
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
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WorldGenesis__o.o hello!01:30
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xubuntu638Can anyone help a novice linux user with a boot issue?03:44
xubuntu638I installed automatic software updates and restarted xubuntu, and on boot attempt, dropped to shell with error message "/dev/mapper/ubuntu-root does not exist"03:46
xubuntu638Booted ubuntu from installation flash drive, can access all files on hard drive, but cannot boot properly otherwise03:47
xubuntu638Anybody out there?03:48
drekiwhen i alt+click in a window it drags the window with the mouse. does anyone know how to disable that?05:26
drekiim using 12.0405:27
vorsorkendreki: Settings Manager -> Window Manager Tweaks -> Accessibility, then you can change or disable "key used to grab and move windows"05:36
drekivorsorken: Thank you, I looked in settings but i overlooked "window manager tweeks" because of "window manager" haha.05:38
HerbertWestHello There06:18
HerbertWestHi, I need some help. I have a laptop, tablet type. I need something like: Magik Rotation. But for xubuntu 13.04. I mean, when I rotate the screen automatically rotate the desktop too. thank you very much06:18
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PoxyHi everybody!11:53
PoxyI have a problem with X. I have a laptop (zepto znote 3415w) with a geforce 8600m GT. I tried the proprietary drivers from within xubuntu, but never got xubuntu to recognize my graphics card. The native resolution of my display is 1280x800, but xubuntu only gives me 1024x768 and no hardware acceleration. I tried booting into recovery mode and starting lightdm from the root shell, and all of a sudden, everything worked. Native resolution11:56
PoxyI haven't used linux for a couple of years, and the last time xorg.conf was the holy grail of X. Now, it seems to me, the everything has been simplified or automatized, since neither nvidia-xconfig or using a skeleton xorg.conf or manually edited xorg.conf gives me a resolution higher than 800x600 or 1024x768. How can i get the settings that were used when i started lightdm from the recovery root shell, to be used every time?11:58
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PoxyIs there anybody here that can help me with my problem or guide me in the direction of somebody who can?13:04
elfy!ask | Poxy13:06
ubottuPoxy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:06
=== Myrtti__ is now known as Myrtti
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/13:17
=== Sidze is now known as 18WADG8BZ
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Guest33506hi there14:14
Guest33506i just finished to install xubuntu. when i try to install some packages it says to me that i didnt entered the corect password14:15
ochosiare you sure you don't have caps-lock enabled or a wrong keyboard-layout?14:17
ochosi(try typing it plaintext e.g. in some editor to check)14:17
Guest33506ochosi: i found the problem14:18
Guest33506it's keyboard layout14:18
Guest33506what's the shortcut for changing keyboard layout :D ?14:19
ochosidepends on your keyboard layout ;D14:19
Guest33506i tried alt+shift  and ctrl+shift but nothing happened. so i deleted the added keyboard language for now14:20
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=== Joerg is now known as Guest40563
Guest40563Hi, I've installed a working mysql DB on xubuntu. But there is a problem while trying to access the jdbc class. Is there a helping hand out there?15:08
timbermaniacDoes anybody have a favourite remote viewer that works well on Xubuntu (for active local x11 session) ?15:23
timbermaniacserver, rather15:23
baizontimbermaniac: x11vnc15:31
baizontimbermaniac: more here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers15:31
timbermaniacbaizon: thanks. I have tried that on a local connection but was wondering if there was something with beter performance over WAN. I tried freeNX but it didn't work out so well15:35
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ntzrmtthihu777hallo. anyone here playing ddo/lotro via wine? I'm '' this close to being done, I just need a modern patchclient.dll.... any care to assist?15:58
brainwashedntzrmtthihu777, try #winehq16:14
brainwashedntzrmtthihu777, i actually used to play lotro, isn't the patchclient.dll delivered by turbine?16:15
ntzrmtthihu777brainwashed: I'm in that channel, no reply. yes, but I have no windows box to get the newest with.16:31
ntzrmtthihu777brainwashed: I don't suppose you still have that dll laying around :P16:44
brainwashedntzrmtthihu777, no :(16:48
ntzrmtthihu777dang, lol. well I've been installing a winxp vm all this while, so I should be able to get it, mebbe.16:49
brainwashedntzrmtthihu777, so the turbine launcher still doesn't work? never actually used pylotro, only a shell script for updating/connecting to the server16:51
brainwashedthat's offtopic anyway :P16:52
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, the turbine one still is crap.16:52
xubuntuRSAHi. Any help would be much appreciated. I have recently installed Xubuntu 13.04 and am very happy with it. The only issue I have is I cannot connect and stream music to my belkin bluetooth audio reciever. I get the error: stream setup failed. In the past the bluetooth manager (in mint) never requested a password and it worked fine. Is there anything I can try to get this working. I am currently using blueman. Many thanks17:19
drekiCan anyone tell me what pkages would get uninstalled if I did "sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio"? I did that in an effort to reinstall pulse and now i cant figure out which package puts the indicator on the panel.17:33
ntzrmtthihu777dreki: the volume indicator?17:34
ochosintzrmtthihu777: nah, it's indicator-sound17:35
ochosi(xfce4-mixer doesn't really work with pulseaudio, as it's written for gstreamer)17:35
ntzrmtthihu777ochosi: may be so, but I got the xfce4-mixer installed, and I have it now.17:35
ntzrmtthihu777whereas before I did not. Not that I really need it, just a perk.17:36
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drekiwell i already had indicator-sound reinstalled but still no sound icon on my bar. What should i try next?17:38
ochosidreki: in that case you might have to add the indicator-plugin to the panel17:38
ochosidreki: right-click the panel > add new item > indicator plugin17:38
ochosior maybe indicator-sound-gtk2 isn't installed. that's more precisely the package you need17:39
ochosialso: restart panel just in case (xfce4-panel --restart)17:39
drekioh i dont have the gtk2 one. what is indicator-sound then?17:40
ochosithe general and gtk3 package17:40
ochosig2g, bbl17:40
drekido i need it?17:40
drekithanks ochosi if you are still reading this, that fixed it.17:43
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emif-guys any idea how to update bios?20:00
kblinhi folks21:03
kblinI'm trying to drive an external display from my thinkpad on 13.04. so far it's not working21:04
kblinany debugging hints?21:04
kblinhm, durn21:07
=== Belial is now known as Belial`
kblinI just sucessfully disabled the laptop screen in X, without getting an image on the external screen21:07
kblinand the x-display-manager appears to have crashed, because the timeout that's supposed to reset the display doesn't seem to kick in21:08
kblinwhat was the X command to reset this? xfce-display-settings wants a display name, but how do I get that?21:10
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kblinhm, so xrandr --output VGA-0 --auto doesn't get me any output on the external display either21:21
kblinah, there we go, monitor not set to auto mode :/21:22
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