
kode54heh, running mir as system compositor with X seems to be broken at the moment, at least with nouveau02:55
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thomirobert_ancell: ping?04:20
robert_ancellthomi, hello04:20
thomirobert_ancell: this may be a stupid question, but... in a mir (X-less) world, where is the keyboard keymap configured?04:20
robert_ancellthomi, I'm not sure04:21
robert_ancellthomi, racarr was looking into that I think04:21
thomiI guess racarr would know, but I suppose it's still the weekend for him04:21
thomiI'll grab him tomorrow, thanks04:21
mlankhorstkode54: worksforme, anything in dmesg?05:42
RAOFalf__: Good morning!06:40
alf__RAOF: Good morning!06:40
alf__RAOF: or rather, good afternoon06:40
tvossGood morning :)06:47
alf__tvoss: good morning!06:51
tvossalf__, hey, how are you?06:51
alf__tvoss: great, you?06:52
tvossalf__, likewise :)06:53
tvossRAOF, ping08:53
RAOFtvoss: Pong, but about to extract Zoë from the bath.08:53
tvossRAOF, ack, no rush08:56
tvossRAOF, could you ping me if you find 5 minutes today?08:56
RAOFtvoss: Sure. Probably after putting Zoë to sleep.09:03
tvossRAOF, sure09:05
tvossgreyback, ping09:07
greybacktvoss: pong09:07
RAOFtvoss: Yo.10:04
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hikiko_alf___, ping13:14
* alf___ wonders how he ended up with so many undescores13:15
alf___hikiko_: hi13:15
hikiko_hi :)13:15
=== alf___ is now known as alf__
hikiko_I was looking at your gbm_display.cpp13:16
hikiko_the configure function13:16
hikiko_I didn't understand everything to be honest :)13:19
hikiko_you create the display buffer isn't it? which is the gbm buffer that will fill the EGLImage later?13:20
alf__hikiko_: the configure() method is an early version of what will become the mechanism to handle multiple displays in the future. Right now it just produces the same output on all displays (possibly cropped on some of them).13:21
hikiko_and what are the kms outputs?13:22
alf__hikiko_: (For SDL I don't think you will need any of this.)13:22
hikiko_yes that's what I thought too but I guess I need the code that creates the gbm buffer?13:23
hikiko_or maybe not13:23
hikiko_ah I can do what kevin did in the android platform using a gbm buffer instead of an android one probably13:24
alf__hikiko_: KMSOutput wraps an "output" (i.e. an attached screen) as defined by DRM/KMS, it is an internal abstraction which you don't need in SDL13:25
alf__hikiko_: There is the notion of DisplayBuffer, which is a framebuffer which is meant to provide the contents for one or more outputs. On Android, which currently supports one output, the AndroidDisplay class is also a (implements the) DisplayBuffer interface13:27
alf__hikiko_: gbm uses separate objects to provide DisplayBuffers13:28
hikiko_so, I can implement display and display buffer in SDLDisplay as kevin did and leave the configure etc parts :)13:29
hikiko_cool! :D13:29
hikiko_thank you alf__ :)13:29
alf__hikiko_: The display side of SDL is completely independent of GBM (and Android, of course). There is probably no code you can sanely share between these display backends.13:30
hikiko_what i did so far was to use the gbm helper and gbm buffer allocator as it is13:30
hikiko_initialize the context using sdl, and now I am looking what I need from the egl part (I didn't use the egl helper yet because I am looking at android impl to see if I can modify this version to use my sdl context :)13:32
hikiko_but I guess it should work13:33
alf__hikiko_: ok, for the display you shouldn't need to mess with GBM at all. Suggestion: as a first step create only the SDLDisplay(Buffer) and make sure that you can run examples/render_to_fb.13:34
alf__hikiko_: then implement/reuse the buffer allocator and ensure that render_surfaces run13:35
hikiko_ok, but for the step 2, do I have to implement a buffer allocator? can't I use the gbm one as it is?13:37
hikiko_ah no, it's not platform independent13:37
hikiko_it has a private shared ptr to gbm platform13:38
hikiko_I start step one :) thank you :)13:38
alf__hikiko_: for step two, the dependency of GBMBufferAllocator on gbm platform is not a real one... we actually only need the gbm device pointer (which in theory the SDL platform could provide too). RAOF will need to make this change in order to split display/buffer_allocator anyway (but I am not sure how the split is progressing).13:45
alf__hikiko_: but one step at a time!13:45
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kdubmorning, today getting started on a bit of performance investigation15:02
kdubhello alf__, are you back?15:10
alf__kdub: Hello! Yes, I am back.15:22
kdubyay, welcome back15:23
=== pete-woods1 is now known as pete-woods
greybackkdub: hey, I'm still struggling with a segv in integrating unity & mir15:28
greybackkdub: mind if I borrow you for a while?15:28
kdubgreyback, sure (have a meeting in 30 though)15:30
greybackkdub: ok, well I'll be EODing soon, so let me put instructions in a mail, and hopefully you'll be able to repro my issue15:30
racarr_arsenm:/win goto 1015:30
racarr_on another note15:30
racarr_good morning!15:30
tvosskgunn, ping15:31
kgunntvoss: pong15:32
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racarr_Someone gave me an extra monitor yesterday for my new place annnnd...15:53
racarr_turning it on causes unity to segfault :(15:53
racarr_greyback: Got your email...not sure of the top of my head hopefully will come up with an idea soon15:54
racarr_I will be going through all this again today too...15:54
racarr_took a week off so its kind of hard to remember anything :)15:54
greybackracarr_: no worries, I'm just glad you're around so I can ask dumb questions :)15:54
racarr_greyback: electric-fence16:02
racarr_libefence.so is the preload16:02
=== racarr_ is now known as racarr
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kode54mlankhorst: that depends on whether unity-system-compositor is a required package16:30
kode54I had to modify the control in that package because it required an older version of libmirserver016:31
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mlankhorstcome again?16:32
mlankhorstoh nm16:33
kode54 unity-system-compositor : Depends: libmirserver0 (= 0.0.2bzr676raring0) but 0.0.2bzr678raring0 is to be installed16:33
mlankhorstyeah good enough reason for nouveau not to work :)16:34
kode54not nouveau then16:34
kode54I managed to install that package from source, but it still doesn't work16:34
kode54there's also a "mir" package, don't know if I need that one16:35
kode54it fails to install because it depends on libmirserver0 0.0.2bzr643raring016:36
kode54the source package for the same thing is 0.0.2bzr678raring016:36
mlankhorstwell, is there anything in dmesg?16:37
mlankhorstsoomething like failed to validate yadda yadda16:38
racarr_Thanks for chatting all :) was useful to get things loaded back in my head17:01
kode54nothing about failed to validate17:03
kode54there is a notice that VBIOS is valid17:04
kode54and a pile of ACPI notices with Namespace lookup failure attached to them17:04
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racarr_If we have some data17:19
racarr_that we model by some function like cpu_usage(timepoint)17:20
racarr_it's interesting to see17:20
racarr_integral from start of frame to end of frame17:20
racarr_of the derivative of cpu_usage17:20
racarr_which gives us some idea of the17:20
racarr_right this number will be high if17:20
racarr_we have many wakeups spread in to seperate peaks of usage17:21
racarr_vs low if we have a single peak of usage in the frame17:21
tvossracarr_, we can do that post-mortem with lttng easily17:21
racarr_I am just saying it's a good number to look at17:21
racarr_we were just talking about good numbers to measure and track on a hangout :)17:22
tvossracarr_, ah :)17:22
tvossracarr_, did you fix greyback's problems, yet?17:23
racarr_not yet. we had a shell sync up, then talked about inprocess EGL then talked about performance17:23
racarr_and now I am going through what greyback did to start to reproduce it17:23
racarr_I have a pretty strong suspiscion17:23
racarr_of what it i17:23
racarr_I think it's just API changes between android inprocess EGL and GBM inprocess EGL17:24
racarr_masked by a reinterpret_cast17:24
racarr_so I think the solution is really17:24
racarr_get all these branches landed with an integration test17:25
racarr_tvoss: Did you say riccm was looking after platform-api now?17:26
tvossracarr_, yup17:27
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tvossracarr_, who is working on the integration test stuff? is that you?17:27
racarr_tvoss: Not really. I'll harass thomi though and work with him17:29
tvossracarr_, thomi?17:29
racarr_my immediate task is to make qt-mir-inserver and qt-mir-outofserver co installable, clean up more of the shared code, and make the platform-api and qtubuntu mergeable17:29
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racarr_tvoss: He is our QA friend.17:30
tvossracarr_, sounds good :)17:32
racarr_tvoss: Basically what I want to get in place is some sort of automatic test that runs a Qt app against a real mir binary17:32
racarr_and a mir binary with an inprocess Qt app17:32
tvossracarr_, sounds sane17:33
racarr_and just verifies that it appears to work :)17:33
racarr_there is a deeper and missing level of testing needed17:33
racarr_i.e. the event translation from application API -> Qt17:33
racarr_is quite complex.17:33
racarr_and not really covered atm17:33
racarr_YAY multimonitor17:42
racarr_not in mir ;) I just mean on my desk.17:43
racarr_ok now platform-api :)17:43
smagIs anyone aware if someone is working on X11 for Ubuntu-touch?17:51
kdubsmag, there's xmir17:51
kdubprobably about the closest thing at the moment17:51
smagok, I'll check it out17:53
racarr_nvm :)17:54
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racarr_ </lunch>20:04
racarr_Hit the point in merging platform-api mirserver and mirclient branches and cleaning up where I need to pick things out from input-conglomeration ;) so working on that20:19
kgunnracarr_: :)20:42
kgunnracarr_: did gerry ever ping back w electric fence results on the segfault?20:43
racarr_kgunn: No but upon inspection I know exactly what it is20:43
racarr_just platform-api-mirserver need to be updated to the new inprocess API20:44
racarr_to use the internal client helper to get the native window type20:44
racarr_rather than just cast the mir::frontend::Surface (works on GBM, not on android)20:44
kgunnracarr_: sweet20:44
racarr_im merging platform-api-mirserver and platform-api-mirclient in to one great branch now and extracting the dependencies that I had left around and proposing those for merge20:44
racarr_then syncing up with riccm to figure out how to land it all20:45
racarr_so hopefully should unblock shell tomorrow20:45
kgunnracarr_: seriously...that will be so awesome20:45
racarr_Speaking of dependencies I need to land...;)20:45
racarr_kdub: /+who else is alive? https://code.launchpad.net/~robertcarr/mir/enable-and-demonstrate-inprocess-input/+merge/16361520:45
racarr_When you have time20:46
kdubracarr_, sure20:46
racarr_90% cmake ;)20:46
kdubi was wondering what was happening today...21:35
thechefIf I had an application which wants to repeat the behaviour of Mir in order to act as a display manager for its sub applications (e.g. I want to fire up konversation in the Gordon Freemans Office in Half-Life 3). Is Mir capable of supporting this situation well, or will it fail compared to wayland, because it doesn't strictly follow the unix rules where one tool does one job, while Mir does 2 by including server side buffer allocation?21:42
thomihey racarr_21:45
racarr_Hi thomi :)21:45
thomiracarr_: you were looking for me earlier?21:45
kdubthechef, it wouldnt be doing 2 jobs any more than any other display server does21:46
racarr_thomi: Yes. I wanted to ask you about sort of cross bit integration tets for qt+mir21:46
racarr_but I am getting ready to walk to a coffee shop in like 10 minutes then context switch time (from platform-api)21:47
racarr_so lets sync up then?21:47
racarr_thechef: The scenario you describe is rather similar to mirs primary use case ;)21:47
racarr_where the session compositor mir (Unity) runs as an embedded display server21:47
racarr_in the system compositor mir21:47
thomiracarr_: sure21:47
racarr_which has non user things like login screen, etc.21:48
thomiBTW people, I have a suspicion that the packages in mir-team/staging are causing my desktop raring machine to not start Unity.21:48
thomihaven't confirmed that yet though, but it's the most likely candidate21:48
racarr_im having weird unity issues too lately but unrelated21:49
racarr_just added that ppa on this system today21:49
racarr_though I guess I had most of the things from it...21:49
racarr_unity will fail to start because dbus is completely screwed and then I have to reboot (haven't managed to unscrew dbus so far)21:50
thechefracarr_: and which instance of mir handles which buffers?21:50
racarr_the system mir allocates buffers from the gpu and hands them out to the session mirs, and it's normal clients (i.e. lightdm)21:51
racarr_the session mir hands out buffers from the system mir21:52
racarr_i.e. the same way that mir can use gbm or android gralloc as a buffer source mir will use mir as a buffer source21:53
racarr_but I mean, if half life 3 wants to let you run konversation, it links against libmirserver21:54
racarr_subclasses the renderer, with something that renders to some FBO like it wants rather than the framebuffer21:55
racarr_and acts like a normal mir, konversation talks to it, asks for some buffers, it asks the session mir (that the app/game is running inside of) for some buffers, so on (ignoring optimizations...lots of subcases)21:55
racarr_not something we have thought about a lot (besides the session/system compositor case)21:56
racarr_but it's certainly doable.21:56
thechefokay, thanks. Good to know.21:56
racarr_:) np21:56
racarr_I think more so than buffer "allocation" it's interesting to think about buffer distribution and ownership21:57
racarr_and the theory behind server side allocation is just that they are a shared centralized resource, and the display server will be in the best position to make decisions about distribution and ownership i.e. who gets what buffers when21:58
racarr_as it has the most info21:58
racarr_this way, rather than doing two jobs, mirs job is "Provide clients with a stream of buffers"21:58
racarr_aha sorry...I seem to enjoy typing today ;) new office so im a little overexcited.21:59
thechefIt's seems to be some sort of a Zaunpfahl-Problem whether you choose to do server side or client side allocation. But what I find weird is the handing over of single frames, because sometimes the display server is going to know really bad WHEN an application should receive the buffer. Assume you want freshest frames. The client is better able than the server to estimate (e.g. according to the content of it's GL frustum) rendering time22:02
thechefand to decide when it should start drawing.22:02
racarr_greyback: Around? (This is super late for you isn't it?)22:22
greybackracarr_: just about to go to bed, but go on22:23
racarr_greyback: Oh no worries then. Was just going to say think the issue is fixed in ~robertcarr/platform-api/mir but haven't gotten to test it yet (still reconstructing qtubuntu and getting things out of input-conglomeration)22:23
racarr_it was just, on gbm, the EGLNativeWindowType is the msh::Surface but on the new android stuff22:24
racarr_you have to use this factory helper thing to contruct it22:24
racarr_so ubuntu_application_ui_get_egl_native_window had to be updated22:24
racarr_maybe it was another segfault but that would definitely segfault shortly after creating the surface :)22:24
greybackok cool, that's somewhere for me to start tomorrow22:26
greybackracarr_: appreciated, thanks! :)22:26
racarr_sleep well :)22:27
racarr_will have an email for you with updated (slightly simplified so far ;)) branches22:27
greybackracarr_: and good night to you too22:27
racarr_kdub: Hey on the subject of mir::client::input22:38
racarr_I don't want to put it in to just mir::input because it's all about receiving22:38
racarr_but mir::client is misleading...22:38
racarr_so what about...mir::input::receiver22:38
kdubyeah... i think we were on to something today when we said we need another word other than client22:39
kdubracarr_, i think that is better22:39
racarr_yes. I agree it's a hard lingual problem though XD22:40
racarr_on the input side it's easier22:40
racarr_because it's all about being a receiver22:40
racarr_but in general its not so clear22:40
racarr_...maybe not22:41
racarr_It's not a consumer22:43
racarr_We could call it a customer and then we can have business logic22:43
kdubhah, mir::graphics::Platform::synergize22:44
racarr_of course, that just composes the Patron and the Business Logic22:45
=== racarr_ is now known as racarr
racarrI think this word has the potential to be misleading because 95% of the time in our domain it refers to a human consumer of software22:46
racarrbut really what we mean by client22:46
racarris user22:46
racarror maybe we want client and the problem is that we have a "client" library22:46
racarras opposed to a.......*spins hand*22:48
racarrI dunno "application" library22:48
racarrthe root of these confusing names, is libmirclient implies that22:48
racarr"Hey this is the library for mir clients"22:49
racarrlikewise with the mir::client:: namespace22:49
racarrthis is the namespace for mir client machinery22:49
racarrso this inprocess client conflicts22:49
racarrso mir::client::* and libmirclient might be too generally named22:50
racarrso libmirapplication becomes the library toolkits link against, the exiting client library machinery moves to mir::application22:51
racarrand common stuff (like input machinery, EGL bits(??), types, etc)22:52
racarrcan live in mir::client::22:52
racarrnamespace mir = mir::input::receiver22:54
kdubheh, mirec?23:03
racarrkdub: I don't know maybe this is a sign that mir is misnamed23:13
racarrit needs salting to prevent collision, i.e. mirzzz773#23:14
racarr:p sorry...bored renaming things and waiting for compiles23:14
kdubracarr, with the "internal clients", "inprocess egl", i think the term 'client' can be reserved for the normal ipc, non priveleged client23:20
kdublots of good synonyms for client to choose from, for the 'inprocess/internal' things though23:21
kdublackey, minion, parasite, vassal,...23:22
racarrAhahaha vassal23:22
racarrkdub: Pushed updates to enable-and-demonstrate-inprocess-input23:23
racarrwith the input::receiver namespace anddddddddd23:23
racarrremoved the reinterpret cats23:23
racarrGood morning!23:25
kdubracarr, i think this one is ok without the renames (we can address that later)23:25
kdubracarr, what about line 200 'todo: does this belong?'23:25
racarrkdub: Mm, well at least for now it isn't using23:25
racarr::client anymore23:25
racarrI put that there so we would think about exposing it because I just did it really quickly in oakland...23:26
racarrtbh I'm not sure why I was concerned about it, I think it was just a general I don't want to think about this right now23:26
racarrare you concerned? XD23:27
kdubwell, it doesn't seem 'wrong' that it would be exposed23:27
kdubjust trying to avoid confusing comments23:27
kdubbut other than that, it looks ok23:27
racarrok just removed the comment23:28
racarrsorry, normally grep for TODOs...23:28
racarrthere are lots in all the code from oakland, haha, basically everytime a question crossed my head that didn't block running unity I was like23:28
racarrok record it in a TODO23:29
kdubracarr, +1ed, once jenkins scans it23:30
racarrThanks :)23:30
racarrLooking at some ot her stuff in input-conglomeration23:30
racarrnow that unity is so close to running in a sane way23:30
racarrit doesn't seem worth landing the software cursor in demo shell23:31
thomiRAOF: got a second?23:38
thomiwhenever I have the mir-team staging PPA enabled, unity3d won't start and spits out X errors - I wonder if you have any idea what's going on?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5662858/23:39
thomi"Error: GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object not supported" sounds bad23:39
thomiit seems like whatever is in the ppa causes the DRI driver to not load :(23:54

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