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balloonsbdmurray, ping21:22
bdmurrayballoons: hi21:24
TheLordOfTimecan you two figure out how to handle CSRedRat, or at least help to alleviate his confusion?21:25
TheLordOfTimei'm going to assume my email to him a few days ago was eithier ignored or never reached him, since we can't see his email address (and maybe that email doesn't work anymore?)21:25
* TheLordOfTime is stuck with an nginx FTBFS on a production system21:26
balloonsbdmurray, hello.. Heh, as you can see TheLordOfTime is concerned about a lp user posting bugs asking for packages to be updated21:29
balloonsfor example, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nmap/+bug/117906521:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 1179065 in nmap (Ubuntu) "Update to 6.25" [Wishlist,Triaged]21:29
bdmurrayballoons: yes, I've heard the story21:30
balloonsI'm sure :-)21:30
TheLordOfTimecorrect me if i'm wrong, but won't the packages he's hitting be autosync'd?21:33
TheLordOfTimesave for nginx because of a delta we're maintaining21:33
hggdhTheLordOfTime: IDK for nmap (we are using what Debian has). But we will just sync from Debian if they update it in time...21:34
TheLordOfTimehggdh:  that's what I thought, of the bugs I"ve seen him post I only know nginx needed a merge because of a delta in ubuntu21:35
TheLordOfTimebut that'll end up being what Debian has in the end (plus the ubuntu-delta we're still maintaining)21:35
hggdheven where we have deltas, if the package is coming from Debian, we would still wait for Debian to be updated21:35
TheLordOfTimenow, my question, is how do we reach this person (csredrat) to explain the process and stuff?21:35
TheLordOfTimei already sent them one email a few days ago, and got zero response21:36
hggdhemailing him via the LP interface is the only way21:36
bdmurrayhggdh: that's not really true21:36
bdmurrayand I suggested having an Ubuntu developer or a canonical employee email them21:36
TheLordOfTimeballoons brought up a good point, the email they're registered with could be out of date and no longer accessed/available to them21:36
TheLordOfTimein which case that hits a brick wall.21:36
TheLordOfTimeand we're stuck with a person we can't contact.21:37
TheLordOfTimebut that's worst-case.21:37
TheLordOfTime... wow, i just realized why nginx ftbfs... *facepalm*21:37
hggdhballoons: I guess you fill in one of the shoes bdmurray suggested :-)21:37
hggdhbdmurray: no, it is not completely true, I agree...21:38
TheLordOfTime... and fixed.21:38
bdmurrayhggdh: I mean I know his their email address21:38
bdmurrayI'll just email this person okay?21:39
hggdhbdmurray: I thought so...21:39
hggdhbdmurray: thank you, dear sir. In your debt, and all that21:39
balloonsthat sounds fine with me21:39
TheLordOfTimeworks for me21:39
TheLordOfTimelemme know if they respond to you though :/21:39
balloonsI don't have any special (to my knowledge) access to contact info21:39
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: and really the person stopped opening new bugs on the 12th21:40
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: so perhaps they are listening to you21:40
hggdhand no further action is necessary now21:40
balloonsthey are opening bugs as we speak :-)21:40
TheLordOfTimebdmurray:  perhaps, however I did ask them a question if they were aware of autosyncs and stuff, got no response.21:40
TheLordOfTimeballoons:  link(s)?21:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1180109 in pypy (Ubuntu) "Update to 2.0" [Undecided,New]21:41
TheLordOfTimeor numbers./21:41
TheLordOfTime... yeah looks like he's continuing again.21:41
* TheLordOfTime refreshes the search page21:41
bdmurrayoh, mailing list isn't up to date21:41
balloonsanyways, the great and powerful bdmurray is on the case!21:41
TheLordOfTime8 of them so far.21:42
TheLordOfTimebdmurray:  wait you get emails for *every* bug?21:43
TheLordOfTimedoesn't that flood your email?21:43
TheLordOfTimeor are you just checking the ubuntu-bugs mailing list to see if it's sent new stuff?21:43
bdmurrayTheLordOfTime: I just use the ubuntu-bugs mailing list21:47
bdmurraywith mutt21:50
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