to an IRC server.10:28
kvothetechYinseng: as root passwd alone to set a root pw passwd <user> for other users10:28
pagnol2is there some way to find out the versions of drivers shipped with ubuntu?10:28
Emmanuel_ChanelBut how can I check if oidentd works without reconnections of IRC servers?10:28
Yinsengmy root password does not work10:29
kvothetechActionParsnip: 1.  i'm on gentoo 2.  My ubuntu installs are from debootstrap.10:29
bekksYinseng: There is no root pw in Ubuntu.10:29
ActionParsnipyinseng: the password you set when you first installed. if you were an idiot and set a blank password, you can run: passwd name10:29
ActionParsnipkvothetech: sudo package is a dep of a lot of packages, so it will be installed10:30
Yinsengdoesn't that just set the user password and not the sudo password?10:30
bekksYinseng: There is no sudo password either. sudo asks for the user password.10:30
ActionParsnipyinseng: your login password is your sudo password10:30
Jordan_U!sudo | Yinseng10:30
ubottuYinseng: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo10:30
kvothetechActionParsnip: what 'depends' on sudo being there...10:30
Yinseng..that's weird then. because my user password wasn't working either. Let me try again.10:31
Yinsengit says my user isn't in the sudoers file10:31
kvothetechYinseng: visudo10:31
kvothetechand add it.10:31
Yinsengpermission denied. Guess I have to log in as roto.10:32
bekkskvothetech: How to run that without sudo privileges? :)10:32
bekksYinseng: You cant log in as root. :P10:32
bekks!root | Yinseng10:32
ubottuYinseng: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:32
YinsengI'm logged in as root right now.10:32
ActionParsnipkvothetech: ubuntu-minimal for one10:33
Yinsenghttp://i.imgur.com/tXpzTwS.png see for yourself? vOv10:33
kvothetechActionParsnip: linux-image,ssh,udev with debootstrap..minimal install...no sudo10:34
ActionParsnipkvothetech: update-manager, gksu, ubuntu-desktop (not so critical metapackage)10:34
kvothetechActionParsnip: ok..none of the above are dependencies for a working server...10:34
pm_is there in free tool which converts pdf to excel10:34
ActionParsnipkvothetech: even ubuntu-minimal?10:35
jude0anyone know how to add sit or a gre tunnels to a bridge?10:35
ActionParsnippm_: http://www.pdftoexcelonline.com10:35
kvothetechActionParsnip: seeing as i have several servers without it yes i'm quite sure nothing really depends on sudo that you'd want.10:35
Yinsenguh, hm. What is this weird space that vi is using that's longer than a normal space and shorter than a tab space.10:36
ActionParsnipkvothetech: i see, cool. thanks :-)10:36
pm_thanks actionParsnip but it is online for secure document it is not feasible10:37
Yinsengit is precisely 4 spaces long10:37
Yinsengto the tab space's.. 8?10:37
Yinsengoh, nevermind10:38
kvothetechYinseng: depends on the program tab will be 4 spaces or to the next 'tab spot' on your screen which depends on your resolution10:38
YinsengWhy is sudo considered more secure than a root user anyway? It seems like doing a root user means if someone gets into your normal user account there's only so much damage they can cause without the ability to sudo.10:41
ActionParsnippm_: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/?fromgroups#!topic/ilug-tvm/hf_hg_bm2r410:41
ActionParsnipkvothetech: dso, how do you install ubuntu without ubuntu-minimal from a blank drive? Im curious, please10:42
juulari m just curios that anyone use ubuntu to rip DVD's ?10:42
kvothetechActionParsnip: debootstrap off a usb stick10:42
kvothetechYinseng: it's not unless you are using limited ability sudo users etc10:43
Yinsengso if ubuntu isn't supposed to have a root user, how am I logged into it?10:43
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:44
kvothetechActionParsnip: debootstrap..and btw gui's dont need sudo either..i use xmonad mostly but have gnome/kde/etc all not using sudo)10:44
kvothetechYinseng: it still has one it just annoys people who are too lazy to do there own security that you use it10:44
kblinjuular: I've gotten good results with the 'handbrake' program :)10:44
juularty kblin10:44
ActionParsnipkvothetech: so, which user is running the X process10:44
Yinsengthat's just how it was set up by default by my provider10:44
kvothetechYinseng: sudo uses the root user to run commands..or whoever has uid 010:45
kvothetechActionParsnip: my user...10:45
Jordan_UYinseng: sudo allows fine grained control of what commands a user is allowed to run as root. As Ubuntu uses it, it's more of a way to foster better practices (not running commands as root unless they need to be). The human aspect of security is very important, so that shouldn't be disregarded as meaningless.10:45
ActionParsnipkvothetech: sweet10:45
Yinsengmakes sense10:45
ActionParsnipyinseng: it does have a root user, its login in the default install is disabled10:46
Jordan_UYinseng: kvothetech: It's definitely possible to create a root password and never use sudo, but it is not recommended and such a configuration is not supported here.10:46
Yinsengmaybe I'll reverse the change then and make an admin user if I can figure out how it was done.10:48
Yinsengoh wait10:48
Yinsengthis page seems to tell you how10:48
kvothetechYinseng: just comment out the pw for root in /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow then add your user to visudo10:49
Yinsengok thx10:49
Questcan anyone sumarise what is LTS . will that have no kernal updates?10:49
ActionParsnipyinseng: if you add the user to the sudo group, it will be able to use sudo and you can disable root once it tests as ok10:49
mdfeCan you recommend a mud/mush client for ubuntu? I don't like the ones in the software centre.10:49
YinsengQuest: Long Term Support. It means it'll be supported for a while.10:49
MonkeyDustQuest  LTS = long term support10:49
ActionParsnipquest: it will but they will come less frequently10:50
kvothetechQuest: long term as everyone said and yes it gets kernel updates ...you can always update it as you need to like anything else if you want a diff one.10:50
kvothetechubuntu: hi10:51
kvothetechhow is the nick ubuntu not registered lol10:51
bekkskvothetech: Its the user of the livecd? :P10:51
kvothetechbekks: i meant on nickserv10:52
ActionParsnipkvothetech: try register it10:52
Yinsengi am now become ubuntu, destroyer of time10:53
kvothetechActionParsnip: lol no thanks i like my nick i just think it's odd that it's not or hasn't been10:53
Yinsengmain reason I converted from centos to ubuntu for my server is because is a lot easier to find guides on ubuntu on the googles.10:55
bazhang!ot | Yinseng10:56
ubottuYinseng: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:56
YinsengI said mt10:56
bazhangYinseng, take the chit chat elsewhere10:56
Yinseng... i said mt10:56
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bazhangkvothetech, certain projects reserver nicks, such as the name of their distro, making those nicks unregisterable, (fedora, ubuntu etc)10:57
Yinsengmt means mis-tell10:58
kvothetechbazhang: ah lol makes sense10:59
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gustav___Ugh. I'm trying to get bumblebee to run a nvidia-smi command before the actual game or program. How can I do that?11:07
gustav___It has to be in the same module instance or the setting will be reverted.11:08
gustav___nvidia module instance.11:08
gustav___Does optirun hook in any scripts?11:09
ActionParsnipgustav___: you can make your own script.11:09
gustav___nvidia-smi has to be run suid, though.11:11
ActionParsnipmore reasons to avoid optimus.....11:12
gustav___Not sure what alternative I have. :)11:13
gustav___13.04 doesn't work.11:13
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kmohi, I've got some issue with disk space. I have installed 13.04 and created 20gb partition for / and 20gb partition for home in which I have symbolic links to directories like Documents, Downloads etc. on second (NTFS) partition mounted as /windows. I use only small part of this home partition, but Ubuntu shows me that I have used all the available space. I guess it has something to do with symbolic links, b11:20
kmout how come? These are just plain text link to resources on NTFS partition. Baobab shows that whole home is used, but no files/dirs that use this space :O11:20
ardoRicif you wanna know what's taking up your diskspace, go to your home directory and use the du command. something like du --max-depth=1 is nice for checking directory by directory11:26
gordonjcpardoRic: du -hd111:27
ardoRicbaobab should help you with that too, you can navigate the file system tree and check what's taking up space11:27
kmoyes baobab should11:27
gordonjcpbut you don't need to do that anyway, because it's either going to be .cache, .thumbnails or .Trash ;-)11:27
kmoI checked and baobab shows that over 17.7GB is taken but lists only like 3 or 4GB when I add it up11:28
bekksMaybe baobab follows symlinks. I'd rely on df.11:29
gordonjcpkmo: look at the output of du -hd111:29
hacktus0when i want shutdown my ubuntu 13.04 then it write : kernel      [failled]. And I must shutdown manualy (I push button for shutdown during 5 sec)11:30
gordonjcpkmo: then look at the output of du -xhd111:30
kmo-rw-------  1 kmo  kmo  14454578292 maj 12 13:29 .xsession-errors11:30
gordonjcpkmo: wat11:30
gordonjcpkmo: it's probably safe to delete that11:30
hacktus0when i want shutdown my ubuntu 13.04 then it write : kernel      [failled]. And I must shutdown manualy (I push button for shutdown during 5 sec)11:31
kmogordonjcp, I know11:31
kmobut anyway11:31
kmohow come? :D11:31
hacktus0can U help me ? please11:31
gordonjcpwell, what do the errors say?11:31
hacktus0when i want shutdown my ubuntu 13.04 then it write : kernel      [failled]. And I must shutdown manualy (I push button for shutdown during 5 sec)11:32
kmogordonjcp, it's some rhythmbox bug11:32
hacktus0can U help me ? please11:32
kmohave to investigate and eventually report it11:33
gustav___Why doesn't my visudo work? I've added the line gustav  ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/lib/nvidia-current/bin/nvidia-smi11:33
A1Reconhow to install skype in 13.04 Raring11:35
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga11:36
hacktus0http://www.skype.com/en/download-skype/skype-for-computer/ ,,A1Recon11:37
ubottuste85: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:40
gordonjcpwhat is it with Italians and !list ?11:42
ubottufredploughs: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:48
W4NGNULLhi marcus11:48
W4NGNULLis any one talk to me11:49
W4NGNULLhow are you11:49
BluesKajHey all11:49
W4NGNULLhi blueskaj11:50
AaruniI just installed fglrx-experimental-12 on Ubuntu 12.04. I was told that I need to run amdconfig/ati config, I can't remember which one, but both exists. So, which one do I run ?11:50
llutz!ot | W4NGNULL11:50
ubottuW4NGNULL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:50
BluesKajW4NGNULL, Hi11:50
W4NGNULLhow are you11:50
BluesKajok W4NGNULL ,do you have a question11:51
W4NGNULLhmmmmmmm is this hacker chat room like die hard 4 movie11:51
AaruniI am guessing i should run amdconfig, since fglrx-amdcccle-experimental-12 was also installed, and it has amd in the name...11:51
bloonyI'm getting a grub rescue promt saying unknown filesystem.. I tried booting from the boot-repair-disk, but it didn't help.. heres the paste it created: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5657735/ any ideas?11:52
W4NGNULLdo u any idea what is use of port forwarding11:53
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W4NGNULLanyone else who knows about port forward11:54
compdocW4NGNULL, it connects a service to your computer11:54
W4NGNULLso what is a advantage11:54
compdocit opens a hole in your firewall to allow outsiders to connect11:55
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W4NGNULLu hacked victim wifi router yet11:56
W4NGNULLso i wanna create a port11:56
W4NGNULLin victim router11:57
W4NGNULLso what is beffit11:57
bekksWe dont support hacking other people in here.11:57
W4NGNULLto me11:57
gry1W4NGNULL: hi.11:57
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gry1W4NGNULL: what are you trying to do?11:57
W4NGNULLdude bekks11:57
W4NGNULLhacking is a computer science of exploitation11:57
bekksW4NGNULL: And we dont support it in here.11:58
BluesKajW4NGNULL, no hacking advice is allowed here , go soemwhere else11:58
gry1W4NGNULL: try ##security channel then please.11:58
W4NGNULLwhat  type of info get in this group11:59
BluesKajthis is ubuntu support11:59
gry1W4NGNULL: this is official support channel for Ubuntu Linux distribution. A variety of topics are supported, but an introduction to how to get started with exploits would be a tad bulky for here.11:59
gry1W4NGNULL: The other channel would be able to help you to learn networking, security, pen testing, and how to play with it at your boxes.12:00
W4NGNULLi love networking , programming, security, pentesting12:01
compdocI heard you go blind if you play with it12:01
josh__Sorry, im quite a noob here guys but, how do I install the proper Java to play minecraft with?12:03
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.12:03
josh__Oh, thanks!12:04
thecodeischaosJRE should be enough12:04
gustav___NVRM: Xid (0000:01:00): 8, Channel 00000015. optirun + TF2. Google isn't giving much. Tested what I found suggested.12:04
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cjaeholy bananas    http://wiki.debian.org/SSDOptimization?action=show&redirect=SSDoptimization12:12
mdfecjae, i don't get that: why would you suspend to HDD? It would take *ages* to wake up12:16
gordonjcpmdfe: faster than booting from cold, allows the machine to power off completely12:17
mdfegordonjcp, No, i mean why would an SSD machine suspend to HDD not to SSD?12:17
gordonjcpmdfe: <shrug>12:17
gordonjcpsave on write cycles?12:17
gordonjcpfor the extra second it'll take to resume, is it worth hammering your SSD?12:18
mdfeit seems to me that debian advice is to extend ssd life at the cost of speed: surely one gets an SSD for speed and the ability to be mobile (smaller machine) therefore one wants to wake up fast?12:19
mdfeand it seems counter productive to get an SSD and then slow it up12:19
mdfeit's not an extra second to wake up. it's a several gig load and time to spin up the disk if it's powered down12:21
nakaorican anyone point me to the solution? i have an mysql server on an ubuntu 12.10 proxmox virtual machine. after reboot the sql server isnt started automatically although i update-rc.d mysql defaults. any ideas?12:22
cjaemdfe: ya I thought it was a little overkill12:26
cjaeinformative thou12:26
mdfenakaori, does it start manually?12:27
mdfeand update-rc.d mysql.server defaults doesnt work?12:28
mdfethat's mysql.server not mysql12:28
nakaorilet me check that12:29
dinmikkithHi folks, Is there anybody who is familiar with preseeding of ubuntu?12:30
mdfedinmikkith, is that OEM install?12:30
dinmikkithIt is not! It is the debian automation mechanism.12:31
willybilly0101hello all12:32
willybilly0101have a problem12:32
willybilly0101running ubuntu (xubuntu) on a Dell Mini 1012:32
willybilly0101and the flash videos are really jerky12:32
willybilly0101in Chromium, in Firefox better but still bad12:32
willybilly0101also HTML5 the same12:32
willybilly0101where should I start?12:32
MonkeyDustwillybilly0101  enable or disable hardware accelleration12:33
thecodeischaosdo you have a good video card?12:33
thecodeischaosi have a netbook and it cant play flash movies12:33
willybilly0101MonkeyDust: did it12:33
thecodeischaoswell it stutters and freezes a lot12:33
thecodeischaosit might be your hardware is incapable of playing it properly12:33
mdfewillybilly0101, google chrome has a proprietary improved flash player: perhaps try that as well12:33
thecodeischaosif your laptop/netbook is as crappy as mine12:34
mdfeI find non-googlechrome flash on linux a bit problematic as well12:34
thecodeischaosactually it is great for everything else. just cant play video12:34
thecodeischaosi have msi wind u13512:34
thecodeischaoscost me only £10012:35
thecodeischaos1.6 Ghz!12:35
mdfetwice the speed of my cpu, but i get flash properly :)12:35
thecodeischaos1024 x 600 resolution12:35
mdfei have no idea why GHz is used as ameasure of computer speed12:36
dinmikkithwillybilly0101 I've installed chrome here on ubuntu Youtube works fine with it12:36
thecodeischaosyeh i use ubuntu+chrome+flash on my other pc fine12:36
willybilly0101youtube works okish12:36
willybilly0101problem is with other sites12:36
willybilly0101like coursera.org12:36
willybilly0101or vimeo12:36
mdfevimeo is very high quality usually, and will give problems on older machines12:37
willybilly0101trying to find what video is, lspci shows something generic12:37
W4NGNULLwhat is a wheezy12:37
W4NGNULLany one12:37
W4NGNULLwho knows12:37
mdfeW4NGNULL, debian release12:37
willybilly0101W4NGNULL: debian, google12:37
nakaoriupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/mysql.server: file does not exist12:37
deivisis anyone using ubuntu 13.04?12:37
mdfeI am on raring12:38
willybilly0101coming back to the netbook, it seems stupid to me to be so bad. everything else works well12:38
mdfeBut i use thunarr file manager12:38
nakaorinakaori@vs2674:/etc/init.d$ ls |grep mysql12:38
nakaori-> mysql12:38
dinmikkithwillybilly0101 what graphic card do you use12:38
willybilly0101do not know exactly, lspci grep vga shows something generic12:39
willybilly0101Intel Corp atom D4xx/D5xx/N4xx/N5xx12:39
willybilly0101trying to google the exact model12:40
qinping willybilly010112:40
mdfewillybilly0101, it's prbably a 94512:40
dinmikkithwillybilly0101 Ask dell Support at the forums on dell.com12:40
willybilly0101ask the video card? :) I will be able to find it, second :)12:41
mdfei doubt very much it's an an Intel 3000 or 4000, so it will be the 9x series below it12:42
JSFI am trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 on a Dell PowerEdge 2850 but the installer doesn't seem to play nice with my PERC 4/i RAID controller12:42
JSFI already googled around and these Dell RAID controllers seem to be rebranded and _should_ work with the megaraid drivers included in the installer, but unfortunately they dont12:43
bekksmdfe: Having an Acer D270, with a N2600 CPU, I have an Intel 3600 GPU.12:43
bekksJSF: The Perc 4i are LSI controllers IIRC.12:44
sealanderHi everone :)12:44
JSFbekks Yeah rebranded LSI ones I also read somewhere12:44
halluhi, my microphone is not working on gmail/skype; can anyone help me setting it up/checking if it's working at all? thanks12:45
JSFbekks: But the installer does't list ani LSI drivers, or aren't they called LSI?12:45
kostkonwillybilly0101, if the cpu is Nxxx, then the card is intel 315012:46
JSFbekks: I found the LSI cards use megaraid drivers, but as said they don't work, neither megaraid nor megaraid_sas12:46
willybilly0101just found it12:46
willybilly0101rebooted in windows :)12:46
sealanderWhich version do you recommend to install in my server. 12.04 or 13.04?12:46
willybilly0101debian :)12:47
willybilly0101now really, is this normal with this laptop? as I'm starting to think it is. also it seems to heat a bit more than windows$12:47
kostkonwillybilly0101, it should be able to play 720p flash videos fine12:47
willybilly0101wll it does not12:48
kostkonwillybilly0101, i have the same card. it plays youtube vids fine, 720p full screen12:48
willybilly0101should i update firmware/module?12:48
kostkonhavent tried 1080p vids12:48
kostkonwillybilly0101, mine is a hp mini 210, with N4xxx and 3150. i run full ubuntu on it, unity, compiz and all12:50
JSFAnybody knows how to use PERC 4/i RAID card using Ubuntu install? On the dell site all I can download regards drivers are .exe files or a Red Hat patch12:51
halluhi, my microphone is not working on gmail/skype; can anyone help me setting it up/checking if it's working at all? thanks12:52
bekksJSF: Is it a 4/i or a 4e/Di?12:53
dinmikkithhallu: Try the settings page of skype and check the audio settings rith click the symbol in tray12:53
halludinmikkith: for Microphone, i only have the option "PulseAudio server (local)" (i'm on kubuntu/kde)12:54
willybilly0101720p works bad12:54
willybilly0101tryed it now12:54
FloodBot1willybilly0101: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:54
halludinmikkith: i tried making a test call on skype, but couldn't hear myself12:55
Emmanuel_ChanelIs there someone good at oidentd?12:55
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JSFbekks: Its a 4e/di to be exact12:55
dinmikkithhallu just a second12:56
bekksJSF: Did you go through http://en.community.dell.com/support-forums/servers/f/906/p/19403643/19940209.aspx yet?12:57
dinmikkithhallu  Try this tutorial http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/Documentation/User/PerfectSetup12:57
cjaeI didnt know gnash was in a acceptable working state12:57
halluty dinmikkith12:57
ubottuGnash is an open-source Flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/12:57
dinmikkithhallu or look for the pulse audio volume controle terminal version and pull up the microphone with it12:58
SonikkuAmericacjae: Gnash is horrible.12:58
SonikkuAmericacjae: You should still use flashplugin-installer12:58
dinmikkithhallu the second method is easier but i don't remember how the package is caaled12:58
halludinmikkith: pavucontrol? pavucontrol has bars which reacts to my voice so it looks like my microphone is working12:59
Emmanuel_ChanelMy oidentd on Ubuntu router didn't reply when I connect to an IRC server on xchat on this client PC behind the router.12:59
Emmanuel_ChanelHow can I help that?12:59
dinmikkith hallu could you try to record something with your sound recorder and play it13:00
nightmare365cjae: don't use gnash it uses up too much cpu and ..its still beta ..13:00
willybilly0101Emmanuel_Chanel: firewall set correctly?13:00
halludinmikkith: which one?13:00
cjaeSonikkuAmerica: nightmare365just checking progress lol13:00
Emmanuel_ChanelYes, it looks.13:00
dinmikkithhallu the gnome sound recorder13:01
Emmanuel_ChanelWhen the bot on the router connect to an IRC server, the IRC server looks to get a reply.13:01
dinmikkithhallu just the gnome one to see if gnome and the puilse audio interface react on X13:01
Emmanuel_Chanelwillybilly0101: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS server's oidentd automatically works as a proxy of identd, right?13:01
halludinmikkith: i'm on kde :(13:02
dinmikkithhallu sorry I forgot. It has to be teh same basicly.13:02
Emmanuel_Chanelwillybilly0101: So firewall configuration is correct.13:02
dinmikkithdo you have a sound recorder installed?13:02
dinmikkithhallu krecord for example13:03
halludinmikkith: ye it looks like i have gnome-sound-record, but nothing happens when i press record13:03
halluno such package: krecord13:04
cjaeSonikkuAmerica: using in debian in a vm and is .....ok13:05
dinmikkithhallu is there any program that could take the sound of the microphone13:05
halludinmikkith: yes the test call on skype; it looks like it's working now, after i increased the sound on pavucontrol13:06
Gaurab_Dhunganahow do i install ubuntu on my laptop?13:06
halludinmikkith: thanks for your help :)13:07
dinmikkithhallu your welcome13:07
Gaurab_Dhunganawhen i did one all the drive merged and i lost all my data?13:07
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debbie_Hi. Wonder if anyone can help me. I tried to change the group ownership of a folder using dolphin to a user. However it changed it to root. How can I change this back to a user group? Thank you13:11
willybilly0101kdesu (or whatever graphical su you have): kdesu dolphin13:11
willybilly0101go to folder, change it back13:11
Pwnguin_Is there a keyboard shortcut for showing the desktop13:11
MonkeyDustPwnguin_  super-D13:13
Pwnguin_super-D? what do you mean super? Sorry I am new13:13
MonkeyDustglad i didnt have to write that word13:14
sianhuloGuys I need help with gparted. I cam currently botting from my android as I'll try to install ubuntu 13.04, the problem is I have 2 "free space", I want to merge them but I can't13:14
Emmanuel_Chanel$ ps aux|grep oidentd13:15
Emmanuel_Chaneloident   16634  0.0  0.0   2416   584 ?        Ss   21:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/oidentd -mf -u oident -g oident13:15
Pwnguin_So I hit the Windows-key and D? Doesn't work it seems13:15
Emmanuel_ChanelIt's the output of oidentd ... where shall I fix that?13:15
sianhuloI already have the /home partition, This space will be used for /, the problem is that /home is between them both And I think that that is the problem13:15
MonkeyDustsianhulo  and how large are the separate spaces?13:17
IszakWith mdadm do I create an instance for every partition?13:17
sianhuloMonkeyDust,  8.3gb and 3.5gb, my /always gets full sooner or later, and that's why I'll merge it with swap(I have 8gb of ram, so swap shouldn't be needed)13:18
MonkeyDustsianhulo  use 8.3 for /13:18
sianhuloMonkeyDust, I no longer need swap and my /space is insuficient, I want to use all the space13:19
sianhulothere must be a way13:19
MonkeyDustsianhulo  or !backup your /home and start re-partitoning13:19
smjcHow do I "switch user" in a plain window manager desktop session to start another X temporarily?13:19
Pwnguin_I accidentally turned on a program that reads the stuff on my screen, how do I turn it off?13:21
tajamulshould i upgrade from ubuntu 12.04 to 13.o4 i am a home pc user13:21
alaingwhat is the file I need to edit to create custom commands for terminal?13:21
MonkeyDusttajamul  12.04 if you want long support, 13.04 if you want the latest stuff13:21
MonkeyDustalaing  I put some custom aliases in ~/.bashrc13:22
alaingMonkeyDust: thats the one the bash file, thanks13:22
tajamulwill i get get features of 13.04 if i install update packages in 12.0413:23
MonkeyDustalaing  like: alias abc='run this set of commands; separated by semi-colons'13:23
bekkstajamul: No, you'll have to update to 13.0413:24
MonkeyDusttajamul  newer versions yes, some options have been removed from nautilus13:24
MonkeyDusttajamul  mis-read, bekks is correct13:24
cerv0hello everybody, i have manipulated my systems files and now my OS became unstable13:25
cerv0is there any way to solve this case ??13:26
MonkeyDustcerv0  start by explaining what you did, in one line13:26
tajamulcan anyone here work to install ubuntu on samsung wave ii which originally is installed with bada os13:26
tajamulit will provide a nice platform for ubuntu as wave ii has got nice hardware but crap os13:27
cerv0MonkeyDust i have deleted the main user with another user that i have created and i was trying to give him the same permission as the main user13:28
tajamulall wave ii users want to replace the os of the mobile they want android ubuntu will be a good option and it will hightlight ubuntu as os for mobiles also13:29
xubuntu__Hi, i have a problem13:29
tajamulso are there no ubuntu developers who can do this13:30
tajamulis anybody reading my posts13:31
ubottuniebo73: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».13:31
xubuntuliveusbwhy when i open Disk in xubuntu live usb it says no media?13:32
tajamulcan anybody develop ubuntu for samsung wave ii mobile13:33
iDrofoxhello, whenver i select all in mp3 files in ubuntu 13.04 and press enter, rhythmbox opens but didn't play and crash ??13:33
WXZwhat's the application which lets you search files by content?13:34
tajamulyaar someone please answer13:34
gordonjcpWXZ: grep?13:34
WXZgordonjcp: no, it was in lucid.. it had "find in files" and stuff like that13:35
zatanhey how can I change in terminal typing color ?13:35
WXZgordonjcp: it's a gui, not cml13:35
xubuntuliveusbgee thanks a lot for the help!13:35
mablaeI have a dual boot setup win/ubuntu13:36
mablaeNow I accidently removed the windows system and boot partiotion13:36
mablaeHow can I recover these partitions _13:36
BluesKajmablae, did you do , sudo update-grub  ?13:38
mablaeBluesky, no13:38
mablaeBluesKaj: no13:38
OerHeksutc was on BluesKaj, that might be the issue, thnx13:39
mablaeBluesKaj: I wanted to reinstall win cleanly13:39
OerHeks2 timezones, grumble13:39
mablaeSo i removed the windows system (150mb) partition + install drive13:39
BluesKajok mablae so you reinstalled windows after installing ubuntu?13:39
mablaeBut windows setup does not recreate this system partition, because there are other ext4 partitions on drive13:40
mablaeBluesKaj: I did windows install , then linux, and now want to reinstall win, so zes13:40
mablaehmm I should set mz locale >)13:41
mablaeGrub doesnt come up anymore...13:41
BluesKajopen a terminal do , sudo-update-grub13:42
mablaeDid windows setup remove the mbr, too?13:42
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mablaeThink so...?13:42
mablaeFor know I am using Linux Live USB stick, FYI, BluesKaj13:43
paolo_Hello there13:43
mablaeHi paolo_13:43
sianhuloI need some help, after I tried to maximize a ubuntu partition grub said :"Can't have partition outside the disk!", this are the logs I could gather http://paste.ubuntu.com/5658046/13:44
paolo_I have no sound i need Intel HD Audio Driver for 12.0413:45
mablaeBluesKaj: Other approach would be backup the linux partition and start all over again...13:45
BluesKajmablae, ok , run sudo fdisk -l , find the windows partition . /dev/sdX (the assigned dev) , then, sudo grub-install /dev/sdX13:45
mablaeit is deleted, BluesKaj13:45
BluesKajhow do you know?13:46
BluesKajther mbr I mean13:46
amarcolinoHi, I have added myself to the web group (www-data), when creating a directory the ownership goes to the user then the group (foobar:www..) is there a way to set it to the group then owner or what I would like is to keep it as the group but still permit me the user to add, delete and read files?13:46
paolo_i cannot hear sounds or music13:46
kunjiWindows setup typically overwrites the mbr -_-, but it's not too bad to just write GRUB back on again13:46
mablaeWhat is special about this system partition_ Can I recreate it with Partion Magic?13:46
mablaeOkay, will try now13:47
JSFbekks: I disabled the RAID controller from the BIOS and just made a software RAID 0 for now, it's just for my sunday dev stuff anyway :)13:47
paolo_what is partition magic13:47
mablaeI meant gparted13:47
kunjiThey're different tools for the same purpose paolo_, partitioning13:48
BluesKajmablae, it would help if you gave the whole situation instead of pieces at a time13:48
paolo_i install ubuntu studio alongside with windows 7 without wubi13:48
mablaeBluesKaj: 2 main problems: No Bootloader (should be fixed right now)13:50
mablaesecond problem is windows setup need this f*** system partition...13:50
paolo_i used grub bootloader13:50
mablaebut does not create it unless the drive has no other partitions13:50
mablaeSo: How create a system partition recognized by windows setup?13:51
paolo_what about easeus partition or hirens boot cd13:51
kunjimablae: Oh, that tiny little one it puts at the start of the drive?  I thought it would have created it while setting up windows.13:51
paolo_hirens boot cd is better13:51
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asdf2345paolo_ u have to set the disk partitions before the system installation13:51
mablaekunji: Exactly, but only if the drive is empty13:51
mablaeBluesKaj: From USB stick I wasn't able to install grub13:52
kunjimablae: It did it for me even with a nonempty drive, maybe it just needs to be the 1st partition on the drive or something, you might have more luck asking in #windows13:52
mablaeIt says /boot/grub is not readable at boot13:52
kunjimablae: That's not good, is it looking at the right disk?13:53
Guest63887facebook chat not working in epihany13:53
kunji!ask | Guest6388713:53
ubottuGuest63887: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:53
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mablaekunji: Yes13:54
kunji!details | Guest 6388713:54
ubottuGuest 63887: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:54
mablaeBut it is booted from intramfs13:54
mablaeThat causes it13:54
walltenderWhy is that write to the standard output only makes much sense when collectd is running in foreground- or non-daemon-mode?13:54
mablaeI need to mount my linux partition and chroot into it first13:54
paolo_Anyone Played Micropolis13:55
kunjimablae: Hmm, probably13:55
Guest63887epihany says disconnected without reason13:55
ActionParsnipmablae: omgubuntu has a guide called: sticking it to grub13:55
kunjipaolo_: ubuntu-offtopic may be a better place to ask that13:55
mablaeActionParsnip: thx13:55
ActionParsnipguest63887: is it in offline mode?13:56
Guest63887not its online13:56
kunjiActionParsnip: is that better than the normal grub docs?13:56
debbie_Hi. Wonder if anyone can help me. I tried to change the group ownership of a folder using dolphin to a user. However it changed it to root. Tried to change it back but won't let me! How can I change this back to a user group? Thank you13:56
kunjiThese ones that is !grub13:56
mablaeActionParsnip: chroot as I said... :)13:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:56
ActionParsnipkunji: better is subjective. i just advise it as i know it works13:57
ActionParsnipdebbie: yes, chroot13:57
kunjiActionParsnip: I suppose, it it equally "complete" is my quesiton?13:57
Bragex9I have upgraded from 12.10 to 13.04. As when I upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04, the unity panel would not work on my system. Last time someone in here helped me fix it. Unity was disabled and something else was installed instead. This time I have the same problem. Unity not workng. I have installed gnome panel instead. But when starting the computer it starts with only the background picture. No panels or menus. When I try to load gnome-panel from t13:57
BluesKajIME chrooting won't help if there's no mbr , mablae13:57
mablaeBluesKaj: Look at this link: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video13:58
ActionParsnipkunji: you will get a chroot and you can do as you wish13:58
ActionParsnipbragex: if you run a terminal and run: compiz --replace ,is it ok13:59
mablaeOkay, first things first: How do I backup my linux partion fast and easy?13:59
mzazaShould the Java get installed automaitcally while installing ubuntu-restricted-extras package?13:59
mablaeI dont want to use dd, it is to low level for me14:00
mablaeIs TrueImage okay?14:00
bekks!backup | mablae14:00
ubottumablae: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning14:00
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats14:00
ActionParsnipmzaza: open java, yes. for an easy way to install Oracle java the webupd8 ppa has a convenient metapackage14:00
mzazaActionParsnip: Thanks :)14:01
ActionParsnipmablae: grsync :-)14:01
mablaebekks: nice!14:01
amarcolinoHi, I have added myself to the web group (www-data), when creating a directory the ownership goes to the user then the group (foobar:www..) is there a way to set it to the group then owner or what I would like is to keep it as the group but still permit me the user to add, delete and read files?14:01
Bragex9ActionParsnip: I tried compiz --replace and got this message: Fatal: couldn't open display14:01
kunjiActionParsnip: This one here?  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/09/live-usb-sticking-grub-2-video   I haven't watched it yet, but it's the method here right?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot14:02
ActionParsnipkunji: same sort of thing14:03
WXZwhat happened to "search for files" in precise pangolin?14:03
ActionParsnipbragex9: try: unity --replace14:03
kunjiActionParsnip: Cool, that's the one that always works for me.14:04
ActionParsnipkunji: more than one way to skin a cat14:05
Bragex9ActionParsnip: I uninstalled unity, and when trying unity --replace I got this message: Unity not installed14:05
kunjiActionParsnip: Just my favorite way XD14:05
bloonyhow can I know the filesystem of a drive that is not mounted?14:05
bekksbloony: sudo blkid -g; sudo blkid14:06
ActionParsnipbragex9: install xfce4 using apt-get then logoff and log in to the xfce session, you will at least get a usable session14:06
ActionParsnipbloony: sudo parted -l14:06
bloonybekks: it didn't show up there14:06
kunjibloony: sudo fdisk -l  works as well, thought not as well for gpt disks14:07
Bragex9ActionParsnip: ok. I will try14:07
somsipamarcolino: chmod g+s on the directory, if I understand what you want to do correctly14:07
bloonyparted doesn't say anything for the filesystem, fdisk says linux14:07
bloonyI'm getting the grub rescue prompt and trying to fix things..14:08
ActionParsnipbloony: the right side says the partition type in the parted output14:08
bekkskunji: fdisk -l does not show filesystem types, but only partition ids.14:08
tux30how open terminal with ubuntu14:08
bloonyActionParsnip: yes, but its blank14:08
bekkskunji: Thats not sufficient to tell which filesystem was created in a partition.14:08
ActionParsnipbekks: it will but ext2,3 and 4 will show ad 'linux'14:09
kunjibekks: It shows what ActionParsnip just said.14:09
bekksActionParsnip: It will not. You can create whatever filesystem in whatever partition type.14:09
ActionParsnipbekks: not in a default install ;-)14:10
bloonyis there another way? As the file system is blank in the parted listing..14:10
amarcolinosomsip: I've tried that but the issue is when www-data gets second ownership some directories and files can't be auto-updated since the web group is meant to have full access, so I am wondering how I can solve this and if it is possible other then manually changing ownership?14:10
bloonyI'm getting a unkown filesystem and grub rescue prompt..14:11
kunjibloony: could be borked then, those aren't good signs T.T14:11
ActionParsnipbloony: i'd boot to livecd and fsck the partition, also check the filesystem flag in fdisk is set14:11
bloonyActionParsnip: I've tried with fsck, but getting bad maguc number in super-block..14:12
ActionParsnipbloony: did you try a diffetent superblock number?14:12
bloonyActionParsnip: yes tried with -b 819314:13
ActionParsnipbloony: there are many, as it is important14:13
ZenoArrowI'm experiencing a bizarre issue. openssh-server is installed, but I can't ssh to localhost (connection is refused). Any ideas on what I can try to diagnose this?14:13
bloonyActionParsnip: as in the example it printe out14:13
ActionParsnipzenoarrow: is the service running?14:14
diamond_ravenafter installing google earth 7.0 in ubuntu 12.04 x64 it wont start? only the splash screen comes up then nothing happens?14:14
bloonyActionParsnip: how do I know what superblock number to use?14:14
ActionParsnipbloony: is the type set in fdisk?14:14
kunjiZenoArrow: If it is, then maybe check that you don't have something crazy in iptables.14:14
ZenoArrowActionParsnip: I've got Boot Up Manager installed, and that suggests it is running.14:14
ActionParsnipdiamond_raven: try running it from terminal14:15
codepython7771ssh-copy-id gives this http://bpaste.net/show/UUUBlSIqREBZQmuYhrqK/ — any ideas how to fix this?14:15
bloonyActionParsnip: where do I see that?14:15
ActionParsnipzenoarrow: have you tried renaming ~/.ssh then connecting?14:15
bloonyActionParsnip: System says linux14:15
ActionParsnipbloony: in fdisk itself14:15
zxcan a pass thru device be used on host too , when guest is offline ?14:16
zxlike nvidia cards14:16
bekkszx: Depends on your virtualization solution.14:16
zxkvm ?14:16
bloonyActionParsnip: do you mean under the system tab in the listing of fdisk -l ? It says Linux14:16
ZenoArrowkunji: Perhaps. I'll take a look.14:16
bekkszx: No clue, havent dealt with kvm for years now.14:17
diamond_raventhis came up in terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/5658159/14:17
zxbekks: which solution allows it ?14:17
ActionParsnipbloony: have you tried another superblock number?14:17
bekkszx: XEN and KVM as far as I know.14:17
diamond_ravenlooks like its a bug in google earth that makes it crash...14:18
ZenoArrowkunji: iptables are blank, so the issue isn't there.14:18
ZenoArrowActionParsnip: I'll try that.14:18
bloonyActionParsnip: I tried with 8193 as the example says.. and I asked before how do I know which number to use?14:18
ActionParsnipdiamond_raven: tried renaming the config folder for the app?14:18
ActionParsnipbloony: you will find others online14:18
diamond_ravenrename it to?14:19
ZenoArrowActionParsnip: Tried renaming .ssh to .sshtest, get the same error... ssh:connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused.14:19
ActionParsnipdiamond_raven: sonething different, when soneone says "rename" just make it different14:19
sonOfRaIs it possible to unbind the Ctrl+Alt+T keybinding in 13.04?14:19
bloonyActionParsnip: ok.. I'll have a look around14:20
jqvillanovaSorry for the huge paragraph, my partition and lvm layout looks like this http://ix.io/5Bl, my question are a) if  i want to remove lvroot and set a normal root partition, then reduce by 20Gb sdh1 from the volume group to allocate the normal root partition? b) if i just remove the lvm setup is possible to recover -easily- the data stored in lvhome?14:20
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ActionParsnipzenoarrow: is there a setting /etc/ssh/sshd_config to stop local sshing14:20
zxbekks : thanx, i plan on using kvm14:20
ActionParsnipdiamond_raven: something like adding "_old" is common, as long as it is different it is fine14:21
diamond_ravenyeah, im just going to see if the version before starts or if it also crash  downloading it now...14:23
Bragex9ActionParsnip: installing Xfce4 did not work. When restarting the computer the screen goes completely black after entering my password. The only thing I can see is the white arrow14:23
ActionParsnipbragex9: did you choose the xfce session in lightdm14:24
ZenoArrowActionParsnip: Checked sshd_config, no mention of anything localhost related.14:24
Bragex9ActionParsnip: I am not sure.. But I think so...14:24
=== s is now known as Agd_Scorp
ActionParsnipbragex9: its a concious move. run: killall -u $USER14:25
Agd_ScorpAnybody here?14:25
pokkosi cant understand why my laptop keeps swapping :/14:25
Agd_ScorpANYBODY HERE?!14:25
ActionParsnipbragex9: change the session, then login14:25
ActionParsnipagd_scorp: take a wild guess.....14:26
thebishophi folks, on 13.04, I can't use an external mouse with my laptop14:26
Agd_Scorpok folks calm the fuck down for a minute14:26
Agd_Scorpthebishop; please shut up for a minute14:26
Agd_Scorpand quietly listen.14:26
FloodBot1Agd_Scorp: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:26
IdleOne!language | Agd_Scorp14:26
ubottuAgd_Scorp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:26
ActionParsnipagd_scorp: there were replies after you asked, so its safe to say that YES there are people14:26
yeats!attitude | Agd_Scorp14:26
ubottuAgd_Scorp: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:26
gordonjcp!attitude | Agd_Scorp14:26
Bragex9ActionParsnip: is $USER supposed to be written exactly like that, or do I replace it with my username?14:27
gordonjcpyeats: bah ;-)14:27
yeatsgordonjcp: great minds...14:27
Agd_Scorpalright folks14:27
gordonjcpyeats: quite so14:27
Agd_Scorpi am Agd_Scorp14:27
Agd_Scorpa professional turkish hacker, living in the wild.14:27
thebishopanyway, when I plug a mouse into my laptop, the cursor works, but window management doesn't.  I can't move windows or select a different one.14:27
ActionParsnipbragex9: run it as given, $USER is a variable storing your username. dead handy14:27
jqvillanovaSorry for the huge paragraph, my partition and lvm layout looks like this http://ix.io/5Bl, my question are a) if  i want to remove lvroot and set a normal root partition, then reduce by 20Gb sdh1 from the volume group to allocate the normal root partition? b) if i just remove the lvm setup is possible to recover -easily- the data stored in lvhome?14:28
gordonjcpthebishop: that's a bit strange, *any* mouse?14:28
Agd_Scorpthebishop; try installing preload.14:28
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ActionParsnipagd_scorp: location is moot in support14:28
gordonjcpjqvillanova: mount the lvhome somewhere and copy the data across to another partition?14:28
thebishopgordonjcp, yes, i've tried it with a logitech wireless usb mouse, and a motorola bluetooth mouse14:28
bekksthebishop: preload has nothing to do with your problem.14:28
ActionParsnipthebishop: if you have it plugged in at boot, is it ok14:29
thebishopbekks, i've already /i'd that guy14:29
thebishopActionParsnip, interesting question14:29
thebishopActionParsnip, i'll try it14:29
bekksthebishop: kk :)14:29
Agd_Scorpalright folks, ubuntu 12 has been owned.14:29
Agd_Scorpthis exploit owns /proc/pid/mem14:29
Agd_Scorpare there any channels for hackers here?14:29
jqvillanovagordonjcp: not enough space to do it... i mean there is maybe 500GB, also the net backup is not an option14:30
kunjiAgd_Scorp: Mind linking that so we can check our systems?14:30
ActionParsnipagd_scorp: try in #backtrack-linux14:30
thebishopActionParsnip, brb, rebooting14:30
mouserHi, how can I check whether nepomuk has indexed a particular directory/device?14:30
Bragex9ActionParsnip: I tried the killall. Got back to login, and the same happens. Black screen with only the white arrow showing14:30
ActionParsnipagd_scorp: probably on a level with the other "hackers"14:30
ActionParsnipbragex9: did you change session though?14:30
ActionParsnipbragex9: using the ubuntu logo near your username14:31
Bragex9ActionParsnip: hmmm gotta try again..14:31
gordonjcpjqvillanova: so lvhome is 4TB and contains about 500GB?  Can you unmount it, resize the filesystem and shrink the lv and vg?14:32
thebishopActionParsnip, connecting at boot doesn't make a difference14:32
gordonjcpjqvillanova: doing all this without a backup is likely to end in tears though14:32
ActionParsnipbragex9: mindlessly loging straight back in will use the same session. Think about it14:32
Agd_ScorpActionParsnip; life is a segfault.14:33
bloonyActionParsnip: I've tried with all the numbers mke2fs -n gives me with no luck :/14:33
jqvillanovagordonjcp: i just want to quit the lvroot partition14:33
ActionParsnipagd_scorp: ok14:33
jqvillanovajqvillanova: then reduce de volume grup (killing sdh1) make a 20 gb partition and readd the space that rests to lvhome14:33
Bragex9ActionParsnip: I am at the logon screen now. But I can't see how I can change session. The ubuntu logo is not clickable... It's a differemt logon that the normal one... I think it is gdm14:34
ActionParsnipbragex9: look around the screen after you click your usename14:35
Bragex9ActionParsnip: I have clicked my username. And now it asks for my password. Nothing else is changed.14:36
HeKToNhello guys I`m looking for some cool program for drawing and presentations something like this please suggest me one : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqBfG-_lDvk14:37
ZenoArrowThis is nuts! I've uninstalled openssh-client and openssh-server, re-installed them, still no dice! Surely there must be some way of finding where the 'connection refused' message is coming from?14:37
HeKToNthe thing is I don`t know what the name of this particular one is, but I would like to find some similar except libreoffice draw14:37
ActionParsnipbragex9 under the password box, is there a dropdown box?14:38
piter85Hi all!! like a stupid i've deleted .ecryptfs folders (both in /home and in /home/piter85). Now I cannot see my data... There's a way to solve it?14:39
Bragex9No, it is not. the logon is different than the normal 13.04 logon screen. Something happened after I tried something I found in a forum. I installed something... either gdm, xdm or something. I don't rememeber..14:39
kalibhello guys, which command should I use (apt-get) to check if there is any package broken or some job that apt-get dind't complete?14:39
brady9133Hello everybody, I installed Ubuntu 13.04 onto my hard drive using my laptop and it worked perfect in the laptop. When I put the hard drive in my desktop and turn the computer on all I get is a screen with writing I don't understand, and it says "Boot From CD" at the bottom and does nothing further.. Any ideas?14:39
Bragex9ActionParsnip: No, it is not. the logon is different than the normal 13.04 logon screen. Something happened after I tried something I found in a forum. I installed something... either gdm, xdm or something. I don't rememeber..14:40
BluesKajbrady9133, installing to a HDD from one pc then placing it in a pc with different hardware doesn't work14:41
SwedMike1/wni 21014:42
brady9133Hmmm, I didn't know that, I have tried installing it on the desktop with a flash drive, but i can't get it to work. I don't any blank DVDs to use either...14:43
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BluesKajburn an ubuntu image file to media and use that media in the desktop to install ubuntu , brady913314:43
brady9133I have tried that with my flash drive, but it tells me bootmgr is missing or something like that14:44
BluesKajis this an older pc brady9133 , like over 4 yrs14:44
brady9133Yeah, it's from '07 or '08 :/14:45
BluesKaj!plop | brady913314:46
brady9133!plop? whats that?14:46
ubottubrady9133: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:46
BluesKajnm , you need a cd , brady913314:46
brady9133I guess I will have to go get some DVDs and try it14:48
Bragex9ActionParsnip: I found out. The login screen changed when I installed GDM. I can not select a different session when I logon. Should I remove gdm?14:48
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brady9133If I can;t get 12.04 on the disk I have here14:49
michael87I'm running tlp power manager on my ubuntu 13.04 laptop and it is awsome. Question. will I still get the full benifet of my laptops graphics card if I just leave tlp running. I don't see a way to turn it off and on like I would in windows so I'm assuming its an leave on all the time type thing14:50
michael87sorry the question is ment for emulation gaming. forgot to mention that lol14:51
BluesKajbrady9133, if you have access to dvds then you can burn an ubuntu image toi it and install it directly on the desktop pc14:52
sdafsdfaUBUNTU resets Brightness after each PC restart, to maximum. i want to fix that.14:53
zastaphI can't quite make it of http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/make/Lenovo/?category=Laptop if Lenovo Thinkpad E135 is certified for Ubuntu aswell as the E13014:53
zastaphThinkpad Edge 13 which is a generic term, is14:54
mobilesdafsdfa: u will need to configure rc.local14:54
lwellsAny tools in linux/Ubuntu for updating the bios?14:54
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histonetlar: typically the motherboard manufacturer will provide a bootable file to upgrade your bios.14:55
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netlarhisto: so that is done outside of Ubuntu?14:56
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histonetlar: yes it is always done outside of your operating system.14:56
netlarkinda knew that, but not sure how to flash a new version to motherboard14:57
thebishopActionParsnip, this thread describes the exact problem i'm seeing: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2143896&highlight=mouse14:57
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thebishopActionParsnip, including the alt-tab issue, which is also very strange14:57
thebishopi'm thinking compiz bug14:57
histonetlar: look at the mobo manufacturer's site for instructions14:58
histonetlar: Also keep in mind I wouldn't flash it unless it provides some new feature or bug fix you need.14:58
zastaphany ultrabooks besides Dell XPS 13 from a major manufacturer that comes with Ubuntu?14:58
netlarhisto: only reason I am thinking of doing it, becuase it is recommened by Launchpad, before reporting any bugs14:59
Prockmy root user has sound, and the prock user does not, google chrome cant be ran as root, so how can i make it so prock has sound also14:59
histozastaph: system 76 has ubuntu only based machines. outside of them and dell I don't know of any manufacturers that are providing ubuntu14:59
zastaphhisto, is system 76 available in europe?14:59
histozastaph: I believe so system76.com14:59
zastaphI wouldnt call them major :p It's a pity that XPS 13 with Ubuntu is not configurable15:00
histoProck: so your user has no sound at all... or just in chrome?15:00
netlarhisto: I just have this issue with Ubuntu booting up slowly when my external HD is attached15:00
histonetlar: Do you have it set to mount the external drive on boot?15:00
Prockno sound at all, i checked other apps too15:00
histo!sound | Prock15:01
ubottuProck: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:01
zastaphhisto, i am also looking after 13" max.. system 76 start at 14"15:01
Prockvol is all the way up with alsamixer15:01
netlarhisto: you mean in the boot sequence? It is not there at all15:01
histozastaph: You could by any system and install ubuntu on it. I would just look a the compatibility list first to make sure everything will work.15:01
zastaphhisto, i could.. but i already tried getting Ubuntu to work on a few older laptops and had problems.. thats why this time I want to buy the most compatible I can get out of the box15:02
Prockis ther a group prock should belong to15:02
histonetlar: It could be an issue with your boot options in your bios. Depends where the slow down is. I would use bootchart with it plugged in and compare to it not being plugged in to figure out what is going on.15:02
histoProck: prock adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare15:03
Procki dont remember how to check groups or set them15:03
histozastaph: I'm afraid that's going to be the dell or system76.  They are certified15:03
netlarhisto: the funny thing is the bootchart when the external is connected says it only takes 35 sec to boot15:04
histo!hcl | zastaph15:04
ubottuzastaph: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:04
zastaphhisto, with dell im forced to buy 256 GB SSD :) it's too expensive15:04
netlarhisto: but the screen will be blank for over 2 min before I hear the hard drive reading15:04
histonetlar: check your boot options in your bios.15:05
userrlts here: chat clients disconnect when i switch to another Xorg server (by using ctrl+alt+F8). how does the Xorg server "under ctrl+alt+F7" know that i switched away from it?15:05
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netlarhisto: what should i be checking?15:05
histozastaph: check the hardware list from ubottu there is also a laptop list somewhere in the iwki15:05
histonetlar: the boot device priority. Set it to just boot off of your hard drive first.]15:05
netlarhisto: did that15:06
histonetlar: well then perhaps update your bios.  But from what you are explaining it's hanging before ubuntu even gets the chance to load.15:07
jmurrib21i need help trying to install ubuntu 13.04 in a new desktop pc that have win8 pre-installed. I have tried to install from CD and from bootable usb drive with no sucess15:07
Solstickbonjour tout le monde :-)15:07
netlarhisto: yes that appears to be what is happening15:07
netlarhisto: I am going to use a different exteral to see what happens15:08
histojmurrib21: are you using the 64bit version?15:08
histo!fr | Solstick15:08
ubottuSolstick: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:08
histojmurrib21: What sort of issue are you having?15:08
ActionParsnipjmurrib21: what happens?15:09
Prockgeneral question, got a new laptop that had windows 7 on it, bought 2nd hand, so i look up the specs for the make and model, and the manufacture site says ubuntu 10.10 is an option for the OS. My question would be, could it do any harm or have any difficulty that needs to be fixed if i use the latest version of ubuntu?15:09
jmurrib21pc has been set up to boot from usb drive or cd rom15:09
aitromgetting bored :/15:09
jmurrib21the black screen with ubunto choices appear15:09
SolstickHello everybody (sorry for the french message it was for another serv used with /amsg)15:09
ActionParsnipprock: should be ok15:09
jmurrib21once i hit the selection15:09
jmurrib21install ubuntu15:09
histoProck: no should be fine15:10
ActionParsnipjmurrib21: what video chip is it using?15:10
Emmanuel_ChanelI wanna cry "Help me!" repeatingly... ;(15:10
aitrombest version of linux??15:10
jmurrib21the pc just hang with a black screen and the num lock led lits on15:10
histo!nomodeset | jmurrib2115:10
ubottujmurrib21: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:10
aitrombest version of linux??15:10
ActionParsnipaitrom: depends on requirement. There is no single best anything15:10
OerHeksaitrom, yes it is.15:10
histo!best | aitrom15:10
ubottuaitrom: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:10
ActionParsnipaitrom: without details, the qurstion is nonesense15:11
jmurrib21i was thinking that i needed to remove the boot security15:11
jmurrib21which i also did remove15:11
ActionParsnipjmurib21: again, what video chip are you usingñ15:11
jmurrib21i'm going to read that15:11
jmurrib21let me see15:11
jmurrib21amd radeon hd 731015:12
ActionParsnipjmurrib21: is it a switchable gpu as well?15:12
ActionParsnipjmurrib21: what CPU do you use?15:12
aitromwhy linux is better than windows ... i enjoy coding in windows(ide)15:12
jmurrib21it's this pc hp p2-1334 amd e1-120015:12
utfans05aitrom: its totally open source and you can do whatever you want with it15:13
ActionParsnipaitrom: depends on the distro and requirements, sometines windows can be better15:13
histoaitrom: then /j #windows15:13
Prockso my sound would work "out of the box" for non-root user lol, currently using backtrack... its based off ubuntu15:13
histo!derivatives | Prock15:13
ubottuProck: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:13
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ActionParsnipAitrom: this is all offtopic here, this is support. i sugest you try in #ubuntu-offtopic15:14
jmurrib21now i have an external hard drive that have ubuntu 13.04 installed when i was using a laptop that i fried. is possible to save the settings from that install15:14
ActionParsnipjmurrib21: you can copty data off, yes15:14
histojmurrib21: yes. Everything should be in /home/username   as far as user files and settings. You can get your package selections with dpkg --get-selections15:14
ActionParsnipjmurrib: try the boot option: radeon.nomodeset=115:15
jmurrib21i'm going to find out first how to clear the issue with the graphics card and try to install15:15
lacygoodmorning  :)15:16
Prockdoes ubuntu have aircrack-ng and fern-wifi-cracker ... stuff like that15:16
histo!info aircrack-ng15:17
ubottuaircrack-ng (source: aircrack-ng): wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-5 (raring), package size 811 kB, installed size 2084 kB15:17
jmurrib21then, if I install ubuntu on that hard drive that have the OS installed. will the new install recognize or identify that previous installed OS on that drive or will format everything to re-instate itself?15:17
histojmurrib21: it should ask you if you want to dualboot or erase everything15:17
lacyi have a question i have a toshbia x775 im downloading a realtek audio driver  now i have sound now but i can tell my 3d subwoofer is not enable do i need wine to make it work i dunno im new lol15:18
histo!sound | lacy15:18
ubottulacy: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.15:18
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ActionParsnipjmurrib21: you can tel it to use standing partitions and not format them, it should install over the top but it may cause issues with files from the old install. I'd go for a clean and install fresh15:19
UltimaKRI just installed lubuntu on an older computer and it told me that installation was complete and that I needed to restart.  When I did that, the Dell logo appeared and then the screen went blank and the monitor turned off.  What do I do about that?15:19
aitromhow can i get paid sfotwares of ubuntu for free15:19
ActionParsniplacy: wine wont help you any15:19
ActionParsnipaitrom: we dont support piracy here in ANY form15:19
ActionParsnipultimakr: what video chip do you use?15:20
aitromok sorry ... thanks anyway    :ActionParsnip15:20
UltimaKRActionParsnip: I'm not sure exactly but it's an older graphics card.  It didn't have trouble booting up XP but for this the computer remained on but nothing was on the screen.15:21
ActionParsnipultimakr: does the system have a model?15:21
UltimaKRActionParsnip: Yeah, it's a Dimension 430015:21
ActionParsnipultimakr: "older" tells us nothing at all15:21
rantic Hi everyone, I'm trying to do an ubuntu minimal install but its failing to install the grub boot loader. I noticed its trying to install on my usb stick and not the hdd. How i could force a grub-install /dev/sdb ?15:22
ActionParsnipultimakr: couldnt use the web to find out the gpu based on the model, seeing as you know the model....too obvious?15:22
utfans05UltimaKR: if you press alt+ctrl+F1 do you get a prompt? your monitor may be seeing a bad resolution.15:22
tinjawI am following this guide: http://devstack.org/guides/single-machine.html15:22
tinjawI have added user stack to sudoers15:22
ActionParsniprantix: ive had this. i had to boot to live usb and install bootloader15:23
tinjawlogged out, logged in. rebooted.15:23
UltimaKRActionParsnip: What's too obvious? I can open up the machine to see which one it is.15:23
tinjawstack still doesn't have sudoers NOPASSWD permissions15:23
tinjawany ideas15:23
UltimaKRutfans05: Not sure let me give that a try.15:23
ProckUltimaKR if u cant see at all, on your boot menu press tab or "e" or what ever is needed to add boot parameters and put this at the end with out the quotes "-s"15:23
kunjilacy: Funny you should ask, I'm also not sure how to get my subwoofer to work, how to enable 2.1 sound setup (it's a built in subwoofer on my laptop).  Others had success editing the pulseaudio config, changing the default channel number to 3 and enabling lfe mixing, but it didn't change anything for me.15:23
ActionParsnipultimakr: yes but you know the model, so you can use the web to find the spec and therefore the video chip. right?15:23
Prockthats if gui auto loads and stops u from seeing15:24
ActionParsnipprock: it doesnt and that is the isue15:24
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit15:24
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utfans05yay netsplit...15:25
UltimaKROk I'm not sure why but when I turned on the computer this time it loaded and the GNU Grub just appeared.15:25
Prockthe -s would get him logged in so he can make changes15:25
UltimaKRMaybe it was just a glitch all along? I am going to see if everything works well from here.15:25
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ranticActionParsnip: i'm relatively new to this. Do you mean you finish the minimal install and then use the same usb to install?15:26
ActionParsnipulimakr: seems to be an nvidia gpu, you may need the boot option: nouveau.blacklist=115:26
ActionParsnipultimakr: i flew to your place, opened the case and had a look in, all in a few seconds15:27
ActionParsniprantic: you could hit CTRL+ALT+F3 and run the grub install there15:27
kunjiAny ideas on reducing screen tearing with the proprietary drivers 7970m?  There used to be an option for it in the driver that worked quite nicely (well, in older versions of catalyst like what my 4870 uses, I don't know if the 7970m drivers did).15:28
ranticI tried this but im told grub-install could not be found15:29
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ActionParsniprantic: my grub skils are few, maybe others can advise. at least you have a backup with the gui live cd15:30
ranticIts a 30mb minimal install image15:30
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kunji!grub | rantic15:30
ubotturantic: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:30
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kunjirantic: Those community docs have pretty much anything anyone needs to know about grub use (thought not for developing it ;))15:31
rantickunji: i'm stuck mid install with only my phone to communicate. Was hoping someone had a quick answer.15:32
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WeThePeoplei have a bug.. headphones work off and on between reboots. any ideas15:33
kunjirantic: You're trying to reinstall grub?  I didn't catch initially what the problem was.15:33
kunjirantic: and you have access to a liveCD?  Then this is what I would use: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_ChRoot15:34
ranticIm installing ubuntu from the minimal image, no other OS on the drive. However grub keeps trying to install to my usb drive and not my hdd.15:34
ActionParsnipwethepeople: try: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*15:34
ActionParsnipwethepeople: wait 10 seconds and reboot15:35
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ActionParsniprantic: let it, then use a graphical desktop to chroot and install grub plus updates15:35
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kunjirantic: Ah, yeah, try installing it manually with the ChRoot method on that page.15:36
Prockusermod --groups admin,disk,cdrom,audio prock .... should that fix it, do i have to log out15:36
Prockfix the sound that is15:36
BluesKajProck, what's your sound issue?15:37
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Prockprock has no sound at all but root does15:38
ActionParsnipprock: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc15:38
ActionParsnipprock: do you use a desktop OS?15:38
ActionParsnipprock: mouse pointer etc?15:39
Prockoh laptop15:39
ActionParsnipprock: yes but do you have a graphical desktop and firefox browser? etc15:39
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ActionParsnipprock: lucid desktop is EOL. I also remeber you said you were using backtrack which is also unsupported her15:40
ActionParsnipprock: end of life, unsupported in ANY way15:41
Prockwhat version was lucid15:41
ActionParsnipprock: 10.0415:41
ActionParsnipprock: you will get support in #backtrack-linux as that is what you are using15:42
ActionParsnipprock: and you were told it is not supported here15:42
Prockis ther a copy of ubuntu that allways stayed the latest version with out having to reinstall15:42
ActionParsnipprock: Precise is LTS and supported til April 201715:42
Prockwhat ver is Precise15:43
ActionParsnipprock: make a precise install media, remove backtrack and install Precise15:43
Prockis that the current latest15:44
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ActionParsnipprock: 13.04 is the latest but is EOL in January 201415:44
Prockwhats the differences between them15:44
Prockwhich one would be better for my platop15:45
ActionParsnipprock: do you have web access?15:45
Prockat public places15:45
ActionParsnipprock: why not find out, instead of asking, the web can tell you more and quicker15:45
Prockim not good at asking hte web15:46
ActionParsnipprock: plus it frees me up to do other stuf15:46
Prockhow would i be able to tell15:46
Prockwhich would be better for me15:46
ActionParsnipprock: go to your favouritr search engine and type: what is new in raring15:46
ActionParsnipprock: go witry Precise, its meant to be rock solid15:47
histo!releases | Prock15:48
ubottuProck: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases15:48
histoProck: Or you could just /j #backtrack-linux and fix the problem you are haivng instead of asking here.15:49
Prockdell.com say 10.10 will work with this laptop so ill switch to ubuntu, so i can most likely get other things working like the hard buttons for vol working and etc15:51
KabukingI just installed lubuntu on my computer but am not sure how to connect to the internet.  I already went into the network option and input the SSID and security key for my router, but the computer says I am disconnected.15:51
bekksProck: 10.10 is EOL15:52
KabukingCan anybody tell me how to actually connect to the connection I set up?15:53
Prockdealing with hardware, would 12.04 V.S. latest make a difference at all, talking about hardware support only15:53
BluesKajProck, who cares what dell says , check the ubuntu required laptop specs and go from there , why waste your time on an OS you'll just have to upgrade anyway15:55
Procknot being funny but how to check the ubuntu required laptop specs and go from there?15:56
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BluesKajProck, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_(operating_system)#System_requirements15:58
jpayoteidoes anybody know how to fix overwritten grub???16:01
BluesKajjpayotei, overwritten by ?16:02
Tex_Nickjpayotei:  update-grub ... if /etc/default/grub is still intact ?16:02
jpayoteiby windows mbr16:02
jpayoteii tried doing things told in different forums...16:02
doc-donkeyhello, how do you open a new nautilus window via terminal ? (trying to fix a custom launcher that will reopen the previous nautilus window or won't move)16:02
BluesKaj!grub |  jpayotei16:02
ubottujpayotei: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:03
Prock jpayotei i use HBCD utilitys to mess with MBR's16:03
BluesKajProck, that won't help install grub to he mbr16:04
Prockit can16:04
jpayoteiwhats a HBCD???16:04
Prockthere is mbr installers on it16:04
Prockhirens boot CD16:05
jpayoteiactually i tried installing it in existing ubuntu partition16:05
jpayoteibut it says... cannot create directory... no space left on device16:05
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ActionParsnipprock: you could use xubuntu for a lighter OS or if you dislike Unity16:05
jpayoteiwhat does that mean???16:05
BluesKajProck, ok , I tought you referering to the windows BCD16:05
th0rjpayotei, you don't install grub in a partition16:05
ActionParsnipjpayotei: remove old kernels to free space16:06
jpayoteiold kernels??? how do you do that???16:06
aitsupnI have 4gb ram installed but when I check through free -m Mem total says 3283?16:06
jpayoteii am a complete noob...16:06
jpayoteijust started using linux...16:06
ActionParsnipprock: yes, unity16:06
Prockwhta is it16:06
neekz0raitsupn: could be because your graphics card device is 'borrowing' fromyour system ram16:07
ActionParsnipaitsupn: what is the output of: uname -m16:07
jpayoteidoes anybody know what's no space left on device problem???16:07
ActionParsnipprock: a shell for Gnome, look online16:07
ActionParsnipjpayotei: ubuntu tweak can remove old kernels, or use software centre. do not removecthe running kernel or the kernel metapackage16:08
aitsupnActionParsnip: output of that is i68616:08
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jpayoteithank you... i hope i wont screw the whole system up...16:09
ActionParsnipaitsupn: then its 32bit, you are seeing the max ram for 32bit OS16:09
jpayoteiwhere's ubuntu tweak???16:09
aitsupnActionParsnip: shouldn't be the max ram for 32bit around 4gb?16:09
ActionParsnipjpayotei: its a 3rd party app. lots of guides online for how to install16:10
jpayoteiokie thanks...16:10
aitsupnActionParsnip: it says 3283 not 4xxx16:10
ActionParsnipaitsupn: 3.2Gb is max16:10
aitsupnActionParsnip: thanks16:10
ActionParsnipjpayotei: also run: sudo apt-get clean16:10
jpayoteiokie tnx...16:11
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yeehi is an Intel Atom i386 architecture, as far as deciding which GNU/Linux ISO to use?16:15
raven_truecrypt: possible to enlarge a truecrypt partition?16:16
BluesKajyeehi, yes use the i386 image16:16
yeehiThanks, BluesKaj16:17
neekz0rraven_: you may wish to contac the truecrypt folks for that question, if you are asking if ubuntu can grow a partition that truecrypt can go into, it can quite easily if you are using logical volumes16:19
Bragex9ActionParsnip: I am back again, trying to solve the problem. I have removed GDM. And when I now try to run xfce4 manually from terminal, I get this error message: fatal server error: cannot establish any listening sockets. Make sure an X server isn't already running. Please consult the x.org Foundation for support. Also check xorg.0.log for additional info. And it also says: server terminated with error (1). Closing log file. No protocol specifie16:20
raven_neekz0r, i am running a truecrypt partition on an lv and i want to enlarge this lv and with that the truecrypt partition16:20
derpsup fools16:21
sha1sumwhatup yo16:22
neekz0rraven_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lvm (look under "Resizing Partitions" section16:23
ubottulos: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:23
neekz0ris that some sort of 'click' thing around here? :P16:24
ceilok, i got `find . * -type d` to find all subfolders... i got chmod a+x to make the lot executable... how do i combine these again? do i even need find or can chmod only effect dirs (rtfm'd, didn't see the option)?16:24
neekz0rceil: the find parameter you are searching for is '-exec'16:27
ceilneekz0r: as in `find . * -type d -exec chmod a+x`?16:27
* tirengarfio__ is away: reason16:27
neekz0rmaybe i missed something, but that's not right except under wierd circumstances, what are you trying to do?16:28
ceilneekz0r: set all subdirectories in $PWD to executable by all16:28
histoceil: find . * -type d chmod a+x {} +16:29
neekz0rdo any of the subdirectores have spaces in them?16:30
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neekz0rin the name, that is16:30
ceilneekz0r: doesn't look like it. it's mediawiki, so i doubt it16:31
ceilhisto: cheers o/16:31
Guest86081hello everyone. I am setting up a ubuntu 12.04 box for my children. I have created accounts for them and their mother and I. I am creating desktop launchers for the things they need. I would like to disable the standard launcher dock to prevent unrequired  access to other applications.16:31
camzneekz0r: I don't think the * should be in there?16:32
=== Guest86081 is now known as tj83_KIDS
Quest It is very strange that I have 20 torrents and none has an active seeder (not even kubuntu.torrent iso). I get some times speed of 40 k but usually its 0. My internet speed is ok while downloading files and surfing. I am using kubuntu, ktorrent with default settings. can anyone tell what can be wrong?16:33
tj83_KIDSI know how to enable/disable access to printers by user account. This prevents the kids from printing. However it would be nice to have it prompt for an admin credential to allow a print to happen from the kids accounts.16:33
replaceitsIs your firewall blocking the port ktorrent uses?16:34
A1ReconWill there be a problem if i type "telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl" in the terminal??16:34
Quest It is very strange that I have 20 torrents and none has an active seeder (not even kubuntu.torrent iso). I get some times speed of 40 k but usually its 0. My internet speed is ok while downloading files and surfing. I am using kubuntu, ktorrent with default settings. can anyone tell what can be wrong?16:34
tj83_KIDSQuest, replaceits is probably right on. check selinux, iptables, firewall etc.16:35
CajunLanManHello all. I've set up a machine in my house running 12.04, to be used as a server. The problem I'm having, is that I want to run it headless, but the remote desktop only seems to work AFTER I log in to the server. Is there a way I can set it up so that I can remote in before logging in?16:35
tj83_KIDSCajunLanMan, for a headless server I use CentOS full command line. Im not sure your server goals but its the most efficient way to go.16:36
tj83_KIDSCajunLanMan, you can have the server auto login a user account which would provide a session for you to log into remotely even after reboots etc. go to user accounts and you will be able to enable this.16:37
CajunLanMantj83_KIDS, I'm not quite ready to commit to full command line yet. However, I do need a central machine to serve files to multiple computers.16:37
tj83_KIDSCajunLanMan, samba is pretty easily managed. you would probably be surprised. a single configuration file takes care of this service.16:38
CajunLanMantj83_KIDS, I thought about just setting it up to auto login, but on the off chance someone decides to break into my home, and walk out with my server, I'd like it to at least require a login password. I'm thinking of keeping it encrypted also.16:38
histoCajunLanMan: freenas is an option as well if you don't want to setup samba... Although samba can also be configured via the web interface with swat16:39
histoCajunLanMan: well the login password isn't security. If you have physical access to the box I could get your files. Unless you used disk encryption now that's another story.16:40
CajunLanManI'm fine using samba. I also like using 12.04 because I can run my son's Minecraft server on there.16:40
tj83_KIDSCajunLanMan, im not really a ubuntu user, but which service/protocol do you want to use?  VNC can open and close sessions through some extra command line parameters. it has been some time. open the manpage for the client your using.16:40
CajunLanManhisto, encryption is on the todo list.  The first thing I have to do is get to where I can remote into the machine after it powers up headless.16:41
histoCajunLanMan: ssh is the way to go for that.16:41
tj83_KIDSright histo16:42
CajunLanMancommandline then?16:42
histoCajunLanMan: If it's just a fileserver sure I would just go cli16:42
CajunLanManIt's a file server, as well as a minecraft server.16:42
histoCajunLanMan: It's up to you thouhg. Install a full blown desktop if you want. Doesn't really matter. Your decision16:42
CajunLanManperhaps I can run minecraft on commandprompt only.16:43
tj83_KIDSCajunLanMan, again, a simple CLI system cant be beat. I bet you can run minecraft server from CLI16:43
histoCajunLanMan: I'd assume the server could be run that way. Since most servers are cli16:43
netlarUbuntu 13.04 has some serious bugs with the shutdown process16:43
tj83_KIDSyou can run most things CLI16:43
CajunLanManI've got a server 2008 standard license I can use. I'm just trying to do the Ubuntu thing first.16:43
tj83_KIDSnetlar, i couldnt even get a 13.04 fresh install to bring me to a desktop so.....16:43
* tj83_KIDS not impressed16:43
replaceitsyou can run mc servers on cli, i personaly perfer to, better performance vs gui16:44
CajunLanManFinding myself less and less impressed with the microsoft solution. So this little box is my first foray into trying to use Linux as a server.16:44
camztj83_KIDS: Waht did you install it on?16:44
tj83_KIDSCajunLanMan, go green in power, less heat, less fans to make noise, more memory opened up, and very secure remote management through ssh.16:44
CajunLanManFigure I'll start small at the house, ya know?16:44
netlarThis is the 5th time I have tried to do a normal shutdown and it locks on me, and I have to power down the computer manually16:44
zxhp bios doesn't support iommu .. so am out of luck to try vga pass thru16:44
histoCajunLanMan: the gui is just unnecessary overhead in my opinion.16:44
tj83_KIDScamz, its a old 2.8ghz celeron. meh, i know its crud. its parts thrown together for a 4 and 6yr old.16:45
netlarThen , when I restart, the OS is all messed up, cannot even get back with recovery mode16:45
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netlarIt is like they release this before its time16:45
camztj83_KIDS: I see. I installed it on a 6 year old laptop to run a musicbrainz mirror and it went flawlessly16:46
netlarLooks like I will need to reinstall again16:46
tj83_KIDScamz, 13.04 doesnt like the old nvidia FX 5600 lol. 12.04 seems to be ok with it tho.16:46
histoCajunLanMan: My home server is running on a netbook box an Acer Aspire Revo it's got a dual atom processor... does the job quite well for what I do.16:46
CajunLanMantj83_KIDS, histo, So from the sounds of it, until I can sit down and learn some command line, the only solution is to set the box to log into the desktop automatically, without requiring a password.16:47
Dry_LipsHi, does canonical accept patches from the community? I think I read something about them not receiving patches anymore?16:47
histonetlar: prehaps you are experiencing some issues with whatever video card you are using and the drive for it.16:47
camztj83_KIDS: Did you install updates from internet during installation?16:47
CajunLanManhisto, My goal is to eventually build a custom box for this server, which I was leaning toward the atom platform for. Great for low power always on box.16:48
tj83_KIDShisto, very nice. I have a desktop machine that has a low power setup. old P4 high capacity 2.5in mobile drives in a raid.16:48
netlarhisto: It will work for days, then for some reason will not shut down properly, then it is messed up16:48
CajunLanManhisto, My backup solution also requires a gui, ( as far as I know)16:48
tj83_KIDScamz, i did allow the updated files for download at install yes.16:48
histonetlar: that's bizaare. Maybe run a memtest on it.16:48
Questmy speed is good but why i keep on disconnecting16:48
=== Guest25262 is now known as amiller
jrex__DownstairsI going to try my question over here:16:48
jrex__DownstairsDerp, trying to get some data back with this sudo ecryptfs-recover-private /media/af673658-d74b-45e6-b153-6e861ca2afc4/home/username/.Private16:48
jrex__Downstairs<jrex__Downstairs> But, a I have AFS directorys, and this keep trying to search them for the .Private file16:48
jrex__Downstairs<jrex__Downstairs> AFS is a HUGE global filesystem and I can't figure out how to exclude it - it looks like ecrypt-recover-private uses the find utility maybe16:48
jrex__Downstairs<jrex__Downstairs> I would have hoped the command would have gone directily to the file as I feel that I am telling it exactly where to find it, but it still tries to traverse the ful16:48
FloodBot1jrex__Downstairs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:48
histoCajunLanMan: I run a cron job that calls rsync16:48
netlarhisto: from the grub screen right?16:49
derpjrex__Downstairs: huh?16:49
CajunLanManI haven't played with rsync. I'm currently using Crashplan.16:49
jrex__Downstairserr, flood bot got me16:49
histo!details | jrex__Downstairs16:49
ubottujrex__Downstairs: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:49
CajunLanManhisto, I haven't played with rsync. I'm currently using Crashplan.16:49
histojrex__Downstairs: in one line16:49
LFSdoes anyone know how to fix the keyboard weird behavior under ubuntu vi?16:49
LFSspecially the up/down buttons16:50
jrex__Downstairsbasically, I am trying to exclude a extremely large global filesystem from ecrypt-recover-private16:50
tj83_KIDSCajunLanMan, I think your a strong enough user to embrace the power of some traditional track proven linux solutions. ALL of which perform best under CLI. Take a chance. setup a VM on a desktop and give it a test drive.16:50
theadminLFS: You shouldn't be using the arrow keys, they're evil. Anyway, they work fine for me under Vim, try installing that instead, because, well, "vi" is a fairly reduced version, I'm not sure it understands arrow keys well by default.16:51
jrex__DownstairsI feel that I am telling the command exactly  where to find the file which is mounted under /media, but it still tries to traverse AFS - a glocal filesystem on my computer16:51
CaptainQuirkHi there16:52
=== kbrosnan_ is now known as kbrosnan
yofunhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1434555&highlight=internet+dj+console+jack this setup seems outdated16:52
CaptainQuirkMade a mistake when installing 13.04 to replace my 12.04 on my laptop16:52
yofunNow open System > Administration > Users and Groups  Click the keys where it says click to make changes, put in your password. Click Manage groups. You should find one called audio, if not, add group and call it audio. Add yourself to it.16:52
histoLFS: what do you mean wierd behavior?16:53
theadminyofun: sudo adduser your_username audio16:53
yofunbut ubuntu 13.04 doesnt have that16:53
yofunah ok16:53
LFStheadmin: the reduced vi version arrow buttons do well under other distros16:53
CaptainQuirkI chose to manually handle the partitioning16:53
netlarhisto: I am running the memtest now16:53
LFShisto: up types A16:53
LFSdown types B16:53
theadminLFS: vi on ubuntu is actually vim-tiny. Other distros may use something else.16:53
LFSLeft C / Right D16:53
histoLFS: install vim16:54
CaptainQuirkI wanted to keep my home directory as is but it didn't work16:54
theadminLFS: That's normal vi behaviour, install vim.16:54
Bragex9I am about to give up and go get my old xp cd... I ugraded to ubuntu 13,04, and cant the the computer started. After entering username and password on the logon screen, the screen turns black. I can only open terminal, and I have no clue about what to do...16:54
histoLFS: also get out of insert mode and arrows will work.16:54
yofuntheadmin:  do i need to log out and log in?16:54
theadminyofun: Yes16:54
histo!nomodeset | Bragex916:54
ubottuBragex9: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter16:54
CaptainQuirkIt wasn't erased, but I have a separate partition with my ancient home directory now16:54
CaptainQuirkI'm willing to reinstall the whole thing, but I would like to be sure on the way to proceed16:55
CaptainQuirkWhen selecting the partition with my ancient home directory, should I choose the  /home mount point ?16:55
CaptainQuirkAnd should I leave the checkbox « format » unchecked16:56
th0rCaptainQuirk, yes to both16:56
tj83_KIDSCaptainQuirk, so your trying to reinstall the OS but leave /home untouched. if so, then yes.16:56
histoCaptainQuirk: yes and yes.16:56
LFSyes histo .. I didn't know that bout insert mode .. it works fine now16:57
histoCaptainQuirk: it will then add your "ancient" home partition to fstab tob e mounted on boot at /home16:57
LFSthanks guys16:57
jackyylli just added this PPA to my system (https://launchpad.net/~trinitronx/+archive/rtorrent-extended) and i cant figure out how to download rtorrent from that PPA... Whenever i try to apt-get install rtorrent it just gets the normal one from teh ubuntu reositories16:57
histoLFS: use vim-tutor16:57
CaptainQuirkthanks ! So, I will have to choose the same username, obviously ...16:57
histosorry vimtutor no dash16:57
histoCaptainQuirk: yes16:57
diverdudeis 13.04 compatible with the optimus cards?16:58
netlarso what should i do after running a memtest17:00
Bragex9ubottu: hmmm... I must actually edit the kernel? and apply nomodeset?17:02
ubottuBragex9: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:02
Emmanuel_Chaneloidentd 2.0.8 is an auth daemon. One on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS router should forward authentication to another on this client PC. But it doesn't.17:03
zastaphsince Ubuntu doesn't seem to support Intel DVMT it seems if you get a laptop with integrated intel HD graphics it will take up to 1.8 GB of memory and you can't do anything about it.. Isn't it better to get dedicated graphics in a laptop then?17:05
jqvillanovahi somebody with an ip phone could call me , it's just for test17:06
Bragex9I am inside the Kernel editing mode. Does anyone know exactly how I shall apply the nomodeset parameter?17:07
ceilcan anyone tell me how to finish installing mediawiki here? i selected "ask me more questions", and it took me to this screen. there's no 'continue' or 'finish' button or link, though... http://i.imgur.com/JMtF96u.png17:07
Ben66Bragex9: what do you mean "kernel editing mode"17:09
looopwhere's everybody :o17:10
Seven_Six_Twowill apt-cacher-ng also cache for update-manager -d17:12
Bragex9Ben66: I halted the startup by pressing shift, then selected to edit the startup alternative with the latest kernel. And from what I understand I am supposed to type in additonal kernel information. Like nomodeset..17:12
Seven_Six_Twonever mind. it works17:13
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morten77anyone that can recomend a music player that plays AHX mod files?17:21
morten77I downloaded a modarchive for new mods made 2013 and they are inf AHX IT MED MO3 MOD OCT S3M and XM format, but vlc don't like all of those, so now I would like another music player that can do all of them.17:22
morten77preferably a simple, but yet graphical program. (and no "handle your music library" thing, and no client/server program)17:22
morten77perhaps there is a version of VLC that can play all of those, anyone that knows where I can download that (compiled for ubuntu 10.04), a stand alone vlc that I can have in the home directory instead of installing in the system whould also be good.17:23
gityamanЭм... Тут есть русские каналы?)17:23
OerHeksmorten77, XMP  can play amiga files > http://xmp.sourceforge.net/17:24
theadmin!ru | gityaman17:24
ubottugityaman: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:24
morten77ok I'll look into xmp then17:24
replaceitsSo im using 2 displays (extended), its a bit of a hasle getting to the other screen when I have launchers on both screens, how would i be able to set the launcher on display one to be on the left side and the launcher on d2 to be on the right side?17:25
replaceitsalso, its a hasle because i have them set to hidden until you hover over them so the mouse gets stuck on the edge when trying to move to the other screen17:27
cdavis_13.04 randomly freezes before I enter the decryption passphrase so I suppose that means during initrd. I don't know how to trouble shoot this or prepare a meaningful bug, can someone direct me to some reading?17:31
Solstickhey all :-)17:32
tttbwhy isn't ubuntu letting me change the keyboard layout anymore?17:32
tttbi can't select a new language17:32
ArkhanosSolstick: hi17:32
tttbwell apparenlty they're limitting it to four now17:37
tttband chinese doesn't work for some reason, nor japanese17:37
Arkhanostttb: where did you look?17:37
tttb"Keyboard Layout"17:38
beclaussI'm having problems with my wifi17:39
beclausssometimes it goes fast17:39
beclaussthen 1 sec later17:39
beclaussit just runs very slow17:39
beclaussany solution?17:39
theadminbeclauss: Try disabling IPv617:40
gordonjcptttb: it's a limitation in the way that X handles keyboards17:40
gordonjcptttb: it's crap, but X is going away Real Soon Now17:40
Tex_Nicki've used "Real VNC Free Version" for years for remote desktop connectivity ... "Real VNC Free Server" is NOT stealthy ... users are able to see/control it from the panel indicator ... i want something that will be hidden from the user on the host pc (running as a service maybe rather than an app) ... can someone point me in a good direction ... 13.04 host & 13.04 client17:40
=== prime is now known as Guest71581
Arkhanosgordonjcp: Serious?17:41
dime2k12anyone got an idea why my gamepad gets recognized as 4 Axis 1 Hat when xinit is started as root and with 6 Axis 0 Hat when done the same as user?17:41
theadminArkhanos: Yes, 13.10 is planning to switch to Ubuntu's own graphical server implementation, Mir.17:43
neekz0rTex_Nick: you are looking for a back door, go look at some sort of hacker sites or something for that17:44
beclaussHow do I do that?17:44
beclaussI'm new to linux17:44
beclaussHow do I disable ipv6?17:44
beclausswell sorry for disconnecting17:44
beclausshow do I disable ipv6?17:44
Tex_Nickneekz0r:  it's to keep an eye what rthe grandkids and about a dozen neighbor kids are doing on the gameroon PC17:45
beclaussconsidering I keep disconnecting17:45
neekz0rTex_Nick: if that is your goal, put a sniffer box between the computer and the internet, then you can watch the internet traffic17:46
neekz0rotherwise, find a back door17:47
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Tex_Nickneekz0r:  before you send someone away from the channel ... you might find out what it is they want to do ... i use wireshark but that wasn't the question17:48
=== Guest93242 is now known as niccaballs
neekz0ri wasn't sending you away17:48
beclaussits not that17:48
beclaussits that when I'm on windows17:48
veninemhello to everyone17:48
veninemis there someone could help me about a problem with my soundcard configuration17:49
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know how can I extract bunch of files with the .txt.bz2 extension?17:49
veninemthanks in advance pm me17:49
neekz0ryou are asking for something that ubuntu wouldn't natively support, as it's considered a backdoor, your motivations for it were and are irrelvant17:49
neekz0ri simply told you that you'd have to find something like that at a hacker site, and all that that entails17:50
beclaussI have no issues with connecting to the internet17:50
beclausson Linux, no  matter what distro I use17:50
beclaussI keep going on and off17:50
s3edveninem ask in the channel and if anyone knows they will answer dont expect /msg17:50
* s3ed takes out his aggrevation about the reali life, as an annoyance from continuous disconnects of Mad)Wack17:51
gordonjcpArkhanos: serious about what?17:51
theadminmojtaba: That's likely a compressed text file. The extension doesn't really tell anything, but you can bunzip2 it, if it really is a bzip2 archive.17:51
veninemdoes anyone know how to fix my SPDIF output?17:52
beclausswhat do you guys mean?17:52
mojtabatheadmin: I am a newbie, actually I have many files with that extension and I would like to extract them with one command at once.17:53
beclaussits just17:53
niccaballsCan anyone help me with a problem getting GUI running on a VPS17:53
beclaussdo u guys know of a wifi driver I can use?17:53
beclaussplz help here17:53
theadminmojtaba: bunzip2 file1.txt.bz2 file2.txt.bz2 ...17:53
Arkhanosbeclauss: there is hope17:53
theadminmojtaba: Or bunzip2 *.txt.bz217:53
beclausshow so?17:53
UltimaKRHi I just installed lubuntu but cannot connect to the internet.  I input the settings for my router but don't know what to do from there can anybody please help me?17:54
mojtabatheadmin: Thanks, the last one is better.17:54
niccaballsxf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O17:54
ArkhanosUse a wired to wireless modem17:54
beclaussI don't have that option17:54
niccaballsshows when I try to run X -configure17:54
beclaussits just that I need a good wifi driver that works just as good as it does in windows17:54
beclaussI shouldn't need to go close to the router just to connect this properly17:55
Shogoot Hi people! I got this xml file http://pastebin.com/CiSCRMgD and my code does this: http://pastebin.com/i2Mkwts1 the first part of echoing OrderNumber i very much in order, but echoing the attribute i cant get to wrok. Anyone that can help me troubleshoot this? :)17:55
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beclausswhat should I do in this case Arkhanos?17:55
yashhwill backup store my files after installing new ubuntu???17:55
Arkhanosbeclauss: you can find good wifi usb sticks on google for linux17:55
ArkhanosUsb sticks for linux17:55
beclaussI know17:56
beclaussFYI, I'm using a laptop17:56
beclaussToshiba Sattelite L775D-S722217:56
ArkhanosWell, I stul17:57
ArkhanosStill reccomend a USB stick17:57
UltimaKRArkhanos: I am a new linux user so could you possibly tell me how to connect to the internet on lubuntu?  I input the SSID and WPA key on the Network Manager but what do I do after that?17:57
beclaussHow can I find what internal wifi card I have in my laptop17:57
yashhhello guys!!!answer pls17:57
PwngwnI accidentally clicked on a program that reads text on my screen out loud. How do I turn it off?17:58
llutz_beclauss: "lsusb" or "lspci" should tell you17:58
REVO-Fyashh, what's wrong?17:58
beclausstype that in terminal right?17:58
ArkhanosYou can also in the menu bar find a picto to search for wifi17:58
jmurrib21How can I install ubuntu 13.04 in a new PC [HP p2-1334 AMD E1-1200]? I've tried to install from a DVD, from a bootable USB pendrive and I'm getting a blank black screen after selecting the option to install the OS.17:58
yashhheres the question " will backup store my files after installing new ubuntu???"17:58
UltimaKRArkhanos: Is that for me or for beclauss? If me then which menu bar?17:59
=== ghoti_ is now known as ghoti
Shogoot Hi people! I got this xml file http://pastebin.com/CiSCRMgD and my code does this: http://pastebin.com/i2Mkwts1 the first part of echoing OrderNumber i very much in order, but echoing the attribute i cant get to wrok. Anyone that can help me troubleshoot this? :)17:59
UltimaKRHi I just installed lubuntu but cannot connect to the internet.  I input the settings for my router but don't know what to do from there can anybody please help me?17:59
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beclaussI'll take it from here18:00
s3edMad_Wack annoys me18:00
Pwngwn I accidentally clicked on a program that reads text on my screen out loud. How do I turn it off?18:00
s3edturn the speakers off18:01
REVO-Fyashh, if you upgrade ubuntu your files will not be affected18:01
m1chaelPwngwn: did you try to reboot?18:01
yashhwhat if i download seperately and install??18:01
PwngwnNo, s3ed, I still want to listen to music18:01
PwngwnNo, but is there any easier way?18:01
PwngwnLike a task manager maybe?18:01
jmurrib21somebody recommended me to find answers in this topic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 but i don't know how to access grub from a pc that doesn't have linux/ubuntu installed18:02
m1chaelps aux18:02
REVO-Fyashh, I think nothing will happen18:02
m1chaeli would just reboot if i couldnt figure out what process it was (its not like you gave us a lot of info- like what the program name was, etc.)18:02
dime2k12anyone got an idea why xinit recognizes my gamepad hat as 2 axis when launched from non root user?18:02
yashhmore clarity please?18:02
PwngwnI can't remember the name but I believe it was already installed by default18:03
PwngwnRebooting is like surrendering. I can't do that18:03
REVO-Fyashh, you're files will not be affected18:03
yashhby backing up right?18:03
PwngwnI just figured out it's called Orca Screen Reader18:04
yashhthanks revo dude18:04
REVO-Fwlc :)18:04
A1ReconHey there's this audio i wanna download, so I was wondering if anyone could help me download this with wget http://www.ujam.com/contests/acrevelations18:04
niccaballsI am having an issue running a GUI on a VPS. I am getting an error xf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O when I try to run X -configure.18:04
s3edPwngu try killall gnome-orca18:04
Pwngwnthanks i will18:05
th0rA1Recon, open a terminal and type 'wget http://........'18:05
A1Reconth0r: well the it will just download the webpage, i want just the audio...18:06
s3edcant someone ban Mad_Wack, until he gets back to his screen?18:06
th0rA1Recon, then you need the url of the audio file18:06
* jmurrib21 How can I install ubuntu 13.04 in a new PC [HP p2-1334 AMD E1-1200]? I've tried to install from a DVD, from a bootable USB pendrive and I'm getting a blank black screen after selecting the option to install the OS.18:07
A1Reconth0r: That's exactly what i am trying to find in the page's html code18:07
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niccaballsCan anyone assist me?18:07
* jmurrib21 somebody recommended me to find answers in this topic http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 but i don't know how to access grub from a pc that doesn't have linux/ubuntu installed18:07
darthanubisniccaballs, ask your question to find out18:07
niccaballsI am having an issue running a GUI on a VPS. I am getting an error xf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O when I try to run X -configure.18:07
ubottutoprunner: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:07
darthanubisjmurrib21, use a livecd18:07
jmurrib21i have a live cd18:08
jmurrib21i created from the ISO image18:08
Shogoot  Hi people! I got this xml file http://pastebin.com/CiSCRMgD and my code does this: http://pastebin.com/i2Mkwts1 the first part of echoing OrderNumber i very much in order, but echoing the attribute i cant get to wrok. Anyone that can help me troubleshoot this? :)18:09
wilee-nileejmurrib21, Look at live cd option f6 nomodeset18:09
userri installed konsole, which triggered the installation of most of kde but i still don't get it as an alternative session in lightdm18:09
userrwhat do i need to do to see something like "kde-session" available?18:09
niccaballsI am having an issue running a GUI on a VPS. I am getting an error xf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O when I try to run X -configure.18:10
Arkhanosuserr: You usually see it in the login screen18:10
pratz_Hell guys18:10
userrArkhanos: lightdm doesn't show it18:10
A1Reconth0r: Can you help me find its code??18:10
th0rA1Recon, are you familiar with the idea of a drive-by virus or trojan?18:11
userrArkhanos: what kde package should i install to be sure that i have the kde *session* essentials>?18:11
jmurrib21i don't have that option wilee-nilee18:11
A1Reconth0r: No18:11
Arkhanosuserr: hmm, i don't know what to do else18:11
REVO-Fjmurrib21, try to use another .iso file18:11
wilee-nileejmurrib21, You using a disc? or a loaded usb?18:11
niccaballswilee-nilee, he said both18:12
th0rA1Recon, suffice it to say visiting an unknown url from an irc chat channel isn't the greatest idea.18:12
jmurrib21i have tried both wilee-nilee18:12
niccaballsth0r, I second that18:13
pratz_how can i check the bandwidth of my home router ?18:13
jmurrib21i got to go18:13
jmurrib21try this again later18:13
pratz_3 computer are connected to it18:13
wilee-nileejmurrib21, Check the md5sum, you should be getting the gui options shown. the unetbootin usb loader however bypasses this gui however.18:13
niccaballsprats, google the model number18:13
A1Reconth0r: the url's fine its an awesome song.... If you want you can google it "Sicarius - Ujam".18:13
pratz_and I am using U-12.04 and other machines are windows18:13
Arkhanospratz: You can google for internet speed tests18:15
A1Reconpratz_: What router do u have and what firmware are u running on it?18:15
A1Reconth0r: U in??18:16
niccaballsprats, are you looking for the bandwidth of your internet or your router?18:16
th0rA1Recon, I think I already answered the question.18:16
pratz_A1Recon: router is beetel and what exactly you mean by firmware ?18:17
pratz_niccaballs: both18:17
lousygaruaHi, I'm helping some guy who is getting random system freezes after upgrading from 11.10 to 12.04 (also 12.10 and 13.04). He can Alt+Ctrl+F1 to a tty and when getting back to GUI he sees the desktop but no sidebar and such. He got an intel graphics card but I'm not sure if it's the issue. Is it? How can I help him debug this?18:17
Arkhanospratz_: The firmware is the software built in a piece of hardware18:18
A1Reconpratz_: The OS/firmware of the router. Like my router is running its stock "version 1.4 " software18:18
niccaballslousygarua, I am having the same issue!!!18:18
pratz_A1Recon: I am not sure how to find that18:19
lousygaruaniccaballs, I have seen #993187 this, it's a 'fix released', so maybe an update to the system can fix it. Do yuo have the latest update?18:19
A1Reconpratz_: Make and model of the router??18:19
lousygaruaniccaballs, *** https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/99318718:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 993187 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "ubuntu 12.04 completely freezes frequently." [Critical,Fix released]18:19
OerHekslousygarua, niccaballs install ccsm compiz setting manager, and see if unity pligin is enabled, this issue occurs sometimes after upgrade18:19
A1Reconpratz_: u can use " iftop " in Terminal...18:19
pratz_A1Recon: Beetel 450 BXI ADSL2 + Router18:20
pratz_A1Recon: I already tried iftop  , but if show only my machines bandwidth18:21
A1Reconpratz_: or open up "system monitor" in Ubuntu(search your PC for it). For windows you can use this neat little program called "Networx".18:21
A1Reconpratz_: May I PM u??18:21
lousygaruaOerHeks, niccaballs, is this only after upgrade? because my user reported the error happening also on a live USB (13.04)18:21
pratz_A1Recon: ya sure18:22
niccaballslousygarua, well all I see when logging in via VNC is my background and no sidebar. I have yet to see the side bar18:22
niccaballslousygarua, I am running on a VPS18:22
lousygaruaniccaballs, hmm I think I had this issue myself a year ago! i now recall it. ended up using 11.10 because it was a work computer and i had to.. work18:23
mark12can someone help i recently had trouble when i use ubuntu in virtualbox or vmware player on my connection status show mulital connection like connected to vbox and vmware host as a connect18:23
niccaballslousygarua, I have fixed this issue once before but for the life of me I can't remember how.18:24
mark12oops mulipal connections18:24
niccaballslousygarua, I have got it running on 12.04 but I upgraded and now have the same issue18:24
UltimaKRHi I just installed lubuntu but cannot connect to the internet.  I input the settings for my router but don't know what to do from there can anybody please help me?18:24
netlarI have booted a few times now and the computer keeps getting stuck on the splash screen, what can I do?18:24
lousygaruaniccaballs, might it be a kernel issue? I see some comment on the bug report where the guy's solution was a kernel upgrade18:25
netlarDo I need to reinstall the OS again?18:25
niccaballslousygarua, how do I upgrade the kernel, sorry for my ignorance18:25
wilee-nilee!details > netlar18:26
ubottunetlar, please see my private message18:26
mark12did you any read my question?18:26
netlarwilee-nilee: those are the whole details18:26
MrVlidiorHello, anyone can help me with dual booting windows from a different hard drive!?18:26
lousygaruaniccaballs, do you think I know how? :), I'm not sure if it's a good idea to compile your own kernel under ubuntu, maybe there's a ppa?18:26
wilee-nileeUltimaKR, Identify the onboard hardware and type off connection you are trying, ethernet or wifi.18:27
netlarwilee-nilee: I push the power button on computer and it gets stuck on the Ubuntu splash screen18:27
lousygaruaniccaballs, did you try 13.04? it should have an updated kernel following common sense18:27
niccaballslousygarua, that is what I am using18:27
UltimaKRwilee-nilee: I would prefer to do this on wifi.18:27
wilee-nileenetlar, Fresh install, after messing with it, you description has no real information.18:28
wilee-nileeUltimaKR, identify the wifi card, lspci in the terminal list hardware.18:28
netlarwilee-nilee Messing with it? I did an install, worked yesterday, now not18:28
lousygaruaniccaballs, 13.04 uses 3.8.8 which is rather new18:29
bleemooI'm running 13.04. My housemates have Windows boxen. Whenever I am online, my housemates lose wifi. Is there something I can do about that?18:29
lousygaruaso maybe it's not a kernel issue18:29
UltimaKRwilee-nilee: Sorry for my stupidity, but how do I tell what wifi card I have without opening the machine? It's on right now.  I already input the SSID and WPA key for the router but it don't know where to go to tell it to connect.18:29
lousygaruaniccaballs, can you try the solution with the ccsm?18:30
niccaballslousygarua, I have to go but will be back in about 15 mins18:30
wilee-nileeUltimaKR, lspci in the terminal should show wifi oinfo.18:31
UltimaKRwilee-nilee: I'm sorry but what terminal? I am brand new to linux, just trying to salvage an old PC.18:31
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | netlar this is a low graphic boot.18:31
ubottunetlar this is a low graphic boot.: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:31
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wilee-nileeUltimaKR, ctrl-alt-t should show a terminal. lubuntu has a menu LOOK AT IT.18:33
wilee-nileeUltimaKR, I would think the network connection in lubuntu is on the bottom panel on the right.18:35
UltimaKRwilee-nilee: For some reason I only have a clock and volume control.  It appears as though I'm running an Accton SMC2.18:36
riddribHow can download .pdf format in this page http://issuu.com/tsunami2807/docs/healthycoffee?mode=window&backgroundColor=%2322222218:37
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netlarhow can I try to fix this with the install disk?18:38
wilee-nileeUltimaKR, I have not used lubuntu is a long while so I'm not sure where the network manager is, There is a #lubuntu channel if you like.18:38
mark12can someone help?18:38
MrVlidirI am dual booting Vista and Ubuntu 12.10 from the same hard drive, now i want to move ubuntu to a second hard drive, anyone can help?18:39
wilee-nileemark12, people help when the know, details are important.18:39
netlarI was able to boot in recovery mode, but now it is stuck on that screen18:40
wilee-nileeMrVlidir, Clonezilla18:40
mark12my problem is inportant18:40
wilee-nileemark12, Sure, however you can't force people to know what they don't, this is free help.18:41
netlarIt went to fsck utility, now it is just a flashing cursor18:41
MrVlidirwilee- i dont want to clone the disk, i moved the ubuntu partition  to a second hard drive and i want to boot it from there. That is 1st hard drive for Vista, and the 2nd for ubuntu'18:42
DJones!details | mark1218:42
ubottumark12: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:42
MrVlidiri followed the steps here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MovingLinuxPartition  but im stuck at step 5!18:42
netlarCan this be fixed in the root prompt?18:42
UltimaKRwilee-nilee: It doesn't look like anybody is actively online in the lubuntu channel.  Do you have any siggestions?18:43
DJonesmark12: I can see you asked a question, but it was 20 minutes ago, the people in the channel will have changed since then and you probably need to repeat the question so that they can see it18:43
mark12problem is when i run virtualbox or vmware player my connection status shows iam connected to virtualbox or vmware18:43
A1Reconwilee-nilee: can I PM you??18:43
wilee-nileeA1Recon, I don't pm.18:44
netlarOK, I am in the root prompt, what should I do from here?18:44
UltimaKRwilee-nilee: Ok i figured out how to get the "nm-applet" to appear but how do I actually connect to a network that I input?18:45
wilee-nileeUltimaKR, This thread has some info. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127329518:45
netlarDo I need to go to the login from here?18:47
wilee-nileeUltimaKR, I don't know lubuntu, nor do I have the patience to really help you in this way.18:47
netlarOk went to login from the command prompt, says there is 1 package that needs to be updated18:48
netlarDo I update it?18:48
ceilis it possible to unmount home in ubuntu's repair shell? I'm trying to shrink the lvm partition /dev/mapper/rowan-home and grow /dev/mapper/rowan-root but i can't unmount the home drive to e2fsck/resize2fs/lvreduce it. help?18:50
JSFDoes anyone have any expierence with SNMP? I configure it like this but I do not seem to get a response with V2c and the set community http://www.observium.org/wiki/NetSNMPd_Client_Configuration18:50
l0ll0lllhi all. How can I get CC'ed by default to a package's bug reports on launchpad?18:50
wilee-nileeceil, You want to resize with the whole thing unmounted use a live disc.18:52
netlarCan anyone help me?18:52
wilee-nileeceil, And make sure you know what you are doing that s encrypted right?18:53
A1Reconwilee-nilee: OK say i want an audio on a webpage through wget. how will i find its url ??18:53
netlarIt will not let me do apt-get update, says it cannot get packages18:54
replaceitswget <urlofaudio> ? what exactly do you mean?18:54
netlarMan, I really do not want to get a fresh install again18:54
l0ll0lllA1Recon: depends on how it's represented in the page. You can try viewing its HTML source and find the URL there18:54
|Slacker|dang! I try to upgrade steam but it keeps me giving the untrusted package message, how to fix this?18:55
wilee-nileeceil, some more info, use at your own discretion. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153756918:55
REVO-Fnetlar, what's wrong?18:55
netlarREVO-F: I cannot boot up18:55
netlarKeeps bringing me to grub screen18:56
netlarREVO-F: I have tried to go to recovery mode and that does nothing18:57
amrit_interesting old style chat18:57
netlarREVO-F: I have read that you can do a apt-get update to fix the problem from the command prompt18:58
A1Reconl0ll0lll: What formats are the audio encoded?? mp3/wav?18:58
wdonkeyhello ubuntu people !!!18:58
netlarREVO-F: But it says it cannot get the packages18:59
wdonkeyhow do you shutdown the gui and reboot it ?18:59
wdonkeywithout rebooting the whole damn thing18:59
netlarwdonkey: me?18:59
wdonkeyyeah you18:59
netlarwdonkey: I use the menu on the gui18:59
wdonkeyanyone if that matters !18:59
ceilwilee-nilee: non-encrypted, and i unplugged my optical drive and lost my usb stick. i'm havin' to rough it. it was pointed out to me that i have other drives mounted within ~ causing the issue. cheers tho o/19:00
wdonkeyim hoping for the command line19:00
netlarwdonkey: but sometimes that hangs too and I have to shut down power manually19:00
juniourhu ubuntu xx.xx19:00
REVO-Fnetlar Your grub conf file should have a bunch of stuff in it including a long list of kernels.19:00
REVO-FAre you seeing any of that in /boot/grub/menu.lst?19:00
wdonkeynetlar : next time try ctrl alt F1 and type sudo shutdown -h now19:00
juniourcan any one explain me hot to set up mail server to send mail19:01
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l0ll0lllA1Recon: this will depend on the site. This may be mp3, wav, ogg, something else. Even swf...19:01
shortstraw8What is the most best format for hard drives to use Ubuntu? I have two old hard drives that I want to format and use as removable drives.19:01
netlarREVO-F: I am at the recovery menu in grub19:01
wdonkeyshortstraw8, ext3 or 419:01
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juniourshortstraw8 ext419:02
shortstraw8Ok that is what I have read just wanted another opinion.19:02
replaceitsspeaking of formating, what would be the best for a live usb with persistance? i tryed ext4 and the performance was unusable19:02
juniourhow to set up mail server to send mail ???19:02
shortstraw8juniour, wdonkey  Thanks19:03
wdonkeyshortstraw8, if you want to use those drives on a windows machine, use ntsf19:03
BluesKajNTFS maybe ?19:03
netlarREVO-F: I see resume, clean, dpkg, failsafes, fsck, grip, network, root, system-summary19:03
REVO-Fnetlar, check this out http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/236673-50-cannot-boot-ubuntu-stuck-memtest-grub19:04
wilee-nileeshortstraw8, Can you determine install partitions and ones you would want to share between OS's19:04
wdonkeyBluesKaj, whatever19:05
juniour shortstraw8 if you use ext3,4 you cant use it with windows but if you ntfs you can use it with both ubuntu and windows19:05
wadI upgraded my wife's laptop's Ubuntu from some older version to 12.04 32-bit desktop, but it gave an error with grub, and now it won't boot to Linux anymore.19:06
BluesKajREVO-F, that's for legacy grub19:06
juniourwad always do clean install19:06
netlarREVO-F: guess it is time for me to try another distro19:07
wadjuniour, really?19:07
wilee-nileewad, Is this a fresh install or an actual upgrade?19:07
juniourwad upgrading from older version always create problems19:07
wadIt's an upgrade19:07
wadNot a fresh install.19:07
netlarI love ubuntu, but man this would be my fourth fresh install19:07
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luanstarkubuntu shnow19:08
juniournetlar it happened with ubuntu19:08
wadIf I do a real fresh install, though, do I need to reformat the partition to get it right? I'd rather not lose all my wife's documents and photos and stuff....19:08
luanstarkI am happened ubuntu19:08
netlarjuniour: huh?19:08
wilee-nilee!grub | wad post the bootinfo summary from the bootrepair tool19:08
ubottuwad post the bootinfo summary from the bootrepair tool: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:08
wadIf I don't reformat the partition, then relics of the old OS will still be hanging around, right?19:08
luanstark#Canonical show19:08
juniourwad just boot wiht live cd make backup and then install in the sam partition19:09
wadjuniour, okay, that's a good idea. Then I can bring it up to 13.x or whatever.19:09
replaceitswad, if you have enough space you can create a new parition move the documents to it, fresh install, then retrieve them delete the paririon and resize19:09
juniourwad yep19:09
wadAllright, thanks guys.19:09
wadI'll do this stuff.19:10
netlarREVO-F: I need practice at installing linux anyway lol19:10
netlarI know you are guys are trying to help, maybe hardware or user errors, but things are a bit touch and go with ubuntu19:12
juniourhi can any one check why i am getting this error http://pastebin.com/E6TqU5xd19:13
OerHeksjuniour, what are you trying to install, samba4 ? and how do you do that?19:15
juniourahhh i resolved the prob any way thanks19:15
OerHeksoh oke19:15
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yofunis there any way to play my music from my speakers to my mic?19:16
yofunoutput to input loop19:16
juniouryofun dident got you19:17
tux30hi i want install team viewer on ubuntu 12,04 tls and a got a error19:17
juniourtux30 wts the error19:18
yofuni want my output (speakers) go to my input (mic)19:18
netlarOk, I am doing a fresh install again19:18
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yofuni have a head set that i wear19:18
tux30verification of team viewer version failed19:18
NuSueyCan somebody help? After install of the Nvidia.run file I get a black screen. Can login onz with a older kernel. And can't see unity interface in it..help me:/19:18
netlarIs there official documentation for me to read so I do not have an more user erros19:18
juniourtux30 how have you installed team viewer19:19
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OerHeksyofun no, you cannot change hardware with a software solution.19:19
tux30yes but when start teamviewer i have this error19:19
Guest33752I am a newb just installed ubuntu and trying to get my programs back on my computer am stuck with a couple I am having trouble with. does anyone  know how i can get my Mystery Case FIles games installed from the discs?19:20
juniourtux30 how you installed team viewer???19:20
NuSueyJust need to go back to the software sources ..and uninstall the new .run settings19:20
tux30i have installed whit gdebi installer19:20
juniourtux30 like this dpkg -i package19:21
pureGuest33752: Is Mystery Case Files made for linux or is it for a different platform?19:21
juniourtux30 download team viewer from here http://www.teamviewer.com/hi/download/linux.aspx19:22
Atlantic777Anyone having troubless with monodevelop in raring=19:22
juniourtux30 then dpkg -i package-path   what you have downloaded19:22
Guest33752it is a windows game from Big Fish Games I was told I could install with Wine tried and when I try to install the install screen stalls and freezes and no matter wich window i bring up it always stays on top19:22
zastaphanyone using ThinkPad Edge E130 for Ubuntu ?19:23
netlarSo there are no books for Ubuntu19:23
Atlantic777netlar: what do you want to learn?19:24
Ben66there are tons of books19:24
netlarHow not to f up my system19:24
juniournetlar just google it19:24
thecodeischaoslook on amazon19:24
thecodeischaosthere are dozens19:24
Ben66NuSuey: if you install nvidia from the website, you'll run into problems like you're having when theres a kernel update19:24
netlarNo recommendations?19:24
tux30traitement error of teamviewer_linux.deb19:25
Ben66!manual | netlar19:25
ubottunetlar: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/19:25
pureGuest33752: WineHQ shows that it should install in Wine. Has it stalled mulitple times without an error message?19:25
juniourtux30 your system si 32 or 6419:26
Guest33752I just get that screen freeze no error message unless it hiding underneath and my hot corner doesn't even move it19:26
netlarMaybe I should be installing the 64 bit Ubuntu?19:27
juniourtux try with sudo dpkg -i package-name19:27
Ben66netlar: if you have a 64bit cpu, yes19:27
tux30same error19:27
netlarBen66: I do, does installing the 32 bit version on a 64 bit machine cause problems?19:27
yofungst-launch pulsesrc ! pulsesink  echoes my mic to my speakers19:27
juniourtux30 paste the whole error19:27
yofunbut it doesnt work the other way?19:28
TuxReminds me: I need to repair my desktop -- crashed during update and now boots to kernel panic19:28
TuxI know how to fix it though19:28
pureGuest33752: If it isn't showing an error, it's going to be very difficult to troubleshoot19:28
Ben66netlar: no problems, you just can't utilize your cpu to the fullest19:28
juniournetlar but you can maxmize with 64 bit19:29
netlarBen66: Darn, was hoping that may of been the reason for all my reinstalls I have had to do19:29
pureGuest33752: There may be a way to install it in wine using the command line, which might give you more output so you know what is going on. You'd have to google it though because it's a little outside of my limited experience.19:29
Ben66!appdb | Guest3375219:29
ubottuGuest33752: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help19:29
pureGuest33752: Also, if you're on a PC, try using the windows key as well. It's a keyboard shortcut that may work if yourhot corner isn't responding.19:30
ResQuehow can i test my harddrive for errors? I want to test things like read/write speed, bad sectors, also how many times the harddrive is reading data incorrectly19:30
Ben66netlar: what are you doing to break your system so often?19:30
yofungst-launch pulsesrc ! pulsesink  echoes my mic to my speakers19:30
yofunbut it doesnt work the other way?19:30
netlarBen66:  shutdown problems19:30
Ben66ResQue: the "Disk Utility" can do that19:31
netlarBen66: sometimes the machine will hang durning shutdown and I have to power the machine down manually19:31
Guest33752I am currenty trying again to look for any messages I think it might be working this time I will find out shortly19:32
juniourResQue you can use this to read hard disk speed sudo hdparm -t /dev/sda19:32
Ben66netlar: ok... that shouldn't cause it to break19:32
An_Ony_Mooseis there a file that defines all the MIME types that the system can recognise? /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list (and ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and /usr/local/[etc]) don't seem to contain all those that nautilus etc seem to recognise.19:32
mthsAlguém que fala português aí?19:32
Ben66!br | mths19:32
ubottumths: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.19:32
netlarBen66: well he makes it go to grup screen19:32
ResQueBen66: thanks19:32
tux30juniour the commande sudo dpkg -i package have pass19:32
tux30after ?19:32
juniourtux30 yep that is your root passs you must provide19:33
bekksjuniour: No. Root has no password.19:33
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:34
netlarI know I am being kind a pest here, sorry19:34
juniourbekks kkk19:34
tj83_KIDSits not the ubuntu way but a" sudo su - " will get you to #19:34
Ben66tj83_KIDS: don't suggest that19:34
juniourbekks i was tellin him for sudo19:34
pureWhere can I find a command list for ubottu?19:34
tux30after the commande a get (Lecture de la base de données... 185847 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)19:35
tux30Préparation du remplacement de teamviewer 8.0.17147 (en utilisant teamviewer.deb) ...19:35
tux30wine: /home/maxime/.config/teamviewer8 is not owned by you19:35
tux30Dépaquetage de la mise à jour de teamviewer ...19:35
tux30Paramétrage de teamviewer (8.0.17147) ...19:35
FloodBot1tux30: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:35
juniourtux30 english that language i cant understand bro19:35
juniourtux30 use pastebin19:35
yofungst-launch pulsesrc ! pulsesink  echoes my mic to my speakers19:35
netlaramd Athlon 64 xx dual core processor, that means I have a 64 bit computer right?19:36
yofunbut it doesnt work the other way?19:36
Ben66netlar: correct19:36
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: how is it supposed to work the other way?19:36
juniourbekks wt about su19:36
t4nk825hello, can anybody please help me find the image-line folder in ubuntu??19:36
bekksnetlar: if you see a "lm" flag in cat /proc/cpuinfo you have a 64bit capable cpu.19:36
Ben66juniour: shouldn't use su19:36
bekksjuniour: What about it?19:36
yofunwell that echoes my mic to my speakers but what about my speakers to my mic An_Ony_Moose19:37
juniourBen66 i diden't got you19:37
Ben66yofun: you can't output on mic...19:37
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: you want feedback? You'd have to hold up the mic to the speakers...19:37
t4nk825can anybody please help me find the image-line folder in ubuntu??19:37
Ben66juniour: "su" should not be used19:37
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toastcfhalsa doesnt seem to see hdmi as a ausio out19:38
yofunAn_Ony_Moose:  no i wear a headset19:38
toastcfhsince 13.0419:38
bekkst4nk825: Whats an "image-line" folder?19:38
yofunAn_Ony_Moose:  and i wanted my music to play to my mic (skype)19:38
tj83_KIDSBen66, i think he got the hint.  I am a redhat man.19:38
Solstickgoood bye all :-D19:38
replaceitst4nk try locate image-line19:38
juniourBen66 but i think su will grant root prev19:38
t4nk825it should be under program files/image-line19:39
Ben66juniour: no, root has no password by default19:39
yofunBen66:  i mean i wear a headset and i want to echo my output to my input for skype19:39
replaceitst4nk: so in the windows parition?19:39
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: oooooh. Open the volume control, go to the "recording" tab. While skype is in a call it should show skype19:39
juniourBen66 i know that root dosent have any password by default19:40
Ben66juniour: the effect of that is to make "su" not work, because there isn't a password that you can type in to get root19:40
An_Ony_Moosejuniour: in ubuntu you're supposed to use sudo to get root privileges and only when you're sure you know what you're doing19:40
t4nk825it should b under program files i think19:40
yofunAn_Ony_Moose:  that doesnt help me19:40
codepython777is there a way to put a network bandwidth quota on each user when the network usage reaches above certain threshold? Hopefully something simpler than iptables/tc.19:40
Ben66t4nk825: in ubuntu there is no "program files"19:40
yofungst-launch pulsesrc ! pulsesink19:40
yofunechos my mic to my speakers19:41
Ben66yofun: you said that already19:41
bekks!pm | t4nk82519:41
ubottut4nk825: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:41
yofunbut is there a way to echo my speakers to input19:41
Ben66yofun: you can't output to mic19:41
yofunBen66:  like to skype19:41
OerHeksyofun again, no, you cannot change hardware with a software solution.19:41
t4nk825i get lost in all the cht19:41
NuSueywell.. I installed the Nvidia ....run file.. got a black screen, then out of an other kernel (where I didn't had unity, but had no black screen) I installed nvidia-current. now got no black screen but .. NO UNITY :( any idea how to fix it?19:41
Ben66yofun: An_Ony_Moose is correct, you need to do recording settings19:41
An_Ony_Mooset4nk825: imageline doesn't seem to be available for linux. Are you sure you're in the right place?19:41
t4nk825i want to find my installation of fl studio19:42
tj83_KIDSI could use a few hints. I haven't followed ubuntu for some time. I am setting up a small box for the kids. 12.04  I need to be able to grant printing to kids account by admin password. also any ideas how to kill the launcher dock after login?19:42
yofunOerHeks:  but  gst-launch pulsesrc ! pulsesink  lets me echo my mic to my speakers isnt there a way to work the other way around?19:42
t4nk825n it says destination folder is in program files/image-line19:42
Ben66t4nk825: again, ubuntu doesn't have "program files"19:42
yofunBen66:  i see no recording settings19:42
juniourBen66 but you can set password for root19:42
t4nk825yea it does im in it right now19:42
bekkst4nk825: Ubuntu does not have a folder called "program files".19:42
Ben66juniour: which is not recommended or supported in this channel19:42
replaceitst4nk: did you install via wine? or in windows?19:42
qdk_I found a inconsistency between version of the drbd8-utils package and the installed software in it -> # apt-cache show drbd8-utils | grep -i version && cat /proc/drbd19:43
qdk_Version: 2:8.4.3-0ubuntu119:43
qdk_version: 8.4.2 (api:1/proto:86-101)19:43
airloktj83_KIDS: with compiz settings, you could set it to autohide with a really low sensitivity, effectively making it impossible to open19:43
t4nk825sorry i meant user share19:43
tj83_KIDSairlok, very good. thank you.19:43
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: http://soundray.org/linus/skype-output.png19:44
bekkst4nk825: The folder /usr/share is found in your /19:44
replaceitst4ank: cd /usr/share; ls | grep imageline19:44
yofunAn_Ony_Moose:  but i dont see that19:44
john_doe_jrI've got a boss who white listened some IP addresses to connect to a certain server....I can connect to the server at work but it appears that my IP address @ home has been white listed...how do I determine if my ISP has been white listed on the Ubuntu server @ work?19:44
An_Ony_Mooseselect the monitor for your soundcard and it should echo sound output into your skype call.19:44
t4nk825when i try to setup my download of fl studio it says destination folder is in program files\image line19:44
bekkst4nk825: Please stop querying me, I am not giving unasked personal support. You are in the support channel already, please keep your issue in here.19:44
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: did you open the volume control? Is there no recording tab?19:45
yofunthere is not19:45
Ben66t4nk825: for like the 5th time, ubuntu does not have "program files"19:45
t4nk825ok but how do i find it then?19:45
t4nk825i dont know where it is n i tried searching19:45
Ben66t4nk825: how are you installing it19:45
An_Ony_Mooset4nk825: your home folder, .wine/drive_c/19:46
Ben66then it should be in ~/.wine19:46
replaceitscd ~/.wine/19:46
Ben66also in the ubuntu menu19:46
airlokt4nk825: cd ~/.wine/drive_c; ls | grep "image line"19:46
yofunAn_Ony_Moose:  [14:46:17] <replac19:46
Ben66that won't work19:46
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: could you give me a screenshot or the like?19:47
yofunAn_Ony_Moose:   http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=16o086&s=519:47
tux30do you can give the adresse for pastebin19:47
tj83_KIDSairlok, I switched over accounts, gave it a try and works perfectly. thanks again. have a strategy approach to the printing by password?19:47
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: try the applications tab19:47
yofunbut it doesnt give me the option to change outputs or inputs An_Ony_Moose19:48
yofunand i want to use my mic and echo my speakers to it at the same time19:48
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: Hang on I'll switch into gnome and see if I can find it19:48
t4nk825i dont c wine in my home folder or drive c19:48
bekkst4nk825: It is named .wine19:48
bekkst4nk825: cd ~/.wine19:49
replaceitsyou wont see it if youre using the gui19:49
t4nk825im actually in my windows directory cuz im using wine, how do i get out? i cant do cd19:49
airloktj83_KIDS: might want to look into changing permissions of the printer's driver to be root only. not sure19:49
tj83_KIDSok. I will try to do a group. i like the idea19:50
t4nk825ok im in wine, now what?19:50
Tex_Nickif i were to use "Remote Desktop" to monitor grandkids PC ... what viewer/client would i use to connect ... and would that be a good alternative to "Real VNC" ???19:50
tux30pastebin adress please19:50
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: open a terminal and type in "pavucontrol"19:51
An_Ony_Moosetry changing it via that19:51
t4nk825how can i start fl studio from $wine?19:52
airlokTex_Nick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC. Also look into tightvnc19:52
john_doe_jrdoes anyone know how to white list stuff on ubuntu?19:52
jribjohn_doe_jr: in what context?19:53
compdocTex_Nick, what os is your pc?19:53
Tex_Nickairloc : thanks for link ... points me in a good direction19:54
Tex_Nickcompdoc : 13.04 for host & client19:54
jribjohn_doe_jr: what exactly do you want to white list?19:54
tux30juniour: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5659116/plain/19:54
t4nk825can somebody help me locate my fl studio application?19:54
gerepHello world. I just bought Sublime Text 3. How can I search for its folder installation?19:54
jribgerep: how did you install it?19:55
An_Ony_Mooset4nk825: open file browser, press ctrl+L. Type in ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/19:55
t4nk825im in $wine right now19:55
An_Ony_Moosethen look for it yourself19:55
gerepjrib: .deb, downloaded from the page19:55
jribgerep: dpkg -L PACKAGE, will tell you.  But why do you care where it installed to?19:55
gerepjrib: I want to create a alias to call it from my terminal, like: sbl .19:56
gerepjrib: and it will open the project19:56
t4nk825ok then what?19:56
jribgerep: do you know the command for sublime text?19:56
An_Ony_Mooset4nk825: then look for it yourself. You should find it froom there.19:57
gerepjrib: no, when I was using the sublime text 2, I create a link to the application19:57
jribgerep: ok, what more information do you need now?19:57
shaktimaanhi there19:57
tux30juniour: watch this please http://paste.ubuntu.com/5659116/plain/19:57
gerepjrib: just that =) thanks for your time and attention ;)19:57
jribgerep: no problem :)19:57
t4nk825its only common files and internet explrer neither of which has it19:57
shaktimaanhas anyone experience with ubuntu-zfs?19:58
yofunsweet An_Ony_Moose it works19:58
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john_doe_jrjrib: well, my boss said he wanted me to unblock my ISP so I can checkout code off the server but I don't know how...do u?19:58
jribjohn_doe_jr: how was the ip blocked to begin with?19:59
spackalackai was trying to set up a 2nd monitor on my thinkpad using the nvidia gui for controlling displays.  the only thing i did was try to enable the second monitor, but this gave an error, so i closed the nvidia tool and my touchpad stopped responding19:59
An_Ony_Mooseyofun: great! Remember to switch back to the microphone later, I tend to forget that and wonder why nobody can hear me :)19:59
spackalackaif i restart X, i can use the touchpad until about 3 seconds after i login19:59
spackalackathen it stops again19:59
spackalackaa usb mouse will work though19:59
yofunha :)20:00
john_doe_jrjrib: I don't know ...he basically blocked everything and then started allowing certain ISP's..20:00
t4nk825moose its not here20:00
spackalackaby permanently, i mean until next X server restart :)20:00
spackalackaXorg.0.log shows the synaptics device being found20:00
An_Ony_Mooset4nk825: then I can't help you sorry.20:00
jribjohn_doe_jr: I assume you mean "IP" and not "ISP".  You should ask him how he blocked them.  If you want a guess, check if you have firewall rules (sudo iptables -L)20:00
zastaphgiven http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201206-11170/ and http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/hardware/201206-11154/ can I safely buy a Thinkpad E130 laptop and expect it to work on Ubuntu?20:00
t4nk825y would it say destination folder is there if its not?20:00
spackalackathe touchpad shows up in /proc/bus/input/devices20:01
spackalackait's also listed by xinput --list20:01
spackalackaand it works until login20:01
spackalackaand it has worked since i got the computer 3 years ago20:02
spackalackai'm using the same config xorg config20:02
spackalackai'm not sure what is suddenly hijacking the trackpad20:02
A1Reconhow do i access New Volume??20:02
wilee-nilee!enter | spackalacka20:02
ubottuspackalacka: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:02
spackalackai thought i was done20:02
john_doe_jrjrib: for some reason my co-worker can commit code and check out code for a subversion repo but I can't....I know I have sudo rights on the server b/c he gave them to me but do you know how I can add myself to the list of people able to checkout code (this is at work so it has nothing to do iptables not at the house)...20:02
wilee-nileezastaph, It seems to be certified.20:03
A1Reconhow do i access New Volume??20:03
spackalackaA1Recon: what is new volume?20:03
MariaKeyshello all. can someone help with ssh port forwarding?20:03
t4nk825how do i get to drive c:?20:03
bekkst4nk825: cd into it.20:03
t4nk825like (c:)20:04
kucthbhiis it possible to run compiz without unity ? I am in classic and running compiz--replace removes the window decorations... 12.1020:04
A1Reconspackalacka: partition in another HDD.20:04
BluesKajA1Recon, look in file manager/nautilus places20:04
bekkst4nk825: There is nothing like "c:" in Ubuntu/Linux. There is ~/.wine/c ...20:04
spackalackaA1Recon: is it mounted?20:04
wilee-nileekucthbhi, compiz -replace is not a command used in 12.1020:04
t4nk825if im using wine, is it still installing in my ubuntu?20:04
bekkst4nk825: Sure.20:05
wilee-nileekucthbhi, You can use the fusion-icon for restarts, make a launcher.20:05
t4nk825its not installing in windows?20:05
A1Reconspackalacka: yes I just want the command to type in Terminal. I know it starts like this cd /media/user/newvolume   but i get confused bcoz of the space..20:05
spackalackaA1Recon: gotcha, try using tab to auto-complete20:06
kucthbhiwilee-nilee: tried fusion icon. same result20:06
bekkst4nk825: No. You have wine, thats not windows.20:06
subcoolif i run the scp command, like scp -C Music/* user@location:folder - will it copy all the Folders from the host?20:06
wilee-nileeas far as in the fallback not sure kucthbhi20:06
t4nk825i cant believe its not in my drive c program files when it said thats the dest folder20:07
spackalackais there a better place to ask for help with my trackpad issue?  i don't want to file a bug report because it's probably just something in one of my configs that got whacked...20:07
bekkst4nk825: wine has literally nothing to do with your whatsoever windows installation.20:07
subcoolspackalacka, wherent u having issues last night with mouse and keyboard? on Kubuntu 10?20:07
tux30i want install teamviewer on ubuntu 12,04 and don't work20:07
t4nk825its not at all like what the installation said it would be20:07
wilee-nileekucthbhi, The fallback is installed with the gnome-shell which uses mutter.20:07
bekkst4nk825: wine installs everything into ~/.wine20:07
t4nk825it gave me completely wrong info20:07
subcoolTux, works for me- just install the .deb20:07
spackalackasubcool: yes, i'm still having an issue with my trackpad.  never had issues with my keyboard...20:08
bekkst4nk825: It didnt.20:08
subcoolspackalacka, oh yea- i had issues with the keybard20:08
t4nk825how come its not in m drive c program files then?20:08
spackalackasubcool: not kubuntu either.  ubuntu 10.04 with gnome20:08
subcoolspackalacka, have you googled it? i asking in here and go tnothing. it only happened for me after i updated something.. and was trying to do a dist. - upgrade20:08
bekkst4nk825: Do you read what I write to you?20:08
subcoolsame thing.20:08
t4nk825whats that sorry20:08
tux30subcool: me a get a error  verification of your teamviewer failed20:08
spackalackasubcool: yeah, i've googled around, can't find anyone with the same symptom20:08
subcoolspackalacka, i still havent fixed it- and dont care to either. once im done backing it up- which is why im asking about this scp command, im formating and upgrade to 13.20:09
t4nk825im in $wine right now20:09
subcooltux30, did u install the right version?20:09
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tux30yes 32bits20:09
subcoolur positive ur machine is what it is?20:10
t4nk825but how do i find fl studio from cd~/.wine?20:10
spackalackasubcool: i'm trying to rock 10.04 as long as possible... i hate kde 4 and gnome 320:10
Yud_ZrocHai everyone I got a computer I would like to use as a development computer for games, I would like to keep it linux and possibly ubuntu flaver, what flaver of ubuntu would be best for developing 3d games]20:11
subcoolspackalacka, - :/ i dont think u have to use hte new versions of the kde and gnome. but- ur gonan have to find a pro. I tried to do a dist-upgrade. And i cant even do that. It fails left and right.20:11
spackalackamaybe i can do a dist-upgrade and then finally get around to learning fluxbox, but every time i've tried, it's been shitty to get wireless working efficiently20:11
wilee-nilee!poll | Yud_Zroc20:11
ubottuYud_Zroc: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:11
subcoolcareful- thats what been killing me.. i cant even dis-upgrade20:11
subcoolspackalacka, the repos' are like all gone.20:11
tux30subcool: you you have 32 or 65 bit?20:11
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subcooltux30, i have 64 bit20:12
subcoolbut im pretty sure it installs via wine20:12
subcooldo you have wine?20:12
subcooli remember making fun of it20:12
Yud_Zrocok let me rephrase my question, what exactly does the low latency kernal do for studiobuntu?20:12
john_doe_jrjrib: how do you tell if your ubuntu server is available to be hit on the internet?20:14
tux30Subcool: if a install with wine do must dowsnload windows version?20:14
subcooltux30, try the 64 bit- all it can do is error on u again20:14
subcooli mean- teamviewer uses wine20:14
subcoolwhen it installs.. you'll see a wine interface20:14
t4nk825im literally in wine/program files right now n i dont see image-line20:14
subcooltux30, try to 64bit, but i have to go20:15
subcooltux30, good luck. You too spackalacka20:15
ddssswhy when I login into my ubuntu desktop over ssh it says: "New release '13.04' available"?  it's already been upgraedd to that relese.... any clues?20:17
spackalackaby the way, if anyone has the same trackpad trouble as i did, i found a solution that worked for me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1518293 post #220:18
spackalackasee ya20:18
t4nk825i just reinstalled fl studio and put it into my documents and it is not there now20:18
bekkst4nk825: Because it is in .wine as being told multiple times now.20:19
t4nk825even if i go into wine folder its still not there20:19
bekkst4nk825: Thats where it was installed to.20:20
An_Ony_Mooseis there a file that defines all the MIME types that the system can recognise? /usr/share/applications/mimeapps.list (and ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and /usr/local/[etc]) don't seem to contain all those that nautilus etc seem to recognise.20:20
rafaelloestJordan_U, are you there?20:20
t4nk825can you help me launch programs from when im in $wine directory?20:22
replaceitsecho $WINE20:23
An_Ony_Mooset4nk825: if it isn't there we can't help you20:23
t4nk825but y would it not be in there?20:25
skegeekWhat is the channel for Mint Linux?20:26
BluesKajt4nk825, what programs are you trying to run from ~/.wine ?20:26
t4nk825fl studio20:26
replaceitst4nk825: theres not much we can tell you, but i personaly wouldnt try running fl in wine, it would be bad, just dual boot windows or mac and run it there, it will be alot better20:27
BluesKajwhat's that t4nk825 , a game ?20:27
skegeekI just noticed Mint Linux is using Ubuntu repos, is that supposed to be?20:27
guntbert!mint | skegeek20:27
ubottuskegeek: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:27
t4nk825its a music making program20:27
Ben66!appdb | t4nk82520:28
ubottut4nk825: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:28
BluesKajskegeek, try #linux-mint20:28
jenkins_Hello Chiluk20:28
wilee-nileenot a channe;20:28
jenkins_how is everyone today?20:29
BluesKajt4nk825, have you bothered looking for a linux equivalent app , surely there is one20:29
replaceitsthe linux equivalent is lmms20:29
replaceitstry that20:29
t4nk825not really im just wondering if i installed it why cant i open it?20:29
wilee-nileejenkins_, Chat s in #ubuntu-offtopic20:30
guntbertjenkins_: welcome to the ubuntu support channel! Do you have an ubuntu support question?20:30
replaceitsin lmms you can use all the same generators as fl20:30
AsSlowAsHellis there any way to make GRUB "remember" the previous boot option so that next boot it defaults to whatever was the previous boot option?20:30
jenkins_when my computer goes into power save if I leave it on and walk away, when I move the mouse the screen goes white and stays that way.20:30
BluesKajreplaceits, addreess your suggestions to the person , not to whole chat , he might miss it20:30
shaktimaanA1Recon: what do you mean whit NEw Volume? a new disk ?20:30
jenkins_ctrl+alt+T doesn't give me a terminal window.20:31
replaceitsblue: my bad lol20:31
jenkins_but the mouse is active and moves20:31
wilee-nileeAsSlowAsHell, yes but a real hassle really same time to just choose the boot20:31
A1Reconshaktimaan: partition in a another hdd.... it's mounted20:31
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AsSlowAsHellwilee-nilee, so it's possible though?20:32
shaktimaanA1Recon: cd <mountpoint> e.g. cd /mnt/usb20:32
A1Reconhey i got it !!20:33
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pure jenkins_ Have you checked your keyboard shortcuts in the settings menu?20:34
wilee-nileeAsSlowAsHell, Yes, https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html20:35
jenkins_pure, it the shortcut works when my desplay isn't white20:35
AsSlowAsHelllooking at 00_header it has something to do with some setting xsaved in GRUB_DEFAULT?20:36
purejenkins_: what desktop enviroment are you using?20:36
wilee-nileeAsSlowAsHell, I know it can be done, however would have to search for how depending on what your actual setup and needs are, which you can do as easily20:37
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AsSlowAsHellwilee-nilee, alrighty will do.  Just needed to know if it was possible i can figure out the rest :) thanks20:37
AethysiusI much prefer KDE Plasma to Unity.20:37
purejenkins_: Have you tried crtl+alt+F1 to jump into a terminal and restart the gui?20:37
wilee-nileeAsSlowAsHell, Cool, good luck.20:38
jenkins_I've tried that but all I get is the working cursor icon and it still doesn't do anything.20:38
erupterhi guys. installed 13.04 and nvidia 319.17 and now everything is stuck at around 640x480 without even showing unity. can't do nothing from the window manager, must use the cmd line. I tried uninstalling the nvidia drivers and resetting xorg. any other ideas?20:39
Flecksimple problem with no good solution know to me: My Desktop PC, I would love to set up SFTP/SCP server, so that users can upload/download files to/from my PC... FTP - easy, SFTP... meeh, chroots and then my user is not able to access those files etc, etc...20:40
purejenkins_: What command did you issue to restart unity?20:40
BluesKajerupter, the 319  driver is experimental afaik , you should be using the 313 or 310 for better performance20:40
erupterso no optimus yet?20:41
jenkins_thats just it, when i hit ctrl+alt+f1 it just changes the cursor icon for a few seconds and then it goes back to an arrow on a white screen and no terminal opens.20:41
erupterBluesKaj, well install nvidia-current retored my natural resolution, but unity is still missing...20:42
jenkins_I suppose I could just type "unity --restart" even though I can't see the terminal.20:42
purejenkins_: I see. If you restart the machine, does it go straight to a white screen? You may need to ssh in to run the command.20:42
LFShow to use apt-get to search the packages repository for the application that I'm looking for?20:42
purejenkins_: Worth a shot20:42
luckyphuqLFS: apt-cache search app20:43
wilee-nileeerupter, You have compizconfig installed to see if the unity plugin is on?20:43
nick_the_dickI can ssh from my laptop to my desktop (this pc) sometimes - but just now it has started saying "network unreachable". I can't ping either of the computers from the other. Where should I start ?20:43
erupterwilee-nilee, nothing works in graphical mode so even if I did, I couldn't use the window20:43
jenkins_no, if I just reboot it brings me to the login screen and I can login just fine and the screen is normal. but if I walk away and it goes into standby or dims and shuts off the screen. then I get the completely white display when I wake it again.20:43
wilee-nileeerupter, Did you add a ppa?20:44
erupterwilee-nilee, no manual nvidia driver download and install (just like I always did with my normal lappy)20:44
wilee-nileeerupter, From nvidia? do you no the nomodeset option at grub?20:45
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An_Ony_MooseFleck: install openssh-server20:45
erupteri suppose I can get it...20:45
jenkins_and it's obvious that the processes are still running in the background, but the display just isn't showing it. so I'm not sure if it's waking to the desktop, or waking to a login screen that isn't displaying.20:45
purejenkins_: I'm afraid that's out of my experience level. Sorry buddy20:45
jenkins_no worries, thanks for trying though.20:45
FleckAn_Ony_Moose: openssh-server is already the newest version.20:45
jenkins_i'm thinking it may be the video driver is stalling or something.20:46
wilee-nileeerupter, get what, and use nicks please.20:46
erupterwilee-nilee, sorry, wilco20:46
wilee-nileeerupter, nvidia drivers are not advised.20:47
erupterwilee-nilee, i have no modeset in my boot cfg, why not? with my old core2 laptop they are fine20:47
BluesKajerupter, http://askubuntu.com/questions/285627/unity-does-not-start-in-ubuntu-13-0420:48
wilee-nileeerupter, You are getting no graphic because of driver problems, nomodeset is a low graphic boot to get in a fix stuff if possible from the desktop.20:49
erupterBluesKaj, thanks I'll give that a try20:49
An_Ony_MooseFleck: then it should work out of the box. You'll probably have to forward port 22 to access it from the outside, how you do that depends on your router20:49
FleckAn_Ony_Moose: I need chroot...20:49
Fleckcause w/o it all users can surf all my PC - stupid!20:50
erupterBluesKaj, oh that's funny: "error spawning command line dbus-launch blah blah child process exited with code1"20:50
erupterwilee-nilee, it's not that I can't get the graphics mode at all, I get to the login manager (now with the correct resolution) but after the login I don't have unity20:51
ubottuFefeto: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:53
BluesKajerupter, well I run KDE so i don't have Unity problems ...merely trying to help , guess that url is behind the curve20:53
savlotta people in here20:54
nubbyhey giuys any oen experianced random logouts/may xrestarts on 13.04 kernel 3.5.0-27 nvidiqa optimus "NO BUMBLEBEE"20:56
nubbymaybe x restarts20:56
Dr_Williswhy are you using the 3.5 kernel? I thought 13.04 used 3.8 by default20:57
Dr_Willisim even using the 3.9 kernel here.20:57
linuxnewb2Anyone have a Belkin n750 DB USB Adapter. I got it to work on linux 12.04+20:57
wilee-nilee!anyone | linuxnewb220:57
ubottulinuxnewb2: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:57
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
Alamo777Hello all! I am willing to install an ubuntu mobile os on my china unkown android 4 device, is there any tutorial for that? Also is there a sence to do that? Is it oing to work faster and give me more proveleges like running python scripts on it and tracing gsm packets? thanks20:58
=== zz_wicked is now known as wicked
linuxnewb2Does anyone need a Belkin n750 DB driver?20:58
linuxnewb2( that works :D )20:58
wilee-nileeAlamo777, #ubuntu-touch20:58
utfans05Alamo777: http://androlinux.com/android-ubuntu-development/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-android/20:59
Alamo777ok thank you so much guys!20:59
Dr_Willislinuxnewb2:  from what i just googled - it uses the  RT3573 driver.21:00
erupterwilee-nilee, BluesKaj problem is I lost the opengl drivers21:00
Dr_Willislinuxnewb2:  not ubuntu specific - but heres some guys that had to recompile the driver for it. a newer kernel may allready have the fixs in place.21:01
erupterwilee-nilee, BluesKaj  by launching unity manually I can see "error plugin opengl not loaded"21:01
erupterwilee-nilee, BluesKaj do you have any idea how to reactivate it?21:01
* BluesKaj feels for ubuntu /nvidia users21:01
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Dr_WillisMy Nvidia works fine. ;) but its an older non-optimus setup21:02
linuxnewb2Dr_Willis: I got it working already. I was trying to help anyone else who needs one, or has a issue.21:02
linuxnewb2It's not in any of the newer kernels :/21:03
Dr_Willislinuxnewb2:  post a question and answer on askubuntu.com so others can find the info.21:03
linuxnewb2ro9: Hey.21:03
linuxnewb2Dr_Willis : That's clever.21:03
Dr_Willisthats what the site is designed for21:03
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BluesKajerupter, http://www.howtogeek.com/124685/how-to-make-nvidias-optimus-work-on-linux/21:04
netlarOk, I reinstalled the 64bit version21:05
netlarI am sorry for all the bugging and some ranting, I think I will play it pretty close to the vest for now on21:05
netlarEverything seems to be working again, just that same problem with the external hd21:08
nurupowhen starting x server on a headless machine it keeps waiting for clients and then closes if there are no any. is it possible to run x server without any clients?21:08
utfans05netlar: im thinking that is a specific issue with that drive and not linux21:08
byrI'm trying to install nvidia drivers for gtx 660 by following the instructions here http://askubuntu.com/questions/291199/help-13-04-installation-nvidia-driver but this step gives me fatal error sudo modprobe nvidia_current21:09
utfans05byr: whats the error... what you gave us was 1/2 the info21:09
bsdbeardupdated fglrx and now lightdm doesn't have the 'login' menu, I had to switch to tty(1), kill lightdm and manually call xinit, any idea how I can fix lightdm?21:09
si_66hi i have downloaded kali. i know no coding in linux and am completely new at the whats the best distro to start with to learn with easily21:10
byrutfans05: error was FATAL: Module nvidia_current not found.21:10
netlarutfans05: That may be true21:10
netlarutfans05: too tired now to experiment anymore21:10
utfans05byr: did you grab the nvidia_current package21:10
Dr_WillisHmm.. whats Kali? that sounds familer...21:10
utfans05netlar: i uderstand that21:11
netlarutfans05: is it pretty bad to add PPA's too?21:11
utfans05Dr_Willis: isnt that the chick withthe dragons in Game of Thrones21:11
An_Ony_MooseFleck: oh sorry. you'll have to remove openssh-server (so thst port 22 is available) and set up a chrot environment using debootstrap.21:11
byrutfans05: I followed the every step in that page so I guess I did21:11
Dr_Willisutfans05:  never seen that show. ;)21:11
An_Ony_Moose!debootstrap | Fleck21:11
ubottuFleck: debootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information21:11
ro9Kali Linux is a pentest distro21:11
utfans05Dr_Willis: really?!?!?!21:11
si_66backtracks new release but way beyond me21:11
FleckAn_Ony_Moose: sure and thats not cool! :(21:11
Dr_Willisutfans05:  i dont have cable tv. and i dont feel like torrenting it. ;)21:12
netlarutfans05: I love chrome, but scared now to include the PPA for it21:12
Dr_Willissi_66:  if you want to learn to program. start with ubuntu, and learn python..21:12
FleckAn_Ony_Moose: not comfortable...21:12
si_66ubunto and python :) thankyou21:12
utfans05Dr_Willis: i believe its on netflix21:12
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utfans05byr: yeah... unsure where you went wrong, can you check your logs and see where its throwing the error?21:13
Dr_Willisutfans05:  i cancled netflix last month. :) rarely watched anything on it other then anime.. and i get that for free at crunchyroll.com :)21:13
An_Ony_MooseFleck: not comfortable?21:13
m1chaelwow i just tried Google Chrome's SSH app... I like it! anyone else use it?21:13
netlarAre all the software from the Ubuntu software center safe to install?21:13
byrutfans05: I'm pretty new to ubuntu, how can I check the logs?21:13
utfans05Dr_Willis: if you get the chance to watch it.... Don't start in the middle21:14
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utfans05byr: check in your /var/log folder21:14
ActionParsnipm1chael: i use guake for most things these days :-)21:14
Dr_Willisnetlar:  define what you mean by 'safe'  Stuff from the standard repos should be virus/malware free.21:14
utfans05ActionParsnip: guake is awesome21:14
ActionParsnipnetlar: if you have only default sources enabled, then yes21:14
netlarDr_Willis: I just do not want to install anything that may make the system unstable21:14
Dr_Willisnetlar:  unstable - can depend on a lot of things..21:14
ActionParsniputfans05: should be default installed imho, along with unp and pastebinit21:15
Dr_Willisnetlar:  the most unstable parts are normally drivers for specific hardware that may not be as good as it could be21:15
byrutfans05: which log file should I look for?21:15
ro9i love guake and i love terminetor more21:15
FleckAn_Ony_Moose: yes, this is my Desktop PC - Would be great to have SFTP accounts with different usernames/logins but files chowned to my user, so that I can access them and manage them...21:15
utfans05byr: should be the Xorg.0.log21:15
Dr_Willisnetlar:  its not like you are going to install some game like 'wesnoth' and make the system unstable21:15
netlarDr_Willis: so Chrome and its PPA would not make things unstable21:15
ro9terminator in unity help me missing i3wm21:16
Dr_Willisnetlar:  i would be sprised at a browser that makes the system unstable..21:16
ActionParsnipfleck: you can do that, install openssh-server21:16
FleckActionParsnip: ok, then what?21:16
erupterBluesKaj, thanks for that, appears to be at least doing something21:16
Dr_Willisnetlar:  there was some bug with google-chrome when 13,04 first came out. but i think its been fixed now.   it runs here fine.21:16
Dr_Willisnetlar:  im even using the google-chrome-os thing for ubuntu ;)21:17
netlarDr_Willis: but it is not in the software center yet21:17
Dr_Willisnetlar:  you just said it was a ppa.. so thats not from the default 'sources'21:17
Dr_Willisnetlar:  chromium-browser is in the default repos21:17
ActionParsnipfleck: then connect on port 22 on the server with your username and password using nautilus as sshfs / sftp. Windows file manager isnt as feature rich so you will need filezilla in windows21:17
byrutfans05: here is the log file http://paste.bradleygill.com/index.php?paste_id=426221:17
=== data_astronaut is now known as heath
FleckActionParsnip: meh, read again! :(21:17
ActionParsnipdr_willis: chromium doesnt have the nice chrome goodies21:18
Dr_WillisI use firefox these days. :) so i  cant really say ive noticed.21:18
ro9i keep getting aww snap in chromium and chrome21:19
FleckActionParsnip: this is my desktop PC - I do not want SFTP users to see all my files, just one directory...21:19
* Aww snap21:19
brainwashedmozilla really should consider supporting pepper flash :/21:19
FleckActionParsnip: so I need chroot - chroot means only root can read those files = sucks!21:19
Dr_WillisFleck:  err.. thats not what chroot means..21:20
ActionParsnipfleck: the usernames and passwords are the same as the ones they log in to the system with. You may be able to tell the service to chown the files to a specified user, the user will get the same access as it does if you are logged in locally21:20
ActionParsnipfleck: i thought you wanted sftp, not chroot21:20
FleckActionParsnip: SFTP accounts, not users on my desktop PC - this is my PC, and only mine... I am the only one user here!21:20
netlarIs it ok to have the Unsupported updates checked?21:21
ActionParsnipfleck: the sftp server uses the same accounts as you can login with21:21
FleckActionParsnip: bingo!!! Not cool!21:21
ActionParsnipnetlar: it is ok, just that results may vary21:21
ActionParsnipfleck: why so?21:21
FleckActionParsnip: + you can view all system fs21:22
netlarActionParsnip: But is it better if it is unchecked?21:22
ActionParsnipfleck: you can as your user which is logged in too....not cool?21:22
ActionParsnipnetlar: its ideal to not, bit sometimes the packages can help21:22
FleckActionParsnip: I'm sorry, I don't get what you don't understand...21:23
zeepso i got a ss of the random artifact glitch. http://i.imgur.com/7tp8MaC.jpg21:23
netlarActionParsnip: just little worried about making things unstable is all21:23
ActionParsnipfleck: if you make a user, even if its not in the sudo group, you can see the whole OS file sustem too21:23
FleckActionParsnip: right, so?21:23
FleckActionParsnip: thats why I am the only user on my Desktop PC :D21:24
ActionParsnipfleck: so if you can log in to an sftp on the same box, why restrict the account when it has the same access locally21:24
ActionParsnipfleck: the files uploaded will be owned by the uploader. So why is chown needed21:25
brainwashedzeep, using intel graphics?21:25
Dr_WillisParanoia? ;)21:25
gordonjcpFleck: what exactly are you trying to do?21:25
FleckActionParsnip: lol, read again! :D I need SFTP accounts ONLY, not local accounts... I need SFTP accounts that are under my user/group so that I can manage them (delete, remove, rename etc...) and SFTP users cannot leave their dir (chrooted...)21:26
ActionParsnipfleck: "sftp accounts with different usernames/logins" then you say you only have one system account.....21:26
CajunLanManhisto, Do you recall my remote desktop question from earlier?21:26
gordonjcpFleck: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SFTP-chroot21:26
ActionParsnipfleck: the accounts are one and the same thing21:26
gordonjcpFleck: ^ that is for Arch but the principle is the same21:26
FleckActionParsnip: have you tried proftpd? does just what I need, just wrong protocol!21:26
gordonjcpFleck: also it took about two seconds of googling to find21:27
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Fleckgordonjcp: please read what I said to ActionParsnip21:27
gordonjcpFleck: you've said lots of things21:27
gordonjcpFleck: you haven't answered my earlier question21:27
CajunLanManhisto, Found something that does the trick perfectly. Ever heard of xrdp? It works beautifully. Thought I'd pass on the info.  Thanks for the help earlier.21:27
ActionParsnipfleck: yes proftpd maintains its own accounts. sftp is essentially over ssh, which is authorized by user name and pass like the local users (or ldap etc)21:27
Fleckgordonjcp: virtual SFTP accounts that are under my username - and SFTP users can ONLY see their directories, cannot walk outside it21:28
sakewhy is it that gpg --verify doesn't actually verify that I created a file?21:29
FleckActionParsnip: right, thats what I need - SFTP accounts just like proftpd... w/o system users21:29
ActionParsnipfleck: you can make users and not allow them local login but can connect to sftp21:29
FleckActionParsnip: yep, still, they can view all my system21:29
Fleckhate that!21:29
ActionParsnipfleck: i dont believe it is possible at all.21:29
wdonkeyhello, i want to make an ad-hoc server on my laptop21:31
gordonjcpFleck: how can they be under your username?21:31
ActionParsnipfleck: may help http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/03/chroot-sftp-setup/21:31
gordonjcpFleck: that would just be sftp-ing as you21:31
wdonkeyit used to be easy, now i cant find how, all i get is wireless ad-hocs21:31
Fleckgordonjcp: easy - different usernames/pass for SFTP accounts but uploaded files are chowned by my user perms21:32
byrWhen I do sudo modprobe nvidia_current I get FATAL: Module nvidia_current not found. Should I try sudo modprobe nvidia_304 instead?21:32
ActionParsnipfleck: seems you can jail users out21:32
gordonjcpFleck: read the article I posted a link to21:32
ActionParsnipbyr: sudo modprobe nvidia21:32
byrActionParsnip: nvidia_30421:33
byrActionParsnip: ERROR: could not insert 'nvidia_304': No such device21:33
ActionParsnipbyr: use TAB to complete module names21:33
byrI did sudo modprobe nvidia and it gave me this error21:34
ActionParsnipbyr: nvidia not nvidia_30421:34
ActionParsnipbyr: try: sudo nvidia-xconfig21:34
byrActionParsnip: I used nvidia21:34
Dr_Willisi dont recall ever needing to manually modprobe the nvidia modules21:35
byrWARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file.21:35
byrNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'21:35
Ben66used to have to modprobe... back in 200521:35
byrActionParsnip: This is what I got ^^21:35
joarI have a reverse SSH tunnel from a [unicorn]:22 listening on [hippo]:21234. [unicorn] is behind NAT, [hippo] is a VPS.21:36
Dr_Willisbyr:  and its saying.. it dident find an xorg.conf so it made one.....21:36
joar[hippo]:21234 however only listens to the loopback interface.21:36
joarI want to be able to connect from anywhere to [hippo]:21234 and end up at [unicorn]:22, is that possible?21:37
ActionParsnipbyr: yes, because it doesnt exist by default. It then makes it, doesnt it?21:38
Fleckgordonjcp: I did, my user won't be able to manage those files - I will have to use root21:38
byrActionParsnip: yeah but then what?21:38
Tex_Nickthis is embarrassing, in 40+ years i've never used a webcam for video conferencing ... my son and daughter in law just bought a webcam & mic at a garage sale (no docs or drivers) ... lsusb showed the cam so i installed "Camorama Webcam Viewer" Cam works great ... she wants to video chat with her sister in Canada tonight, who has been using video conferencing for a few years now. i won't be able to talk to her sister for 5 hrs, so i'm tr21:39
Tex_Nickying to get this set up on my end ... isn't this just a peer to peer connection ... with both peers running the same application configured with each other's IP ???21:39
ActionParsnipbyr: then reboot21:39
byrlet me see21:39
Fleckgordonjcp: I even tried that once, and when I chown users dir to my user, chroot is not working anymore ;D21:39
ActionParsniptex_nick: depends what app you use21:39
FleckActionParsnip, gordonjcp:  but hey - there is mod_tls, Ill have to compile proftpd myself, but Ill give it a try! Btw - thanks a lot for help!21:40
Tex_NickActionParsnip:  yes sir ... i haven't talked with her sister yet ... but all i need to know is what app she is running and her IP ???21:41
ActionParsnipfleck: np. i wouldnt worry about it too much though21:41
ActionParsniptex_nick: what app is she using?21:41
gordonjcpFleck: if you use FTP, make sure you post all your login details somewhere nice and public21:41
gordonjcpFleck: it'll save a lot of time21:42
FleckActionParsnip: I just need a way to exchange files...21:42
Fleckgordonjcp: sorry?21:42
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: haha21:42
ActionParsnipfleck: sftp is a good choice21:42
Dr_Willisscp + winscp +ssh works well for me.. or use the various ubuntu one/dropbox/google drive  services..21:43
ActionParsnipfleck: or you could overkill and connect to ftp via ssh tunnel21:43
ActionParsnipfleck: ftp sends login details and data in clear text.21:43
FleckDr_Willis: those services are slow... I have 100Mbit/sec in my country, outside = slow, much slower...21:44
trickyheroHow does one patch KDE2 under FreeBSD?21:44
FleckActionParsnip: mod_tls... for proftpd = SFTP in proftpd :D21:44
ActionParsnipfleck: i see, or you can just use sftp for simplicity :-)21:45
Tex_NickActionParsnip:  that's what i won't know till i'm able to talk with her sister in about 5 hrs ... my bet is that she is running a Micro$oft os though ... i'm 13.04 here21:45
FleckActionParsnip: not comfortable - all users can view all my files, or I need to use root to manage uploaded files...21:45
ActionParsniptex_nick: sounds like you need to call them and find out21:46
Ben66Fleck: then make separate users21:46
ActionParsnipben66: they can stil read all the file system etc21:46
Ben66ActionParsnip: depends how you set it up21:46
neekz0rsftp uses ssh to tunnel, auth_tls uses ftp with encryption21:47
ActionParsnipben66: all users can read most of the filesystem21:47
Ben66who cares if they can read /tmp?21:47
FleckI do21:47
neekz0ra pretty big difference between the two under the hood21:47
Ben66theres nothing there21:47
joarGatewayPorts yes was my solution21:47
FleckBen66 soo wrong..21:47
ActionParsnipben66: thats what I thought but its required by the tinfoil hat wearer :-)21:47
Ben66oh yeah, maybe some steam logs21:48
Ben66Sat May 11 01:39:21 2013 UTC - Destroy window 0x380000b21:48
Ben66can't let people see that...21:48
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ActionParsnipwell, there seems to be a solution, i wouldnt sweat it21:49
Ben66it really comes down to trust. if you don't trust someone to view harmless files on your system, you probably shouldn't be giving them a login in the first place21:49
Ben66if they're that shady, you can get compromised anyway21:50
kubotsuusers can only see global system files, per user files are private unless you are the admin account, no?21:50
neekz0rdid you already discuss chrooting them?21:50
Ben66he wants them all under his user for whatever reason21:50
neekz0ri don't get it, why?21:51
Ben66nobody gets it21:51
sasha-guys you have really outdone yourselves this time21:51
sasha-a Pentium desktop from 2004 is able to not only function smoothly with Lubuntu on it, but it is also able to play 1080p TS videos....21:51
Ben66sasha-: wow. i couldn't play 720p in 200421:51
Fleckneekz0r: easy - chrooting is ok, but then I need to manage files uploaded... and my users can't do that21:52
neekz0rwhat exactly are you trying to accomplish, fleck?21:52
Fleck:)))) I said that 50 times already neekz0r :D21:52
neekz0ri'm too lazy to scroll up21:53
sasha-Ben66: you had 720p in 2004?21:53
sasha-but it doesn't play the p's too smoothly :P21:53
kubotsuhis rep might be jeopardized by onlookers21:53
Ben66sasha-: yeah, or a computer from then21:53
sasha-mine is courtesy of the junkyard21:53
Tex_NickActionParsnip:  yes sir i understand ... out of curosity ... is there a standard video conferencing transmission protocol, or is that application specific ?21:54
sasha-heck, I found another one, which with just 512mb more ram, ppl were able to run Mac os x on it21:54
sasha-heck, what's more I even found a 21" unibody iMac once21:54
sasha-which worked for some reason21:54
ActionParsnipthere are a few, i bet they mean skype though but many chat protocols support webcam21:54
ActionParsnipsasha: how big is the screen you are using?21:55
Tex_NickActionParsnip:  ok thanks for the input :-)21:55
sasha-also form the junkyard21:56
kblinhi folks21:56
ActionParsnipsasha: then you wont see the quality in 1080i or 1080p as its so small21:56
sasha-yeah it overflowed21:56
Fleckneekz0r: virtual SFTP accounts, uploaded files are my user/group chowned - and SFTP users can ONLY see their directories, cannot walk outside it21:57
kblincan I somehow tell the dnsmasq that network manager likes to start to listen on and forward dns requests for the local network somehow>21:57
Ben66Fleck: you should look into ACL21:57
neekz0rwhy can't you do this on a per user basis?21:57
Fleckneekz0r: I need to manage those files21:58
neekz0rand don't you have admin access?21:58
neekz0raka root21:58
Flecksee - thats not comfortable21:58
neekz0rhow is that not comfortable?21:58
Fleckneed to change user to manage21:58
neekz0ryes? so?21:59
neekz0rthat's what it's there for21:59
Fleckthats it!21:59
kubotsuam sorry to inform you to do it the linux way21:59
neekz0rnot just the linux way, the good security way21:59
kubotsufor that, you need to read more about admin group stuff21:59
ddssc1anyone got hdmi working with nvidia optimus laptop?21:59
Flecklinux is about choise, so...21:59
neekz0ranything else is not only re-inventing the wheel, it's also circumventing any other security issues you put into place21:59
Fleckneekz0r: get over it - I don't like that way!22:00
neekz0ra swiss army is about choice too, that doesn't mean you take out the screw driver and use it as a knife22:00
neekz0ryou may not like that way, but unless you want to write your own bizarre ftp server, that's the only way that you'll find a solution22:01
Fleckneekz0r: looks like you are wrong!22:02
neekz0r... i fail to see how typing sudo /bin/bash is really that ornerous22:02
Fleckneekz0r: I don't use terminals :D22:02
kubotsuthat said, there is no standard solution. it's the trademark of an open system22:02
* neekz0r shrugs22:03
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kubotsubut yah, there are standards22:03
kubotsuit's confusing at first, but you get used to it22:03
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Fleckkubotsu: to some things Ill never get used to22:04
evilytwistedIs there a way where i can save the output file from terminal to gedit or whatever.. While playing WoW till the time i close it?22:05
evilytwistedautomatically save **22:05
Fleckevilytwisted: command > file.txt22:05
neekz0rFleck: also, if you find a whole room of linux users in agreement and not trying to out geek each other, that's a pretty good indication that what youa re trying to do is a Bad Idea22:05
Dr_Willisthat may get to be  a rather large file...22:05
evilytwistedFleck:  so wine WoW.exe >file.txt?22:06
Fleckevilytwisted: yep22:06
evilytwistedty fleck appreciate it :D22:06
neekz0rthat' only copy standard output22:06
evilytwistedwhat do you mean?22:06
Fleckneekz0r: not trying to out geek anyone - just get over it... :)22:07
neekz0revilytwisted: use wine wow.exe &>> file.txt22:07
evilytwistedappreciate the quick response.. im trying to figure out why my game keeps crashing...22:08
sasha-I'm having issues connecting to my Lubuntu box via samba22:08
evilytwistedSo i have to save the output till it happens..22:08
sasha-I used this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162334622:08
* neekz0r nods22:08
evilytwistedas Dr_Willis  said.. It might be a really big file...22:08
BAMbandawhy am i not getting an ip address on my ubuntu desktop, but am able to get one fine on my iphone? i am connected to the same access point!22:08
sasha-but when I try to 'Connect as' from my mac, it doesn't accept any username or password22:08
neekz0ri don't recall off the top of my head, but you'll probably also want to investigate wines verbose feature and/or debugging22:08
Dr_Willissasha-:  you did give the lubuntu user a samba password via 'sudo smbpasswd -a username' ?22:09
sasha-no I didn't22:09
evilytwistedand neekz0r  where does the file get saved to?22:09
Fleckneekz0r: btw, If I'm trying to do something wrong - why does samba has such feature? Why proftpd has? Why Apache + webdav has? And many more? Think about it!22:10
BAMbandawho knows their stuff when it comes to networking?22:10
Dr_Willisdiffernt methods of shareing files for totally differnt needs22:10
sasha-Dr_Willis: you are actually awesome22:10
sasha-if i had bitcoins I would donate some to you22:10
Dr_Willissasha-:   old skool samba info. ;) gleened from reading the samba books over the last few years22:11
Flecksasha-: use paypal :D22:11
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc22:11
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.6.9-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 5615 kB, installed size 13734 kB22:11
Dr_WillisI do have paypal ;)22:11
surfdaemonpaypal doesn't respect your freedoms22:11
Atoxmy Atheros AR8161 Gigabit Ethernet won't connect to my router. dhclient eth0 never exits. I'm running 13.04, so no backports either. Anybody knows a solution?22:11
sasha-ok, now this will make anyone superawesoeme22:11
=== mfde is now known as mdfe
sasha-I'm having issues downloading a file over lftp22:11
sasha-although I can see if with the ls -a command22:11
sasha-i can't download it in any way22:11
Atoxdmesg is filled with output from the alx module22:12
BAMbandaim not getting an ip address on my desktop, but im still connected to the access point22:13
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BAMbandaoff topic...can anybody help me?22:14
Fleckvice_: repeating yourself huh?22:14
neekz0rfleck, what feature? to the best of my knowledge, they don't have seperate containers for the same user22:15
Fleckneekz0r: they do! :D22:16
neekz0rokay, show me the man page, i'm curious22:16
BAMbandathanks for not helping guys22:16
neekz0rBAMbanda: thanks for being patient22:16
* Dr_Willis sends BAMbanda the bill.22:17
sasha-mhhhh 2.43mb/s over samba22:17
mdfeBAMbanda, you're probably IP6 and don't recognise the new format address :)22:17
BAMbandamdfe, i cant ping anything22:18
Fleckneekz0r: man smb.conf22:18
mdfeBAMbanda, is dhcp on the AP enabled?22:19
neekz0ryes? what feature set are you talking about?22:19
BAMbandamdfe,  yea. im currently using an ip assigned to my iPhone from the same AP22:19
Fleckneekz0r: force user & force group22:19
Fleckneekz0r: also create mask etc...22:20
mdfeBAMbanda, is there any kind of mac address filtering on the AP?22:20
neekz0rthat doesn't do what you want it to do22:20
BAMbandamdfe, nope :/22:20
Fleckyes it does!22:20
neekz0rsure, if you say so22:20
Fleckaaand just does juust perfect! :)22:20
mdfeBAMbanda, and I assume you have rebooted the AP and the desktop?22:21
Fleck*aaand does juust perfect! :)22:21
neekz0ryou know what does exactly what i want it to do?22:21
gordonjcp3/sb end22:22
BAMbandamdfe, not the AP, but the desktopany times. Since im using the connection right now to speak to u, i dont want to reaent the AP right now22:22
Fleckneekz0r: I'm sorry that you are wrong, I can't help it, just, try to get over it!22:22
neekz0r/ignore is a wonderful invention, fleck22:23
mdfeBAMbanda, well assuming it worked before, and doesn't work now, and the configuation hasn't been changed, that's what I would do22:23
Fleckmeh, why do you get angry at me when you are wrong, and I am right? Isn't that childish neekz0r?22:23
Dr_Willisdont make me stop this car...22:24
BAMbandamdfe, its been giving me trouble all day :( i have no problems with windows and i love linux. but these networking issues piss me off so bad. I cant even vpn to my work, while i have no problems on the windows partition. its the same machine :(22:25
mdfeBAMbanda, ah i know what that is then22:25
evilytwistedneekz0r:  where does the file get saved to?22:26
neekz0revilytwisted: wherever you put after the &>> command22:26
BAMbandamdfe, :D22:26
Fleckevilytwisted: pwd22:26
neekz0rie, &>> filename.txt it would be saved in 'filename.txt'22:26
Morph4meevilytwisted: your WoW exe file.txt is saved to the /home /<whateveryounamedhere>  directory22:26
mdfeBAMbanda, your AP sees the mac address of the network card twice, once each with each OS, and it thinks something weird is happening22:26
evilytwistedty Morph4me22:26
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mdfeBAMbanda, it thinks when it sees you the 2nd time with the same network card bt a differnet OS/connection, it thinks there is hackery afoot and ignores it22:27
mdfeBAMbanda, or its just bugged and can't handle it22:27
Ben66BAMbanda: why don't you set a static ip22:28
BAMbandamdfe, ooooo that makes sense. I'll reset it and see what happens. im gonna try setting a static and see what happens22:28
mdfeBAMbanda, you can get around this by setting a static IP address andnot using DHCP22:28
mdfeBAMbanda, make sure the IP is differnet in each OS just in case22:28
BAMbandamdfe, cool thanks. I'll give it a shot :)22:29
lwellsNot sure what is causing this problem, but when I log out and then try to shut down, the machine freezes22:30
lwellsThis is a fresh install with two user accounts22:31
lwells13.04 64bit system22:31
surfdaemonlwells: I've seen that as well, but only a few times.22:32
lwellsWas there any fixes/patches for it?22:32
mdfelwells, have you updated?22:32
lwellsYes, just few min ago22:32
mdfei had a machine that used to do it, but it was ACPI issue, and update and reboot fixed it, on the next reboot22:33
OerHeksmdfe +1 acpi issue22:33
mdfedont know what your issue is, not enough info, cant tell yet22:33
LLckfanDoes any1 know how to stop Shockwave flash from crashing? I have uninstalled both Flash and my browser (Chrome), installed both from a fresh download, and scanned my computer (come up clean). Everything is updated22:33
mdfeis this a widnows question?22:34
lwellsI had it happen before and not sure that was what messed up system, but I had to do a fresh install22:34
LLckfanI have a fresh install22:34
lwellsI am scared to try it again , to see if it does it again, might mess me up and my system22:35
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thedecimalfreenode.net/join #habitrpg22:39
beanthedecimal, you just want /join #habitrpg22:39
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OwnixMy roomates laptop is slower than dirt, I want to put him on linux whats a good distro with a lightweight desktop that will still have a good feature set?22:39
OwnixIm aware of Lubuntu and Xubuntu but im afraid they wont be user friendly enough or lacking in features22:40
beanOwnix, for light weight stuff i like those two that you listed -- I'm also a fan of a base debian install, or crunchbang22:40
netlarAlso , do you need to be logged out of all user accounts before you can shut down the system?22:40
looopyou dont need much feature on a old laptop come on22:41
anders3408hi, i dont know if this will be the correct room to ask , but i am having some trouble using ubuntu, when using ubuntu on a new itx tower pc, , i get random freezes, it can be while surfing internet, or it can be while compiling, totally random. when it does freeze, even reset button on cabinet dont work, REISUB dont work or any other commands. im using ubuntu 12.04 with latest ubadtes22:41
looophow much ram on that laptop22:41
netlarThe reason I ask, is because when I am logged in to more than one user account and then I try to shut down, it just brings me to the log in screen22:42
Ownixbean: well the reason im leaning towards ubuntu is everything works out of the box especially on older hardware. and the main aim of the distro is usability for new to linux users22:42
beananders3408, hmm, that sounds like it could be overheating or something, have you checked your temperatures.22:42
Ownixmy only concern is the wireless card22:42
beanOwnix, what sort of wifi card22:42
OerHeksnetlar logical, you need to logout all accounts to shutdown.22:42
Ownixnot sure22:43
netlarOerHeks: ok, I was just checking22:43
beanOwnix, you might want to check :) you'll want to check how compatible before you blaze forward.22:43
anders3408yes, i did have the same idear, im having Psensor running all times, and it can do the freeze on max temp at 40 or 60 degree C, it is totally random22:43
James_EppI need some help with update-rc.d . I have the tftp-hpa service installed, and now I need to make it run on boot. Is 'sudo update-rc.d tftp-hpa defaults' what I want?22:43
netlarOerHeks: so sending the shutdown command does not log you out of all user accounts?22:43
beananders3408, alright, odd. you've fully updated? "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" on the command line.22:44
anders3408yes fully updated, did that for 1 hour ago22:44
OerHeksnetlar nope, i am not sure there is a way to force all accounts to shutdown.22:44
beananders3408, okay, what kernel version are you running?22:45
Ownixbean: I figure ill boot to a live cd and see22:45
netlarOerHeks: just wondering, if that was just my system or that is normal operation22:45
anders3408just installed ubuntu 12.0.4 , did not change kernel22:45
beanOwnix, good idea.22:45
LFSis there good Active directory implementation in ubuntu like the one on windows server? and what is the package name22:45
beananders3408, okay, but what does "uname -a" say22:45
anders3408also was thinking trying another kernel, my cpu is a intel i5, perhaps there is a i5 optimized kernel ?22:46
netlarOerHeks: But I am having issues shutting down from the login screen22:46
anders3408Linux Anders3408-Developer 3.2.0-40-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 25 21:22:10 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:46
neekz0rthe problem with using crappy old hardware to play with is that it's crappy old hardware22:46
tuffgongin need with python installation in ubuntu 13.0422:46
beananders3408, I'm seeing a bug report on ubuntu bugs w/r/t that kernel.22:46
anders3408did a benchmark test also, on cpu and on gpu and ram, no issues found for several hours22:46
anders3408bean, so you would suggest trying another kernel ?22:47
OerHeksnetlar,  yes, before you changed your name you did mention that, sounds like aacpi problem, check your bios22:47
beananders3408, yeah, it sounds like a problem with the kernel, trying another kernel is a good idea, if you have one to boot into.22:48
anders3408i only have the stock kernel22:48
netlarThe bios may affect the shutdown process??22:48
beananders3408, could try enabling the proposed updates repo and upgrading through that22:48
tuffgongin need with python3.3.1 installation in ubuntu 13.04 anyone with idea22:49
anders3408bean : you mean the one that is called precise-proposed ?22:49
OerHeksnetlar sure can, see this wiki >> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI22:49
netlarOerHeks: thanks, I will read up on that22:50
OerHekstuffgong, current version in 13.04 is 3.3.1 already22:51
beananders3408, yeah22:52
anders3408bean , perhaps it was more easy to try  Liquorix kernel ?22:52
anders3408havnt tried it, but have readed good things about that22:52
tuffgongOerHeks, i tried to root  then locate the version python 3.3.1tgz22:53
Dr_willistuffgong,  tried to root?  what?22:53
tuffgongDr_willis, sudo su22:53
Dr_willispython --version        may show the version info on your python22:53
Dr_willistuffgong,  why do you need to do that? and dont use sudo su...22:54
netlarOerHeks: I have never updated a bios before, totally clueless22:54
OerHekspython3 --version22:54
OerHeksnetlar, it is not about updates, but settings and those test wist acpi can determine if it is an acpi problem.22:55
anders3408or pehaps you know of a better optimized kernel ? im using ubuntu to compile android in , so many iops is expected bean22:55
netlarOerHeks: ok22:55
tuffgongDr_willis,  it is Python 2.7.4 i want to upgrade to 3.3.122:55
OerHekstuffgong try  python3 --version ( you should have both installed)22:57
Xavierg2003So I am trying to install windows 7 on an ubuntu computer. It does not recognise the pendrive. Anyone have any ideas?22:59
Dr_willistuffgong,  python3 --version22:59
Dr_willisshows 3.3.1 here.23:00
utfans05Xavierg2003: you do realize that once you do that you will have to rebuild grub using a recovery disk right?23:00
Dr_willisXavierg2003,  what pendrive? you are installing win7 FROM a usb pen drive?23:00
Xavierg2003utfans05-What? No. I am just trying to be rid of Ubuntu entirely. My friend does not like it.23:00
tuffgongDr_willis, please see my pm23:00
utfans05Xavierg2003: oh ok then23:01
beananders3408, i doubt there is a kernel that will optimize your android compiling.23:01
Dr_willistuffgong,  you are using gibberish commands looks like to me...23:01
beantuffgong, it's usually not good to PM people here.23:01
Dr_willistuffgong,  the command is 'python3 --version' No sudo, no apt*23:01
mdfeXavierg2003, wen you say 'does not recognise pen drive' di you mean doesnot boot the image, or do you mean cant see the drive?23:01
anders3408that was not what i mean , but hopefully a kernel that provide good IO to the hdd :)23:01
tuffgongDr_willis, bean      @linuxfoundation:~$ python3 --version23:02
tuffgongPython 3.3.123:02
Dr_willistuffgong,  so... your problem is what exactly?23:02
Xavierg2003mdfa-Cant see the drive. I can once I open Ubuntu but then it tells me that it can not create the file. In bios when I open the boot menu it does not recognise the existance of a flash drive23:02
arunkumar413hi, i've installed the elgg on the localhost. now i'm the elgg configuration page. its is asking for site email address. which address should i give23:02
tuffgongDr_willis, bean      @linuxfoundation:~$ python3 --version23:02
beantuffgong, we saw.23:02
beantuffgong, that means that your python 3 installed and up to date.23:03
tuffgongDr_willis in to upgrade to the latest version 3.3.123:03
beantuffgong, you have 3.3.123:03
tuffgongbean,  but when i type  python --version  @linuxfoundation:~$ python --version23:04
tuffgongPython 2.7.423:04
Dr_willistuffgong,  thats how they keep the 2 versions seperate.23:04
Dr_willisanything using python3 needs to specifically call python323:04
mdfetuffgong, if you change the default systme python interpreter to py3 you might break your system23:04
beanyeah, I do not recommend changing the default python interpreter.23:05
tuffgongmdfe, so i have to left as it is23:06
beantuffgong, yeah, but you can still call python3 instead of python.23:06
tuffgongmdfe, so do i have to left as it is23:06
tuffgongbean, ok23:06
tuffgongbean, ok thanks23:06
Dr_willistuffgong,  why do you want to change it? if you are writing pyuthon3 stuff.. you make the scripts call python323:06
Xavierg2003 mdfa-Cant see the drive. I can once I open Ubuntu but then it tells me that it can not create the file. In bios when I open the boot menu it does not recognise the existance of a flash drive23:07
beantuffgong, in IRC, please try to not repeat yourself, and keep all of your responses on one line, make it much easier to read.23:07
mdfeXavierg2003, can you format it from ubuntu ?23:07
beantuffgong, why are you wanting python3, if you dont mind my asking23:07
tuffgongDr_willis,  thanks23:07
Xavierg2003mdfe its not really letting me do much23:08
mdfeXavierg2003, if you use the disk tools in ubuntu (type 'disk' into the dash) can you view and manage the pendrive?23:08
Xavierg2003mdfe trying that now23:09
Xavierg2003mdfe it gives the options of disk usage analyser, start up disk creater,23:11
wilee-nileeXavierg2003, try disks you want disk management23:12
Xavierg2003I can see the drives23:12
Ownixbean: Lubuntu does not see the wireless card. What are my options?23:13
Xavierg2003wilee-nilee- I can see the drives23:13
wilee-nileeXavierg2003, What does the usb show if you run sudo fdisk -l23:13
beanOwnix, trying other distros to check for compatibilty. How much ram is in the computer?23:13
steven_anyone here i have a quick question about gaming ith ubuntu23:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:14
utfans05!ask | steven_23:14
ubottusteven_: please see above23:14
Xavierg2003wilee-nilee entered sudo fdisk-1 said command not found23:14
Ownixbean:  this is the laptop hp dv4-111nr23:14
OwnixProbably 2gb23:15
wilee-nileeXavierg2003, That is a small L23:15
mdfeminus small l not -123:15
utfans05Xavierg2003: you need a spave between fdisk and -l23:15
utfans05i cant type tonight.23:15
Xavierg2003hahahahhaa silly me23:15
beanOwnix, what is theoutput of "free -m"23:15
Xavierg2003wilee-nilee: doesn contain valid partition table disk ubuntu-swap_1: 1064 mb etc.23:16
steven_anyone game on ubuntu23:17
wilee-nileeXavierg2003,  I would install gparted and format it if needed make a partition table and reload it, I thought you had an iso on there.23:17
steven_i have a question about league of legends on ubuntu23:17
Xavierg2003I do. I have a windows 7 iso on there. Used the universal usb installer program23:18
wilee-nileesteven_, Basically this is ubuntu support ask a support question.23:18
Xavierg2003!ask! wilee-nilee23:18
Ownixbean: 297423:18
steven_my league of legends freezes on ubuntu can anyohe help?23:18
YinsengIs it at all possible to rsync just the loose files in a folder and not any of the subdirectories?23:18
wilee-nileeXavierg2003, Seems like something is wrong with it. A W7 iso can be extracted to a ntfs with a boot flag and boot using ubuntu/linux.23:19
Xavierg2003wilee-nilee. can be extracted to what with a what?23:19
shapeI'm having problems with mplayer2 getting the right vdpau amd .so file. It still looks for nvidia. I tried to simlink it but then it says invalid -vo. I'm trying to run hardware acceleration (playing 1080p videos) on my Radeon HD 6290. Any suggestions?23:19
wilee-nileeXavierg2003, If your usb has a ntfs partition with a boot flag you can exstract the W7 iso to it and it will boot for repair and or install23:20
kunjiYeah, it's really the easiest way ^_^23:21
steven_anyone good with league of legends for ubuntu?23:21
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wilee-nileeXavierg2003,To exstact you mount the iso with the archive manager with a right click on the iso then extract to the usb. I tell you this so you can reformat the usb and have the W7 boot.23:22
utfans05!ask | steven_23:22
ubottusteven_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:22
kunjisteven_: sorry, haven't tried that one, is it native, or running through wine or what?  Can you find any logs or if there is an error message, exactly what is it?23:22
kunji!details | steven_23:22
ubottusteven_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:22
beanOwnix, so 3 GB.23:25
kunjiYinseng: I don't see what not, might need to do it in conjunction with a regexp or something though23:25
beanOwnix, i'd try regular ubuntu, as well, to see if it recognizes the wifi card.23:25
red_I just installed ubuntu on my laptop and I am trying to get my gestures back23:26
red_as of right now all i have is tap23:26
th0rred_, you might look at the command line program synclient23:27
john_doe_jrjrib: u still here?23:27
john_doe_jrjrib: I got a question23:27
M0001Excuse, I have a question about resetting passwords from GRUB v2.23:27
Jordan_U_rafaelloest: I am now.23:27
Yinsengkunji: I think this will work: --exclude='*/' but I worry it might copy symbolic links still23:29
wilee-nileeM0001, You need the user password changed, give some details here.23:30
john_doe_jrAlight where would a whitelist be on a ubuntu server?23:30
rafaelloestHey jordan23:31
M0001I have forgotten my su and user password(I set an SU a few months ago and lost where I wrote it down. :S) and found a few reset options that don't seem to apply.  I. E. I cannot seem to access the root password rewrite option because I set an SU.23:31
rafaelloesthow do i open a private with you?23:31
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Jordan_Urafaelloest: /msg Jordan_U Hi.  (though I prefer to keep support discussions in-channel)23:32
M0001I'm trying to avoid reinstalling the entire partition.23:32
rafaelloestbut, ok23:33
rafaelloestwhereaver you prefer23:33
ZolmeisterHi, does anybody have any suggestions for an ultrabook? (to run Ubuntu on for development)23:34
Jordan_UM0001: 1: We don't support having a root password set, so please run "passwd --lock root" as soon as you can. 2: Add the kernel parameter "init=/bin/bash" from the grub menu to get a root shell.23:34
wilee-nileeM0001, Has nothing to do with grub, so that reference is confusing, You will have to look at how to get the passwords cleared without actually having one. Setting a root password is not advised.23:34
M0001Jordan_U=What line should i put that?23:35
M0001At the very end?23:35
Jordan_UM0001: At the end of the line which begins with "linux" (which, being a long line, will wrap around to multiple on screen lines). You'll probably see "quiet splash ", put it after that.23:36
M0001Ah, after quiet splash?  So don't delete 'quite splash'?23:36
Jordan_UM0001: It shouldn't matter one way or the other.23:37
M0001And afte, I'll be prompted to set a username and password?23:37
derpsup fools?23:38
Jordan_UM0001: No, after that you'll be at a root shell where you can run "passwd --lock root && passwd YOUR_USERNAME"23:38
=== root is now known as Guest41519
Jordan_UM0001: Though you may have to run "mount -o remount,rw /" before that (or remove the "ro" kernel parameter, either will allow you to write to the filesystem).23:39
rafaelloest"/lastlog rafaelloest"23:39
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Without the quotes :)23:39
rafaelloestdont work either23:39
harrisis the a linux driver for logitech v-uap4223:40
M0001Going to go try that.23:40
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Ahh, I don't think that freenode's webchat client supports /lastlog, though almost all normal IRC clients do.23:40
rafaelloestah, i use freenode because i dont have to install it...23:41
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Try xchat, you can install it (or any other application) within the LiveCD environment.23:42
rafaelloestshould i leave here or not neded?23:44
thufir_Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system.  However, it's <defunct> according to ps.  (pardon if I asked a second ago, wifi stuff)23:44
sabytHey, I have a Sony Vaio intel CPU laptop but when I go to desktop download page it automatically downloads the amd version of ubuntu, should I find the intel one or does the website know best and I should just use the one it gives me?23:44
=== jack is now known as Guest80932
Jordan_Urafaelloest: You can be connected with two clients at once.23:45
utfans05sabyt: do you have a 64 bit processor?23:45
thufir_sabyt: if there's a intel version, I would use that..23:45
Ownixbean: this did it: sudo apt-get install bcml-kernel-source23:45
sabyt64 bit, yes23:45
* thufir_ never heard of "intel" ubuntu, though23:45
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Yes.23:45
rafaelloest_ change name?23:46
utfans05sabyt: then the amd 64 bit version is the correct one since amd has the patent on 64 bit technology.23:46
sabytthufir. https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/i386/index.html intel version, https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/amd64/index.html amd version23:46
Jordan_Urafaelloest_: /nick rafaelloest23:46
sabytunless i'm being an idiot23:46
=== rafaelloest_ is now known as rafaelloest
thufir_sabyt: ok, I stand corrected :)23:46
Jordan_Usabyt: thufir_: The architecture that both Intel and AMD 64 bit processors use is AMD64, since AMD did it first.23:47
rafaelloestJordan_U: how was the log command?23:47
Jordan_Usabyt: thufir_: So "AMD64" means the same as "x86-64".23:47
thufir_that makes sense23:47
Jordan_Urafaelloest: /lastlog rafaelloest23:47
utfans05Jordan_U: basically23:47
sabytOh okay, thanks Jordan_U, so just use the one it automatically gave me then, yeah?23:48
utfans05sabyt: yes23:48
sabytThank you very much :)23:48
thufir_Firefox is already running, but is not responding. "To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."  However, it's <defunct> according to ps.  (pardon if I asked a second ago, wifi stuff)  how do I kill a defunct process like that?23:48
rafaelloestJordan_U: So, what i need to start?23:49
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wilee-nileethufir_, killall firefox in the terminal23:49
utfans05thufir_: type top into terminal find the PID for firefox and then press k insert that number and press enter23:49
netlarHate to admit it, but I think linux has beaten me23:50
dang3rm0useJordan_U: Sorry to wade into this so late, but only AMD64 bit really matters; intel cam eup with their own version, but it was uselss, so they adopted AMD, after that, 64bit was AMD's version of 64bit, nothing else mattered...23:50
thufir_I did both, still get:      12557 ?        01:58:10 firefox <defunct>   from ps23:50
Yinsengokay, this is gonna sound crazy23:50
zvacetzvacet: /lastlog zvacet23:51
Yinsengbut I think typing rsync --version just deleted a whole bunch of files23:51
utfans05thufir_: so you typed top in terminal, then with that data still up pressed k and inserted the PID and then pressed enter and followed the prompt asking if you wanted to send a signal 15 to the pid?23:52
netlarthat has to be record or something, having to reinstall after 2 hours of use23:52
thufir_utfans05: yes23:52
utfans05thufir_: and it didnt kill firefox?23:52
netlarI really want to like linux, but don't think it likes me23:52
thufir_utfans05: it still shows as defunct23:52
thufir_utfans05: 12557 ?        01:58:10 firefox <defunct>   from ps23:53
utfans05thufir_: try it again and see if there are other instances of firefox working23:53
M0001Alright; I got to the root, and it allowed me to reset my UNIX password... but when I typed exit, it... didn't.23:53
M0001Am I supposed to type exit?23:53
netlarI can install it fine, but as soon as I start using it BOOM, it blows up23:53
Jordan_Uthufir_: What is the output of "ps -p 12557 -o ppid"?23:53
=== SeanAdmin is now known as SeanTheTech
thufir_utfans05: did it again, Send pid 12557 signal [15/sigterm]    .  Jordan, output of ps -p 12557 -o ppid  is PPID 123:54
netlarWhoever told me to find out if ACPI was the problem, thanks, but all that did was make it unusable again23:55
Jordan_UM0001: No, since bash was init you just killed init :), I should have thought about that. You'll probably need to reboot, but it shouldn't have hurt anything.23:55
thufir_netlar: i think, usually, it's drivers for graphic cards, in general, at least.23:55
M0001@Jodan_U: Alright, how do I reboot from there?  Do I just type in reboot?23:55
noo #canada23:55
netlarthufir_: so I guess that means ubuntu/linux is not right for this machine23:56
thufir_M0001: shutdown -h 023:56
M0001@thufir_: Thank you.23:56
thufir_netlar: or, rather, that the manufacture doesn't have a good graphics card driver?  dunno, wild guess23:56
Jordan_Uthufir_: I doubt that they have a command prompt anymore.23:57
netlarWell it is an older machinee23:57
netlarthufir_: seems to install flawless23:57
thufir_netlar: what happens?  "blow up"?23:57
netlarthufir_: will not boot up properly23:58
netlarthufir_: better description would be that it does not always shut down propertly23:58
rafaelloestJordan_U: Jordan?23:58
Jordan_Uthufir_: Please join #upstart and ask what you should do about a defunct process owned by init. I'll try to find a likely related bug report.23:59
subcoolIS there a trick to watch a movie via samba share?23:59
Jordan_Urafaelloest: sudo apt-get install testdisk23:59
thufir_Jordan_U: thx23:59
Ben66netlar: computer specs?23:59
Jordan_Uthufir_: You're welcome.23:59
subcooli've gotten it to work before, im unsure whats going on right now.23:59
thufir_netlar: pastebinit dmesg23:59

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