
Unit193That works.00:04
kb8wluneed help installing ubuntu 13.04 on win7 and ubuntu  on seprate hard drives00:21
kb8wluplease call 586-722-3473 to help me out00:21
kb8wluneed help selecting the install partition with ubuntu00:23
Unit193Yep, and phone is for his area too. :/00:35
JoseeAntonioRwant me to call?00:37
IdleOneYou can call whomever you like.00:38
IdleOneI wouldn't.00:39
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pleia2I was out of the country for a couple weeks and my membership in ~irc-xubuntu-offtopic-ops and ~irc-xubuntu-ops expired, can I be re-added, please? :)16:52
pleia2and perhaps while I'm asking for things, I got a member cloak a billion years ago as ubuntu/member/pleia2 - can it be updated to match my lp profile instead? so ubuntu/member/lyz16:54
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: see /msg nickserv help set accountname16:55
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: this isn't related to my accountname, it's the cloak16:56
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: yep, and afaik the cloak is set as per accountname16:56
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: I thought it was based on launchpad name16:56
JoseeAntonioRlet's wait an see what others say, then :)16:57
PiciI have to attend a meeting in a minute, but we'll add you back to those teams.  Regarding the cloak, its normally based on account name, but I think we've made exceptions in the past.  I'll be back in an hour or so (ugh, meetings).16:59
pleia2no problem, I can swap account names17:05
pleia2thanks Pici17:06
cprofittpleia2: I believe the cloaks are awared by LP name, but if you have multiple user names registered to your freenode account I think the cloak follows you17:22
Tm_Tpleia2: I was actually waiting you to ask to be readded (:17:23
cprofittyou want your cloak to change to show lyz though right?17:23
Tm_Tso I know its ok to do17:23
pleia2thanks Tm_T17:23
cprofittyou want the cloak not to read: 17:23 -!- pleia2 [~lyz@ubuntu/member/pleia2]17:24
cprofittbut to read /member/lyz -- right?17:24
Tm_Tpleia2: readded, welcome back and congratulations (:17:24
pleia2cprofitt: yes, it's being taken care of :)17:24
pleia2Tm_T: thank you! :)17:24
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darthanubisI was wondering how many years my ban from #ubuntuforums is set for?21:13
darthanubisIt has to have been at least 8 already21:13
darthanubisWill the ban ever come off?21:13
k1ldarthanubis: bans are to discussed in #ubuntu-ops if the channel has not a specific ops channel/team21:16
Unit193k1l: For core channels, though.21:16

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