
JoseeAntonioRjono: ping00:29
jonoJoseeAntonioR, hey00:29
JoseeAntonioRjono: how's it going?00:29
jonoJoseeAntonioR, good thanks, busy!00:29
jonosorry, I know you have been pinging me today00:29
JoseeAntonioRjono: yeah, IS told me to talk to you about RT#2169600:30
JoseeAntonioRjust wanted to check the status on that00:30
jonoJoseeAntonioR, is this the alternative to AskUbuntu thing?00:32
JoseeAntonioRjono: yeah, the one for non-english speakers00:33
jonoelmo asked me about this last week - I don't remember ever saying we would commit to a deployment of an alternative00:33
jonoahhh this is for non-English speakers00:33
jononow I remember00:33
jonoJoseeAntonioR, elmo asked me about it but I forgot it was designed for non-english speakers00:34
jonois there no way we can support multiple languages on AskUbuntu?00:34
JoseeAntonioRjono: StackExchange says they're working on a solution, but there isn't even an ETA, and they say it should take a long time00:34
JoseeAntonioRuntil then, I'd like to get something up and running00:35
jonoI think this needs some wider discussion00:35
jonocan we coordinate a meeting at UDS?00:35
JoseeAntonioRyeah, sure, let me set up the blueprint00:35
jonoI will schedule it00:35
jonobtw, are you ok with the time of the ubuntuonair session?00:35
JoseeAntonioRyep, I'm on vacations so I'll be here during the whole event00:36
JoseeAntonioRjono: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1305-q+a-systems-localization is the link for it00:39
JoseeAntonioRjono: hey, tomorrow before the plenary begins could you please link me so I can embed it at ubuntuonair.com?02:51
=== sandyd is now known as bellasbells
dholbachgood morning07:29
JoseeAntonioRhey dholbach, quick PM?07:32
smartboyhwHey dholbach!07:32
dholbachhi smartboyhw07:32
smartboyhwJoseeAntonioR: I like sabdfl's email:)07:33
JoseeAntonioRhey smartboyhw, I do too :)07:33
smartboyhwOh, Ubuntu Brainstorm will be dead07:33
dholbachsmartboyhw, .......07:34
dholbachJorge brought up the question07:34
smartboyhwdholbach: It was decided07:34
smartboyhwIn yesterday's TB meeting07:35
dholbachreally? then I must have misunderstood it07:35
smartboyhwWith approval from TB and support from jcastro and balloons and stgraber07:35
smartboyhwdholbach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/13/May07:36
philballewsmartboyhw, you seem sad bout it?07:36
dholbachto me it looked like they acknowledged the current problems and were going to check if it can be shut down or what to do about it07:37
JoseeAntonioRyeah, same thoughts here07:37
smartboyhwphilinux: No. I never went there07:38
philballewsmartboyhw, oh, just figured I should ask07:38
JoseeAntonioRok, time for me to get some sleep for the upcoming event07:39
JoseeAntonioRsee you all around in a couple hours!07:39
philballewI should sleep more07:40
dholbachsmartboyhw, I hadn't gone through my entire mails and the team report yet - there it reads much more that it should be shut down - but it's good that Jorge got everyone's thoughts about it on the mailing list07:41
dholbachso maybe there's another way out of this07:41
smartboyhwdholbach: Sure;)07:47
=== marcoceppi_ is now known as marcoceppi
balloonswhy does the same pad seem to appear for all my sessions? :-(13:26
jcastrostay classy castro13:27
jcastroI showed up an hour early13:27
JoseeAntonioRballoons: let me check if I can reproduce that13:27
balloonsso bizarre.. now my stuff has morphed to the other pad13:28
smartboyhw_Damn, I can only attend on IRC13:28
dpmmorning jcastro, balloons, and everyone!13:28
smartboyhw_balloons: :O13:28
dakerballoons: AFAIK you are able to open ONE pad at time13:28
balloonsJoseeAntonioR, I think I'm ok now.. I think13:28
balloonsbut these pads like to play tricks13:28
balloonsdaker, yea.. mistake #1 I guess13:29
balloonsI was trying to edit more than one pad13:29
smartboyhw_OK my UDS schedule for today: Plenary, Community roundtable, sleep:P13:29
balloonssmartboyhw_, so you can set your hangout settings to audio only if you have bandwidth issues13:29
JoseeAntonioRballoons: yeah, when opening lots of them and authenticating to them at once I gt the error13:30
smartboyhw_Tmr: QA team growth, Kylin images, sleep:P13:30
smartboyhw_balloons: Mobile…13:30
balloonssmartboyhw_, ahh13:30
smartboyhw_actually meh13:30
smartboyhw_After UDS I am taking exam break13:30
balloonsdpm, afternoon :-)13:31
balloonsjust an fyi: https://plus.google.com/u/0/107339337083351011695/posts/XLpRLLJVaqa.. "13:31
balloons1) Bandwidth slider. At the top right of every hangout is a new slider that lets you adjust your bandwidth preferences in real-time. This makes it easier to keep hangouts going, even in areas with poor connectivity.13:31
balloons2) Audio-only mode. Choose this mode to send and receive audio only, and thus, significantly reduce your bandwidth requirements. Other participants will only see your profile picture, but they'll hear you loud and clear."13:31
smartboyhw_The keynote is in #ubuntu-uds-plenary right?13:33
dpmthanks balloons13:34
jcastrodpm: hey, raring doesn't appear to be on apps.ubuntu.com yet13:34
smartboyhw_I am!13:34
balloonsdpm, yea it might be needed for some community folks to ensure good hangouts13:34
balloonsheck, I was using it yesterday :-)13:34
smartboyhw_balloons: :)13:34
dpmthanks jcastro, pinging jpugh about it13:35
dpmjcastro, beuno tells me they're working on it13:36
jcastrothanks for checking!13:38
smartboyhw_Hey SergioMeneses13:38
SergioMenesessmartboyhw_, hi!13:39
dpmhm, is it me or summit is really slow? -> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/2013-05-14/display?13:42
JoseeAntonioRdpm: I think it's you13:42
smartboyhw_dpm: That's you:P13:42
dpmglad to hear that13:43
dpmin a way :)13:43
smartboyhw_Here's jono_13:44
smartboyhw_And he left13:44
JoseeAntonioRjono_: please, remember to link me to the plenary once you've got the youtube link13:47
jono_JoseeAntonioR, I don't think we should stream it on ubuntuonair - we should have people go to the session pages13:48
jono_so they can use the other features of UDS13:48
jono_mhall119, no IRC?13:48
mhall119jono_: working on it13:48
jono_mhall119, thanks13:48
JoseeAntonioRok then :)13:48
jono_mhall119, normal chans are #ubuntu-uds-<track> right?13:52
smartboyhw_dpm, mhall119, jono: The logs in each UDS IRC channel's topics (like http://ubottu.com/uds-logs/%23ubuntu-uds-community-1.log) is flooded with join/quit messages. Is it possible to get rid of these while logging?13:52
mhall119smartboyhw_: you'd have to ask in #ubuntu-irc13:53
mhall119they control the bots13:53
smartboyhw_mhall119: OK13:53
chilicuilwee, uds! =)13:57
philballewchilicuil, yes!13:59
chilicuilphilballew: =)13:59
chilicuildoes anyone has a full list of the vuds channels?14:00
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm-uds
SergioMeneseschilicuil, I think you have to search all channels in http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/2013-05-14/14:02
bkerensatop of the morning14:02
SergioMenesesbkerensa, \o14:03
bkerensatime to get saucy?14:03
SergioMenesesbkerensa, if you want to14:05
dakerchilicuil:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5664576/14:06
chilicuildaker: cool, thanks =)14:06
bkerensacjohnston: This page encountered an error, don't worry - we have been notified. Please accept our apologies.14:06
SergioMenesesdaker, perfect!14:06
bkerensacjohnston: looks like it was temporary14:06
bkerensacjohnston: openid but a refresh fixed14:06
philballewyeah! California!14:07
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5664589/  <- even better list of channels ㋛14:10
popeyWith handy /join commands ☻14:10
SergioMenesespopey, very helpful ;)14:11
bkerensaFYI: Colin Watson and Brian Murray will be handling Foundation Track (cjwatson and bdmurray)14:16
jono_dholbach, can you spin up the Lubuntu session?14:34
jono_dholbach, or have Julian start it and you update the hangout URL in summit14:34
dholbachjono_, balloons and I divided the sessions up between us and he was going to do it - but I'm happy to do it too14:34
jono_dholbach, ahhh cool14:34
balloonslol.. you dc'd during the chat jono_ so we left you out :-)14:35
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
jono_balloons, I am always left out :-(14:36
jono_waaa waaaa waaaa14:36
* dholbach hugs jono_14:36
smartboyhw_Whoo hoo14:36
dholbachjono_, have a cookie14:36
JoseeAntonioRlet's not talk about cookies :P14:36
dholbachuds tradition14:37
smartboyhw_JoseeAntonioR: Why?14:37
* balloons hands dholbach and JoseeAntonioR a cookie14:37
* philballew wants a cookie14:37
jono_can I have a brisket instead?14:37
* balloons notes it's chocolate14:37
* JoseeAntonioR carefully looks at the cookie and slowly eats14:37
dholbachjono_, for breakfast?14:37
* smartboyhw_ gives a cookie to jono_ philballew JosesAntonioR balloons dholbach14:37
balloonsjono_, uncooked?14:37
jono_dholbach, always14:37
* philballew has no idea what a brisket is14:37
jono_philballew, shoulder of beef14:37
jono_slow cooked for 10 hours14:37
dholbachI'm unsurprised14:37
jono_and then put into my mouth14:37
dholbacheat a vegetable!14:38
* dholbach makes a pot of tea14:38
smartboyhw_dholbach: Are you a vegetarian?14:38
philballewLove it jono, I'm gonna grill up some Carne Asada this week. Small thin meet for Tacos.14:38
* philballew is drinking coffee14:38
dholbachsmartboyhw_, yes, have been for 5 years now and working on cutting down on animal products in general now14:39
smartboyhw_dholbach: Meh14:39
philballewdholbach, thats hella tight14:39
dholbachlet's not get into arguments now :)14:39
* smartboyhw_ gives dholbach 100 tonnes of meat to eat14:39
dholbachsmartboyhw_, I think I had enough meat in all those years before - I don't miss it :)14:40
bkerensaelfy: morning14:40
elfyhello bkerensa14:40
smartboyhw_dholbach: :(14:40
balloonsdholbach, while in oakland we ate at a soulfood vegan place.. best food I had all week by far14:40
dholbachnice :)14:40
smartboyhw_balloons: Heck, you can't find good food in Oakland?14:41
balloonsif/when we go back, I'm only eating there14:41
philballewOakland is intense balloons .14:41
balloonssmartboyhw_, I had a very rough time finding it14:41
smartboyhw_balloons: OK14:42
* philballew had a gun drawn at him in Oakland.14:42
smartboyhw_philballew: srsly?14:42
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
philballewsmartboyhw_, yeah, I was there riding my bike through the city and accidentally rode into a drug deal.14:43
JoseeAntonioRjono_: hey, I don't know if later you can mention people to put their names or nicknames on the pad so we know who's each one14:43
smartboyhw_philballew: Meh14:44
philballewsmartboyhw_, Life.14:45
dholbachballoons, gema (through seb128) just added "Move automated upgrade testing to UTAH ( Client )" at 16 utc today - happy to kick it off14:46
dholbachor do you want to be in there?14:46
balloonsdholbach, heh..14:47
balloonslet me see14:47
dholbachyou have a session at the same time :)14:47
jono_dholbach, ok, so you are spinning up the roundtable?14:49
jono_back soon14:49
dholbachrock on14:50
jcastrojono_: I have a light day today so I can probably be active in the roundtable + the website session if you want14:52
jono_jcastro, whatever you want to join :-)14:55
jono_jcastro, you are not required, but welcome :-)14:55
JoseeAntonioRjono_: hey, please remember to approve the blueprint about the Q&A systems localization https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-1305-q+a-systems-localization14:55
jono_JoseeAntonioR, approved14:55
JoseeAntonioRschedule it if possible too :)14:56
jcastrohah man14:56
jcastroin the plenary video Rick's voice got overmodulated or something14:56
jcastrohe sounds like a chipmunk14:57
dholbachnot for me14:57
jcastroI am submitting good ideas/discussions in the subreddit with [UDS] blah15:09
jcastrowe could do like a "mostly live stream" of good stuff happening15:09
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
dholbachjono_ or jcastro, do you think you could run "Move automated upgrade testing to UTAH ( Client )" in the next slot? it's in the community track, because the others are swamped and I'd like to participate in the click packages session15:36
jcastrolet me try it15:37
jcastrodholbach: done!15:38
dholbachdpm, dpm-uds: "sustainable translations for R"?15:43
dholbachnot "S"?15:43
jcastrodholbach: gema is yelling at me for moving that session!15:55
jcastroshe had me move it back15:56
dholbachmove it?15:56
dholbachnot move it15:56
dholbachhost it15:56
jcastro#$%#$! What have I done!15:57
dholbachjono, I'll mail the DMB about the wednesday session15:58
dholbachjcastro, so you can run it?15:59
jcastroON IT!15:59
jono_dholbach, balloons who is spinning up which sessions?16:00
jono_I need to go to an SDK session16:00
balloonsjcastro, is com2, I'm com1 right now16:01
dholbachand I'll do the click session16:01
dholbachor rather follow along and maybe join in16:01
jono_thanks dholbach16:02
jcastroQA is all set!16:02
jono_dpm can you invite me to the SDK feedback session?16:02
jcastrodholbach: high five.16:02
dholbachrock and roll!16:02
jcastrodholbach: lol, I can't believe I moved it16:02
jcastrotalk about reading comprehension!16:02
dpmmhall119, can you run that one and invite jono_ ? I'll start the one on theming16:03
jono_cjohnston, session pages are working great :-)16:04
jcastrothey are16:04
jcastrothis is WAAAAAY better than before dawg16:04
jono_mhall119, you on it?16:05
dholbachjono_, DMB invited16:11
bkerensanap time yet?16:48
jono_bkerensa, can you reddit http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/05/14/video-demo-of-unity-next-on-mir/ for me?17:00
jono_to /r/Ubuntyu17:00
jono_jcastro, can you reddit http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/05/14/video-demo-of-unity-next-on-mir/ to /r/linux?17:00
jcastrocan I do /r/ubuntu?17:01
jcastrobkerensa: you do the bad place17:01
jcastroholy crap, that looks freaking awesome.17:03
popeyjono_: it's "Unity 8" not "Unity Next"17:04
jono_popey, will fix17:04
jcastrojono_: also in the intro it's "Juju 2.0" not "the go version of Juju"17:05
jcastrosince we're nitpicking, heh17:05
popeyoh, we're nitpicking?17:05
jcastroman so, we get resolution independance?17:05
jcastrolike so if there's a 100000x100000 screen it'll look proper?17:05
popeyIt's "Retina MacBook Pro" not "MacBook Pro Retina"17:05
jcastropopey: ok but that's the tablet version running17:06
jcastroso like the next obvious step is for it to go into normal "desktop mode" right?17:06
bkerensajcastro: what bad place?17:06
popeyalso, it's optimisation not optimization etc17:06
jcastrothat word is spelled correctly17:06
jcastrohe's one of ours now popey17:06
popeyhe doesn't talk like you17:06
jcastrohe does17:06
popeynor walk like you17:06
jcastrobkerensa: you can post on /r/linux pls.17:06
popeyergo he is not a duck17:07
jcastropopey: I've seen him drive on the right side of the road17:07
jcastroit's too late for you17:07
jcastroman, that UI looks SO fluid17:07
popeyyeah, looks sweet17:07
jcastroso do we finally not get video tearing?17:08
jcastroI know right, 1992 called17:08
popeybut I want to run xeyes17:08
jcastrobut seriously though17:08
jcastrowe'd need it in desktop mode right?17:08
jono_jcastro, can you edit the reddit title to say Unity 8 ?17:10
jcastrothere's no way to edit a link submission once you submit afaict17:11
jcastroI'll just delete it17:11
jcastroand resubmit17:11
=== vibhav is now known as Guest18875
bkerensahow do we get the hangout going for the session here?17:20
balloonshow do you set multiple person work items again in lp on a blueprint?17:21
balloonscomma's doesn't seem to work ,or I'm crazy17:21
jono_bkerensa, did you post to /r/linux?17:22
bkerensajono_: doing it now17:22
jono_thanks bkerensa17:22
dpm_balloons, it doesn't work, you have to duplicate the work item17:23
dpm_[dude1] Do something17:23
dpm_[dude2] Do something17:23
balloonsdpm, :-(17:23
balloonsI thought that might be the case17:23
jcastrook so I just found out the creepiest thing17:33
jcastrojono_: balloons looks like cliff burton with a haircut17:33
jcastrolook at that pic, and tell me that is not balloons17:33
jono_jcastro, haha good point17:34
balloonslol, jcastro I like the look on your face.. more priceless17:34
balloonsI'm going to be losing it in a few more months though.. so enjoy it now :-)17:34
jcastrokeep growing it out man17:34
jcastrolet the legend grow17:34
balloonslol.. well, there's a specific purpose for it.. and like all good things, it too must end17:35
jono_dholbach, I will create the website hangout17:56
dholbachjono_, ok cool - can you invite me in once it's set up?17:56
jono_dholbach, yup17:57
=== Guest18875 is now known as vibhav
balloonscjohnston, ohh.. you have a cool 'join the hangout on air' link18:03
cjohnstonhowdy hggdh !18:07
hggdhcjohnston: hi, how's life?18:08
cjohnstongoin great... you?18:08
hggdhcannot complain, life could be better but it certainly could be worse18:08
hggdhfor example my mother-in-law is coming to live with us18:09
jono_dholbach, I will set up the Ubuntu Women session18:29
jono_pleia2, any idea who is running the session?18:29
pleia2jono_: Dolasilla said she's talking to akgraner about getting it set up18:29
jono_pleia2, ok cool18:29
dholbachjono_, cool, thanks18:30
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, is getting her all the instructions she needs and getting her set up18:30
jono_pleia2, I can set up the stream for you in summit and then leave it to the team18:30
jono_akgraner, well someone needs admin access to summit to do it18:30
jono_but I can do that and then just leave the session to you18:30
JoseeAntonioRjono_: if the person is marked as drafter he/she can edit the links18:30
jono_and I will paste the hangout link in the channel like in other sessions to join18:30
jono_JoseeAntonioR, oh18:30
pleia2giving to akgraner is probably the best plan, google hangouts aren't my forte :)18:30
pleia2(plus I'm in a work meeting during the session, chaos!)18:31
jono_JoseeAntonioR, if there is a problem, ping me18:31
pleia2two meetings, woo18:31
jono_pleia2, boom!18:31
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: so, will you be starting the hangout?18:31
akgranerno - I'm not at home and the wifi here isn't stable enough to do that18:35
JoseeAntonioRok, second18:35
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: hey, can you please add silvia-bindelli as drafter in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-women.org/+spec/community-1305-ubuntu-women ?18:35
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: done18:36
pleia2JoseeAntonioR: then she just invites the rest of us to the hangout?18:38
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: basically, yes, or you can use summit18:38
JoseeAntonioRjust a second, I'm working on this18:38
pleia2summit is just for viewing, right?18:38
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: and also gives you the link to the hangout if you're marked as required :)18:39
pleia2ah, how does one get marked as required?18:40
JoseeAntonioRpleia2: track leads and drafters can do that, but as dolasilla wasn't marked as drafter maybe jono will have to do it18:41
JoseeAntonioRor dholbach18:41
pleia2can what, mark people as required? or are required?18:42
JoseeAntonioRmark people as18:42
JoseeAntonioRjono_: you think you can update the details of the hangout (video + hangout link) and mark people required in a while for the u-women session?18:43
jono_JoseeAntonioR, I thought you said you had this handled?18:43
jono_I can just spin up the session and invite people if you want18:43
JoseeAntonioRjono_: I thought, until I checked and the person wasn't marked as drafter18:43
jono_JoseeAntonioR, np18:44
JoseeAntonioRif you can stay for the whole thing, sure18:44
jono_I will get it up and running18:44
jono_JoseeAntonioR, np18:44
JoseeAntonioRgreat, thanks :)18:44
jono_I won't butt into the discussion, I will just mute myself18:44
JoseeAntonioRok :)18:44
JoseeAntonioRbasically, cheri703, lyz and silvia-bindelli need to be marked as req18:45
jono_JoseeAntonioR, cool18:45
jono_I will ping out the hangout link when it is up18:45
JoseeAntonioRthanks a bunch18:46
jono_it starts in 20mins18:46
jcastrocjohnston: the little fields to paste in the G+ URLs is brilliant18:48
jono_mhall119, ping?20:22
mhall119jono_: pong20:25
cjohnstonjono_: where's the beer?20:26
pleia2I have a roof deck20:26
jono_cjohnston, ooh good point20:26
pleia2someone else needs to bring the beer though20:26
jono_cjohnston, on the phone right now20:26
mhall119I have a beer, but someone else needs to bring the roof deck20:26
jono_mhall119, hey can you reddit http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/05/14/unity-8-running-on-mir-on-a-galaxy-nexus/ on /r/Ubuntu ?20:54
jono_jcastro, mind redditing http://www.jonobacon.org/2013/05/14/unity-8-running-on-mir-on-a-galaxy-nexus/ on /r/linux?20:55
mhall119jono_: http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/1ec7td/watch_unity_8_running_on_mir_on_a_galaxy_nexus/21:00
jono_thanks mhall11921:00
mhall119Unfortunately, we're forced to just assume that Kevin was wearing a Gnome shirt21:01
mhall119I need an Xfce shirt and Mir running on my Nexus 7, to complete the trifecta21:01
jono_upvotes please: http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1ec84s/unity_8_running_on_mir_on_a_galaxy_nexus/21:04
jono_jcastro, nm, I posted it21:04
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