
=== kaxing is now known as Guest22951
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pitti_Good morning05:19
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JoseeAntonioRhey, pitti :)05:29
dholbachgood morning06:40
jibelgood morning06:43
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jibelpitti, I got http://paste.ubuntu.com/5661071/ on saucy while upgrading udev from your ppa. Is it safe to ignore?12:22
pittijibel: ah, it is; sorry, forgot a Replaces: there apparently12:24
pittijibel: ah, I had it, but it didn't apply to the right version; uploading fix12:26
balloonsgood morning smartboyhw_12:31
balloonsand pitti and jibel :-)12:31
pittihey balloons, how are you?12:31
jibelpitti, ok, that's the only detail, apart from that it seems to be working fine on my netbook, at least nothing is visibly broken12:32
jibelgood morning balloons12:32
balloonspitti, not too bad :-) I slept like 12 hours the first night of my return12:33
smartboyhw_Hey balloons!12:46
smartboyhw_Private message?12:46
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pittijibel: 202-0ubuntu5pitti4  is built in the PPA now13:05
pittijibel: hm, with current saucy images I get a failure with run-adt-test -sl, do you see that too?13:14
pitti"login" option set, login to testbed.13:15
pittiThe tests didn't run13:15
pittiConnection to localhost closed by remote host.13:15
pittii. e. it's doing the dist-upgrade, shows motd, and then closes13:15
jibelpitti, I didn't try but it could be bug 1179202 isn't it ?13:15
ubot5bug 1179202 in openssh (Ubuntu) "fails to login with error fatal: monitor_read: unsupported request: 144" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117920213:15
pitticould be, yes13:16
pittiah neat, so tomorrow's images should be fine again13:17
* pitti uses -r raring for now13:17
jibelthat's annoying. If you really want to use saucy you can fix it temporarily by using build 20130509 and disabling dist-upgrade in the cloud-config script in prepare-testbed13:21
jibelnow I'd like to understand why it doesn't fail in the lab13:23
pittijibel: do you use ssh there? I thought the VM would auto-start the testing13:28
pittijibel: or that doesn't hit the ConsoleKit code path there, as there are no consoles and no interactive shell?13:28
jibelpitti, right, I was thinking the same as I was typing, there is no console and interactive shell :)13:29
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TheLordOfTimeballoons:  around?14:53
balloonsTheLordOfTime, howdy14:54
TheLordOfTimeballoons:  got time for a priv RE: a QA team member?14:54
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njinballoons, welcome back... my testcase is a good point, needing just few easy things (timer and stopwatch), the big is done  http://packages.qa.dev.stgraber.org/qatracker/testcases/1568/info17:55
balloonsnjin, thanks :-) glad to be back17:56
balloonsnjin, ohh looks excellent17:56
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balloonsI'm so glad to hear about how it's been going with the ubuntu touch folks17:56
njinthanks, let me know17:57
balloonsso, merge proposal time almost?17:57
balloonswill you be able to make the vUDS sessions at all?17:58
njinballoons, sorry I was dinning, started just now writing  Timer testcase, for the vUDS, I hope to partecipate (my english is not at all a good thing to show...)LOL18:50
balloonsnjin, wonderful18:56
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njinLetozaf_: halloooo :-) happy to see you19:17
balloonshello hgello19:26
njinLetozaf_, halloooo howdy ?19:29
Letozaf_hello njin :D19:30
Letozaf_balloons, hi :D19:30
Letozaf_nice to see you all again after some time :D19:30
njinnice to meet you here19:30
Letozaf_njin, yes how are you ?19:31
njinLetozaf_,well, thanks and you19:31
Letozaf_njin, I'm quit fine thanks :D19:31
balloonsLetozaf_, hello..19:32
balloonsso I'm still catching up from being gone19:32
balloonsI trust all is well with everyone19:32
Letozaf_balloons, Hello!!!! nice to hear you .19:32
Letozaf_njin, balloons are we ready for UDS ?19:32
balloonsso Letozaf_ you going to be able to attend vUDS?19:33
balloonsthere's some interesting sessions19:33
Letozaf_balloons, yes I think I can and I will do my best to be there19:33
njinLetozaf_, happy for this, now i've to go, greetings to your family from me, see you soon19:33
Letozaf_njin, bye and greatings to your family too19:33
njinballoons i go, see you soon19:34
balloonsgonna be talking about autopilot, and autopiloy-gtk plus autopilot 1.3 stuff19:41
Letozaf_balloons, great so I absolutely must be there19:42
balloonsshould be quite interesting.. also the umockdev stuff, experiences, and dashboard stuff.. And of course, ubuntu touch :-)19:42
Letozaf_balloons, super!19:42
balloonsLetozaf_, this is the autopilot session: v19:43
Letozaf_balloons, fine won't miss19:46
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* balloons re-burrows19:49
balloonsthomi, ping19:51
phillwballoons: is there a list of the QA vUDS sessions? The only one I've found lists the sessions, but not by date / time.20:14
balloonsphillw, hello20:14
balloonsyes, allow me to give you a list20:14
phillwhiyas balloons :)20:14
balloonsand everyone else :-)20:14
balloonsyou want the summit links I'm sure20:24
balloonsin addition, there are other things you might be interested in, including these20:25
phillwballoons: I see, that per murphy's law, http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21714/community-s-quality-coverage/ clashes with the only lubuntu session http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21754/community-s-lubuntu-work-items/ :(20:27
balloonsphillw, excellent point20:28
balloonslet's fix that20:28
elfyby the time I'm done with the community website stuff and xubuntu I'll be hoping that the rest get's logged :)20:28
balloonsok I moved it back an hour to not conflict phillw20:29
phillwelfy: me and you both! but I'd lime to attend as many of the QA ones as possible. Just the lubuntu one is pretty critical to our team :)20:29
phillwballoons: many thanks :)20:42
phillwelfy knome FYI, docs team are going to be using Mallard / Yelp. They will get the wiki area updated after vUDS. docbook --> mallard should not be too painful.20:49
Noskcajare there any QA sessions after 2000UTC?20:51
phillwNoskcaj: it appears not.20:52
knomeNoskcaj, vUDS ends at 20UTC.20:54
phillwNoskcaj: so, get questions / comments entered onto the blueprints :)20:56
Noskcajphillw, will do20:57
thomiballoons: pong21:45
balloonsthomi, oi!21:45
balloonsso for tomorrow, we should be good I hope on everything :-) I can't even remember if I had something more to tell you than to show up to http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21727/community-s-upstream-test-development/ if you want to talk autopilot-gtk21:46
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