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pitti_Good morning05:19
darkxst_pitti_, good morning05:22
darkxst_pitti_, any chance you take a look at the retracer sometime05:23
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pitti_darkxst: ah, sorry; I guess at some point it'll be easier if you run it somewhere..05:25
pitti_still on my list05:27
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darkxstpitti_, that would be fine, but I have no idea how to actually set it up ;)05:31
RAOFpitti: Hey, say I was running adt-run locally with adt-virt-schroot and the autopkgtest was failing with no useful error, how would I log in to the schroot it's using to diagnose?06:13
pittiRAOF: I suggest you schroot into the target manually, and within that, run adt-run with adt-virt-null06:14
jibelgood morning06:43
darkxstpitti, any idea why the list of installed languages from accountsservice is much smaller, than 'locale -a'?06:54
pittidarkxst: locale -a has lots of locales for the same lang07:12
pittidarkxst: there are some 10 English locales (UK, US, New Zealand, and so on)07:13
darkxstpitti, yes I saw 10+ english from locale -a (and SUPPORTED) but only about 5 from accountsservice07:13
darkxstand I have no way to filter those dupes out of the SUPPORTED list, however I guess other languages mostly shouldnt be too bad.07:14
pittiwhy not? just split at the first _ ?07:15
darkxstpitti, really doesnt fit the current UI07:15
darkxstalthough I have considered making a seperate dialog that just list that bit07:15
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seb128good morning desktopers08:10
seb128Laney, hey, had a good w.e?08:10
Laneyyeah, three day one, was very fine thanks :-)08:10
Laneywhat about you? good mini holiday?08:10
seb128yeah, I was planning to still check emails and do some stuff but I finally didn't and it was good to have some days off work ;-)08:11
mlankhorsthehe mini holiday was great :)08:11
seb128the weather was also ok for most of the w.e (though with some rains in between and wind yesterday)08:11
seb128hey mlankhorst08:12
mlankhorsta little, I was lucky, when I was outside it was dry the entire time08:12
mlankhorstexcept thursday, I got stuck in a lightning storm on my bike08:12
mlankhorsta great way to get soaked to the bone in a random village08:12
Laneywe had lots of quite strong showers over the weekend08:13
Laneyhid out in the library for a couple of hours08:13
mlankhorstI just crossed a canal, I could suddenly see beyond some homes08:13
mlankhorstand I was like.. best do the next 10 km real fast even if it's against the wind..08:13
mlankhorstthen after it was gone, the wind was gone too!08:14
mlankhorstwhich made me sad, if it stayed I would have made it home a lot faster08:14
Mirvsil2100: morning!08:17
mlankhorstsunday was great though, I enjoyed my ride outside a lot. 2.5 hours :)08:19
* Laney has been doing short ones to figure out how to not fall off when stopping08:20
Laneygetting used to unclipping now08:20
mlankhorstI did some canters like that yesterday, except it was to learn how to not fall off when going fast ;)08:21
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gesergiven a package (razorqt) synced from Debian which build-depends on liblightdm-qt-dev (doesn't exist in Ubuntu): is replacing this build-dependency with liblightdm-qt-3-dev and have pkg-config check for liblightdm-qt-3 (instead of liblightdem-qt-2) the right "fix" to let the package build?08:32
Laneygeser: perhaps make it check for both, as a more upstreamable fix08:34
Laneyassuming it works with both, that is08:34
geserLaney: it builds at least with those changes08:36
* Laney nods08:36
Laneyshould be easy to change it to build with either08:37
geseryes, my patch to CMakefile checks fist for -qt-3 now and falls back to -qt-2 if the first isn't found (like it already does with -qt-1 if -qt-2 isn't found)08:38
geserLaney: thanks, will send my changes to the DD for comment/review08:42
mlankhorstderp, when testing something, make sure you install it first..08:53
dbarthhi; i'm looking into a dependency issue with flashplugin-nonfree; although the control file doesn't mention it, the i386 build depends on update-notifier-common...09:02
dbarthis there any reason for that automatic dependency, or is a build error somewhere?09:02
mlankhorstremove it and find out?09:02
dbarthwell, i can try rebuilding the package, yes09:04
dbarthwith the current control file,ie http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/raring/flashplugin-nonfree/raring/view/head:/debian/control09:04
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mlankhorstand back to raining here09:07
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sil2100fginther: ping10:00
seb128pitti, hey, how are you?10:01
pittihey seb128! I'm fine, how are you?10:01
seb128pitti, was your pending g-s-d change (drop lock_scree_on_suspend) ready for upload?10:01
seb128pitti, I'm good thanks, I had a long and relaxing w.e (got lucky with the weather for most of it, it's not great but at least it was not raining too much in the afternoons)10:02
pittiseb128: yes, it is; it just wasn't important enough to upload by itself (as that code path isn't taken any more)10:02
seb128pitti, ok, I've another patch to upload, I was just double checking, danke ;-)10:03
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fginthersil2100, ping13:14
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seb128Laney, the clutter-gst-2.0 cogl 1.10 b-d, was it needed or did you just want to force a recent enough cogl version? (that's our only diff with debian atm)13:16
sil2100fginther: ping13:27
fginthersil2100, pong13:28
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Laneyseb128: well it's in configure.ac, I was probably following that13:57
Laneyweird that they don't have this build-dep in Debian though but if it's pull in some other way you can sync I suppose13:58
Laneyprobably best to add it back in svn13:58
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seb128sil2100, cyphermox_, Mirv: hey, do you guys know why we didn't have daily landing of the indicator stack recently?14:06
sil2100seb128: you mean raring or head?14:07
seb128sil2100, saucy14:07
seb128so trunk I guess14:07
sil2100seb128: would have to check, as cyphermox_ is the maintainer of the indicator stack14:07
Laneycyphermox told me it would be disabled for some time until something gets merged14:08
sil2100Maybe it's the same as with unity, i.e. UTAH problems with autopilo ttesting14:08
Laneyforgot what though ...14:08
sil2100Ah, right, maybe we already have disabled the indicator stack14:08
sil2100Laney might be right14:08
LaneyI was hassling him in Oak to do a release and he did a manual one for me14:08
sil2100seb128: since there were plans to disable daily-build of indicators until the /phablet branches are not merged in14:10
seb128sil2100, is overlay-scrollbar in the indicator stack?14:10
sil2100seb128: I think it was in the misc stack when I last seen it14:11
sil2100cyphermox_: you re-enabled the unity-gtk-module for the unity stack already btw.?14:11
sil2100cyphermox_: I see you did, ok14:12
sil2100cyphermox_: since currently as things are the integration tests for unity-gtk-module won't test unity-gtk-module at all14:12
sil2100seb128: yep, it's in the misc stack in head14:13
Laneybzr branch lp:cupstream2distro-config is helpful for questions like that14:13
sil2100cyphermox_: I didn't want to re-enable it yet because the integration tests don't test what they need to right now, they just test the standard appmenu-gtk features - but no worries, at least it shouldn't block anything14:14
seb128Laney, I admit I'm just being lazy there, I was trying to have an answer to "why aren't the stack landing in saucy" without having to spend 15 minutes browsing jenkins and logs ;-)14:16
seb128I though sil2100 or cyphermox_ would know ;-)14:17
seb128cyphermox_, we need that overlay-scrollbar fix you did in saucy to unblock gtk 3.814:17
sil2100Yep, you can use us as much as you want while we're here ;)14:17
sil2100seb128: what fix is that?14:18
sil2100seb128: as I am maintaining the misc stack, I could maybe push it further14:18
Laneyjust looked at that MP, says there's still issues14:18
seb128sil2100, https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/overlay-scrollbar/fix-second-use/+merge/16250714:18
seb128Laney, oh, right14:18
seb128I only tested the vertical scrolling (I'm not even sure where to find something that scroll horizontally)14:19
* seb128 tries14:19
seb128Laney, btw did you see my glib ping before? I just got disconnected from IRC after, not sure if it went through (I didn't see your reply if you added one)14:19
Laneyno, didn't get one14:19
seb128Laney, the clutter-gst-2.0 cogl 1.10 b-d, was it needed or did you just want to force a recent enough cogl version? (that's our only diff with debian atm)14:19
seb128wrong history pick14:19
Laneyif it's "want to do the update?" then the answer is that it's on my list :-)14:20
seb128Laney, btw upstream just rolled out a tarball for glib 2.36.2, can you take care of it (or ask if pochu wants to do it ... do we still need that small diff over debian?)14:20
Laneypitti was pinging about the diff earlier though, so maybe he is doing it14:20
Laneyand yes it is still necessary14:20
pittiyeah, we still need that diff14:20
seb128pitti, ^14:20
seb128pitti, are you doing the update?14:20
Laneyunless we want to fix wanna-build14:20
pittiI still need to roll a new pygobject tarball today and have a meeting, so not today14:21
seb128no hurry, anyway between you and Laney to sort out14:21
seb128thanks guys ;-)14:21
LaneyI think pochu was planning something around glib anyways14:21
Laneymaking tests fatal on all arches14:21
pittiyay bsd and hurt14:21
Laneyah, already in svn14:22
pittierr, hurd, but "hurt" is rather descriptive, too14:22
Laneydoesn't affect us for ubuntu of course, but it does make me reluctant to update in debian ...14:22
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Laneyseb128: synced clutter-gst-2.014:35
seb128Laney, thanks14:35
Laneyadded the bd in svn so it'll come back next time14:35
seb128brb, reboot14:36
cyphermoxsil2100: reenabled only to get the autolanding actually. isn't there a daily_release: False?14:37
cyphermoxactually, nevermind that, I thought attente told me the tests were ready14:39
seb128pitti, your ppa works fine on laptop with saucy, though I've a "boring" config to test that (no lvm, no disk encryption, etc) ... standard plugging usb key or tablet works and display icons in the launcher, etc14:42
seb128on my laptop*14:42
pittiseb128: thanks for confirming14:42
attentecyphermox, hey, the tests should be good now14:48
sil2100cyphermox: they're ready, but they're not testing what needs to be tested in the current phase14:58
sil2100cyphermox: but I'll work on that, since it's anyway my task as per the spreadsheet14:59
sil2100cyphermox: please update it once you do anything specific ;)14:59
sil2100In the future, so that we don't duplicate too much!14:59
dobey_dpm: ping15:03
dpmhey dobey_, about to enter a call, but shoot if I can help with anything15:04
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dobeydpm: was just wondering about what to use for translations in qt. if we should use the native qt stuff (and how that fits into the ubuntu translations magic stuff), or if we should just use gettext, or what. or if there's plans to change that going forward, to fit in more with the qt way15:05
cyphermoxseb128: anytime now: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/overlay-scrollbar/fix-second-use/+merge/16250715:06
cyphermoxdesrt: want to review that? ^15:07
desrtcyphermox: get cimi15:07
dpmdobey, in summary: gettext because that's what Launchpad supports, and that is not expected to change. We already use gettext in the SDK, we just don't have a story for pure qt apps15:07
desrthe'll be happy to spend the 5 minutes to review and i honestly have no idea what i'd be looking at15:08
dobeydpm: hmm, ok15:08
pittichrisccoulson: hey15:09
pittichrisccoulson: do you have an 1-minute recipe how to fix hangouts on today's firefox?15:10
pittithey were working last week still, but now ffox says the plugin isn't installed (but it is)15:10
pitti(meeting going on for 10 mins already..)15:10
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, i've not tried it. where is the plugin installed?15:10
pitti/usr/lib/firefox/plugins/, plus a dozen symlinks15:11
chrisccoulsonpitti, oh, that's not going to work15:12
pittiit was until last week15:12
chrisccoulsonpitti, yeah, it won't work with the new version, as it's moved to /usr/lib/firefox/browser/plugins15:13
chrisccoulsonnobody should be using that directory15:13
chrisccoulsonit should be in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins15:13
pittichrisccoulson: that's one of the locations it's symlinked to15:16
chrisccoulsonpitti, is it google plus or firefox that says the plugin isn't installed? (ie, is it listed in about:plugins)15:18
chrisccoulsonit's listed here15:18
pittichrisccoulson: I don't see it in about:plugins15:18
chrisccoulsonpitti - what about if you enter "Components.classes["@mozilla.org/plugin/host;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPluginHost).reloadPlugins(false)" in to the error console and then restart?15:20
chrisccoulsonactually, the restart should be unnecessary15:21
pittichrisccoulson: how do I get the error console?15:21
chrisccoulsonpitti, is it not in the Tools -> Web Developer menu?15:22
pittiah, it is (I never used it)15:22
pittichrisccoulson: if I do that and click "Evaluate", nothing happens at all15:23
chrisccoulsonit's not in the plugin list now?15:23
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i'm not sure then atm15:24
pittiI already tried to purge and reinstall google-talkplugin, restarting firefox several times, etc.15:24
pittiok, so after meeting/tomorrow I'll try with a new profile15:24
chrisccoulsonoh, wow, my session is totally messed up. launcher and dash appearing beneath all of my windows :(15:26
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chrisccoulsondesrt, is it a bug to call g_object_new from within a class_init function?15:36
chrisccoulsondesrt, heh, i thought as much (see bug 1179554) ;)15:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1179554 in ibus (Ubuntu) "Firefox hang on start because ibus calls g_object_new inside a class_init function" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117955415:42
desrtit's not strictly a bug15:43
desrtbut you should only be doing a very limited number of things in class_init15:43
desrtproperties, signals, vfunc overrides15:43
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desrtthis looks like the fun gobject deadlock15:44
chrisccoulsondesrt, oh, should i reassign it to glib?15:44
desrtit's already known15:44
desrtassuming it's the same one (which it appears to be)15:44
chrisccoulsondesrt, got a bug number?15:48
ubot2Gnome bug 674885 in gobject "type initialisation deadlock in GObject" [Normal,New]15:49
chrisccoulsondesrt, excellent, thanks15:50
seb128pitti, some people mentioned earlier getting hangouts back after upgrading the plugin from google15:53
seb128pitti, you might want to try that15:53
seb128I should try hangouts before tomorrow15:53
ogra_that takes out all excitement15:54
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chrisccoulsondesrt, oh, i've just noticed the date on that bug. so, this issue isn't actually a recent one?17:44
chrisccoulsoni wonder why i've only just started seeing it :/17:45
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pittiseb128: hm, upgrade how?19:48
pittiseb128: I purged the package and clicked on "install" in the hangout window, and it gave me the very same deb19:48
seb128pitti, https://tools.google.com/dlpage/hangoutplugin/download.html19:49
pittiseb128: yes, that very19:52
chrisccoulsonperhaps i should upgrade to saucy and test it19:52
seb128works for me (on 32 bits)19:53
chrisccoulsonpitti, or just switch to chromium ;)19:53
pittichrisccoulson: that's the very thing I tried to avoid :)19:53
chrisccoulsonpitti, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1305-chromium-default-browser ;)19:54
LaneyChromium has matured to being as good or better than Firefox19:55
Laneycheeky git!19:55
pittioh noes19:55
pittiso when MS tried to get everywhere, the FOSS world was raging19:56
chrisccoulsonLaney, you might change your mind once all of our customizations are dropped from firefox ;)19:56
pittiwhen Google does it, everyone loves it19:56
chrisccoulsonyeah, i know19:56
Laneywhy would they be dropped?!19:56
LaneyI'm blissfully unaware of what they are :-)19:57
seb128google is nice though19:57
seb128ms is a crappy capitalist company19:57
chrisccoulsonLaney, because nobody has the time to maintain them anymore. i'm hoping to get the important ones upstream, but that is happening slowly19:57
chrisccoulsonor not at all19:57
chrisccoulsonLaney, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head/files/head:/debian/patches/ ;)19:58
pittiseb128: </irony>, right? (I'm not 100% sure)19:58
seb128pitti, no19:58
Laneyas long as I can keep my vimperator19:58
seb128pitti, I hate $ms ad compains against other companies; that's typical marketing and it sucls19:59
sarnoldLaney: if vimperator stops working for you, checkout pentadactyl..19:59
chrisccoulsongoogle are just as bad as microsoft. in fact, i'm less afraid of microsoft than i am of google ;)19:59
seb128google never do hate ad compains19:59
pittiseb128: yeah, no argument there19:59
seb128chrisccoulson, because google is smarter? ;-)19:59
Laneysarnold: I flip flop between the two when one of them stops working :P19:59
mlankhorstactually facebook is the worse evil atm19:59
pittibut right now, Google is by far the worse player19:59
seb128mlankhorst, they are not really playing in the same league than the others though20:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, no, because they're happy to abuse their dominant position to push their product in your face20:00
pittigoodle doesn't have to make hate ads, they just destroy or buy the competition :)20:00
seb128chrisccoulson, like $ms never did?20:00
chrisccoulsontake the google search page for example ;)20:00
sarnoldLaney: hehe :) I'm glad you know about them both.. I've not needed to flip back to vimperator so far..20:00
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm not saying i like microsoft ;)20:00
seb128chrisccoulson, you say google is worth than ms though20:01
seb128I don't agree20:01
pittiright now, for the software market they are20:01
seb128because they are smarter...20:01
seb128if $ms was to lead they wouldn't be any better20:01
chrisccoulsoni don't disagree with that20:02
pittiyeah, neither do I20:03
pittigoogle is basically today what MS was 10 years ago20:03
seb128it's a result of the market/society/business as it is today20:03
seb128whoever is in the leading position will deserve hate for the things they did/are doing to be there20:04
pittiyeah, winner's curse20:04
mlankhorstnot really, microsoft is still doing the same thing, just more behind the curtains20:04
pittiI still like Mozilla more, and I rather trust their products with my data than chromium20:04
mlankhorstI don't 'trust' anyone with my data, that's what verification is for20:05
pittianyway, time for TB meeting, that was an unexpected flamefest :)20:05
dobeyick chromium. i hope not20:11
LeartSAnyone who can review and approve / disapprove branches? https://code.launchpad.net/~vandersonmr/gnome-screenshot/bugfix1169904/+merge/161262 and https://code.launchpad.net/~andyrock/unity/fix-dnd-alttab/+merge/15818221:21
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TheMusoChromium also introduces accessibility implications, like not working out of teh box with Orca. It has its own extension for screen reading, but totally different keystrokes and doesn't integrate with Orca either.22:33
TheMusoI am also considering moving my data away from Google. I haven't been liking what they have been up to recently.22:35
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