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pittiGood morning04:47
didrocksgood morning05:57
TheMusoHey folks.06:04
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mlankhorstg'day maaate06:31
chrisccoulsongood morning06:36
RAOFGood evening gentlemen. I trust the hour finds you well?06:44
jibelgood morning06:50
didrockshey mlankhorst, chrisccoulson, RAOF, jibel!07:04
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks07:04
didrocksjibel: c'était bien tes vacances? ;)07:05
mlankhorstça va07:06
didrocksça va bien, et toi? :)07:06
mlankhorstça va mouveais, nouveau crashed07:06
mlankhorst90% sure I spelled it wrong07:07
didrocks"nouveau" was spelt fine :)07:07
didrocksouai, mauvais07:07
jibelsalut didrocks! très reposantes et toi ces qq jours ?07:07
didrocksjibel: bien bien aussi, beau temps, c'était sympa :)07:08
didrocksjibel: tu commences à t'habituer à ta nouvelle maison?07:08
didrocksjibel: oh, as well, it seems the saucy pbuilder didn't got eatmydata installed for daily release, do you mind doing so?07:16
seb128hey desktopers07:31
didrockssalut seb128, bonne semaine off? :)07:32
seb128didrocks, lut, oui, et toi ?07:32
didrockswb as well! ;)07:32
didrocksseb128: très bien, soleil, temps splendide :)07:32
jibeldidrocks, k, on it07:33
didrocksjibel: merci!07:33
seb128lut jibel07:33
seb128didrocks, lucky you, it's 15°C and windy and rainy since sunday here07:34
jibelSalut seb12807:34
didrocksurgh :(07:34
didrocksseb128: come to Lyon ;-)07:34
didrocksblue sky here07:34
seb128didrocks, enjoy it today: http://www.meteo-lyon.net/previsions.php07:35
didrocksseb128: yeah, I know, it's getting bad :(07:35
seb128rains from tomorrow until eow every day for you then ;-)07:35
didrocksseb128: ah you are smiling? you are so mean :p07:36
seb128thursday is 10°C under the norms with 10.5°C :-/07:37
seb128oh well, we will not regret to be stucked on the computer for vUDS at least...07:37
mlankhorsthalf the days will be under the median temperature for that day07:37
chrisccoulsonseb128, http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/may/13/rain-england-wales?CMP=twt_gu ;)07:38
didrocksseb128: right ;)07:38
seb128chrisccoulson, well, you would expect that from england :p07:40
seb128chrisccoulson, hey, how are you btw? ;-)07:40
chrisccoulsonseb128, tired ;)07:40
chrisccoulsonhow are you?07:40
seb128good, a bit tired as well though07:42
seb128didrocks, so, with vUDS, want a short meeting anyway for people who are not in a session?07:44
seb128e.g do you want to use the checkpoint07:44
seb128or should we skip?07:44
didrocksseb128: I would say skip, I'm pinging people directly today to catch up anyway :)07:45
didrockseven robru was up late for him to keep me posted this early morning :)07:45
robruit's easier for me to stay up late than to get up early ;-)07:46
didrocksrobru: depends on who you spoke too, I'm an early bird07:51
robrudidrocks, yeah... I said easier for *me* ;-)07:52
pittibonjour didrocks et seb12808:04
pittihey chrisccoulson and Laney08:04
didrockssalut pitti, ça va?08:04
* pitti waves to mlankhorst, too08:04
didrockshey Laney!08:04
chrisccoulsonhi pitti08:04
pittiwow, you go out for 45 mins for running and suddenly everyone is here :)08:04
pittididrocks: ça va bien ! Je suis allé courier08:05
Laneyparty in #ubuntu-desktop08:05
seb128pitti, salut, ca va ?08:05
seb128hey Laney08:05
seb128pitti, il ne pleut pas chez toi ?08:05
pittiseb128: non, il y a soleil08:06
didrockspitti: I was here way before and felt lonely in the chan :p08:06
seb128pitti, chanceux08:06
pitti(si c'est correct)08:06
didrockspitti: high five!08:06
didrockslet seb128 alone with his rain :p08:06
* pitti ^5s didrocks08:07
* mlankhorst waves to pitti 08:07
* pitti donne une accolade à seb12808:07
* seb128 donne une accolade en retour à pitti08:08
* Laney spies activity on his uploaded SRUs08:11
Laneythanks pitti and the TB ;-)08:11
seb128Laney, what did the TB decide?08:14
* seb128 just reading the summary08:14
seb128we need more sru team members :/08:14
Laneyno decision, but they prodded the SRU team08:14
chrisccoulsondecision on what?08:15
Laneywell there was an interesting point there that perhaps more team members makes everyone do less work08:15
seb128well, prodding is not really useful when the issue is team being too small and overworked08:15
Laneyspeeding up srus08:15
seb128well, you need people wanting to join for that08:15
seb128I don't think the SRU team has ever refused valid candidate08:15
seb128it's just that nobody has been stepping up to join08:15
* Laney shrugs - don't know how the members feel, will see if they respond08:17
seb128well, last time I discussed the delay issue with slangasek he replied with a "feel free to join and help with reviews"08:17
Laneyat least the software-center one got accepted though - that was a top report on errors08:17
seb128well, direct IRC prodding usually works08:18
seb128I guess dobey did that08:18
Laneydon't know08:19
pittiLaney: well, there was a decision -- we keep the four-eyes principle, i. e. sru team review08:19
LaneyOK, a decision as opposed to a change08:19
pittiLaney: yeah, I don't believe that a team of 8 people works well on something like SRU08:19
pittirotations with a 3-people team work much better IMHO, otherwise the responsibility is too diluted08:19
seb128the problem is to find 3 people with enough time to allocate to reviews08:20
Laneyseems like it's hard for people to be able to allocate regular slots of time08:21
seb128it's like sponsoring08:25
seb128half of the team doesn't do their shift08:25
seb128some people never do any08:25
* seb128 looks at chrisccoulson :p08:25
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czajkowskiSweetshark: care to look at a LO question that came in to LP please. https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/22880208:57
seb128czajkowski, hey, how are you?09:02
czajkowskiseb128: not bad now thanks, working away and keeping busy and not broken my machine lately :)09:02
Laneyon saucy yet?09:03
czajkowskiI dont want to drive seb128 bonkers :)09:03
czajkowskiI still have a wifi issue I cannot work out at my bf house on his network but that's not a desktop issue09:03
czajkowskioverall raring is pretty sweet tbh09:03
ogra_raring ... pfft ... old stuff09:10
* Laney is always amazed by how good my connection to cdimage is09:12
czajkowskiogra_: I'm clearly havibg better luck than some though https://twitter.com/sdanaipat/status/334234693744615424/photo/109:13
seb128Laney, are you at the office in London? :p09:13
Laneyhaha, I am not09:14
ogra_well, he should better not use the new camouflage mode :P09:14
czajkowskiLaney: coming to london any time soon09:14
Laneydownloading ISOs is the only time I ever see a download maxing out my connection09:14
Laneyguess VM peer with canonical's upstream or something09:15
Laneyczajkowski: no plans09:15
seb128Laney, is that a dsl line? /me wonder how you u.k guys get such bandwith :p09:16
Laneyit's only available in quite limited areas, i got lucky09:16
Laneyotherwise FTTC (and some limited FTTH) is starting to roll out09:16
seb128k, we just have a lucky set with you and chrisccoulson there then ;-)09:16
Laneybut if you're in a rural area like my parents you're often out of luck - they get <1mbit09:17
Laneymobile internet would be better for them probably :/09:18
seb128it's about the same here, I'm in a small city and I get ~5Mbit on my dsl line09:18
seb128which is ok09:18
chrisccoulsonseb128, Laney, https://twitter.com/chrisccoulson/status/333877250644664320 ;)09:18
czajkowskiLaney: who are you with for broadband ?09:18
Laneychrisccoulson: nice!09:19
seb128chrisccoulson, shrug, your upload is three time my download, no fun :p09:19
LaneyI looked at infinity but line rental makes it more than VM :(09:19
chrisccoulsonseb128, heh :)09:19
czajkowskihate Virgin, drove me insane for 3 days last week with a fault on the line09:21
czajkowskihttp://www.speedtest.net/result/2706848821.png  :-)09:21
Laneyseems quite variable across the country; always (touch wood) been rock solid here09:21
Laneymaybe because they have a couple of offices in nottm09:21
chrisccoulsoni see a lot of people complaining about virgin09:22
chrisccoulsonmy connection is rock solid :)09:22
chrisccoulsonalthough, i'm quite lucky. my house is pretty much a stone throw away from the cabinet09:22
Laneyyeah mine is right on the street here too, so if I went fttc it'd be pretty good09:23
Laneycome a long way from our 14.4 modem :-)09:25
chrisccoulsonhah, could you imagine me uploading firefox across a 14.4k modem?09:29
Sweetsharkczajkowski: done09:31
chrisccoulsonit would take an entire day to upload firefox to the archive on a 14.4k connection09:31
czajkowskiSweetshark: thanks09:31
chrisccoulsonwhereas it takes just over a minute on my connection :)09:32
chrisccoulsonhah, seb128 will like https://twitter.com/JohnRentoul/status/334239133016928257 ;)09:34
seb128chrisccoulson, lol09:35
seb128chrisccoulson, I like how you guys hate us, 'least trustworthy: france" ... come on ;-)09:36
chrisccoulsonheh :)09:36
Sweetsharksaw that before, happy that Germany wins! (... at least in most arrogant and least compassionate ....)09:37
chrisccoulsonit looks like the greek don't like the germans too ;)09:37
seb128chrisccoulson, it's a bit weird how french listed France as most and least arrogant at the same time09:38
chrisccoulsonlol @ the polish answer to "most trustworthy" and "least trustworthy"09:38
Sweetsharkeuro is done now anyway, with france buying all the money that japan is printing out of thin air. What could possibly go wrong: http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2013/05/20130513_oat1.jpg09:41
jpdsSweetshark: http://is.gd/lt9Qbp09:45
Sweetsharkjpds: well yeah, most of europe is still better off than the UK which deindustrialized itself in the last decades for the brave new world of becoming just one big bank and nothing else ...09:54
seb128pitti, btw, did you sort out your hangout issues?10:28
pittigood point, testing now10:28
pittihm, just works again10:29
seb128pitti, I'm just wondering if that's a real bug that's going to hit people for vUDS10:29
seb128works for me as well10:29
Sweetsharkseb128: if its a real bug, it will be clever enough to hide right until the party starts ...10:33
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czajkowskichrisccoulson: http://t.co/88SuYdFm4U  better:)12:23
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seb128pitti, you don't fancy debugging a test failing on arm by any chance? ;-)13:14
seb128pitti, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsoup2.4/2.42.2-3/+build/456765313:14
czajkowskiseb128: I think he's hiding on yu13:15
seb128czajkowski, typical pitti? ;-)13:15
czajkowskiseb128: geting the hair done for his hangouts today, clearly! :)13:15
seb128Laney, thanks for the glib update ;-)13:18
chrisccoulsondo we just go to pitti if we want failing tests debugging? :)13:19
pittiseb128: I can debug it on the nexus13:19
seb128chrisccoulson, well, you can try (that's what I'm doing) :p13:19
pittiseb128: tomorrow morning ok? I'm still working on pkg-create-dbgsym, and UDS is soon13:19
* seb128 hugs pitti13:19
seb128pitti, sure, no hurry, I just noticed that jbicha synced it a while ago and it has been failing to build on arm for some weeks/versions13:20
seb128pitti, seems like it's failing for debian as well13:20
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dobeyseb128: actually, was about to ping about software-center sru for raring when i saw infinity had accepted it already. last i pinged about it was about 2 weeks ago. need to ping about the rhythmbox-ubuntuone ones as well. and i guess i need to shove some more "info" in the bugs :-/13:35
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seb128dobey, hey, did you test software-center with gtk 3.8? there are issues between the two apparently17:08
dobeyseb128: i haven't  myself no. but gtk 3.7 did break something and causes a BadMatch or something, yes. there are bugs about it17:10
dobeyseb128: but i don't see why software-center itself would be the cause of the bug. seems like a regression in gtk+ to me17:11
seb128dobey, I guess we should investigate that before getting gtk 3.8 in the archive17:11
seb128I would like to upload the new gtk soon, it's blocking quite some other updates17:11
seb128dobey, do you think there is any chance you could have a look to that a bit this week?17:11
Sweetsha1klarsu_, tedg: FYI https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64560 LibreOffice 4.0 unity integration seems to needs additional backports to work properly on 12.04. Any hints?17:15
ubot2Freedesktop bug 64560 in Writer "Cannot use Table menu entries on Unity" [Major,Resolved: notourbug]17:15
dobeyseb128: maybe but probably not. maybe we could ask jbicha to debug a bit?17:15
dobeyanyway, i need to get lunch now, and take care of a couple things during lunch break.17:15
tedgSweetsha1k, I don't think that 12.04 used the GMenu based indicator-appmenu...17:16
seb128dobey, ok, thanks, enjoy lunch!17:16
tedgSweetsha1k, I think you'll need a backport of a more recent indicator-appmenu to make that work.17:16
Sweetsha1ktedg: ... or dump unity integration for those backports and tell people to use the (also flaky) lo-menubar if the absolutely want it.17:34
tedgSweetsha1k, Yeah, that's probably more reasonable.17:37
Sweetsha1ktedg: ok, will go for that then. Just wanting to make sure, there is no quick-n easy fix.17:39
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chrisccoulsonoh, pitti's pkg-create-dbgsym fix - can we have that as a SRU for other releases? ;)19:26
chrisccoulsoni'm sure my PPA's are swallowing space19:26
pittiI guess you might actually be able to talk infinity into accepting it19:27
pittias we want to switch to storing ddebs in the librarian soon19:27
seb128chrisccoulson, you have both have a dbg and a dbgsym in the ppas?19:27
seb128chrisccoulson, why did you enable ddebs in the ppa if you have a dbg?19:28
chrisccoulsonseb128, don't i need ddebs for retracing to work?19:29
seb128chrisccoulson, I think apport fallbacks to using -dbg when there is not, but I'm not sure19:30
seb128pitti knows better ;-)19:30
chrisccoulsoni guess i could turn one of them off19:30
pittiI fixed apport in saucy today to do that more properly19:31
pitti(and the retracers in the DC)19:31
pittibut for almost all cases it was workign correctly before already19:31
* pitti waves good night19:31
seb128pitti, 'night19:32
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