
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
=== Odenthaa is now known as Odysimus
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== Odenthaa is now known as Odysimus
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== blkperl_ is now known as blkperl
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== adam_g_ is now known as adam_g
=== shirgall is now known as Guest10813
Guest10813bkerensa: If you have not seen it yet, there is a response regarding the "Community" link on the ubuntu.com website here: http://design.canonical.com/2013/05/ubuntu-com-update/22:44
MarkDudeThat helps a bit22:50
bkerensaHi Guest10813 I just saw this on the way back to my office23:05
Guest10813bkerensa: I'm actually shirgall, I got fubar'ed by the last netsplt23:06
bkerensawas wondering23:06
bkerensaGuest10813: So the problem that led to the blog post was in fact someone from QA said they were not going to re-add it to the top23:07
bkerensathere was some flip flop occuring23:07
Guest10813bkerensa: yeah23:07
bkerensamind you they could have done this all seamlessly and just changed the hyperlink23:07
bkerensathey have not provided a valid justification as to why that did not occur23:07
bkerensaJono tried to say the site was not "hacky"23:08
Guest10813bkerensa: I understand the frustration23:08
bkerensaI call BS :) I do web dev23:08
bkerensaGuest10813: either way its good to see its coming back23:08
bkerensathe big concern for me is there was a immediate dive of 33% traffic loss23:08
bkerensaand any new contributors help keep things moving forward23:09
Guest10813bkerensa: well, I'm glad there was a response, although it was not as timely as I had hoped23:09
MarkDudeWell, bs for sure , but, that post *matches my second* solution on my BP23:10
MarkDudeKeep link in footer, and promote Community with shiny part23:10
MarkDudeEven those screenshots have a *community style story* to follow as link23:11
MarkDudeIm sure the metric will be tweaked to be *slightly higher than 1/323:11
MarkDudeor more23:11
* MarkDude considers his BP closed, and will follow directions/advice on bkerensa 's BP23:12
* Guest10813 isn't calling it solved, was just pointing out that there's new information23:13
MarkDudeWell yes23:16
MarkDudeI had minimals in my BP, on purpose23:16
MarkDudeJust in case of funny stuff23:16
MarkDudeDeeper issue here, trust me- I was just interviewed about all of this- it will be published tomoroow early23:17
* MarkDude is still willing to do my thing. Jono and MArk know I am gonna grandstand a bit23:17
* MarkDude can do his own thing as far as ideas, or even better be a Team player, and follow directions and orders23:18
* MarkDude wants to be a Team player, and only help where needed or asked23:19
bkerensaMarkDude: Someone from Linux Pro Magazine e-mailed me.... Did you send him my way?23:19
bkerensaI guess he writes for Linux Pro, LJ and Datamation23:20
MarkDudeHe already knew a bit about you23:20
MarkDudeI sent him to only one person23:20
MarkDudeHe knew some background stuff. He is fair writer. Journalist23:21
MarkDudefair meaning fair to people- not quality :D23:21
MarkDudeHe's not doing a hitpiece23:21
MarkDudeI dont think he will break any NDAs, he has a good rep23:22
MarkDudeHis line of questioning was fair, and he was not looking for dirty laundry23:22
MarkDudeHe *did* ask about videos23:22
MarkDudeHe was surprised at the timeline- as far as how many Community efforts were made23:23
* MarkDude explained the delay in time on reaction to removal of link as disbelief 23:24
MarkDudeShould make for a good read23:24
=== shirgall_ is now known as shirgall

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