
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
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soeegood morning06:28
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soeeyofel_, 4.10.3  is not yet in backports ?08:35
agateausoee: if it's not too late, you can ask your question :)08:39
soeeagateau, is it possible to set icon size and hide lables in homerun ?08:39
agateausoee: no it's not possible08:39
soeeagateau, are there any plans to implement it ?08:40
agateausoee: probably, yes08:41
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
soeeagateau, i should add it to wishlist of applet ?08:44
smartboyhwyofel: Can you fix ksudoku armhf for me please? I'm off computer today.08:45
Peace-mm i had a strange behavior here on kubuntu 09:14
Peace-i plugged a new monitor  i got a window  that asked me to try the new monitor 09:15
Peace-and so i clicked on and i got a very good resolution 1920 x 108009:15
Peace-after a reboot it doesn't recognize anymore this resolution 09:15
Peace-driver issue?09:16
ubottuThe official Kubuntu support channel is #kubuntu. Please be aware that this channel is for development only.09:17
Peace-well it's develop 09:19
Peace-cuz it's a bug 09:19
Tm_TPeace-: poor excuse09:27
Peace-Tm_T: do you want i open another bug ? no problem i could open a lots of bugs but untill i am not sure i will not expecially not knowing in which cathery it should be filled  09:29
Riddelllthat's a development issue with kscreen09:29
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smartboyhwHello Riddell09:30
Peace-Riddell: mm but ... the first time it worked  09:30
Peace-it seems a driver problem cuz xrand doesn't even recognize others resolutions09:30
Peace-do you mean old cable?09:31
Peace-just bought monitor and cable btw09:32
Peace-btw vga09:32
Riddellthat's sounding more like a driver issue then09:32
smartboyhwPeace-: Should be fixed in 13.04 (I requested sync before)09:33
smartboyhwArandr I mean09:33
smartboyhwXrandr should work.09:33
* smartboyhw still has that rly troll in mind…09:34
Peace-ok i will investigate better then i will fill a bug report 09:35
=== Squt is now known as Sput
yofel_soee: .3 should be in backports now. I was just too tired to write the announcement yesterday10:46
soeeok so i update PC at office10:47
smartboyhwyofel_: Fully tested? 10:47
smartboyhwAnd can you fix ksudoku armhf for me:O10:48
yofel_smartboyhw: testing in my VM that it's not totally broken10:48
smartboyhwyofel_: :-D10:48
yofel_meh, gl stuff10:49
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
soeeno packages inraring backports yet10:50
smartboyhwyofel_: Yeah10:51
yofelsoee: wrong ppa, you need kubuntu-ppa/ppa for raring (see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs#Kubuntu_Updates)10:52
smartboyhwyofel: Some of the packages in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports still say 4.10.210:53
yofelyeah, so?10:54
smartboyhwyofel: Are they not uploaded or?10:54
yofelkubuntu-initial-upload in --sru mode skips packages that have 0-diff10:54
yofelno point in doing no-change rebuilds for SRUs10:54
smartboyhwyofel: Wow that's a nice feature!10:54
yofelsmartboyhw: thanks go to felix for that ;)10:55
smartboyhwyofel: ;)10:55
=== tsdgeos_ is now known as tsdgeos
yofelI wonder if we'll ge a working qemu-arm by the end of the year...11:16
smartboyhwyofel: +111:17
RiddellI wonder why we rename oxygencursors to oxygen-cursor-theme11:18
yofelthere's probably some X-cursor-theme package pattern?11:19
yofelwell, know you know why I left the gnome world ~4 years ago11:23
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BluesKajHiyas all11:37
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Peace-Riddell: http://www.stgraber.org/download/releases/kubuntu/13.04/  11:59
Peace-Riddell: Not Found11:59
RiddellPeace-: tsk, could you ping stgraber about that?12:00
Peace-page to download iso from germany  server 12:00
Peace-Riddell: 15 packets transmitted, 15 received, 0% packet loss, time 14019ms12:00
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Peace-Riddell: another little issue i am not sure ... partition manager can't format into ntfs  but gparted can 12:11
Peace-is it normal ?12:11
yofelPeace-: shouldn't happen, but partitionmanager seems to have some corner cases where it doesn't work right. Not sure who maintains it these days12:14
Peace-yofel: btw it doesn't even work on mmc cards12:15
yofelthat I already knew12:15
Peace-it just doesn't  detect dem 12:15
Peace-ah ok 12:15
yofelI've got such a nice mmcblk0 device here which isn't detected12:16
Peace-yofel: maybe you know but  the latest xserver-xorg-video-intel it's the 2.21.6 o ubuntu 4?12:18
Peace-in 13.04 of course12:18
Peace-damnit i did an upgrade yesterday and the monitor doesn't work properly 12:20
yofelhm, what I'm curious about is "i plugged a new monitor  i got a window  that asked me to try the new monitor"12:21
yofelkscreen doesn't *ask* you before adjusting resolutions. It just goes ahead and does it12:21
Peace-wait i will do a screenshot12:21
yofelkrandr did that12:21
Peace-welll yes i have krandr12:21
Peace-i use krandr often to change settings via systemtray12:23
yofelwe have a rather destructive patch in kde-workspace which disables krandrstartup in startkde12:23
yofelmaybe it's that12:23
Peace-yofel: well but via terminal i can't get teh correct resolutions i mean with xrandr12:24
Peace-yofel: 3 4 days ago a got via xrandr a lots of resolutions for this monitors 12:24
yofeloh, then it's probably a driver issue indeed12:25
yofelwhat does the EDID info in the X log say?12:25
Peace-now i am trying to download the live12:25
Peace-let me do cat grep12:25
Peace-[    51.296] (II) intel(0): EDID for output LVDS112:26
Peace-[    51.328] (II) intel(0): EDID for output VGA112:26
Peace-[    51.328] (II) intel(0): EDID for output TV112:26
yofeljust pastebin the whole log, we need the surrounding parts12:26
Peace-yofel: this one ? /var/log/Xorg.0.log 12:27
Peace-yofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5661090/  btw to the end you will see 1920 cuz i was trying to do how i read on ubuntu wiki , you know xrandr --addmode etc etc 12:29
Peace-but by default now rebooting again it doesn't recognize all the resolutions 12:30
yofelPeace-: I don't know, the closest I can get to your chipset is a 945GME, but that recognises my monitor fine: http://paste.kde.org/74279612:45
Peace-yofel:  i follow the develop of kubuntu from alphas  maybe i fucked up something i will try with a live if it works i will reinstall everything , i have a separated home , then i will hold back kernel and video drivers 12:46
Peace-yofel: thank you for your efforts12:46
Peace-yofel: btw which monitor do you use?12:48
yofelthat's a samsung syncmaster PX2370 12:50
yofelconnected to an eeepc 1000h12:50
=== tsdgeos_ is now known as tsdgeos
Peace-yofel: i have samsung s24b350h12:54
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1174495] Window Managers instability with r600 radeon and high monitor resolutions @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1174495 (by sfar)12:57
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smartboyhw_The Freenode servers are getting crazy these days…13:33
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lordievaderGood afternoon.13:55
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1174495] Window Managers instability with r600 radeon and high monitor resolutions @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1174495 (by sfar)13:59
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1174495] Window Managers instability with r600 radeon and high monitor resolutions @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1174495 (by sfar)15:07
Peace-yofel: :) reinstalled same results15:12
Peace-monitor just is not recognized well 15:12
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DarkwingWell, I ran out of petrol for my mower and I broke my shovel... I think I'm done with yardwork till my girlfriend gets home.17:53
QuintasanDarkwing: How does one break a shovel?18:00
Darkwingdigging out bushes. lol18:01
QuintasanI see.18:02
QuintasanDarkwing: Well, I managed to break one by repeatadly hitting a pile of bricks with it so that's why I was wondering how did you break yours18:02
QuintasanDarkwing: Well, I broke the metal part18:05
DarkwingQuintasan: lol 18:06
QuintasanBut I don't think it's really strange when hitting bricks18:06
Darkwingnot too stange no.18:06
DarkwingDang. I need to check my email while on holiday more often.18:06
QuintasanHow is that metal part actually called?18:06
Darkwingthe spade?18:06
* Quintasan wonders about the strangest things instead of doing his project for uni18:06
QuintasanGotta note that down18:07
QuintasanMight as well as know the part I might end up hitting people with :P18:07
DarkwingOh boy. :P18:08
* Quintasan looks at shadeslayer18:08
QuintasanWell, jokes aside, gotta get some food18:08
DarkwingI have 3400 emails to sort18:08
QuintasanOH LOL18:10
QuintasanDarkwing: I can offer you SOLVE IT ALL SOLUTION18:10
QuintasanDarkwing: CTRL + A, CTRL + R18:10
DarkwingLOL No, there are some I need18:10
QuintasanWell, good luck then Darkwing18:11
Guest19724Hi I am having a strange error in regrds to the xmind package. Could someone here maybe help me?18:12
Guest19724dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 18600 package 'xmind'18:13
QuintasanGuest19724: This is not a repository package, right? I can recall installing it quite a few days ago18:13
Guest19724its in the status file and this error prevents me to do anything to adjust packages from terminal18:13
QuintasanGuest19724: Can you paste the whole file on pastebin?18:14
Guest19724I can if you can walk me through it since I'm having to do this completely from terminal as i have no current gui due to this issue and the phython minmal bug for ubuntu18:15
QuintasanGuest19724: sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:21
QuintasanGuest19724: cat /var/lib/dpkg/status | pastebinit and give me the link18:22
Guest19724I am in the document at the moment was looking at line 18600 with vi command. how do i get out of it?18:22
QuintasanGuest19724: press escape at least 10 times to be sure18:25
Quintasanand press :wq!18:25
lordievader:q! is better, :w saves the file.18:25
Guest19724I'll just reboot t obe safer18:26
Guest19724i don't know if it was able to install pastebinit successfully since i get alot of depency listings.18:29
Guest19724yeah it wasn't able to install pastebinit due to depency issue. :(18:32
Guest19724and when i try to do -f it doesn't work because of the python minimal bug. T_T18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990740 in python-defaults (Ubuntu) "upgrading from lucid to precise fails" [High,Invalid]18:33
QuintasanGuest19724: What bug?18:33
QuintasanYou're upgrading from lucid to raring?18:34
Guest19724well i did18:34
QuintasanOh, I see.18:34
Guest19724and it seemes it got majorly messed up18:34
Guest19724the gdm is out of date so i cant use the gui. the depency are keeping me locked on installs and i can't reinstall the upgrade packages due to the configure bug. yeah I messed it up good. :(18:35
QuintasanGuest19724: Truth be told you might want to restore dpkg.status.0 from /var/backups18:35
QuintasanGuest19724: Or just remove the xmind package with dpkg18:35
Quintasansudo dpkg -r xmind18:36
Guest19724ok i'll try that18:36
QuintasanThat said I'm actually surprised the upgrade failed since it's supposed to work since it's LTS-to-LTS, right?18:37
Guest19724yeah and when i try to do purge or -r i get this> error again 18:37
QuintasanGuest19724: with dpkg?18:38
Guest19724dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 18600 package 'xmind': blank line in value of field 'Description'18:38
QuintasanGuest19724: sudo nano +18600 /var/lib/dpkg/status18:39
QuintasanWrite something after Description: 18:39
QuintasanCTRL+X saves the files18:39
Quintasancheck if putting something there helps18:39
Quintasanif not I'd just restore the file from /var/backups18:39
Guest19724line 18600 says task management, and GTD. Xmind is compatible with Freemind/Mindmanager. after that is a black line.18:41
Guest19724put a dot in the blank line maybe? 1860118:42
Guest19724ok i saved it.18:44
Guest19724putting a dot in hte line didn't make the problem go away.18:46
Guest19724How do i restore file from /var/backups?18:49
QuintasanGuest19724: sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status-corrupted18:56
QuintasanGuest19724: sudo cp /var/lib/backups/dpkg.status.0 /var/lib/dpkg/18:57
Quintasansudo tar zxvf /var/lib/dpkg/dpkg.status.018:57
QuintasanGuest19724: Sorry, ignore the last command18:58
Quintasansudo mv /var/lib/dpkg/dpkg.status.0 /var/lib/dpkg/status18:58
QuintasanUse this since the last state is not gzipped18:58
Quintasanthen do apt-get update18:58
Quintasansudo apt-get update18:58
Quintasanand sudo apt-get -f install18:59
Guest19724for this line> sudo cp /var/lib/backups/dpkg.status.0 /var/lib/dpkg/ it says it cannot stat19:16
QuintasanGuest19724: It should be /var/backups19:17
Guest19724can you just retype it since folder paths tend to get confusing at this level of depth and i dont want to break something else by accident. :(19:17
BluesKajcp -r . perhaps ?19:17
QuintasanGuest19724: sudo cp /var/backups/dpkg.status.0 /var/lib/dpkg/19:17
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Guest19724ok i did that command19:18
Quintasansudo apt-get update19:20
Quintasansudo apt-get -f install19:20
Guest19724yep running that and -f19:20
Guest19724its still installing its at 24%19:22
QuintasanThat means it's working19:22
QuintasanYou have to wait until it's done or it breaks for some reason19:22
Guest19724not exactly. we still got to take care of python-minimal configuration at the end. :(19:22
Guest19724assuming by some miracle it doesn't break this time. T_T19:23
QuintasanIf it's broken then I'm afraid I can't help you with that. I dabbled in some python magic long time ago19:24
QuintasanGuest19724: I didn't read  the bug in detail, aren't there any workaround posted?19:25
Guest19724yes this one here which is what i'm going to try if it breaks> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2012-September/263773.html19:25
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
DarkwingGreetings ScottK19:26
QuintasanHey schmidtm19:27
ScottKDarkwing: Howdy.19:27
Guest19724thanks for the help non-the-less Quin you at least helped me fix one problem with this install. :P19:28
Guest19724it broke again and sadly the 18600 error message is still there.19:33
Guest19724so i cant python until i fix that error in xmind19:34
Guest19724Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix that xmind error?19:35
yofelis that blocking the upgrade? If yes, can you purge it?19:36
QuintasanWhat yofel said19:36
QuintasanGuest19724: sudo cp /var/backups/dpkg.status.0 /var/lib/dpkg/19:36
Quintasanand try purging that package19:36
Quintasanif it doesn't work then try dpkg --purge --force-all xmind19:36
Guest19724dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 18600 package 'xmind': newline in field name '.'19:36
Guest19724thats what it said when i try to remove python^19:37
yofelGuest19724: why remove python?19:38
Guest19724sudo apt-get purge xmind does thhis.19:38
Guest19724i get a long list of dependcies and it doesn't remove it. :(19:38
yofeltry what Quintasan said19:38
Guest19724yofel> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2012-September/263773.html19:39
QuintasanGuest19724: NO, damn, no apt, don't use apt19:39
Quintasan sudo dpkg --purge --force-all xmind19:39
Guest19724i tried that command quin and get the same error posted before for python19:40
yofelGuest19724: sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status19:40
yofeltry again19:40
Guest19724ok done19:41
Guest19724ok i get this after running that command quin19:42
Guest19724the blank line value of field 'Description' for xmind error message19:42
Guest19724dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 18600 package 'xmind':   blank line in value of field 'Description'19:43
yofelGuest19724: how does the field look like right now?19:45
yofelit should be something like:19:45
yofelDescription: foo19:45
yofel[space] foo19:45
yofel[space] .19:45
yofel[space] bar19:45
yofelafter that either a new Field without a space or an empty line followed by the next Package:19:46
yofeljust look at the other description fields in the file19:47
Guest19724can you toss me commands on how to close nano?19:48
Guest19724still relearning how to navigate19:48
yofelCtrl+x, y/n19:49
Guest19724ok i am at the line19:49
Guest19724that line has task management, and GTD. Xmind is compatible with Freemind/Mindmanager. on the next line 16001 is just blank followed by a paragraph about editions on the next line 1600219:51
yofeljust blank? i.e. an empty line?19:52
yofelgo to that line and insert <space>.19:52
yofeli.e. a space, and .19:53
yofelso it looks like I said above19:53
Guest19724ok so hitspace bar and inasert a period.19:53
yofelthe space was probably missing last time you tried19:54
Guest19724ok did it lets see if that fixed it.19:54
yofel(guessing from the error message)19:54
Guest19724what should i do first just to make sure i dont break it again19:54
Guest19724update try to remove python etc etc19:55
yofeluh, start with dpkg --configure -a to see whether it works at all19:55
Guest19724i made it to package configuration. 19:56
Guest19724does that mean it worked?19:56
yofelwell, I assume so. Now you can try to fix python19:56
Guest19724awesome, thank you yofel.19:57
yofelthank me after apt stops complaining ^^19:57
Guest19724well as a shocker it failed to parse the gnome desktop. :P20:00
Guest19724omg it finally worked. nice work yofel its uninstalling python now.20:02
Guest19724I made it to 20:07
Guest19724dpkg --install --force-all python_2.7.1-0ubuntu5_all.deb20:07
Guest19724and now it says error parsing file for line 19471 package 'xmind'. 20:07
Guest19724another space and dot i guess...20:07
Guest19724you still there yofel? on line 19471 it reads Package: libtasn1-3-dev there is a blank line on 19470 and finally 19472 has Status: install ok installed.20:10
yofelthat's fine20:11
Guest19724how do i fix this error?20:11
yofeltry searching for xmind in the file20:11
yofelmaybe it got the wrong line20:11
Guest19724whats the command for search?20:13
Guest19724using nano20:13
yofelhm, going from the legend try ctrl+220:14
Guest19724firstone is the http link20:16
Guest19724so basically look for anything that has xmind wit ha slight alteration?20:17
Guest19724only things i found were in certain parts it had XMind and others it had just xmind. 20:20
Guest19724could this be a problem?20:20
yofelI can't really say without the whole file... and I'm a bit lost with just that error now20:21
Guest19724yeah and were so close t ofixing python potentially... ah it kills me 20:21
yofelis "error parsing file for line 19471 package 'xmind'." really all it says?20:22
Guest19724it has Package: libtasn1-3-dev20:25
yofelI mean as error message20:25
yofelI kind of remember fixing something like that months ago, and back then dpkg printed the wrong error line20:26
Guest19724it reads> dpkg error: parsing file 'var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 19471 package 'xmind': blank line in value of field 'Description'20:28
yofelgeh, now that file's broken too20:29
yofelGuest19724: try as a quick fix: sudo dpkg --clear-avail20:29
Guest19724theres a blank line on 19472. :P20:29
Guest19724ok i ran that command.20:30
Guest19724what now?20:30
yofeltry python again20:30
Guest19724ok i got this20:32
Guest19724error processing python_2.7.1-0ubuntu5_all.deb (--install): cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing: python 2.7.1-0ubuntu5_all.deb20:33
yofelthe .deb doesn't exist20:34
yofelmaybe start with apt-get install -f20:34
yofelnow that dpkg itself works again20:34
Guest19724ok i did that20:36
Guest19724i got the same message after running the -f command20:38
Guest19724i don't know why20:38
yofeltry sudo apt-get check, then try again20:38
Guest19724okyeah i did that then i did -f command and still get the error20:39
yofelweird. Ok, lets start fresh: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get update20:40
yofel*then* try again20:40
Guest19724wow just cant win here20:42
Guest19724i did these in this order> sudo apt-get clean, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get check, then tried python20:44
yofellooks reasonable. same error?20:44
Guest19724just ran it again just ot make sure :(20:45
yofeldoes a file named python 2.7.1-0ubuntu5_all.deb exist in /var/cache/apt/archives/ ?20:45
Guest19724for ls i get lock and partial 20:46
Guest19724nothing is in partial folder.20:47
Guest19724for ls20:47
yofelyou do have a network connection?20:47
Guest19724i can check. what were the commands again?20:48
yofeljust ping google.com and you'll know20:48
Guest19724yes I do20:49
Guest19724pinged successfully20:49
Guest19724now how do i make it stop pinging?20:49
yofel*sigh*, why does it try to install something that it didn't download...20:49
Guest19724yeah linux hates me. last time for karmic update it took me three days to get that working. :(20:51
yofelwell, *this* shouldn't happen really. Though xmind is broken packaging wise, really20:52
yofelwhat release were you upgrading to again? 20:53
yofelthere's no recent release that has python 2.7.1, it's either 2.7.3 or 2.7.420:53
Guest19724I was running the server version of lucid and upgraded to precision version 12.04.0220:53
Guest19724when i got to the login screen i found the gui wasn't working and have been working on it since yesterday.20:54
Guest19724I upgraded it using the manager and it had it listed in there.20:56
Guest19724kind of wish i had used the terminal now since maybe it might of not broke...20:56
yofelnah, I would blame xmind, but that's neither your nor our fault really, just dpkg being too sensitive20:57
yofel^ has the .deb it complained was missing20:57
yofelwhat you can try now is to download what you need by hand using 'wget URL' into /var/cache/apt/archives20:58
yofelthen you can dpkg --install --force-depends <deb>20:58
yofeltry apt-get install -f20:58
yofeland repeat that until it stops complaining about missing archive files20:58
yofelI have to run for today, bye20:58
Guest19724ok so when i do wget url what do  itype to specify where it will stick it?20:59
Guest19724or will it stick it where it needs to go automatically?21:00
yofeluh, forgot how to do that. Just cd into /var/cache/apt/archives21:00
yofelthat'll be easiest21:00
yofelit'll always download it into the current directory21:00
Guest19724wow really a 404 error.21:02
Guest19724nvm i got it21:03
Guest19724Can someone post the commands to wget archives because I don't think it got the archive instead it made a index.html file. 21:16
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1174495] Window Managers instability with r600 radeon and high monitor resolutions @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1174495 (by sfar)21:28
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1174495] Window Managers instability with r600 radeon and high monitor resolutions @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1174495 (by sfar)23:37
ahoneybunHey Riddell valorie 23:44
ahoneybunvalorie: how's the doc23:45
valorieI did some editing yesterday23:45
valorieI still think the pagename for KubuntuBasics should be Basics23:46
ahoneybunCool I got on after you were talking with Riddell  but I fixed what he said23:46
valorieI think we are getting them whipped into shape23:46
valoriewhat are you thinking about next?23:47
ahoneybunEditing wise?23:47
ahoneybunIf you think it would be better a different name go for it23:48
valorieah, I see a note to me23:48
valoriewill get on that asap23:48
* valorie is reading the trello23:48
ahoneybunOn trello?23:48
valorieexcellent work setting that up23:49
valoriethank you23:49
ahoneybunNP :)23:49
valorieyikes, my power is blinking23:49
ahoneybunSame on my phone23:49
valoriewhat do you think about adding About to the main RR page?23:50
valorieit's so short, and About is short as well23:50
ahoneybunThat's could work23:50
ahoneybunThat's cool23:51
valoriejust a thought while I was browsing through, to get an overview23:51
valorieI'll start using the trello now so we don't have to rely on reading backlog here23:52
valoriebetween us23:52
ahoneybunThat would be cool23:52
valoriean overall look at our docs23:53
valoriesorry, dinner time here23:53
ahoneybunWhat do you think of 23:53
ahoneybunThe about and welcome pages23:54
valorieI'll have to look later, once I get back from my dad's23:55
ahoneybunOh OK I'll be on later23:55
ahoneybunWell till my phone dies23:55

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