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embedded_guyHowdy.  I am trying Ubuntu with the BeagleBone Black.13.04 won't goi into x and 12.10 flickers with every screen update.  Are there any BeagleBone Black users who can suggest some thing I need to do?06:38
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embedded_guyHowdy.  I am trying Ubuntu with the BeagleBone Black.13.04 won't go into x and 12.10 flickers with every screen update.  Are there any BeagleBone Black users who can suggest some thing I need to do?08:33
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anshuneed help on the ubuntu image for beagle bone12:26
anshui've booted my BB thru the pre compiled ubuntu image12:27
anshulso able to login graphically12:27
anshubut dont get the desktop after tht12:27
anshuits just blue screen with a pointer12:27
anshuany help?12:28
ogra_we dont have any images for the beaglebone ...12:30
ogra_i guess its a third party image, talk to the creatore12:30
tintihi is anyone facing issues with Beagle Bone  Black?12:42
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wookeytinti: yes - you are the 3rd person to ask today23:13
tintiwookey: what?23:13
wookey07:38 < embedded_guy> Howdy.  I am trying Ubuntu with the BeagleBone Black.13.04 won't goi into x and 12.10  flickers with every screen update.  Are there any BeagleBone Black users who can suggest some  thing I need to do?23:13
tintiabout pocketsphinx23:13
wookey13:26 < anshu> need help on the ubuntu image for beagle bone23:14
tintiwookey: have you tried it?23:14
tintiI am working with the RPI23:14
* wookey not an RPI fan23:14
tintiafter I get back to it. But would be great to get it working.23:14
infinityRPi is out-of-scope for this channel.23:14
* infinity points at the topic.23:15
tintiwookey: cubieboard? nexus7?23:15
tintiI am kind a fan of it23:15
tintibut my favorite still cubieboard :)23:15
wookeycubie is nice. I have a snapdragon board and an EOMA68-PC coming23:15
wookeyand an n900 and lots of balloonbaords23:15
* tinti wookey flawless victory23:17
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