
=== Sargun_ is now known as Sargun
ScottKsarnold: No always.01:12
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slangasekstgraber: hey, could you please commit your changes from casper 1.332?  (Since there's a documented Vcs-Bzr field, and the importer is balking)03:38
stgraberslangasek: hmm, I don't have those commits around anymore. Anyway, I just updated the packaging branch with a manual import of 1.332 so the content and the tags should be fine now.03:43
slangasekstgraber: ok, thanks03:43
pittiGood morning04:46
lifelessmorning pitti04:52
pittismoser: ah, today's cloud images work again (ssh)06:03
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dholbachgood morning07:30
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alkisgLTS desktop packages are supposedly supported for 3y, and server packages for 5y. But that doesn't match what `apt-cache show package | grep Supported` says:08:01
alkisgdpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ { print $2 }' | xargs apt-cache show | grep ^Supported | sort -u08:01
alkisgSupported: 18m08:01
alkisgSupported: 5y08:01
alkisg==> no "3y" anywhere there, although many packages don't have a "Supported" line in their control file. How can I see for how long a package is supported?08:01
StevenKalkisg: That changed with Precise, everything is 5y08:07
alkisgThank you StevenK, and I assume the packages that are supported for 18m is just minor bugs...08:07
StevenKI'm not certain of the rules08:08
StevenKI just know that desktop stopped being 3 years and started being 5.08:08
alkisgThanks, it answers my concerns, the 18m packages are too few to bother with anyway :)08:09
alkisgMaybe they are part of flavors that were not LTS, e.g. lubuntu maintained packages etc08:10
tjaaltonwho's maintaining the vuds scheduling?08:14
seb128tjaalton, nobody08:16
seb128tjaalton, track leads and some others have edit access08:16
seb128tjaalton, but I don't think there is one person responsive for the schedule08:16
seb128tjaalton, would be easier it you asked what you really want to know ;-)08:17
pittitjaalton: for changes, poke one of the track leads08:20
tjaaltonseb128: the hybrid session got dropped from the schedule since it was mistakenly marked as superseded08:24
tjaaltonpitti: thanks, who is the track lead?08:24
seb128tjaalton, I can schedule things08:24
tjaaltonseb128: oh, cool. well could we have the first slot tomorrow?08:25
tjaaltonit was originally today at 1800UTC but it was bad for me & tseliot08:25
seb128there is no slot left at this time08:26
seb128would thursday 15utc in client 2 works for you?08:26
tjaaltonnope :/08:27
tjaaltonoh well, put it back where it was, today 1805-190008:28
seb128tkamppeter, hey, would it be ok if the oprint dialog design session is moved from tomorrow 2pm to thursday 3pm?08:28
tjaaltonis it ok to lead the session without video? :)08:28
seb128tjaalton, ^ if that works for Till I can put yours there, otherwise let's do today 18h08:29
seb128tjaalton, yeah, audio is fine08:29
tjaaltonseb128: yeah that would be fine08:30
tjaaltonno, great08:30
pittijibel: FTR, run-adt-test -sl works again for saucy, so it really was the openssh issue08:30
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tkamppeterseb128, no problem.08:50
seb128tkamppeter, thanks08:50
seb128tjaalton, hybrid is on schedule for tomorrow 2pm utc08:51
tjaaltontkamppeter, seb128: woohoo, thanks :)08:59
seb128yw ;-)09:02
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pittistgraber: I now added a NM test for hotplugging ethernet (with veth), still works fine09:47
pittistgraber: but that's using "ip link add name ethXX type veth peer name vethXX", not your two-command approach09:48
pittistgraber: I guess that eliminates the race09:48
Quintasandholbach: ping10:36
dholbachQuintasan, pong10:44
Quintasandholbach: Do you happen to know who can I ask about jobs at Canonical? I'd like to know on what I might actually work on.10:46
dholbachQuintasan, is it about a specific job?10:50
Quintasandholbach: Yeah, software engineer job id 62210:51
dholbachQuintasan, can you give me a link please?10:51
Quintasandholbach: https://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH03/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=62210:55
QuintasanThere you go10:55
dholbachQuintasan, I'll find out and get back to you11:02
Quintasandholbach: Thanks!11:02
ekarlso-How come running "backportpackage -b -u ppa:endre-karlson/virtualization -s raring -d precise openvswitch" doesn't put a package at https://launchpad.net/~endre-karlson/+archive/virtualization ?11:18
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ekarlso-cjwatson: ? :)11:26
tumbleweedekarlso-: what *did* it do?11:36
cjwatsonekarlso-: 2013-05-14 11:30:46 INFO    Failed to parse changes file '/srv/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/upload-ftp-20130514-112605-003226/~endre-karlson/virtualization/ubuntu/openvswitch_1.9.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04.1~ppa1_source.changes': Signing key E4B4AA25FA856267A8267A6A11:55
cjwatsonFDDCC098A811ECB6 not registered in launchpad.11:55
cjwatsonekarlso-: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/UploadErrors#The_upload_appears_to_work_but_I_don.27t_get_any_email_about_it11:56
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mptcyphermox_, is it possible to tell what kind of Bluetooth 2.1 pairing a device uses (numeric, alphanumeric, numeric comparison, etc) before trying to pair to it? I.e. is the pairing scheme broadcast along with the device name, or is it revealed only when pairing starts?12:46
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tedgThe coffee at this hotel is good, but the service sucks.  ★★☆☆☆12:59
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roadmrHey folks! question about SRU. I have prepared a SRU bug 1059544, added a task for the affected Ubuntu release, and uploaded a branch with a fix. I have upload rights for the package. Should I just merge and upload this to -proposed, or do I need approval from e.g. release team?13:02
ubottubug 1059544 in checkbox (Ubuntu Raring) "checkbox alsa_record_playback should use autoaudiosrc instead of alsasrc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105954413:02
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cyphermox_mpt: I'll check and let you know. I'm not sure how pairing works precisely tbh13:09
ekarlso-cjwatson: I have uploaded my fingerprint for the key13:18
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ekarlso-suggestions ?13:36
ekarlso-nvm :p13:37
cjwatsonekarlso-: OK.  You'll need to retry the upload after doing that13:39
ekarlso-ok, thanks :)13:40
cjwatsonekarlso-: ... looks like you managed it13:40
ekarlso-yes :)13:40
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mardykenvandine: does the latest signon-ui fix the integration tests for you (it does for me)?13:47
avalon78hi,i want to ask sth on ip header declaration....right channel?13:47
kenvandinemardy, i'll check13:47
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sconklin__@pilot in13:51
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: sconklin__
=== barry` is now known as barry
bl4dewow, guys, I'm trying GoLang...is incredible!13:51
psusiI glanced at it once, seemed kind of nice13:55
cjwatsonstgraber: hmm, so I scheduled the language pack refresh session for 1905 UTC today, but I just remembered I have a RL conflict this evening (choir practice), so we can't have two parallel foundations sessions in the last two slots today13:59
cjwatsonstgraber: would it be inconvenient if I moved it to tomorrow, say 1605 UTC?14:00
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stgrabercjwatson: I don't have anything at 16:05 UTC tomorrow, so fine by me14:01
cjwatsonstgraber: ok, done14:02
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bkerensacjwatson: are you foundation track lead?14:12
mitya57Mirv: can we sync new qtchooser from debian? in 26-3 they finally added auto-fallback to qt4 versions, which is a very nice feature14:14
cjwatsonbkerensa: with bdmurray, yes14:15
Laneywhat's the number on the y axis (and the one that appears when you hover on the graph) on an errors.u.c detailed page?14:16
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xnoxsmoser: am now. what's up?14:34
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smoserxnox, i sent you mail, and opened a bug and subscribed you.14:36
smosergenerally was a really big PITA because you didn't answer me :)14:36
xnoxsmoser: i'm so sorry =) off on vacation.14:37
* xnox is catching up on irc pings first.14:37
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bdmurraypitti: could you have a look at bug 1179979?15:02
ubottubug 1179979 in apport (Ubuntu) "symlinks create different python tracebacks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117997915:02
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pittibdmurray: ah, funny; I had thought that the kernel already resolves duplicates in /proc/self/exe15:08
pittioh wait, that's python, so we need to look at the second arg15:09
pittibdmurray: right, will fix15:09
bdmurraypitti: great, thanks!15:09
pittibdmurray: I just did an apport upload some 10 mins ago..15:09
bdmurrayI needed ev's help to sort out the difference between the buckets since they looked so similar. ;-)15:10
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mitya57bkerensa: chromium non-maintenance was pre-qengho_ time, not relevant anymore :)15:19
bkerensamitya57: wat15:20
bkerensai have no idea what is qengho?15:20
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mitya57s/what/who/ (check the changelog entries) :)15:21
seb128bkerensa, he's the ubuntu chromium maintainer (and on his channel)15:21
bkerensawell thats great news then15:22
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chrisccoulsonoh, i missed the start of uds?15:26
seb128chrisccoulson, yes15:27
Laneyyeah, you missed the decision to switch to mosaic as the default browser15:30
chrisccoulsoni was hoping for lynx. never mind15:31
mdeslaurw3m-img FTW15:32
Laneyhell yeah15:32
jpdschrisccoulson: GET.15:33
cjwatsonWho needs GET when you have nc?15:34
cjwatson(uphill, both ways, in the snow)15:34
TheMusoI'd take any of those choices. :)15:34
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cjwatsonI used to work for a high-performance web server company some of whose customers ... well, let's say they were the sort of people who *really* needed very high performance on lots of static files in 2000, and whose web sites you might not actually want to look at in a real web browser15:36
cjwatsonour support staff were encouraged to use low-level text-only HTTP clients where appropriate15:36
mdeslaurcjwatson: hehe :P15:37
TheMusoAh... The way the web should have remained... :p15:37
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seb128greyback, dpm, pitti, mhall119, any of you coming to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/client-1305-printing-stack-with-mobile-in-mind ?16:11
pittiseb128: no, I'm in the upgrade testing one16:11
seb128pitti, ok16:11
greybackseb128: I have no idea why I'm invited to that!16:11
seb128greyback, no worry, I asked in case ;-)16:14
mhall119seb128: no, I'm in app dev sessions all day16:21
seb128mhall119, no worry16:21
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loolpitti: did I tell you how awesome the nm tests you're adding are?  it's really cool stuff16:43
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pittilool: :) glad that you like them :)16:44
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seb128stgraber, pitti: can you mark https://code.launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki/unity-lens-files/precise.sru.hiddenfiles/+merge/162780 as merged?17:17
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cjwatsonmhall119: are you collecting session videos in some kind of central account or anything?17:48
mhall119cjwatson: no, but they will remain linked on summit17:49
mhall119there was no easy way that we could find last time to put them all in the same place on YouTube17:50
mhall119but Summit is searchable and has session descriptions and links to BPs and Etherpad, so it gives us other features too17:50
cjwatsonmhall119: ok, so I don't need to do anything special?17:50
cjwatsonhaving already filled out the broadcast url17:51
mhall119cjwatson: nope, just end the hangout and that's it17:51
slangasekcjwatson: last time there was a halfway-coordinated effort to use 'standard' tags on the videos so they could be found later17:54
slangasekcjwatson: #uds, #uds-1305 for starters17:55
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Davieyev: Do you know if improved whoopsie-daisy experience on server is on a vUDS topic?18:45
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tjaaltondoes anyone know why libtool forces link_all_deplibs to "no"?18:57
tjaaltonor, in other words, libtool in debian is patched to do that, but why..18:58
cjwatson  * Don't add the contents of dependency_libs to the link line when18:59
cjwatson    linking programs.  Closes: #191425, #199423, #238681.18:59
cjwatsonis I believe the relevant changelog entry18:59
tjaaltonah, thanks18:59
cjwatsonthere are several problems with overlinking19:00
cjwatsonone is performance on startup; another (more serious) is that you get screwed unnecessarily if one of your library deps changes the soname of something it links against19:01
cjwatsonnow you are trying to load libfoo1 and libfoo2 into memory at the same time and hilarity ensues19:01
cjwatsonnow, why this isn't upstream I can't help you with19:02
tjaaltonright, it's been there for nine years now :)19:02
slangasekdoes our patched libtool DTRT for static linking, and does it work on non-Linux?19:03
tjaaltongit/beta version of sssd fails to build and the fedora guys noticed the patch, now thinking how to fix the issue for sssd19:03
cjwatsonI indeed assume that there are some portability problems19:03
slangasekright, anything that fails to link on Ubuntu as a result of that libtool patch is itself buggy19:03
tjaaltonthey created internally shared libs that various bits link to, they used to be statically linked19:04
pittislangasek: I've got five positive (and zero negative) pieces of feedback for the new udev in my PPA now; is there a chance you could test it on your LVM setup, too?19:05
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stgraberpitti: ah, that reminds me I need to comment about the new network device name19:06
xnoxpitti: hmmm... which one? i can test my non-trivial lvm here as well.19:06
pittistgraber: yeah, I guess I'll forward port the old rules generator for the time being, to separate that question from the general update19:06
pittixnox: that'd be great -- https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2013-May/037084.html19:06
slangasekpitti: not immediately; but as you can see there are lots of others around with LVM in use who should be able to help make sure this is tested before upload :)19:06
pittislangasek: hehe19:07
pittixnox: there's nothing known-broken there with LVM, but we have a patch which was nontrivial to port, so I'd rather make double sure it's still right19:08
xnoxpitti: even with that patch, I don't think we were watching and using DM_COOKIEs correctly though. As nested LVMs sometimes did not come up for me before. I just check to make sure, my normal servers reboot with the upgrade ;-)19:13
pittixnox: yeah, I think we should not kill the udev in the initramfs and start a new one19:14
pittiit should be possible to start it once in initramfs and just keep it running, as both /dev and /run are already move-mounted into the real system anyway19:14
slangasekif we don't mind the memory penalty of running a process out of the initramfs indefinitely instead of backed by the filesystem19:15
slangasekwhat is the argument for needing to keep it running from the initramfs?19:16
cjwatsonI always wondered whether there could be a udevadm control command to tell it to pivot19:16
pittislangasek: it seems a bit pointless to stop and restart it, but more importantly, it seems we had some problems with our lvm package that expects some events to never get lost, but shutting down and restarting udev would lose some events19:18
pittiat least that's how I understood the purpose of that dm-cookies patch19:19
xnoxcorrect. and one ideally wants the cookies to check which VGs were scanned or not, thus not to "find" the wrong one by accident (in case of nested LVMs, fake-raids etc)19:26
slangasekpitti: yes; and I think the right solution is to get that upstreamed, not to carry a shared library penalty on every system due to processes running from the initramfs19:30
pittisure; at this point it's only thinking aloud anyway19:30
* pitti waves good night19:31
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lifelessbarry: sorry! I missed the UDS session19:37
lifelessstgraber: ^19:37
lifelesswas in a meeting :(19:37
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barrylifeless: darn.  maybe we can set up a time for us to chat19:40
seb128cjwatson, just saw your scribus merge, is it right to build-depends on a virtual package (libtiff-dev)? some other packages do "libtiff5-dev | libtiff-dev" ... is there one more correct than the other one?19:41
infinityseb128: Build-depending on virtuals is fine.19:41
xnoxseb128: in ubuntu we transitioned to newer tiff ahead of debian. any should be fine, as long as you choose the better one =)19:42
seb128xnox, what's the preferred way?19:42
xnoxany = is in real or virtual.19:42
cjwatsonseb128: yes, it's fine19:42
infinityseb128: Binary deps are meant to declare a "real" preference, but build-deps have no such policy.19:42
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xnoxseb128: 5 i think.19:42
cjwatsonseb128: there's only one provider of libtiff-dev at any one time so the distinction is immaterial19:42
infinityseb128: (And, in Debian, build-deps on virtuals are preferred, as it makes binNMUs easier for transitions, since Debian's buildds don't respect alternate deps, intentionally)19:42
cjwatsonxnox: no19:43
seb128I guess we rely on one version only having the provide?19:43
seb128ok, cjwatson already said that :p19:43
* xnox is confused.19:43
infinityxnox: Evidently. ;)19:43
infinityxnox: Virtual build-deps are the preferred method, so transitions aren't a painful mess.19:44
cjwatsonI went through quite a few libtiff-dev r-build-deps a couple of releases ago; this ended up being the natural pattern for most of them, but I didn't bother pushing against the flow in cases where the Debian maintainer had decided to be specific19:44
xnoxi see.19:44
infinityxnox: And alternate build-deps only work in Ubuntu because we hacked sbuild to make it work so we could do the main/universe split, they're explicitly not followed in Debian.19:44
xnoxinfinity: that. thanks.19:44
=== Guest31310 is now known as Lutin
seb128infinity, what happens if several package provide the virtual? do we get a random version picked on build depending of the position of the moon?19:45
cjwatsonThough libtiff5-dev | libtiff-dev works in both, as long as you don't mind it never picking other versions in Debian.19:45
infinity(ie: on a Debian buildd, "libtiff4-dev | libtiff-dev" == "libtiff4-dev")19:45
xnoxinfinity: limitation or intention?19:45
xnox(in debian)19:45
cjwatsonseb128: You shouldn't use this in cases where several packages provide the virtual, indeed.19:45
infinityxnox: It's intentional in Debian.19:45
cjwatsonBut I knew what was happening with libtiff-dev.19:45
infinitysbuild's resolver actually does try to intelligently select in the case of multiple providers, it's not random.19:46
seb128cjwatson, right, I was wondering because infinity said it's the preferred way for transitions19:46
cjwatsonIn the case of transitions which follow the only-one-package-provides-preferred-virtual pattern.19:46
infinityseb128: The Debian release team prefers things they can binNMU.  Individual library/stack maintainer may know better in specific cases.19:46
cjwatsonI'd be more cautious about it for others.19:46
lifelessbarry: yeah that would be good19:46
seb128ok, makes sense19:46
seb128cjwatson, infinity, xnox: thanks ;-)19:46
barrystgraber: ^^19:46
seb128btw do you know if debian plans to start the libtiff transition soon?19:47
stgraberbarry: yep, we can do that19:47
infinityI suspect it'll start sometime after people are done being grumpy about doko and I doing toolchain transitions.  *cough*19:47
cjwatsonDebian tends to try to avoid overlapping transitions19:49
cjwatsonI think there's a decent queue :)19:49
xnoxseb128: there are 27 planned transitions filed, a few uncoordinated transitions started (even before wheezy release). Oh tiff3 is not out of the debian, ouch.19:50
seb128well, it's not like the delta was hard to maintain... ;-)19:51
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TheMusough forgot to include changelog entries from debian with a merge upload. :S easy to do when working with git buildpackage.21:02
roadmroh, a git user!21:04
TheMusoYes, since Debian uses git to maintain the packaging for the package I was working on, and I maintain the Ubuntu delta in the same repo.21:10
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stokachustgraber: ive got both bug 859600 and 1094319 in shape for a sponsorship if youve got time21:45
ubottubug 859600 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Precise) "Please convert gnome-keyring to multiarch" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85960021:45
ubottubug 1094319 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu) "p11-kit: couldn't load module: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/pkcs11/gnome-keyring-pkcs11.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/109431921:45
bdmurraybarry: still about I'm curious about python tracebacks ending in 'ValueError: bad marshal data'21:48
barrybdmurray: yeah21:52
bdmurraythere is an example21:52
bdmurrayI gather this is due to corrupt .pyc files?21:54
barrybdmurray: yeah, gotta be21:54
bdmurrayI wonder if apport should help out here21:55
barrybdmurray: maybe we need a post-installation .pyc checker, but this one is happening in threading which comes with the stdlib.  i really should bring this up on debian-python ml21:57
bdmurraybarry: if you look at http://people.canonical.com/~brian/tmp/phased-updates.html21:57
bdmurrayevery duplicity error for version 0.6.18-0ubuntu3.1 ends in bad marshal data21:58
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
barrybdmurray: looks like they're all in "import threading" too.  that's pretty curious22:02
bdmurraybarry: ?     import time, types, re, calendar22:02
bdmurrayValueError: bad marshal data (string ref out of range)22:02
bdmurrayfrom https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/550cc32bf32c9dfe4901e6010c000ad39b69d5f422:02
barryokay, not that one ;)22:03
bdmurrayactually there are a lot of EOFError's about duplicity too22:06
barrybdmurray: my best guess is that this is a systematic problem with the writing of .pyc files during package installation.  even though there's no atomic writes of pycs until python 3.3, i still can't think of a scenario that could cause this to happen.  can you do me a favor?  can you compile a list of public bugs of this type and send me an email?  i'll try to formulate something for debian-python, and perhaps upstream22:09
bdmurraybarry: public launchpad bugs with ValueError ... bad marshal data and /or EOFError: EOF read where ...22:11
cjwatsonbarry: note that pyc files are handled specially by ubiquity, although I can't imagine how it'd matter22:11
barrybdmurray: yes22:11
bdmurraybarry: okay both it is!22:11
cjwatsonBut just in case these are all during installation22:11
barrybdmurray: thanks!22:11
barrycjwatson: interesting.  what does ubiquity do specially?22:12
cjwatsonWe exclude .pyc files from the live filesystem to save space; ubiquity goes through and calls pycompile and friends a bunch of times to recreate them after installation22:12
barryi guess there's no way to know whether the pyc was created at system installation time or via subsequent package installation22:12
cjwatsonNot easily, though anything that's on the live image and that hasn't been upgraded since installation from a live image would fall into that category22:13
barrycjwatson: is there any way more than call to configure_python() could run at the same time?22:14
cjwatsonNo, that's all single-threaded/single-process22:15
* barry wonders how hard it would be to "backport" atomic pyc writing to python 2.7 - can't be backport-no-quotes because it's C in 2.7 and python (importlib) in 3.322:16
cjwatsonIndeed it's only ever called once period22:16
cjwatsonAnd it should be strictly after all files from the live image have been copied to disk22:16
barryyeah. i can't think of how this could happen in single-threaded/process22:16
barrybdmurray: have you ever run across this bug in python3 code?22:17
barry(this or any similar?)22:17
cjwatsonJust worth mentioning in case you wind up down some confusing blind alley and it turns out to be the fault of this code.  It may be unrelated22:17
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barrycjwatson: thanks22:17
barrythe big problem of course is that i have no idea how to reproduce this, but i could certainly try a few fresh installs to see if i can trigger the problem22:18
barrycjwatson: so ubiquity is possibly a good clue22:18
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bdmurraybarry: I haven't looked closely but will keep an eye out22:23
barrybdmurray: cool.  my working hypothesis is that we have a race condition in writing .pyc files under some conditions.  py3.3 writes them atomically and so should be immune, but py2.7 does not.  if we see this problem with py3.3 then i really have nfc ;)22:25
cjwatsonbarry: I suppose it is possible that ubiquity runs something else as root in parallel with that which might cause python to write the .pyc files on its own22:27
barrycjwatson: that could do it22:27
cjwatsonThere *shouldn't* be, and I can't think of an obvious place to start looking22:28
cjwatsonThe only thing being run in the chroot at that point is py_compile.py (etc.) itself22:28
cjwatsonI think22:28
cjwatsonBut it's perhaps worth some detailed strace investigation at around the point plugininstall.py kicks off (just after "Copying files" finishes)22:29
sconklin__@pilot out22:29
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Ubuntu 13.04 released | Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of hardy -> raring | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
barrycjwatson: actually, i'm looking at the code now.  i need to investigate in more detail when dinner isn't ready <wink>, but i actually think that 2.7 may open the pyc file O_EXCL|O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC22:30
infinitybarry: Couldn't this happen pretty much any time you're updating a python module via dpkg and also running some root-owned python process in parallel?22:31
infinitybarry: (Like, I dunno, python-apt)22:31
infinitybarry: Or, as the many errors point to, duplicity, since it's probably cronned as root, and can sometimes trip at just the wrong time (during a package update when the pyc files are briefly missing or being recreated).22:33
barryinfinity: it could.  3.3's behavior is a bit different than 2.7 here, since it writes the pyc to a pseudo-random file and then atomically renames it into place after successful write.  py2.7 doesn't do the atomic rename22:33
infinitybarry: That should be vaguely trivial to knock up a fix for.22:34
barryinfinity: yes, i think so too22:34
barry(slightly less trivial in 2.7 since the import machinery is in C there, but not really that bad i suspect)22:35
infinitybarry: mkstemp(3)?22:36
bdmurraya lot of these are upgrades rather than fresh installs22:37
mwhudsoni'm fairly sure python 2 isn't *hilariously* vulnerable to pyc-writing races22:37
infinitybarry: I'm not inclined to believe this is a harder problem to solve in C than in Python. :)22:37
barryinfinity: for posix perhaps :)  the question is whether we want to try to get a cross platform fix upstream or just hack it into debuntu's version.  i'll probably try to chat with a few of the other upstream import machinery experts so we can come to some consensus on the problem and proper fix22:37
barryinfinity: it's probably not, although the specific algorithm would be different a bit22:39
infinitybarry: A google for "mkstemp win32" gets me http://gitorious.org/git-win32/mainline/blobs/8cfc8e4414bbb568075a948562ebb357cb84b6c3/win32/mkstemp.c22:39
infinityOr a much longer one in a random pastebin.  Heh.22:39
barrymwhudson: yeah, it's *probably* true, but not as hardened as 3.3.  e.g. 2.7 opens excl|creat but no atomic rename afaict22:40
barryinfinity: yeah, but it's not like i'm personally ever gonna test it on windows :)22:40
mwhudsonbarry: sure22:40
cjwatsonGah, still no armhf porter box?22:41
infinityOr http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/t8ex5e91%28VS.80%29.aspx ..22:41
infinitycjwatson: Need a panda?22:41
cjwatsonthat'd be nice22:41
cjwatsonas long as it's remotely :)22:41
infinitycjwatson: shiva.0c3.net22:44
cjwatsoninfinity: Cool, thanks.  No schroot?22:45
goddardhow many packages are in ubuntu?22:45
goddardor in the repositories i should say22:45
cjwatsonwhich version, which architecture, and do you mean binary packages or source packages?22:45
goddardhow many for a given version at a time?22:45
goddardlike 13.04 for example22:45
cjwatsondifferent answers depending on which version, which is why I'm asking you.22:45
infinitycjwatson: See /msg22:46
goddardall x86 etc..22:46
goddardcan i get a list of all debs in the ubuntu repositories?22:47
cjwatsonsure, you can grab the Packages files from archive.ubuntu.com/dists/22:47
cjwatsoner /ubuntu/dists/22:47
cjwatson13.04 has 20477 source packages; as for binary packages,  amd64 41005  armhf 39953  i386 41054  powerpc 4016122:48
goddardcjwatson: that was quick how did you get those numbers :D22:48
mwhudsonanyone got some random tips for figuring out why / is being mounted read only?22:49
cjwatsongoddard: I grepped the Sources and Packages files22:49
cjwatsongrep-dctrl is good for advanced tricks, but for this it's sufficient to just count matches for ^Package:22:50
goddardcjwatson: so the software list is stored locally22:51
cjwatsonapt fetches Packages files in order to work out what to present to you, if that's what you mean, yes22:52
cjwatsonThough I ran my grep jobs on a machine with the full archive since that was faster than downloading the indices over my ADSL22:53
goddardcjwatson: still a little fuzzy to me22:54
goddardcjwatson: and you have a full archive of 13.04?22:55
cjwatsonI'm an Ubuntu archive administrator ...22:56
cjwatsonI have *the* full archive :-P22:56
cjwatsonBut it's all on archive.ubuntu.com22:56
cjwatson(You only need the index files for this sort of thing, not the whole enormous site)22:56
infinitymwhudson: dmesg may have enlightening info.22:57
infinitymwhudson: Controllers resetting, write/read errors, etc.22:57
goddardcjwatson: so that is like a few TB?22:58
goddardcjwatson: and thats btw22:58
cjwatsondists/raring/ is 3.5GB, but that's including all the installer images and such in there22:59
cjwatsonThe Packages and Sources files in there are only 73MB22:59
cjwatsonThe whole thing is pretty enormous, sure; I don't want to trash this machine's buffer cache by running du to find out23:00
mwhudsoninfinity: seems to be a less deep problem actually, running mount / -o remount,rw works fine23:02
infinitymwhudson: That doesn't imply fineness.  It just means you've ignored the kernel's attempts to save you from yourself.23:04
mwhudsonmountall: Plymouth command failed23:04
mwhudsonmountall: Disconnected from Plymouth23:04
mwhudsonmountall: Skipping mounting / since Plymouth is not available23:04
infinityOh, or maybe it never got mounted rw in the first place.23:04
mwhudsonis there some way of making that more verbose?23:06
infinitymountall is voodoo to me.  I'd suggest slangasek, but he's supposedly not here.23:06
slangasekyeah, so don't suggest me23:06
infinity(Though the error message implies that plymouth either isn't there, or isn't running... Did you break it somehow?)23:06
mwhudsoni don't know how this is supposed to work23:07
mwhudsonis it in the initramfs or in the rootfs?23:07
infinityThat depends.23:07
mwhudsonthis is a 'linaro engineering build'23:08
slangasekmwhudson: that message only appears if it can't connect to plymouth *and* there's an error mounting the root filesystem23:08
slangasekso this is special++23:08
infinityIf you have a FRAMEBUFFER=y initramfs config (either explicitly or transitively via something like full disk encryption), then plymouth will be in the initrd.23:08
slangaseks/full disk encryption/installation of the 'cryptsetup' package/23:09
mwhudsonslangasek: i just love being special23:09
infinityOr that.23:09
mwhudsoni doubt that is involved23:09
infinitymwhudson: If it's an LEB, all bets are off.  It might just be broken. :P23:09
mwhudsonthis very same image worked last week though :/23:10
mwhudsonand if i run mount / -o remount,rw and reboot ... it works23:10
infinityA new definition of time-based release wherein the release only works one time?23:10
mwhudsoni still see23:11
mwhudsonmountall: Plymouth command failed23:11
mwhudsonmountall: Disconnected from Plymouth23:11
mwhudsonbut not the skipping / one23:11
* mwhudson brb23:11
mwhudsoninfinity, slangasek: is there some way i can make plymouth and/or mountall super verbose?23:34
slangasekmwhudson: well, from the error messages I infer that you're managing to crash plymouth, so not really23:34
slangasek(and mountall's verbose output is supposed to go *to plymouth*, so no dice there either)23:35
slangasekmwhudson: you can try to run plymouth post-boot and see what you get?23:35
mwhudsonroot@localhost:~# plymouth --ping23:36
mwhudsonroot@localhost:~# echo $?23:36
mwhudsoni guess that's bad?23:36
mwhudsonhm get the same on my system23:36
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slangasekmwhudson: you would need to start plymouth first; see the /etc/init/plymouth* upstart jobs23:53

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