
SunStaris this normal for a machine that started out as 13.04 beta1? "Err http://ppa.launchpad.net raring/main i386 Packages 404 not found, http://ppa.launchpad.net raring/main amd64 Packages 404 not found"00:00
Unit193It's a ppa, who knows what the owner does, could put some hacked up IE/wine shipment even.00:03
heoyeado update00:03
SunStarokay just as long as its not required00:03
SunStarthats how i found it, i gots a notification sayin updates cant be installed cuz not all repos could be found, did apt-get update and saw those are the problem00:04
SunStarif i dont need em then to heck with em00:04
Unit193Could ppa purge it.00:07
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge00:07
RunemoroHi, when I do X -configure, it tells me "Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices."00:08
RunemoroHow do I fix this?00:08
allanx0Hello after entering my pass to my desktop, it goes back to login details. i cant get passed the desktop. I created another username works ok except for my old one. Last things i did was just apt-get update but when i reboot and try to login, i couldnt get to pass the desktop. How to fix this issue?00:13
allanx0is this the solution? im afraid to do this.im using xubuntu desktop 64bit http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?/topic/30880-ubuntu-login-issue-solutions/00:14
nOStahlhey guys how can I move a mouse cursor when I boot up xubuntu I got it set to auto fire up firefox fullscreen mode and show a slideshow of pictures but the darn cursor is smack dab in the middle of the screen heh00:29
nOStahlagh figured it out.. app called unclutter00:36
Nightyyhello guys00:45
Nightyyi would love if you have some time to help me to some customization concerning xchat00:45
Nightyyi know this channel is about xbuntu but i hope a linux gure could help me00:45
Nightyyfirst of all i want to make to xchat possible to could double click to a nickname at a channel and open the private windows instead now that i have to make right click an dopen dialog box00:46
SunStarin Settings Editor; Whayt is "autotablet" option for?00:48
SunStarNightyy, http://forum.xchat.org/viewtopic.php?t=509700:51
Nightyyoh thank you sou much my star :) and by the way anyone got this problem?i am on a channel with 200 users...i  am on the L... usernames00:54
Nightyyi open a private on a L name00:54
Nightyyand when i go back to channel00:54
Nightyyto see where i was left00:54
Nightyyi am back to A.....00:54
Nightyyin the start scroll00:54
SunStaryeah the xchat userlist sucks'01:01
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
CidaHey guys. I'm having an issue with Xubuntu 13.04. After installing Xubuntu 13.04, I couldn't get on the Internet via Ethernet nor Wi-Fi. I'm also currently using a Live Session on said laptop, and it's allowing me to access the Internet just fine.04:29
CidaWhen I'm in a regular session, it says I have no Networking devices, either04:29
holsteinCida: a regular session? what does that mean?04:30
holsteinCida: did you do upgrades during the installation?04:35
holsteinCida: what im thinking is.. what is the difference between your installation and the live CD?04:35
holsteinthe live CD could have an older kernel, if you have applied upgrades04:35
holsteinalso, it could be user error with the wifi config.. can you see wifi AP's from the install? im guessing you didnt try the wired net from the live CD before install04:37
CidaI did use the wired connection when I  installed Xubuntu 13.04.04:40
holsteinand you applied upgrades while installing? so you are indeed using a different kernel on the live CD and your install?04:41
CidaI guess04:41
CidaSo it's a kernel issue?04:41
holsteinCida: i would confirm that.. thats a great place to start04:41
holsteinCida: i have no idea what the issue is.. im just saying, i would look and see if the kernel on the live CD is older than the one in the install.. if so, its easy to get to that kernel version on the install and test04:42
holsteinthen, you can look into what about the kernel has broken your networking.. thats suspicious to me though.. that it would be both wireless and wired...04:42
holsteini would boot the OS, and run in a terminal "uname -a" and do the same from the live CD and compare04:44
CidaOkay, I'm going to quickly do that.04:46
cidaOkay, so I've gotten the Kernel for the Live Session, and I've gotten the kernel for the Stock Session.04:59
cidaThe output for uname -a on the live session is: Linux xubuntu 3.8.0-19-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 17 18:19:42 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux05:00
cidaAnd the output on the Stock Session is: 19-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 1 16:36:13 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux05:00
cidaExcuse me, it's: Linux Xubuntu 3.8.0-19-generic #30-Ubuntu SMP Wed May 1 16:36:13 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux05:00
cidaSo is there a known issue with the #30-Ubuntu version?05:01
cidaOh, and if anyone that can help came in after I left earlier, I'm having issues using the internet on a stock session. I can't use an Ethernet connection nor a Wi-Fi connection05:04
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* KombuchaKip reminds everyone Sunday is Mother's day in case they forgot.07:28
* KombuchaKip should have clarified that this is at least the case if you're in Canada.07:33
ner0xAnyone know a tool that would help me do a blog? Specifically blogger+?07:53
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!10:10
ran_i need help about sloe boot in 13.0410:10
ran_from kern.log: May 12 12:47:29 ran-pc kernel: [   25.565036] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready10:12
ran_May 12 12:48:23 ran-pc kernel: [   79.330194] NVRM: GPU at 0000:01:00: GPU-b03a1015-0ea1-3bcd-767e-11e25bf45b3510:12
ran_why there is a delay of about 40 seconds?10:13
ran_i have dual boot system with win 7, and nvidia gpu.10:13
=== kvmadsen_ is now known as kvmadsen
ran_i use the nvidia driver 310.44, that is tested.10:16
bazhang40 seconds seems standard10:18
bazhangwhat were you expecting10:18
ran_in 12.10 the boot was 20-30 seconds, and now it just stops in the middle of the boot for 35-40 seconds without doing nothing, until the user log-in10:20
bazhangis this a custom kernel?10:20
ran_no. this is the 3.8.0-19 kernel, updated by xubuntu servers10:21
bazhangso  a FIVE second difference. that does not seem to be much10:22
bazhangI'd be more worried about why you have to re-boot so often10:23
ran_no. this is 30-40 seconds difference.10:23
bekks40-20=20 =max and 35-30=5 =min.10:23
bekksThats an increase of 5-20 seconds. Not 30-40.10:24
ran_i tested the RAM with memtest, and its ok10:24
bazhang12.10 20-39 seconds, you say; this version 35-40, so yeah five seconds10:24
ran_i also tested the HD, and its ok too,10:24
bazhangran_, why do you have to reboot so often, thats quite worrying10:25
bazhangran_, whats your current uptime10:25
ran_i dont need to reboot often. but when i turn on the computer i need to wait about 100 minute and 20-30 seconds until the user log-in10:27
ran_1 minute, sorry10:28
bazhang100 minutes?10:28
bekksran_: And it was even less with 12.04?10:28
bazhangoh One10:28
ran_1 minute, sorry10:28
bazhangran_, give us your uptime please10:29
ran_in 12.10 it was much faster10:30
ran_43 minute uptime10:30
bekksran_: And was it even faster in 12.04, that wasmy question.10:31
bazhang5 seconds seems to not qualify as "much faster"10:31
ran_no. 12.04 and 12.10 was similar in boot times, and it was fast10:31
ran_the problem started when i upgraded to 13.0410:32
bazhangran_, are you using a stopwatch on this?10:33
bekksIf you still think 5 seconds win will that war, go back to 12.04 which is supported till 2017.10:33
jooveshi all. who knows why can't run tuxcmd? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5657571/10:33
bazhangso it feels a few seconds slower, not really confirmed10:34
elfyexcept the 40 second lag between ipv6 and nvidia perhaps10:34
bazhangI'd be much more concerned about having to reboot so often10:34
ran_if it was ONLY 5 seconds i was not here. i'm talking about 35-40 seconds.10:34
bazhang20-30 vs 35-40, how is that a 40 second time difference10:35
ran_and i wan to add that there is a problem in shutdown also10:36
ran_sometimes the shutdown process fails to turn-off the PC, and i need to do it manually10:38
ran_that was not a problem with 12.04 or 12.1010:39
bekksThen use 12.04 until 2017.10:39
ran_how i downgrade?10:40
bazhangfull reinstall10:40
ran_this is not a bug maybe?10:42
xubuntu683Anyone there?10:46
xubuntu683I'm having some trouble installing Xubuntu10:47
xubuntu683Wonderin if you can help me10:47
xubuntu683I guess not10:49
bekksxubuntu683: You didnt asked a specific question. How do you expect help then?10:49
xubuntu683I was wondering if you were willing to help me first, before asking.10:49
bekksStart asking your specific question.10:50
bazhangno way to know unless theres an actual question xubuntu68310:50
xubuntu683I'm trying to install Xubuntu alongside Windows 8 on my SSD. But for some reason I cant select it during install and when I quit to the desktop and click on it, I get a message saying its still in hibernation mode or something.10:50
xubuntu683And I have no idea how to fix it since I've tried shutting down win8 properly..10:54
bekksThats a ##windows issue :)10:55
xubuntu683Guess I'll have to find a way to fix it10:59
bekksxubuntu683: I bet windows has some option to shutdown instead of hibernate. Its just offtopic in here.11:00
xubuntu683I see11:00
xubuntu683Windows 8 sucks balls honestly11:01
TheSheepprevious windowses sucked them dishonestly?11:02
bekkshrhr. :)11:02
koegsxubuntu683: if you try to mount it manually, there will be an option to delete the hiberfil.sys11:05
xubuntu683How do you mount it manually?11:05
koegs!mount | xubuntu68311:08
ubottuxubuntu683: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount11:08
nyuszika7hhow can I lock the screen remotely over SSH? xflock4 just exits with code 1.11:43
An_Ony_Moosethe Bluebird style doesn't seem to define all the UI colours it's supposed to. As a result some GNOME apps (such as shotwell) have some rather unsightly visual bugs. Is this a bug in the bluebird theme or beyond its scope (i.e. I should just not be using shotwell in xfce?)14:32
ochosiAn_Ony_Moose: that's a bug in bluebird14:47
ochosiAn_Ony_Moose: best thing would be if you could report a bug on launchpad against shimmer-themes and include a description of your setup and ideally a screenshot of the problem. thanks!14:47
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An_Ony_Mooseochosi: thanks14:53
userrlts here: chat clients disconnect (after a while) when i switch to another Xorg server (by using ctrl+alt+F8). how does the former Xorg server ("under ctrl+alt+F7") tell that i switched away from it? i need to suppress that.15:10
=== anon1 is now known as surfdaemon
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Symbolixmay I ask for help?16:11
Symbolixregarding a boot issue with xubuntu 12.0416:11
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:11
SymbolixThanks: I have a boot problem in xubuntu 12.04, on a macbook pro, even with the "noapic" option in the GRUB loader, the booting hangs at the very beginning where we see the Xubuntu splash (blue image, lake and a bird) with the Xubuntu logo and a progress bar.16:17
MmikeHello! What is the difference between xfce-session and xubuntu-session, offered at the login screen?16:18
th0rMmike, none as far as I have been able to determine16:18
th0rMmike, I think the xubuntu entry is created by the metapackage xubuntu-desktop, and the xfce package is created by the xfce packages (which are part of the xubuntu-desktop16:19
Mmiketh0r, ack, makes sense16:19
SymbolixOk another question: How do I disable the fancy splash screen and see all the boot verbose messages? I tried the "nosplash debug --verbose" kind of things but I must be doing something wrong. Any ideas?16:41
baizonSymbolix: http://askubuntu.com/questions/120898/removing-the-splash-screen-on-shutdown-an-startup-i-want-to-be-able-to-see-the16:43
elfyI removed quiet splash and enabled GRUB_TERMINAL=console16:43
Symbolixbut I do not have access to the actual OS yet, it crashes just after the GRUB, so I need to change the options on the boot-up16:44
baizonSymbolix: so run the grub menu16:44
Symbolixsorry, how do I do that? I already get the GRUB menu, then I hit "e" to go into dynamic mode to edit the start-up line16:45
Symbolixbut then CTRL-x does not seem to be working, but I also have the F10 option, once I edit the line and hit F10, it continues, but non of the changes seems to be active16:46
SymbolixI still see the blue Xubuntu splash and it just hangs up somewhere there16:46
elfyhave you tried booting to recovery mode then editing the file?16:47
Symbolixah no16:47
SymbolixI can do it right now16:47
SymbolixI am on my other Linux box16:47
SymbolixI will try now16:47
elfydon't forget to update grub as well16:48
Symbolixcan I do that with through the terminal only?16:48
elfynano /etc/default/grub16:48
Symbolixcool trying right now16:48
Symbolixthis MacBook Pros (10,1)... they do not get the WIFI working striaght away16:49
SymbolixI am not sure if I get an update16:49
elfywhy would you need wi-fi to edit the file?16:49
Symbolixno no sorry, for the update16:49
elfyoh - it's not that sort of update :)16:49
SymbolixI will need it right?16:50
Symbolixah, I see16:50
elfyno need to apologise16:50
Symbolixok,  I am on my root terminal, I will run the edit16:51
elfycan't remember how to mount / as read write though16:51
Belialdoes anyone have any issues with xfce's native compositor when switching between workspaces? sometimes the other application's window is painted onto another application.16:52
Symbolixoh, it says read-only file system :)16:52
Belialin xubuntu 13.0416:52
Belialseems to only happen when switching workspaces. doesn't happen all the time either.16:52
elfySymbolix:  mount -o remount,rw /16:52
Symbolixelfy: Ah! Worked :)16:54
elfyBelial: I've not seen that16:56
Symbolixstill no verbose16:59
SymbolixI have seen a slightly different looking grub16:59
Symbolixbut after that, I still get a blank screen16:59
Symbolixelfy: going into recovery mode to try once again17:00
Belialelfy, are you using an intel driver?17:01
Symbolixelfy: it is an inter MacBook Pro17:01
Symbolixelfy: I am on a slightly older iMac right now and Xubuntu works just fine17:02
Symbolixelfy: But with those new MacBook Pro laptops, it is a pain. I will start to try to fix things as soon as I get to see where exactly it hangs at start-up17:02
Symbolixelfy: so I have GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=""17:04
Symbolixelfy: and GRUB_TERMINAL=console enabled17:05
Symbolixelfy: should I add things like "nosplash" or "debug --verbose"17:06
brainwashBelial, try switching back to UXA accel method17:07
brainwashBelial, SNA still triggers some visual glitches17:07
elfySymbolix: mine looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/5658688/17:08
Symbolixelfy: ah thanks, looking at it17:08
elfyBelial: no I'm not17:08
Symbolixelfy: Added those as well, GRUB_DEFAULT=saved GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true17:12
elfyoh - those do something entirely different - using those it will boot what you booted last by default17:12
elfyit was only really to show you the kernel and terminal lines that work here17:13
Symbolixelfy: I see, ok, still no verbose, just a blank screen17:17
peyamwhat is the issue?17:18
Symbolixpeyam: My issue?17:19
Symbolixpeyam: I am trying to get Xubuntu 12.04 running on a dual boot MacBook Pro Retina (10,1)17:20
elfySymbolix: not sure - you could add text to where quiet splash were - but then the boot will stop at a terminal and you should need startx to get gui17:20
peyamadn the issue is?17:20
Symbolixpeyem: I already have some experience in setting these up as I have been using Xubuntu successfully on an iMac17:20
Symbolixpeyam: It is probably the display drivers or something else17:21
Symbolixas it hangs on start-up17:21
peyami still dont know the problem. doesnt it show anything?17:21
Symbolixwith the "splash" option on, I can see the blue Xubuntu splash and the progress bar17:21
Symbolixthen the progress bar dies and then when I hit the power button the progress bar comes back alive and the computer powers down17:22
Symbolixso it is alive, but hangs at start up17:22
Symbolixand then probably kills the process successfully cause I can see the progress bar coming back when I hit the power button17:22
SymbolixI was trying to get a bit of verbose on start up17:23
Symbolixand elfy already helped me to change my grub file17:23
Symbolixnow I do not have the splash, but no verbose as well17:23
elfySymbolix: you could also  boot recovery mode and then resume from that menu- always verbose for me regardless of grub settings17:24
SymbolixI can just forget about this and try to disable the GFX just to get a default XWindows17:24
Symbolixto display17:24
SymbolixI see, I know it is almost there, but it is not happy about something ...17:25
peyamredo the instalation17:25
peyammaybe partition fault17:25
peyami duno17:25
Symbolixhmm, I can mount it17:25
Symbolixthe Linux is there17:25
peyamwell. do you have the drives?17:25
Symbolixthe installation was a success...17:26
Symbolixnot yet17:26
peyaminstall them?17:26
Symbolixtrying to boot into a default XWindows17:26
peyamwith cd live17:26
Symbolixany idea about how can I roll-back to a default GFX config17:26
Symbolixjust to get a default XWindows running17:27
elfyrecovery mode has an option I think17:28
Symbolixelfy: I can see only "resume" "clean" "dpkg" "fsck" "network" "root" "system-summary"17:30
elfyok - thought there was one - you could try dropping to root terminal and renaming xorg.conf - or try resume17:30
Symbolixelfy: ok, I have resumed and logged in as root17:33
Symbolixelfy: I guess I will start looking into being able to run a default XWindows from here17:34
Symbolixor install the NVidia drivers through the terminal17:34
Symbolixis it possible to download the latest compatible NVidia drivers to a USB stick and install them on another computer through the terminal?17:37
elfyno idea - I never need to use the nvidia drivers anymore17:38
elfywhy have you logged in as root? if you're not in a gui - have you tried startx17:39
Belialbrainwash, thanks17:40
Symbolixelfy: i have added the "noapic" line to prevent a kernel panic, anyway, the strange thing is no matter what I do, I get some verbose, but I also get the Blue Xubuntu start up splash as well17:44
Lehtihey, anybody know how and to what extent the new bcache technology affects virtual machine performance under KVM?17:45
elfySymbolix: you getting anywhere?18:00
Symbolixelfy: ah thanks for your help18:03
Symbolixelfy: unfortunatelly no :(18:03
Symbolixwhen I try "startx" command18:03
SymbolixI get Fatal Server Error: no screens found18:04
elfynice - I've had that a couple of times in the past18:04
SymbolixI looked at the log file18:05
Symbolixbut too much information18:05
SymbolixI need to get a VESA mode XWindows18:05
Symbolixdo you know hoe to change the Xorg file18:05
Symbolixso I get some kind of a default XWindows18:05
elfydo you have xorg.conf then? I'd start by removing it18:06
Symbolixwhere does it live?18:06
elfyyou'd need to do it as root18:07
Symbolixsure, I am root now18:07
elfymv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.bak18:07
elfyshould rename the thing - then try rebooting = but I have to say I've never dealt with mac booting issues18:08
elfyhello leoquant18:08
Symbolixthe file is not there18:08
leoquanthi elfy18:08
elfyok - so the machine is booting with default nvidia18:09
Symbolixor maybe the other Display driver18:12
elfyyou could try GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="nomodeset"18:12
Symbolixthose new Macs have dual displays18:12
elfyit should use nouveau18:12
SymbolixI will try that18:12
Symbolixwhat is that for?18:12
elfynot sure lol18:12
elfyI'm getting a bit concerned that all we're doing is digging a deeper hole tbh18:13
SymbolixI just need to do the following18:14
Symbolix1) Make sure my WIFI is working18:14
Symbolix2) Install the latest Nvidia drivers18:14
elfyyou'll not do any of that until you can boot it :)18:15
Symbolixwell, I get the terminal18:16
Symbolixexactly I am reading it18:18
Symbolixbut too much information18:18
Symbolixthanks though18:18
elfyhave you thought about going for a newer version than 12.04?18:19
Symbolix12.04 is the LTS18:24
Belialis 12.04 running 4.8?18:26
elfyI believe so - though you can get 4.10 with a PPA I think18:26
baizonto both question, yes18:27
Beliali'm running 4.10.2 on 13.04 but i might throw it on some computers that are currently running 12.10 - i won't be around them all the time, so upgrading will be an issue when support ends.18:27
Belialbetter to just go with an lts.18:27
Belialthen again xubuntu lts is only three years, right?18:28
SymbolixI will keep trying 12.0418:29
Symbolixbut I am so f*cked now, I am in terminal18:29
Symbolixand I cannot do anything18:29
SymbolixI have found a default xorg.conf file18:29
Symbolixbut I am not typing this18:29
Symbolixhow can I copy it from this linux box to the other linux laptop18:30
Symbolixusing USB stick18:30
SymbolixI need to list and mount a USB stick18:30
Symbolixusing terminal18:30
Unit193!xorgconf | Why not generate with sudo xorg -configure ?18:30
ubottuWhy not generate with sudo xorg -configure ?: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.18:30
SymbolixX -configure18:34
Symbolixerrors: Number of created screens blah blah18:34
SymbolixConfiguration failed18:34
SymbolixI cannot beleive that I am stuck at such a stupid problem18:35
Unit193Bah, you too.18:35
SymbolixI just need to get some kind of a defualt xorg.conf file18:36
Symbolixso I can run a default XWindows18:36
SymbolixVESA mode what ever18:36
elfyhave you tried plugging in the usb? see if it mounts - you could copy from that - but I'm not sure it'll help18:38
nyuszika7hhi, I've set "Debian Sensible Browser" as my default browser, and Chrome as default in update-alternatives + Chrome itself, but every time I log out and log in again, XFCE4 AND Chrome ask me for default browser setting.18:39
nyuszika7hany way to fix that?18:39
SymbolixXorg -configure worked18:39
elfysee if it works then Symbolix :)18:40
SymbolixThis will create the file /root/xorg.conf.new, which you can then copy to /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:40
Symbolixwhcih I did18:40
Unit193nyuszika7h: You check "Preferred Programs" in settings manager, and just disable it in chrome.18:41
elfy!hi | mark1218:41
ubottumark12: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:41
nyuszika7hUnit193: ok, I'll try18:41
mark12can someone help when i run virtualbox or vmware player my connection shows multipal connections18:42
SymbolixI am editing the xorg.conf file now, to get some default stuff working18:46
SymbolixI think I will give up 12.0418:57
Symbolixit is rediculously painful18:57
Symbolixno progress at all18:57
SymbolixJust a blank screen after GRUB18:57
elfysorry I couldn't help19:02
Symbolixhey elfy, no problem :)19:14
Symbolixyou helped enough19:14
Symbolixremoved 12.0419:14
Symbolixinstalling 13/0419:14
Symbolixat least I can see the GUI etc19:15
Symbolixand just completed the install19:15
SymbolixI am getting XWindows fine now19:15
elfygood :)19:20
SymbolixI still need to make the WIFI work19:20
Symbolixand install the Nvidia drivers19:21
elfywell good luck19:22
SymbolixHow can I download a install package, but just download it and not install it?19:26
SymbolixSo I can copy it accross to a Linux box with no internet connection19:26
Symbolixand install it there. Thanks.19:26
[uzver]Symbolix: apt-get install -d pack..name , package will be in /var/cache/apt/archives19:27
Symbolixthanks uzver19:30
[uzver]apt-get --help, read if u want to specify download dir19:31
Emif-how to make a bootable usb on xubuntu21:15
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:15
Emif-usb-creator-gtk is not running on xubuntu21:18
Unit193You've still got unetbootin or dd to try.21:19
Emif-whats dd?21:20
TheSheepit's all documented under those links21:22
Emif-how to format a usb on xubuntu?21:30
Emif-because its saying that some files are read only and cannot be deleted21:30
TheSheepwith the usb-creator21:31
Emif-the package is called usb-creator?21:31
TheSheep!info usb-creator-gtk21:32
ubottuusb-creator-gtk (source: usb-creator): create a startup disk using a CD or disc image (for GNOME). In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.47 (raring), package size 26 kB, installed size 220 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)21:32
Emif-oh that didnt work for me21:32
Emif-it didnt run well on xubuntu21:32
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.21:33
TheSheepworks for me21:33
Emif-just a sec21:33
TheSheepand I think it's the official way21:33
TheSheepI see it has quite a lot bugs reported: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=usb-creator-gtk&search=Search+Bug+Reports&field.scope=project&field.scope.target=ubuntu21:36
Emif-Satellite-L775:~$ usb-creator-gtk21:36
Emif-Traceback (most recent call last):21:36
Emif-  File "/usr/bin/usb-creator-gtk", line 28, in <module>21:36
Emif-    from usbcreator.frontends.gtk import GtkFrontend21:36
Emif-  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/usbcreator/frontends/gtk/__init__.py", line 1, in <module>21:36
Emif-    from usbcreator.frontends.gtk.frontend import GtkFrontend21:36
Emif-  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/usbcreator/frontends/gtk/frontend.py", line 20, in <module>21:36
Emif-    from gi.repository import GObject21:36
Emif-  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/__init__.py", line 27, in <module>21:36
Emif-    from ._gi import _API, Repository21:36
Emif-ImportError: No module named _gi21:36
Unit193!pastebin | Emif-21:36
ubottuEmif-: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:36
TheSheephmm, looks like you have some broken python packages21:38
TheSheepdid you do something funny with python?21:38
Emif-not at all21:39
Emif-i dont know what python is lol21:39
TheSheepa programming language in which usb-creator-gtk is written21:39
TheSheepit looks like you are missing some files for it21:43
TheSheepbut they all come in the same package, so I can't see how you can miss them21:43
=== mfde is now known as mdfe

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