
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
* MarkDude is wearing his brand new Hello Kitty headphones to Starbucks and gonna listen to the episode about Ceph on Floss Weekly http://twit.tv/show/floss-weekly/250 I <3 Ceph, they had me at data striping :)14:48
darthrobot`Title: [FLOSS Weekly 250 | TWiT.TV]14:48
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
pleia2home \o/15:55
MarkDudeCongrats pleia216:16
MarkDudeYour travels looked fun16:16
pleia2thank you16:16
MarkDudePyramids and such16:16
MarkDudeTatica Maria Leandro got married on a pyramid16:17
MarkDudeHope my gf did not see any of this- and get ideas, but WOW it looks cool16:17
MarkDudeThats a very nice high bar to set, imho16:18
pleia2our wedding itself was pretty traditional :)16:18
nhandlerWelcome home and congrats pleia2 !16:19
MarkDudeSure, but having pyramids in pics for wedding fun looks good from any angle16:19
pleia2honeymoon anyway16:20
MarkDudeBeats Elvis or Vegas16:20
MarkDudeAh yes16:20
MarkDudePArt of the *wedding package*16:20
nhandlerOn a different note, I fly out to the bay area on Friday for the summer. Hoping to meet up with as many Ubuntu/Debian people as possible while I'm there16:21
pleia2nhandler: great! in June we'll definitely be doing an ubuntu hour + debian dinner in sf (and I'm sure other things will be happening too16:21
* pleia2 didn't actually plan any of her life after the wedding, has no idea what's going on ;)16:21
nhandlerpleia2: Cool. I'll try and make it out there for the event.16:22

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