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mdeslauryes, it'll be awesome for confining apps in user mode16:37
mdeslaurand after that, I'll continue going down the CVE list16:38
mdeslaurand, of course, I will be attending uds16:38
mdeslaurthat's it from me, sbeattie, you're up16:38
sbeattieI'm again focused on apparmor related items this week, specifically focused on the security-s-appisolation-sdk blueprint16:38
sbeattieI'm currently working on getting easyprof to support json input16:38
sbeattieI'll also be attending uds this week16:39
sbeattiethat's pretty much it for me... tyhicks?16:39
tyhicksI'm working on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/security-s-appisolation-dbus-performance16:39
tyhicksI gathered performance numbers late friday and over the weekend and I'm analyzing them now16:39
tyhicksI need to circle back around to the dbus policy language thread on the apparmor list and see if we can get a consensus on how the dbus rules should be structured and then make those changes16:40
sbeattieah yeah, I need to focus some more time there as well.16:41
tyhicksalso, I'd like to start fixing one of the known performance problems in how we're doing the AA access checks in dbus16:41
tyhicks(and then rerun the tests)16:41
tyhicksI'll be attending UDS as well16:41
tyhicksthat's it for me16:41
tyhickssarnold: I think you're up and then we can come back to jj16:42
sarnoldI'm in the happy place this week; I'll be spenidng most of my time reviewing jj's patches, but I'll probably dust off my auto* and m4 knowledge and fake python 3 porting knowledge and review someof the patches sent last week .. or two weeks back ..16:43
* tyhicks still needs to send a few prereq patches for dbus support in apparmor16:44
sarnoldI'm also going to look at mdeslaur's upstart patches, though earlier versions looked pretty well baked, it feels like that ought to go quickly16:44
jdstrandactually, we missed chrisccoulson16:44
sarnoldand I'll be doing UDS :)16:44
jdstrandah, sorry, sarnold is still going (sorry)16:44
sarnoldchrisccoulson: you're up, hand the baton to jj when he shows up :)16:44
chrisccoulsonhi :)16:45
chrisccoulsonso, i spent some time last week getting more familiar with chrome, following the discussions from the sprint16:46
chrisccoulsoni've put that to one side now to handle the regular firefox  and thunderbird updates16:46
chrisccoulsonwhich are nearly done16:46
chrisccoulsonalthough, been hitting a hang frequently in raring. it turns out this is a glib bug, and i think explains some of the recent bug reports i've been getting (bug 1179554)16:47
ubottubug 1179554 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "Firefox hang on start because ibus calls g_object_new inside a class_init function" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117955416:47
chrisccoulsonalso, the arm builds failed because some jit tests timed out. i reproduced the same failures on my pandaboard at the weekend, and verified that lengthening the timeout fixes it16:48
chrisccoulsonalso working on an embargoed update16:48
chrisccoulsoni think that's me done16:48
chrisccoulsonjjohansen, i think it's your turn now :)16:48
jjohansenso I will be working on my apparmor bp work items16:49
jjohansenI have some prep to do for tomorrows apparmor IRC meeting16:50
=== stgraber_ is now known as stgraber
jjohansenand I need to finish finding/fixing a bug with the default profile, that made its way into the most recent devel kernels16:51
jjohansenI think that is it for /me16:52
jjohansenjdstrand: back to you16:52
jdstrand[TOPIC] Highlighted packages16:52
jdstrandThe Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.16:52
jdstrandSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.16:52
jdstrand[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions16:53
jdstrandI had one for sbeattie: were you able to finish your easyprof templates?16:53
sbeattiejdstrand: not quite, still finishing those up as well16:54
jdstrandDoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?16:54
sarnoldI'm curious about our proposed favored ssl/tls bindings in our SDK.. do we have an API there that's better than OpenSSL's for application authors to use?16:55
sarnolddo we get some nice ones for free with Qt/QML? or are they just thin wrappers around the painful API? :)16:56
jdstrandsarnold: Qt has some, yes16:56
jdstrandQML is just presentation, so it doesn't have anything16:56
jdstrandwell, it is more than just presentation16:57
jdstrandbut what I meant is that to get to the Qt SSL bits you need to write C++, but we don't expect many apps to be written in that (but it is there if they need it)16:58
jdstrandthe webkit view should just handle that all transparently16:59
jdstrandsarnold: it might be worth asking the sdk team about. they are quite responsive16:59
sarnoldfor webby things, perhaps, but apps will likely have structured data that they want private and authenticated...16:59
sarnoldjdstrand: aha, got a favored contact?16:59
jdstrandsarnold: I'd go to bzoltan17:00
sarnoldjdstrand: thanks :)17:00
jdstrandmdeslaur, sbeattie, tyhicks, jjohansen, sarnold, ChrisCoulson: thanks!17:01
sarnoldthanks jdstrand :)17:01
jjohansenthanks jdstrand17:01
sbeattiejdstrand: thanks!17:01
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pittioh, so mdz and cjwatson are out20:01
pittikees, stgraber: ?20:01
* stgraber waves20:04
pittihm, so cjwatson was chair originally, and seems kees is out, too20:06
pittiso I guess I'm next in line20:06
meetingologypitti: Error: Can't start another meeting, one is in progress.20:07
pittihm, who started this?20:07
pittimeetingology: help20:07
meetingologypitti: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.20:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon May 13 20:07:45 2013 UTC.20:07
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-13-16.31.moin.txt20:07
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-13-16.31.html20:07
pittiah, merci20:07
meetingologyMeeting started Mon May 13 20:07:53 2013 UTC.  The chair is pitti. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:07
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired20:07
pitti#topic action review20:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: action review
* pitti looks for "See previous meeting "20:08
pittihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/April doesn't exist20:08
pittinor https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/13/April20:09
pittiassuming "no actions"; stgraber, soren, do you remember any?20:09
sorenI don't even remember whether I was there :-/20:09
pitti#topic SRU request for custom unity-greeter indicators20:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: SRU request for custom unity-greeter indicators
pitti(mopping up mailing list now)20:10
pittiI already replied on the ML; soren, stgraber, do you have any objections/points to discuss ther?20:10
sorenNo, I've got half a reply written up already anyway.20:10
stgraberpitti: last meeting was 10min long, no action and no agenda20:11
stgraberpitti: I'm fine with discussing on the mailing-list20:11
pittiformally, one ack is enough anyway, but more opinions can't hurt20:11
pitti#topic openssl as a system library20:12
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pittiTBH, I read the mail and half of Colin's reply, but I must say this legal mock attacking is slightly beyond me :/20:12
pittiI find the Debian stanza way too extreme; I consider this incompatibility a bug, it has obviously not been designed to exclude free software from using each other; but I have no legally sound counterarguments20:13
sorenFedora considers it a system library, right?20:15
sorenOr did I misunderstand that somehow?20:15
pittithis is exactly the kind of legal loophole which indicates to me that this whole conflict is just an unintended side effect (aka bug) of the two licenses20:16
sorenI've been inclined to agree, but ISTR Colin having sound arguments against it.20:16
pittiI'm curious whether there has been any actual uproar from OpenSSL's upstreams about linking with GPL programs20:16
stgraberpitti: oh actually my statement that the past meeting was 10min long and without action/agenda was wrong, that was the one before last. Last meeting was during the Canonical sprint and did happen, though it looks like Colin didn't get to post the minutes.20:16
sorenWell, the conflict between the licenses it pretty clear.20:17
pittiI wouldn't like to come to a conclusion about this without cjwatson, so I propose to move that to the next meeting and/or email20:17
sorenGPL clearly says that you can't put forth further restrictions, while the OpenSSL license says that you must include some notice about it being used.20:17
stgraberso based on what I saw on the mailing-lists and discussed in person with cjwatson last week, it sounds like squid may be a case where it's fine to allow linking with SSL on the basis that upstream is fine with this but can't reach all copyright holders to add the exception20:18
pittisoren: yes, but the GPL itself enforces the mentioning of the license/copyright of the program, so in practice it's the very same "restriction"20:18
stgraberfor the other one (mongo I believe), IIRC upstream clearly stated in the bug report that they're not willing to change the license and that someone should contact their legal or sales department20:18
stgraberwhich makes it sound like this is a case where we really shouldn't let it link against SSL20:18
pittiso forcing distributors to mention the GPL and copyright while denying it to software using different FOSS licenses doesn't make sense20:19
pittistgraber: yes, I know; as I said, I have no firm legal arguments against that, but it still feels just plain stupid and against the spirit of the licenses20:19
pitticf. bug in the licenses20:20
sorenpitti: IIRC, GPL doesn't force you to do that. It says "should", doesn't it?20:20
sorenpitti: It doesn't even do that.20:20
pittiit is a must clause for interactive programs at least20:21
sorenpitti: It says that that's how you apply the license to your program. It's not a requirement of the license itself.20:21
sorenThey're instructions for licensors.20:23
stgraberanyway, I agree with pitti that we definitely want to have cjwatson present before we make a decision on this, so should probably defer to the next meeting (unless we can come to an agreement on the mailing-list)20:23
pittiwell, how is "applying a license to a program" any different than "the license itself"20:23
sorenNot requirements of the licensee.20:23
pittiok, so let's carry this to the next meeting then, I'll put it on the agenda20:24
sorenVery well.20:24
pitti#topic SRU approved without waiting in unapproved20:24
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: SRU approved without waiting in unapproved
pittithat was Riddell's request20:24
pittiI responded by email already20:24
sorenYo did?20:25
pittiin short, I'd consider it an invalid workaround for long SRU waiting queues, and replacing one problem with a much worse one20:25
sorenI didn't see a response from you. Not that I recall at least.20:25
pittiDate: Fri, 10 May 2013 13:25:48 +020020:25
pittiFrom: Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>20:25
stgraberI see it20:25
sorenNever received that. How odd.20:26
stgraberI agree that we have one problem which is the time it takes for something to hit -proposed but the way to fix that is with more people looking at the queue not by bypassing it20:26
pittianyway, if anything I think this should be discussed with the SRU team instead of circumventing peer review20:26
pittiyeah, the turnaround should not exceed half or perhaps one week20:27
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pittiI'll mail the SRU team and discuss with them, with TB in CC:20:28
stgrabersounds good20:28
pitti#action pitti to start ubuntu-sru delay discussion by email20:29
meetingologyACTION: pitti to start ubuntu-sru delay discussion by email20:29
pitti#topic brain storm review20:29
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: brain storm review
pittiit's May again20:29
pittibut I think the last round already showed that there is very little interest from developers in this20:30
pittiwe just got some five responses, and none of them resulted in anything actionable AFAIR20:31
* pitti tries to check wiki, but it currently times out20:31
pittidoes someone volunteer to do another round? or should we just bin this, as it has by and large been replaced with design driven development anyway these days?20:32
stgraberI think it's time to bin this20:33
sorenIf we do stop doing it, we should probably close brainstorm as well.20:33
sorenOtherwise, it's just going to be where ideas go to die.20:34
sorenEven moreso than it was before.20:34
pitticomparing the absolute numbers of voters from my december 2012 review to the ones I saw a year or two before that also showed radical decline of users20:34
stgraberI'd be pretty happy with that considering nobody maintains it anyway and bug reports are piling up (it's on a very old Drupal version, full of bugs and requires quite a lot of work to be ported to something supported)20:34
pittiok, so we agree on that: stop brainstorm reviews and brainstorm itself20:36
sorenCan we even make that decision?20:36
soren(the latter, I mean)20:36
pittiwell, we can at least propose it20:36
pittinot sure who "owns" that20:36
* soren neither20:36
pittithat = brainstorm.u.c.20:36
sorenprobably the CC.20:36
stgraberwell, I'm probably as close to an owner as can be for brainstorm (having started the project and being the only one still vaguely around)20:36
pittiyeah, good point; I'll mail them20:36
sorenUbuntu QA set it up, apparently.20:37
stgrabersoren: correct, brainstorm was initially part of the same service as the QA tracker20:37
pittiah, Ubuntu community QA -- ok, I'll forward the proposal to balloons then20:37
pittiballoons: if you are online, do you have a gut feeling about the fate of brainstorm.u.c.?20:38
* balloons floats in20:38
stgraberanyway, AFAIK I'm the only admin left for brainstorm and the only few times I logged in recently was to purge some data after IS assigned me some tickets20:38
jcastroI can take the item to close it/sunset it20:39
jcastroit was assigned to me a while back20:39
jcastroand everyone who set it up that I used to work with is gone20:39
pittijcastro: it seems both developers and most users have lost their interest in it (not that surprising given how the design process of Ubuntu changed over the years)20:40
jcastroit's always been an odd site20:40
balloonspitti, jcastro and stgraber are correct.. It's a nest of unmaintainedness20:40
* balloons notes that's not a word20:40
jcastroso how do I go about doing this, propose on -devel and go from there?20:40
stgraberjcastro: right, I just had a quick look at when the other admin logged in and they clearly don't seem very active ;) nand logged in 28 weeks ago so I'm apparently the most active admin with 3 logins this year ;)20:41
pittijcastro, balloons: ok, seems we all agree then; can we hand stgraber or you the task to shut it down?20:41
jcastroI'll take the task, stgraber has more important things to do. :)20:41
pittithank you20:41
balloonswe'll need to mention the proper avenues to push ideas.. aka, join in UDS, mailing lists, etc20:41
* soren hugs jcastro 20:41
pitti#topic Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed20:41
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed
pittidid I miss anything?20:41
jcastroballoons: yeah I'll handle all of that.20:41
stgraberjcastro: thanks! let me know if you need any detail on how to actually kill that thing (if we need to extract/archive any data from it)20:41
jcastrostgraber: I'd like to see if we can do a readonly dump of it or something, I'll ask IS20:42
pitti#topic community bugs20:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: community bugs
pitti#topic chair for next meeting20:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: chair for next meeting
pitticarrying over cjwatson?20:43
pitti#topic AOB20:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
stgraberno, he chaired the last meeting20:43
stgraber(during the sprint)20:43
pittioh, ok; kees then20:43
pittile fin20:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon May 13 20:45:22 2013 UTC.20:45
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-13-20.07.moin.txt20:45
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-13-20.07.html20:45
pittithanks everyone!20:45
stgraberthanks pitti!20:45
* Daviey curses himself for missing the meeting.21:31
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