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ashesi replaced windows with kubuntu on my sister's laptop, and she is basically happy with it04:16
ashesshe is asking questions about setup that she would ask even if she was running windows04:17
asheslike making desktop shortcuts to firefox for facebook04:17
ashesshe is a perfect candidate for apple. she just wants it to work04:18
asheskubuntu is working for her04:18
asheswith my help04:18
ashesi run fvwm2 on openbsd, on my laptop, so i have to think of things differently with kubuntu04:19
ashesi can't expect my sister to run what i run, because upgrading packages for my laptop is not common sense stuff04:20
ashesher previous installation of windows7 was unusable, perhaps infected by malware04:21
ashesit got to the point that she said her laptop "didn't work"04:21
ashesand that was what i needed to install linux. she was at the point of being willing to learn a new desktop environment to save her hardware04:22
ashesnow her laptop works well04:22
ashesbut i am needed to install stuff04:23
ashesshe tried installing .exe files yesterday, and i explained that the kubuntu app store was the only place she should install from04:24
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soeeany idea how can i make Thunderbird to send notification to my message indicator when T is not opened ?06:57
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oyeHi. Yesterday I got Kubuntu installed in my laptop, thanks to Wubi. Everything went fine, the system is running smooth and sweet and nice. Now, my problem is that I can't boot back into Windows. I mean, everything goes fine, Grub loads, I select to boot Windows, and afterwards, nothing happens. It just gets stuck into a black screen. Any clues?07:38
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switchso using kubuntu 13.04 on my gf netbook is ok, but using on my amd quad core machine is less than deserable10:02
switchhow do update to a newer kernel than what is offered with distro10:02
ozcanesenhey guys is there any built-in command line utility to play sound in kubuntu like /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play?10:04
spartanfx803good morning10:16
spartanfx803How can i open a window showing all channels in a server using quassel?10:19
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oyespartanfx803: /list doesn't work?10:29
BluesKajHey all11:09
nick_omegabefore i give up on the 13.04 installer that crashed twice just after starting to copy files over and install kubuntu 12 again, can anyone tell me if there's some sort of failsafe installer i could get into and try, and if it's worth a shot in your opinion11:20
nick_omegain my particular situation11:20
BluesKajwhat OS are you on atm . nick_omega ?11:21
nick_omegaBluesKaj, what?11:21
nick_omegaBluesKaj, its not an installation from another os11:21
nick_omegaBluesKaj, its a boot from the disk11:21
nick_omegaBluesKaj, you are thinking i am installing it from windows or something i think but that is not the case11:22
BluesKajnick_omega, there's a net install one can do to upgrade from an existing version , as an alternative , a method I had to use to install 13.04 beta11:23
nick_omegaBluesKaj, yes thats my plan b11:24
BluesKajI had to install 12.10 then do a net upgrade to 13.0411:24
nick_omegai hope i can net upgrade from 12.04 to 13.0411:24
BluesKajnick_omega, no you have to go 12.04>12.10>13.0411:25
BluesKajnick_omega, burn a 12,10 iso ,install it , then upgrade to 13.04 from there11:32
nick_omegaBluesKaj, how much better is that then the two net installs - kinda limited on time atm11:33
BluesKaj2 net upgrades will take a lot longer in most cases unless you have a really fast internet connection11:34
nick_omegaBluesKaj, ok good to know11:34
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ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:36
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JohnQhi there13:11
BluesKaj!gr | JohnQ13:17
ubottuJohnQ: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes13:17
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes13:19
BluesKajJohnQ, it's all greek to me :)13:21
SonikkuAmericaYou didn't... lol13:22
JohnQine kaneis edo ?13:25
JohnQmia pliroforia ithela13:25
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BluesKajJohnQ, this chat is English only , /join #kubuntu-gr13:29
JohnQsomebody there can help me ?13:34
smartboyhw_JohnQ: If you speak English in here tes13:35
JohnQwho know there site free tools for kubuntu for download ???13:43
ArtakhaJohnQ, you should check the repos with muon13:45
Artakhathere's also http://kde-apps.org/13:46
wissamHello smart people controlled by evil stupid other people that own modern media and a lot of money14:04
wissami have 4 mounted ntfs partions ,df command shows them but they are not listed in /etc/fstab14:05
wissamnothing goes wrong but i am just wondering14:05
wissami am using kununtu 13.0414:05
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lordievaderGood afternoon.14:46
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lordievaderHey SonikkuAmerica, how are you?14:49
SonikkuAmericaJust fine; you?14:49
lordievaderDoing good too :)14:51
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nick_omega1running tasksel in kubuntu 12.04 to install lamp.  says "the k desktop manager (kdm) daemon is typically stopped on page update and removal, but it appears to be managing at least one running X session ... Stop the kdm daemon? <yes> <no>"  i said yes last time but had big problems and ended up reinstalling, however, it was installing things at that time, but is not now.  what do you expect will happen with <no>15:41
nick_omega1ended up reinstalling kubuntu*15:42
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nick_omega1that wasn't good either.  enough with tasksel16:01
guile_hello all16:15
guile_loonking for some good skills in linux16:15
guile_feeling that here there isnt some16:15
guile_but up to you16:15
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tintamar<fooscript> My system is up to date, but it's still Precise. How can I turn it into Quantal ? change your /etc/apt/source.list with quantal, this will do the trick16:18
Tm_Ttintamar: you're looking for what in here?16:21
tintamartype vi /etc/apt/source.list, then type "escape" ':' "%s" and so on, or do it the hard way and substitute alllllll with your fingers16:21
BluesKajtintamar, you can do , sudo do-release-upgrade , to upgrade via the 'net , but make sure update and upgrade you present system first and disable any ppas for safety's sake16:22
Tm_TBluesKaj: he's not asking nor he isn't really answering either16:22
BluesKajyeah , I realized that too late ...he's giving advice :)16:23
BluesKajTm_T, ^16:23
Tm_TBluesKaj: bad one /:16:24
BluesKajmaybe he's in the wrong troll chat :)16:24
BluesKajok ...BBL16:25
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lordievaderHey tintamar, how are you17:25
tintamari'm glad17:25
tintamarand how are they .17:25
lordievaderI'm doing good.17:26
lordievaderFinally figuring this Apache cache control out :)17:26
BluesKajhmm, translator in use there methinks17:26
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kinglaaaHi. Anyone else in here encountering problems with tearing on Kubuntu 13.04 using Intel/Nvidia hybrid graphics?18:00
BluesKaj!crosspost | kinglaaa18:11
ubottukinglaaa: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.18:11
kinglaaaok sorry18:11
alesanis there any info on how to install *Adobe* Acrobat reader?18:42
SonikkuAmericaalesan: I think it's in Winetricks18:49
SonikkuAmerica!crosspost | alesan18:50
ubottualesan: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.18:50
alesanare you kidding me?18:50
alesanadobe reader is in the partner repository18:50
alesanwhy do you give wrong advice?18:51
SonikkuAmericaI didn't. Besides, if it's in partners and you have it enabled, why isn't it in USC?18:51
SonikkuAmericaUbuntu Software Center18:53
alesanI use muon, I do not know USC18:53
SonikkuAmericaMuon Software Center should have the same stuff18:56
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)19:07
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thelonelyghostI have a problem with the KDE clock widget not honoring my timezone. Google hasn't helped except for legacy issues that are no longer relevant.19:25
thelonelyghostSidenote: 13.04 Kubuntu19:26
SonikkuAmericathelonelyghost: You have to drop your /etc/localtime (with sudo of course) and symlink it to your time zine19:26
thelonelyghostSonikkuAmerica: drop my /etc/localtime? do you mean remove it?19:28
SonikkuAmericathelonelyghost: Yes19:28
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thelonelyghostSonikkuAmerica: still showing up as UTC despite symlinking19:34
Avihayd'you log out/in?19:34
* thelonelyghost headdesk19:34
thelonelyghostLemme try that.19:34
Avihaytintamar:  I wanted to suggest you just do it via the gui19:37
SonikkuAmericathelonelyghost: Did it works?19:37
thelonelyghostSonikkuAmerica: nope. still the same issue19:38
Avihaythelonelyghost: ^^^19:38
Avihaythelonelyghost: I wanted to suggest you just do it via the gui19:38
Avihayright click clock, select "Adjust date and time"19:39
Avihaygo to the time-zone tab19:39
Avihaysorry tint-amar19:39
thelonelyghostyep, done and set both UTC and New York just to be sure. Scrolled down and New York is set the same time as UTC?19:39
thelonelyghostcurrent time zone in the time zone tab you referenced is "America/New_York"19:40
thelonelyghostEr, "America/New York (EDT)"19:40
Avihayuhh, it depends on what you picked during setup, I live in a different country19:41
thelonelyghostI also ran 'dpkg-reconfigure tzdata' and set it to my timezone. no dice.19:42
thelonelyghostit just switched over.19:46
thelonelyghostjust ran dpkg-reconfigure tzdata again and it reset itself. not sure why.19:47
thelonelyghostI'm not complaining!19:47
thelonelyghostThanks Avihay and SonikkuAmerica!19:47
SonikkuAmericaYou're welcome!19:48
rosco_yhow do I add the multiverse software source?22:10
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: It's in [ software-properties-kde ]22:10
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: Excuse me; not there, in [ muon ]22:11
rosco_ySonikkuAmerica: ty.  Is that a command-line program?22:11
rosco_yok, I have the dialog open from Muon->Settings->configure sources.  I'm just not seeing the "multiverse" option22:11
SonikkuAmericaThere should be 4 types: Main, Restricted, Universe, and Multiverse.22:12
rosco_yYour right (of course), I wasn't reading the whole thing--xcuse me22:13
rosco_ymy browsers are suddenly complaining that I need to upgrade my flash player22:13
rosco_yapt-get tells me I'm using the latest.22:13
SonikkuAmerica[ sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin-installer ]?22:14
SonikkuAmericaAre you using Rekonq?22:14
rosco_yFirefox and chromium22:15
rosco_yI don't really care for Rekonq....22:15
rosco_ymaybe I'm missing something there22:15
SonikkuAmericaReinstall it then, and reboot (or log out/in) when you're done.22:15
rosco_yflash player?22:15
rosco_ydownload the executeable installer, boot to command-line, install?22:16
rosco_yI've done that in the past...oh, I think that route also requires kernal sources and a recompile.22:16
rosco_ymaybe I'm thinking of suse22:16
rosco_yoh, use an option in apt-get to force a reinstall?22:17
rosco_yI tried apt-get and it didn't do anything because "I have the latest"22:17
SonikkuAmerica[ sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-installer ]22:17
SonikkuAmericarosco_y: ^22:18
rosco_yI'll try the force option, I believe I noticed that at one time or another--thanks SonikkuAmerica!22:18
rosco_yremoving and reinstalling22:21
rosco_yshoot, this is another one of *those* days22:22
rosco_ycan't even uninstall and reinstall22:22
rosco_yok, seems I've got it worked out in Synaptic....reboot :)22:25
rosco_yty again :)22:25
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jman074okay so im suppose to download cackey from http://www.forge.mil/Community.html but i cant figure this out23:51
jman074when i go to the site theres no download info23:51
jman074http://militarycac.com/PDFs/CACKeyUbuntu12.04.pdf this is what im trying to do23:52

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