
hannerhi, will i be able to update the current lubuntu 13.10 to the final state in october?08:45
Unit193Final "state"?  It may well be a bit different than if you installed at that time, but all your software will be at the released version and you'd be on 13.10.08:46
hannerdifferent in what way? not the same kernel as if i install using the final 13.10 in october?08:48
hanneri guess 13.10 is some kind of alpha until then08:49
Unit193Same kernel, sure.  Well, who knows?  Default config and applications may well change.08:51
DoctorD90hello dear! i'd like to make a custom live cd of lubuntu, with some other features, and less stuff12:55
DoctorD90how can i do it? :)12:55
SonikkuAmericaDoctorD90: How about the mini.iso?12:57
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD12:57
DoctorD90SonikkuAmerica, thx. but i'd like make a LIVECD...because i change many pc, and i like to get MY personal custom enviorement :)13:03
DoctorD90so i need a not donwloadable contents :)13:04
SonikkuAmericaThe mini.iso is a live image; don't get me wrong.13:04
SonikkuAmericaI don't know if Lubuntu has an alternate CD image or not...13:04
DoctorD90but if i need/want a package (like xchat for example) i need to downlod?13:04
ubottuThe alternate CD has been discontinued for the main Ubuntu distro, please use and report any bugs in the !LiveCD13:04
DoctorD90with mini cd, i have ONLY the package that mini.iso has got....i need some other tools...13:07
DoctorD90and sometimes i hasnt internet connection :/13:07
DoctorD90for this i was mind to a custom live cd13:07
phillwDoctorD90: have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remastersys13:10
DoctorD90phillw, maybe you have target look on :D13:15
DoctorD90SonikkuAmerica, im trying mini.iso, but it is downloading automatically package....without asking nothing :/13:16
DoctorD90(ihave use commandlineinstallation)13:17
SonikkuAmericaDoctorD90: Did you select anything in the menu that lets you select what you want?13:17
DoctorD90only keybord and language...13:18
DoctorD90now it has asking for user name13:18
SonikkuAmericaSo keep going...13:20
DoctorD90ok ^^13:20
DoctorD90but (tell me if i wrong) each time i run it13:20
DoctorD90it need a installation/internet collection13:21
SonikkuAmericaOK... (I mean first it pulls the Ubuntu base in)13:21
DoctorD90i need a totally offline live cd :)13:21
DoctorD90that is my problem :)13:21
DoctorD90if i have a internet connection, i make a bash script that install all my enviorement suite ^^13:22
DoctorD90and it runs gnome (i think) and i run on old pc too :)13:22
SonikkuAmericaGNOME 2 or 3?13:24
DoctorD90i dont know...it is downloading13:24
DoctorD90configutarion linux-image-3.8.0-19-generic13:31
DoctorD90so, gnome 3 i think13:31
SonikkuAmericaIt would have GNOME 3 in it...13:32
DoctorD90id like to use lubuntu for it's wheigthless...13:33
SonikkuAmericalubuntu-desktop should be selectable in the "Select what you want" menu13:33
DoctorD90ah ok13:38
DoctorD90i wiat the finish of installation...13:38
DoctorD90if it does not ask, i wil lre-install trough normal installation mode13:38
DoctorD90and not with command line13:38
cerebratefreedom buddies :D15:31
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and  http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/licensing15:32
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n-iCelubuntu when boots says trying to detect network connection and takes a long time to boot16:12
n-iCewhy's that?16:12
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TritonioCan someone suggest a better sound mixer than the default one?16:57
wxlTritonio: what's wrong with alsamixer?16:58
Tritoniofor one I have to reach the keyboard to use it.16:58
wxlTritonio: without installing pulse, you've got a bunch of packages with a lot of other requirements http://alsa.opensrc.org/AlsaMixers17:01
wxlgamix died in lucid17:01
wxlgnome-alsamixer means you're installing a bunch of gnome stuff17:02
wxlkde with kmix and likely kalsamixer tho the latter is not in the repos17:03
wxl!info alsamixergui | Tritonio17:06
ubottuTritonio: alsamixergui (source: alsamixergui): graphical soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.0rc2-1-9.1 (raring), package size 26 kB, installed size 112 kB17:06
wxlalso if you like qt..17:07
wxl!info qasmixer | Tritonio17:07
ubottuTritonio: qasmixer (source: qastools): ALSA mixer for the desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17.2-2 (raring), package size 299 kB, installed size 857 kB17:07
TritonioAlso since I noticed again: I've changed my theme to something darker which I downloaded. I installed both a theme for openbox and new widgets (which, correct me if I am wrong, is a GTK theme, right?). But some applications are still gray with rectangular buttons. For example Lubuntu Software Center.17:08
cerebrateyo_mama so FAT32?17:27
yo_mamawhat is the latest version of Chrome for Ubuntu/Lubuntu?17:27
cerebratethey call it chromium17:27
yo_mamaon windows it's version 2617:28
yo_mamabut in my Lubuntu it's 2517:28
yo_mamaanyone else here besides cerebrate?17:32
zleapcerebrate, i thought chrome and chromium were different17:33
zleapgiven i have had both installed at the same time17:33
SonikkuAmericayo_mama: Only 25? A dist-upgrade could be in order then...17:39
zleapchat shortly17:40
yo_mamahow do I mount a networkdrive in Lubuntu?17:43
SonikkuAmericayo_mama: I believe PCManFM can do it17:47
yo_mamaand wtf is that?17:47
SonikkuAmerica... the file manager17:47
wxlyo_mama: is this a windows/samba share? what sort of file systme?17:48
yo_mamaa NAS17:49
wxlyeah you should just be able to browse it with the file manager17:50
wxli'm not in front of lubuntu right now but i seem to remember in the menu there was a network or places sort of option17:50
wxlyou could also use cifs-tools and mount it that way17:50
wxlnaturally that means you could automount it, too17:51
wxlyo_mama: you may find this useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently17:51
yo_mamaI'm not familiar with the shell17:52
wxlyo_mama: then use the file manager17:52
yo_mamaI am but it doesn't work17:52
yo_mamaI get an error message17:52
yo_mama"The  specified location is not mounted"17:53
wxlhard to help you when you're not clear on exactly what you're seeing17:53
* wxl loads lubuntu up and attempts to connect to a drive he has17:53
yo_mamawhat is the latest version of google chrome for Ubuntu?17:53
wxlyo_mama: look on chrome's websit?17:54
yo_mamaforget that paste17:54
wxlso i'm going to Go > Network Drives > (in my case) Windows Network and yep i get an error17:55
wxlnever got that before17:55
wxlsounds like we got a bug17:55
wxldo you know the ip of your drive?17:55
wxlyou might be able to connect to it that way17:56
yo_mamahow do I use the ip to access the NAS ?17:56
wxlnot sure which exact protocol it will use17:57
wxlbut something like:17:57
wxlin the address bar17:57
yo_mamathe adress bar in what program?17:57
wxlthe same one we've been talking about17:57
yo_mamawhat is the cifsmanager you mentioned?17:59
wxlthere is no "cifsmanager" per se17:59
wxlbut there is a file manager17:59
wxlif you have lubuntu, you have it18:00
wxlthere is no link18:00
wxlclick the thing that looks like a file folder18:00
wxlalso under accessories18:00
wxlthrow smb://<ip> in the address bar and hope and pray18:01
wxlseems to me it's broken, though18:01
yo_mamaLinux is soo complicated compared to Windows and OSX18:02
yo_mamait's a shame18:02
wxlwhen there are bugs, they are complicated18:02
wxli don't know if you've noticed, but windows and os x has them, too18:02
yo_mamaI want to like Linux but it's hard!18:02
wxlonly they take foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever to fix18:02
wxlbut if you'd rather feed the hungry mouths of the corporation machine, knock yourself out18:03
yo_mamaI like the Linux philosopy but I don't like the lack of userfriendlyness18:03
yo_mamaforgive my spelling18:04
zleapyo_mama, in what way is it difficult to use18:05
yo_mamazleap: [19:51] <wxl> yo_mama: you may find this useful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountWindowsSharesPermanently18:06
yo_mamawxl: don't get me wrong. I'm thankful for your help.18:07
zleapah so its setting some services, i can see your point there18:08
wxlyo_mama: you should file a bug against pcmanfm18:08
yo_mamacan you recommend another filemanager that I can install?18:08
wxlyo_mama: nope, i can recommend you file a bug18:08
wxlyo_mama: meanwhile you can use the command line as stated in that link18:08
SonikkuAmericayo_mama: That and maybe Nautilus.18:08
SonikkuAmericayo_mama: But I warn you...18:09
SonikkuAmericayo_mama: You'll pull in all of GTK+ 3 in with you if you do that.18:09
SonikkuAmericayo_mama: Thunar might be better, but that'll pull in all of XFCE.18:10
wxl...which gets me back to my previous "no"18:10
yo_mamathere's nothing like getting the last word, right wxl ?18:11
SonikkuAmericawxl: It doesn't, but it also does. It's like setting and resetting a D flip-flop at the same time.18:11
yo_mamasudo apt-get install smbfs that is like chinese to me18:13
yo_mamamaybe I'll go back to good old windows where things work18:14
SonikkuAmericayo_mama: Don't do that; we'll miss you!18:15
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:15
SonikkuAmerica^ That was counter-productive... :\18:16
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