
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
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ikthallo all :)08:58
jeaDid either of you see the discussion last night regarding reapproval for Ubuntu-AU?09:35
jeaOk. I will try to find the logs09:44
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iktit looks like there isn't much excitement regarding ubuntu on the desktop for a few releases09:58
iktit should be relatively smooth sailing towards 14.04, maybe a bit of bumpiness with mir09:59
jeaApologies for being fairly quiet at the moment - I am in another Uni group meeting10:02
jeabut I am watching10:02
Noskcajjea, with the exception of lubuntu, they are having a bit happen.10:17
jealubuntu is doing things within Australia?10:17
Noskcajjea, no, i thought you meant in general10:19
jeaAh, ok10:19
Noskcajjea, if you need me to help with anything, let me know. i live in armidale though10:19
jeaIn this case I was wondering about happenings within Australia, with regards to reapproval later this year10:20
iktNoskcaj: what's going on with lubuntu?10:20
Noskcajikt, there was talk of skipping 13.10.10:21
Noskcajmostly because of PPC bugs and XP EOLing10:21
jeaXP == Windows XP?10:22
Noskcajboth lubuntu and xubuntu are making offline documentation, not much else is happening.10:24
Noskcajand xubuntu had a magazine feature which i helped write10:25
jeawhat magazine was that in?10:25
jeaalso, congratulations for helping to write it :)10:25
Noskcajhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Marketing/Magazine2013 has the info10:26
Noskcajoff the topic of ubuntu. i have NAPLAN tomorrow :(10:27
iktanyone grabbing the latest humble bundle?10:27
iktgood luck :D10:28
Noskcajikt, i would, but i have no money at all.10:28
jeaNoskcaj: NAPLAN is nothing to worry about10:28
Noskcajjea, boring though10:28
iktNoskcaj: i think the minimum is like 1 cent?10:28
jeasure, but not worth all the fuss given to it in the media10:28
Noskcajikt, and the parents don't like even more games10:28
iktalthough you have to donate ~$9 for brutal legend10:28
Noskcaji have to go now, bye10:28
iktseya :)10:28
jeabye Noskcaj 10:28
benonsoftwareNoskcaj: Good luck, 10:29
iktneed to get a 2nd monitor10:29
iktgot one at work and it's great for things like irc10:29
jea2 monitors are very useful10:29
jeathe multi-monitor support is a lot better now too10:30
* benonsoftware intensely dislikes lag.10:31
jeait is quite annoying10:32
iktyeah I've heard a lot about multi-monitor support10:32
gggshit-or-miss with Linux though, had all sorts of strife with it, so went back to single monitor+multi-desktops10:57
jeaI have used multi-monitor with multi-desktops, and it was fine10:58
gggsif your 2nd monitor is a different height then it means unusable areas above/below each monitor10:58
jeait does, but i haven't had issues with that before10:59
gggsicons get automatically placed in the top-left corner, so if you have deadspace above your left monitor you can't get to it11:01
gggsauto-mounts for instance11:01
jeaoh, ok11:01
jaredI've run multi monitors for years, never had much drama with nvidia cards11:01
jeaI don't put anything on my desktop, so I haven't noticed it11:01
jaredAll you do is set the primary monitor to the one you want and set the bar to be only on the primary monitor11:02
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