
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
Laneyhey guys, I'd like to draw your attention to bug #117837310:12
ubottubug 1178373 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "Restart spawns a password box" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117837310:12
Laneyit's to get suspend/reboot/shutdown/hibernate working properly in xubuntu/saucy10:12
Laneyfrom the session menu, that is10:13
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=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
* pleia2 has returned17:11
elfywelcome back pleia2 17:16
pleia2thanks :)17:16
elfyyou well and all that I trust :)17:17
pleia2very well, thank you17:17
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
ochosiwb pleia2 !17:28
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
pleia2ochosi: thanks!17:44
elfyhi pnarciso 17:56
pnarcisohow thinks going?17:56
elfypretty good here thanks - nice to see you 17:56
pnarcisoI heard there's a meeting tomorrow17:57
elfydid you - I've not seen that 17:57
elfyxubuntu one?17:58
pnarcisoand there's xubuntu17:59
elfyoic - yea - I think there are some xubuntu specific ones - not sure what time though 17:59
pnarcisoeverything is open, xfce 4.12 release is uncertain18:01
pnarcisoI've read that ubuntu is ditching firefox to chromium18:01
elfyagain - heard that before18:02
pnarcisopersonally I think is a better choice than firefox18:02
elfynot keen on chromium personally 18:03
pnarcisoI don't use it either, I'm running chrome 28 dev, and it's so much faster than firefox that it isn't funny :)18:04
pnarcisoI uses more memory though18:05
elfyI find it more than adequate for my use - I'd doubt I'd see enough to make me use it 18:05
pnarcisothere's the advantage of updated flash18:07
elfymaybe so - but I'd still not use it :)18:07
elfydid you see I added to that forum thread 18:08
elfyk 18:09
elfyI should add it to the bug I suppose lol18:10
pnarcisoit' s a bug18:10
pnarcisoxfce latest stable build is not yet uploaded, it could fix the problem18:17
elfyyea - read that in the bug 18:17
knomepleia2, woooo! congrats again and welcome back!18:57
=== mcs_ is now known as matt_symes
pleia2thanks :)18:58
knomepleia2, got some time to get back to the loop later today?18:58
pleia2I will try, but my "urgent" backlog is about 14 miles long :)18:59
knomeyeah... ping me when/of you have time18:59
pleia2will do, working throught $paid_job stuff now18:59
knomeyup, strength18:59
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
knomei'm around if people want to test out things.20:29
elfyhi knome 20:30
elfyI spoke to balloons re testcase stuff - it's all being done via release teams apparently20:31
knomeelfy, what testcase stuff?20:31
elfyyou wanted me to talk to him about being able to edit things at iso.qa20:31
knomeoh... no, you didn't need to :)20:31
knomebut it doesn't hurt that you did!20:32
elfywhich is not what you said the other day :D20:32
knomeoh well... :)20:32
elfyyep :)20:32
elfywhat's going to be happening over the next 3 days with meetings? does anyone know yet20:33
knomewe should have a meeting each day at 20UTC20:33
elfyk - I can manage all of those then :)20:33
knomewe're doing it outside vUDS hours so they should be doable if you can simply stay up long enough...20:33
elfyI can manage 9pm :)20:34
Unit193knome: I should be able to test too.20:34
knomewhat are we testing? skype?20:34
knomei mean... i can simply enable G+ for my account for those three days, then re-disable20:34
elfyI'll not be doing any of that - so if it's all skype and video - you'll have to give me logs20:34
Unit193The theory was to use 3 people and see if it actually works, I saw a couple things saying not, but might actually.20:35
Unit193elfy: Would you be alright installing something, rather than a signup?20:35
knomeyeah, i also want to make it accessible...20:35
elfyI've no camera nor any sort of mike Unit193 20:35
knomeelfy, are both G+ and skype completely out of question?20:35
Unit193elfy: I see.20:35
knomei suppose you can chime in without either20:35
Unit193You can listen in with Skype.20:36
elfythat helps 20:36
knomei suppose you can even see the cams with skype20:36
elfyUnit193: point me where to go and I can install it 20:37
knomeelfy, it should be in the partner repositories20:38
knomeelfy, before installing please note that you will also need to register an account20:38
Unit193Enable partner and skype-bin, if that's what we're using.20:38
knomewe should at least test that, whatever we end up using.20:38
elfyknome: k - I expected that20:38
Unit193knome: Yes, because a couple things indicated premium was needed for more than 2 video users.20:39
knomeUnit193, yes... but things that shouldn't have worked have worked for me on linux before20:39
knomeday pass for premium is 4.01€20:41
Unit193Or, we could use mumble, sip, or G+.20:41
knome8,04€ for a month.20:41
Unit193elfy: You going to be the third person in a test?20:42
elfytrying to sort an account now20:42
knomeUnit193, i thought we wanted to test videoconferencing, so we would need another one with a webcam20:42
Noskcajelfy, both G+ and skype let you text chat at the same time20:44
elfystupid account page20:45
Noskcajalso, headphones and mics can be bought for $1 on ebay20:45
elfyNoskcaj: nice 20:45
elfyeasy to do things if you can 20:45
Noskcajwhat was the thing about testcases? i'm an admin on the tracker20:45
Noskcajat least the part the QA team does20:46
elfywell - fill in the account form and it just refreshes without saying a thing20:47
Unit193Little red mark at the top?20:47
Noskcaji'm online for sype if you want me to do something20:48
elfyUnit193: nothing like that at all - in fact the webpage looks like something from netscape days ;)20:48
Unit193Hrm, I'll actually have to put on pants and get the computer with a webcam, won't I?20:49
knomearen't obligatory if you are not zooming there20:54
elfynope can't get an account sorted 20:54
Unit193elfy: Mind if I make it and send you pass? :P20:56
elfythat's fine20:57
elfyhang on 20:57
elfysomethign dodgy with f/f 20:57
knomeochosi will also join us shortly20:58
* knome eats a cookie20:59
knomeNoskcaj, sorry, i missed your msg earlier. join us shortly in a videoconference test.20:59
elfyUnit193: done21:00
Unit193elfy: I'm adding hobgoblin or elfy?21:00
elfyI done it now :)21:00
Noskcaji'm jackson.doak if anyone needs to add me21:00
knomeNoskcaj, added21:01
knomeUnit193, are you set?21:02
elfywell I got an account and I got skype started 21:03
Unit193Need a minute.21:03
knomeaccount name?21:03
Unit193elfy: Add Unit193! ;D21:03
knomei can start the conference call.21:03
elfyelfyesq knome 21:04
elfyUnit193: I did 21:04
Unit193I saw, added.21:05
elfyknome: you pasi there I assume21:06
lderando you have enough to test with?21:06
knome<- knomepasi21:06
ochosiso now we wait patiently for knome to initiate the conference call or what?21:07
knomei'll do that in a sec.21:07
knomewell apparently the video button is striked out21:09
Unit193Fail? :D21:12
elfykinda :)21:12
ochosiwell voice seemed okayish tbh21:13
knome2/5 people without mics?21:13
ochosino video is kinda fail though21:13
knomeyeah, that sucks21:13
knomei'll also get my headphones21:13
elfyif I can get the lappy working tomorrow then I'd have both21:13
ochosi(not sure how bandwith would be affected by video)21:13
knomethe fridge+freezer is humming relatively loudly21:13
knome(not ubuntu fridge)21:13
elfyI got a cat doing that ... 21:14
ochosiyour mic is quite sensitive, knome :)21:14
knomeis it?21:14
knomeit was not me tapping!21:14
ochosii could hear you type loud and clear21:14
knomewas my voice loud too then?21:14
elfynope 21:14
knomeit might be that i'm just hitting the keys hard...21:15
knomeactually, i use to do that, so...21:15
elfyjust louder than Simon's not so sensitive mike :)21:15
ochosihmpfyeah, not sure why it is so insensitive now21:15
ochosimust be related to pulseaudio somehow21:15
knomewell mine is next to the keyboard, so..21:15
Noskcaji should get my mech keyboard for the conference ;)21:16
elfyI must have some weirdness in my f/fox profile with regard to skype - it never searches for it - the account page was just text 21:16
knomewoo, get started...21:16
ochosii just added some crazy muxing now via alsamixer, so we'll see whether that boosts your eardrums in our next test21:16
ochosiknome: have you added me on g+ yet or are you still creating your account?21:17
Unit193Was I too quiet?21:17
elfydid you say something then?21:17
knomeochosi, just added.21:17
ochosiknome: you're displayed as offline21:18
knomei've no idea why21:18
ochosiUnit193: were you the third person with a mic? i could hear something at some point21:18
elfyhow do you add people in g+21:18
ochosiUnit193: not as loud and clear as pasi, but seems he's the only one with a decent mic/setup21:18
ochosik, installing plugin for hangout now...21:19
knomeme too...21:19
knomei've created a hangout21:19
Unit193ochosi: I'm in live. :P21:20
Unit193knome: Link?21:20
knomedo i post the hangout window urk?21:20
Unit193I don't know, but some how there is a link to pass. :P21:21
knomehttps://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/8517325154e7868d00626c83c6561c7c1e8b1a89?authuser=0&hl=en ?21:21
elfyyep - can see you botyh21:22
elfyI've got no mike or cam 21:23
lderani can sign in if need be easily enough21:23
ochosilderan: sure, join in21:24
knomemmh, that was better21:39
ochosiyeah, good enough21:39
knomewe really should keep the sessions under an hour21:39
elfyI think hangouts timeout at an hour don't they?21:39
knomeno idea21:39
ochosinot sure whether this is really worth an extra spot on the agenda, but we could consider doing this more often for meetings21:40
knomethat's somewhat sucky, if we are just wrapping things up21:40
lderanthe video was stable for me tho i did get disconnected once21:40
ochosilderan: yeah same here21:40
Unit193Not made for netbooks, the computer that had a webcam. :P21:40
elfy90 minutes it seems 21:41
knomei suppose i could see if i could get a headset for tomorrow as well21:42
knomemy head is too big for most, but...21:42
knomeno, seriously21:42
Unit193Yeah, but it's funny.21:43
ochosii can use headphones tomorrow21:43
knomethey don't extend enough to be comfortably on *both* ears...21:43
lderanaye i have that issue too ;_;21:44
Noskcajknome, use in-ear headphones and hang a mic off your head. that's what i was doing21:52
knomeNoskcaj, that's not very comfortable...21:53
Noskcajknome, you'd be suprised21:53
ochosiknome: break the microphone-part off the headset and use scotch-tape to fix it to your cheek21:54
knomeyou are telling me to waste money21:55
knomeyou capitalist pigs!21:55
lderanthe horror21:55
ochosiknome: it's not a waste!21:57
ochosibtw, bluesabre also has g+ with video-capability as far as i can tell21:58
ochosiso that should be fine with him too21:58
ochosi(at least his avatar has the video-icon in my buddy-list, so i assume it'll be fine)21:58
knomei've seen micahg and pleia2 do that before with cams too21:58
knome...that didn't come out right, did it?21:58
lderanit did not21:58
knomei meant uds sessions naturally.21:59
ochosipleia2: will you join vUDS tomorrow too?22:02
pleia2I will try, need to read backlog and figure out when they are ;)22:04
knomepleia2, xubuntu sessions at 20UTC tue, wed, thu22:05
knome(whatever the UDS schedule says...)22:05
pleia2should be fine, I'll make sure to wear pants22:05
* knome is sad!22:05
knomewe should do a pantless meeting some day22:06
knome"let me just pick up a file on the floor behind me...oops." 22:06
Noskcajknome, i'm rather scared of you after your last few comments22:08
knomeNoskcaj, i'm just kidding22:09
lderanwould you accept the english definition for pants, it would be less mentally scarring for all22:09
Noskcajknome, good22:09
knomeNoskcaj, pleia2 can assure i'm a harmless guy22:10
ochosiOR CAN SHE?22:11
knomei'll leave that decision to her22:12
pleia2knome <322:13
knomepleia2 <322:13

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