
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
knightwisemorning everyone07:03
dwatkinsallo allo07:16
knightwiseHey dwatkins !07:17
* dwatkins pours coffee into his brain07:17
dwatkinsFirst day back after a week off is always difficult.07:17
dwatkinsI trust all is well elsewhere.07:17
knightwiseI failed to record the last dr who episode07:39
knightwiseas a star trek fan I'm starting to wonder if that wasn't a good thing07:39
dwatkinsknightwise: it'll be repeated soon enough07:41
SuperMat1it's on iplayer07:41
SuperMat1and all the torrent sites07:41
=== SuperMat1 is now known as SuperMatt
dwatkinsI havn't used a video recorder in years thanks to all this iplayer related stuff :)07:42
popeytsk tsk07:42
popeytorrents are bad mm'kay07:43
SuperMattunless of course you're downloading and sharing ubuntu isos?07:48
MooDoo_moening all08:07
=== MooDoo_ is now known as MooDoo
knightwisehey MooDoo !08:09
mungbeaninstalled carmageddon on android tablet. ws expecting something a bit better from the reviews08:17
MooDoohowdy knightwise how are you?08:19
JamesTaitGood morning, and happy frog jumping day, eveyone! :-D08:40
SuperMattok, I need the source for that one08:41
directhexwhen's weasel stomping day?08:44
SuperMattisn't every day weasel stomping day?08:44
Laneystoat stomping, weasel wanging, vole vaulting08:45
JamesTaitSuperMatt, http://news.yahoo.com/may-13-frog-jumping-day-tulip-day-national-171100389.html is one place I saw it.08:46
brobostigongood morning everyone,09:18
brobostigonmorning MooDoo09:19
SuperMattJamesTait: I would have prefered national apple pie day09:19
JamesTaitSuperMatt, as would many people, I suspect - hence me choosing something else. ;)09:19
brobostigonwhy cant we have national beer day,?09:19
SuperMattcurse you JamesTait!09:19
JamesTaitbrobostigon, isn't every day national beer day?09:20
brobostigonJamesTait: i suspect that can be done, :)09:21
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* chalcedony smiles09:51
davmor2Morning all10:00
MooDoomornig davmor210:01
davmor2MooDoo: how be ya me owld mucka10:02
MooDoodavmor2: I'm fine thanks10:06
=== GingeryDog is now known as GingerDog
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:30
davmor2bigcalm: how do chap10:47
bigcalmdavmor2: the usual, over worked. Though thankfully not under paid. 1st raise for several years10:48
bigcalmdavmor2: how's you?10:48
davmor2bigcalm: recovering from the holiday, who knew cold and damp wasn't good for arthritis :D  How ever flat is warm and dry :)  It was still nice to get away and recharge the batteries :)10:50
bigcalmIndeed. Hayley and I are looking forward to our long Edinburgh weekend at the beginning of June10:52
bigcalmThough, at this time, I'm not sure what we'll do for the 4 days10:53
bigcalmMaybe we'll go and harass some people in Glasgow, like mgdm10:53
mgdmbigcalm: o hai :)10:54
mgdmwhat weekend are you 'here'?10:54
bigcalmmgdm: Saturday 1st to Tuesday 4th June10:55
davmor2bigcalm: fun :)  Ofcourse 2800 emails to go through on your first day back isn't the best fun in the universe :(10:59
Laneyctrl-a, delete10:59
brobostigonoh yes, opensimulator working, :)11:14
knightwisehey everyone11:15
brobostigonafternoonings knightwise11:16
* brobostigon grins widely, :D11:16
directhexbrobostigon, the Second Life server?11:24
brobostigondirecthex: yes.11:24
brobostigondirecthex: althought why on earth it is in mono, i have no idea.11:54
* redtape|renegade ' gives AlanBell , a loco-note to depatch DVD's this fortnight. |OTopix|11:55
popeybrobostigon: why not?11:57
brobostigonpopey: i wa just expecting something like c++ really, expectations.11:57
directhexbrobostigon, well, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mn8Sd013sM8 might be indicative. On the left is the old Second Life scripting system, LSL. on the right is the same script compiled using mono, which is now standard in second life.11:57
brobostigondirecthex: interesting,11:58
brobostigonbbl, meds to pickup from chemist, hope i stay dry.11:59
directhexusing something like Mono for this type of game engine is reasonably logical. The Sims 3 is a good example of it11:59
directhexespecially if you compare performance of TS3 and TS211:59
brobostigoni shall have to do more tests.11:59
brobostigonok, bbl.11:59
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
redtape|renegadebrobostigon: I'd take that wind-proof jacket, then: just saying.12:00
* redtape|renegade scores a blinder off Aucktion :: http://r.ebay.com/9eR5Jt :: (came up in a 'Saved search' @ Dr Who time, yesterday)12:24
redtape|renegadeT | wonder if it  gets delivered before fourteen - o -four (?)12:26
redtape|renegade**OT | ...12:26
=== mgdm_ is now known as mgdm
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lubotu3You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!12:52
=== alan_g_ is now known as alan_g
=== Myrtti__ is now known as Myrtti
bashrcFor anyone who is a Bitmessage fan the Unity integration is now mostly done13:24
bashrcAll I need do now is make a PPA13:25
=== ikonia_ is now known as Guest13717
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bashrcHave created my very first PPA14:32
redtape|renegadebashrc: Well done .. what's the launchpad entry ?14:34
ali1234bashrc: can i try it?14:42
bashrconly currently for raring14:46
bashrcA relatively minor inconsistency: on the application indicator there is "quit" but within the application file menu there is "exit"14:50
* brobostigon shakes his fist at FB ads. :(14:58
redtape|renegadeali123: I must have pinged out .. what was the launchpad PPA address again ?15:01
redtape|renegadebashrc:          ^^ ?15:01
redtape|renegadebashrc: I have downloaded it .. I will later transfer to my other screen and try it out. thank-you.15:03
bashrcno problemo15:03
SuperMattI wonder if the summit.ubuntu.com site can be updated so I can quickly download a calendar entry for certain events15:06
=== dgjones is now known as DJones
redtape|renegadeSuperMatt: I believe the calendar function also exists in the terminal by just typing :: $ calendar .. | wonder, if Mellon University would open that up ? ::15:53
bashrcI wonder where that term "red tape" came from originally16:04
redtape|renegadeHOPE 516:04
* redtape|renegade activates his unstimulii senses.16:05
bashrcgoes back to Henry VIII and his marriage troubles16:06
brobostigonhail, eeeek16:07
redtape|renegadebashrc, It's very odd that you are looking at the Tudors .. a very odd reign.16:08
dogmatic69how can I uninstall / remove elasticsearch. I installed with https://gist.github.com/wingdspur/202610716:13
redtape|renegadebashrc, Dunno :: whenever I loose track I just click here ---> http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/megan-fox :: get back to eurobooks. -it's just a bookmark afterall.16:17
mgdmdogmatic69: which bit of that script did you use? The .deb or the second bit?16:20
dogmatic69mgdm: the deb iirc16:20
dogmatic69was a while back16:20
mgdmwell, just remove the .deb - sudo apt-get remove elasticsearch16:21
mgdm(I think it's remove, at least)16:21
dogmatic69normally I use apt-get remove, ye.16:21
dogmatic69maybe I did not use the deb then...16:21
mgdmin that case you probably want to just remove /usr/local/share/elasticsearch16:21
mgdm(which, by the way, is a really strange place to put it)16:21
dogmatic69ok, its fine to just rm -r it?16:22
dogmatic69it being that folder.16:22
mgdmmake sure it's stopped first, but yeah (subject to the usual disclaimer; if you break it you get to keep all the bits ;-)16:22
dogmatic69its only my dev box for doing work / making a living on...16:23
mgdmwell, tar it up and keep it somewhere if you're concerned16:23
mgdmor rename it and see if anything breaks16:23
dogmatic69lol, no space for that :D16:23
dogmatic69hence trying to clean up16:23
dogmatic69I will just live on the edge a bit, most things are only a git clone (php dev etc)16:24
mgdmI have a Vagrant box that I do all my dev stuff on16:25
dogmatic69its an old(ish) HP blade16:25
mgdmor rather, I have about 4 similar ones, and just turn them off and on as required16:25
redtape|chromeOT | You mentioned the vagrant box .. Has anyone tried these (top-right) .. >  :http://www.villagetronic.com/e_products.html ::16:39
redtape|chromeOT |   ^^     ?16:39
mgdmthat's not even mildly related to Vagrant :-)16:40
redtape|chromemgdm, Oh sorry I'll lmgtfy it.16:41
mgdmhttp://www.vagrantup.com/ is what I'm talking about16:41
dogmatic69redtape|chrome: a link to VMware would have been closer16:41
redtape|chromedogmatic69: Yep .. I'm looking at http://docs-v1.vagrantup.com/v1/docs/getting-started/ports.html :: but free to let me know if my product will work with 13.04 :/16:42
redtape|chromediplo: How's life in forty shades of green counrty ?16:48
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cocoa117how to use dd to write zero to sector 2-2048?17:22
cocoa117sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 seek=2-204817:23
cocoa117does this work?17:23
shaunoI think it'd just going to be seek=2 and count=2046.  seek tells you where to start, count tells you how far to keep going17:25
cocoa117shauno, ha, got it17:25
dogmatic69is there any way to kill a ssh tunnel17:37
dogmatic69ah, its just a process so kill worked.17:39
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knightwisehey everyone18:49
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=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
AzelphurAnyone got any good suggestions for cheap curtains? I got 8 Windows all with no curtains, so stuff it's looking rather expensive :(19:24
mgdmYou've got Windows 8 with no curtains...?19:24
* mgdm flees19:24
popeyAzelphur: for cheap curtains see "blinds"19:25
directhexblinds aren't really cheap either19:26
Azelphurpopey: haha, yea been looking for that too, it's a bit difficult because of the size required though, need ~2m drop, 1m wide19:26
directhexthe cheapest curtains are the pre-sized ones that come shrink-wrapper. if find some that fit your windows. anything else means custom curtains means ££££££££££££££££££££££££££19:26
MyrttiAzelphur: "ikea"19:26
popeydepends on the blinds19:26
directhexyes, ikea is worth considering. dirt cheap compared to non-ikea19:27
Myrttiikea and mum's sewing machine19:27
directhexit may still be cheaper to buy premade curtains & have them adjusted at a dry cleaners than to have custom curtains done19:27
directhexe.g. for the boy's bedroom we had pre-made tab top curtains converted to track top19:27
Azelphurdidn't think of ikea, will check them19:28
Myrtti^ ikea19:28
Azelphursounds like a plan19:28
popeydirecthex: https://plus.google.com/u/0/102823828455295039123/posts/1gHAhqP2icf19:29
shaunomum's sewing machine ftw.  curtains aren't difficult.  curtain tape is <50p/metre, and the rest magically falls into place19:30
Myrttimost ikea curtains have so much excess that if you have a sewing machine available the excess can be used as curtain tie-backs19:31
Myrttiespecially with the ridiculously low ceiling height of UK apartments19:31
directhexpopey, confused, why can't i reply to that post?19:32
directhexoh. gotta join "ubuntu community". grr19:32
popeyits a community19:32
=== MarquessDeBonBon is now known as SirCrispinTheJew
ali1234software centre says no skype and no steam on raring?19:43
directhexjust get steam from steampowered.com19:54
directhexand skype from skype.com is fine on raring too19:54
mungbeanhow do i disable the bongos at the lightdm screen?20:01
popeydirecthex: how can I find out why (for example) on debian sid, libc6:i386 trails behind libc6:amd64? there should be build logs or something?20:05
diplo_evening all20:06
=== diplo_ is now known as diplo
directhexpopey, there are build logs for debian, at buildd.debian.org20:07
directhexso, there won't be a build log for architectures where the package was compiled by the maintainer and uploaded. debian requires binary uploads, not source-only uploads (sigh)20:08
directhexthere's a delay from a package being in "installed" state and being in your local mirror, too20:08
AzelphurCan anyone with a VPN and an android phone do me a favour and tell me if when wifi tethering is enabled, does the phone route all data through your VPN?20:09
Azelphuror if anyone has a VPN I can test with that'd be handy20:10
popeythanks directhex20:16
mungbeangrim peogramme about chavs20:29
diployeah i gave that a miss mungbean20:29
diploSkint ?20:29
mungbeanyeah hprrid20:29
mungbeanthen camelot advertise scratchcards on the ad break20:31
popeymungbean: i watched that hoarders app on ipad in bed last night.. nothing revolutionary, did find the presenter somewhat irritating20:33
mungbeanyeah was a bit meh20:36
mungbeanprefer the other one20:37
popeyother what?20:37
mungbeanhoarder mext door20:42
mungbeanbbc one is lame20:42
mungbeanu said hoarders APP lol20:43
mungbeanwhy does the sprite ad censor the dogs willy?20:45
shaunothe dog requested thus.20:46
popeyhah so i did21:01
=== SirCrispinTheJew is now known as GentileBen
popeyi want more programmes like "The Secret Life Of the Motorway"21:06
Laneythere's something about feynman on the iplayer atm21:09
Laneystarted watching it earlier21:09
mungbeanand the smiths yesterday21:09
Laneyhe's a good lad21:09
=== chalced is now known as chalcedony
Myrttiyeah, it's a great show21:10
Myrttitoo bad it's nothing as good as his books21:10
mungbeani read his book , was a bit bored21:10
mungbeansometime in the 90s, quantum physics and rainbows in oily puddles21:11
mungbeanthe presenter from the less good hoarders prog is from escape to the country that my missis watches everyday21:12
bigcalmOh dear :(21:26
bigcalmMyrtti: oh sorry. My reaction was to the wallops message of the ongoing ddos21:34
Myrttiyeah, well, atleast the good thing is that the bigger half has services21:34
bigcalmSome people have very tiny willies, me thinks21:35
zleapgot it21:36

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