
StevenKwgrant: I'm free to land db-previewdiff-to-bmp and start this pipe up?01:20
wgrantStevenK: Might as well01:21
* StevenK files a high bug to track it all01:21
wgrantDF's nearly done, btw01:21
wgrantProbably 2-3 hours left01:21
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StevenKwgrant: Putting together an FDT for 1000Z04:35
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
StevenKwgrant: https://code.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/index-previewdiff-merge_proposal/+merge/162915 is the only branch of the pipe missing an Approve, can you look again?04:40
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wgrantStevenK: Hm, might that want to be unique actually?06:04
wgrantSo we can use the timestamp as a key06:04
StevenKwgrant: The best we could do is a composite key of BMP and the timestamp, but it's a little table06:06
wgrantStevenK: I mean in the context of an MP06:14
wgrantWith the schema in the pipe today, we'd have to use PD.id06:14
wgrantBut the timestamp is a natural key06:15
wgrantSo I'd make the index in that patch unique06:15
wgrant(and rename to _key)06:15
StevenKwgrant: Hm, I don't see the lxc veth* device after rebooting06:32
wgrantStevenK: It won't be there until the container starts06:34
wgrantIt's the host side of the guest's eth006:35
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/5660394/06:43
wgrantStevenK: Indeed06:50
StevenKwgrant: The diff has updated07:00
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Ursinhawgrant, StevenK, hello :) how bad things would break if removed the requirement of people being sprint attendees for them to show listed as blueprint subscribers here: https://launchpad.net/sprints/uds-1305/+temp-meeting-export ?20:23
Ursinha(and good morning, whenever you show up :))20:24
=== wedgwood is now known as wedgwood_away
wgrantUrsinha: We should check how much bigger and slower it would get.23:09
Ursinhawgrant, right. How can we do that?23:17
Ursinhawgrant, reasoning behind this is that it seems this is the first UDS registering attendance isn't required, but they still need to know the people that are subscribed to the blueprints23:21
Ursinhacjohnston said they'll have problems with that, starting tomorrow23:22
UrsinhaI checked the code and it seems that being an attendee is a requirement to be displayed on that page, but I couldn't find the reason why23:23
Ursinhado you know?23:23
UrsinhaI meant, subscribers displayed there need to be also attendees23:23
wgrantUrsinha: Summit only cared about attendees, and there was no way in the export format to say whether someone was an attendee or not.23:25
wgrantAnd IIRC Summit used to try to schedule even non-essential participants without conflicts if possible.23:25
wgrantSo it was fairly important that it not get random extra people.23:25
Ursinharight, got it23:25
Ursinhaactually, as that page has a list of attendees, it would be fairly trivial to know if a subscriber is an attendee or not whenever parsing that23:34
Ursinhaso adding all subscribers at this moment is more a matter of performance than anything else?23:34
wgrantUrsinha: It seems so.23:35
wgrantRemoving them is probably reasonable, though it might be worth someone running some quick queries to determine how many times more people that would have been for historical UDSen.23:35
cjohnstonwgrant and Ursinha thanks for looking into this... when summit runs in auto mode it does still try to make as many peoples schedules work as possible23:43
wgrantcjohnston: So this sounds like it might be a regression.23:44
cjohnstonwgrant: I'm not sure that it is. I think while we were using LP for attendees, we never noticed the problem. but since we are trying to make things easier by not requiring registration on one service and everything else on another, I think we are now figuring this out23:45
Ursinhacjohnston, wouldn't be too much to summit trying to work with the schedules of all subscribed people?23:46
cjohnstonUrsinha: I doubt there are that many people who aren't 'attending' but are subscribed to a BP23:47
cjohnstonBut, atleast for this event, summit isn't doing the schdeuling, its being done manually23:48

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