
rick_h_bah humbug for non-idlers10:53
rick_h_blog post it is then, probably better that way anyway11:00
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rick_h_jcsackett: got linky for the reviews you need?13:55
jcsackettrick_h_: https://codereview.appspot.com/9337043/13:56
rick_h_jcsackett: cool, will look over in a min13:58
jcsackettrick_h_: thanks.14:00
* gary_poster restarts after installing updates...14:21
=== gary_poster is now known as gary_poster|away
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterhatch, you here today?15:50
gary_posterrick_h_, you want to talk today?  May just be us around these parts today. :-)  If you'd like to chat that would be great, but if you want to skip the meeting in 9 that's fine by me too15:51
rick_h_gary_poster: stand up in 9? or are you asking about killing it for today due to lack of attendance?15:52
gary_posterrick_h_, yes15:52
gary_posterthe latter15:52
hatchgary_poster: going to use today as swap but I could pick another day if needed15:53
rick_h_gary_poster: yea, skipping is cool with me. I don't know if jcsackett had anything he wanted to bring up15:53
gary_posterhatch, swap away :-)15:53
hatchgreat - I should be around home most of the day doing yard/house work so I'll check back to see if I'm needed :)15:53
gary_postercool thanks hatch.  have a good one15:54
hatchyou too15:54
gary_posterrick_h_, cool.  happy to meet if jcsackett would like to, but so far we are -0 on the meeting :-)15:54
rick_h_gary_poster: rgr, sounds like a plan to me15:54
gary_postercool thanks rick_h_ .  ttyl, & feel free to ping if you'd like.15:55
rick_h_gary_poster: actually, do you have time for a quick guichat? 16:12
gary_postersure rick_h_ , joining16:12
gary_posterth new google hangout "dropout" animation is...interesting16:23
gary_posterm_3, you around today?  I have two questions you might be able to help with.  First, if we wanted to make a fluentd charm, we would need to change some values that require a machine reboot (max # of file descriptors).  Is that possible/supported in a hook?  Second, I'd like to have a charm be able to easily say that it provides an interface in both the global and container scopes (so both regular charms and subordin16:46
gary_posterates can use it).  Do you have to declare the interface twice, one for each scope, or is there a way to combine them?16:46
rick_h_gary_poster: so I'm looking and notice that the routing tests use a module juju-routing, but I can't find any code that creates a module in that namespace?16:47
gary_posterrick_h_, heh, confirmed16:48
gary_posterrick_h_, looks like cruft16:48
rick_h_gary_poster: ok cool then16:48
* rick_h_ digs more. 16:48
m_3gary_poster: hey17:23
m_3gary_poster: so not sure what to do about a reboot.. some providers can survive it... some can't17:24
m_3gary_poster: well... _couldn't_ perhaps lxc is fixed wrt reboots not17:24
rick_h_m_3: I heard about that. I think it's fixed or about to be? 17:25
m_3rick_h_: the lxc reboot fix that made headlines was containers surviving host reboot17:25
rick_h_m_3: ah17:26
m_3rick_h_: there was also some probs with container reboots at one point17:26
m_3I'd have to test to see which providers that really worked with... rebooting for config is a tough one though... be nice to avoid if at all possible17:26
m_3have to test17:27
m_3anyways... for relations17:27
rick_h_jujugui is there a standard answer to lbox + raring? jcsackett is running in lxc with precise and avoided the issue of lack of lbox.17:27
m_3gary_poster: right now you'd need two... one for container scope, one for external17:27
hazmatm_3, reboot in lxc won't survive17:28
m_3gary_poster: not too bad to stub them and call out to common library code17:28
m_3hazmat: ack, thanks17:28
hazmatm_3, perhaps fixed in the juju-core version hopefully17:28
hazmatrick_h_, what's the issue with lbox + raring?17:28
rick_h_hazmat: no package in raring. https://launchpad.net/~gophers/+archive/go?field.series_filter=raring17:29
rick_h_hazmat: stopped in quantal17:29
hazmatrick_h_, go install launchpad.net/lbox17:29
rick_h_hazmat: yea, there's a package branch untouched since last year and trunk. Wondered what everyone else was doing/using17:30
rick_h_branch is named 'package' 17:30
hazmatrick_h_, that's pretty typical for debian packaging.. ie separate packaging from source, and use deb tool/build recipe to merge it in17:32
hazmathm.. although in this case its actually the src.. odd17:32
hazmatrick_h_, i've just been using the src compile from go install lbox17:33
rick_h_hazmat: k, will look at building go stuff. Not done anything other than local hello world/etc. 17:33
rick_h_assume I need some deps and such17:33
hazmatrick_h_, just the golang install17:33
rick_h_main.go:8:2: import "launchpad.net/goetveld/rietveld": cannot find package17:34
rick_h_kind of thing?17:34
hazmatrick_h_, hmm.. maybe $ go get launchpad.net/lbox/...17:34
hazmatthat should fetch deps17:34
hazmatrick_h_, its basically got virtualenv/pip built in.. the virtualenv part via GOPATH17:35
hazmatenv var17:35
rick_h_as root? :(17:35
rick_h_bah, will look up the docs/etc. It wants to put stuff in /usr/lib/go and such and doesn't feel very venv'y17:35
hazmatrick_h_, set GOPATH to a dir you own17:39
rick_h_hazmat: yea, seeing that. Thanks17:40
=== gary_poster|away is now known as gary_poster
gary_posterm_3, cool thank you!17:49
gary_posterrick_h_, what is the problem?  works ok for me17:50
rick_h_gary_poster: so there's no package any longer in the ppa for raring. I've got it built per hazmat's help. I just saw branches, no ppa, wondered what everyone else was doing17:50
rick_h_gary_poster: so all good, custom build off of trunk for now. Will have to keep an eye out for updates down the road. 17:51
gary_posterrick_h_, huh.  had not noticed17:52
rick_h_jcsackett: review if you get some time please. Apologize in advance. Adding ns.CharmResults required a newline and then re-indenting the whole file afterwards18:01
rick_h_jcsackett: https://codereview.appspot.com/903604918:01
rick_h_gary_poster: added a card for friday discussion but I'm away from Wed on. I'm roping JC into representing the cause, but if he's not available can you check if the card makes sense on its own when you get a minute?18:14
gary_postermakes sense rick, thanks.  looking at your branch too18:16
rick_h_gary_poster: cool, thanks18:16
jcsackettrick_h_, gary_poster: i am not available on friday, alas.18:17
gary_posterrick_h_, jcsackett maybe we ought to move retrosepctive to following monday anyway18:18
gary_postersome other people will be out18:18
jcsackettgary_poster: i'm gone on the monday as well. :-/18:18
gary_posterthis crazy weekend vacation stuff!18:18

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