
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
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rd1381can somebody tell me how can i reset my bluetooth setting to factory?02:39
rd1381i can no longer attach my bluetooth device ,it just timesout02:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:01
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dnivrahello everyone. I have enabled desktop cube animation and when I switch from one virtual desktop animation to another, the desktop is distorted before becoming proper. Could someone tell me how do I have a regular desktop cube with no distortion of the virtual desktops?04:44
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jony_easyriderKrusader tells me when entering in an archive that "krarc is disabled". Please help!05:32
valoriejony_easyrider: see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/krusader/+bug/106511005:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065110 in krusader (Ubuntu) "krusader fails to enter .zip archive with "Error: krarc is disabled"" [High,Fix committed]05:35
jony_easyridervalorie, ty for the link but I posted too there without any success :((05:36
valoriehowever, there are some people who had success05:36
valoriewith the deb, or building from source05:37
valoriejony_easyrider: even more information here: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29454205:39
ubottuKDE bug 294542 in general "Krusader archive handling broken." [Normal,Resolved: fixed]05:39
valorieit wades a lot further into the weeds though05:39
valorieif you are interested in learning to package, I'm sure the kindly team in #kubuntu-devel will help you package it05:40
jony_easyridervalorie, jony@jony-ubuntu:~/Downloads$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/app/krusader-2.4.0-b3-2 -DQT_INCLUDES=/usr/share/qt4/include05:51
jony_easyriderCMake Error: The source directory "/home/jony/Downloads" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.05:51
valoriejony_easyrider: did you get a tarball, or what?05:56
valorieyour error message above doesn't contain enough context05:56
valorieif you want to paste over one line, please use a !pastebin05:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:57
valorieit's not wise to build anything in your download folder05:57
jony_easyridervalorie, what is tarball?05:58
valoriecan you tell me, step by step, what you tried?05:59
valoriefor starters, the cmake line above hasn't been changed to reflect your environment06:00
valorieare you trying to follow comment 10 in the launchpad bug?06:01
valoriejony_easyrider: ?06:03
jony_easyridervalorie, jony_easyrider: did you get a tarball, or what?06:05
valoriecancel that question, please06:05
valorietell me what you did, and what you are trying to do06:05
valorieare you trying to follow the instructions in comment 10 in the launchpad bug?06:05
CruX|how can i disable resizing of maximized windows ?06:18
CruX|i'm using kubuntu and after some updates maximized windows can be resized06:18
CruX|ok fixed06:21
CruX|automatic tiling was enabled06:21
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noaXesshey all08:27
noaXesson one machine, if i login over ssh, i still get the message that a release upgrade is availabile (13.04) but relesae is already upgrade ;).. where is this message saved?08:28
Guest47900i need some help with my wifi drivers09:26
Guest47900can someone help?09:26
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yossarianukhi - can anyone here offer advice on PPA building/ gpg keys?09:45
yossarianukI have a ppa - https://launchpad.net/~morgancoxuk - I am on a new system though and don;t have my GPG key09:46
yossarianukcan I just download it from the ppa / ubuntu keyserver ?09:46
yossarianukor do I have to create a new key ?09:47
tsimpsonyossarianuk: you can get the public key half from a keyserver, but you need your private key available to actually sign anything10:24
tsimpsonyou should be able to get help with that in #launchpad though10:24
yossarianuktsimpson: thanks - I need to make a new key by the looks of things...10:25
yossarianukno issue.10:25
yossarianukpa - i'm making a ppa that only updates to the latest nvidia driver10:32
yossarianukno other updates - i.e no xrg/kernel, etc (like xorg edgers)10:33
ovidiu-florinHello world :D10:43
ovidiu-florinhow is everybody?10:43
yossarianukalthough slightly annoyed that Ubuntu doesn't have the latest nvidia driver so I have the hassle of building a package...10:48
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BluesKajHiyas all11:37
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oyeI have Wubi downloading Kubuntu, and it happens that my uTorrent application is running too. It is okay to exit uTorrent?12:13
smartboyhwoye: Sure. But seriously, we don't recommend Wubi…12:14
smartboyhwI don't12:15
smartboyhwat least12:15
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:50
=== e_t__ is now known as e_t_
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:28
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lordievaderGood afternoon.13:54
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MySystemok i tried to change my question why can i connect to my smb share via gvfs but not via cifs, the share is guest allowed and via gvfs it works with username nobody but via cifs i get "Permission Denied"14:58
MySystemthe problem apeart with the kubuntu 13.04 update15:04
MySystemi get it there was a short comment at the end of http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Samba_Client_cifs thx anyway15:08
BluesKajMySystem, what's your samba issue15:10
MySystemhi blueskaj i couldn't connect via cifs without the option "sec=ntlmv2"15:13
MySystemwith the option it works fine15:14
MySystemthe share was an smb debian server with guest allowed and guest username nobody15:15
BluesKajok , I used smb, ssh and nfs  ..always had stability probs with samba gui15:15
MySystemas gui i used smb4k it workt fine till update but because of only 2 shares on a fix server which is 24/7 on i dont need it anymore now i made it via fstab cifs15:19
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ovidiu-florinhello lordievader how are you?15:24
lordievaderHey ovidiu-florin, I'm doing good. How are you?15:25
ovidiu-florincould have been better15:41
BluesKajooking at setting up a linux/kde friendly commercial vpn client / server setup ...any recommendations ?15:43
BluesKajlooking at15:44
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: what server are you using? openVPN?15:44
BluesKajyes the openvpn client connecting to a commercial vpn service/server15:46
BluesKajI haven't chosen the service yet , stuill researching linux friendly servers15:47
BluesKajovidiu-florin, ^15:47
ovidiu-florinwhat do you mean by linux friendly in this context?15:48
oyeI wonder the same.15:48
BluesKajovidiu-florin, linux freindly commercial vpn services , some don't support linux OSs15:52
BluesKajlike this one https://vpnme.com/15:54
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BluesKajI don't have a remote server somewhere that I've uploaded my data to if that's what you're thinking. I'd like to use a vpn service for media that's blocked or not available here15:57
ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: why not make it a double sided project, client and server, so that any kubuntu or linux/kde user can easyly set up his/her own vpn ?16:14
BluesKajwell openvpn installs both client and server afiak16:16
ovidiu-florinI used openvpn once...16:17
ovidiu-florinopenvpn provides client and server.16:17
BluesKajguess I'm confused ..I'm getting the distinct impression that I need a server installed as well, why is that ? It's amystery to me.16:19
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ovidiu-florinBluesKaj: open vpn is a bit weird in that sense.16:19
BluesKajI don't plan on granting internet access to my pc from outside16:20
ovidiu-florinit actualy provides a single application, and on each machine you set it to act as a client or a server. IIRC16:20
BluesKajyes , that's what i thought , ovidiu-florin16:21
BluesKajlike ssh16:21
ovidiu-florinwhat I don't like about openvpn is that I can't use it on android, unless I root it16:21
* ovidiu-florin is eating peanuts :D16:22
BluesKajovidiu-florin, I plan to use vpn for media that's not available here , for this HTPC16:23
BluesKajok , BBL16:23
BluesKajHome Theater PC16:23
nick_omegahaving all sorts of issues with kubuntu 12 so i thought i'd apt-get update and upgrade since muon software updater is hanging.  with apt-get upgrade i see "error writing to output file - write (30: read only file system) (ip: ...16:28
nick_omegaand then nothing is upgraded16:29
nick_omegawondering how to attack this issue.16:29
ovidiu-florinare you in safe mode?16:30
nick_omegaovidiu-florin, no16:30
ovidiu-florinis your filesystem mounted in readonly mode?16:30
nick_omegaovidiu-florin, i dont see how that change would have been made16:31
nick_omegaovidiu-florin, drive mounted at / (rw,errors=remount-ro)16:38
nick_omegaalso in dolphin, "an error occured while accessing 'dirve', the system responded: the requested operation has failed: error creating mount point: input/output error"16:38
BluesKajnick_omega, does,  mount , in the konsole list your partitions ?16:49
nick_omegasmart info indicates problem drive16:56
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:18
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Guest15216Hi there17:40
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Guest15216I just installt some Updates on my Kubuntu 13.04 64Bit and now it dosen't boot anymore need help pls :'(17:41
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Guest19724I wasn't getting much help with my installation of ubuntu precision. By chance would anyone be willing to try to help me here?17:42
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit17:43
=== io is now known as IdleOne
Guest15216Is there a recovery tool or something to repair the Kernrel17:46
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DementiusI realy need help with that boot problem, Im in a live system now can I repair Kubuntu from here?17:51
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Guest19724dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 18600 package 'xmind'   How to fix this error?18:10
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progicianhey guys19:43
progicianI'm in a major panic mode here... I've updated my kubuntu 12.04 to 13.04 just a week or so ago, which resulted in all kinds of issues since19:44
progicianit started with a kernel issue, so instead of the default .19, I had to boot with .27, but that was good for a while19:45
progicianbut there were all kind of instabilties19:45
progiciandolphin took about a minute to launch, or ktorrent became unresponsive after every operation for minutes on end19:46
progicianalso, I had to get rid of my old .kde directory, just to be able to login to the GUI19:46
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progicianso I've decided that this was a terrible idea, since the 12.04 was working just fine for me... except perhaps the major pita, the HDMI/VGA configuration everytime I turn on the TV19:47
progicianso unetbootin'ed my 4gig pen drive with 12.04.2 LTS 64bit, and... well, the installer drops me in right in to some busybox shell, and that's about it19:48
progicianthat's how far I can get with it19:48
progicianany ideas?19:48
BluesKajprogician, did you try to install 13.04 as clean install from the USB drive ?19:55
progicianno, as an update...19:55
progicianas it was offered by a notification...19:55
BluesKaj12,04 to 13.04 can't be upgraded directly , one has to to upgrade to 12.10 first , then to 13.04 ...13.04 is not LTS19:56
progicianwell, I can't really reproduce the situation anymore, but from what I remember, I had a 12.04 at the time. Either way, once updated, things turn to pear shaped...19:57
progicianperhaps I was on 12.10 then...19:57
BluesKajso your update manager must have tried to upgrade to 12.1019:58
progicianBluesKaj: I'm not sure, because I immediately saw 13.04 for the update....19:59
progicianperhaps I'm mistaken and I had 12.10... I've read great many stuff on 12.04 recently, so perhaps my memory cheats me20:00
BluesKajprogician, that's very odd, unless you had already upgraded peviously to 12.1020:00
BluesKajok , does your usb drive allow you to "try ubuntu" first ,m before installing ?20:01
progicianeither way, 13.04 was a disaster for me, because before I had a quite stable OS, now it's not even booting20:01
progicianno, it gives me first the unetbootin menu, which has "Default" and "Back", and both options drops me in to an (initramfs) prompt20:03
progicianBluesKaj: I mean, in a BusyBox shell20:04
BluesKajdescribe your boot  up , then what happens if try to boot directly into the OS without the USB20:04
progicianI get the grub menu, and if I select the .27 kernel, it gets to kubuntu .... part, but without kubuntu label, and nothing moves20:05
BluesKajdo you mean the desktop ?20:06
progicianno desktop... that's still in console mode20:06
BluesKajhave you tried updating and upgrading from the tty?20:07
BluesKajconsole mode as you call it20:07
progicianI can't switch to tty's at that point20:07
progicianI mean, I can't get any interactivity past grub20:08
BluesKajwhat about the recovery kernel ?20:08
progicianhmm, I will give it a try again, and will come back to say, what happened20:08
progicianBluesKaj: re20:19
BluesKajprogician, bummer20:20
progicianso I tried all 4 options of the advanced boot menu, and in the recovery mode, the thing stucks at running some init_bottom script in the GUI terminal, and on the tty1 (ctrl-alt-f1) it initializes the mouse, and the firewire core, whatever that means20:21
progicianno error is indicated20:21
progicianat least, nothing on the screen20:21
progiciansince the whole thing is unresponsive beyond this, I can't tell what's going on in the logs20:21
BluesKajprogician, did you try and apt-get update and upgrade?20:22
progicianBluesKaj: I don't have a shell to do that man20:22
BluesKajat the tty20:22
progicianit doesn't get to the shell before it hangs...20:22
progicianit takes no input, no login, no nothing20:23
progicianI just see the latest line of the log, which is what I just described, and beyond that nothing happens, not what I can tell...20:23
progicianwhat I can do is leave it for a longer period of time, maybe it just get too busy doing something, but yesterday I left it for a half an hour, and it didn't move either20:24
progicianand the most annoying is, that I can't even reinstall it, because for some god damn reason, the usb installer doesn't want to work either :(20:24
BluesKajnever liked those unebootin methods , seen too many fail for unknown reasons ..any chance you burn an iso image on a cd/dvd ?20:25
BluesKajcan burn'20:25
progicianBluesKaj: I have no writeable cd/dvd at hand20:25
progicianactually, my dvd drive isn't connected for a while now...20:25
progicianbut I installed everything from usb in the last 4/5 years without any issue20:26
BluesKajwhynot just burn the iso to the usb without using unebootin ?20:27
progiciani'm on windows720:28
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BluesKajprogician, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto20:30
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BluesKajanyway , gotta go20:32
progicianthis only works with dvd's, not with usb...20:33
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bransonedgeI was hoping to get some help with Kubuntu Libre Office21:27
Artakhai don't really use that but i can say you should just post what you need help with21:28
Artakhasomeone ought get back to you, or try #libreoffice21:29
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nick_omegakubuntu 13.04 is taking a long time to install, and hangs once at 'starting lightdm display manager' (but can escape out of the installation ... second try the 'kubuntu' logo ceases to flash after some time although the mouse still moves around.  i dont recall any sort of issue like this with 12.  suggestions?23:29
SonikkuAmericanick_omega: Keep trying...? It's a new installer and all, so be patient.23:32
nick_omegaok there it goes23:36
SonikkuAmericaAhhh... the power of patience.23:36
SonikkuAmericaAlthough you won't see the Kubuntu splash screen when it starts up...23:37
nick_omegaa new installer, i see23:37
SonikkuAmericaYep. Completely new...23:38
Artakhawhy was it made anew anyway? the old one was fine imo23:38
Artakhai didn't install 13.04, upgraded to it23:39
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