
kubotu_::workspace-bugs:: [1174495] Window Managers instability with r600 radeon and high monitor resolutions @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1174495 (by sfar)00:40
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Guest19724Anyone active?01:04
Guest19724Will doing a fresh install of linux via disk mess up my grub 2 duo boot setup?01:13
Guest19724I think I found a better question... why is it, despite all the software options now available to a software developer, that they still insist on utilizing this decrepit thing called IRC? Honestly you could probably circumvent more obstacles if you would just utilize your sound card and a microphone. raidcall or mumble are free...01:27
ScottKGuest91836: We do that sometimes.04:27
valorieI prefer IRC05:00
valorieit's asyncronous, and quotable05:00
valorielogs are searchable05:00
Tm_Tthey're gone already (:05:08
jussiwould be nice though to supplement irc with some slightly more advanced protocol that allows us to do more...05:16
ScottKapachelogger: I lost the pim-runtime patch I was procrastinating about.  Please provide again and I'll upstream it.05:47
valoriejussi: we have a mumble server, courtesy of yofel05:56
jussivalorie: Im aware of that, but Im talking about a text+more protocol - like xmpp or so05:56
valoriewell, we have access to the KDE jabber server05:57
valoriewill be cool when telepathy gets better05:57
soeegood morning06:03
Peace-mmm but you guys ... you know that if you change default browser the infamous ubuntu-bug crashes after it has started the browser to report a bug ?07:25
Peace-it's not so good to see the bug reporter crash while you are reporting a bug 07:25
valoriePeace-: what do you mean exactly?07:40
Peace-valorie: i just did a bug report , ubuntu-bug xerver-xorg-video-intel 08:54
Peace-valorie: it did the job ...  at the moment to load the browser it crashed08:55
Peace-with the default browser it doesn't crash08:55
Peace-with chromium and i guess even with firefox it crashes08:55
valorieI dunno what the default browser in Ubuntu is though08:56
valorienot the same as ours,f or sure08:56
Peace-i use kubuntu 08:56
valorieof course08:56
valoriebut apport isn't a kubuntu application08:56
valorieit's ubuntu > launchpad08:56
Peace-ok i will report xD08:57
Peace-if it doesn't crash08:57
Peace-a loop :P08:57
valorieI guess half of the time I just file from the cli or right on launchpad08:57
valorieooooo, we should put that in the docsw08:58
Peace-btw someone has tried ours voip client ?08:58
valoriewe have one?08:59
valorieso far the devels here are using mumble08:59
valoriebut I don't think that's part of our "kubuntu-desktop"08:59
Peace-valorie: my friends have done a voip software from cli 09:00
Peace-valorie: http://holdenc.altervista.org/parole-conference/09:00
Peace-it's better than phone :)09:00
valoriewhy such an odd name?09:01
Peace-valorie: it's italian btw it means words-conference09:02
Peace-you know naming is a pain in the ass09:02
valoriein this case, I thought of immediately "people imprisoned having conference with parole officer"09:03
valorienot the best image09:04
Peace-valorie: if you have some other name :) tell me 09:04
valorieI would have to think for awhile09:05
Peace-valorie: would you test the software ?09:05
Peace-you need to open udp 8110 to call someone btw09:06
valoriePeace-: not tonight; going to bed in a tick09:18
valoriebut the package is called opus09:18
valoriewhat's wrong with Opus Phone?09:18
valoriekeep it simple09:18
valorieor even Phone Conference09:18
Peace-i will talk with my friends :)09:19
valoriewhat is 'phone' in italian?09:20
Peace-telefono 09:20
valoriethat by itself would be a wonderful name09:20
valorieunderstandable in english too09:20
Peace- valorie are you american ?09:21
valorieI suggest whatever name you consider, that you google it09:21
Peace-:D i thought french 09:21
valorieand see what pops up09:21
valorieI suggest doing that for "parole conference"09:22
valorieand you'll see what I mean09:22
valorieI speak very little French09:22
valoriebut have a few French friends09:22
valoriejust curious -- why did you think I was french?09:23
Peace-name :D09:23
valorietrue, Valery is french09:24
valoriebut a male name09:24
valorieRussian too09:24
valorienot sure where my mother got it09:24
Peace-valorie: zimmerman is not german surname ?09:25
valorieyes, my husband's family is German09:25
Peace-ah 09:26
valoriealthough they came to the US in the 1850s09:26
Peace-i am italian since .... 1200 09:26
valoriehmmm, http://www.telefono.com/09:26
Peace-let me see09:26
valoriealthough it seems to be a not-working website09:27
valorieso maybe not a problem09:27
Peace-it's that the problem 09:27
Peace-everytime one choose a name , be sure someother has already choosen 09:28
valorieyou aren't selling it though09:29
valorieAND you aren't trying to use that website09:29
valorietelefono.org might be available anyway09:29
Peace-i guess i know you ddo you write in planet kde ?09:29
valorieyes, as linuxgrandma09:29
Peace-ah yes09:30
valorietomorrow I'll try setting it up09:30
Quintasansmartboyhw: TBH I don't give a crap until they try to force something on us, I'd rather focus on making Kubuntu better than taking part in this pointless banter since Canonical will do whatever the hell what they want if they really think it's reasonable10:40
Quintasanyofel: Care to take a look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/uploads/ ?11:08
Quintasankdeplasma-addons merge, hopefully good now11:08
yofelnot for at least ~6h11:09
BluesKajHey all11:09
QuintasanI see.11:09
QuintasanBluesKaj: Hi11:09
QuintasanMaybe Riddell  can look at that then http://people.ubuntu.com/~quintasan/uploads/11:09
BluesKajhi Quintasan11:09
Darkwinggood morning11:16
DarkwingHey smartboyhw_11:16
DarkwingOh yeah, you wanted to ask some questions. :D I was on a Holiday... some family drama. :?11:17
smartboyhw_Darkwing: I voted already…11:17
Darkwingahh. Ok11:17
QuintasanDarkwing: \o11:19
DarkwingMorning Quintasan11:19
QuintasanDarkwing: got new shovel?11:19
DarkwingI did11:19
QuintasanDon't break it now!11:20
DarkwingDig out the rest of these bushes once it stops raining. LOL11:20
QuintasanWell, sounds like plan.11:24
DarkwingOh yeah, I also got a C++ book :D11:25
QuintasanSounds like a better plan11:25
QuintasanDarkwing: Write a program that digs out the bushes!11:25
DarkwingI've thought about building me a robot that runs on a Pi11:26
QuintasanNot bad11:26
Quintasanbrb food11:26
Darkwingwatch me break my email... :/11:28
RiddellQuintasan: that diff looks good11:53
DarkwingMorning Riddell11:55
DarkwingYES! Broke the filters lol12:00
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apacheloggerScottK: I need a day off will look it up tomorrow ^^12:31
Peace-ah yofel with kernel 3.8.0 i got the resolutions :D 12:32
yofelwas that 3.9 before?12:33
Peace-yofel: 3.8.0-0-generic works  3.8.0-1-generic doesn't work 12:36
yofelwhere did you get those old versions from?12:36
Peace-yofel: i used kubuntu since alphas12:37
Peace-well the new fresh installtion doesn't just work 12:37
yofelso it doesn't work since -1 o.O?12:37
yofelanyway, file a bug12:37
Peace-already filled12:38
Peace-yofel: before i had not the monitor12:38
yofeltried mainline?12:38
Peace-nope 12:39
Peace-anyway i got a an answer from a guy on launchpad 12:39
Peace-ok my time is gone i need to go tooo :D12:40
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smartboyhw_Hmm, anyone here looking at UDS?14:42
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lordievaderGood afternoon.14:47
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DarkwingNo, not really smartboyhw_14:49
DarkwingI'll read the outtakes14:49
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yofelis qtchooser supposed to do anything useful in raring/saucy?16:29
yofel$ sudo qtchooser                                                                                                                                                              16:29
yofelqtchooser: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qtchooser': No such file or directory16:29
yofelwasn't really what I expected16:30
debfxyofel: qtchooser handles all qt tools in /usr/bin/16:48
debfxyou can call qtchooser with -print-env to see which qt is the default16:49
yofelaah, ok, I misunderstood how it works16:49
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debfxMirv: what do you think about my proposed fix for bug #1176686 on raring?16:52
ubottubug 1176686 in qtchooser (Ubuntu Saucy) "qtchooser does not properly work with multiarch" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117668616:52
ahoneybunvalorie: 18:50
valorieI'll be back in a few, sorry18:51
valorievUDS stuff now18:51
ahoneybunoh ok where do I go fo that18:51
yofelahoneybun: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/2013-05-14/18:56
* yofel sadly missed the testing session18:56
ahoneybunwhat part are they on?18:59
yofelahoneybun: the sessions? now's 19:01 UTC, so the last batch will start in 4min19:01
ahoneybunOH OK19:01
yofelthere are sessions the next 2 days too, check if you're intersted in something19:01
yofelthere's always an IRC channel for session discussion too if you have an opinion yourself19:02
ahoneybunwell its 3pm here and 7 there19:02
yofelwell, times are in UTC19:03
ahoneybunmobile power management lol19:03
ahoneybunI need that on any notebook with Linux19:03
yofelyou can add that to the time widget, or type 'date -u' in konsole to find out what UTC time it is right now19:03
* yofel always forgets because of DST -.-19:04
ahoneybunI like QtCreator19:05
ahoneybunno talk of documention (other then for the development release) and no talk of the KDE Active19:06
ahoneybunfound the documentation19:07
yofeldon't expect much KDE in there, we'll have our own session outside UDS19:07
ahoneybunI see Kubuntu backports and UEFI in there19:07
yofeland UDS is about the plans for the next release, so there's no talk about other releases there19:08
ahoneybunyea I see that they see the lack of work being done for the Ubuntu Doc Team19:08
yofelright, that's because we'll need changes in the seeds and the image build scripts for that19:08
yofelthat's foundation stuff19:08
ahoneybunwell I can make it for the UDT stuff19:09
QuintasanRiddell: Hmm, I see, I should upload to saucy and push to bzr, riiight?19:09
yofelplease, no matter what you do, do it the other way around19:10
yofelpush to bzr, once that's clean, upload19:10
Quintasanyofel: Why is that?19:10
yofelpeople tend to forget about committing to bzr after they upload...19:11
ahoneybunyofel: if I wanted to upload my new design for the Kubuntu Docs, how would I go about doing that?19:24
yofelupload where?19:24
yofelyou mean in the branch? You can push to a new branch owned by you and file a merge request19:26
yofelahoneybun: ever did a merge request yet?19:29
ahoneybunno I don't have anything up to merge19:29
yofelah, ok, first you'll have to commit what you changed19:29
ahoneybunI want to make a branch, no?19:30
yofelthen you can push to a branch like lp:~your_lp_id/kubuntu-docs/some_meaningful_branch_name19:30
yofelit'll be created automatically if it doesn't exist yet19:31
ahoneybunoh I updated the image19:31
ahoneybunand move the docs folders around19:32
yofelahoneybun: ever worked with bzr? (or any VCS for that matter)19:34
ahoneybunI used it to get the original kubuntu docs 19:35
yofelok, if you have that branch, you need to first commit your changes there19:35
yofelyou can 'bzr rm' files that are gone now, and 'bzr add' files that are new19:36
yofelfor folders you would usually use 'bzr mv' to move them19:36
yofelwell, for files too19:36
ahoneybunyea so I need to do that for all my changes?19:36
yofelafter that run 'bzr commit' and add a commit message that tells what you did19:37
Quintasanuploading to saucy19:37
yofel!bzr | ahoneybun19:38
ubottuahoneybun: bzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.  See http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/ for a quickstart guide.19:38
Quintasanyofel: You know why I always do it the other way around? Sometime some weird things happen on builders which don't happen here19:38
yofelahoneybun: that's a good intro for the basics19:38
ahoneybunyofel: what?19:38
yofelQuintasan: committing doesn't COST anything19:38
yofelahoneybun: see link from ubottu19:38
ahoneybunI thought you were talking about my work lol19:39
yofelQuintasan: and builders means you'll have to increase the version anyway19:39
QuintasanTrue that19:40
ahoneybunlike bzr mv kubuntu-docs/doc/development /kubuntu-docs/docs/Getting Involved?19:43
yofelyou probably want 'cd kubuntu-docs; bzr mv doc/development docs/Getting\ Involved" or so19:43
ahoneybunoh boy I made so many changes19:44
yofelyou can always just 'bzr add *'19:44
yofeland bzr should notice itself what's missing19:44
ahoneybunand bzr rm for the rest/19:45
yofelhm, try it without that. I don't think you need to explicitely rm deleted things again19:46
yofelat least not with bzr19:46
yofelbzr mv is just so the history tells you that it was moved, but if you already made a lot of changes it's probably not worth it19:46
ahoneybunI moved the folders about and welcome into a folder called Welcome19:46
yofelkubuntu-docs still uses cdbs...19:48
yofelbuilds system, nothing you need to worry about right now19:49
yofelit's what you use to make debian/rules easier. cdbs is the Common Debian Build System and is pretty much deprecated by dh7 these days19:51
ahoneybunthe only thing updated is a NEWS text file lol19:51
ahoneybunsays I can't upload to that branch19:54
yofelwell, that was a template, you need to replace the id and branchname19:54
yofelwhat's your launchpad id?19:55
yofeland do you have your ssh key on launchpad?19:55
yofelok, so do 'bzr push lp:~aaronhoneycutt/kubuntu-docs/new-docs-layout' or so19:56
yofelthat should work19:56
ahoneybunbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/aaron/Documents/kubuntu-docs/.bzr/branch/": location is a repository.19:56
yofelwhere are you right now? (pwd)19:58
ahoneybunbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/aaron/Documents/kubuntu-docs/.bzr/branch/": location is a repository.19:58
ahoneybunit is not a branch20:01
yofelhow did you get the docs?20:02
yofelbzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs ?20:02
yofelthat should work then @_@20:02
ahoneybunmaybe pull it again, maybe I changed something20:02
yofelcan you push to lp:~aaronhoneycutt/+junk/new-docs-layout20:03
yofelmaybe the project config is wrong20:03
ahoneybunsame error20:03
yofelI don't get it20:03
ahoneybunor so I did cd .. and I get bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/aaron/Documents/".20:07
yofelnow that's correct20:07
yofelI can't make sense of the other error though20:07
ahoneybunI had to enter bzr init20:09
yofelahoneybun: what exact command are you running?20:09
yofeluh, that sounds wrong...20:09
yofelbut google found me https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/77237320:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 772373 in Bazaar "cannot branch from a bare repository, even with -r argument" [Low,Confirmed]20:10
yofelnow you have an empty branch20:11
ahoneybunmade the branch20:11
yofeli.e. not what you wanted20:11
ahoneybunnow I can be in the /kubuntu-docs directory and use the bzr push lp:~aaronhoneycutt/kubuntu-docs/new-docs-layout command20:12
ahoneybundid it20:12
* yofel gives up20:13
ahoneybunI don't20:13
ahoneybunits the original20:13
yofelwell, it's at least progress20:13
ahoneybunit looks like it copied the lp:kubuntu-docs not mind20:14
yofelwell, you have the history at least20:14
yofelnow you need to commit what you have20:14
yofel(if you didn't yet)20:14
ahoneybunI did not do "bzr rm and so on20:15
ahoneybunI tried to do "bzr add /images/bin-snapshot.png" but gives me this bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/images/bin-snapshot/".20:17
yofellesson about linux shells: if you start a path with /, then it's interpreted as an absolute path to root (/)20:18
yofeltry bzr add images/bin-snapshot.png20:19
yofelor bzr add ./images/bin-snapshot.png20:19
ahoneybunoh crap yea20:19
ahoneybunbzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home/aaron/Documents/kubuntu-docs/.bzr/checkout/".20:20
ahoneybunwith the first one you said20:20
ahoneybunyour seeing some weird things lol20:21
yofelwell yeah, I haven't seen bzr be that uncooperative in quite a while20:22
yofelwhat happens if you run 'bzr info' or 'bzr log' in kubuntu-docs/ ?20:22
ahoneybunI want to one day get the wiki that me and valorie are woring on to be application20:22
yofelmaybe ask Darkwing for help when he's around. He did some docs work quite a while ago20:23
ahoneybunwith the first one: there is no shared repo or repo branch20:23
ahoneybunthe next one is long20:24
yofelwhat the first one *should* print is:20:24
yofel$ bzr info20:24
yofelCheckout (format: 2a)20:24
yofel       checkout root: .20:24
yofel  checkout of branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/kubuntu-docs/20:24
ahoneybunRepository branch (format: 2a)20:25
ahoneybun  shared repository: .20:25
ahoneybun  repository branch: .20:25
ahoneybunRelated branches:20:25
ahoneybun    push branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/kubuntu-docs/new-docs-layout/20:25
ahoneybun  parent branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/kubuntu-docs/20:25
yofelok, I did a checkout, not branch, let me try again20:26
yofelstill different20:26
yofel$ bzr info20:26
yofelStandalone tree (format: 2a)20:26
yofel  branch root: .20:26
yofelRelated branches:20:26
yofel  parent branch: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/kubuntu-docs/20:26
yofelall I did was 'bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs'20:26
yofelwith the shared stuff it's probably something like https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/772373 after all20:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 772373 in Bazaar "cannot branch from a bare repository, even with -r argument" [Low,Confirmed]20:27
ahoneybunsee the repository branch20:27
DarkwingGive me COB tomorrow and I'll have a branch setup for Saucy20:27
yofelI haven't used shared repositories for a long time20:27
ahoneybunI have that and you have Standalone tree20:28
ahoneybunDarkwing: what?20:28
DarkwingDocs branch.20:28
yofelshared repositories is usually making branches inside branches to share history (saves space)20:28
Darkwingkubuntu-docs is a forward for each release branch.20:28
ahoneybunoh ok but I'm working the Raring20:28
ahoneybunthe branch is /kubuntu-docs/changes20:28
yofeldo you have a .bzr folder in Documents or home maybe?20:29
ahoneybunwhatever not the main20:29
ahoneybunin docs20:29
DarkwingCan you save in a PPA for now till I get the +1 docs ready, then do a merge proposial?20:29
DarkwingI'm a little behind just coming off holiday20:29
ahoneybunDarkwing: sure I can true, what do I put in the PPA? 20:30
* yofel has to leave bzr alone for now, or he'll never get this digikam merge finished20:30
QuintasanGotta also translate the docs at some point20:30
DarkwingAny changes you make?20:30
DarkwingQuintasan: Yeah, I'm trying to figure out a good timeline for that.20:30
DarkwingThat was the wrong time to have family issues lol20:31
ahoneybunDarkwing: so just throw the whole thing in there?20:31
Darkwingahoneybun: I'm assuming that you are going to be doing some doc work?20:31
QuintasanLike hell that was totally dependant on you at that time Darkwing20:31
DarkwingI am kinda the senior doc guy20:31
DarkwingI REALLY want to switch to an online wiki20:32
ahoneybunDarkwing: right now I'm just working on importing the doc team's work to a wiki20:32
Darkwingwhat wiki where?20:32
DarkwingAwesome. ahoneybun, can you email me david.wonderly@kubuntu?20:33
Darkwingahoneybun: Awesome.20:33
yofelapachelogger had something against using wiki's. But I'm not convinced that website or so would be better (and we don't have help.kubuntu.org)20:33
DarkwingThe idea will be to mimic docs.kde.org or techbase.kde.org20:34
ahoneybunWell offline use would be cool20:34
DarkwingHere is the thing about using one of those with a different wiki.20:35
DarkwingWe would be able to export the wiki to docbook INCLUDING translations to ship for offline use.20:35
ahoneybunDarkwing: I can not send it20:35
ahoneybunsilly me, got it!20:36
DarkwingCurrently we cannot do this with the current mionmion install becaue Canonical has export=docbook turned off.20:36
Darkwingahoneybun: thanks, Do you have any expirence with DocBook?20:37
ahoneybunstill cannot add anything to it20:37
Darkwingahoneybun: You going to be around tomorrow?20:38
ahoneybunnot really but I was reading the wiki on it a bit20:38
ahoneybunDarkwing: for about a 1 hour 20:38
Darkwingping me tomorrow when you are on.20:38
ahoneybunlike this?20:38
DarkwingI should have things setup a bit better then.20:39
ahoneybunDarkwing: 20:39
ahoneybunok I'm trying to push my changes20:39
ahoneybunDarkwing: I updated and added images and moved things around match the wiki20:39
DarkwingYou can't push to kubuntu-docs because you are not a member of the doc-contributers20:40
DarkwingThe way to upload docs is to upload it to a personal branch and do a merge request20:41
ahoneybunthat one20:41
DarkwingAny of the lp:kubuntu-docs/*20:41
Darkwingbecause control of kubuntu-docs is locked to a restricted team.20:42
ahoneybunmy branch is lp:~aaronhoneycutt/kubuntu-docs/raring20:42
Darkwingthat should be allowed to push to.20:42
DarkwingWhat's the error?20:43
yofelthat's what he tried, but he somehow managed to create a shared bzr repository and now bzr refuses to do much20:43
* Darkwing slowly raises an eyebrow20:43
yofelahoneybun: is there a .bzr folder in any of the directories above the location where you have kubuntu-docs in?20:43
ahoneybunI removed the one in Documents20:44
yofelok, that might help, but I'm not sure if you can re-use the current branch20:44
ahoneybuni made a new one20:44
yofelyou might have to branch again and move your changes there20:44
ahoneybunok 20:44
yofelhm, that should work then20:44
Darkwingahoneybun: before you try to merge, wait till I get the +1 up and running.20:45
ahoneybunDarkwing: I'm just going to get this working first20:45
Darkwingahoneybun: Okay mate.20:45
ahoneybunone thing at a time20:45
* yofel merged digikam and has a 25-line changelog entry for the remaining changes20:48
yofelfail -.-20:48
ahoneybunok I deleted all my branchs20:48
ahoneybunmaking a new one20:49
ahoneybunDarkwing: I made the changes in my version but it will not push my version just the last one on the official pasge20:50
DarkwingWhat commands are you using?20:51
ahoneybunbzr push lp:~aaronhoneycutt/kubuntu-docs/raring to make it20:52
ahoneybunbzr add lp:~aaronhoneycutt/kubuntu-docs/raring images/bin-snapshot.png to add a new image20:52
ahoneybunerror from the last command bzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~aaronhoneycutt/kubuntu-docs/raring/".20:52
DarkwingBecause you have a space between raring and images I think.20:53
yofelno, that add command is wrong20:53
yofelthe branch URL doesn't belong in ther20:53
yofel*just* bzr add images/bin-snapshot.png20:53
Darkwingand the add is wrong20:53
DarkwingBut, no spaces either.20:53
ahoneybunbzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home/aaron/Documents/kubuntu-docs/.bzr/checkout/".20:54
Darkwinglp:~aaronhoneycutt/kubuntu-docs/raring images/bin-snapshot.png20:54
Darkwing                                                                            ^  <-- there20:54
ahoneybunso what do I type?20:55
* yofel notes that Darkwing does not use monospace for IRC ^^20:55
DarkwingI prolly shoudl eh?20:55
yofelwell, depends whether the other person uses it too, otherwise it's useless20:56
yofelahoneybun: you want to add images/bin-snapshot.png, right?20:57
yofelgood, run:20:57
yofelbzr add images/bin-snapshot.png20:57
yofel*exactly* like that20:57
ahoneybunaaron@aaron-A75MH:~/Documents/kubuntu-docs$ bzr add images/bin-snapshot.png 20:57
ahoneybunbzr: ERROR: No WorkingTree exists for "file:///home/aaron/Documents/kubuntu-docs/.bzr/checkout/".20:57
yofelgrrrr, how did it get messed up this time20:58
DarkwingHow are you adding the branch?20:58
DarkwingAaaaaaaaand this is why I *hate* bzr20:58
DarkwingI would MUCH rather use git20:58
yofelhard to say whether git's level of complexity would make things easier right now...20:59
yofelthough it doesn't break as easy, true20:59
Darkwingforking and pushing to a new branch? simple.20:59
DarkwingTHen request the merge from there.20:59
ahoneybunmy bad21:01
yofelnow that went totally south21:01
DarkwingThat's interesting21:01
ahoneybungood thing I save the one on my pi21:01
ahoneybunanyway got to go21:05
ahoneybunDarkwing: I will work on getting the PPA up  later21:05
Darkwingahoneybun: Okay mate21:05
ahoneybunI'll have questions for sure21:06
ahoneybunanyway bye people21:06
valoriehuh, netsplit?21:26
apacheloggeryofel: no I had something against using wiki.kubuntu as that is for internal purposes21:42
apacheloggerlike community.kde21:42
apacheloggerwhereas userbase.kde is for user facing stuff21:42
Riddellapachelogger: this is for docs?21:43
valorieapachelogger: I think it would be good to have the wiki as "docs in progress"21:43
valorieand put them in the website when they are done21:43
valoriethen we can use the wiki to update for the next cycle if necessary21:44
valorieright now, they are very much in progress21:44
valoriewhat we had in bzr was sad21:44
valorieI very much hope we can get an export function working, because making two sets of docs match "by hand" is not something I want to be a part of21:45
apacheloggerif you were using mediawiki.... :P21:45
valoriereading the backlog makes me despair21:45
valoriemoinmoin makes me insane21:45
valoriesoooo glad ahoneybun is taking the lead there21:45
valorieso far he doesn't appear insane at least......21:46
Riddellvalorie: agree on putting them on website (and in a package)22:05
valoriebtw, i attended the community vUDS session about putting the community link back onto the ubuntu.com page22:06
valorieseems it is in work, and the design team is a bit chastened by their lack of up-front communication about that22:06
valorieno explanation why it had to disappear in the first place, beyond the "blahblahblah /community link isn't ready"22:07
valoriere-reading ben's bug report, it's really discouraging how 'sides' have formed22:12
valorieclass struggles are the worst when class is the elephant in the room22:12
Riddellvalorie: did you attend anything else interesting?22:22
valorieI also was in the ubuntu women planning session22:23
valoriewith my kub. hat22:23
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