
TheLordOfTimelaunchpad under timeout bugs or something?01:01
TheLordOfTimei'm timing out accessing my own user page.01:01
wgrantTheLordOfTime: There was a database glitch for about 5 seconds.01:17
TheLordOfTimewgrant:  okay, that explains the timeouts01:18
TheLordOfTimewgrant:  but the glitch has been resolved?01:26
TheLordOfTimeso any timeouts from here on out are possible indicators of a pronlem?01:26
lifelesswgrant: 5s glitch?02:23
wgrantlifeless: Probably a network glitch, as we saw widespread random timeouts over a slightly less than 5 second period.02:24
lifelesswgrant: interesting; I didn't realise you could pin down a glitch to less than 10 seconds02:24
wgrantlifeless: All the OOPSes fell within a small window and I could see when the hanging queries started02:25
lifelessah, of course, oops has per query granularity02:25
* lifeless is clearly not on top from today.02:25
wgrantMost summaries can't tell you more than roughly timeout*2, but the detail can.02:26
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shadeslayerMy uploads to a PPA don't seem to be going through10:01
StevenKshadeslayer: Cronjobs were stopped so we could apply a DB patch, they'll be spinning up now10:04
shadeslayerah :)10:04
shadeslayerStevenK: thanks!10:05
shadeslayerStevenK: will I need to reupload ? or do I just wait for LP to process the already uploaded stuff10:05
shadeslayerah nvm10:05
shadeslayerI got the email10:05
wgrantWe won't drop uploads, but they can be delayed.10:07
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Saviqhey, any idea why I couldn't push to lp:~unity-team/unity-api/trunk? the branch isn't there, I'm a member of the maintainer team...12:06
SaviqI get bzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "~unity-team/unity-api/trunk/": : You cannot create branches in "~unity-team/unity-api"12:07
Saviqmake that */unity-api/* - can't push there, Permission denied...12:10
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wgrantSaviq: Looks like it works fine now. Did you get someone to fix the branch sharing policy?12:25
wgrantit looks like the project was private in the past12:25
Saviqwgrant, yeah, did it myself, the sharing policy was b0rked12:25
Saviqwgrant, I don't think it was private, but was definitely set up wrong12:25
Saviqwgrant, thanks12:25
wgrantIt has a commercial subscription, so someone was at least trying to do something non-public :)12:25
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TheLordOfTimeanother db glitch?15:55
* TheLordOfTime is getting timeouts on PPA pages now15:55
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=== rcleere_ is now known as rcleere
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