
=== henkj_ is now known as henk_
=== henk_ is now known as henkj
inetprogoeie more06:55
nuvolari_o/ more inetpro 07:11
nuvolari_ag jinne, al weer 'n stertjie07:11
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
psyatwhi nuvolari07:12
psyatwhi zeref_07:12
nuvolarihi psyatw 07:30
nuvolarilo Trix[a]r_za 07:30
magespawnmorning all07:38
ThatGraemeGuymorning magespawn07:39
ThatGraemeGuymorning *07:39
magespawnwhat not Kilos? eskom probable off07:42
magespawnhey ThatGraemeGuy07:44
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
charlgood afternoon10:14
charlMaaz_: coffee on10:14
* Maaz_ puts the kettle on10:14
trenderanybody seen oom Kilos ?10:17
charlMaaz_: seen kilos10:18
Maaz_charl: kilos was last seen 15 hours, 43 minutes and 9 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2013-05-12 11:35:06 PDT], and has been offline on freenode since 2013-05-12 11:35:14 PDT10:18
Vince_0I think he mentioned a power outage in his area until 6pm10:18
Maaz_Coffee's ready for charl!10:18
Vince_0or 4pm10:18
trenderhectic thanks10:19
charlyes i remember something like that10:19
charlMaaz_: thanks10:19
Maaz_charl: Okay :-)10:19
magespawnwhat a mad day, thought is was about 10 or 11.11:01
nuvolari_I'm alive?11:15
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
magespawnhey nuvolari11:18
charlwow strange11:39
charli accidentally pressed ctrl+a and then s inside screen and the whole screen hanged11:39
charli looked it up in the documentation, it is supposed to split the window or something11:40
charlfor me it just caused a hang11:40
charlhad to kill screen and start it over11:40
charlnot cool11:40
inetprocharl: ctrl+q might have sorted it again11:42
inetprocharl: in fact I think you might have pressed CTRL+s11:43
inetproand looks like these key combinations work for more than just konsole11:47
inetprosee: Recovering from CTRL+S in Putty http://raamdev.com/2007/recovering-from-ctrls-in-putty/11:47
charlinetpro: no i would have known because konsole tells me "output has been suspended - press ctrl+q to resume" right at the top11:50
charli managed to reproduce it just now by pressing ctrl+a and then s inside screen11:50
charlah the same works inside screen - i tried pressing ctrl+a and then q and it resumed11:51
inetproahh, tried it also now and it works... nice find11:55
charlwhat i don't understand is why this is not in the documentation on http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html11:55
charloh no turns out i was looking at the wrong place11:56
charli was looking under capital S for split11:57
charlctrl-a s and ctrl-a q does XON and XOFF http://www.gnu.org/software/screen/manual/screen.html#XON_002fXOFF11:57
charlthis does exactly the same as konsole ctrl+s and ctrl+q then11:58
magespawncharl ctrl + ( or ctrl + ) splits the screen, first one is vertical second is horizontal12:02
charlah i see, thanks magespawn, never used that feature before12:11
magespawnfound that under view at on the menu at the top12:11
charlview menu? inside screen?12:12
Symmetriadammit, network hardware vendors who try and redesign your network when asked for a quote, instead of just quoting on what you asked for12:13
Symmetrianeed to die in a fire 12:13
magespawnno sorry inside konsole12:14
magespawncharl ^12:14
charloh yes i see it now12:14
charlnever used that either :P12:14
magespawnSymmetria: maybe they think they know better12:15
Symmetriamagespawn they can die ;p12:15
magespawncharl i liked using terminator so i went looking for a similar way to do it12:16
Kilosafternoon all of ya, power has returned12:24
charlwb Kilos 12:25
Kilosty charl 12:25
magespawnthats good Kilos12:29
magespawnthe room was feeling a bit empty without you12:29
Kilosso weird , near end up last year they tipped the cross beams on the poles upright and now they putting undergraond cables in12:30
Kilosaw nice to know im missed at times12:30
Kilosty guys12:30
magespawnmaybe they think the underground cables will be harder to steal12:32
Kilosif they really wanna make it though they should concrete then in the trenches12:33
Kiloshi psyatw 12:42
Kilosoh my splits again12:51
=== psyatw1 is now known as psyatw
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
Kilosugly hey ThatGraemeGuy ?13:38
superflyyeah, freenode seems to be having a field day13:38
ThatGraemeGuyhow rude13:39
Kiloshi Vince0 are the snake-os peeps part of your google group?13:46
Vince0wat is 'n snake-os13:59
Kilosmaybe they another google group14:00
Kilosraw linux os i think14:00
Kilosmaybe like tinycorelinux14:01
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
trenderis this thing still on ?14:05
trendertesting testing!!!14:05
trendernetwork is mad today14:05
Trixar_zaWell my mind is blown14:12
Kilossup Trixar_za 14:12
Trixar_zaHey Kilos14:12
=== ThatGraemeGuy is now known as Guest79067
Kilosnow now we'll here about DDOS attacks i spose14:14
Trixar_zaWeird to consider that dinosaurs had feathers and that birds and lizards are still closely related. So it makes sense what the current xkcd comic is about. Birds ARE dinosaurs.14:14
Vince0grreat! The end is upon us.14:20
Vince0end of the day that is14:20
=== Guest79067 is now known as ThatGraemeGuy_
Kiloshi Guest79067 who are you?14:21
ThatGraemeGuy_thanks for the tail freenode14:22
=== ThatGraemeGuy_ is now known as ThatGraemeGuy
superflyseriously Freenode?14:24
Kiloshi Squirm how do i download this software14:59
Kilosi cant find a way to download any of them15:00
Squirmthere's a downward pointing arrow to the left of the name of the package15:02
Kilosoh my15:02
magespawnor click on the file name that you want15:02
Kiloswhew the arrow worked ty15:03
magespawnanybody know how to compile zenoss for ubuntu?15:04
magespawnit is supported for redhat etc but not debian or ubuntu yet15:05
magespawnty Kilos15:06
Kiloshope that helps magespawn 15:06
magespawnwill check it out15:06
magespawnhome time15:34
magespawnlater all, Kilos15:34
Kiloslater magespawn 15:34
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi not_found long time no see16:16
not_foundhiya uncle Kilos ... just busy busy :/17:01
Kilosbusy is good not_found 17:05
not_founddepends with what17:07
Kilosif it pays that is17:07
Kilosdont forget meeting monday after next hey17:07
not_foundI have note been very ubuntu'y for some time... if I am off I will be there (will check when I get a chance)17:10
Kilosone first has to make a living17:10
not_foundnot only that... even the things away from work... oh well..17:11
Kilosdont you dare forget us hey17:11
Kilosyo Cantide 17:12
not_foundubuntu is currently more community and less software for me so I won't forget <317:12
Cantidehello :)17:13
not_foundusing gnome 3 with debian just feels odd... but other than that wheezy is pretty solid and no issues (as one would except)17:13
not_foundcheers all... I will be lurking again a bit... for now it is the big three S's and then some Zzzzzz's17:14
Kilosnight not_found 17:14
Kilossleep tight17:14
Cantidenight night17:14
Kiloswb who_da_fly 17:15
Kilosbad internet day today17:19
Kilosor freenode  at least17:19
Cantideyesterday, too17:21
Cantidelots of splitting going on >_>17:21
Kilosya sad17:21
who_da_fly$#%#%^$%^$%^ freenode!17:31
=== Kanchi is now known as Cantide
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
Kilossuch language17:41
Cantide? 'o'17:42
Kilos$#%#%^$%^$%^ freenode!17:42
Kilosthats swearing in geek17:42
Kiloswb ThatGraemeGuy 18:19
Kiloslelik ne inetpro 18:31
inetprosuperfly, Kilos: you guys talking greek?18:32
* inetpro understands everything but greek18:33
Kilosthats geek not greek18:33
Kiloslelikke vloekwoorde18:33
Kilosnot me , i copy/pasted it18:34
* Squirm yawns18:45
Kilosya close to bedtime18:46
Squirmanyone know any good apps/games for Android?18:50
superflySquirm: what style and how much are you willing to pay?18:52
Squirmdepends on the style I guess.18:53
superflySquirm: have you ever downloaded any of the Humble Indie Bundles?18:55
Squirmhmm, I've heard of these18:55
=== cocooncrash_ is now known as cocooncrash
Squirmsuperfly: there was a game18:57
Squirmset in the real world18:57
Squirmbuilt on top of the real world18:57
superflySquirm: you talking about Ingress?18:57
Squirmany good?\18:58
superflyI'm level 7 (of 8), should hit 8 at the end of this week, if all goes to plan.18:58
Squirmis it still in closed beta?18:58
superflyYes, but there are invites floating around.18:59
Squirmwill try and find something19:01
superflySquirm: there are two factions, Resistance and Enlightened. I am Resistance, and I can put you in touch with people, but then you'd "have" to be Resistance19:02
superfly(which is not necessarily a bad thing)19:02
superflyGetting into the community is quite vital19:15
Squirmwhat it like, location wise19:16
Squirmsuperfly: just been told it's not worth it because of my location19:16
Squirmportals are quite far away19:16
superflySquirm: where are you again?19:16
Squirmsuperfly: Mooi River. There is supposedly one in Howick(30min) and one in Bergville(50min)19:16
Squirmand some study19:35
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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