
=== sandyd is now known as Guest6742
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bkerensajussi: need to clone y05:10
jussibkerensa: ?05:11
bkerensajussi: jussi02 and jussi03 needed :) for better productivity05:11
jussibkerensa: I think one jussi is enough for most people...05:13
bkerensajussi: a matter of preference I suppose :)05:13
jussibesides we have Tm_T also :D05:13
Tm_Tjussi: yes, dear?05:28
Tm_Tbear? deer? beer?05:29
dholbachgood morning06:40
benonsoftwareAfternoon dholbach06:41
dholbachhey benonsoftware06:41
benonsoftwareHow's it going?06:41
dholbachjolly good - how about yourself?06:42
benonsoftwareI'm currently home sick, might have to go the doctor's tomorrow.06:43
dholbachbah :-(06:46
dholbachI hope you're going to be better soon again!06:46
benonsoftwareThank you! :)06:46
benonsoftwareAbout the CoC, on lp it says I have signed v1.1, but it won't let me sign v2. To do that I have to directly go to the URL (https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct/2.0/+sign). Is this intentional?07:01
dholbachbenonsoftware, it's a bit confusing how this is handled in LP - I think there was a bug report about it somewhere, but I can't find it right now07:06
dholbachhola ara, hola dpm!07:06
arahey dholbach!07:06
dpmmorning dholbach, how were your few days off?07:09
benonsoftwaredholbach: Okies. I was just a bit confused about it.07:10
dholbachdpm, very nice :)07:10
dholbachdpm, I helped a friend with renovating an old house he bought, spent a lot of time outside, went to two parties on Saturday - how about yourself?07:11
dpmnothing much new. I was working those days, and here it seems summer has already arrived07:13
dholbachworking over the weekend too?07:14
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smartboyhwHello dholbach. Did you buy a new phone?08:44
smartboyhwAnd tomorrow's vUDS!08:46
* benonsoftware plans to be sleeping during the vUDS>08:55
dholbachsmartboyhw, I'll very likely get a cheap phone08:58
smartboyhwdholbach: i.e. ? BTW when will the community website be launched? Sounds like people are complaining.08:59
popeydholbach: this looks like a perfect phone for you http://bit.ly/164P7T708:59
popeysmartboyhw: when it's ready ☻08:59
smartboyhwpopey: lol09:01
bkerensasmartboyhw: pong09:05
smartboyhwbkerensa: dholbach did give you the test site of community.u.c. to look at?09:06
bkerensasmartboyhw: I have seen it09:07
smartboyhwbkerensa: Great!09:08
dholbachsmartboyhw, I'll blog about the site in a bit and collect some feedback09:37
smartboyhwdholbach: Great!09:37
dholbachsmartboyhw, but yeah, as far as I'm concerned we can get feedback, do some small fixes and then file the RT to get it online in an official place09:37
dholbachpopey, awesome :=)09:37
dholbachsmartboyhw, http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/2013/05/our-community-website/11:00
smartboyhwdholbach: Really nice! \o/11:02
* smartboyhw hugs dholbach11:02
dholbachyes :-D11:02
* dholbach hugs smartboyhw11:02
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balloonswhoa, uds is tomorrow..12:46
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balloonsJoseeAntonioR, I added a quality session to ubuntu open week, just fyi13:27
smartboyhw_balloons: \o/ time?13:30
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jonodholbach, hey14:16
jonoI just moved around some sessions on Wed14:16
jonoI have Jack on Wed morning so I might just be on IRC for the first two hours14:17
jonoso I moved the sessions I need to be in a little later14:17
dholbachwill one of the other chaps hosting these other sessions?14:17
dholbachor will we be down to one community session at the same time during that time?14:18
jonodholbach, which sessions?14:18
dholbachjono, I thought we have two "rooms" in the community track14:19
dholbachand you were hosting the sessions in one of them, myself the ones in the other14:19
jonodholbach, yeah, we will just grab whoever is available to spin up the session14:19
dholbachok cool14:19
jonodholbach,  but it will be mainly us I think14:19
jonowe can discuss in our call later14:19
dholbachsure sure - we'll figure it out14:20
elfyjono: is there a mailing list thread re UDS - I can't seem to find one anywhere14:56
elfyor anyone else reading that can answer :)14:56
jonohey dpm, wont be long15:01
dpmjono, no worries, I can keep myself busy :)15:01
elfynvm - cobbled something together from fridge15:02
jonoelfy, :-)15:06
elfyjust realised forum need an announcement for it :)15:06
dpmthanks dholbach15:32
dholbachdpm: de nada15:33
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
jonomhall119_, hey15:40
jonomhall119_, can you mail all the track leads to remind them how to spin up the video feeds?15:40
mhall119_jono: sure15:41
jonothanks mhall119_15:41
jonomhall119_, how was the wedding btw?15:41
mhall119_jono: beautiful, even though the weather didn't cooperate15:42
jonomhall119_, ahhh cool :-)15:42
jonodid you catch the bouquet?15:42
mhall119_even got a side-trip into D.C. for a day15:42
mhall119_jono: I'm already spoken fore :)15:42
mhall119_you're not really my type anyway15:43
jonoI still haven't been to DC15:43
mhall119_what with the thrash-metal and all15:43
jonomhall119_, we can be together15:43
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
jonojust the two of us15:43
jonowe can make it if we try15:43
jonojust the two of us15:43
jono..you and I15:43
=== Guest40485 is now known as bellasbells
jcastrohey jono15:49
jonohey jcastro15:49
jcastrodid you see Ars did a phablet review?15:49
jcastroit's quite thorough!15:49
jonojcastro, I did15:52
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
jonojcastro, you joining the call?16:02
jcastroI'm off today?16:03
jcastroI can hop in though16:03
jcastroso I'm ready for UDS.16:03
jonojcastro, ahhh np16:03
JoseeAntonioRjono: ping16:26
JoseeAntonioRpopey: ping16:38
popeyJoseeAntonioR: yo16:40
JoseeAntonioRpopey: hey, I don't know if you could please work with IS to renew ubuntuonair.com asap16:40
JoseeAntonioRthanks :)16:41
JoseeAntonioRballoons: thanks for the session! :)16:43
popeyJoseeAntonioR: done16:45
JoseeAntonioRpopey: and transferred to IS too?16:45
popeynot yet16:45
popeyrenewed though16:45
JoseeAntonioRok, thanks!16:45
dholbachgot to take my mom out for dinner - see you all tomorrow! :)16:48
popeyhah "got"16:48
popeys/got/I am delighted/16:48
dholbachsorry, I missed some words in there...16:48
dholbachgot to ... go, because I want to .... :)16:49
dholbachin a hurry16:49
dholbachbye :-P16:49
JoseeAntonioRhave fun, dholbach16:49
dholbachwill do :)16:49
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dpmhey all, can someone help redditing this and spreading it over the interwebs? -> http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2013/05/13/announcing-the-ubuntu-billboard-photo-contest/18:18
JoseeAntonioRdpm: I'll work on it18:24
dpmJoseeAntonioR, cool, thanks! it's now on reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1e9bxe/announcing_the_ubuntu_billboard_photo_contest/18:25
IdleOneThat contest is unfair. How am I going to get to Russia :(18:25
JoseeAntonioRblargh :(18:25
JoseeAntonioRIdleOne: I was going to say the same thing18:25
JoseeAntonioRinstead, the billboards should come to peru18:26
dpmWe should totally do a contest to make self-made billboards everywhere in the world :)18:26
JoseeAntonioR(note that they're expensive)18:27
IdleOnethere might be licensing issues with that dpm18:27
bkerensaJoseeAntonioR: they are?18:27
chilicuilthe picture features an ad in portuguese for a russian | ukraine contest, maybe it can be changed for this one: http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-mNGNLjIvuNs/UYBzGR8IwrI/AAAAAAACztw/ryh1pPDVWE0/w335-h251-no/2013-04-3018:36
JoseeAntonioRjono: ping18:48
* popey makes work for pleia2 18:55
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pleia2popey: that's precisely what I need right now :)18:58
* pleia2 has been home for about 12 hours18:58
mhall119pleia2: congrats, by the way, I hope everything was lovely19:15
pleia2thanks mhall119 :) it was perfect19:15
mhall119as long as it's the right 2 people, it's always perfect19:16
mhall119jcastro: if you've never been, you should visit the National Museum of Natural History in DC, you're love it19:17
popeysaw this, thought of jcastro http://imgur.com/gallery/rg2YVpf19:36
* cjohnston can't believe he flew all the way out to Cali for pleia2's wedding but wasn't invited19:52
pleia2good thing too, since the wedding was in Pennsylvania19:53
cjohnstonoh. lol19:53
balloonsrandom rant.. why doesn't summit tell me the schedule time for a session on the session page?20:48
cjohnstonballoons: it used to20:56
cjohnstonis it not anymore/20:56
balloonscjohnston, did you have trouble with it lying to you?20:56
cjohnstonthere was a problem with multislot meetings20:56
cjohnstonballoons: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21535/desktop-r-unity-a11y-refactor/   it must just be a virtual thing... file a bug for me please? I'll prolly be able to fix it tonight but I don't know about getting it released before uds.. ask mhall11920:57
balloonscjohnston, ahh.. so 'manually' scheduled doesn't show up20:58
balloonsI can't even find something that says 'auto'20:59
balloonsI can file a bug sure20:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 1179669 in Summit "Session date and time isn't displayed on session page" [Undecided,New]21:01
cjohnstonballoons: I think it's virtual vs non-virtual21:09
balloonscjohnston, ahh21:09
mhall119cjohnston: can you load webchat.freenode.net?21:19
hggdhmhall119: webchat.freenode.net seems to be down due to the DDoS21:20
mhall119hggdh: so it's not our fault? :)21:20
hggdhmhall119: heh. Well, this time, at least, it is not our fault :-)21:21
hggdhsomeone offered https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/#your_channel_name as an alternative meanwhile21:25

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