
=== Vetinari is now known as Guest38996
=== Guest38996 is now known as lukjad
=== lukjad is now known as Guest58611
=== blazemore_ is now known as blazemore
XerixeHey guys, I'm trying to setup jailkit. It's already chrooting for SSH, but when I connect using WinSCP (SFTP). It's not chrooted. Any ideas how to fix this?07:42
geirhasftp is mostly the same as an ssh connection, but it runs /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server instead of a shell. I don't know how jailkit works07:50
XerixeHm, after searching for hours, there was a workaround in stackoverflow. Thanks anyway :)07:56
=== JonathanS is now known as JonathanD
=== Guest58611 is now known as lukjad
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
rostamHI how  ubuntu 12.04.1  related to wheezy/sid ?12:35
blazemorerostam: It was based on the Debian Unstable at the time of release13:03
blazemoreSo, Wheezy13:03
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
n1oukHi. My ubuntu 10.04 is blocked on boot with the message : "Adding 523260k swap on /dev/sda5. Priority:-1 extends:1 across:523260k". Somebody have a idea on the cause ?14:52
=== blazemore is now known as deadbeef
=== deadbeef is now known as badcafe
=== badcafe is now known as flipper
n1oukMy motherboard is : FC gigabyte ga8s649mf and my video cart : nvidea Gforce 6200SE. I can't boot/instal with usb so I have install ubuntu on another pc and took the hard drive on the first pc ^^'. A the begining there was win xp on it.15:01
=== flipper is now known as rjh
=== rjh is now known as blazemore
blazemoreYou can't do that in most cases, n1ouk15:16
blazemore(Someone correct me if I'm wrong)15:16
blazemoren1ouk: You say you can't boot from USB: Can you boot from DVD?15:16
n1oukah ok ^^"15:16
n1oukNo it's reboot all the time.15:18
n1oukand i have configured bios15:19
blazemoreIs this with any bootable DVD, or just Ubuntu?15:20
n1oukwell i haven't got any other dvd but i can make one with xp. with usb i can instal win xp.15:21
n1oukAh, i've try kubutu and it's doesn't work neither.15:23
=== blazemore is now known as jizanthapus
=== jizanthapus is now known as blazemore
blazemoreKubuntu is basically Ubuntu though, if one doesn't work it's likely the other won't15:29
blazemoreKubuntu is just Ubuntu + blue15:29
n1oukMaybe it need a bios update ?15:31
=== mcs_ is now known as matt_symes
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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