
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
Logan_wgrant: Are you around?00:56
Logan_Or lifeless?00:58
wgrantLogan_: Hi00:58
Logan_wgrant: Hey! Would you mind doing $ requeue_package.py --full openafs # ?00:59
wgrantLogan_: Do you know why the tags changed?01:00
Logan_No idea, honestly - someone must've done a push --overwrite during the Precise cycle or something. The trace makes it seem like a Debian tag issue, though.01:01
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pitti_Good morning05:19
bkerensapitti_: top of the morning to you05:23
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pittidoko_, cjwatson_: I wondered whether Debian's glib2.0 could now build-dep on python:any (our only delta); is that a question of apt, dpkg, wanna-build, python-defaults, or something else?05:41
bkerensapitti: ping05:56
pittibkerensa: hello05:57
bkerensapitti: May I PM?05:57
pittisure :)05:57
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dholbachgood morning06:40
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jibelcjwatson_, I get bug 1179202 with latest openssh on saucy, could you have a look?07:51
ubottubug 1179202 in openssh (Ubuntu) "fails to login with error fatal: monitor_read: unsupported request: 144" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117920207:51
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jodh@pilot in08:01
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jodh
jodhjibel: could you add a comment to lp:~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/raring/sbuild/dep8-procenv if you are happy with the changes I made? (Nothing seems to be happening on the Debian side yet).08:04
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jibeljodh, sure, I'll review the changes.08:19
jodhjibel: thanks!08:19
pittislangasek, stgraber: I sent a mail to u-devel@ about testing the new udev (I now ported all our patches and packaging), as well as whether to move to the new net iface naming schema08:23
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doko_pitti, afaik, debian can't do that yet08:25
pittidoko_: good morning08:25
pittidoko_: do you know what part in particular handles that? sbuild's/wanna-build's build dep parsers?08:25
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geserdoes somebody know if it's intended to have/keep "fglrx-legacy-driver" in multiverse? (it got synced from non-free into saucy)08:31
tjaaltongeser: no08:33
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tjaaltonmost likely won't work on ubuntu, or will break things08:34
gesertjaalton: so it should get removed from the archive again?08:34
tjaaltonyes, and blacklisted08:34
geserok, will file a remove bug for it then08:36
mardyseb128: hi :-) Do you know if there is a Google calendar for the UDS?08:39
seb128mardy, hey08:39
seb128not that I know :-(08:39
seb128mardy, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/2013-05-15/display has a feed and a mobile version08:40
seb128not sure if you can make the mobile version send you reminders08:40
mardyseb128: oh, it works. In Google calendar, under "Other calendars", one can add a URL of an ical feed08:49
seb128mardy, good to know, thanks ;-)08:49
sorenHoly crap, developers in India are cheap. I knew they were cheap, but not this cheap. They seem to average around USD 7500. A year.09:09
sorenWrong channel :)09:09
mlankhorst16 roof painters won't make a mondrian, though :P09:09
sorenI don't know, man. I know a lot of very good Indian devs. It seems disproportionate.09:11
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cjwatson_mitya57: proposed-migration only cares about regressions in the set of architectures with successful builds; it doesn't care about whether there are build failures on architectures that were never built before09:47
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cjwatson_pitti: I'm pretty sure there are still wanna-build/sbuild issues we need to fix before you can upload that to Debian.09:48
cjwatson_jibel: ok09:48
mitya57cjwatson_: thanks for responding! that's what I thought, yes09:49
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yossarianukhi - I have an existing ppa - https://launchpad.net/~morgancoxuk - I am on a new desktop though and didn;t copy my GPG key over10:19
yossarianuki.e 6BDD7F6610:19
yossarianukdo I have to create a new GPG key or can I just copy the existing one from the PPA sire / ubuntu keyserver some how?10:20
yossarianuki.e - if I go to  http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x711A47FD6BDD7F6610:22
yossarianukI can see the key - how can I use that key10:22
mitya57yossarianuk: ubuntu keyserver only has your public key (not private), so you'll need to generate a new one10:22
yossarianukmitya57: thanks10:22
tkamppeterWho is responsible for the UDS schedules, two of my sessions were put at the same time.10:24
Laneytalk to the track lead(s)10:24
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yossarianukmitya57: Yes I guess it was silly question... (if anyone can get my key the security is broken...)10:26
yossarianukJust so I know for next time I migrate - where afre the key files kept?  is it just ~/.gpg ?10:26
StevenKyossarianuk: ~/.gnupg10:26
StevenKThat always trips me up, I look for .gpg first10:27
seb128tkamppeter, hey, what sessions?10:28
tkamppeterSorry, I see that it got already corrected. Thanks.10:28
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mitya57cjwatson: in bug 537998, we only want to localize two strings that are coming from https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/saucy/memtest86+/saucy/view/head:/debian/grub, right?10:31
ubottubug 537998 in memtest86+ (Ubuntu) "Boot screen is localized only partially" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53799810:31
yossarianukStevenK: cheers !10:31
yossarianukbtw the whole reason i'm creating packages is to get the latest nvidia driver10:31
yossarianukI wish Ubuntu just worked easily with the Nvidia bin file...10:31
cjwatsonmitya57: which are fundamentally unlocalisable right now10:32
yossarianukthe 313 drivers are now out of date....10:32
cjwatsonmitya57: (yes)10:32
yossarianukxorg-edgers upgrades far to much (i.e kernel, xorg, etc..)10:33
mitya57cjwatson: why fundamentally? we can create a gettext template (right inside debian/), allow rosetta to accept translations for it, and then use gettext(1) in that script10:33
cjwatsonmitya57: It needs to be localised at boot time, not when that script runs10:34
mitya57cjwatson: why?10:35
cjwatsonHmm, I swear menu entry strings used to be localised at boot time10:36
cjwatsonMaybe they aren't any more10:36
mitya57(I know that different users can have different locales, but that's a rare corner-case)10:37
cjwatsonPossibly TEXTDOMAIN=memtest86+ gettext_printf blah would do then10:37
cjwatson(Do use grub-mkconfig_lib's helpers rather than bare gettext10:37
mitya57$ which gettext_printf10:39
cjwatsonview /usr/share/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib10:39
cjwatsonwhich /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ already sources, albeit via a deprecated symlink10:39
mitya57ok, I'll now try to implement that (and fix the symlink)10:40
cjwatsoncompare with other current grub.d scripts10:40
cjwatsonthe symlink isn't a major problem or anything, just mentioned it in case you were confused10:40
cjwatsonthanks :)10:40
mitya57can /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib also be replaced with /usr/share/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib?10:42
cjwatsonDon't replace anything - probably better to extend the conditional10:42
mitya57I meant /usr/lib/grub/update-grub_lib10:43
cjwatsonThey're all various incarnations of the same thing, but it would be a hassle to have to have tight dependencies there10:43
cjwatsonHowever let's check when gettext_printf was introduced relative to those changes10:43
cjwatson2010-12-21 upstream, so 1.9910:44
mitya57that was a long time before precise, so I don't think we should care about that...10:46
cjwatsongrub-mkconfig_lib was moved to /usr/share/grub in 2012-01-2410:46
cjwatsonThe switch from update-grub_lib to grub-mkconfig_lib was 2008-09-2910:47
cjwatsonSo I think you can drop update-grub_lib now and update any relevant dependencies/breaks/whatever to 1.99; but keep the check for /usr/lib/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib10:47
cjwatsonLooks like there aren't any relevant deps, it just uses whatever it can find10:48
cjwatsonBreaks: grub-common (<< 1.99) mightn't be terrible10:48
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* mitya57 's xgettext doesn't understand '[type: gettext/rfc822deb]' in POTFILES.in, weird10:49
cjwatsonIsn't that an intltool-debian thing?10:50
mitya57right, I never used that before... :)10:52
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mitya57cjwatson: if I do "msgfmt debian/po/{}.po -o debian/memtest86+/usr/share/locale/{}/LC_MESSAGES/memtest86.mo" in build target, will it be correctly picked by dh_translations?11:21
mitya57(using xargs)11:21
cjwatsonmitya57: I'm afraid you probably know dh_translations as well as I do11:26
mitya57AFAIR removing .mo files happens after install step, so it should work11:29
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cjwatsonPerhaps you mean pkgstriptranslations rather than dh_translations?11:31
cjwatsonWhich happens in a dpkg-deb diversion, so at dh_builddeb time11:32
mitya57yes, thanks11:34
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cjwatsonwookey: mind if I merge libsepol from Debian?  you're touched-it-last in Ubuntu11:41
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cjwatsonwookey: ditto zlib11:43
wookeycjwatson: sure - just try not to lose the fixes if they've not propogated to debian yet11:52
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cjwatsonwookey: that's within my meaning of "merge", yes :)11:52
wookeyindeed. I realise I am teaching egg-sucking here. I wondered why you even asked  :-)11:52
cjwatsonwookey: Because the rule for merging from Debian is that you check with the previous uploader first, to avoid duplicate work11:53
cjwatsonAnd I should practice what I preach11:53
wookeyOK. in case they have other stuff pending, or were about to do it themselves?11:53
cjwatsonOr in case it's delicate somehow11:54
wookeyOK. noted for future use.11:54
jodh@pilot out12:00
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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mitya57### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ###12:18
mitya57menuentry 'Диагностика памяти (memtest86+)' {12:18
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cjwatsonmitya57: well done12:23
* mitya57 is trying to make the template updating automatically, not manually12:24
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mitya57intltool-extract doesn't support .sh files, so that doesn't seem to be possible12:32
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hallynhi - is the import from lp:ubuntu/raring/* into lp:ubuntu/saucy/* still on-going?12:48
hallynbzr branch ubuntu:lxc is still failing...12:49
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apwcjwatson, hey, i see you did some work on openssh, specifically on monitor_read stuff; i am seeing incoming interactive logins to saucy dropping immediatly with 'monitor_read: unsupported request: 144' -- seen anything like that in your testing ?13:09
cjwatsonapw: already fixed in unstable, fix will auto-sync tonight13:10
cjwatsonapw: bug 117920213:10
ubottubug 1179202 in openssh (Ubuntu) "fails to login with error fatal: monitor_read: unsupported request: 144" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117920213:10
apwcjwatson, ahh thanks13:10
hallynwgrant: ^  is the bzr import into lp:ubuntu/saucy done?13:17
wgranthallyn: package-import has caught up with both saucy and jessie, yeah13:19
hallynwgrant: drat.  ubuntu:lxc is still not right13:21
wgranthallyn: No, it's broken13:22
wgrantpackage-import sees it as corrupt, but it works OK for me13:22
wgrantI haven't had time to investigate properly13:23
smoser`xnox, around ?13:23
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hallynwgrant: ok, thanks13:27
stgraberwgrant: I've been running manual import-dsc against ubuntu:lxc in the past after the importer apparently gave up on the branch, not sure whether that made it any worse13:30
stgraberoh, I see, it's even more broken now than it used to be (can't even pull from it)13:31
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wgrantstgraber: Yeah, except that I can branch the branch fine :/13:33
wgrantI might have time to poke harder at it late this week, but if someone else wants to have a look..13:33
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apwpitti, i just tried out your udevd-202, seems to work on a UEFI machine here; boots fine and sees USB sticks and the like13:39
pittiapw: thank you!13:39
smoseranyone want to venture a guess here:13:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1179513 in Ubuntu "attempt to ssh results in "closed by remote host"" [Critical,Confirmed]13:44
smoserin the cloud images (at least, possibly elsewhere) on saucy i cannot ssh in13:45
smoserwell, cannot get a pty/console. I can ssh in only by giving giving commands to run13:46
pittismoser: duplicate of bug 117920213:47
ubottubug 1179202 in openssh (Ubuntu) "fails to login with error fatal: monitor_read: unsupported request: 144" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117920213:47
pittiwill be fixed in a few hours13:47
apwsmoser, do you see a 'monitor_read: unsupported request: 144' in /var/log/auth.log on the other end, if so, what pitti said13:47
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pittiI get that with today's cloud images13:48
smoserapw, yes, seeing that.13:48
smoserpitti, apw thank you. pitti, you use cloud images?13:50
pittismoser: yes, with jibel's run-adt-test script13:51
pittiin fact, I'm just using them for "give me a throwaway VM really fast in tmpfs" :)13:51
pitti(doing NetworkManager testing, and I manage to screw it up quite often)13:51
smoseri iddn't know about run-adt-test. neat.13:52
smoserpitti, you use via kvm ? (for the tmpfs case)13:52
pittismoser: yes, that creates a kvm based on the cloud image with an overlay qcowfs in tmpfs13:53
pittiIOW, "run-adt-test -sl" -> shell in a pristine saucy environment13:54
pittisame with -r raring -> raring VM, etc.13:54
pittiand as I have apt-cacher-ng, installing a bunch of packages is literally done in two seconds13:54
smoserpitti, nice.13:58
smoseri've recently been using libeatmydata for everything like that.13:58
smoser(and patching apt to always call eatmydata on itself)13:58
smoserand also if you do 'cache=unsafe' in kvm, performance is really good.13:59
smoserjust mentioning those things as they may get you to closer to tmpfs performance without explicitly using memory.13:59
smoserjibel, around?14:00
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smoserjibel, well, when you see this, i'd really like to talk to you some about simplestreams, which i hope can provide a way for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~auto-package-testing-dev/auto-package-testing/trunk/view/head:/bin/prepare-testbed to download/sync images more easily14:02
smoserhm.. i never thought to EATMYDATA kvm14:03
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tedgjdstrand_, Okay, I unwrapped the GIO stuff there a bit (not as much error handling) but the upstart app branch should be happier now.14:38
jdstrand_tedg: cool, thanks! :)14:39
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ogra_cjwatson, are you replacing slangasek while he is sick ? i have two specs in the foundations realm that need approval and scheduling15:26
SpamapSso, does anybody even triage bugs for compiz?15:27
SpamapS524 New15:27
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cjwatsonogra_: yes15:34
cjwatson(if I can remember how)15:34
ogra_cjwatson, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1305-non-interactive-touch-boot and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-1305-android-builds-revisited15:35
cjwatsonogra_: OK, poked on LP, let's see if/when they show up in summit15:36
cjwatsoncjohnston: Is there a guide somewhere for how to run a vUDS track?15:39
* cjwatson finds http://summit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ and hopes it's up to date15:40
cjwatsonHm, not entirely convinced15:40
cjohnstoncjwatson: that has everything except the hangout stuff15:40
cjohnstonmhall119_: sent out instructions last time on the hangout stuff. I don't know, but I would assume that is planned again15:41
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mptcyphermox, are Bluetooth PINs always four digits?16:05
cyphermoxno, they could be longer16:05
mpt"Any 16-byte UTF-8 string may be used as a PIN code; however, not all devices may be capable of entering all possible PIN codes."16:06
* mpt should have Googled first16:06
mptPIN: 🙈🙉🙊😱16:07
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mlankhorstmpt: but you can have 1 UTF-8 character that's 6 bytes in length, limiting you to 2 characters :>16:30
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cjwatsoncjohnston,mhall119: I have two more foundations sessions to schedule, and no free slots.  Would it be best to steal slots from another track (appdev seems to have quite a few free)?16:52
cjohnstoncjwatson: you can ask the appdev track leads if you can have a slot or two.16:54
cjwatsonpopey,dpm,mhall119: ^-16:59
dpmcjwatson, I think you can use some of ours, yes. Otherwise if that is not enough perhaps we might want a second room for Foundations17:01
dpmcjohnston, ^17:01
cjohnstondpm: I think that would prolly be jono's call17:01
cjohnstoninitially the one foundations room was added because client was too big17:02
jonojust add them to appdev17:03
mhall119cjwatson: how many sessions?  I have a handful more to add today for appdev17:04
cjwatsonmhall119: two at the moment17:06
cjwatsonhoping that'll be it - it's a bit late to be adding things anyway17:06
tedgjodh, On the instance interface in upstart the processes are a(si).  What is that string for?17:07
mhall119cjwatson: that should be fine then17:12
seb128cjwatson, mhall119: desktop is not full either and can probably host a few extra ones if needed17:13
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mhall119seb128: you mean client?17:13
seb128mhall119, safe difference :p17:13
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* cjwatson finds https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS/Sessions re how to do the hangout stuff17:37
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slangasek@pilot in18:36
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: slangasek
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balachmarI am having a problem installing 13.04 on my system. The upgrade failed, but the installer is giving me problems as well. It boots and then when you should be able to select the installation type it stays empty: https://owncloud.wligtenberg.nl/public.php?service=files&t=3de9d7b808a91cfc69d0b6e159216be219:53
balachmar  And whenever I click on the change or (+/-) it crashes...19:53
balachmarMy old system, which is broken by the upgrade still boots. But I cannot perform a dist-upgrade because of some dbus error...19:54
ScottKbdmurray: How would phased updates work in a case where I've got a new KDE SC upstream release with several dozens of packages that have been tested as a set and should hit a user's system at ~the same time?19:57
bdmurrayScottK: that's a good question and something we haven't explicitly thought about.20:00
sarnoldScottK: in your example, would you have versioned dependencies in place to force an all-or-nothing upgrade?20:02
sarnold(just for my own curiosity..)20:02
dobeyhrmm, what does "[] Willing to be Crew" even mean for vUDS? :)20:13
dobeybalachmar: #ubuntu is the help channel20:13
=== wright.freenode.net changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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balachmar@dobey yeah I found that out later, I thought this was technical enough...20:33
udevbotError: "dobey" is not a valid command.20:33
balachmardobey: yeah I found that out later, I thought this was technical enough...20:33
Davieystgraber: For reference mongodb is keen to allow us (and derivatives) to link against openssl and is actively working on a declared exception.  *They* questioned why it required extra work, as they assumed it was a system library.21:33
stgraberDaviey: ah, ok, thanks for the update. I haven't rechecked the bug report in the past week or so, good to see it going in the right direction.21:34
Davieystgraber: That upstream bug report seems to be simply poor triaging21:35
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keesstgraber: hm, do you think /etc/init/container-detect.conf (and console.conf) should detect KVM as a container? Nice to have a serial console Just Work under KVM...22:13
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stgraberkees: it definitely shouldn't detect kvm as a container or it'll do very very bad things to it (like not install grub), but yeah, having an extra console job which does the right check for kvm either through a udev start on pattern or through pre-start would be nice22:14
stgraberI think there's a tty-device-added or something similar that's emitted in upstart at boot time for console devices, so with the right starton pattern it should be possible to DTRT for kvm serial console22:15
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sarnoldwhat does grub get you in a container?22:16
stgrabersarnold: nothing, that's why we have a check in the grub scripts to turn them into no-op when in a container22:16
sarnoldstgraber: then not having grub doesn't sound so horrible?22:17
stgraberwe technically support running a full Ubuntu system (think desktop squashfs) in a LXC container without modification, so it's possible (and happens often) that you have grub and a kernel installed in the container, even though they're completely useless22:17
stgraberthe default container you get with lxc-create doesn't contain grub+kernel but things like the images used by the QA team do and so do the cloud images22:17
infinitysarnold: I think his point was that if you detect KVM as a container, you won't get a functional grub in your kvm VM.22:20
infinityAnyhow, some better way to automatically set up serial consoles has been a long-time wishlist of a lot of people.22:21
infinityIt's a point of contention on devices where you might still be using serial ports for weird things like, I dunno, talking to serial devices.22:21
infinity(But if udev has some sort of event for "the kernel ran a console on this tty already", then that would be perfect)22:22
stgraberyeah, jodh tried to build a generic job a while back, which worked pretty well except for all the cases where you want to use your serial port to talk to serial devices22:22
sarnoldinfinity: wow. somehow I misread KVM -> LXC. thanks for fixing my reading. hehe. :)22:23
stgraberI think we can pretty easily deal with the stndard /dev/tty[123456] and get down to just one multi-instance job dealing with them, hypervisor consoles should also be detectable, it gets tricky when you're talking about ttySX and ttyUSBX where you're never quite sure what you want on those22:23
infinitystgraber: I could probably come up with some sick pathological case of using an hvc* serial port for something other than a console, but that's probably approaching "you get to keep both pieces" territory.22:24
infinitystgraber: As for ttyS* (and friends), I've long been of the opinion that if you have console=/dev/ttyS32 on your kernel command-line, that's probably what you want for userspace too (and you can effin' kill the getty yourself if it's not what you wanted)22:25
stgraberinfinity: indeed, parsing /proc/cmdline and starting a getty on what console= points to should be safe and we should definitely do that22:27
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keesstgraber, infinity: yeah, I like this idea.22:28
keesthe thing is, I think the existing console.conf is correct already.22:29
keesactually... is there a way to detect if /dev/console != /dev/tty1 ?22:30
keesbecause always starting a console on /dev/console seems like a sensible idea.22:30
lifeless+1 on getty on your cmdline console22:30
stgraberkees: I think it'd be more reliable to have upstart parse the console= argument if only because it'll need to get the bitrate and other stuff from there anyway. Then move upstart to have a single "getty.conf" job which uses instances (taking PATH, BAUDRATE as variables), then have that job triggered by another job or by a starton condition22:36
stgraberthe advantage being that upstart instances will prevent ever starting a getty twice on the same device22:36
lifelessbarry: hey22:38
barrylifeless: hey22:39
lifelessbarry: so, image based updates - I'm going to be online for the session I think; but I wanted to ask - have you looked at e.g. lmirror for the updates ?22:39
lifelessbarry: it's got a bunch of properties that seem to match the stuff you wanted according to the wiki page22:39
barrylifeless: i have not22:39
barrystgraber: ^^22:40
lifelessbarry: including HTTP streaming, signed updates, sliding windows of history and so forth.22:40
barrylifeless: https://launchpad.net/lmirror22:41
lifelessit's probably not an exact fit, but I'd be delighted to have it's design tweaked to fit, if conceptually it fits.22:41
lifelessbarry: yeah22:41
barrylifeless: is there more documentation on it available?22:41
barrylifeless: or should i just grab the code and poke around?22:42
keesstgraber: hm, yeah22:42
lifelessbarry: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lmirror/lmirror/trunk/files/head:/doc/22:42
lifelessbarry: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~lmirror/lmirror/trunk/view/head:/doc/MANUAL.txt22:42
barrylifeless: cool.  it's dinner time here, but i'll take a look either later tonight or in the morning22:43
lifelessbarry: kk22:44
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barrylifeless: thanks.  /me -> dinner22:44
stgraberbarry, lifeless: bookmarked, will try to read through the doc/ a bit later22:44
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